The Christian index. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1881, January 20, 1876, Page 7, Image 7

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C| t ihitaj) Waitten for the Index ahd Baptist.} International Snnaay - School Lessons, BRIEF SUMMARY. DAVID IX THE PALATE: JAM ABY 23. Text of the Lesson, I IS : 1-16. Golden Text—When a man’s ways please the Lord, lie maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.— Prov. 16:7. Time and Occasion. —These events happened about 1062 or 1063 years be fore the birth of Christ, and took place in the southern part of what is now called Palestine. After David had killed Goliath, at the probable age of 22, he was taken by Saul to Gibeah, the roval residence, 2| miles north of Jerusalem, and made one of the chief officers of the kingdom. A firm and lasting friendship sprang up between Saul’s son, Jonathan, and David, which friendship Jonathan exhibited by val uable presents. On a triumphal tour among the cities, after returning from the slaughter of the Philestines, the women, in the : r congratulatory songs, accompanied by music and danc ing, exclaimed in their national joy— Saul hath slain his thousands, Aud David his ven thousands. This aroused the envy of Saul, and excited such jealous suspicions that he watched David closely to discover any cause for his jealous fears. This state of things brought on another attack of his mental malady, and he tried, in a moment of frenzy, to kill David with a spear, while David was trying tosoothe him by playing on the harp. Failing to kill David, Saul removed him from court, and made him captain over a thousand men, doubtless hoping he would be killed in battle. But, under all these circumstances, David behaved with such prudence, valor and circum spection, that he became very popular, aud Saul, seeing he was befriended by the Almighty, stood in awe of him. The lesson naturally divides itself as follows: 1. Jonathan's Friendship. 2. Saul’s Envy. 3. David’s Wisdom. Teachings of the Lesson. —Those who live a godly life will have enemies and persecution in the world. John 15:19 ; II Tim. 3:12. But such enemies can do them no real harm. Isaiah 54:17. If their enemies triumph for a time, it will be overruled for good. Gen. 45: 8. (Thus it was in the case of David, as we learn.) And God may eventnrn their enemies to friends. Gen. 39:21- 23; Dan. 3:30. The explanation is simple. 1. God loves His people. Prov. 8:17, and love is watchful, Psalm 121: 4-7. He is not only able to proteot them (Isaiah 26:4,) but can even change the hearts of t heir enemies. Prov. 21: 1. Let us try then (1) to please God in all our ways, like David in the lesson; like Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego, Dan. 3:16-16; like Peter and John, Acts 4:19, 20; like Paul, I Thess. 2:4. Then, we need not fear our enemies. (Mat. 10:28-31.) This was the expe rience of Joseph , Gen. 45:8, of Daniel, Dan. 6:28, and of David, and will he ours. 2. Let kindliness, modesty, wis dom and prudence mark our conduct, as they did David’s : when prosperous he was not proud; neither should we he. BLACKBOARD. T onathan was David’s PH f t?