The Christian index. (Washington, Ga.) 1835-1866, June 05, 1846, Image 1

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JOSEPtf S. BAKER— Editor. VOL. XIV. irom the Catolina Baptist. Southern Baptist Courcutian- ADIiESION OR SEPARATION. Bro. Haynes , —The meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention is draw ing near, ami brethren are very pro perly deliberating as to the policy to be pursued in reference to the North ern Societies, organized for the distri bution of the Bible and other religious publications. I agice with you in saying that it is not a question of ad hesion, but one of uniting. Shall we unite with the American and Foreign Bible Society and with the American H.j.o.i Rubiiealiuu Society ! Or shall the Southern Baptist Convention attend to these objects by agencies of its own? ‘V, Baptist Con vention is a hew being, and i pon en tering the world, must determine its relation to other beings already in ex istence. Shall that relation be auxilia ry and subsidiary to the organized Northern Societies, or one of indepen dence and equality ! Asa matter of right, the Northern Societies have no claim upon the Southern Baptist Convention. In truth, she is untrammelled by any ties of vassalage. The purpose of its or ganization was tn direct “the energies of the whole denomination in one sa cred effort for the propagation of the gospel.” This purpose will inevita bly be defeated by a union with the Northern Societies, lor there are good, esteemed, and beloved brethren whose conscience forbids such a connexion. The design of the Convention is “to promote Foreign and Domestic Mis sions and other important objects con nected with the Redeemer’s kingdom.” If these important objects are not the dissemination of the Bible and other religious publications, it will be diffi cult to define them. -The p'wpnse and design of the Con vention, it appears to the writer, can he accomplished only by taking into its own hands the contiol of all Bible and Publication operations. We sub mit a hint of a plan which if approved by the brethren may be more fully developed. Let a Publication Board be established by the Southern Bap tist Convention, with such powers as brethren may deem proper. 01 course at! the wisdom of khe denomination ought to he brought into exercise in settling the details. Let the Conven tion assume the responsibility of its own Bible operations and matte the Publication Board its organ for the Home department. By this arrage ■■lent, Colporteurs, churches, &c. may conveniently obtain supplies of all books they may need. Lei the Board of Foreign Missions be made the or gan of Bible operations abroad. By means of thrir missionaries, the work can most appropriately be done. I think a plan similar to this, would be practicable and efficient. 1 think it would meet the views ofbrethren who cannot unite with the Northern Socie ties, and that it should not be opposed by the most devoted friend of those Societies. In adopting a scheme like this, we do no injury to our North ern brethren; we express no disap probation of their past acts ; we im ply no censure; we manifest no leant of confidence. We only carry into full effect the purposes and designs for which the Southern Baptist Con vention was organized. Without some machinery for accomplishing these purposes, the Convention is in complete and deficient. Under the plan proposed we look to that Con vention alone; and in every benevo lent effort we make, we are fulfilling her destiny. In shoit, this plan, we think, combines these merits:—lst. It does no injury to any Society al ready in existence. 2d. It ought to meet the views of brethren who call for an entirely independent organiza tion, and ought not to ho objected to by Oreihren who might prefer a union with existing bodies. 3rd. It accom plishes all the ends of a complete and harmonious Southern Baptist Union. 4th. It is more simple in detail than any plan we have seen suggested. Whatever views may prevail in the Conventions, we pray that they may be such as will, in the language of the preamble of our constitution, “ elicit , combine, and direct the energies of the whole denomination in one sacred effort for the propagation of the Gospel .” Adelphos. Newspapers in Oregon A gen tleman has left Honololu, with a press and types, for the purpose of establish ing a newspaper in Oregon city. This press and these tvpes went fiom New York. Anti-Slavery Books. — We see it stated in one of our exchanges, that the Wesleyan Methodist Book Con cern in New York, have purchased the stock of anti-slavery books that ‘ belonged to Mr. Lewis Tappan, and that they arc to be placed in the hands of their traveling agents. i THE CHRISTIAN INWEX. Macon, 15th May, 1846. 