The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 17, 1909, Page 29, Image 31

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November 17, 1909. TH! BOOKS YOU SHOULD OWN Postpaid. Prayers for Thirteen Wee?.s?J. R. Miller, D. D $ .85 John Marvel, Assistant?Thos. Nelson Page 1.25 Little Sister Snow?Francis Little.. 1.05 Mr Onn?A1lr*o TJoom r* i)5n? 1 - -fx- M>?vw Aivguii IVIV/C l.VU Old Rose and Silver?Myrtle Reed.. 1.50 The Attic Guest?Robt. E. Knowles. 1.25 Quiet Talks on Home Ideals?S. D. Gordon 75 Christian Science in the Light of Holy Scripture?Dr. Haldeman... 1.50 Sidelights on Christian Doctrine? Jas. Orr, D. D 1.75 The Atonement?Jas. Stalker, D. D.. 1.00 The High Calling?J. H. Jowett 1.25 The Foreigner (Ralph Connor's latest book, ready Nov., 09) 1.25 Calvin Memorial Addresses (Delivered at General Assembly) 1.50 OUR HOLIDAY CATALOGUE WILL BE SENT FREE ON REQUEST AFTER iiuvcniDcn to. OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL CATALOGUE NOW READY FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. Presbyterian Committee of Publication v Richmond, Va. Texarkana, Ark.-Tex. Commonwealth "Bank 12 North Ninth Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CAPITAL - - $200,000.00 4 Per Cent ON 8AVINGS. Bohne's Book Store BOHNE & WILT, Prop#. Booksellers & Stationers 1328 DRYADES ST., Near Thalia. New Orleans, La. Base Ball Goods, Pishing Tackle, and Periodicals and Religious Articles. New and Second-hand School Books bmirhf nnlH onH OTnlionMil SHOPPING BY AN EXPERT BUYER. Holiday Orders Pr <mplly Filled Goods of every description, personal and household. Trousseaus a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Guide for ladles visiting the city and accommodations secured. Highest references. MISS VIRGINIA JONES. Purchasing Agent, 203 West 81st Street, New York City. for COUGHS and COLDS..CROUP and all PAINS It Acts Instantaneously UICL-BRLM 25c A JAR 25c A JAR AT ALL DRUGGISTS OR BY HAIL L B. DIEZ. New Orleans, La. I E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO Rufus J. Paddock ATTO R N E Y-AT-L A W, 284 Camp Street. Room 405. Special Attention to Collections. P. O. Box 731. New Orleans, La. Reference: Presbyterian of the South. T} T3 OP ^ Y CURED with vegetable remedies ; v * *"* * removes all symptoms of d opsy in8 to 20 days; 30 to GO days effects permanent cure. lYial treatment furnished free to every sufTerer, ro'hing fairer. For circulars and free trial treatin nt. write DR. H. H. GREEN'S SONS. Box 0.. Atlanta, G?. Washington and LAW, ENGINEERING, COM\ Students drawn from thirty States, religious tone. Address, Pres. Solari's Fine Imported OUR GOODS ARE i Corner Royal and Custom House StreetsCorner St. C Complete Catalogue Issued. Stop Smoking! Sto] You ought and can quit by using ROS years. Price, $1.00 per box. ROSE DR tX+U+U+tt+tt+tX+tt+U+U+tt+tt+tX+U+B+Z 5 F,RE INSUI u liability phoi steam boiler godchaux^ ACCIDENT 626-630 COM Incorpor fire rive SUN INSUI OF NEW Chas. Janvk William P. Maus, Secretary. JAMES H. Alt HEATING, GAS AND Box 2 Contractors' 6 Dealers* Tel. Main 3880. W. H. BYRNES. Pres. JOHN T. GIE Capital .... Assets .... HIBERNIA IN; No. 300 Camp Street LOSSES PAII (jj T Li wr* wm wr* (i in?< OLrC Angel I's Cough and M Contains No Opiu For Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGG r.? mnidiu riauu JEWELER8 ar Sterling Silver and Solid Gold Goods. Mail inquiries and orders promptly atten TO REPAIR DEPARTMENTS. 142 CAR * UTH. 29 Investments. Connections. Bonds and Fine Banking Raymond M. Hudson ATTOR N EY-AT-LA W. * Norfolk, Va. Practices in Supreme Court of the United States. And all Federal and State Courts and Departments. i Lee University 1ERCE, SCJENCE, LETTERS. Expenses very moderate. High moral and GEO. H. DENNY, LL. D., Lexington, Va. and Domestic Groceries ALWAYS FRESH. -Phone 714. Iharles and Louisiana Avenues?Phone 871. NEW ORLEANS, LA. p C hewing Tobacco! !E TOBACCO CURE. On market for twenty }UG CO., Birmingham, Ala. IANCE PLATE GLASS * ie 1665. SURETY BONDS 1 MIOTON, Ltd. MON STREET. BURGLARY ^ atcd 1855 R MARINE LANCE CO. ORLEANS sr, President. Fergus G. Lee, Vice-President. ^ V p |k| PLUMBING, SEWERAGE IYE*PI, DRAINING ? ? ? ? ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Exchange. New Orleans. La. 515 Carondelet St., Near Poydras. tBONS, Vice-Pres. P. E. BURKE, Sec'y. - - - $200,000.00 - - $482,445.54 SURANCE CO. New Orleans* La. ) PROMPTLY. > 1 I^IAUL. /'hooping Cough Syrup m or Morphine. Coughs, Colds and Throat Trouble. ISTS. PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS. 0% g\ Branch 3tore: I /\ 1014 S. Rampart St. fn illl# ?OppositerUnion Station. id OPTICIANS. Appointed Railroad Watch Inspector*, ded to. 8PECIAL ATTENTION CALLED tONDELET ST., NEW ORLEANS, LA.