The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 24, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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i6 T1 I he Presbyterian of the South Thornton S. Wilson, Managing Editor. Editors?Thos. E. Converse. James P. Smith, E. B. McCluer, George Summey. Published weekly by The Presbyterian Co. Incorporated in Georgia. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Price.?T\vo dollars a year in advance. If payment is delayed three months, $2.50. Receipts.?The label pasted on the wrapper is a receipt for payment. If label Is not changed within two weeks after your remittance, notify us at once. Discontinuances.?We find that a large majority of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted and their flies broken in case- they fail to remit before expiration. It is therefore assumed, unless notification to discontinue is received, that the subscriber wishes no interruption in his series. Notification to discontinue at nl rn Hon nan *' ?? ... ?.. .u ociu in ui uny lime during the year. If you wish the paper stopped, write us yourself?don't ask the postmaster to do it. Change of Address.?Give the old as well as the new address. Remittances should be made by money order or by draft on some of the large cities. Make all remittances to "The Presbyterian Company," 104 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. When local check is sent, add 10 cents for collection. Address the Richmond, Va., office: Central Presbyterian, Box 850. Address the New Orleans, La., office: Southwestern Presbyterian, Box 731. Entered as second class matter January 6, 1909, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Georgia, under act of March 3, 1179. J Church News | November is the month for offerings for Education for the Ministry. Remittances should be made to Mr. John Stites, Treasurer, 110 Fifth Street, Louisville. The Third Sabbath in November or the Jay nearest thereto most convenient, is the time for an offering for the Endowment Fund of Ministerial Relief. Mr. John Stites, 110 Fifth Street, Louisville, Kyj, is also treasurer of this cause. The funds are kept entirely separate, so be sure to specify for which your remittance is intended. NOTICE. In view of Dr. Alexander's removal, urhinh wo oil oa -1--1 T uw ou ucc(iijr uepiure, i request that all correspondence intended (or the etated clerk and treasurer of the General Assembly be sent to me that it may receive due attention until the next Assembly elect another stated clerk. Thoa H. Law, Permanent Clerk. Spartanburg, S. C. NOTICEl The Presbyterian of the South desires to state that Rev. R. M. Latimer is not, And has not been for six months, an agent for this paper, and is not authorized to receive money or solicit subscriptions for it. ATTCMT1AM t%* -*** - ?-? mmt-rn a I via, rLCMOC! Within the paper of this week, or next, subscribers, in arrears, will find a statement of account. The amount of the single subscription is small; the aggregate of many such subscriptions means much to us. We beg our friends not to neglect the little matter, nor forget it, but promptly make the remittance. Many thanks. ALABAMA. Aliceville and Pleasant Ridge: Rev. T. R. Rest has accepted a call to these churches and changes his address from Mlllersburg, Ky., to Aliceville, Ala. iK PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SC ARKANSAS. First Church, Little Rock: A commission of Arkansas Presbytery installed Rev. John Van Lear as pastor of the First Church on November 7. Revs. F. R. Graves, of Helena, and C. R. Hyde, of Little Rock, with Ruling Elder Charles McKee, took part in the interesting services. At Batesville, we have not only our colleere whnso hiotnrv * ' ? _, auu pieseui useruiness fill every loyal Presbyterian with pride, but a well organized and officered church whose past and present usefulness is widely known. They have sent forth many splendid men and women and also many who have entered the ministry. With this church Rev. Daniel Baker once held a revival meeting, and among the ministers who have served this church are found the names of many well known and highly honored men. The present pastor is Rev. Cochran Preston. Our meeting was greatly favored by the weather, which together with the increasing interest gave us most encouraging at * ' icuuautc, iiui oniy ninng the church, but demanding the placing of many chairs in the auditorium and the gallery; the results were highly gratifying. Besides a spiritual uplift and impetus gWen to Christians, many were led to pledge themselves to better