The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 22, 1909, Page 24, Image 24

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24 TH SHERMAN PRESBYTERY. ; According to Synod's direction, the Presbytery of Sherman met for organ&i|ion in the First Presbyterian church ttf feherman, Tex., Dec. 6, and was c#n^ aLiiuteu wiiii prayer Dy tne moderator, Dr. T. A. Wharton. There were present five ministers and ten churches were represented, and eight additional elders were present as visitors. The new Presbytery, being one of the three formed out of the territory of Dallas, embraces the nine counties of Collin, Grayson, Denton, Cook, Montague, Clay, Wichita, Archer and Baylor, and has under its jurisdiction, 12 ministers; 1 licentiate, twenty-four churches and ten candidates for the ministry. Moderator, Rev. S. L. Rieves. Stated Clerk and Treasurer, Rev. Jno. V. McCall. The standinc rules <-?f rioiino bytery were adopted for the present. Dr. T. A. Wharton and Rev. Jno. V. McCall were appointed to prepare a manual and report at spring meeting. The home mission committee was empowered to arrange a schedule so that vacant churches may be supplied with preaching once a month. This committee was also authorized to plan a publicity campaign with a view to enlarged contributions. Rev. A. S. Venable was given evangelistic powers. Dr. T. A. Wharton and Rev. Jno. T. McCall were appointed to visit Wichita Falls, with a view to re-organization there, and they were empowered to dispose of the church lot at that point. Dr. Robert Hill and Rev. J. T. Sailes were corresponding members. Adjourned meeting?First church. Sherman. Mondiv Jan in mm The spring meeting?Iowa Park church, Wednesday, April 13, 1910, 8 p. m. Permanent Committees: Home Missions: Dr. T. A. Wharton, Rev. Jno. V. McCall, Rev. A. S. Venable, Prof. D. F. Eagleton, W. G. Richardson. Foreign Missions: Rev. S. L. Rieves, Dr. J. C. Irwin, C. H. Roberts. ministerial taucational and Relief: Dr. T. S. Clyce, Rev. E. S. Lowrance, Prof. C. R. Pepper. Sabbath School Work and Young Peoples Societies: J. P. Critz, S. R. Ludlow, Rev. F. L. McFadden. | SERMONS I ? BY THE 8 $ REV. G. B. STRICKLER, D.D. $ n ? on . | i Doctrines of Calvin f $ and other vital snbjects $ ? tt 8 A 'rom Pastor Z Suitable ItIP I ? ~ ^ ? Now in PRESS of Revell | Price $1.00 Postpaid ? tt All orders mast be sent prepaid to $ ? , REV. H. W. PRATT ? Iks Decatur Washington, D. C. + tt4tt+84tt4848484848+848484tt484 E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOI Colored Evangelization: Rev. A. S. Venable, Rev. J. C. Sligh, J. S. Kerr. Sessional Records: Rev. E. S. Low lauw, n.?v. A. ?. v enable, N. L.. Low^ ; | 5 Minutes of the Assembly and Synod: Rev. Jno. V. McCall, Rev. S. L. Rieves, R. S. Rose. Systematic Beneficence: Dr. T. A. Wharton, Rev. F. L. McFadden, J. E. Wharton. Bible Cause: W. G. Venable, Dr. T. S. Clyce, Dr. L. P. Tenney. Cikk.tU r\t * ? T " *' * uouuaui wuscrvancc; ltt'V. J. (J. SUgtl, S. T. Venable, A. P. Ferrill. Schools and Colleges: Dr. T. R. Sampson, C. C. Scott, Judge S. A. Denney. Assembly's Home and School: Rev. S. L. Rieves, Dr. J. C. Irwin, J. P. Barron. Texas Presbyterian Home and School: Prof. C. T. Work, Rev. F. L. McFadden, J. S. Kerr. Women's Societies: Rev. Jno. V. McCall, R. S. Rose, B. A. Hugon. Examinations: Languages: Rev. A. S. Venable, Rev. F. L. McFadden, Prof. C. R. Pepper. Theology: Dr. T. S. Clyce, Rev. Jno. V. McCall, C. N. Roberts. Arts and Sciences: Rev. F. L. McFadden, Dr. T. A. Wharton, Prof. D. F. Eagleton. Ecclesiastical History: Rev. E. S. Lowrance, Rev. S. L. Rieves, E. W. Coleman. Church History: Rev. A. S. Venable, Rev. S. L. Rieves, Dr. T. N. H. Wylie. J no. V. McCall, S. C. WHAT DOES BAPTISM REPRESENT? First. It .does not represent the burial of Christ. 1. Because the Scriptures, when properly interpreted, do not so teach. 2. Because the burial of Christ does not represent an essential In the plan of salvation. li The World's Grea on the International S cSLj Rev. F. N. Peloubet, D.D.*?d AUUIll ^V??1 AlinVA 11 Next to the Bible, the I 1 PRACTICAL UP TO P 1 Advanced methods of I P 1 practical. Have been Pm I treatment of the lessoni e I the result of recent rest in tHis commentary, an g J the Bible student is pre form and is arranged so 1 effectively used. THis indispensable by all -w IT Cloth, price, $ 4+ W. A. WILDE COMPAQ FOR 8ALE BY PRESBYTERIAN CO RICHMC x"n 1TH. December 22, 1909. ::rrr: ; IV , 8. Because the burial represents no work of Christ. It was performed by men. | 4. Because it would make the baptism of Christ represent His own burial. It certainly could not have represented this to the Jews. 5. Because that which represents the burial is required previous to that which represents His death. 6. Because we have only two isolated references which can in any sense be made to teach it, and these do not occur until about thirty years afterwards. 7. Because it would have one sacrament representing the work of Christ, one that of men, and none to represent that of the Holy Spirit. 0. Because it is ttie exception and nj t the rule when water is used for burial. Second. It does represent the work of the Holy Spirit. 1. Because the Scriptures so affirm Acts 2:38; 22:16. 2. Because water Baptism is always associated with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in His work of cleansing or purifying. Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8-10; John 1:19-34; John 3:22-26; Acts 1:5-8; 10:4448; 11:15-18. 3. Because one of the chief uses of water is for purification, and not for burial. 4. The altar and the laver stood side by side in the old dispensation. Representing the baptism of the Holy cspirn., we naiurany conclude that It is performed in the same manner as that of the Spirit, viz.: poured out upon, shed forth, etc. _ H. P. McClintic. When a Christian finds himself desiring more of the world, it is a sure sign that he needs more of Christ.?Exchange. itest Commentary unday School Lessons ^Prof Amos R.IVells, A.M. L VOLUME W teacher's best friend 11 DATE-CONDENSED / 1 Ickchin^, when deemed f 3 incorporated into the I S ?t modern thought and I 3 iarch are always found I d all that is essential to I sented in a condensed I gM that lt\;an be easily and a - voiume is regarded as Ho Have ever used it. 1.25, postpaid [Y KWTO*=J? OTLSTWf IT. J k 1'? CkkacaOffiottSWaUdAee ^ MMITTEE OP PUBLICATION, >ND, VA.