1* ,e Baptist Convention of the State oT Georgia, assembled according to adjournment. At 10 and i o’clock A. M., the introductory Sermon was preached by Bro. J. S. Law, Iroin 1 Cor. 18:13. 2. At 2 o’clock P. M., the Convention was called to order by the Moder ator, and opened with the usual religious exercises,- Prayer by Bro. James Carter. 3. One of the Clerks being absent, Bro. A. Williams was requested to act as assistant clerk, til 1 the Convention-organize. 4. Associations, and Auxiliary Societies with their delegates, were enroll ed as follows: Western Association, —J. W. Cooper, H. Posey, J. Rainwater, R. Flem ing, James Davis, A. M. Matthews, Juhu White, Philip Williams. Rehoboth Asso. J. King, M. Ausley, J. R. Kendrick, J. Lamar, E. Beall, A. T. Holmes, W. H. Fornerden, aud J. M. Wood. Sunbury Asso.—■#. S. Law, Win. H. Mclntosh, A. Williams, H. Q. Wyer, and James Smith. * Flint River Carter. J. S. Clillowav r -AV„X*Sn.nltons. Xhos. Dyson, i.ewis Beck. bethel Asso.—L. 1 albot, F. F. Sieg, Jonathan Davis. Appaluchee Asso—N. llill, B. Langford, W. lluthcrlord. Columbus Asso.— J. Perryman, G. Granberrv, J. Carter, S. W. Dur ham, YV. Barry, L. Walker. Georgia Asso. B. M. Sanders, I’. Stocks, V. R. Thornton, A. Janes, V. Sunlord, C. M. Irwin, Win. H. Stokes, and P. H. Well. Central Asso.—J. H. Campbell, T. J. Burney, J. F. Hillyer, T. U. U l!k( ’ s > J - P- James, Jno. Bryant, J. E. Sharpe, aud J. M. Bledsoe. Mercer University Missionary Society,—J. S. Baker and J. L. Reynolds. Columbus Missionary Society—T. lb Slade and E. T. Winkler. Cave Spring Missionary Society—A. Richardson and James Sanders. Twiggs County Missionary Society —James Ware and Daniel W. Shine. 5. The Convention went into an election of officers by ballot, when B. M. Sunders was elected Moderator, J\ H. Mell, Clerk, and J. L. Reynolds assistant Clerk, 6. invited ministers ol our own and other Evangelical denominations to seats. There appeared the brethren—R. Holman, H. Keeling, and W. Richards. 7. Received, on application, the Ebenezer Association as a constituent member of the Convention.—Delegates, C. A. Tliurpe, C. D. Mallarv, James Willliuinson, W. 11. Steele, H. Harvill, H. Bunn, Ceo. Walker, and Janies 11. Lofton. 8. An application was made by the Florida Association to be received as a constituent member.— While the question was under consideration, it was moved and carried to postpone the subject to to-morrow morning, and to appoint a Committee of three with instructions to report by resolution. Committee , Mallary, Beall, and Campbell. 9. Appointed a Committee on preaching—lngraham and Virgin, from the church, and Stocks, Richardson und Sanford, from the Convention. 10. An application for membership was made by the Young Men’s Missionary Society ofMercer University through their representatives, Brn. Benj. biuntly und VV . R. [lmidiv; —Alter some lime spent in discussion, it was voted to suspend the consideration of the subject, for the present, until after the appointment of the regular committees. 11. Du motion, the Moderator appointed the following Committees: On Business—C. D. Mallary, J. S. Law, J. 11. Campbell, A. T. Holmes and J. L Rey nolds. On Finance—H. Bunn, E. T. Winkler nndD. \V. Shine. On Nominations—G. Granberrv, C. M. Irwin und J. Rainwater. Ofi Publications—H. O Wyer, A. Williams and J. R. Kendrick. On Decease of Minister*—V. R. Thornton, I S. Callaway and J. B. Battle. On Sabbath Schools—J. S. Law, YV. H. Stokes and R. Fleming. On Education—A. T. Holmes, J. S. Law, C. D. Mallary and V. R. Thornton. On Temperance—Campbell, Lamar and Fleming. At this stage of the proceedings, the afternoon being far advanced, it was moved and carried to adjourn to 9 o’clock to-morrow morning Prayer by Bro. Thornton. Saturdav, 10th May. Convention met at 9 o’clock—Prayer by Bro. Posey. 12. From the lieplizibah Association there appeared as delegates, the brethren, Jonathan Huff, J Polhill, YV. L. Tucker, J. 11. T. Kilpatrick, YVm. Sjpp aud L. J. Robert. From the Coosa Association—James Sunders. From Tulbottun Bible Society—M. A. George and E. 11. Beall. 13. The Committee on business made a report which was adopted. 