The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 17, 1909, Page 28, Image 30

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28 THE Individual Communion Service - -We have a "8PEC,AL 'j^l'- FER" which manes it rJ^.; >, ciay for every church, - large or small to adopt this cleanly method. Our service is used by over 6.000 churches. Our "Se f-Collecting" tray saves OME-FOUR i H cost of other systems Address. Thomas Communion R?rv1r? f.nmnafiv Box 64. Lima, Ohio. r \ Free Christmas Music Samples of Christmas Services suitable and appropriate for any Sabbath school will be sent Free to any Minister, Superintendent or Choir Leader who will send us their name and address. Address, THE RUEBUSH-KIEFFER CO. {Mention this paper,) Day ton.' Virginia I T x r- ' I' OUIIIIIIBI VIIIU M UM U).,inc. Thousands of Dollars belonging to Readers of this Paper are lying idle in bank or drawing only 3 per cent or 4 per cent interest. We can GUARANTEE you for YOURS. 6 Per Cent Interest In sums of $ioo and up Sommerville Trust Co.. Inc. Norfolk, Va. Newport News, Va. 3 Lone Distance Phonei Aik for Booklet MARY BALDWIN SEMINARY For Young Lfcdies STAUNTON, VA. Term begins September 9, 1909. Loca-. ted ia the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Unsurpassed climate beautiful grounds and modern appointments. 297 students past session from 32 States. Terms moderate. Pupils enter any time. Send for catalogue. MISS E. C. WEIMAR, Principal, Staunton, Va. A. B. Griswold & Co., Ltd Jewelers and Silversmiths Our stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds and Precious Stones, Watches, Novelties In Gold and Silver, is the largest and handsomest we have ever shown. Everything New, Fresh, Attractive. Write for our Book of Suggestions. A. B. GRISWOLD & CO., Ltd. Established 1817. 7HS Panol C? \J-C\XT nni rjiuo ? WI uoiMi ui., VJIVL,r.Ai>3. If you want to secure a $60 Life Scholarship, by copying a chapter in the Bible, write to HARRIS BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Jackson, Miss. 1 * 1 PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' Secular News At Home. Near Cherry, Illinois, there has been one of the most disastrous explosions and fire in a coal mine that is on record. Four hundred men are believed to have perished. Some hay caught fire in the mine. Those in charge failed to use the necessary precautions, and nearly all that were in the mine fell victims to the fire and smoke. Fourteen brave men went down in "the cage" to rescue those in the mine. They rescued many, but thirteen of the rescuers perished. There is much criticism of the engineer in charge of the cage for stubbornness in its management during the emergency, resulting in the death of these thirteen men. A Fourth Victim of Football this fall is Archer Christian, the 18 year old left half back of the University of Virginia team. His injury in the game with Georgetown University Saturday afternoon was followed by his death at Georgetown University hospital today. The body was taken to Richmond for burial. An autopsy disclosed that death was due to cerebral hemorrhage, following concussion. The district coroner has sworn a special Jury of prominent citizens, whose duty it will be to suggest, if possible, some modification of the rougher features of the game. Stealing by the Sugar Trust.?It will be remembered that the Sugar Trust recently acknowledged a theft from the government, in the form of custom duties, of about two million dollars. Last week the statement was published that there was evidence that the trust had cheated the government in the line of customs to the extent of thirtv million dollars. Three arrests of leading men In the trust were made. On Saturday came the statement that the desk of one of the government officials in New York had been broken open and all the memoranda on which a prosecution might be based had been stolen. When President Taft visited Richmond, Va., he reviewed the troops, then leisurely proceeded to the Jefferson Hotel. On i the way, he passed the statues of Jeflfer! son Davis and Robert E. Lee. As he ap' proached the one and then the other, he took off his hat, and as he passed the statues he stood up in the auto and nr n <- * ^ ? ? * * * na>cu. i lic succu) were comparatively deserted, and but few people saw It, but ' it left on them a very deep and favorable ! impression. At Somerville, N. J., a hypnotist exerj cised his power over a young man, for the , purposes of exhibition, till he had put him into a state of perfect catalepsy. Later when he attempted to restore him to health, it appeared that the young man had died under the mAniniiinHrme of the hypnotist. He has been arrested. The Keeping of any Intoxicating Liquors at a place of business in Georgia is j forbidden by the prohibition law of 1907. i A test case has just been decided by the i Court of Appeals and the decision is that TH. November 17, 1909. the mere keeping of it at one's place of business is illegal, and subjects a man to the penalties of the law. A Serum cure for Cancer is reported in the daily press. The statement is that it has been tried in quite a considerable number of cases, and that in most of them it has been successful. The discoverer of the serum is modestly concealing his identity. At New Albany, Ind., an outlaw entered the leading bank about eleven o'clock in the morning, killed the president and severely wounded the cashier. He made no attempt to steal. He was arrested while trying to cross the Ohio river. In the Automobile Races at Atlanta last week one of the machines made a mile in less than thirty-eight seconds. Longer runs were made at the rate of seventy miles an hour or upwards Blacks can be lynched in Illinois, as well as elsewhere. The last lynching is in Cairo, 111. The victims were thrown into a fire and burned. The Corn Crop in South Carolina is reported as ten million bushels larger than in the year 1908. This is good news sure enough. Abroad. In Jamaica and the West Indies there has been a terrific hurricane. The shores of the island are strewn with wreckage and the losses of propery within the island amount to five million dollars. How much of the damage is due to the tornado, and how much to an earthquake is not yet known. The rainfall is reported as forty-eight inches. In France the bishops are antagonizing the state schools more and more fiercely. They are ordering Catholics not to send their children to the public schools, if any Catholic school is available, and in the public school not to use the text-books to which objection has been raised. In Nicaragua, the rebellion continues to progress, and on shore the rebels seem to be having their own way. But the navy of the Nicaraguan government, one snlitarv cnnhnof *>rvw * , C U, uun laAlUg JIU1 I III the action and threatening to bombard the city of Greytown. In India, on Sunday, November 14, Lord Minto, the Viceroy of India, was attacked with bombs. He and his wife were riding when some bystanders threw two bombs at him. They did not do him any harm. In Buenos Ay res, on Sunday last, the chief of police and the police secretary were assassinated by a bomb in the hands of an assassin, who immediately shot himself. in c.ngiana tne suffragettes have become so bold as to attempt to horsewhip Winston Churchill, a member of Parliament. The whip struck his hat, and did not inflict severe injury. Near Lingapore, last Saturday night, the steamers Onoad and La Seyne collided. The latter sank within two minutes, destroying a hundred lives. At Panama, the laborers on the interoceanic canal are rejoicing in the fact that one-half of the excavations on the Culebra .Cut has been completed.,