The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 01, 1909, Page 23, Image 23

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December i, 1909. THE In view of the long and faithful services in Durant Presbytery of the Rev. P. C. Irwin, who has, for the past five years, heroically maintained himself in a group of small weak churches on a meagre salary, and now that we have to give him up at the call of another field of longer usefulness, and in order that hp mnv hp Hulv annroplntoH of Hla imo ministerial worth in that field? Resolved, first. That we hereby commend our beloved brother, P. C. Irwin, to the people of his present choice as a faithful, humble servant of our Lord, worthy of their esteem and confidence; a minister who will steadfastly and firmly present to them the gospel in its purity, while striving to exemplify its precepts in his daiiy walk. Resolved, second, That we further commend Rev. P. C. Irwin to the Presbytery of which he is now a member as a faithful Presbyter, fearless in his stand for the distinctive doctrines of our beloved church. W. Beale. Erskin Brantly, Stated Clerk. CHARLESTON PRESBYTERY. Met October 12, at McPhersonville, S. C. Rev. J. L. McLees, retiring moderator, preached the opening sermon. Rev. P. S. McChesney was elected moderator and Rev. T. D. Johnson, assistant clerk. Rev. Paul F. Brown was received from Suwanee Presbytery. Calls for his services from Allendale and Estill churches were placed in his hands, and permission was given him to hold until spring Presbytery. A Call from the Rockville church for one Sabbath a month was placed in the hands of Rev. P. S. McChesney, which he accepted. (After Presbytery's adjournment he was installed by the following: Dr. Alex. Sprunt, who presided, preached and propounded the usual questions, and Dr. N. Keff Smith, who charged the pastor and people. Elder Geo. W. Hills, also of the commission, was present.) In Connection with the excellent report on foreign missions, the following resolution was passed: "Presbytery has heard with pleasure the reading of the communication from Rev. Palmer DuBose, a minister of this Presbytery and missionary to China, and we rejoice with him in his success, which he mentions as attending his labors and those of his associates in the foreign held, and we assure him of our cordial, Christian and fraternal sympathy and pray-, era." The Followina were made the Perma ent Committee on schools and colleges: Dr. H. A. White, Rev. Messrs. S. C. Caldwell, T. D. Johnson and Elders W. S. Allan and J. C. Scott. The Committee on Proof-Texts consists of Dr. Sam Smith. Rev. Messrs. J. L. McLees, Geo. A. Blackburn and Elders W. A. Calrk and J. B. Spillman. On his motion, Dr. Keflf Smith, representing the Assembly's committee on 1 PRESBYTERIAN OF THE S( BMnmnn For vour Early morning Breakfast brace Lunch lip-smac Dinner demi-ti Supper systemDRINl LUZIAN1* Good all the tire Im rifi itblUT " N EW OWUE n+u f a ? ? ? ? ? 4-?+?*?+a 1 BOOKS for H ? Nothing is More Acc g Postpai The Foreigners, Ralph Conner |1.J My Lady of the South, Randall Parrish 1.1 5 The Attic Guest R. E. Knnwlos 1 tt The Land of Long Ago, Eliza C. ? Hall 1.1 The Victor, R. S. Holmes 1.1 $ Bride of the Mistletoe, Jas. Lane ? Allen 1.] jj Adrift on an Ice Pan, Dr. Grenfell .' Anne of Avonlea, Mrs. Montgom5 ery 1.! 8 Lords of High Decision, Nicholtt son 1.! ^ Little Sister Snow, Francis Little. 1.1 Susanna and Sue, Kate Douglas $ Wiggin l.i tt Peter, F. Hopkinson Smith 1.1 A Year in Europe, W. W. Moore.. 