The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 29, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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December 29, 1909. TH as much of interesting thought-provoking, stimulating, insnirine mutter na I may be condensed into such a compass. Written by a man who loves the South, who has cherished desires for the greatness and glory of his own Southland; he points out the way to success by his illuminating contrasts between conditions in Europe and America, in education, social conditions, the roads and the scientific treatment of agriculture. It will help all our people to read this book. "Cyrus Hall McCormick; His Life and Work." By Herbert N. Casson. Illustrated. 12 mo., pp. xli, 264. Chicago: i A. C. McClurg & Co. 1909. An interesting history of the inventor of the reaper, his life, principles, religion, struggles and success. What Whitney, of the North, was to the cotton lands of the South, so McCormick, of the soutn, was to the grain fields of the North. This biography is very appropriately published in this year, which marks the centennial of its subject's birth. Story Corner mmnnmtmsmummmtnntmtimnmm* "Marie, what's the use of your telling the girl to be sure and wake you at six o'clock? She does it every morning, and you never get up." "John. 1 don't want von to Intprforo with my way of running the house. 1 know lust what I am doing. When that girl calls me at six o'clock I knott she's up."?New Jersey Mirror. "Down in Front?The young man's mustache." "Lovers, like armies, get along well enough till the engagement begins." How She Knew.?Anxious Mother? j How do you know young Cashleigh is in love with you? Has he told you so? Pretty Daughter?N-no; but you should see the way he looks at me when I am not looking at him.?Chicago News. Will-power. He?"So your husband has given up smoking? It requires a pretty strong will to accomplish it." She?"Well, I'd have you understand that I have a strong will."?New Zealand Free Lance. Tommy Pod. what is the itifferenre between vision and sight? Tommy's Pop?Well, my son, you can 1 flatter a girl by calling her a vision, but 1 don't call her a sight.?Philadelphia Record. Yon Needn't keep on feeling distressed after eating, nor belrhing nor experiencing nausea between meals Hood's Sar?apnri is cures dyspepsia?it strengthen* the stomach and other digestive organs for the proper performance of their functions. lake Hood's. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO B48+848+84848484-8484848484848 I BOOKS for H( 44 Nothing is More Accepi ? Postpaid. 4- The Foreigners. Ralph Conner... .$1.25 ? My Lady of the South, Randall 4- Parrish 1.25 5 The Attic Guest, R. E. Knowles.. 1.25 15 rue Land of Long Ago, Eliza C. ? Hall 1.25 4 The Victor, R. S. Holmes 1.25 + Bride of the Mistletoe, Jas. Lane ? Allen 1.10 XX Adrift on an Ice Pan, Dr. Grenfell .75 ? Anne of Avonlea, Mrs. Montgom4. ery 1.25 Lords of High Decision, NicholH son 1.25 ^ Little Sister Snow, Francis Little. 1.00 4- Susanna and Sue, Kate Douglas ? Wiggin 1.65 U Peter, F. Hopkinson Smith 1.25 ? A Year in Europe, W. W. Moore.. 1.25 4- Calvin Memorial Addresses 1.50 5 Cardillac, Robt Barr 1.25 a Romance of a Plain Man, Glasgow 1.25' Set in Silver, Williamson 1.25 Wistful Years, Gibson 1.25 + Bella Donna, Hichen 1.25 t: 4- Our Holiday Catalogue Describes the B ** lications of the Season. Write Today 1 1 PRESBYTERIAN fftMMI T . * ? ?? VVUIIVI1 5 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA a a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a-fa+a+a+a* AFTER THE Send your THE FISHBURNE A W ayncsboi First examinations arc held in on January 6th, 1910. Write for ci 8 J n Southwestern Prest CLARK8VILLE, Thirty-Fifth Session C 1-iterary, Scientific, Divinity Courses. C.raduaies prominent in the South. Exc< No saloons. Expenses moderate. (1776) Hampden Sii Able Faculty. Select student body, ble moral and intellectual tone. Extensi leading to degrees B. A., B. S., B. Lit., 1 modern conveniences. One hundred and thirty fourth sessi For catalogue or other information t REV. HENRY TUCKER GRAHAN The Nowla High-Class Diamonds and nthor and Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties, and Latest Patterns. Fine Imported and Am ettes. Goods sent on approval upon scat 021 East Main Street. UTH 27 8+8*84-8+ 8+ 8+ ? 8+8+8+8*8+ 8+8* )LIDAY GIFTS f [able Than a Good Book ? 8 Postpaid. ^ Fisher's American Beauties 13.15 The Pool of Flame, Vance 1.25 $ Girls of Today, Underwood 3 00 5 The Christy Evangeline 1.65 ** The Fisher Hiawatha 1.65 8 Courtship of Miles Standish 1.65 8 Old School Day Romances, Riley. 1.65 q Out to Old Aunt Mary's, Riley... 1.65 The Courtln', Jas. Russell Lowell. 1.50 + Old Rose and Silver, Myrtle Reed 1.65 8 The Lilac Girl, Barbour 1.65 jj Kitty of the Roses, Barbour 1.65 The Value of Happiness, M. E. + Barron .' 1.50 8 The Value of Courage, M. E. tt Barron 1.50 ^ The Value of Cheerfulness, M. E. Barron 1.50 ^ d The Suitable Child, N. Duncan... .60 U The Angel and the Star, Conner.. .25 ? Beyond the Marshes, Conner 25 uur men innentance, jenner 25 + Cure for Care, Miller 25 U Why Grow Old, Marden 25 jj eautiful Books, Calendars and Art Pub- ? 'or a Free Copy. TTEE OF PUBLICATION | TEXARKANA, ARK.-TEX. ? n4?4t:-ta4a4?4?-?-?4tt4a ; HOLIDAYS If son to : | MILITARY SCHOOL o, Virginia December and work will bocin nnpw a italog and special rates. AMES A. FISHBURNE, Principal. ?yterian University , TENNE88EE. pens September 15th. Students nearly all church member*, silent athletic record. Healthful location. WILLIAM DINWIDDIE, Chancellor. dney College (1909) High standards and thorough work. Notave CammiB and Athletic Vielrl Cnnnwa VI. A. Steam heat, light, baths and other on begins September 15, 1909. iddress, I, President. Hampden-Sidney, Va. n r,nmnon\7 1. m. >ub Stones. New designs in Engagement Cases of Silver for Bridal Presents of Um lerican Watches. Opera Glasses and Lorgntisfactory city reference. RICHMOND, VA.