The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 24, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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November 24, 1909. T* Temperance EMPHATIC ENOUGH FOR 8ALOONISTS TO UNDERSTAND. The makers and sellers of whiskey have once more been put on emphatic notice that their business has no standing in law except the standing of sufferance?and grudged sufferance at that. The local ontion atAhita of Pninwitn attacked on the pleading that a citizen had a common law right to sell liquors exactly on the same basis of his indisputable right to sell wheat, corn, potatoes and the like. But the supreme court of the State sat down with smashing emphasis on the lawyers who had the hardihood to offer this ancient and dilapidated plea. The court's decision reads: "We affirm as a fact generally recognized that liquor in its very nature is an article dangerous in its use to the morals, good order, health and Bafety of the people, and it may not, at least with any show of reason, be placed on the same footing with the ordinary and necessary commodities of life. So the doctrine is settled, for this day and generation at least, that the right of a citizen to keep a saloon and sell rum or whiskey or any other sort of intoxicating liquor, depends solely on a strict compliance by the vendor with the requirements of the license 1 laws in force in the community in which such sale is proposed. It follows therefni*A +VtA+ wx * .? ? Lum nuaicvQi ngiii iuu wniBKey seller may have at common law, it was and is no such right as might not have heen by the proper authorities acting under valid restrictive or prohibitory laws, regulated or controlled or entirely suppressed in the interests of good government, clean morals and the general public welfare."?The Interior. WHY THEY GO TOGETHER. "Bottles and rags! bottles and rags!" called the ragman, as he plied his calling. "Why do you always put these words together?" asked the passer-by. "Because, madam," said the ragman, courteously touching his hat to the lady, "wherever you find bottles you find rags." Shrewd Dhilosonhv! It la n nit? that our statesmen can not see the thing as clearly, and do not, (or the good of prosperity, to say nothing of the moral happiness of the people, stop the accursed liquor traffic instead of putting in the way of Christian workers all sorts of handicaps. Remember the shrewd words of the ragman, who sees things as they are: "Wherever you find bottles you find rags." And if you wish to save people -from coming to rags, you will banish the bottle. Let us all say we shall not give over the fight until we succeed. Bank of j Branches: 803 E. Broad St, 15th ar imm 111111111111111111111111111 ii 11111111111111 rttm? IE PRESBYTERIAN OF FLEMING Complete List The Redeemir "These addresses point the full of hope as they are of 1 tion."?IVooster Quarterly. C The King's Gr The author of "Conduct! related by prominent Christia winner. Only the man who The Fighting ! "The Fighting Saint is a keen, suggestive, fighting moi . . . 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