The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 01, 1909, Page 28, Image 28

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28 TH1 WANTED?A lady of experience, desires position as companion or teacher for small children. Miss E. F. Atkinson, 307 East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. S.H.Hawes&Co. Dealer in COAI . Also Lime, Plaster, Cement RICHMOND, VA. Sommerville Trust Co., Inc. Thousands of Dollars belonging to Readers of this Paper are lying idle in bank or drawing only 3 per cent or 4 per cent interest. We can GUARANTEE you for YOURS 6 Per Cent Interest In sums of $100 and up Sommerville Trust Co.. Inc. Norfolk, Va. Newport News, Vs. 3 Loaf Distance Phonei Ask for Booklet MARY BALDWIN SEMINARY Tor Young Ladies STAUNTON, VA. Term begins September 9, 1909. Located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Unsurpassed climate beautiful grounds and modern appointments. 297 students past session from 32 States. Terms moderate. Pupils enter any time. Send for catalogue. MISS E. C. WEIMAR, Principal, Staunton, Va. A. B. Griswold 6 Co., Ltd Jewelers and Silversmiths Oar stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds and Precious Stones, Watches, Novelties In Gold and Silver, Is the largest and handsomest we have ever shown. Everything New, Fresh, Attractive. Write for our Book of Suggestions. A. B. GRISWOLD A CO., Ltd. Established 1817. 708 Canal St.. NEW ORLEANS. If you want to secure a $60 Life Scholarship, by copying a chapter in the Bible, write to HARRIS BUSINESS UNIVERQITV WI E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU | Secular News | At Home. The Mine Horror at Cherry, 111., has been concentrating attention. For several days subsequent to the explosion the entrance of the mine was sealed in order to exclude air and thus extinguish the fire inside. After several days the mine was opened and twenty living men were brought to the surface. They had existed a week without food. Now the mine has been sealed again, this time for a period of ninety days. The number of lives lost in the mine is about three hundred. There is much criticism of the owners of the mine for sealing it while yet there were men alive within the mine. At Claflin University the State Colored College at Oraneebure. S. C.. fire has destroyed Brabham Hall, the girls' dormitory, valued at $60,000. The main building was scorched, but not burned. Judge William H. Pope, formerly of Georgia, has been appointed chief justice in New Mexico. Forty Thousand Women, engaged in making shirt waists in New York city, have gone on a strike for better wages, tetter hours and more healthful surroundings while at work. The employers of about 9,000 have conceded their demands. The Three Labor Leaders, Messrs. Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison, who were sentenced to imprisonment for contempt of court, have applied to the United States Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari, by which to upset the judgment of the courts below. They were enjoined by the court in the District of Columbia not to print or circulate statements encouraging a boycott against the Buck's Stove and Range Company, of St. Louis. For a violation of this injunction the court sentenced them to imprisonment for sixty or ninety days. Their appeal has not yet been heard. A Cotton Mill in California: In the Imperial Valley in Southern Californip irrigation has developed soil" which is said to De equal In fertility to the valley of the Nile. The cotton raised there is commanding at the present twenty-two cents a pound. The new mill is to be located at Los Angeles, and It is hoped that its product will find sale in China and Japan. Ten Million Dollars a Year is the estimate of losses on Imposts due the United States, which is published by Richard Parr, deputy surveyor of the port of New York. Part of the loss is due to the frauds of the Sugar Trust. Other parts are due to undervaluations and to the smuggling of Jewelry, etc. At Hickman, Ky., last week, the large oil mill was burned, involving a loss of $100,000. Tesla's Invention and Earpiece makes the earth behave like a bit of wire. Nikola Tesla has been conducting experiments at Shoreham, L. I. It is a new system of wireless telegraphy and f TH. December i, 1909. telephony. It differs from the present "wireless" In that It utilizes as a transmitting agency not the wave of the air, but the inherent conductivity of the earth itself. By this system a fraction of a second will pass a communication entirely around the earth. Any number of receiving stations may be used. Any man, anywhere in the world, may, by placing to his ear a receiver purchased for a dollar or two, hear the opera in Paris, or Melbourne, or Vienna, or New York. Abroad. In England there is a crisis in the financial administration of the kingdom, a deficit in the treasury. The government (which is the "Liberal" party) decided in favor of a budget, which contains some radical features. It proposes very heavy income and inheritance taxes on all improvements of land; it also proposes to have the government share in the unearned increment to the extent of twenty per cent. In other words, the proposed taxes strike at the land owners, and they, in England, hap pen to be the members of the House of Lords< for four-fifths of all the land in the country is owned by the lords. The proposed budget has not met with an enthusiastic reception by the Upper House. In reply to the threat of that House that it would not support the new budget, the Liberals fell back on the old claim that the House of Lords has nothing whatever to do with tax making, a point never fully determined. They also threatened to abolish the House of Lords, or, failing in that, to cause the creation of enough Liberal peers to outvote the present lords. The lords may reject the proposed budget and force an election. Even so they stand to lose much. A severe Unionist defeat would weaken the House of Lords to such an extent that it would become practically a negligible force in British government. In Russia the center of Interest lies in Finland. Russia is asserting control over the railroads in Finland and Is making an issue over a demand for the levying of taxes for the benefit of Russia. In the Canary Islands there have been volcanic eruptions, and four towns are threatened with devastation by hot lava. In Nicaragua the rebellion continues to gain strength. A battle was fought on Friday last. President Zelaya, has ordered the execution of two citizens of the United States, who were captured while in arms with the Revolutionists, and several vessels of war have been nispatenea rrom mis country to rsu?ragua. It Is claimed that these two men had commissions In the Insurgent army and ought to have been treated as prisoners of war. ? . ' DEWBERRY 8CHOOL AGENCY. This Agency was established In 1891 and for many years has served teaohers and schools in all parts of the Sonth and Southwest. Schools desiring teachers, or t achers desiring positions should address R. A. Clayton, Manager, Blrmlng ham, Ala.