The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 24, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 THE j Synods | SYNOD OF GEORGIA. The Synod cf Georgia met at Cedartown on the 9th of November, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. R. O. Flynn, on the "Parable of the Barren Fig Tree." Luke 13:6-9. There were present fifty-two ministers and twenty-eight elders. Rev. W.. Moore Scott, pastor of the First Church of Savannah, tendered to Synod the gavel used at the last Assembly, made from wood of the church in wmch Jonn Calvin preached in Geneva. Rev. I. S. McElroy was unanimously chosen moderator and Rev. D. W. Brannen reading clerk, and he was authorized to act as permanent clerk in the absence of that officer. Calvin Memorial Day was celebrated on Thursday by addresses on "Calvin, the Man," by Rev. A. A. Little, D. D.; "Calvin and Servetus," by Rev. W. L. Lingle, D. D.; "Europe as Calvin Found It and as He Left It," by Rev. R. C. Reed, D. D. The interests of the Presbyterian Hospital were presented by Mr. C. D. McKinney president of the board of trustees, and Mr. W. Woods White, another trustee. After members of Synod had spoken of its work, a committee of three was appointed to visit the Presbyteries in its ' behalf. The Synod was favored with the presence of several of the secretaries, who presented the claims of their respective causes. Rev. W. E. Boggs, D. D., repre senting the Assembly's committee on schools and colleges; Rev. J. G. Snedecor, D. D., colored evangelization; Rev. A. L. Phillips, D. D., Sabbath schools and Young People's Societies; Rev. S. L. Morris, D. D., Assembly's Home Missions; and Rev. H. H. Sweets, D. D., ministerial education and relief; Rev. J. W. Bachman, D. D., represented the committee of Foreign Missions; and Rev. L. C. Vass, of the Synod of North Carolina, spoke on his work in Africa, accompanying his address with stereopticon views. The Synod also heard Mr. H. C. Ostrom in the interests of the Laymen's Forward Missionary Movement Additional corresponding members were Rev. Geo. Telford, of the Synod of Virginia, and Rev. J. H. Wilson, of the Synod of South Carolina, who are coming into our bounds, but had not been received by their Presbjteries. Rev. John I. Armstrong resigned as stated clerk and Rev _T (i Herniinii wan elected as his successor. Rev. I. S. McElroy was requested to publish in our church papers his informing report on Foreign Missions. Commerce was chosen as the place for the next meeting of Synod, and November 8, 1910, is the time. J. G. Herndon, Stated Clerk. Put not your trust In money but your money in trust.?Oliver Wendell Holmes. PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT1 SYNOD OF FLORIDA. The Synod of Florida met at Plant City on Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p. m. The opening sermon was preached by the moderator, Rev. L. R. Lynn, from Matt. 17: 27, last clause, "That take, and give unto them for thee and me." Rev. J. C. Tims was elected moderator and Rev. J. W. Stokes temporary clerk. There was rather a meaeer attandancB both of ministers and elders, largely due to the fact that the distance to be travelled to the place of meeting was so great and the expense involved so heavy. A committee wr.s appointed to report at next meeting on some way to meet the difficulty. Rev. H. H. Sweets addressed the Synod on the cause he represents, Ministerial Education and Ministerial Relief and Endowment. Rev. Homer McMillan spoke on the Genral Assembly's Home Mission workand Rev. J. B. Branch represented Thornwell Ornhanaee. Synod very heartily endorsed the election of Dr. Fraser to the Presidency of Columbia Seminary. In answer to communications from tht local and state W. C. T. Unions and the Anti-Saloon League, the following, action was taken; 1. That the position of our Church on the evils of strong drink of every sort is sufficiently known; but we hereby reaffirm the action of the General Assembly as follows: "As the traffic in the use of Intoxicating liquors as a beverage are the prolific causes of se much crime, poverty and suffering in our land, and as it costs the people so much money in criminal prosecutions and the support of the victims of drink, and as it is one of the g.eatest enemies of the Church of Christ in destroying tne sanctity of the Christian Sabbath in its right observance wherever its blighting influence is felt, and as we are warned against its effects in 1 Cor. 6: 10, therefore, in view of these terrible effects, this General Assemhlv hoora Ifo testimony against this evil, and recommends to all our people the use of all legitimate means for its banishment from the land." 2. That as to the civil policy of dealing with the liquor traffic, the Church of Christ has no province. The State seeks by police methods to maintain justice and preserve peace and good order; while the Church seeks through the ministry of the word, to bring men under the power of grace for their conversion to God and spiritual UDbuildimr. 3. That while asserting these principles as controlling us in this matter, we wish it to be understood that we rejoice in every Indication of progress towards universal temperance. The Narrative sets forth, "That while no conspicuous advance is shown over the previous year, the general tone is brighter and more encouraging. "There is evidence of growth in the grace of giving, and increased interest in the services of the sanctuary. Some weak churches have become self-sustaining, H. November 24, 1909. and obligations to pastors more promptly met, while the need of more generously supporting pastors is becoming more clearly recognized. "No special revival is noted, but a number of churches have received encouraging additions. The report as to worldliness, the observance of the Sabbath and family worship indicates no special improvement along these lines, yet with in v-icodcu luierwHi in toe general work and worship of the Church, there is reason to believe that individuals are coming to recognize their duty to be exemplary in these and all respects." The evening services on Wednesday was devoted to Home Missions, and that of Thursday to Foreign Missions. At both meetings able and interesting addresses were made, and it is not too much to say that the Synod of Florida is fully alive to the importance of these branches of the Church's work. The other activities of the Church received due share of attention and were commended to the prayers and liberality of our people. The Rev. J. B. Branch was cordially commended to the churches in his efforts to secure funds for a Florida Cottage at Thornwell Orphanage. The sum of $100.95 in thg hands of the Svnod's Evancollstlo *? ?? ? 0w.*wv.v WMIIIIIVICC IU Ut5 turned over to the Tampa Cuban Mission, and the Mission itself was commended to the liberality of the churches. The sessions of Synod were greatly enjoyed; the annual meeting of the brethren to consider the interests of the Master's kingdom was felt by all to be a means of spiritual uplift. By rising vote, Synod gave expression to its cordial thanks to the good people of Plant City and their devoted pastor for their exceedingly kind and grateful hospitality and thoughtfulness for the comforts of .the brethren. The next meeting of Synod will be held at DeFuniak Springs, on Tuesday, the 15th day of November, 1910, at 7:30 p. m. ?The dominant spirit in the Presbytery of Western Texas during its recent session at Goliad was that of prayer. In the free conversation upon the subject of religion, which occupied almost half a day, an earnest prayer followed the report of each pastor and his elder. Then a special prayer was ofTered for the churches not represented. ST. JOHNS PRESBYTERY. The fall meeting of the Presbytery of St. Johns was held in the Tampa Heights Church, Tampa, Fla., October 12-14, 1909. There were present 15 ministers and 14 ruling elders. Under the direction of the chairman of the Presbytery's Committee ot Publication and Sabbath School Work, a very interesting and helpful Sabbath school institute was held on Monday evening, October 11, and Tuesday morning and afternoon. Officers.?Rev. Chas. Kingsley, moderator; Rev. R. W. Hlnes, clerk. Received.?Rev. C. J. Morton from the Presbytery of Florida; Rev. P. H. Hen