The Christian index. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1881, July 11, 1878, Page 8, Image 8

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8 MARRIED. Now Wacahoota, Florida, at the residence of Mr. Elian Smith, by Rev. Z. A. Crumpton, June SOth, John E. Canard and Mine Maar E. Lo- MAK - Tribute of Respeet. Macedonia Baptist Church, Newton county, Ga., June 15, 1878. OoWn H a allwife pro'Hence, lias sein fit to remove?rom our midst to her Heavenly abode, sinter Ja'k B. Bubbuhb, wife of our beloved pas tor, T. 1 Burruss: Beeolvod, by the church, That we extend to our pastor our mostboartfelt sympathy, praying thatfie in His infinite mercy will be as a pil lar me import in hearing him up through liis sad berc , ient, and that a sufficiency of God’s gr 8 ove may be added unto him to fill the ya, ,en ' -mde by the loss of hisdear companion. •'I L. A. Burkhart, It. C. Cook, * " ,111 Committee. ■lev' ———i ■■■ The Ne w Style Organ, Hitherto there has been an unsatisfied de mand tor a Bailor Organ which should combine power, sweetness and variety of tone with a perfect action, enclosed in a rich and oma montal case, which could be sold at a very mod el ate prico. Afier spending large sums of money iu experimenting, J. Estuy it Cos. have at last succeeded iu manufacturing an organ which cov ers the whole ground. The action, by an inge nious and yet perfectly simple mechanism, has been rendered independent, and cannot bo af ected, like others, by changes in the weather. A new and surprisingly beautiful design of case has been fashioned, and many other improvements been made, and wo aro informed by G. X*. Guil ford,Estey’s Managing Agent for the South,that in his experience of twenty-nine years, he has never seen such a universal favorite as this organ seems to he. Ho lirh sent it out ou trial to bo tested with other organs, and that not one lias ever been returned; neither has he failed to sell it to any customer who lias ever seen it. Having done away with all local agencies, Estky has determined to sell through Mr. Guilford directly to customers; thus giving them the benefit of all discounts and commissions. Blindly Groping For pome medicinal alcoholic resnscitantof iiUjh ical energy which should take the place or the lieady ami frequently adulterated etimulants of commerce, the medical practitioners of a quar ter of a century ago were electrified on first ob serving the reviving effects upon the system of a tonic then recently introduced, but whioh has since beoomo the moat popular medicine Hold on this continent, viz. : Hostetter’s Stomach Bittera. Their astonishment and adimration wore increased when experience farther disclos ed that this botanic remedy etTecled reeulta which the mineral drugH of the pharmacopeia often utterly failed to produce among others, tlie permanent restoration of vigor, the removal of digeetive, secretive and evaeuativo irregular ities, and the eradication and prevention of periodic fevers. Speedy recognition of the mer its of Iho Bitters by unprejudiced and enlight ened physicians naturally followed this revela tion of medical facts, which havo since roooived snob frequent and positive confirmation. Relief at Lust 1 From Cholera Infantum and Hummer Com plaints. Db. Moffett's Teetbina [Teething J’ouxlers) Regulates the Bowels and makes teeth ing easy, heals Eruption and Sores, Removes and Prevents the formation of worms in Chil dren. No mothor should bo without it. Hold by all druggists. jueld it Of Great Benefit- N- C. Ogilvie, Long View, Texas, writes :—D. Langell. Apple Creek, Ohio— Dear Hib : I have nearly used np the two lions of Aetbma and Catarrh Remedy, which, in my case, for Asthma lias been of mote beuctlt than auy thing I have ever tried for 25 years. Sent by mail for SI.OO. Address, D. Langell, Apple Creek, Ohio. Parsons' Purgative Pills make new rich blood and will completely change the blood in the en tire system in three months. Any person who will take ono pill a night from one to twelve weeks may he