The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 20, 1922, Page 13, Image 14

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A PRICELESS GIFT TO THE CHURCH SOUTHWESTERN, the College of the Mississippi Valley once a dream, is now becoming a reality. The spur track on the campus is ready for hauling cars of materials. The architect's plans for the first buildings are complete. The quarry has been secured and stone is being quarried. The only delay now is in the payment of pledges. December is Pay-Up Month Contracts cannot be let until the cash is in bank. Pay your pledge in full, if possible, and help us to speed up the building pro gram. He helps doubly who pays promptly. Send check to L. C. HUMES, Treasurer SOUTHWESTE RJN The College of the Mississippi Valley Memphis, Tenn. righteous will find no forgiveness in Him, for they do not try to find it. But no sinner ever went to Him in the right spirit, who did not receive salvation. Jesus was the greatest of all mis sionaries. He came from heaven to seek and to save the lost, by bringing to them salvation. He came to con quer Satan, and showed His power of doing so, by driving out of men the devils by which they were possessed. In the face of the plain teaching of Scripture, let no one deny that men were really possessed of devils. In the short period of His life time on earth, and especially of His pub lic ministry, Jesus could not reach all the people of Palestine and spend enough time with them to win them to salvation, much less could He reach all the world. So He sent out first His twelve Apostles and then seventy other disciples, in order that they might tell of the coming of the Sav iour. So today He sends out His peo ple to tell those who are in ignor ance of Him, that He is the Saviour of sinners. Every Christian should be a missionary to some one or more who knows not Christ. One of the most important lessons taught in the Bible is that which deals with our duty to our fellowmen. The Jews held that they must render any assistance needed by a neighbor, pro vided he was a Jew. But they taught that there was no obligation resting hpon them to do anything for the ben efit of one of another race. Jesus, in the parable of tbe good Samaritan, taught that our neighbor is the man that needs our help. It is not a ques tion as to race or locality. Our near est neighbor, the one who needs us most, may be in Africa or China. Jesus was often beset by enemies, those who made slanderous charges against Him, and who would have done Him any harm that was possible. It is a comforl to know that He had friends, loyal and true, who loved Him and delighted to have Him in their home. How often we have en vied Martha and Mary, ang yet, why should we? We can have Him just as really in our homes, as they had Him in theirs. He offers to come In and abide in any home that wants Him. Jesus teaches us that we are to hypocrisy and to put our trust in Ood. He shows how Ood will treat us, by showing how He cares for the birds and flowers. Without any conceit, we can say we are worth more than they are. So we can be assured that Ood will take care of us, if we are as faith ful in fulfllling the purpose of our lives as are the birds and flowers. They do what Ood wants them to. If we will do what Ood wants us tn do, we ill never lack His care. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HELPS Tarbell's Teachers' Guide. By Mar tha Tarbell, Ph.D. Publishers, Flem ing H. Revell Company, New York. Price $2. This is the eighteenth an nual volume of the Guide. It is a wonderfully practical help in the study of the lessons. One of its striking features is the number of well-chosen selections from many of the great writers of the world. Usually the ex position is very good. But there is one very serious objection to it. Dr. Tarbell does not believe in the super* natural in the miracles of the Saviour, and never fails to try to explain them by natural causes. 1ms is, of course, practically denying the Inspiration of the Scriptures. For this reason it is not a safe book to put into the hands of young people or any others who are not well grounded In the faith. It seems strange that a writer of Dr. Tarbell's ability should undertake in this way to undermine the faith of her readers. The Gist of the liesson. By R. A. Torrey. Publishers, Fleming H. Rev. ell Company, New York. ' Price 35 cents. For twenty-four years this lit tle vest-pocket book has been of great help to busy Sunday-school teachers. This year it has added two new fea tures. The text of the lesson is printed in black type and is taken up para graph at a time and brief and pointed comments are made upon the teaching of the paragraph. None can bring out the heart of the passage more briefly and pointedly than can Dr. Tor rey. The other new feature is a well prepared set of a few questions to questions to bring out the meaning of the passage in a way that will prove a help to teacher who will use it. CraniieH's Pocket Lcmoiu. By Philip Wendell Crannell, D. D. Pub lishers, The Judson Press, Philadel phia. Price 35 cents. This little book is only 2 3-4 by 5 3-4 inches in size. It gives the lessen verses from the American Revised Version, the dally readings and brief exposition of the lesson. Bach lesson has an introduc tory paragraph, giving Its "setting." The little book of 200 small pages must not be Judged by its site. It la a good Illustration of the saying, "pre cious goods are put up In small pack ages." Blackboard Efficiency. By R. F. Y. Pierce, D. D. Publishers, Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. Price $1.60. Through "the eye gate" is one of the best ways to convey truth, espe cially to the young. Most readers of Sunday-school literature are tamiliar with the initials "R. F. Y. P." at tho bottom of sketches for the blackboard. Dr. Pierce is an expert in the line. This book gives many examples of his work and helpful suggestions for doing this kind of teaching. It will be found very useful to Sunday-school teachers, especially to those who teach the younger children. A Program for Sunday-school Man. agement. By Charles W. Brewbaker, D. D. Publishers, Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. Price fl. This book is written in a simple, clear any prac tial style that will appeal to any one interested in Sunday-school manage ment. It is full of helpful suggestions that will aid any Sunday-school super intendent, no matter whether his school is large or small. Pelonbet's Select Notes. By Amos R. Wells. Published by W. A. Wilde Company, Boston. Price 2. Though the original author of this valuable assistant to the study of the Sunday School, Dr. Peloubet, has gone to his eternal reward, the aroma not only of his name, but of his spirit still clings to the book. His mantle has fallen on Dr. Wells, and right well does ha HeShue Bell Foundry Co. din BALTIMORE, MO. . JUUU CHURCH. CHIME ud PEAL H BCI I C Memorial* wear it. This is the forty-ninth vol ume of these Notes. No other help to the study of the Sunday-school les sons has lived so long or been so popu lar. It is sound, practical and sug gestive. While these Notes are in tended primarily for teachers and scholars of advanced classes, they will prove very helpful to the teachers of all grades. If every Sunday-school teacher would provide himself with this book and study it carefully, there The Best <?>f)ristma$ <Mt The Presbyterian of the South Price $2.50 CROUP WHOOPING COUGH I ROCHE'S^ EMBROCATION W. EDWAR OS * SON <* London-Kn?l*ad Let us make your CHRISTMAS CAKES for you Pound Cakes, Layer Cakes, or Any Other Kind of Cakes You May Desire Prices Reasonable Phone Your Order as Early as Possible Don't Forget Our Fruit Cake, 55c a Pound 522 East Broad Street BARKER BAKERIES, INC. Phone Randolph 5752 RICHMOND, VA. OUEEN VICTORIA'S FAVORITE APPLES ALBEMARLE PIPPINS No Better Apples Grown Anywhere than in Albemarle County, Va. WE GROW WINESAPS ALSO Our Apples ripen on the trees and are not put in cold storage, so the delicious flavor remains. They are carefully selected and well wrapped. Pippins, $4 a Box; $8 a Barrel. Second Grade, $4 a Barrel Winesaps, 13 a Box; $7 a Barrel Shipped by Express or Fast Freight ALBEMARLE ORCHARD COMPANY * Charlottesville, Va. ?