The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 01, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 THE TttHMtttrTTTi > | Synods J SYNOD OF LOUISIANA. The Synod met in Alexandria on Tuesday evening, November 16, and was opened with a sermon on "Ye are the Salt of the Earth", by Rev. George D. Booth, of Monroe. Rev. Dr. T. M. Hunter, of Baton Rouge, was unanimously elected moderator and Ruling Elder E. F. Koelle, temporary clerk. Twenty-three ministers and thirteen ruling elders were enrolled. The following were introduced as corresponding members: The three new French evangelists, Rev. Messrs. M. R. Paradis, J. H. Paradis, and E. D. Pelletier, and Rev. Messrs. J. B. Carpenter, R. J. McMullan and W. V. Frierson. The report of the death of Dr. W. A. Alexander, of the Southwestern Presbyterian University, was received with great regret, a telegram of condolence was sent to Mrs. Alexander, and special prayer made in behalf of the stricken family, university and church. Rev. Glenn Flinn, the American Bible Society's Southwestern agent, presented the interest of that cause. The Synod recommended that all the offerings of our churches to the American Bible Society during the remainder of this year and next year be made to the Endowment Fund of the Society. The afternoon and evening of the second day were devoted entirely to the cause of Foreign Missions, following a program previously arranged as directed by Synod last year. Addresses were made by Rev. George Summey, Rev. H. W. Burwell, Ruling Elder S. P. Steere, Ruling Elder Henry Rose, Rev. J. B. Carpenter, Licentiate H. C. Ostrom, of the Laymen's Movement, and Rev. L. C. Vass, of the Congo Mission. The Synod took cognizance of the change in the boundaries made by the last General Assembly, in the transfer of certain ministers and churches to the Synod of Mississippi. The Synod approved of the Laymen's Home Mission movement, to be conducted Jointly by the Synodical Home Missions and Publication and Sabbath-school Work Committees, with a sub-committee of laymen, of which Mr. W. B. Bloom field is chairman. Ruling Elder W. R. Lyman laid before the Synod the needs of the Ruston Church in connection with its relation to the Presbyterian youth gathered in the State institution at that place. The Synod reorganized lis Permanent Committees, many changes and removals of recent years making this needful. The committees are as follows: Foreign Missions: U. B. Currie, D. F. Wilkinson, Geo. H. Cornelson, Jr., Wm. Franitz, W. R. McKowen, S. F. Steere. Synodical Home Missions: Jno. W. Caldwell, Jr., J. C. Barr, George Summev, J. Y. Allison, T. M. Hunter, J. K. Smith, Geo. D. Booth. W. B. Bloomfleld, W. R. McKowen, Henry Rose. Assembly's Home Missions: C. S. Sholl, J. Y. Allison W. PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU R. Lyman. Church Building Fund: administered by the Committee on Synodical Home Missions, with J. Y. Allison as Treasurer. Publication and Sabbathschool Work: J. C. Barr, C. L. Nourse, B. L. Price, W. A. Rolle, Jno. W. Cald ji. vuiurea iiivangeiizanon: "1". Al. Hunter, J M. Wi'liams, W. R. McKowen. Ministerial Education and Relief: W. McF. Alexander, D. F. Wilkinson, W. E. Glassell, Wm. T. Hardie, H. W. S. Lund. School and Colleges: George Summey, J. K. Smith, E. M. Stewart, A. B. Dinwiddle, D. W. Pines. Bible Cause: B. L. Price, G. G. Woodbridge, James Shcrrard. Palmer Orplianage: J. K. Smith, D. F. Wilkinson, Jno. W. Caldwell, Jr. Synod's Trustee: Rev. Jno. W. Caldwell, Jr. Board of Trustees: Geo. H. Cornelson, Jr., Louis Voss, S. D. Moody, W. T. Hardie, J. Y. Allison, Henry Rose, J. L. Many. An hour was given to the evangelists to the French speaking people of Louisiana, Rev. Messrs. P. Ph. Briol, M. R. Paradis, E. D. Pelletier, and J. H. Paradis, who made stirring addresses concerning the needs, principles and methods of their special work. P.ev. W. \. Frierson presented the interests of the Palmer Orphanage, and Ex-governor Robt. B. Glenn, of North Carolina, spoke for Home Missions. Rev. Dr. W. McF. Alexander was reelected as director of the Southwestern Presbyterian