14. ‘l’he Committee on the Florida application reported a verba! recom mendation : first, to act once upon the proposed amendment to the 15lh Art. ol the Constitution, and then to adopt for the 2nd Art. the following substitute: “The constituents of this Body, ure the Baptist Associations in the State of Georgia, or as many of them as may think proper to accede to the terms of this Convention, and such Auxiliary Societies us contribute annual ly to our funds, whose Constitutions may be approved. Associations and Societies located out of the Stute may be received into the Body, when their peculiar location, and other circumstances, may, in the judgment of this Convention, render it desirable and important.” 15. Voted to suspend the order of business, and proceed to act at once upon the proposed amendments to the Constitution ; when they were taken up one by one and unanimously adopted. (See Appendix A.) 16. ‘l’he application from the Florida Association was again taken up, and after protracted debate, and before its decision, tho Convention adjourn ed to 3 o’clock P. M. 3 o’clock t*. M. Convention met —Prayer by Bro. McDonald. 17 Took up the unfinished business of the morning, when it was Resolved, That the Florida Association be received as a constituent mem ber of this Convention. Bro. James McDonald, the only delegate in attend ance was welcomed by the Moderator to a seat among us. 18. The application from the Young Men’s Missionary Society of Mercer University, laid over from yesterday, was taken up and received, and its delegates, Brethren Benj. Bruritly and YV. R. iiandiy, took their seats in the Convention. 19. Called for Correspondents, when there appeared from the Rock Mountain Association, bro. Lewis Towers. Valley River Association, Bre’n. Wm, Martin undT. YV. Batchollor. 20. Read communications Irom the Enon, Newnan and Bethel churches, (Western Asso.,) reporting sums ol money contributed by them for the Texas Mission, and making certain suggestions for the advancement of the Domestic Mission cause. 21 Appointed a Committee on Domestic and Foreign Missions, consistin'’ of Kilpatrick, Mallary, C. Tharpe, B. M. Sanders and J. Lamar. 22. The report of the Executive Committee was read nnd referred to ap propriate committees. That part relating to Domestic Missions in general was referred to the Committee on Domestic and Foreign Missions. The remainder of the report was referred to a select committee of Stokes, Irwin, Thornton, Callaway and Posey, with instructions to report particularly in regard to the “Village Plan” recommended by the Executive Committee. On motion, the Convention adjourned to 9 o’clock Monday morning. Prayer by the Moderator. Lord’s day, 17th. At 10 o’clock Bro. H. O. Wyer preached the Education Sermon, from 2 Tim. 2:15, and a collection wus taken up amounting to SBO 80. Bro. Huckins preached in the P. M., and bro. J. L. Reynolds at ni"ht. The Presbyterian pulpit was occupied by brethren Mallary, Holmes, and Mell; the Methodist, by the brethren Sanders, Po.sev, nnd Winkler, and the pulpit of tho colored Baptist church by the brethren J. Davis, J. King. Monday 18th, 9 o’clook. Convention met.—The Moderator being absent fiom indisposition, bro. Thomas Stocks was called to the chair.— Prayer by bro. Kilpatrick. 1 23. Renewed the invitation to Ministers, which wus accepted by bre’n. Huckins of Texas. Barnabas Strickland of Ala., and bro. Crumli a minis- 1 ter of the M. E. Church. , FOR TIIE BAPTIST CONY'ENTToJ'JHfctE STATE OF GEORGIA. PENFIELD, 1846. 24. delegate to the Indian Mission Association at its last session, [made avferbul report, and subsequently presented to the Clerk a wrilteciwwnt;m, wlitc-h~w4tt be found in Appendix B. 25. ReceiveTfnd adopted the report of the Board of Trustee? of Mercer University., >C.) S 26. RSceivedVc-jibrt of the special comnrvttee or. Ex. Committofes’ report; aodafopt§d it Wh amendments. (App. D.) 27. Adopted £port of Ex. Committee. (App. E.) 28. Appointej correspondents: To the Rock Mountain Association — Posey, Rutherlsrd, Irwin, Thornton, and J. F. Hiliyer, Saturday belbre 2d Sabbath in y^'.cmber —Salem, 10 miles N. W. of Covington. High tower Davis atidff. King, Friday before 3d Sabbath in August—Friendship, 4 miles N. YV'. Cumining. Tallapoosa Association — Rainwater, J. Callaway, J. P. James, Posey, Saturday before the 2d Sab buth in September—Enon church, Campbell co. Alabama Convention— Perryman, Cranberry, Hiliyer, Jonathan Davis, Saturday before the 3d Sabbath iu November—Marion, Perry co. S. Carolina Convention—Rey nolds, Law, ( M<; jitoslt, Tucker, i’ullnll, Stokes, Robert and Mell, Saturday before the iu December—BuiTftWft church. Valley River As sociation—Posey, Thornton, Sanders, Irwin, Friday before the 4th Sabbath in September—chhrch at Tusquilia, 4 miles N. E, of Fort Hembree, Chero kee co., N. C. 29. Ihe committee on nominations reported the following appointments, w hich were adopted 1 lo preach the Sermon, A. T. Holmes—alternate, V. R. 1 hornton ; the Eduqilion Sermon, J. L. Reynolds—alternate, C. D. Mal lary. j Adjourned to 3 o’qock, P. M. Prayer by brother Holmes. , . | 3 O’CLOCK, P. M. Convention met. Prayer by brother Jona. Davis. 