lives; some promised to erect family altars; twelve members were received into our church, ten upon profession of faith; seven children were baptized; the offering for Presbyterial Home Missions amounted to $117.35. My next meeting will be at Argenta, Ark., to assist Rev. J. Z. Haney, whom I aided in a meeting just one year ago. Fraternally, Wm. H. Richardson. GEORGIA. quanta: central Church had Ave additions last Sunday. The pastor began a series of morning sermons, intended specially for young people; he is continuing his Sunday night special services, which are attracting large congregations, his subject being: "Questions That Men Ask." ?Westminster: Dr. Little was in his pulpit morning and night, preaching to large congregations. At night he preached the first of a series of sermons on "How the Gospel Solves the Problems of the Day." ?Barnett Memorial: Dr. Converse preached to a full house at this church, a special sermon to Odd Fellows. This church has taken on new life, since the arrival of the new pastor. ?First Church:'There were four members added to this church, three of them adults on profession of faith. The members of this church have contributed over $80,000 to the Agnes Scott College endowment fund. Dr. Llngle has announced a flArioa r\f aofWAi>o 'a. a--J ...... u. uviuiuuD iui auuuajr D1KQ18 on "The Problems and Temptations of Young Men." Last Sunday night, with a large congregation manifesting marked inter est, he preached the first of the series on "My Life, How Shall I Invest It" This wlU be followed by "My Business, What Principles Shall Guide Me." "My Friends, )UTH. November 24, 1909. How Shall I Choose Them," and fourth, "The Social Glass, Shall I Drink It?" LaGrange: On the last Sabbath of October, the official body of the church was greatly strengthened by the ordination and installation of officers. Messrs. L. E. Gilbert and J. L. Bradfield were made elders, and Dr. Wm. R. McCall and Messrs. Frank L. Hudson and H. C. Ash, deacons. Savannah: The Rev. Dr. J. Y. Fair has announced his acceptance of the call to Westminster Church, Richmond, Va., subject to the approval of Savannah Presbytery. Valdosta: October 16-18 was a season of much blessing in this congregation. The church ought to know about it, if our tardy report may i>e pardoned. Rev. J. H. Gruver preached at the morning hour on the "Great Commission." The congregation then pledged the amount of his salary as a missionary in Cuba and adopted him as their "missionary pastor." Dr. G. L. Bitzer, our pastor, preached at the evening hour on the "Reflex Influence of Foreign Missions as a Blessing to the Church at Home." It was a farfiwoii service to the young missionary couple. On Monday Mrs. Gruver met with the Ladies' Missionary Society in a very gracious prayer meeting. Tuesday night the ladies tendered a reception to their two pastors and their wives in the church annex. A vfery pretty, a. very delightful reception. Our church is much quickened. Monthly offerings were pledged to support our missionary pastor. The first has just been forwarded to Nashville, $93. For more than a year we had no pastor; now of God's goodness we have two. Member. Adjourned Meeting Atlanta Presbytery: The Presbytery of Atlanta met according to adjournment in the Presbyterian church of Cedartown, during the sessions Cf, J ?*? v?j. o/uuu wild an attendance of eighteen ministers and nine elders. Dismissed, Rev. Albert W. Grigg to the Presbytery of New York, U. S. A. Dissolved, Presbytery declined to dissolve the pastoral relation between the Carrollton and Villa Rica churches and Rev. W. E. Dozier, as both churches refused to concur with the pastor in a request for dissolution. Received, Rev. Jas. P. Smith, Jr., from Chesapeake Presbytery and steps taken to install him as pastor of Barnesville church. Druid Hill Park Church, Presbytery was notified of the change of name in the case i\f +VlA A? A* wmv a- vui vu vuui Lu iu iiitic oi uruia Hill Park Church." Candidate, Mr. Jaa. M. Secrest, a member of Westminster Church, was received and he was placed in the hands of the Committee on Ministerial Education for direction with reference to his studies. H. C. Hammond, 8tated Clerk. Druid Park Presbyterian Church in Atlanta: The old church buildhiK and lot of the Fourth Presbyterian Church on Jackson street was sold eighteen months ago. Since that time two churches, which are In care of Rev. T. H. Newkirk, have been worshipping In the Copenhill Methodist Church in a suburb to the east of Atlanta. This location is one of the most thriving residential sections of our city.