The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 24, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 TH RE1DV1LLE SCHOOL A New Feature A Christian home provided the whole year in which children from sii to fourteen years of age will be cared for, given Manual Training according to age and strength, and thorough school instruction during the regular school term. Charges reasonable. For terms of admission write to RFV R D RFin Mn? Reidville" S. C. APPLES From our mountain orchards. The Albemarle Pippin, the late Queen Victoria's favorite, and other high class apples. A box or a barrel at wholesale prices. Every package guaranteed. THE ALBEMARLE ORCHARD CO., Sam'l B. Woods, President Charlottesville, Virginia. Via Bristol ?AND THE? Norfolk 6 Western Railway The Short Line Between NEW ORLEANS, BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE ?AND? WASHINGTON) PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. Solid Train Service Dining Car. All information cheerfully furnished. Chattanooga, Tenn. WARREN L. ROHR, Western Passenger Agent, W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent, Roanoke, Va. The Safest 6 Quickest Way TO T * is m iransxer money IB BY Long Distance Telephone Fer Rate* Apply to Local Manager. Cumberland Telephone 6 Telegraph Company (Incorporated.) NEW ORLEAN8, LA. oeo. e. h/gdort Practical Painter and Decorator. 231 Constance St. New Orleans. Phone Uptown 2396-L. Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange, Telephone Main 327. Estimates Cheerfully Given. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE p., 'T .T7 V ^ Senior Hall Ma Texas Presbyterii THE GREAT FRESBYTERI Splendid buildings, elegantly furnished room, obTlatlng all danger of fire. The basket-ball, tennis, outdoor games. No sei courses of study. College and 8emiuary, Voice Culture, Violin, Orfcan, Guitar, Bi work. China Kiln. Art Rooms with sky Visiting Director of Music and Teacher o six music pupils last year. COLLEGE < For Catalogue Illustrated by photograi President, Mllford, Texas. Silliman Coll An endowed school for girls, nnd hill country. Handsome, roomy building Steam Iteat. All necessary equipment. Elocution, Physical Culture, Stenographj n<^i#w TV MBi.> r MA&B8 PKICH8 I THE SOUTH. Let ua explain thla to jot Addreag the President, REV. 2. E AGNES SCOTT ( DECATUR (nej THE COLLEGE offers advantage! THE AGNES SCOTT ACADEMY, a four years' course leading to Fresl Cluster Spri CLUSTER This school claims your attention of Christian teachers, and the person catalogue* will interesf you if yon h? Forty-four Years of Successful Work. i ETIF9EI13T0 Rl AN Ideal Christian Hon J| BbI *? Expression, Physlca SI IAS Music, lllgh standard i A W>J|trained Instructors Tak Unsurpassed health r< Large gynmaslum. Pa ball, write for our cat HENRY JEROME I tt+tt+m-tt-ftt+B+tt+H+tt+tJ+tt+ttftHl | KLEINBERG I tt A Home 8chool ir it Pupils can enter after the Chi ? from time of entrance. For catah MI88 CON8TANCE W/ Statesvtlle ] Presbyterian; Thorough Coursei D Board, Tuition and Matrlculatloi received at any time. REV. SOUTH. November 24, 1909. jX ' ?* >;-y- ^i -T? i.' -* ? ' "sH EEtiHBtwr '-sHSH nfif S^En Jj In Building Dickson Hall an. College For Girls AN SCHOOL OP THE SOUTHWEST. I, heated by steam from ontalde metal furnacebeautiful acetylene gas light. Large gymnasium, rlous Illness in the history of the school. Two leading to degrees. Special departments: Piano, presslon. All branches of Art, Artistic Needlelight. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, CHICAGO, f Interpretation Classes. One hundred and thlrtyOPENS SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1900. >hs, write REV. HENRY C. EVANS, A. M? D. D., legiate Institute er Presbyterian control, nealtbfnl location In tbo a, beautiful, well-shaded grounds. Electric lights. Three courses leading to degrees. Music, Art. ' and Typewriting. iOWBR THAN ANY OTHER OOOD SCHOOL IN I. [. BROWNI'EE, Clinton, Louisiana. COLLEGE for Women ir Atlanta), GEORGIA. i equal to best colleges for men. , under separate faculy and government, afters iman class. For catalogue, address, F. H. GAINE8, President ings Academy 8PRING8, VA. because of its superb location, its strong carps al care given each boy entrusted to us. Our ivea boy to educate. HAMPDEN WILSON, Headmaster. liHiHWHIiWO" le School. Preparatory and Collegiate courses. Art, I Culture, Pedagogy, Business, etc. Conservatory of nalntalned by large staff ol experienced, college, es only ninety boarders and teachos the Individual, acord. llrlck buildings. Steam boat. Excellent table, rk-llke campus Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket* slog before selecting thocollege for your daughter. STOCKABD. A. M~ ? ** n+tt+tt+u+n+tt+tt+n+n+n+u+u+u+u+tt+u+ FEMALE SCHOOL ? i the Mountain* of Virginia. -istmas holidays, and will be charged onlr 4 >g of the twenty-ninth session, address, JLES, Schuyler, Nelson County; Va. tt ftt4tt4tt*tt4?4tt4tt4?4?4B4tt4tt4SI4tt4?4? Female College I! Modern Equipment; A Home School. i Fee for the Nine Month*, $152. Pupils J. A. SCOTT, D. D., statewide, N. C.