30. Voted not tej appoint delegates to the Indian Mission Association, ns the money appropriated to pay their travelling expenses can be more profita bly employed iu susaining missions among the Indians. 31. Ihe committee on publications presented their report, which, after amendment, was adapted. (App. F.) 32. Appointed thjr next annual meeting of the Convention with tho church iu the city ol Savannah, Friday before the 3d Lord’s day in May, 1847. 33. Received an<j adopted the report of the committee on decease of min isters. (App. G.) j 34. Listened to the reading of brother Layv’s Essay on the religious in struction of the coin ed people, which yvas prepared at the request of the last Convention. YV hereupon, it was Resolved, 1 hat the thanks of this Convention be returned to brother Law the Essay, thnt he be requested to furnish a copy for publication in Resolved, furthet, That the Ex. Committee be recommended to appro priate S3O out of tlie General Purpose Fund for the publication of 1000 co pies of the Essay in pamphlet form. 35. I’he committee on Domestic nnd Foreign Missions presented a re port, which was adopted. (App. II.) 30. The committee on Temperutice presented their report, which yvas adopted. (App. 1.) 37. Instructed the Clerk to print in the Minutes the names and post-offi ces of all the Ministers of the Baptist denomination in the State, so far as they can be ascertuiied. (App. J.) I |^^ ® o’clock to-morrow morning. Prayer by brother Camp- On Monday night a Missionary Meeting was held, at which addicsses were made by IJ. Holman, Reynolds, Huckins, nnd Jns. Davis; and a collec tion to Hie amount ol 3199 taken up lor Domestic Missions connected with the Southern Baptist Convention. , Tuesday, 8 o’clock A. M. Convention met. Prayer by brother Fleming. 38. Committee on Sabbath Schools presented a report, yvhich was adorn ed. (App. L.) 39. Instructed the Clerk to print the Minutes of the Convention first in the Christian Index; nnd then 3000 in pamphlet form, and to sand a copy to every Baptist .Minister in the Slate, whose P. O. he cun ascertain. 40. The following resolutions were prefaced by remarks, and presented by brother Mullary, and unanimously adupted : Ist. Resolvedy That in all our efforts to advance the Redeemer’s king dom on the earth, it becomes us to he constantly und deeply affected bv°u sense ol an entire dependence upon God,ever keeping in vieyv the divine sentiment, “not py might, nor by power, but by my spirit sailh the Lord.” 2nd. Resolved, That in view of the apathy that 100 generally prevails in the churches ol Christ, with reference to this subject; their want of proper conformity to the zeal and holiness ol apostolic days; the amazing discrep ancy between their acknowledged duty to the perishing millions at home and in heathen lands, and the sacrifices they are making lo extend the cause of righteousness and truth; the scantiness of their pecuniary contributions; the small number ol luborers they ure sending forth to distant fields; the up parent deficiency in the faith and fervor of their prayers for the setting up of Christ’s kingdom and the limited amount of success that seems too general ly to attend the preaching of the gospel;—it is evident that a vustly increased measure of divini influence is needed to arouse the church of Christ to pro per efforts, arid the speedy conversion of the world. 3d. Resolved, Tnat whilst we deem it proper to attend to all lawful, subordinate means lor building up Christ’s kingdom, we deem it peculiarly im portant thut those means should be employed which would be likely to secure (through God’s mercy) a great increase of the presence and influence of the Spirit; especially that ministers should give increased prominence to this sub ject in their pulpit ministrations, and that the greatest possible efforts be made to secure amongst all God’s people, more constant, lervent and united prayer, for the copious outpouring of God’s Spirit upon ministers und church es to all lands, and upon tho world that lies in wickedness. On the same subject, brother Posey presented the following resolution, which was also unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we will every day, at some convenient time, between tho hours of 5 and 7 A. \L, engage in special prayer for the influences of the Holy Spirit upon the churches. After the adoption of the resolution, a short time was spent in prayer, bro. Posey leading. 