\Tll fj ssus is the sinner’s x 111 Lit U C. B. GROOVER, C.'F. STUBBS, A. T. MACINTYRE. Savannah. Savannah. Thomasville. GROOVER, STUBBS & Cos COTTON FACTORS kU General Commission Merchants, 94 Bay Street, - - Savannah, Georgia. Our Fire-proof Warehouse is one of the lar gest and finest in the State. Consignments are solicited for sale, shipment to Liverpool, or storage, on which liberal advan as will be made if desired. Terms reasonable. Bagging and ties furnished. oetls-3m ESTABLISHED 1868. SHELDON, COLLINS & Cos. MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING INKS OF EVERY VARIETY. Office ami Depot—2o Frankfort street, oct!3-5m NEW YORK. ISOUTHERNJNDUSTRIES. OW V I 50 CENTS A YEAR. A weekly paper, devoted to Agriculture and the development of the resources of the South. Every man who wants to locate in the most de lightful climate on this continent, should read this paper one year. It will perfectly post him as to the best locality. Every Farmer, at least, in the United States, should read it. It starts with a circulation of 15,000. Over 10,000 copies are ordered North. It is a quarto of 8 pages— the cheapest paper in the United States. Ad dress SOUTHERN INDUSTRIES, Nashville, Tenn. tdftl BICKEYi: BELL FOIINDBYr xk Superior Bell# of Copper and Tin, jm Y* mouDted with ihc* best Rotary Hang- S jHPHn SI inge, for Churches, Schools, Farms, JSKi'IHI ■,*' Court Houses, Fire Alarms, Tower Clocks, Chimes, etc. Fully Illustrated Catalogue #ent Free. VAN IU ZFX & TI IT, ■Her lC2au<Mo4E*#t Second St.,Cincinnati. C*l O a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfi and terms free. TRUE & CO., Aju gusta, Me. ■ 700 SUPERB VARIETIES ROSES. Half a Million Greenhouse Plants. Mailing Plante a Specialty. Illustrated Catalogue Free. E. Y.TE AS & CO. Richmond Ind. jaufi.fiteov THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTHATESTERN BAPTIST. MEDICAL v*r c !tt a A CANDID PHYSICIAN. It is not often wejfind amongst the medical faculty sufficient candor to record any merit whatever to proprietary medicines, as it con flicts with their interests to do so. But below we give an exception : OPINION or A REGULAR PHYSICIAN. Boston, Jan. 'l, 1874. This certifies that I have recommended the use of Dr. Tutt s Expectorant for diseases of tho lungs for the past two years, and to my knowledge many bottles liavo been used by my patients with beneficial results. In two eases where it was thought confirmed consumption had taken plaee the Expectorant effected a cure. li. 11. Spracqe, M.D. !>-. Tutfs Ii 11 w are warranted harmless and will effect a positive cure of these disorders. They can be taken at any time without restraint of diet or occuption Price 25 cents. Laboratory 18 Murray street, Now York. B>lß. Till’S ESA IBS VII ' Possesses qualities that no other dye does. Its effect is instantaneous, aud so natural that it can not bo detected by the closest observer. It is harmless and easily applied, and is in general use among tho fashionable hair dressers in every large city tn the United States. Price i*l a box. Sold everywhere. Office IS Murray street, New Y'ork. oct29-ly Baltimore Eye and Ear Institute, No. 45 Franklin street, Baltimore, Md. JULIAN J. CHISOLM, M D„ Professor of Eye and Ear Diseases in the University of Mary land, Surgeon in Charge. This Institution is thoroughly organized and fitted up with every convenience for tho treat ment of Eye and Ear Diseases. For further information apply to the above. sept3o.Bra Piles! Piles ! Piles! CURED by a simple and painless remedy. Sold in packets, sl, 82 and 85. Cure guar anteed or money returned. Sent by mail on re ceipt of price. D. C. WELCHMAN & CO., Irwin Station, Union county, Ohio, \ RDMyETiWHALER VpWcARBOLATE OF IODINE ( inhalant iS|j/ A sure cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs—even Consumption, if taken in season. Physicians endorse it as the most perfect and efficient Inha iator ever introduced. Send your address and receive our descriptive circular, and testimonials of hundreds