University, and Mr. D. W. Fipe3 as alternate. Governor Glenn delivered a splendid address on Home Missions, and a collection amounting to *221.05 was taken. The most hearty thanks were given to pastor, officers and people of the Presbyterian and other churches of Alexandria for their cordial hospitality. The next meeting will be held in Morgan City, Tuesday, November 17, 1909. Notes and Comments. Ex-governor Glenn spoke on Home Missions with his accustomed power and unction. It was decidedly a missionary meeting of Synod. A large part of its time and attention was given to the matter of the forward work of the church. Not a secretary or assistant secretary of the Church appeared at this meeting of the Synod. The young men sent to represent some of them did their part well. This paper's corresponding editor, Dr. Hunter, of Baton Rouge, was moderator, and like all our corresponding editors when placed in positions of honor, acquitted himself finely. It was a striking scene, and one illustration of the new activity of the Synod, when three French nnenlHntr wnri/a~ were Introduced, while a fourth was already on the floor. The Synod happily found It hard to draw the line between Home and Foreign Missions. This was natural with a body living In the midst of three hundred thousand unevangelized foreign speaking people. Alexandria, the place of meeting, is a stirring, active, growing city of eighteen Yjj. December I, 1909. thousand inhabitants, with handsome public buildings and churches, one of the finest hotels in the South, wide streets, trolley lines, numerous railroads reaching in every direction, and a navigable river. Morgan City, which has lately, through the Plaquemine locks, found itself to te on p. great inland stream as well as a seaport town, secured the next meeting K? ? uj a unanimous vote. Those who have experienced meetings there are delighted. The "laymen's missionary meeting," which it was announced to be, proved largely a ministers' meeting. Only two or three laymen besides the members of the Synod were present. All would have been glad to see larger numbers of them. Only two "laymen", Mr. S. F. Steere and Mr. Henry Rose, of Shreveport, spoke and they spoke well, too. The Alexandria Church is a proof of the value of Home Missions and active personal work. Fifteen years ago there was nothing there. Now a good church bui'ding, a manse, half a square of ground, a membership of one hundred and seventy, entire self-support, and no debt on any part of the property, represent the result of the nurturing care of the Church at large and of the vigorous pastorate of Rev. B. L. Price. PRESBYTERY OF DURANT. Durant Presbytery met in the Presbyterian church, Hugo, October 22, 1909, at 8 o'clock. Rev. O. L. Byrns, the retiring moderator, preached the opening sermon from the text John 12:13. Rev. J. E. Bird was chosen as moderator and Rev. O. L. Byrns as temporary clerk. Received: Rev. J. O. Needham, from Louisville Presbytery, and Rev. C. C. Anderson, from Roanoke Presbytery. Dismissed: Rev. Geo. R. Ratchford was dismissed to the Presbytery of Brownwood, Rev. P. C. Irwin to the Presbytery of Dallas, and the Rev. C. C. Van Noy to the Presbytery of Chickasaw, Cum ucnaua rresDyienan Church. Rev. Fred B. Smith was granted leave to labor outside the bounds of Presbytery until the next stated meeting. Rev. Erskine Brantly, Rev. J. L. McKinstry and Rev. Weisel Beale were appointed a Committee on Proof Texts. It was not deemed wise to change the time for the meeting of Presbytery, in accordance with the request made by the Ladies' Union of the Presbytery, and, after due consideration, this answer was returned to the union. The Infant Clause in the Confession of Faith, Chap. 10, Section 3, was discussed at some length, and the action of Presbytery is as follows: In answer tor the Assembly's question hs to what change shall be made in the elect infant cmuBB oi me *jonre8aion or Faith, Chap. 10, Section 3, Durant Presbytery prefers the language as it now stands. The following resolutions on the dismission of the Rev. P. C. Irwin were adopted by Presbytery: