The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, December 27, 1922, Page 14, Image 16

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THE MESSAGE OF STEWARDSHIP By RALPH S. CUSHMAN This book has been written out of a deep desire to indieate more clearly the inestimable value of the stewardship message, by showing that the principle of stewardship underlies the entire message of the Old and New Testaments. The book is prepared for use in daily devotions and for clasacs in the study of stewardship. To the latter end the introductory section of each will assure additional help. Material for helps for class and individual study will be found at the close of each chapter, and spe cial emphasis has been laid on the stewardship of business. Pricc, net, $1.00, postpaid. ADVENTURES IN STEWARDSHIP By RALPH S. CUSHMAN and MARTHA F. BELLINGER "It will be very useful to pastors and other Church workers who are urg ing the matter of stewardship in any of its phases to make a careful study of this little book. It is established upon things practical." ? The Christian Advocate. Price, net, SO cents, postpaid. At the Better Bookshops THE ABINGDON PRESS New York Cincinnati t'liicnro Bunion Detroit Pittsburgh Kansas City San Francisco Portland. Ore. PRAYER CALENDAR FOR 1923 PRICE 15c OR $1.50 PER DOZEN. The 1923 Prayer Calendar is the most artistic yet published and a copy should be in every home in the church. It contains the name of every Home and Foreign Mission worker of our Church and their place of service, also a brief out line of the activities of every Executive Agency of our Assembly. It will stimulate interest and enlarge information if the workers are remembered daily in prayer as suggested in the Calendar. ORDER FROM Presbyterian Committee of Publication Richmond, Va., Texarkana, Ark.-Tex. THE CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK In the Center of the Shoppint District 3% Allowed on Savings Accounts 3d and Broad Streets HAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE Hampden-Sldney, Va. A College for men, founded 1776. Degrees of B. A., B. 8. and M. A. En trance on certificate from accrerdlted school*. Iedal location In beautlfull climate. New gymnasium. All outdoor sports. Equipment thoroughly mod ern. Expenses reasonable. Students receive personal attention from faculty. Write for Booklet and Catalogue. J. D. EGGLESTON, LL. D., President. Hampd en-Sidney, Va THE NOWLAN COMPANY . High-Class Diamonds and other Precious Stones. New designs In Engage ment and Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties and Cases of Silver for Bridal Presents of the Largest Patterns. Fine Imported and American Watches, Opera Glasses and Dorgnetta Goods sent on approval upon satisfactory city references. 207 W. BROAD STREET. RICHMOND, VA. a cnrcTnc saves coal /IJDLO 1 Uj protects heating system Now is the proper time to put your heating system in first class shape by covering all pipes and boilers with Improved Asbestocel Covering. SOUTHERN ASBESTOS M'FG CO. , RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. DISTRIBUTORS OF REFRIGERATING EQUIPMENT ASBESTOS ROOFING, etc that each one of the men. as classi fied above, in our Church, hold him self in readiness, with the approval of course of his Committee or Board, to go to any church assigned in his respective Synod on the above dates. Plans will be worked out by which the Secretary of Stewardship in each Synod will know the men who have consented to serve, and he will make all assignments. It is the purpose of this Movement to enlist every avail able worker in our Church for the three Sundays prior to the Every Member Canvass. There are about 200 men available, and if every one consents to serve we will reach at least 600 churches in our Assembly through their service. Since the Every-Member Canvass profits alT causes, each man will charge his trav eling expenses to the agency for which he works. We have adopted a plan to have a service in every church in the Assem bly on the first three Sundays of March, regardless or' how small the church is, or how remote, or when it has stated services. A personal letter is being sent to every man who belongs to one of tho above classes, but should any one be omitted, let him regard this as a re quest, on the part of the Assembly'3 Stewardship Committee, to give his time. Let us make this the most effective and far-reaching effort for the Every Member Canvass that our Church has ever made. The Assembly's Stewardship Commit tee. M. E. Melvin, General Secretary. BANNER WINNEifS FOR 1922. R. E. Magill, Secretary. The contest for the Presbyterial Banner, awarded for the largest offer ing per member for Sunday-school Extension, developed a keen spirit of friendly, rivalry and resulted in a greatly enlarged interest in the work of Sunday-school Extension. The reports indicate that there was an increase in the number of schools observing Rally Day, that a notable gain in enrollment was made, that plans were outlined for a better typo of work for the coming year, and that the ofTering was larger than ever be fore. . A spirit of sacrificial giving was shown which indicates that our Sun day-school membership appreciate their previligee and that they wish to make similar blessings possible for the great multitude of spiriuality des titute young people in the South. .While only one school in a Presby tery would win a banner all the con testants have a rich reward in the con sciousness that they had a part in sending the Gospel messu:^u those who need it most. Our congratulations to the success ful schools and our sincere thanks to all who had a part in the most suc cessful Rally Day observance in the history of our Church. Banner Sunday Schools for 11)22. Alabama Synod ? East Alabama, Florala; Mobile, Jackson; North Ala bama, Tuscumbia; Tuscaloosa, Ma rion. Appalachia Synod ? Abingdon, Dub lin; Asheville, Bryson City; Holston, Cold Spring; Knoxville, Moore Memo rial. Arkansas Synod ? Arkansas, Bythe ville; Ouachita, Louisville; Pine Bluff, Alexander Memorial; Wash burn, Prairie Grove. Florida Synod ? Florida, Marianna; St. John's, Palmetto; Sewanee, Mcin tosh. Georgia Synod ? Athens, Commerce; YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS Printed in Dark Blue Ink on 200 sheets of note paper, (6x7 inches) and 100 envelopes, ?i aa TOWER CHIMES The music of Deagan TowerChimes rcaches out ic unseen thousands, bear ing a sublime message of peace and good will. Whether in the ritual of the service, or in playing the old time favorite hymns, the solemn, beau tiful tones of Deagan Tower Chimes will serve the community for gen erations, acting as a bene diction and blessing ? a constant call to "worship. The Memorial Sublime What more fitting memorial or greater philanthrophy could be bestowed on any community than a set of Deagan Tower Chimes! Played from Electric Keyboard by the organist. The only real improvement in Tower Chimes in centuries. Wntt for complete information J. C. DEAGAN, Inc. Deagan Building 4273 Raven* wood Avenue Chicago, 111. H. S: BARTON PRINTING COMPANY, R. F. D. 3., Richmond, Va. FURNITURE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS Select it at The store that pleases Jones Bros. & Co. 1418-20 E. MAIN ST. Richmond, Va. EAR shells DEAFNESS A new efficient aid for deafness. No trouble to use; can be used continuously; no batteries; no cords; no headbands; no expense; Is Inconspicuous. Dr. C. E. STOKOB, 877 Central Bid** ?Lou Anirlea, Ca.l jHrfsOH^OOTSoy^ ? ACTS LIKE MAGIC^ ON TIRED.TENDER. SMARTING. SWOLLEN. SWEATY FEET , 660 cures Malaria, Cliills and Fever. Dengue of Bilious Fever. It kills the germs. NTH I N E 3 Restores Gray Hair to Its Natural Color REMOVES DANDRUFF AND SCURF langocstss sad prevents tke hair from fslling oak MABVtLOUl IN ITS SFTKCTO For Salt by Drafglth, or Sent Dlrtclbs Mail XANTHINE COMPANY, Richmond, Va. Fikafl. bcttb, bid ?!? SSc. S?s4 br drcakr ,