41. Read and adopted the report of the Financial Committee. (App. M.) 42. Brother Campbell presented the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Treasurer be instructed iu future to submit his account to the Ex. Committee in advance of tho annual sessions of this body, which committee are requested to have the same audited before it shall come before the Convention. 43. Resolved, on motion of brother Baker, That brother Law be re quested to furnish a copy ol the Sarinon, delivered at tho opening of our pre sent session, for publication in the Baptist Preacher; and that the editors of that periodical be Requested lo admit the samo in their valuable work, if it comport with their views of propriety. 44. Re-elected IJ. Northern Treasurer, and J. L. Dagg, T. Stocks und A. Janes, members.of the Ex. Committee. 45. Resolved, That in the opinion oflhis Convention, it is expedient for the Southern Bapli|t Convention to udopt such a course at their meeting in Richmond as will unequivocally separate the South from the North in°ull the general organizations for Christian benevolence. 46. Instructed the Ex. Committee to appropriate S2O to defray the expen ses incurred by brother James Dttvisin attending, as a correspondent oflhis body, the Alabama Convention. 47. Resolved , That the thanks of this Convention are due, and are here by tendered, to the citizens of Macon nnd vicinity, for their kind hospitality to us during our session. 48. Afforded brother Campbell an opportunity to make statements con cerning his forthcoming histotieal work ; ufter which it was Resolved, 1 hat ive recommend to the patronugoof our denomination, and I the public generally, the contemplnted publication of brother J. H. Campbell, I entitled, “ Georgia Baptists, Biographical and Historical.” The Convention adjourned with prayer and benediction by the Modera tor. B. M. SANDERS, Moderator. P. H. Mell, Clerk. J. L. Reynolds, Assistant Clerk. I m •. . (A.) Constitution ol the Baptist Convention of tlic State of Georgia, m Altered and Amended. 1. This Body is constituted upon those principles of Christian Faith exhibited jn Scripture, generally acknowledged and received in the Bap'ist Denomination. 2. The constituents oT this Body are the Baptist Associations in the State of Georgia, ot as many of them as may think proper to accede to the terms of this Convention, and such Auxiliary Societies as contribute annually to our funds, whose constitutions may be approved. Associations and Socie ties located out ol the State may be received into the Body, when their pe cubar location, and other circumstances, may, in the judgment of this Cot. veiitinn, render it desirable and important. 3. It shall be known and distinguished by the name of “The Baptist Convention for the State cf Georgia.” 4- Each auxiliary society shall be entitled to two delegates to represent it in tliis body, and each Association lo any number not exceeding ten ; ail delegates shall hold their appointments until others are elected to succeed them. The delegates to the body shall all be ordetly members of Baptist C,lurches. 5. The officers of this union shall be a Moderator, a Cleik and Assistant Clerk; and a Treasurer, who shall be appointed by ballot at each annual meeting, and shall form a committee of us the Body during the recess of the meeting, but this committee maybe increased as occasion may require, and have authority to fill any vacancies which may happen, and also that of the Treasurer. 0. The Moderator shall perform the same duties that devolve on Modera tors in the several Associations, and in addition to this, shall be authorized loculi meetings of the committee iu the interval of annual meetings, shoo, he deem it expedient. t _ 7. The Clerk shall enter in a book, all the transactions of this Body.— 1 lie Assistant Clerk shall t'ke charge of all distant communications, to or from this Body, and shall write all the letters which it may require. 8. The Treasurer shall take charge of all moneys, specialities, and pro perty of all kinds, belonging to the body—give sufficient security for tho amount in his hands—report the state of the funds from time lo time, as tho Convention may direct —and hand over lo his successor in office all its moneys, property, &c. 9. The acts and proceedings of this Body shall be submilted, from lime to time, to its constituents for inspection ; and none of its decisions shall be binding on the Associations or Auxiliaties. 