restored to sound health, if such a tiling is possible. Life is full of disappointments. Wo recently offered to ome a had case of Rheumatism for a year's subscription in advance, but just as we were on the point of lifting the shekels, a sym pathizing friend suggested Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, and tho money and the patient van ished iustaiiter. ScrEKHEiis’Balm. —Dr. G. 11. Heard says: "It gave immediate relief in the case of a young lady who was suffering from the pain of a rusty nail having penetrated her toot. Hhe had all the premonitory symptoms of iock-jaw, and the relief was immediate." Prepared by T. H. Rradtlold, LaGrango, Ga. For sale by Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, and all Druggists. July 11.2 m Cousun.ptlon Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, hav ing had placed in ins hinds by an East India mi.sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for oonsumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections; also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its won derful curative powers in thousands of oases, lias felt it his duty to make it known to his suf fering fellows. Actuated hv this motive, and a desire to ruliovo human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all wtio desire it, this reoipe, with full directions for preparing and ÜBing, in German. French, or English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Roches er, N. Y. juue27.eowly ||| The heat of summer, or of a tropical climate, causes a depression of vital power, fosters a bil ious tendency, and renderathe stomach and bow els apt to become sluggish and disordered. Tins hurtful influence is nullified bv that most re freshing and invigorating ot * i in is Tarrant's Soltaer Aperient Whioh is emphatically endorsed by phyeicians and the press. Sold by all Druggists. The Little GianJ_Pocket Scales. BOMEiHING’NEW, JUST OUT. Weighing from one ounoe to ten pounds, can be easily carried in the pocket: it ie elegantly Nickel l isted, and will last a life time. Every family should have one. Oood live Agents warned eveiywbere. Sample sent free to any addiess ou the receipt of 50 oents, or one dozen for t 5.50. Address all orders to C. B. THOMPSON, julyll.Sm Bridgewater, Conn. THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST -Joly u. Arrival and Departure of Trains. Atlanta, June 10, 1878. WEBTEBN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Leaves at 7am Arrives at 13 05 a m 2:15 pm 10:40 pm ATLANTA A CHARLOTTE AIR-LINE. Leaves at (Acc.) 7am Arrives at 12 m 2:40 p m (Acc.) 4:30 p m Belton Acc., spm Belton Acc., 8:30 a m ATLANTA A WEST POINT RAILROAD. Leaves at 12:35 p m Arrives at 9:05 a m (Acc.) spm 1:40 p m CENTRAL (Macon A Western) RAILROAD. Leaves at 2:05 p m Arrives at 5:02 a m 11:40 p m 2:45 p m THE GEORGIA (Augusta) RAILROAD. Leaves at 9:30 a m Arrives at 6:45 a m 4 pm (Accom.) 7:50 a m (Accom.) 5:30 p m 2.15 p m Augusta Female Seminary, STAUNTON, VA. THE largest First-class Institution for Young Ladies, in Virginia, with an able corps of twenty-live teachers. Opens on the first Wednesday in September, 1878, and closes on tho first Wednesday in June, 1879. For Catalogues containing full particulars— Address Miss MARY J. BALDWIN, Principal, junel!.2m. Staunton, Va. Wanted, 4 VIRGINIA LADY and member of the liap aY. tist Church, desires a situation as teacher in a private family. Teaches English, French, Music and rudiments of Latin, and has been teaching successfully for several years. Address, stating terms, cot.. Mihh h. M. TERRILL, Rapid Ann Station, Culpoper Cos., Va. julyll-2t* i Wanted. A TEACHER i f many years experience as Principal of Female Colleges and High Schools for both sexes, wishes a position for the next session. Teacher is prepared to furnish Assistants for the Literary and Music Departments ; also mu sical instruments and apparatus, if necessary. Each of thi se teachers would accept a position as assistant in a well established Institution of high grade. Satisfactory references and testi monials will ho furnished. Address TEACH Ell, care of Editors Christian Index, Atlanta, Ga. julyll.lm Educate Your Daughters. NASHVILLE, TKNN. Dr. WARD'S SEMINARY.—A first-class, non sectarian and established school. The lar gout in the South and fourth iu the Uuited StateH. 42 graduates this June ; 18 teachers ; 8 nuislo teachers; 23 pianos, organ, harp and guitar; French spoken ; calistlieuic drill daily In new hall; health the first care; weekly leotures by Vanderbilt Professors. A I cauliful city, line churches and GENIAL CLIMATE. Grand four story buildings Modeiate charges. Opens its 14t.h year Sept. 2. For catalogue address julyll.lm Dr W. E. WARD. Hearn Male School, CAVE SPRING, OA. THE Fortieth SeHuion of Hearn School will open Aug. 2(sth, and tho Fall Term clones Doc. 13th. 1378. The Spring Term opens Jan. O'h, and closes with a Prize Declamation June 27th, 1879. Tuition for the year S2O, S3O and S4O. Incidental expenses for the year SI.OO. Hoard with the Principal at $lO per month, ex clusive of washing and towels. Students will ho thoroughly prepared for tho higher ela*noß in College. Prizes will he awarded in Latin, Greek and Mathematics. For Circulars or other infor mation addross the Principal, j uly 11.3 m PALEMON J. KING, A.M. ABBOTT’S LARGE TYPE (ILLUSTRATED) NEW TESTAMENT, WITH NOTES, is a splendid work for agents. Nothing like it. Ail want it. Price $ll.OO. Address H. 8. GOUDHPEED A 00., New York or Cincinnati, Ohio. jati24.6tu Book-Keeper. A THOROUGH export in Double Entry Book keeping, would ho glad to remove from Co lumbus, Mississippi, and obtain a situate n in Atlanta, or some other city in Northern or Cen tial Georgia. Enquire of Jas. P. Ilariison, Esq,, at the office of The In hex, for all needed infor mation respecting him. Make Hens Lay. A N English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist, /V now traveling in this country, save that most of the Horse and Oattlo Powdors sold here are worthless trash. He says that Sheridan's Condition Powders are absolutely pure and im mensely valuable. Nothing on earth will make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Powders. Dose one teaspoonful to ot e pint food. Send by mail for eight letter stamps. J. S. JOHNBON A CO., Bangor, Maine.* This hook need* no Endorsement.— Da PalkxC • AUINTS W ANTED . VW M Tl Tf DB. MABCH-8 ff IV A . NfW BOOK, * VAWKr Id this new volume ths Popular Author of Night Scbitm in th Bibli portray* with vivid and thrilling force and eloouenoetheeventaof Saer*d Truth, and adds freah Ustimonr to the beauty, patho* and sublimity of tbs Stories of ths Bible. Afeats will find this Book with it* sparkling thought*, glow* lag style, beautiful Engravings, and rich bindings, the best in the market. 7Vr*** 7 Abrrml, Qtrrulara fVr*. Address. J. 0. MoCURDY 4 CO., Philadelphia, Pa. julyll.eow?t Medical Students THOROUGHLY qualified for successful prac tice by The Hospital Collide of Medicine, Louisville, Ky. [The Clinical School of the West.] SSTNo student leaves tho College who cannot show that he can intelligently examine and pre scribe for the cases presented. For catalogue and information concerning special advantages, address FRANK C. WILSON, M. D,,, Secretary, Sixth and Chestnut streets, Louisville, Ky. jne27.6m #£>|j "V >'•*> da-a. TV. *■* ‘hawngtn.l, and shorn a July ___ AIO to e 5 per day to Agents selling our fine <qp Art NOVELTIES illustrated. Catalogue and Outfit Free bv mail on application to J. H. BUFtOUD'H SONS, Manufacturing Publishers, l-AI to lev Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. Established nearly fifty years. July 1 mJUNIV ■.Pattons Tor ei.V A t the NEW ENGLAND Conservatory Music Hall; the largest nmsio school in the world. Open all the year. 7.1 eminent profes sors. 18,000 students since 1867. Situa tions secured for its graduates. For prospectus address E. Tocurait, Music Hall, Boston, julyll.eowlt WANTED.— I will pay a good canvasser, man or woman, a salary of *6OO per vear and expeuses, to canvass for the TEMPERANCE REFORMER For particulars address Rev. C. H. BROWNING. Lock Box 626, Oskaioosa, lowa. SINGING AND SPEAKING. THE HOWARD METHOD. LESSONS BT MAIL. No better proof that The Howard Method ie original and thoroughly practical could he de sired than the fact that its principles and exer cises may be reduced to writing, and be so ex actly explained that pupils at a distance, who can receive only written > lessons, have been greatly benefited, as their enthusiastic testimo nials declare. ‘‘By every means in my power do I persuade my friends to avail themselves of John How ard's thorough, practical and unique instruc tions. It stems to me that these (instructions) must eventually revolutionize the art of|teach iug aud delivering the voice.” “The first course of twenty written lessons I have found invaluable.”— Mrs. K. M. Knapp, Teacher of Music in State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis. ‘ I find that immediately upon applying these hints (contained in the first written lesion ttlone) I can vocalize A flat above the stall with more ease and certainty than I ordinarily sing an octave lower. While practicing Arm, arm, 'ye brave!’ to-day, I was astonished at the ease aud force witli which I could throw the tone in the passage. ‘Arm,’ etc., by following your sug gestions ''—John (}. Parkhursl, Teacher of the I'vice, 20 North Pearl Street, Albany, N. Y. Address for Circular and Terms, JOHN HOWARD, 39 Union Square, N. Y‘ Enclose 25 cents in stamps for Pamphlet on ‘Vocal Reform," Vocal Development," and “Natural tinging." jnlyll-lt Hew SaM-ScM Music Books. HEAVENLY carojls. By Rev. I. Baltzf.ll and Rev. E. 8. Lorenz. Including an improved Elementary and Practi cal Department on the Theory of Music, BYJ. 11. KURTZENKNABE. 170 Paxes, Board Cover. Single copies, by mail 35 Per dozen, by mail 51 00 Per dozen, by express 3 60 Address PHILLIPS & CItEW, julyll.l3t Atlanta. Ga. BEFORE BUYING OR RENTING CABINET OB PARLOR ORGAN. BE sure lo solid for our Latest Catalogue and Circulars with new styles,bed uor.D phi ces and much information. Sent free. MA*ON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., Boston, New York or Chicago. July 11. ly* Plantation Machinery, WE are (Jeneral Agents in the StateH of Flori da. Georgia, South Carolina. North Caro lina, for the following machinery—all of which is first-class, warrantod as represented, and at prices to suit tho times. Oullett's Latest Improved Light Draft Cotton Qin. Oullett's Oin Feeder. Oullett's Condenser. Bigelow Engines, Upright, Horizontal, Mount ed or Stationary. Economizer Engines. Coleman's Grist Mills “ Maid of the South." Lever Presses. Screw Presses (every style). Seporntors, Thrashers, Horse Powers, Saw Mills, etc. Prioes given, delivered at any Railroad Depot. Write for circulars aud prices before purchas ing elsewhere. O. W. STONE A CO„ Cotton Factors, Augusta, Ga. julyll.Sm. I'AKNERN ! IF YOU WANT TO SEE A ■, . a,u i.'u y . sample of the largest and tAKNI.KN . flneHt grainsof wheat in the ■'AH AIF.ItM I world, ~ a „ „ ~„K , Mingle, grains measuring t AH.iiiiHN i nearly one half inchin length, r linil'US t Bond your address and we V'* ■* •’* **" * will send yon a sample by re l'AK .71 IlHti . turn mail/ree of charge. S. Y. HAINES A CO., FAKAIFKN ! 41 North Front St. Phila, Pa. juuell 3m. H. Y. HENDERSON, COTTON FACTOR AM General Coin Merchant, 180 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GAI Highest Cash Prices paid for Wool, Hides, Wax, and Deer Skins. eSTsend for Circular. ' Refer to Savannah Merchants’ National Bank. ju!yll.3m Fire to Twenty Dollars nor tlav at homo. Samples worth #5 free. Ad dress Stinson A Cos.. Portland. Maine. janSO-ly* Buffalo Lithia Springs, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA. For Affections Peculiar to Women. r ># Extract from letter of Dr. H r M. T. HOWARD, of B<\ltimore, V, a |£\ TANARUS. y Professor of IHseases of Women and Children in the Uni- ) . J. Y‘/ * Vrruty of Maryland, doled August Ist, 1873. y' Dr. Howard compares these Waters with those of the oel- l ebrated Greenbrier White Sulphur, West Virginia, and adds *• ludeeif, in a certain class of cases, if is much superior to the latter. I allude to the abiding debility attendant upoi yjy& the tardy convalescence from grave acute diseases ; and especially to the cachexia amt sequels incident to malarious fevers in all their grades and varieties, to certain terms of v6®>i?3>t'<'sos!v!!3 --SSANv atonic dvspepsia, and ALL THE AFFECTIONS PECULIAR s'' TO WOMEN that sro remediable at all by mint tal waters. In J HBFw&w short 1 cere I called upon to state ichal mineral wafers I have W Sk.i £ seen, the greatest and most unmistakable ampunt of good accrue MB j 5 in the largest number of cases in a general way, I would unhei ff J itatingly say the Buffalo Springs, in Mecklenburg county, Fir- 2- ginia." Extract from letter of Dr. HARVEY L. BYRD, of Baltimore, late Professor of Diseases ot Women and Children in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Maryland. Dated, Balti more. September 21sf, 1877. "Du iug my stay at the Buffalo Lithia Springs, as a resident physician, for the season just closed, I had ample opportunities for observing the action of the waters of the several Sptiugs on different constitutions and the two sexedt I have no hesitation in expressing the opinion tUat, in the large mujorny of Chronic FEMALE DISEASES, and eepeoialiy those connected with the Uro- Genital Organs, they have no equal as a medicinal agent in the whole range of Therapeutic applica tion In Leuehorrhoea, Ameuorrhasa, Dysmenorrhnea and Cystorrhoea their action my be regarded ai almost specific." Extract from Letter of Dr. 0. F. Adams, Baltimore, Md. " I know of no remedy or combination of remedies, medicines or mineral waters—in short, of no hitur, at .11 comparable to the Buffalo Lithia Waters as a remedial agent in the peculiar Affec tions of Women. " rhe action of the Waters in numerous oases in which I havo prescribed them, is my warrant for the expression of this opinion.” Extract from letter of Dr. TANARUS, J. WILLIAMSOX, of Cincinnati, Ohio, whose specialty is Diseases of Women. No. 137 run Stbeft. Cincinnati, Ohio. Nnvemtxr 21. 1877. “ These waters unquestionably possess woudetful powtrs as a curative agent in mmv forms of chronic disease. It is. however, their almost specific power in the PECUUI VR DISEASES OF WOMEN that gives to them their great sdperiokity over all of tho more noted mineral waters, both of this country aud Europe. "Some of the most distressing and unimaginable cases of UTERINE diffibulty which have ever come under my observation have been cntirelv relieved bv tt e persistent use of these waters with but little, and in some instances without any, aio from medicine. To make mention of a single case: Mrs. . of this • itv, severely afflicted, was for four months under the treatmei t of some of the most eminent of the medical faculty of Philadelphia, deriving no material benefit from lieatmeut. She returned to this city and was put up in the LITHIA WATERS, the use of which for three months resulted in her entire restoration to health. • “ J have found them equally ; ©tent in Dysmenorthooa and Menorrhagia.'’ These Springs are now open h r guests. Waters in cases of six gallons, $5 per case, at the Springs. (julyll.Sm) THOMAS F. GOODE, Proprietor. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CARPETS, BOOTS & SHOES 06 and <SB Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Ga. DRY COODS. CARPETS. BOOTS and SHOES. IN this department can always be found the . pHIS department has never been equalled in choicest and latest styles of I the South. We have, during the past season, added a BLACK and COLORED SILKS, LADIEB' FINE and MEDIUM DRESB GOODS, CARPETS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS BOOT and SHOE DEPARTMENT. LACES, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, Cheaper than ©ve** before GLOVES. CORSETS, NOTIONS, OT , rTnT na Which is entirely separate and distinct from each LADIES’ TIES and f th to eighteen in * of oar ofcher departments, and we now offer to NECK WEAR, f ® ™ ° the P ubUc the largest and best stock of Gents, And a general assortment of n. e . riity or f attebnb. Ladies, Misses, Boys, and Children’s Boots anj STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS. LAMBREQUINS and CORNICES made to or- Bhoes t 0 be found in the State. Samples from this department sent by mail on der. Wall paper and general interior decora- We make a specialty of BURTS, MU.~F.fI and application. tions a specialty in this department. other well known first-class makers. OUR MOTTO IS TO “ALLOW NO ONE TO UNDERSELL US.’* All our purchases are made for CASH, and it v II well repav any and all to examine each ofour departments before purchasing elsewhere. Call and examine, or send your orders to •ST The several depaitments are under the superintendence of Mr. SIDNEY ROO r, formerly of Beach A Roo^ , . . r r T. , O"tsT &c GO., jeß tf 66 Slid 68 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. THE NEWEST MUSIC BOOKS, ! ! ONWARD ! ! Onward is the name of L. O. EMERSON'S book for PINGING CLASSES for the season of 1878 9. Anew and fresh collection of the beet Secular and Sacred Music, with a full Inetrac tive Course. Tea'hers will p'ease examine. 52 Glees, 56 Sacred Tunes, and 15 Anthems are provided. Price $7.50 por dozen. Festival Chorus Books! Compiled by J. P. COBB, and designed for Musical Conventions. Societies, Festivals, etc., etc. A section of a number of the best Cho ruses. Saci od and Secular. 144 large pages. (sl2 per dozen ) ’I he Church Offering ! IJy L. O. EMERSON. As this fino hook con tains a Hundred Anthems, Motet*, etc., all of the beet quality, it i* a fine book for any choir, and will be extensively used as an Antht-m Book. Itn first design, however, is for the use of Epis copal Choirs, and it has the greatest variety < ver brought together of Anthem*, Venites, Cautates, .Jubilates, dorian, and of all other pieces lined in the service. Should be uuiver ally used. (sl2 per dozen.) OLIVER DITSON & CO., BOSTON. C. H. Dithon A Cos., J. E- Dithon A Cos., 843 Broadway, 922 Chestnut street. Now York. Phila. junel6 ly W. H. PARKINS, Architect and Superintendent. Office in Healey Building, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PLANS. Specifications aud Drawings made for Buildings of all kinds. Church wrork a specialty. janl7-tf M. H . LANE, ATTOR.WK V AT I.AW, WASHINGTON, GA. solicited- Will prctice iu coun ties of Northern Circuit. ju24-ly Short Hand Writing Taught. W. E. H. SEARCY, Stenographic Law Reporter OF FLINT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Grillin Urergla, / and IVES lessonsin Short Hand Writing by mail. ’ X He has taught many in this manner, and has never failed in any instance to impart a thorough knowledge of the art. t*" Everybody should learn this beautiful and labor-saving art. Send r-tanip for terms. maylfitojanl RUPTURE. C4fTIHE MERFK COMFORTABLE TRUSS." J. Invented, manufactured and sold in Geor gia. No fr&nd; it will not disappoint you. Is the most comfortable and durable—proven by the testimony of the following physicians: Dr. A. W. Hcnlev, Greensboro, Ga.; Dr. J. F. Ham mond, Atlanta, Ga.: Dr. A. A. J. Kiddle, Linden, Ala,: also Rev. CravesH. Oartledge, Homer,Ga. Send for tertimonUls and price list, aud yon will buy. Address W. G. BROWNE, 331 Whitehall stredt, Atlanta. Ga. mav3o.6m Drunkeness Cured. No More Desire for Strong Drink. Address enclosing 10 cents. TRANE DERMOTT. M.D., jne27.Sm. P. O Box 20, Ohicgo, 111. SAWYER’S TOTAL ECLIPSE COTTON GIN. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE IN ITS LINE' Superior to all Others. This Gin is au improvement on my Eclipse Gin patented in 1873. Not one out of one hundred and seventy- five has ever been complained of, but all are giving entire satisfaction, causing the farmer to realize from * to 2 cents per th more than the same cotton will bring ginned on any other Gin. It cost the firmer nothing, as it will pay for itself in ginning one hundred bales of cotton, and leave tho farmer from S3OO to S4OO in premium over what the same cotton will bring ginned on any of the following named Oins : Massey's Excelsior Gin ; Carver’s Gin; Winship'a Gin • 1 ratt’s Gin; F.ndley’s G n; Brown’s Gin; Taylor’s Gin; Emorv's Gin; Niblet’s Gin; Wynu's Gin- Ea gle Gin; Hall s Gin; Georgia Gin; C. n tennis 1 Gin: Plxnnix Gin; R, wland Gin. or any other Gin. If auy of the owners of the above mentioned Gins dislike what I have said, my friends say that they have Jiw hundred dollars to test it with. lam making thiee Gins as follows : Toml Eclipse Gin *3.00 per Haw. caab. Eclipse Gin, *2 50 per Saw, cash. When from one to four months time is given, fifteen per cent, additional will be added to the above prices. Old Griswold Gin, $2.00. or equivalent till July Ist per Saw. Or will make any other pattern of old faehioned Gina at $2.00 per saw. Total Eclipse Gin wiU not choke or break the rod-takes out all sand dust, trash, etc. Eclipse Gin will not ohoke or break the roll, aud is Uke the Total Eclipse Gin. It is very fast, and picks the seed clean. All my Gina are now made with 10 inch Saws and Iron Frames. Griswold Gin about run out. CONDENSERS. After many trials and experiments, I think I have the most perfect one ever made. Price 75 cents per saw. It has been perfected in the last six months. Those who have my first or old Con densers oan exchange and get the new ones, for $20.00 difference. FEEDERS. The Feeders I make are Craven's Automatic, like those of E. Van Winkle, with my improved apron. Price $1.25 per saw. Send for descriptive Circular. Send in youi orders at once as I shall only make a limited amoui.t to fill order*. I also seil the best Agricultural Engines of the different makers. J ol y n ‘ 3m p. C. SAW VER, naren, a. THE DANIEL PEATT Cotton Gin Company OF ~ J F’ratt'ville, Alabama, ■" a ARK MANUFACTURING THE “ DANIEL PRATT COTTON GIN,” With Revolving Heads, and an adjustable Seed Board, which are improvements patented by them in July, 1873# An ordinary plantation hand can feed these Gins, and they will turn out more lint in the same time than auy other gins, and by the nee of the adjustable seed board which can be adjusted while the On is running, they can be made to pick the seed muoh cheaper than auy other Gin Everv Gin guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. ' 1 The experience of every Planter who has used them shows that these gins will not choke nor can the roll be broken by feeding it altogether in the centre or at the ends of the cot,on box ’ Agents.—Blanchard. Williams A Cos., Columbus, Ga.; W. B. Orr. Newnai, Ga., J M. Alexan der A Cos., At anta. Ga. ;W A. Graham. Fort Gaines, Ga ; J. M. Reading A Cos.. Cathbert Ga • E. G. Kramer, Carrollton, Ga., Ayer A McDonald, Rome, Ga., W. J. Goss, Harmony Grove ’ Ga • W. F. Smith, Social Circle, Ga ; Litchdeld A Parkinson. Acvrorth, Ga ;J. B. Hanson Barnesvtlle’ Ga ; W. P. Golson, Traveling. Northeast Georgia ; T. T. Smith, Traveling, Southwest Geonria Orders addressed to DANIEL PRATT GIN COMPANY, Prattville, Alabama, will receive DroSmt attention. * * DANIEL PRATT GIN COMPANY, jnlyll.4m PRATTVILLE, ALABAMA. IWHISKERSIVf'ftt^r.I face in * B gtvwth^of*’ HEAOSI in fix to ei*htweek. bv the use or INCINO ! It is ■ new. wonderful veg*'t.el'le ’'"mround tnat never fails ■ fiXT-ONE BOTTLE FREE I Send twothree-cent lUmpi for particulars. Addreac. H The INCINO CO., Cincinnati, Ohio, J uuuo.i.ovW Golden Hill Seminary fo.’ Young Laflie?, BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT. Address Miss EMILY NELSON. jniyll.Sm. ESTABLISHED 1546. SHELDON COLLINS Sc. Cos MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING INKS OF EVERY VARIETY. Office and Depot—96 Frankfort Street . NEW YORK. 1,000 |“Errori* of the Roman At.} t.vrt* I Catholic I’liurch.” By ■V 4XTIDI the ablest Divines of the differ ent Denomil ations. Illustrated. Price $2. Bells rapidly. Best terms given. J. H. CHAMBERS A CO., julyll 2t St. Louis, Mo.