of I*yli*icisius who have used it iu tlicir practice. We send Inhaler, with In halant for two mouths use, free by mail for $2. Sold by Druggists. W. 11. SMITH & CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, New York. n0v25.13t Clark’s Anti-Bilious Compound VTF.YEi; fails to give a good appetite. It pu ll rifles tho blood, and restores to the Liver its primitive health and vigor. It is the best remedy in existence for the cure of Dyspepsia, Loss of Appotite, Sourness of Stomach, Sick Headache, Chronic Diarrhoea, Liver Complaint, Biliousness. Jaundice, Consumption. Scrofula, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Fever and Ague, General Debility, Nervous Headache and Female Diseases. A REWARD was, for three years, offered for any case of the above diseases which could not be cured by Clark’s Anti-Bilious Compound. It is sold by nearly every druggist in the Uni ted States. Price SSI per bottle. R. C. & C. S. CLARK, jan6.26t Cleveland, O. Bailie Hux’ssry. 75,000 Fruit Trees and Grape Vines. t SPLENDID STOCK of fine, thrifty trees, £ Y. consisting of one hundred varieties of Apples, Poaches and Grapes. A choice selection for all seasons. Also Seed Potatoes. Send for descriptive price list. Address WM. B. KELLY A CO.. dee2.3m Abingdon, Va. ATLANTA PARER MILLS WM. McNAUGHT & CO., Whitehall street Atlanta, CJa. }7!OR sample of newspaper see The Christian ; Index, which is printed on paper made at the above Mills. Cotton and linen rags wanted, 19-tf GRAY’S FERRY Printing Ink Works. BLACK and COLORED PRINTING INKS of every grade. Original manufacturers of <fcn i.'K-il rying Inks for sized aud calendered paper. Superior News, ISoolf and Job Inks. PRATT & ROBINSON. ROBINSON k PRATT. 8 Spruce street, 714 Sansom street. New York. Philadelphia. augl9.6m ilOt v*** ° Vy coOt9 ' Send 3c. stamp for catalogue of Karnes. WM. R. successor to WEST <t LEE GAME CO., Worcester, Mass. nov 1. 13t Wire Railing and Ornamental Wire Works DIU it A < >., 3 North Howard street, VyvWoJ Ilaltlmore, md. rfo..- 1 TT-Za MANUFACTURE Wire Railing fer Cemeteries, Balconies, etc.. Sieves, Fenders. Cages, S ind and Coal Screenß, Woven Wire, etc. Also Lon Bedsteads, Chairs, Settees, etc., etc __febl9-lv sls SHOT GUN A double barrel gun. bar or front action locks; warranted genuine twist barrels, and agood shooter, or no balu ; with Flask, Pouch and Wad-cutter, for 113. Can be sent G. O. J>. with privilege to examine before paving bill. Send stamp for circular to P. POWELL & SON 238 Main Street. Cincinnati. O. aug26 1 26 t 1000 Agents wanted at once for a New Religious Work popular witli aii denominations, and sure to sell in every family. Festively the ven- best chance of the vear for first-class agents. For circulars, address H. S. GOODHPEED & CO., octls-3m 14 Barclay street, Nw- York. Blank deeds and blank mortgage DEEDS for sale at this office. MISCELLANEOUS. \. ft TWILL SELL FOR Ll>S MONEY and on better terms than ar.y >: her house. 9 moan lui*incs* # For joip. cddtVPM the only ex clusive Piano and Oi 4..n dealer in tho South. G. P. GUILFORD, Manufacturers’ Agent for the South, oct2l No. 52 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. fl ATLKS 5 CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS AS£5. are themost beautiful m strip IJSSKn and perfect in tone ever made. {mgggß* The CONCERTO STOP in r.v ■ r7,>jKer.' ] best ever placed in any Or. It is produced! -j trie.-;. lltti i’HA*SnU ondt*oi : i, aBaBaBBaaawBMISW STIRRING, while i!s IlliWl l niAN A voige *i s’ si"' 11 1 Mi BSMgKgBIW® VESPER, GRAND ami JKP • ..- A ' W ... VIAI.ESTE ORGANS " F Unique French Cases, combine PURITY vf YOICINC! with great volume of lone ; suitable for PARLOR or C HURCH. WATEKS’ NEYV SCALE PI AMOS have great power and a fine singing: tone, with nil modern improvements, and are the 15FST PI ANOS MADE. These Organs and Planes arc warranted for six years. PRICES EXTREME LY LOW for cash or part cash and balance in monthly payments. Second-Hand instruments at great bargains. Pianos and Organs to rent until paid for ns per contract* AGENTS WAN TED Special inducements to the trade. A lib eral discount to 1 cacher*. Ministers, Churches,School*, lodges, etc . ILLUSTRA TED VA TA LOOUFSMAILED. HORACE WATERS & SONS, 481 Broadway* New York. P„ O* Box 3507, nov2(). lv NO MIDDLEMEN! 711 i-: IMPROVED U. 8. S-fcwmg Machine! wru A PERFECT WORKING 'FAMILY MACHINE FOR !SSIO. We claim for'thin machine, let, simplicity com bine! with durability. 2d. It will not ekip stitches, but ie as sure as the high priced machine: 1 . 3d. It* great simplicity makes it the cheapest machine ill the market that will do GOOD work. 4th. The parts are all made by machinery, and are therefore interchangeable. sth. It makes less noise in rwudag, and works easier than any machine in tub market. 6th. Unlike sdlother cheap machines the needle enters nearly perpendicular, thus preventing the breaking of needles. 7th. It will work on any material, from the tliinest lawn to the thickest cloth. Bth. It has no machinery under the table to need oiling, all tho working parts being on top and in sight. 9th. It is a splendid Embroidering machine, the peculiar construction of the needle allowing the use of coarse si l ! for that purpose. Send stamp for Circular. FAIRCHILD & CO.. 17G Bleecker street, New York City. P.O. address, box 1785. novlß.iy orlsts, DETROIT, £floh.| dec23.4toe y ailed Free IVI if LORAL- GUIDE Contains over 1,200 varieties Vegetable ami Flower S'-eds. COLORED PLATEN. Elegaat wood-cuts of vegetables and flowers. Handsomest Guide Published! BST Send for it. DETROIT SEED CO., Detroit. Mlcb. dec22,4toe CTTAI? S Garden, Flower and Grata jlj I); j . Seeds. Seed Corn, Potatoes, and other Field Seeds; Tree and Hedge Seeds etc.; also Bulbs for Spring planting, Grapes and Small Fruits, and a general assortment ot Stand ard and Dwarf Fruit Trees. Seeds, Bulbs, aud Small Fruits sent by mail. Enclose stamp ior Price List. EDWARD J. EVANS & CO., THE 100 DAYS TOMATO. CTUALLY ripens in one hundred days. /\. Earliest good Tomato ever offered. Free from rot; ships well; remarkably prolific. 8410.50 Sold front Onc-tourtli Acre, Positive proof of these claintH in Free Circular. 25 cents per packet: 5 for -81. post paid. Address J. A. FOOTE, Seedsman, 512 Main street, Terre Haute, Ind. janG eow2t OHBOMOS.B*?ffiffSS American Chromos. Dealers. Agents, and Box-malters. Newspaper Publishers and Tea Stores, will find a completo supply. Our new and brilliant specialties are unequalled. Our 9 xll Mounted Chromos outsell anything in the market. Twenty samples by Express for sl. Illustrated Catalogue free. J. Latham & Cos., 419 Washington street, Boston, Mass. P. 0. box 2154. Amsden Peach—Earliest anil Ee*.t, YTEKY earliest Peach in the world. Iteoom- V mended by Downing, Barry, Husman, Dr. Warder, Thos. Berckman, and other leading fruit growers. For full history of the Peach, and price of trees, root grafts and scions, address JOHN WAMPLER g jauG.tPg/ Carthage, Missouri. MISCELLANEOUS. *THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST” NOTICE TO PRINTERS. JAS. P. HAKRISON & CO. Publishers of this paper, are Agents for the sale of Van Bibber's Roller Composition, (Pat'd March 21, 1871.) They will always be kept well-stocked with fresh, seasonable Composition. Printers ordering of them will be well and promptly served. VAX BIBBER & CO., 119 West Sixth Street, CINCINNATI, O. N.B.— Publishers and priters desiring Hollers cast, can bo served bv addressing JAS. P. HARRISON & CO., Atlanta, Ga. GEORGE IT. WILLIAM k CO., I ( WILLIAM G. WHILDES. Proprietors. C ( Manager. Eoy box4lß. THE Charleston Crockery ImporiingCo, , —IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF— >, o h o ot% i<: n, y , CHINA, GLASS, Vellovv sisid Koekinglisini Ware. 1555" Original Packages of Leading’Goods and assorted Crates. Goods Repacked to Order, to suit local trade. 13 and 15 Ilayuc street, Charleston,' S. C. Has long attracted the notice of the niosWmineut physicians, by ito great efficacy iu curing wnat von considered incurable cases of disease where the pa tients have been almost destroyed by SCIiOFULA etc., and Prof. Valentine Mott, of the New York University, Professors Gibson, Dewees aud Chap man, of Philadelphia, and many other physicians ol celebrity, gave, over their own signatures, letters recommending it, and certifying to its great merits. It has been occasionally advertised, and thousands of families throughout the United States recommend n n use it. Tho laboratory is under the direction ot Pa. I RANKLIN Stewart, who lias devoted his atten tion and skill to its careful preparation during the past twenty-five years, and not a bottle put up but is worth many times its cost to the patient. It iB per fectly safe ior the most diseased ana debilitated, and, oY,rTFv„ I r;I; SRS ' WHERE the blood IS Bui- PURE, IT SHOULD BE USED FREELY. PREPARED ONLY AT SWAIM’S LABORATORY, 11,1 S. Seventh St., below Chestnut, Philadelphia t( P® s ® r iptive pamphlets furnisbod gratis on applica ocl2H.l3t “ THE B-pST IN THE WEST.” Atchison, Topeka and SantaFek.E. LA.N DS IN KANSAS. 3,000,000 ACRES! Of the best Farming and Agricultural Lands in America, situated in and near the beautiful Cot tonwood and Upper Arkansas Valleys, tho gar den of the West, on 11 Years’ Credit, with 7 per cent. Interest, and 20 per cent. Dis count for Improvements. or FARE REFUNDED! To purchasers of land, Circulars, with map, giving full information, sent free. Address A. S. *IOIIf%£ON, Acting Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas. ec16.13t THE .FAN. JLKFFEL Double Turinnc Water Wheel, f, s L U 9 u i;ku. lu:t and b y rin.r l vil vn *. ww is ; j Vw iu i- a Ballimorr, JBiL 7/dMo a *>.r jx i y>L! (I Si.:);,:<•• mi-.’. I • rahie, •.Hi' . ai\ :. - ixiiahla aud sa:is i..:ii;urnctv.rcrp ut t ■ i i'. r.,, i: i- 1, v Lite Lead .- ;d Oil Hill Kio'.inc.-y, J: 'r: Uo a- 1 o' Presses,Ac. Iti• rr,. ’^n'll ft rpecialtY. Machine made (Ifarn./- w ■ ■ mtoana of very host finish, tieml for CTree ::m. White Pine Doors, Sash and Blinds WF. keep the largest stock of ready-made White Pine Doors, Sasli, lilinds, Mould ings, Mantels, etc., south of Louisville, Ky. Our very low prices enable us to ship our goods to all points in Georgia, eastern Alabama, and northern South Carolina and North Carolina. With satisfactory reference, orders will bo filled to be paid for on receipt of goods. Warehouse til and 33 Broad street, (near tho bridge) Atlanta Ga. JENNINGS & ASHLEY. sept3o-6m #m(DCMESTIC /CTgMjbpi SEWING £gf pj) MACHINES. V Vo .JiSe) J?/ Liberal Terms of Ex -y changeforSecond-hand Machines of every des- cription. “DOMESTIC” PAPER FASHIONS. The Best Patterns made. Send scts. for Catalogue. Address DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO. Agenis WasTED. JfEW YORK. 0ct13.13t S PLANTERS ASK FOlt a|:l Loclf ddl’s Steel Hoe. • o.iLd f;- ’,l The BEST for general use in i-" 'fitffiSjSis&iiffl the market. Tho blade is all ‘1 steel, and the Eve mailable iron. Try it. It will please yon. Manufactured ly Baltimohe Steel Hoe Works aud for sale by the trade. uovW.tim l| IF YOU WANT THE VERY BEST | SEWING MACHINE § B for the least money, then address Rev. C. 11. ® ■ußernheim, Lexingion, N. 0. Don’t buy any 9 ■fether Machine till you send for Circular. B Vdec23.Bm State in what paper you saw tills, a rrn P er home. Sample r tyLIJ worth $1 free. STINSON & 00.,(Portland, Me. eej? WISECELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. FARMERS! PLANTERsT YOUR ATTENTION! THE CELEBRATED I I I 1 JONES’ WALKING CULTIVATOR. | THE GREATEST LABOR-SAVING IMPLEMENT IN USE. ONE MAN (or boy) and two horses will do the work of four men and four one-horse plows in cultivating Corn, Cotton, Cane, etc. The celebrated .Tones Universal I’anning R ill, Seed Cleaner and Smut TKacliinc combined, is the only Fan Mill that will clean sprouted wheat with perfect satis faction to both farmers aud millers ; and that will take the cheat, cockle, smut, etc., out of wheat and prepare it as it should be for seed. It will clean Clover, Timothy, Oats, Corn, Rve, Bariev’ Peas, Beans, Rice, etc. ‘ ’ ’ Wo are the exclusive manufacturers aud proprietors of these Celebrated Implements aud Ma chines. We sell tho Cheapest aud Best Portable and Stationary Steam Engines, for running Cot ton Gins, Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Threshers, etc.; also the cheapest and best Sorgo and Migar Cane 71 i1 Is and Evaporator Pans). Every planter should sow i.criuaii Millet Seed. It pays better than Cotton, and re quires nmoli lohs labor. We make a specialty of this wonderful grass, and can furnish pure, gor uine German Millet from drilled seed, cultivated and prepared specially for seeding again. We can also furnish any kind of Agricultural Implements, Farming Machinery and Field Seeds of best quality and at lowest prices. fiST We own and control EXCLUSIVELY the Patent Right for the United States on the celebra ted -‘Jouos’ Walking Cultivator” and “Universal Fanning Mill” mentioned iu this advertisement, and will sell the right of Counties, States, or Granges, at such figures, and on such terms, as will insure a handsome profit for light work and a small investment. Here is a chance for a profitable and pleasant business on a small capital. Don’t, buy from any other house until you have written to us for anything you want. For further information, aud for descriptive circulars of articles desired, enclose stamp, and address janG.iiin 'I. H. JONES Sc CO., Nashville, Tenn. 1875 SALEH 187©* 510,000 FRUIT TREES! BY M. COLE & CO,, ATLANTA NURSERIES! ATLANTA GEORGIA. YTTE invite the attention of Farmers and Fruit Gowers to our Extensive nild Ysiried. VV Stock of well grown Standard and Dwarf Fruit aud Nut Trees, Grape Vines, small Fruits, Ornamental, Evergreen and Deciduous Trees and Shrubs. 8,000 everblooming Roses. A fine stock of Greenhouse aud Bedding Plants, including Jessamines, Camellias, Eucalyptus Globulus, Japonicas, Callas, Lycopodiums aud Eucalyptus Globulus in pots Ito 3 feet high. Strict attention given to orders by mail. Packing done in the best manner. Prices low. Catalogues free. Moses Cole, M. COLE & GO., Proprietors. Campbell Wallace. oct-4m Atlanta, Georgia THE GEORGIA 3E3LOIVTE INSURANCE COMPANY, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Capital Stock $ 300,000 00 Surplus 213,390 97 Lostes Paid since the organization of the Company 1,300,000 00 l£3" Will issue Policies on Dwellings. Store Houses, Cotton Machinery, and all other insurable property. W. I*. PATILI.O, Agent, Atlanta, Ga. AGENTS at all prominent points in the Southern and Southwestern States. decl9.9m THE SINGER! - " AGAIN TRIUMPHANT! J&UUi THE WORLD’S AWARD AGAIN RECEIVED BY 'j: l The World’s Favorite! Sew ing Machine males, fer 18741 JSU: •) V,?- I?J‘V The tables of Sowing Machine sales for 1874 show that • jS3fIBHBW ; ',i our sales last year amounted to 4-11.070 Machines, being -kSS'SjA a large increase over the sales of the previous year. The r/jjijj- iPI '-i) table shows that our sales exceed those of any other Com- Si. w| D pany for the period named, by tho number of 148,850 Machines, or nearly Three Times those of’any ’ other Uompsiny. It may Ire further stated that the pales of 1873, as compared with those of 1872, show a relatively larger increase, beyond the sales of other makers. For instance, in 1872 we sold 45,000 more Machines than any other Company ; whereas, in 1873, the sales were 113,254 Machines in Excess of our Highest Competitor! and in 1874 our saiea were 1418,85!® Machines more than any other Company. The Singer Manufacturing Company NO. 172 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. C. A. VOSBURGH MANAGER. BRANCH OFFICES ir Atlanta, Macon, Columbus and Thomasville, Ga.; Charleston and Columbia, S. C.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, Fla. 4 Send your address to the above offices for a Catalogue of the celebrated BAZAAR GLOVE FITTING PATTERNS. They arc the best, tho cheapest and most stylish patterns in the market. The latest styles always on hand. ' 6. W- LEONARD, Agent, Atlanta, Ga. CANFIELD, BROTHER l CO. Comer Baltimore and Charles St,, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry. Silver Ware, Silver-Plated Ware, Triple Silver-Plated Ice Pitchers, Forks and Spoons, Winter Tea SetH. Castors, Baskets. Stock complete. CLOCKS, BRONZES, FANCY GOODS. LARGE MUSIC BOXES. Sets for Communion Service, Badges and Me dals for Schools and Colleges. Orders have prompt attention. HOLIDAY GOODS A SPE CIALTY. octls-ly ISirThe Sect Household Oil iu the World. C. WEST~& SONS’ Aladdin Security Oil! Warranted 150 Degrees Eire Tost. Endorsed by tho Fire Companies. Read tlio following certificate selected from many others; Howard Fmc Inh. Cos. of Baltimore. ) December 23. ’74. f Messrs. 0 West <6 Sons, Baltimore—Gentle men : Having usod tho various Oils sold in this city for illuminating purposes, I take pleasure in recommendiug your “Aladdin Security” as the safest and best ever used in onr household. Yours truly, ANDREW REESE, Pres’t. it*;,. It will not Explode. Ask your Storekeeper for it Whholosalo Depot: 0. WEST & SONS, 113 aud 115 W. Lombard street, Baltimore. Bept2,6m TheExcelsiorSchool Furniture MANUFACTURING CO. J. C. BROOKE, Supt. of Sales. No. 124 Walnut street, CINCINNATI, O. Brandi Agencies: St. Louis, New Orleans, Omaha, Philadel phia. Atlanta, Cia., 112 Whitehallst. SCHOOL, OFFICE AND CHURCH FURNITURE! School Apparatus and Supplies. Endorsed and recommended by tho leading clergymen and educators of the country. Our Church Furniture Department is unrival led for the beauty, excellence and durability of its work. All kinds of OFFICE FURNITURE : Globes, Maps, Charts, Mathematical and Philosophioal Instruments, Appliances for the Study of the Sciences—in short, every tiling needed in a school-room. Send for Price List and Illustrated Catalogue £t Be i„ A u 7