The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 24, 1909, Page 23, Image 23

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November 24, 1909. TP sley, Jr., from the PreBbytery of Arkansas and Rev. J. W. Stokes, from the Presbytery of Macon. Rev. J. B. Branch, of Thornwell Orphanage was present and spoke in the interest of the Florida Cottage Building Fund. He was commended to the churches. Calls were received from the Lakeland Church for Rev. J. W. Stokes, from the St. Petersburg Church, for Rev. J. T. McLean, from the DeLand Church, for Rev. C. H. Ferran and from the Wildwood Church for Rev. S. L. Wilson, for onefourth of his time. New Church.?The Chairman of the Home Mission Committee, reported that a new church had been organized at Key West and same was added to the roll of churches. Cuban Mission.?Presbytery visited the Cuban mission in Ybor City and was delighted with the splendid outlook" for this work under the able management of Rev. P. H. Hensley, Jr. The following committee was appointed to raise the necessary funds for the equipment of the Cuban mission: Rev. J. C. Tims, Rev. J. F. Winnard, Rev. P. H. Hensley, Jr., and Elders V. B. McIlwain and B. C. Graham. Laymen's Movement.?Presbytery expressed its appreciation of the efforts being made to hold a convention in Tampa on February 3 and 4, 1910, in the interest of the Laymen's Movement, and urged that as many of our laymen attend as possible. Elect Infant Clause.?Presbytery suggested the following language for the proposed change in Chapter X, Section III, of Confession of Faith, viz.: "Elect oer sons who die in infancy," instead of "elect infants dying in infancy," etc. Proof Texts.?The following ad interim committee was appointed to consider the report of the assembly's committee on revision of the proof texts: Rev. S. L. Wilson, Rev. J. F. McKinnon, and Elder J. N. Whitner. Commissioners' Expenses.?The proposed amendment to the constitution was adopted, viz..: "That the expenses of commissioners to the General Assembly, shall ' be paid out of the assembly's treasury." Evangciist.?The Home Mission Committee was instructed to employ an evangelist for the Presbytery and the name of Rev. S. L. Wilson was suggested for that position. Doctrinal Sermon.?Rev. W. B. Y. Wilkie, D. D., was appointed to preach the doctrinal sermon at the spring meeting of Presbytery. Spring Meeting.?Dade City was selected as the place for the spring meeting and April 12, at 7:30 p. m., was fixed as the time. Adjourned Meeting.?Presbytery adjourned to meet at the call ot the moderator during the meeting of Synod at Plant City. C. O Groves, S. C. If a man can write a better book. preueii a uener sermon, or maae a Detier mousetrap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten pathway to his den.? Emerson. - n Dj IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOI THE PRESBYTERY OF PIEDMONT. The Synod of South Carolina during its session at Charleston, S. C., October 22-26, 1909, took order to set off the ministers and congregations residing in the counties of Anderson, Oconee and Pickens, to form a new Presbytery from the northwestern part of the Presbytery of South Carolina. Pursuant to .this order, there met in the Seneca Presbyterian Church, Seneca, S. C.f November 9, at 7:30 p. m., twelve ministers and elders from seventeen congregations. Rev. John G. Law preached a most excellent sermon from 2 Cor. 5: 14, "For the love of Christ constraineth us. immediately alter tne sermon tne Presbytery was constituted with prayer. Rev. John G. Law, D. D., was elected moderator, and Rev. B. McLeod, temporary clerk. The names of Piedmont, Keowee, Good Hope, Westminster and Pickens, wereproposed. Upon the sixth ballot. Piedmont was chosen, and this choice was then made unanimous. Rev. Wm. H. Mills was elected Stated