The Christian index. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1881, January 20, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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Children’s Corner. Bev. T. 0. BOYKIN, State S- S. Evangelist, Ed CHARACTER BVILDIXO. Some children one dav who were playing With curious bl. cks of wood, Determined to put up a building, The very best they could, And I, who among them was standing, Thought out a parable, And showed how a character forming, To this was parallel. First, of course, they laid a foundation, Laying it sure and strong, For they knew if that should be faulty, The rest would all be wrong. So Jesut ‘i trusty foundation By God for you is made, And never can men lay another Than that which has been laid. Then next, they thought that a frame-work Their dainty hands must form, That the tenant thus might be sheltered From wintry cold and storm. And i said—the safest protection Against life’s fretful care. What Jesus himself recommended, Watching w<. uld be, and prayer, Then of course there had to be windows, And doors were thought about, That the rooms all through might be lighted, And men go in and out. So—take for the windows of spirit, Transparent vurity, Let your doors be truth always spoken In firm intt grity. Then, they said, a roof must be added, The finished work to crown, *To flash in the rays of the morning With sunl’ght pouring down. Ami lave is the crown of perfection To characters of earth, Reflecting the 1 canty of heaven, With pure and holy worth! Christian Intelligence r. JACK'S NEW YEAR'S FIND. BY FANNIE E. NEWBERRY. Inside the window is a dining-room, with a table sparkling in glass and sil ver, and aglow with light—a bright fire in the grate, pictures of game and fruit upon the wall, and a side-board a-glitter with silver and wax-light. A laughing, chattering family sit about the table —there is Uncle Ben at the head, and Aunt Mollie at the foot, while Harry, Lou and Jack sit promis cuously between. The servants come and go, the family laugh, talk, and eat in perfect content, never dreaming of the scene without. There, two pale, pinched, little faces are pressed against the ornamented gratings ; two hungry, wistful eyes gaze in; two thinly-clad little figures shiver in the bitter wind, as Tom and Trotty hug closer, and whisper together: “My! Just see that pudding, now! Ain’t it grand? I can just count the raisins in it! Oh! Trotty, I’m awful hungry, aren’t you?” Trotty sighs pathetically, and press es closer to the window which bars her from all that warmth and luxu ry within. “Where’s we going to sleep to night?” she asks, looking anxiously about—“lt’s going to be colder, I guess.” “I’ll tell you, Trotty, let’s stay right here in under the front steps. It's nice and warm in there, and I believe that big fire in the grate will last all night. If they don’t put the curtains down we can come and look at it when we get very cold. It’ll be sort o’comfortin’.” “Yes,” said Trotty, patiently, but she thought, “It looks warm, to be sure, but I would just like to feel it!” aud she gave another involuntary shiv er. • Then the family left the room for the parlors above; the table was clear ed, and the lights put out; only the fire still glowed redly through the gloom, and the curtains were not drawn. Tom and Trotty crept under the steps, curling up close together, and the warmly-nested children with in did not sleep sweeter than they. “Happy New Year! Happy New Year!” whooped Jack, like a young savage, the next morning; but as he hear! only sleepy groans in reply, he concluded to go out doors for a run be fore breakfast. Down to the basement door he clattered, opened it with a rush, and jumped back with a cry of astonishment. “ Gracious ! what’s that?” What seemed to be-a bundle of rags raised itself, and showed a boy’s pale face, and two great eyes, heavy with sleep—but, however rude his awaken ing, Tom did not forget his manners —ducking his head, he said, pleasant ly: “Mornin’ sir! Happy New Year!” Jack laughed, but jumped again as another bundle of rags, in the gloom under the steps, began to uncoil, and a little girl, paler and more pinched than the first bundle, stood up and smiled a good morning. “Well, I declare!” was all Jack could utter, as he looked from one to the other. Jack was fresh from the country, and not used to finding animated bun dles on his doorsteps o’ mornings! He hardly knew how to act under the cir cumstances, but finally said, good na turedly: “Hadn’t you better come in and get