The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 24, 1909, Page 29, Image 29

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November 24, 1909. TH BOOKS YOU SHOULD OWN Postpaid. Prayers for Thirteen Weeas?J. R. Miller, D. D * .85 John Marvel, Assistant?Thos. Nelson Page 1.25 Little Sister Snow?Francis Little.. 1.05 Mr. Opp?Alice Hegan Rice 1.00 Old Rose and Silver?Myrtle Reed.. 1.50 The Attic Guest?Robt. E. Knowles. 1.25 Quiet Talks on Home Ideals?S. D. Gordon 75 Christian Science in the Light of Holy Scripture?Dr. Haldeman... 1.50 Sidelights on Christian Doctrine? Jas. Orr, D. D 1.75 The Atonement?Jas. Stalker, D. D.. 1.00 The High Calling?J. H. Jowett 1.25 The Foreigner (Ralph Connor's latest book, ready Nov., 09) 1.25 Calvin Memorial Addresses (Delivered at General Assembly) 1.50 OUR HOLIDAY CATALOGUE WILL BE 8ENT FREE ON REQUEST AFTER NOVEMBER 15. OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL CATALOGUE NOW READY FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. Presbyterian Committee of Publication Rlehmond, Va. Texarkana, Ark.-Tex. Commonwealth Bank 12 North Ninth 8tr??t, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. . CAPITAL - - $200,000.90 14 Per Cent ON 8AVING8. Bohne's Book Store BOHNE & WILT, Prop*. Booksellers & Stationers 1328 DRYADE8 8T.t Near Thalia. New Orleans, La. Base Ball Goods, Fishing Tackle, and Periodicals and Religious Articles. New and Second-hand School Books bought, sold and exchanged. SHOPPING BY AN EXPIRT BUYER. Holldty Order! Promptly Filled Goods of every description, personal and household. Trousseaus a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Quids for ladles visitIns the city and accommodations secured. Highest references. MISS VIRGINIA JON198, Purchasing Agent, 203 West list Street, New York City. for COUGHS and COLDS--CROUP and all fAIMS II Acts Instantaneously DIE! BALM 35c A JAM 25c A JAR AT AU DRUGGISTS OR BY RIAIL L B. DIEZ. New Orleans, La. ? E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE S Free Christmas Music Samples of Christmas Services suitable and appropriate for any Sabbath school will be sent Free to any Minister, Superintendent or Choir Leader who will send us their name and address. Address. THE RUEBUSH-KIEFFER CO. (Mnika ihii tsptr.) Dayton, Virginia Washington an LAW, ENGINEERING, C< Students drawn from thirty Sta1 religious tone. Address, Pi Solari's Fine Imoortc OUR GOODS Al Corner Royal and Custom House Stre Corner ? Complete Catalogue Issued. Stop Smoking! S1 You ought and can quit by using years. Price, f 1.00 per box. ROSE ? FIRE INS1 g LIABILITY lfMOl STEAM BOILER GODCHA + ACCIDENT 626-630 C Incoi FIRE I SUN INSl OF NE^ Chas. Ji William P. Maus, Secretary. JAMES H. A] UCATIMA O A O -A nbni iiiu( vino n Box 2 Contractors' & Deal Tel. Main 3880. W. H. BYRNES, Pres. JOHN T. Capital ... Asaetu HIBERNIA I No. 300 Camp Street LOSSES jjP~ THE^ Angell's Cough and Contains No For Whooping Cough, Bronch Ill FOR SALE BY ALL DF William Franl JEWELEI Sterling Silver end Solid Qold G Mail inquiriee and ordera promptly TO REPAIR DEPARTMENTS. 142 * ? ;outh. ^ Investments. Bonds and - Raymond M. ATTORNEY-/ Norfolk, Practices in Supren United States. And all Courts nnH n?nartm?n id Lee Unr 3MMERCE, SCIENCE, LETT :es. Expenses very moderate, es. GEO. H. DENNY, LL. D., and Domestic RE ALWAYS FRESH. ets?Phone 714. St. Charles and Louisiana Av< NEW O ;op Chewing *3 Rrtsr Tfimnnn niTDc r> A V/L/ilV VV VU1VU. VU DRUG CO., Birmin ?+tt+?+a+?+?+tt+?+8+?4 URANCE plaPhone 1665. SUR UX * MIOTON, Ltd. iOMMON STREET. BUR ;*?+8+8>8+8+8+8+8+8+? porated 1888 RIVER JRANCE ( W ORLEANS invler, President Fergus G. Lee, Vic ITKEN. OS ND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. lers* Exchange, New Or 515 Carondelet St, GIBBONS, Vice-Pres. P. - - - - $200,000.00 - - $482,445.54 NSURANCI Now O PAID PROMPTLY. iest made: I Whooping Coug Opium or Morphine. title, Coughs, Colds and Thi LUGGISTS. PRICE 25 AND 51 tz & Co. : *8 and OPTICIAN8. loods. Appointed Railroad attended to. 8PECIAL ATT CARONDELET 8T., NEW O 29 Connections. Fine Banking . Hudson CTLAW. Va ae Court of the Federal and State ts. irersity ERS. , High moral and Lexington, Va. Groceries amies?Phone 871. RLEANS, LA. tobacco! market for twenty igham, Ala. rE GLASS a ETY BONDS GLARY MARhNE CO. :e-President. BING, SEWERAGE MING k li it ii leans. La. Near Poydras. E. BURKE, Sec'y. ? CO. rle&ns, La. h Syrup roat Trouble. ) CENTS. branch Store: S. Rampart St. ?Opposite? JU-iion Station. Watch Inspectors. ENTION CALLED RLEANS *.