1.1 + Calvin Memorial Addresses 1.! 5 Cardillac, Robt Barr 1.1 tt Romance of a Plain Man, Glasgow 1.2 jj Set in Silver, Williamson 1.1 + Wistful Years, Gibson 1.1 + Bella Donna, Hichen 1.2 tt + Our Holiday Catalogue Describes thi ^ lications of the Season. Write Toda | PRESBYTERIAN COMI $ RICHMOND, VIRGINIA tt tt+tt+tt*tt+tt+tt+tt*tt+tt+tt*tt+tt+tt+tt evangelism, was directed to arrange ft a popular meeting on that subject at tb spring session. As to the change to be made in tfa Confession?the elect infant clause, Pre bytery recommends" that the only chang desirable is the addition of a foot-not expressing the Church's belief in the sa vation of all infants dying in infancy." The Special Committee on Schools an Colleges in the report says, "The time ha come when, in the interests of both inst tutlons, this Presbytery should give it undivided support to the Presbyteria College of South Carolina at Clinton, b terminating its official connection wit Davidson Collesra." And on its rpfnmmoi datlon Presbytery withdrew its connei tion with Davidson, and withheld its a] polntment of trustees of that college. An interesting and elaborate report o Ixjcal Home Missions was made by th chairman, Rev. S. C. Caldwell. Group have been formed, supplies obtained, on 4 )UTH. 23 eye-opener s #KP| toner 4E, COFFEEI ie? Sold everywhere rAY LOR CO. 1 iANa C4 .nS.XV. I :+8+8+8+8+8+*8*8+8*848-f848+848+8 IOLIDAY GIFTS I eptable Than a Good Book d. Postpaid. ? J5 Fisher's American Beauties $3.15 + The Pool of Flame, Vance 1.25 + jj? Girls of Today, Underwood 3.00 The Christy Evangeline 1.65 ** 25 The Fisher Hiawatha .. 1.65 8 S5 Courtship of Miles Standish 1.65 8 Old School Day Romances. Rilev. 1.65 ? LO Out to Old Aunt Mary's, Riley... 1.65 75 The Courtin', Jas. Russell Lowell. 1.50 + Old Rose and Silver, Myrtle Reed 1.65 & 25 The Lilac Girl, Barbour 1.65 8 Kitty of the Roses, Barbour 1.65 25 The Value of Happiness, M. E. + DO Barron 1.50 ** The Value of Courage, M. E. 8 55 Barron 1.50 ^ 25 The Value of Cheerfulness, M. E. 25 Barron 1.50 50 The Suitable Child, N. Duncan... .60 8 25 The Angel and the Star, Conner.. .25 ? 55 Beyond the Marshes, Conner 25 55 Our Rich Inheritance, Jenner 25 + 55 Cure for Care, Miller 25 St 55 Why Grow Old, Marden 25 ? s Beautiful Books, Calendars and Art Pub- 8 ly for a Free Copy. ? HITTEE OF PUBLICATION f TCV ini/lttl M mw*mw A. ICAAIUIAPIA, AMI.-1EA. XI *?*? ? ?* ?4- t?4?-f?4?4?4?4?4?4a4n >r church building has been completed and le dedicated, three are arranged for at an early day and an old one made new is in ie the near future. 8- The resolution was passed that Presby;e tery, at each meeting, appoint a minister ;e with an alternate, if requested by the ses,1 sion where Presbytery is to meet, to re main after Presbytery?at least over the d Sabbath?to assist in the services, ts After expressing its appreciation of the i- hospitality of the congregation and com.8 munity Presbytery adjourned, n Correspondent. y h Tetterlne for Ring Worm and Skin Disease. Varnvllle, S. C., July 17, 1908. ?. My wife uses your Tetterlne for Ringworm, also uses It In her family for all > kinds of skin diseases, and she thinks It a good medicine. There is no substitute. L. R. Dowllng. n Tetterlne cures Eczema, Tetter. King Worm, Old Itching Sores, Dandruff, e Itching Piles, Corns, Chilblains and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. 8 Tetterlne 50c; Tetterlne Soap 25c. At e druggists or by mail direct from The Shuptrine Co., Savannah, On.