Clerk. Messrs. J. E. Hagood, W. P. Nesbitt, E. A. Smyth, were elected trustees of Chicora College, and,the elections of all other trustees were then deferred till ho cnrlno- mnoflnf* ?V ???? ?"e> l"VCLIU6. ..The Presbytery appointed the follow-, ing to be chairman of its Permanent committees respectively: M. R. Kirkpatrick, Presbyterial Committee on Home Missions; J. L. Bailey, Jr., Assembly's Home Missions; W. H. Frazier, Foreign Missions; A. H. Atkins Colored Evangelization; G. M. Wilcox, Schools and Colleges; M. E. Peabody, Publication and Sabbath Schools; B. McLeod, Ministerial Education and Relief. Elder W. P. Anderson was elected treasurer. Rev. W. H. Frazer, Rev. A. H. Atkins, Elder G. N. C. Boleman, were appointed a committee to consider the proposed i^iuui i?io auu report 10 me spring meeting. Honea Path, S. C., was chosen as the next place of meeting, and the time was fixed as Friday, before the third Sunday of April, 1910, 8 p. m. During this meeting the semi-centennial of the Honea Path Church will be fittingly observed. Rev. D. L. Lander had carefully prepared a map of the new Presbytery and for this labor of love, he was thanked by a rising vote. Wm. H. Mills, Stated Clerk. PRE8BYTERY OF NORTH MISSISSIPPI. iwwi m. water vauey, uctober 26, There were eight ministers and eleven elders present. Mr. J. H. Caldwell, of Charleston, was moderator,, and Rev. A. L. Rhea was temporary clerk. Rev. J. E. Hobeon was received from Memphis Presbytery, and commissions were appointed to install him pastor at Water Valley, Pleasant Grove and Oakridge. * LJTH. 23 amous for L Quality I Freshness I Sold by Good Grocers H Everywhere ^TH^IEIlWmorCOr^? New Oritao, U. S. A. Pastoral Relations between Rev. Newton Smith and tiie College Church were dissolved. Presbytery Approved the proposed change as to the expenses of the commissioners to the General Assembly. Presbytery makes no recommendation to the Assembly's ad interim committee on the "elect infant clause," except to suggest that such phraseology may be used as will be free from possible ambiguity of interpretation. Rev. W. D. Hedleston, Rev J. C. Carothers and Rev. T. W. Raymond were appointed a committee on the "proof texts." Tne Committee from the Graysport church showed that church taking on new life, under the leadership of Mr. B. E. Moore, a candidate for the ministry. W. D. Hedleston, S. C. CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI. Met at Greenville, Miss., Oct. 26, 1909. It was opened with a sermon by Rev. Wm. Irvine, D. D., the retiring moderator?text: Jeremiah, 33:20-21. Rev. W. H. Irvine was elected moderator, Rev. E. C. Comfort, temporary clerk. Rev. I. N. Clegg was received from the Presbytery of Mangum. Calls from Du mm., uooaman and Pickens were placed* in his hands. Mr. C. H. Alexander made an address on "Calvin's Contribution to Civil and Religious Liberty." The next Presbyterial sermon will be on "Family Religion." Rev. C. P. Colmery, principal, Rev. W. B. Gray, alternate. The Committee on the Proof Texts Is Rev. Wm. Irvine, D. D., Rev. C. S. Newman, D. D., Prof. J. R. Dobyns. Revision of the Confession. The Presbytery desires no revision. Mr. Robert Davis made an address on the work of the Brotherhood and Covenontara Brandon will be the next place of meeting. An adjourned meeting will be held during the Synod at Yazoo City. Lady Uses Tetterlne for Eczema. Edgar Springs, Mo., July 15, 1908. Tne Eczema on my face usually appears In the spring, and your salve always helps It I use no other preparation but Tetterlne, and And It superior . to any on the market. Respectfully, Elsie M. Judvine. Tetterlne cures Eczema, setter. Itching Piles, Ring Worm and every form of Scalp and SkTn Disease. Tetterlne 60c; Tetterlne Soap 26c. At druggists, or by mall direct from The Shuptrlne Co., Savannah. G&.