10. The following are the specific objects of this Body, viz: 1. To unite the influence and pious intelligence, of Georgia Baptists! and thereby to facilitate their union and co operation. 2. To form and encourage plans for the revival of experimental and practical religion iu the State and else where. 3. To aid iu giving effect to useful plans of the several Associa tions. 4. To afford an opportunity to those who may conscientiously think it their duty to form a fund for the education ol pious young men, who may be called by the Spirit and their churches to the Christian Ministry. 5. And to promote pious and useful Education iu the Baptist denomination. 11. It shall have power to form rules, make ariangements, and appoint committees for the accomplishment of any and all the above objects ; Pro vided, none of these rules and arrangements shall be inconsistent with tho Sciiptures and the known ptinciples of the Associations. • 12. Two-thirds of the whole number of delegates shall form a quorum, and a majority shall decide a question. Southern Baptist Convention. 14. The above Constitution shall be liable to amend ment or alteration, by two-thirds of the delegates present, at any of its annual meetings. (B.) According to the appointment of the Convention, the undersigned, attend ed the session of the American Indian Mission Association in October last, and was kindly received. The session was an interesting and harmonious one. Delegates were in attendance frutn the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Georgia and Tennessee. Two young brethren were set apart as missionaries among the Choctaws. The report of the Buard ol Managers gave encouraging accounts of the labors of their missionaries among the dif ferent Indian tribes under their supervision. Respectfully submitted, V. R. THORNTON. (C. Report of Board of Trusteees of Mercer University. As early as practicable after their election, the present Board met, and took under their consideration the recommendation of the Convention. In accordance therewith they elected Rev. J. L. Reynolds to a Professorship in the Theological Department of the University, which he has accepted and entered on the duties of his office first last term. Dr. J. L. Dagg has been elected to the Presidency of the Institution and has accepted it. Rev. N. M. Crawford has been elected prospectively to an additional Professorship in the Theological Department of the University, and Rev. S. G. Hiliyer to the Professorship of Belles Letters in the Literary Department,_loenter into service ns soon as funds can be obtained for their support. Agents havo been appointed by the Board to secure tho contribution of the necessarv funds, and for a while were encouraged with tho B prospect of good success but the severe drought of the Inst season so diminished the resources of the country, and alarmed the farming interest us to discourage the agents from the prosecution of their labors, and with the advice of the prudential Cotn rntitee of the Board, they have suspended them until better prospects shall brighten before them. ‘l'he present Faculty sustain the interest of the Institution with credit to themselves and the substantial improvement of the students—and well deserve the liberal patronage which the Institution is now receiving. The President reported to the Board the last term of last year, 3 students in the Theological department, 31 in the Collegiate and 78 in the Prepare tory. There are reported for the present term The Board have not ns yet been able to consummate the necessary ar rangements for the separation of the Preparatory department from the oth ers, without subjecting it, to too serious inconvenience and injury, but have appointed a committee to confer with the Faculty in relation to the judicious und prudent means of accomplishing it, and lo report to the Board in July- Our Treasurer has been instructed tocollecl 20 percent, per annum, on all contribution notes that have been some time due, and that are not secur ed in their final payment. The new Chapel has been finished, nnd thelnstitu tion is in full enjoyment ofits use. The Commencement has been changed from the last of July to the 2nd Wednesday in July, with a four weeks va cation in summer and six weeks in winter. I’he state of tho funds of the Institution is reported by the Treasurer, to be as follows: ’ University Fund, SBO 520 Central Professor do., 19 259 Mercer Theological do., 21 822 Room Rent nnd Tuition. 483 Interest H und do., 6 099 Litirary do., 15 R. R. Stock, J. Mercsr, 10 000 138 200 Os this estimated bad— Uni. Con. Notes, 814 044 Oen. Prof. Con. Notes, l 955 Cen. Prof. Loan Notes, \ 000 Publisher— BENJ. BRANTLY- Hi O. 23.