The Christian index. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1881, November 08, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Mcriatioflai SBuAty-Sclccl Lessons. Ifvson for Snml*y, Kovembtr ll ( 1b57. PUL BIFiIBF. IGBIPPA. Text: Acts xxvi: 6-2i. f,. Anil now I stand and am judged for the hoy-c of the promise made of Goo unto our 7. Unto which promise our twelve tribes, m stantlv serving God day and night, hope to •far.' For which hope’s sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews. g Vljy should it he thought a tlungircredible with you", that God sl.ouldwaise the dead V t). i veiily thought with myself, tl at I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. ' , , 10. Which thing I also did in Jerusalem : and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, hav ng received authority fro* the chief priests, and when thev were put to death, I gave my voice against them. 11. Anil I punished them oft in every syna gogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedii glv mad against them, I perse cuted them even unto strange cities. VI. Whereupon as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests, 13. At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, aiiove the brightness of tho sun, shining round about me aril them which jour neyed with me. 14. And when we had all fallen to tho earth, I jieard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue. Haul. Haul, why persecutest thou me '! it is hard for thee to kick apainst the pricks. 15. And I said. Who art (hint Lord t And he said, 1 am Jesus, whom thou persecutest. 10. lint rise, and stand iq on thy feet: fori have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a w itness both of those things which thou has seen, and of those things ,n the which I will appear unto thee ; 17. Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto vhom now I send thee, 18. To open their eyes, sud to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of t-atan unto God, that they may receive forgive ness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified hv faith that is in me. lit. Whereupon, 0 king Agrippa. I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision : 20. Hut showed iirst unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judea, and tinn to the Gentiles, (hat they should repent and turn to God. and do works meet for repentance. EXPOSITION. Paul remained in the custody of Fes lix until the change of governors, when as an untried prisoner, he fell into the hands of Festus, who, puzzled bv the character of the charges made against him, asked the Apostle whether he would go to Jerusalem to he tried. Upon hiß refusal and appeal to Caesar, Festus desiring to send with him an intelli gent statement of Ihe offense laid to his charge, sought help in the matter, which he soon found iji the person of Agrippa, Tho lesson is a recital ol his defense before that personage, tael's statement. "Verses C-8. Having no accusers to confront, and no charges to rebut, Paul makes a plain statement of bis old life and character, as known to the Jews generally, and then* immediately de clares that his position as< a criminal before the king, was bfrahse of his belief in the hope of the ful fillment of the promise made to the fathers, of a Messiah who was to de liver Israel; and desired to know why it should be thought impossible for God to raise tho dead. HIS PERSECUTION OP THE CHRISTIANS, Verses 9-12. Previous to his con version he despised the name of Jesus, aud was exceediiigly|bitter againstJHis followers, and with tireless zeal perse cuted them even unto death. THE MANNER OP IIIS CONVERSION. Verses 12-18. lie here rehearses the incidents attending his conversion in nearly the same terms as previously used in chapter ix: 1-9 and xxii: 8-11. HIS OBEDIENCE. Verses 19, 20, He at once engaged in the work to which he was called, commencing at the very place (Damas cus) of intended persecution of the saints, he proclaimed his adhesion to the doctrines of the Cross, and the acs ceptance of the Gentiles through re pentance and faith, with their legiti mate fruits—practical godliness. • ►►*-4 For tho Iml ox and Bapttat,] IVliv Sanda)-school Scholar- do not Kcmaiu to Prcat king Smite. Our venerable brother, Rev. J. H. Campbell, recently wrote an article for The Index, depreciating the tact that many of our scholars do not remain to preaching after the Sunday-school ex ercises aie over, and asked if the Evangelist could not suggest a remedy for the evil. Like our esteemed and respected brother, I have, at various times and places, seen and deplored the evil complained of, and have not failed to talk about it, and have tried to urge all concerned to prevent it. Let us briefly consider the causes and the remedy of this trouble. i. The chief diflkulty lies with the parents, and may exist when there is and when there is not a Sunday school. The parents alone have the right and author-ty to control the ac tions of the child, and they are to blame when they do not require their children to remain with them to the preaching service. Parental respon sibility can never be shifted upon others, and we should never charge upon tl e Sunday-school, or upon any thing else, any neglect of duty for which we alone are accountable. a. Ttachers do not taithiully and constantly urge upon their scholars the impoitanee ot the duty of hearing the Gospel from the pulpit. They shoald co-operate with the parents in this matter, and bring to bear all the inflaenoe which they can exeit, and those who fail to do so come short ot their duly. 3. Our nunisteis oftentimes do not THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOTJTH-YTESTERN BAPTIST. ! preach so that the younger scholars cart understard and appreciate what thev say. Our prtar hers too often over look the fact that children are in the congregation, ard prepare no food for them. The question sometimes arises in the minds ot the parents and teachers, “Shall I insist that my child or my scholar remain to preaching, when he will understand little or nothing the preacher says ?” These are the chief causes of the evil referred to. Now for the remedy : 1. Let the parents go to the school with their children , whenever possible, and, if necessary, compel them to re main with them to the preaching ser vice. If the parents cannot go to school, let them meet their children at the close of the session, and lead them into the church, and require them to sit with them. Away with the idea that the family circle must be broken no where but in the house of God ! 2. Let the. teacher, at the close of the lesson, say to the class, “Now, will you not all stay to preaching to-day, and next Sunday I will ask you about the sermon, etc.” One of the first things the teacher should ask the scholars is, “Who re member the last Sunday’s text?” and then, “Who can give me an analysis of theseimon?” If the parents are not present, the teacher should in vite his scholars to sit with him in the church. If the teacher has won the hearts ot his scholars, as he should, he can generally induce them to remain, it the preacher has any thing to give them. Of course, the teacher should put before the scholar the motive for remaining to hear the sermon. He, however, can do but little in this direction, if he does not have the co-operation of the parent. 3. Let the minister always have, at least, a part of his sermon for the young. He should never put the fodder so high that the little ones can get none of it. 1 have heard brother Campbell address himself to the young, in the midst of his discourse, and thus arouse their attention and secure their interest. Other ministers can do the same. As 1 have said sometimes to my brethren in the min istry upon this subject, “Cut it up fine and give it to them warm.” After all, let us remember : 1. That the Sunday-school should not be charged with sins of which it is not guilty. More Sunday-school children, as a general thing, attend church than any others. 2. Sometimes a minister may be called upon to discuss a theme which is impossible for a child under twelve years of age to appreciate. 3. It may sometimes be necessary for the son or daughter to go hctnie in order that the parents may come to church. T. C Boykin, Sunday-school Evangelist. If you feel dull, drowev, debilitated, liavo frequent headache, mouth tub to badly, poor ap petite aud tongue coated, you are buffering from torpid livor, or “billioiisness,” and nothing will cure you eo speedily and permanently as to take Niimnonb Liver Regulator or Medicine. Tho cheapest, purest and bent family modi- VlU] cine in tho world. Ift [it x for all diseases of tho Stomach and spleen. Fevers, liowol (lorn plaints, Restlessness, lilA*l*lNj.ltlit J autidico and Nausea. '" “SC BAD BREATH. Nothing in so unpleasant, nothing so common as bad breath, and in nearly every ease it comes from the stomach, anil can be so easily corrected if you will take Simmons’ I-iver Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for this repulsive disorder. It will also improve vom appetite, complexion and general health. PILES. How many suffer torture day after day, mak ing life a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing to the secret suffering from Tiles. Vet relief is ready to the hand of almost any one who will use systematically the remedy that lias permanently' cured thousands. Him rnous’ Liver Regulator, is no drastic, violent purge ; hut a gentle assistant to nature. CONSTIPATION. Should nut be regarded as h trifling ailment—in fact, nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand pave# the way often to serious danger. It is quite as‘necessary to remove impure accumu lations from the bowels as it is to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE. This distressing affliction occurs most fre quently. ’J be dietui banes of the sumach, aris ing from the imperfectly digested contents, causts a severe pain in ihe head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as sick headache. CAUTION-Buy no powders 01 prej arcil Sim iui ns' Liver Regulator unless in our engraved wiaj per with tiai'e math, stamp aud signature unbroken. None other is genuine. ORIGINAL AMI ONLY GENIINE. Manufactured only by J. 11. ZHILIN A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Price 91.00. Hold by all druggists. >^RHEUMATISM^^ ■ l.n\i*oworth. Kansas. Hlra: JOHNSONS RHEI • jjj ■ M A TIC COVHNHM) cured me of Bheuftiaf ..n when ■ ■ I'lti'l Uoi failed. Ur. J. T. WRIGHT. B ■ >l.*t|Mrt<>wn. N\ J.—Gent*: After anflferiiig for euven M ■ viv. with RhouniAtUiu, I cured by cue bottle of ■ B JOHNSON'S KllKl’M \TIO COMPOUND l.n vh.'-B ■an i lira could Kv* me no relief. JOriKPli lUtiiIU.NJS. ft R Price f l R. R. acUore * C.*., >’• H 11 iprl6.oowly-25t A. DK. WAKNIB’S K HEALTHCORSET With Skirt Supporter and Self-Ad- JteWL,-a justing lads. Un equaled for 4WlPnrf pjl Beauty, Style, and C<mfort. Ap- FWjJqtUr’.? proved by all physicians. V jMi r Nate ly Leading Merchants. Samples, any sire, by mail. In Si.. .11 . si.fio ; lentil, 41.76 ; Nursing Corset, 42.00; Missis' Corset, tl.oo. Agents Wanted. W'Aiosnt Pms, 861 Broaoway, N. Y.| Ba, septlS-ly MEDICAL. Judgment of the Public. During the past five years the public have carefully observed tho wonderful cures accom plished from the use of YEGETINE. From its ttse many an aillieted sufferer has been restored to perfect health, after having expended a small fortune in procuring medical advice and obtain ing poisonous mineral medicines. Its medical properties are Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Dinri tic. There is no disease of the human syste m for which the YEGETINE cannot he used with perfect safety, as it does not con tain any metalic or poisonous compound. It is composed exclusively of barks, roots and herbs; it is very pleasant to take ; every child lil es it. It iH safe and reliable, as the following evidence will show: Valuable Evidence. r The following unsolicited testimonial from Rev. O. T. Walker, D.D., formerly pastor of Bowdoin Square Cli.rcli, Boaton, and at present si-tiled in Providence, It. I„ mnst be deemed as reliable evidence. No one should fail to observe that this testimonial is the reeult of two years’ experience with the use of YEGETINE in the Rev. Mr. Walker's family, who now pronounces it invaluable; Provide!oe, B. 1., IC4 Tbansit Street. 11. It. SUxens, Esq. : I feel hound to express with my signature the high value I place upon your YEGETINE. My family have vised it for the past two years. In nervoiiH debility it is invaluable, and I recom mend it to all who may need an invjgoiating, removing tonio. O. T. WaY.Kkr. Formerly pastor of Bowdoin Equate Church. Boston. A Walking Miracle, Mr. 11. It. Weems : Dear Fir —Though a stranger. I waistrto in form you what YEGETINE has done for roe. Last Christmas Hero fill a made its appearance in my system—large running ulcers appearing on mo. as follows : One on each of my arms, one on my thigh, which extended to the Heat : one on my head, which cut into the skull: bone; one on my left log, which became so had that two physicians came to amputate the limb, though, upon consultation, concluded unt to do so, as my whole body was ho full of Scrofula; they deemed it advisable to cut the sore, which was painful beyond description, and there was a quart of matter run from this one sore. Tho physicians all gave me up to die, semi suit: they could do no more for mo. Both of my legs were drawn up to my seat, and it was if I ihil get well again I would tie 11 cripple for life- When iu this condition I raw VEOETINe: ad vertised, and common cd taking it in March and followed on with it until I had used sixteen bot tles, and this morning 1 am going to plow coin, a well man. All my townsmen say it is a mini clo to see me round walking and weeking. In conclusion,,l will add, when I was endnr ing such great suffering from that dreadful di ease, Scrofula, I prayed to the Lord above t" lake me out of this world, hut, as VEGETINE has restored me to the blessing.; of health, I de sire more than ever to live, that I niay-tc* of some service to my fellow-met), and I know of no better way to help suffering humanity --than to enclose you this statement if my rase, with an earnest hope that you will publish it. ami it will afford me pleasure to reply to any commu nicatiou which I may receive iliorefrom. I am. sir, very respectfully, William Favn. Avery, Berrien,Co., Mich., July 10. 1872. Reliable Evidence. Mr. It. It. Stevens : Dear Sjh—l will most cheerfully add my tes timony to the great number you have already re ceived in favor of your great and good medi cine, YEGETINE, for I do uot think enough can ho said m its praise, for 1 was troubled ovt-'h/O years with that dreadful disease, Cataarh, V/’! iiaii shell url i":'l'iMti)i' •r-l 1 " tWJIt a fix’l'dnTd never breathe miv more (Led VEGETINE lias cured me; and I do feel to thank God all the time that there is so good a medicine as YEGETINE, and 1 also think it one of tho host medicines for conglis and weak, sinking feelings at Ihe stomach, ami advise everybody to take the YEGETINE, for I can as sure them it is one of the beet medicines that ever was. Mbs. L. Gore, Corner Magazine and Walnut Streets. Cambridge, Mass. Prrpnred by 11. U. STEVENS, Boston, Mass VEGETINE is Sold by all Druggists. ro HAVE GOOD HEALTH TIlET.nTfc MUST HE KEPT IN OItIVEK. ” DR , VS&TONIC/V Bc-fhs H /4^WSORS(mI S KttiEBAL*SZSMi ’y^MICKHEACACHIXg i, FOR DISEASES OFC%b' I f vUVERSTOMACM %4^A & C D^ B P | 7 P ,? IA ’ g For Pamphlets address Dr. Sanford, New York nept-ly Ear Dr/ Clegg’s Vital Regeneratoi restores exhausted Nervo electric forco bv reinvigo ffctewiL rating Brain. Nerves and raj ** risa Muscles. Reinstates fail w fr ing functions of life by \L,,vt,iv purifying and enriching Jj i-’Jan the blood, thereby re moving Dutches aud oth- Refore Ueiug Altervin*. er Impurities'; rapidly runs I'alpitation of the Heart, 'Jremhliug of the Bands, and til! other Nervous tad Wasting Diseases, restoring refreshing sleep, 1 c-alth, strength and manly vigor. In eases 43 ealeh securely packed to all gaits of the world. Ct4,s lii’AßXfrir.U). Addrvss, slating age, L'r. J. P. CLEGG, 151 I ari ed at. seps-3m* East, Detroit, Mich, CANOEES4 • And Warts Cared. mWFNTY YEARS FXPERIFNCE For par- X ticulars address, with stamp, JAMES M. HARDAWAY, Liberty Hill. Pike county, Gc-i rgia, or Dupont, Clinch county, Georgia. juneS-ly laWMKljMi.NtiiYnUor all Sedentary aersces ■CTTii W ■ lone Awarded CENTENNIAL ■ Jmepal. BlauUlP I BEST by Highest Authar- B. iflr.lilliAliU lj Send for Circular and BiDf inVlßKlsil sl ' e ' Agents Wanted, urnyuiiqfi a, h. Andrews l co„ Manufacturers of Office, Church, and School Furniture, 211 A 213 Wabnsh Ave., Chicago, 111 610 A 621 Broadway, New York City, maylff. tf SAM All rTA N XEHVIXE P&M In sow eriro fnr Ki’"r|.tio rn, Cnneahions ml ! f Si-,-nil. IttluiU|..nn,lra by tl,ou>.u.J anil m fl* I w.-e Suowu i ifnlliu RSlugU' li]lP;,ct f ..frM‘ V X I, " " ! l P for t"rcul.r r - u. it:i„ ~ 0 1 W-'W h a.lUntf . .if.S. A.HienaoMi. huxlei.M. J 0,;.,.!, J®. sriFFR NO MORE FROM SORE only lines sweaty and ti ruler feet, hut ialso Let tl at are continually burning land feverish, theieby hacking up and . 1, an g vny ii'te. Jt also effectually dispels the effeneive odei Mat invairahlv arises from eliseascd feet. No family should he without it. If your diuggist has not ged it. by ail means send for it. Sent by mail, postage paid, on re ceipt of price- 91 ler box. Address all orders to H. J. . ACKEIT, 22 Webster avenue. Pitts , burgh, Fa., aug3o-3m MISCELLANEOUS. Carpetsßetail. Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs and Mats, &c., &c. We would invite the attention of retail pur chasers of Carpetings to the fact that we make a Specialty of Selecting and Shipping goods in onr line, to customers at a distance. Our stock, one of the largest South of New York, and prin cipally of our own importation, embraces every thing included in the Carpet trade, aud we will be glad to furnish Circulars of Prices, and an swer inquiries, with promptness and dispatch. We have large selections of Moquettes, Ax minsters, Velvets, Brussels, Tapestries, Three Plies, Ingrains, etc. Send for Circular of Prices. McDowell a co., No. 264 West Baltimore Street, oct4.2m Baltimore, Md. How to Paint. IJAINTERS and property owners desiring pure. good material, should use, or stipulate for the use of, Harrison Bros, & Co.’s •'TOWN AND COUNTRY ” Ready-Mixed Paints, pure white and 40 different shades, entirely ready for use. Beautiful, durable and economical. Made from pure material. Tested on thousands of buildings. Handsome and permanent. No waste or time in mixing. Does not crack orpeel. Cheap er and better than any other paint. Free from objectionable ingredients generally used in so called “chemical” paints. Sample cards on ap plication . Consumers of paint preferring Btoek in old paste form, should use. or stipulate for the use of Harrison’s Pure White Lead, oldost brand in the country, whitest, finest, arid best. Harrison’s Sylvan Green, exquisite in tint, un rivalled in body, and of never-fading shade. Harrisons’ Standard Colors, Umbers, Sienna, Blacks. Yermillions, Blues, and Yellows, unequal ed for strength and fineness. Best and finest made. Order these brands from your dealer. Take 110 other. For sale (wholesale only) at IOJ> Sooth Front Street, Philadelphia. tf. /; ft (Sfet \ ■: x --’T- T !*si \ y j) WE DEFY ANY ONE r T*G show a case of disease, cither of the Livor, A Kidneys or Lungs, or any Scrofulous or Syphilitic complaint that cannot be cured by BENTON’S Liver and; Lung Medicine. Read the following extracts, which proye what wc assert: “Benton’s Liver Medicine cured me of liver complaint. 1 huv e recommended it in my praotice. F. O. fOLKS, M.D.. , <’morvfile.(Qa. • fih) 1 T.iV'Mwiys*® Ltav% tlwir a criptffc- <6l orutehes for five years. lam now ablo to wak w ithout crutchee, through the use of Bcnton’e Liver Medicine. Mary M. Crum, Ty— Homerville, Ga. My wife has been suffering from consumption for five vears. I have spent 91,800 in that time for medicine and medical attendance. Hlie got worse under every treatment, till I tried Benton’s. Lung Medicine. Nile commenced improving in hoaltli at once, aud is gaining strength daily. Her case is a marvel to all w ho have witnessed it. I consider your Lung Medicine tire blessing of the age. T. B. Clayton, Agent A. A G. R. R., Stateuville, Ga. Two bottles of Benton’s Lung Medicine entirely cured me of a violent cough, soarthroat and pain in my breast. Any one that tries tho medicine will be convinced of its virtues. . David B. Paxton, Homerville, Ga. I have been a sufferer from lung disease for seven years, Benton’s Lung Medicine has done me more good than all the ot her medicines I have taken. Hami* DeLoach, Stockton. Ga. I was suffering from disease of throat and lungs: had an incessant cough, which was very painful; was much reduced in fiesli and spirits. I have used one dozen of your Lung Medicine, with great benefit. I shall try ono dozen bottles more. Several of my neighbors have been hene fitted by its use. " G. G. Foreman, Stockton,Ga. I hereby certify that I have used Benton's Lung Medicine for ievere cold and cough, aud found immediate relief. Rev. D. Kelsey, Homerville, Ga., Member North Ga. All. Couf. NOW TRY IT. Price —One bottle, $1.00; six bottles, 96.00; one dozen bottles, 98.00. Send money by registered letter or express. Send stamp for "circular, end terms to agmts. Active canvassers wanted. Any information cheerfully afforded. Liberal inducements to druggists and country dealers. 1 . We will take any ease of disease off red for t' eatment, under special directions, guaranteeing relief. Address, E. J. BENTON & CO.. Homerville. Ga. For sale by O. Butler, Solomons ,? Cos., Lipp man Bros..Savannah:Dowie 4 Moise,Charleston; Frank J. Moses, Augusta. orthS jm \JEQUALLED Itf EVERY /^STRENGHr,DURABII\VI VuV A PERFECT WORK, 1 i'AFFREEDOM FROM) ' .’I, SEND FOS CATAIOCUE**" PRICE-LIST ''N k. .*d < Reduction in Price,’ which, with their superiority of work re*der ! these ploas the Best and Cheapest in Use. You are not expected to keep these plows if o> trial they do lot ] rove to leas represented. If not entirely satislaetoiy in their operations, re turn at our expenee. Leek at onr new one-horee plow, weightS6lkß. 1. BEN WILSCN & CO., AGENTS ATLANTA.** •otll.lSw MISCELLANEOUS -ADVERTISEMENTS. Established 1 W."( 5. DART & REYNOLDS, (A. A. DART.) EUILDERS OF LIGHT CARRIAGES. NEW HAYEN, CONN. Manufacture work expressly for the Southern Ylarket, and from long experience, are thoroughly conversant with the requirements of the country. The work itself, used in every Suthern State, is its own recommendation, aud renders o detailed description unue cess ary We also manufacture the CELEBRATED DEFTER Exceed* as exhibited at the Centennial, where it took the GRAND MEDAL OF HONOR. The test, easiest, aud most durable vehicle inexistence. Write for circulars- 5m xOm - 0. BOHNEFELD, Agent, Undertaker &. Cabinet Maker, Cor. Marietta and Forsyth Streets. ATLANTA, . . . GEORGIA. HAS now and will keep constantly on hand the best assortment ot Cnrtius. burial Cases and Caekots, with the latestiiaproveincut on the •• OLD FISlv," patterns, and decidedly . ugi-nor in style, workmanship, finish, and ilia most o.s gant nrodaction of the art, a.- wltligreaii.. re duced prices..... , , Hearses aud Carriages furnished in any style and quantity, at the lowest rates. All orders from abroad will have prompt at tention. , , Furniture made aud repaired to order. ocUl /*al -*• SEXSQ* JiliA fjffmS Bell Foundry 1 f p of omreb, Academy. . Factory,Depot,Steamboat, A Sliip, Locomotive, Planta tion, Fire-ongiue, etc. Sizes and Prices, with Wheel-Hangings and Frame Complete: Diam. of Hell. Wet. with hangings. Cost of Beil unit frame complete, amt hangings No. 6. .26 inches....23o pounds $ 25 No. C’ a '27 inches 340 pounds 36 No. 7.. 30 inches 400 pounds 50 No. 8 .84 inches... .730 pounds 75 No. !). .88 inches. . .925 pounds 130 lIUMBEY A CO., Sena.-a Palis, N. Y., U.S.A. octsJs*Sin W. K. NELSON, PROPRIETOR OF THE Georgia Nursery. OFFERS for sale, a fine stock of grafted young Fruit Trees : 25 varieties Peach trees, from tho earliest Jane to the latest Octo ber. Has just taken, at the recent State Fair, the premium for the largest and best collection of Apples. 15 varieties of Grape Yines, Strawbeiry Plants, eto. Send for cheap pricelist. Address, W. Iv NELSON. novl-Sm Augusta, Ga. £lHlPXjku** iIIINT 836.00 TO $105.00 *F.R MONTH can he made in every community by any man or woman of intelligence and energy. Business light, easy, and respectable. Scuid for circular, which gives full particulars, r. W. ZIEGLER A CO, 518 Arch st., Philadelphia. Pa. oct!B.l3t Cos CHURCH.SCHOOL.FIRE-ALARM Fins Inns<l,low priced,fully warranted. Cataloguel firing full particulars, prices, etc.,sent free. BLYMYER MANUFACTURING CO., 664 t 0694 Woat Eighth St„ Cincinnati, 9, janlAeow A ' A O Os).- a day made by Agents 5? Iv/ f-i hj / selling our Cbromoe. Cra yons, and Reward, Motto, Scripture Teit. Trans parent. Picture and Chromo Cards. 100 rain plea worth ft. scut postpaid for 75c. Illustrat ted Catalogue sent free. J. H. Bufford’s Sous, Boston. Estab’d 1830. norl-fm *Thf j-art'#* wilt Ho all the~ •iaim.’-y. V. VTVt/y W/m jF.Wiajru* .% <'o.fimitTrt.W Duan*t.: ajj l " ggj rjj Wa ‘•‘Wefthe bet chances for Asr'ul U I 0I J Jp 1 e rer ofore.| ’. t'i,i'. ir-.-r- r..— /v— -l an II ■ *T!ta Mraiyrirt are th b*atiW. >’• 'S'G* mar3o. tf \X T TT r YOU canvass for #BO a mont '' iXJ X-J and work faithfully ? Write A E. Sta>toij, 819 Broadway, N. Y. eep27.3m. Sc 4nn fin Dl"ran. Tbi M'.cvtachi or iIvU.UU II Heavy Wkari> produced on a smooth l ace by the n-*e of DYKKS KKAltft KLIM 11, without injury, or will forfeit SIOO.OO. Price by mail in sealed package 26 cents. 3 packages only 60 cent*. A. L. Smith & Cos. Palatine, 111., Sole Agents. 07 H’e cautica the public aeaiuai mtUUooa. apr!7.26t db f* a week in vour own town. Terms and fu'VJU #5 outfit free. H. HAI.LET A CO., Portland. Maine. liiSl2si^ , (Miobs “M II I b ft# U‘MWI aaawer. b. /ÜbUUfc k 00., Oaaaartt, 0. cuiroat 6) K Fashionable Cards, no 2 alike, with name, -O 10c. post paid. G#o. I, Burn A Cos., Nas *u N. X, *otlß.ly* PRICES REDUCED. THE MASON & HAMLIN CO. Have the pleasure of announcing thafc recent decrease in coet of materia! and labor, and in crease in manufacturing facilities, Lave enabled them to make a reduction in their Catalogue prices of from (10 to SSO cn each Organ. {S(( Price Lipt dated Xoveiuher, 1877.) Organs of their manufacture are acknowledg ed to stand at the head of instruments of this claws: having merited and received Ifi-jhiu- Jlonor.< at all World's Exhibitions for ter, year. 8 NEW STYLES NOW READY, surpass previous productions in musical excel lence and beauty of cases. Sold fsr cash, or installments, or rented until rent pays. Ilins tratod Catalogues and Itoduced Price Licte (No vembor, 1877), sent free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN COMPANY 154 Tremont st., BOSTON : 25 Union Sq. NEW YORK, 250 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. oct2s-tf •<** T ' r * * $200,000 GREATEST out our stock of very superior Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over $200,000' we will send as below, 20 Pieces, all warranted Gold-plated, for SI,OO . : pair Gold Stone Sleeve Buttons, x pair Engrave! el.-eve Buttons, x set Pointed Studs, x set Amethyst Scuds, x Wedding King, i Engraved Band Finger Ring, ■ Ame thyst Stone King Inlaid with Gold, x Elegant Ring BARGAIN ’ Amethyst Stone Scarf Pin Inlaid with i Silvered Hat Pin, t set Ladies’ Jet and Gold Pm and Drops, i Misses’ set let and Gold, i Collar ;et Handsome Rosebud Drops x Gents’Elegant : ke George Diamond Stud, x Cardinal Red Bead. N •< \ .ce, x pair Ladies’ Amethyst Stone Ear Drops Inlaid ith moh vv Gold, i Ladies’ Orr.amemed k l l/ IT Jet Brooch, t Fancy. > arf JCi V JEIJHf Ring and Elega: : Chain. Tale your choice\ the entire . - • 20 pieces, sent Post-paid for sl. 0 f or any 3 rou choose for 50 cents. is ti**. to Make Monep, These can eas • be retailed at :(■. CLUB PREMIUM. < on, one order r• 12 Lois at SI.OO each, ice will present Fro-, in -open OFFERED F. STOCKMAN, 27 Bond Street, New York. octlHly CWESTf ALADDIN ■ & sons’ Security Oil, .THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN USE, Warranted 150 Degrees Fire-Test, WATER WHITE IN COLOB. Fully Deodorized. WILLNOTEXPLODE HIGHEST AWARD Centennial Exposition For Excellence of Manufacture AND HIGH FIRE TEST. Endorsed by the Insurance Companies. Bead this Certificate—One of M<m, Howaro Fire Insfrasce Cos. or Bavw- MORK, Baltimore, Dec. 23d, 1574.— Meiers. 0. Wert it Sons,—Gentlemen: Having used the Turitt* oils sold in thiscity foriUuniiiiatingpurie< I take pleasure iu recommending your“Aladdia Security Oil ” as the sa fest and best ever used in our household. Yours truly, [Signed] ANDREW REESE, Preside.*,. Manufactured by C. WEST & SOWS, Baltimore. Try it, aud you will w no • titer. octll.fim ~ THE UNEQUALLEDiAS, LEFFELDOUBLE T PORTABLE AND STATIONARY SAW, FLOUR AWDSgIST MILLS. SHAFTING. PULLEYS AND HANGERS Address, POOLE & HUNT, sept29-ly PRINTING - FAVORITE te, ti Press sl6 v^SßPrwMt from to ftl I ;,'. V * complete Sfrl•'.* Tvpr.ChtAAf.. iti *