The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 29, 1909, Page 24, Image 24

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<:A if. o.: 24 THE PRESBYTERL I Full, Fair, Clean, J r' I THE RICHMOl \ The New State t 4^ To Be Published t PRICE $4.00 PER 1 | t s. B. WOODFIN, Managing Editor. (Twenty-five years with Dispatch and Times-Dispatch.) ? WHAT I PAPER? + The paper that will be fair to the Temperance people -4- and the Temperance cause. The paper that will be fair to all parties and factions. a iue paper inai win not advertise liquors, dopes or ^ I gambling schemes. 4 ** The paper that will devote itself to the moral as well as the material interests of this grand old Commonwealth. + The paper that will give and not suppress the news. X The paper that will give full, fair, clean, accurate news. ^ The paper that will give latest legitimate sports, market <* reports, weather reports, social and personal notes. J The paper that Is not afraid. << The paper you have longed to see. 4 11 The paper with the best equipment of modern up-to-date ^ machinery and facilities for distribution. a The paper that has established itself to stay. a* The paper in the South, which like the great papers -a* in the great cities of this country will publish several * > ** editions every twenty-four hours so that the paper mailed T to the subscribers will be the latest edition from the + press before the departure of the train. The paper whose afternoon editions are as good as the X morning edition, because each edition bears the latest X happening up to the time of issue. + The paper that is not satisfied to give Virginians anything but the very best service. The only paper published in the capital city with the great United Press service pouring the accumulated news of the world through Its columns. X The only paper published in the capital city making 4- a specialty of 8tate news. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTyTf?TTf TTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTi \N OF THE SOUTH December ag, igog. - .'frf.r* if* , Accurate News i SFD VIRGINIAN j Daily Newspaper i at Richmond, Va. T 4 fEAR IN ADVANCE < ? S. W. MEEK, Business Manager. ? (Formerly of Times-Dispatch, late of Washington Herald.) "' 4 SUBSCRIBE I NOW. | 1I7TTT7 vv n i r I > Because you should encourage the men who have put their brains, their enterprise and their money in such a paper. You have often said that you wanted Just such * * a paper. Did you mean it? - ?< > Because the United States Postal laws will not allow a paper to send out sample copies except 10 per cent., of their subscription list. A new paper has no subscription * * list, therefore this paper can send no sample copies " * until it acquires a list. Try It one year anyhow. We are sure that you will - always want it then, for the Richmond Virginian pledges itself to keep faith with the people. f Yon need send no monev now- flrat non^ - ?J? ?-hv wvmu juui uiuer, ^ ^ wait until the first copy reaches you, then send the money. _ < Cut out this order blank and mail it today. Get the "' first issue on, or about, January 1, 1910. - r - > STo the Richmond Virginian Co., Inc., * > Richmond, Va. Gentlemen, seeing your advertisement in the Y - Presbyterian of the South and believing in such X * "t a paper as you describe, I hereby subscribe for X * ^ ? one year to the RICHMOND VIRGINIAN, at S4.00 i ^ > A ? -f per annum, for a daily issue of the said paper (not <? 0 'I including Sunday issue,) and I hereby agree to pay ",l ^ said amount of $4.00 within ten days after recelv- y ing the paper, - . 1 *, Please have your mailing clerks mail to me the ; > last edition of the paper from the press before the ** y ? quickest mail service to my postofflce. ? .? , <> < P * 4 ? ; 1 Name-.- . J J f p. o t i ' ' < o <? < o (> < > o <( '' Date . . A A 4 A A . A A A . A A - ?> ' 'T'T T T T 4^+4 4 4 -