The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 24, 1909, Page 28, Image 28

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28 TI WANTED?A lady of experience, desires position as companion or teacher for small children. Miss E. F. Atkinson, 307 East Capitol Street, Washington, d. c. IS.fl.Hawes6Co. I Dealer in rriAi Also Lime, Plaster, Cement RICHMOND, VA. Sommerville Trust Co., Inc. Thousands of Dollars belonging to Readers of this Paper are lying idle in bank or drawing only S I r? v?u ui t per cent interest. WC can GUARANTEE you for YOURS. 6 Per Cent Interest In sums of $100 and up Sommerville Trust Co.. Inc. Nerfelk, Va. Newport News, V*. 3 I m DifUoc* Pbooei Ask for Booklet MARY BALDWIN SEMINARY Tor Young Ladies STAUNTON, VA. Term begins September 9, 1909. Located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Unsurpassed climate beautiful grounds od modern appointments. 297 students peat session from 32 States. Terms moderate. Pnpils enter any time. Send for catalogue. Ml88 E. C. WEIMAR, Principal, Staunton, Va. A. B. Griswold 6 Ltd Jewelers and Silversmiths Oar stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds and Precious Stones, Watches, Novelties In Gold and Silver, Is the largest and handsomest we have ever shown. Everything New, Fresh, Attractive. Write for our Book of Suggestions. A. B. GRISWOLD A CO., Ltd. Established 1817. 706 Canal St., NEW ORLEANS. If you want to secure a 860 Life Scholarshio. by CODyina a chanter in the Rihla write to HARRIS BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Jackson, Miss. IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO Secular News AT HOME. The Sugar Frauds are commanding much public attention. A man by the name of Corsa reports that as early as 1902, he icpuneu 10 me neaa 01 me uivn service and to the Secretary of the Treasurer the fact that immense frauds were being practiced in favor of the Sugar Trust at the port of New York. In the sampling deparcment, there was fraud in taking samples from the bottom of the sacks or hogsheads where the inferior sugar would gather. And false scales made false weights. The frauds amounted to 12,000 on a cargo of sugar. In order to cpver up the frauds the Government agents were systematically bribed. The Mine Explosion at Cherry, 111., has proven very serious. Qver three hundred miners have perished. In order to extinguish the fire in the mine, the air drafts were sealed to exclude air. This exunguisnea tne last hope of life for any one in the mine. Of the bodies which have since been brought to the surface many are so burned that they can not possibly be identified. At Americus, Ga., a fifty thousand dollar fire was precipitated by an attack upon the night watchman at a lumber yard. In the struggle his lantern was flung upon a pile of shavings and broken, and the adjacent property was burned. The Chattanooga Jailers, Messrs. Shipp, Nolan and Williams, who suffered a mob to lynch a prisoner whose case was pending before a United States court, have been sentenced to sixty or ninety days' imprisonment. They appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, but found no relief. Mrs. Augusta Stetson, First Reader of the Christian Science organization in New York City, 'has been deposed from office and excluded from the order for insubordination by the friends of Mrs. Eddy. New United States Law concerning the shipment of intoxicants into "dry" territory will become effective January 1. These laws provide that packages of liquor may not be delivered by ap express company to any person other than the addressed, and that under no circumstances may the railroad or express company deliver C. O. D., or collect pay for the liquor. A New Railway Safety Appliance has been patented by Mr. J. T. Andrew, of Montgomery, Ala. We have seen no deI scription of it, but the inventor claims that by it the terrible consequences of derailments can be absolutely prevented, and that in a hundred trials it has not failed to prevent injuries. Col. John Jacob Astor and his son, Vincent, were on a yacht near Jamaica at the time of the recent storm in that vicinity. It is now two weeks since the last tidings from the yacht, and grave fears are entertained for their safety. A rjsi.dak VA/L.. fN ?a._ J- ^ I?-? -..-.v.. ujr uynamuc is tue story that comes from Clinton, near Terre Haute, Jnd. It is a Roman Catholic UTH. November 24, 1909. church, which cost 150,000. Part of the members are Bohemian and part are Hungarians. There was strife among them over the control of the church. Three hundred sticks of dynamite were found under and around the church, but only a few of them exploded. The front of the church was wrecked. Tne supreme Court of Iowa has decided that the proprietor of a lunch room may lawfully refuse to wait on a negro who calls for food! And this, away ,up in Iowa!! The Most Serious of All Trusts is now under process of arrangement. The Postal Telegraph company is reported as owning a controlling interest in the American Telephone company. And the American Telephone company is said to have secured controlling interest in the Western Union Telegraph company. This would put the whole telegraph and telephone service of the country under one control, which would give to it a tremenduous political influence at any season of a national election. It is intolerable. i ne second Trial or those indicted fo* the Reelfoot Lake outrage and the murder of Capt. Quentin Rankin (in October, 1908) has begun. At Cherry, Illinois, out of the three hundred miners who were believed to be all dead forty have been found alive. They walled the space around them to keep out the smoke and lived six days without food or water. The Standard Oil Company has been dissolved by the United States Circuit Court at St. Paul, Minn. It is forbidden to engage in interstate business, until it shall have dissolved all connections between the fifty subsidiary corporations that are connected with it. ABROAD. In France the trial of Madame Steinhell for the murder of her husband is reported to have led to a change in the conducting of trials there. Hitherto the trial judge has done a large part of the questioning of the accused and of the witnesses. Hereafter the American plan is to be followed, in which the questioning is to be done by the attorneys, rather than by the judge. Madame Steinhell was acquitted of the charge of murder. In England the Suffragettes who have been imprisoned for violence in their demands for a vote, are refusing to wear the prison uniform, suffering from want of clothing rather than don the uniform. In Portugal an immense tidal wave said to be a hundred feet high has overwhelmed the city of Lisbon. It was followed by a hurricane of great violence. The belief is that the tidal wave and the hurricane were due to an earthquake at the Canary Islands. In Nicaragua President Zelaya has greatly injured bis own cause. Incensed at the progress of the revolution, he has been arresting large numbers of men and women who are suspected of sympathy with the insurgents. It is reported that about 1,60U have been put into dungeons, and that many have been shot or will be. Two United States war vessels have been ordered post baste to Nicaragua.