The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 29, 1909, Page 29, Image 29

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December 29, i9?9- THE In Russia Col. Karpoff, chief of the secret pdilce of St. Petersburg, was blown to pieces by a bomb, supposedly by the man to whose house he had been invited. In Japan, Paymaster Okezakl has invented a kitchen for army use. It is mounted on two wheels and can be used on any road. It boils rice and makes soud and when the rice is cooked it sounds a whistle, calling the men to their meal. WANTED:?A Virginia Lady wishes a situation as companion or elder sister's place in a home. Good reference given. Address M. L. B., Box 26, Gordonsville, Va. The Best Reed Organs the World Knows of are OKiiANS Sixty-three years ago Jacob Estey Invented the first "Estey," and from tliat day to this the one purpose of Its builders has been ?Improve meat. To-day the Estey Organ leads-In tone quality. In mechanical perfection. In durability. Many builders Imitate, none surpass, tlie Estey. We sell the Estey In a great variety of styles and alzes. Make a specialty of Church. Chapel and School Organs, and guarantee satisfaction. Ladden & Bates, Southern Music Boose Dept. EF, Savannah, 6s. The Soul Winner The Only Paper Devoted Exclusively to Mission Work in the Mountains. It contains the choicest religious reading with account of the prog ; icdb ui religious and educational ; I ; work among the most destitute and : ] : deserving of our unevangelized | countrymen. It publishes no adver : tisements. Terms only 25c a year. Published monthly by the 8ociety : of Soul Winners, Wllmore, Ky. EDWARD O. GUERRANT, President. JAMES ROBERT ALEXANDER, Secretary. mm????iiinnn?m;iiami?iiiiiimiMin??t Sommerville Trust Co., Inc. Thousands of Dollars belonging to Readers of this Paper are lying Idle In bank or drawing only 3 per cent or 4 per cent Interest. We can GUARANTEE you for YOURS A Da? r?i ? ^ 1 y ? vent interest In sums of $100 and up Sommerville Trust Co.. Inc. Norfolk, V*. Newport Newt, Vt. 3 Lea( Diitaace Phooei Aik tor leoklel K PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH , 2g ^1^ 1 VJ1I1U tvcic^o Until science discovered a way to construct the Automatic Smokeless Device, and make it completely dependable, all oil heaters had one common great fault?smoke. With the advent of the Automatic Smokeless Device, and its practical application to the PERFECTION All Vuu ncai^r [(Equipped with Smokeless Device)! the smoke problem was successfully The Perfection Oil Heater is the only heater equipped with this AiitAmatin ^UWIAIULIV Smokeless Device which insures a steady, full-glowing heat, with the wick turned up as high as it will r go, without a shred of smoke. Reverse the >C< motion, turn the wick down?there's no odor. I The smokeless device automatically locks J J v and prevents the upward movement of the \Wr ^ wick beyond the proper exposure. That \$J/ is the secret. This splendid result gives leadership to the Perfection. V You may now have all the heat you want?when you want it?and where you want it?without the annoyance of smoke or odor. Brass font holds 4 quarts of oil, which permits a glowing heat for 9 hours. Brass wick tube?damoer ton?cool handle Cleaned in a minnfe The Perfection is beautifully finished in Nickel or japan. Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency of the STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (Incorporated) Washington and Lee University LAW, ENGINEERING, COMMERCE, SCIENCE, LETTERS. Students drawn from thirty States. Expenses very moderate. High moral aa* religious tone. Address, Pres. GEO. H. DENNY, LL. D., Lexington, Va. Solari's Fine Imported and Domestic Groceries OUR GOODS ARE ALWAY8 FRESH. Corner Royal and Custom House Streets?Phone 714. Corner St. Charles and Louisiana Avenues?Phone S7L Complete Catalogue Issued. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. Incorporated 18M FIRE RIVER MARINE SUN INSURANCE CO. OF NEW ORLEANS Chaa. Janvier, President. William P. Maus, Secretary. Fergus O. Lee, Vice-President | THE BEST MADE Angell's Cough and Whooping Cough Syrup J Contains No Opium or Morphine. I I For Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Throat Trouble. ^ FOR SALE BY ALL DRUQGI8T9. PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS. 1 F. Salmon, President. J. A. Salmon, Vice-President. J. Salmon, Sec'y and Taaae. Caiman Rrirk A I titnhpp Pa T tiI SAW ^ planing mills, brick iaimen criCK <3 LumDer to., Liu. works and main or r ice-, slid ell, la New Orleans Office?716 Common Street, 8L Charles Hotel Building. Yellow Pine *nd Cypress Lumber, Preeed and Ordinary Brlek. Phone Main 111. 'V?