warm?” Tom and Trotty were not backward about accepting, so when Aunt Mollie came down to see how breakfast was getting on, she found the three chat ting cozily in front of the glowing grate, as if they had been friends for years. “Goodness! Jack—” said she, “what have you here?” “A boy and girl, auntie, and they’re awful hungry. I’ve invited them to breakfast, and I thought perhaps you’d let ’em go to the bath-room and clean up a little,” said Jack all in a THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1881. breath, adding in a whisper, as he stole an arm around her neck. “There’s that suit of mine that’s got the grease-spot on the pants —can’t t Tom have that? And Trotty might ; take the blue merino of Lou’s that is i so short for her, couldn't she, auntie?” ' And Mollie hadn’t a child in the | world, and big-hearted Jack was her favorite among all the nephews and j nieces, so she only hesitated a moment I then turning to the little strangers, I said pleasantly: “Come, children! I’ll see what can be done for you!” When, at last, all assembled about ; the smoking breakfast-table, there I were two guests present who looked I pale, but as neat and respectable as ■ one could wish. All were too well- ] bred to ask questions, but Uncle Ben I gave a good-natured grunt; dainty ■ Lou looked astonishment at Harry ; ami he bowed with an extra flourish i to the strangers, who replied with a “Happy New Year!” But didn’t Tom and Trotty enjoy that breakfast though! And when the others saw their hunger they for- [ got their own appetites and just help ed them to everything on the table. But better was to follow, for they were asked to stay all day, and Jack was sent on some mysterious errand, while they lingered at the table. But when they finally gathered in the library for prayers, Jack sat there beaming, and the piano was crowded with parcels. ! Uncle Ben read Paul’s talk with the j elders at Miletus, that morning, and | when he came to the beautiful words . of Jesus, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” Jack so far forgot himself as to exclaim aloud, “I declare that’s so!” This made Aunt Mollie say “shoo!” under her breath, at which the children tittered, and Uncle Ben drew down his mouth, as if afraid it might curl the wrong way. Os course the parcels on the piano were New Year’s gifts, in which Tom and Trotty freely shared, and oh! the happy day that followed! Then, when night came, no one had the heart to turn them again into the street; so a room was made ready, and Aunt Mol lie soon decided that she would never let them go. They are good and grate ful children, and are already planning next year’s holiday’s, when Harry, Lou and Jack shall come to the city again, and Tom says: “They’re all splendid, Trotty, but you know Jack found us, and I can’t help liking him best!” To which Trotty cheerfully assents. Praying and doing.—“ Bless the poor children who haven’t got any bed to night,” prayed a little boy just before he lay down in his nice warm cot on a cold windy night. As he rose from his knees, his mother said, “You have just asked God to bless the poor children; what will you do to bless them?” The boy thought a moment. “Why, if I had a hundred cakes, enough for all the family, I would give them some.” “But you have no cakes; what then aie you willing to do ?” “When I get money enough to buy all things I want, and have some over, I’ll give them some.” “But you haven’t enough money to buy all you want, and perhaps never will have; what will you do to bless the poor now?” “1 will give them some bread.” “You have no bread—the bread is mine.” “Then I could earn money and buy a loaf myself.” “Take this things as they now are— you know what you have that is your own; what are you willing to do to help the poor ?” The boy thought again. “I’ll give them half my money. 1 have seven pennies; I’ll give them four. Woudn’t that be right ?” What did the clock say?—The clock upon the tower of a neighboring church tolled forth, slowly and solemnly, the knell of the departed hour. As the last sound died away, Willie, who was sitting on the carpet at his mother’s feet, lifted his head and, look ing earnestly in her face, asked: — “Mother, what did the clock say?” “To me,’’ said his mother sadly, “it seemed to say, ‘Gone, gone, gone, gone!’ ” “What, mother? what has gone?” “Another hour, my son.” “What is'an hour, mother?’’ "A white-winged messenger from our Father in heaven, sent by him to inquire of you, and of me, what we are doing, what we are saying, what we are think ing and feeling.” “Where is it gone, mother?” “Back to him who sent it, bearing on its wings, that were so pure and white when it came, a record of all our thoughts, words and deeds, while it was with us. Were they all such as our Father could receive with a smile of approbation?” Reader, what record are the hours, as they come and go, bearing up on high of you? __ NEGLECTED CHILDREN. Many a mother has wept over the sins of her child, little dreaming that while she pursued her round of idle pleasures her child was taking its first lesson in sin from the example of a vicious nurse. The truth is parents take upon themselves too many unnecessary burdens; and con sider themselves bound by duty to per form too many tasks which are of much less conseouence than the teaching and training of their children. The father hat; his trade or profession, and his few leisure hours he must spend in social pleasure. The mother has her household cares and the comfort of her family to study, aud besides this, there is much time to be devoted to fancy work, visitors and am usements of one kind and another. Her children are mere secondary consid erations, and depend upon the kindness of hirelings. Their dresses may be mir acles of puffing, rutiles and embroidery, but what does that count wL«u their minds are dwarfed through neglect? Her house may be the model of neatness, her bread excel that of all her neighbors, her jellies and preserves enough to tempt the most fastidious ; but if in ail this, she has kept aloof from her child, has chilled his heart towards her, what does it count? —Rural Sun. Horsford’s Acid Phosphate should be used when you are nervous and cannot sleep. Celebrated Dr. Wm. H. Stokee, Baltimore, writes : "I confidently recom mend to the medical profession Colden’s Liebig's Liquid Extract of Beef for consump tion, depression, weakness and indigestion.” Daniel it Marsh. Agents, Atlanta. WHY? DOES A WOMAN LOOK OLD SOONER THAN A MAN. This question is easily answered. Put a Iman ata wa-h-tub; lei him get heated from the hot sud> until even pore is opened; then lei him stand over the filthy steam that conies from scalding and boiling clothes that are full of sweat, and his 1 eulih would soon break down ; besides this, let him, perspir ing, go out into the open air from the hot room, with his clothes wet, to hang up the clothes; yet this terrible ordeal is what nine tenths oi iht women of our land haw to go through fifty two times every year. These few facts readily explain why so many wo men sufl'er from colds, rheumatism, weak nerws and neuralgia, and look old while yet young in years. Fortunately this trouble can be avoided; the Seif-operating PERFECT WASHt' R saves all this. It will fit in any kind of boiler or the old fashioned wash-pot, so common m the South. It will do all the family washing better than it can be done in any other way ; in less than half the lime it takes by hand, aud with one half the soap, without any chemicals or washing prepara tions, ami w ithout the exhausting labor and ruinous wear and tear of garments as by the wash-board, or as by the different pr< cesses of pounding, squeezing amt dashing the very life out oi them. The operatb n of the ma chine consists in rapidly and continuously forcing all the hot water contained in iht boiler from the bottom to the surface, through the discharge pipe, at the rate of 15 gallons per minute, when in full operation, and then, by the force of suetion drawing it downwaid through the soiled linen,causing it to search out aud eradicate every atom of dirt; leaving the articles, after rinsing, thor oughly cleansed and purified, ami having the pure whiteness of new goods imparted t<» them. The PERFECT WASHER is espu ially valuable for washing all kinds of fragile fab rles, such as I act h lawns, cambrics, etc., which are too delicate U, be subjected to the wash-board. Over 10,000 sold, and every one gives satisfaction. The following testimonials are genuine. If you doubt our statements, write to them. READ WHAT THEY SAY: The Rev. C. A. Gaston, Northport, Ala., writes us: Oct 13, 1880.—“ I received the Washer and am well pleased with it. It does the work as well in the old fashioned wa>h pot (so much used by farmers in this State) as in the stove boilers. My wife likes it better every time she uses it. I would like to be your agent in this vicinity.” Pickens, Ala., Oct. 25.1880. Enclosed find $3 for a Washer. Rev. C. A. Gaston, of Northport, Ala., recommended your Washer to me. T. B. Brown. Knoxsville, Arkansas, Oct. 22, 1880. Gents:—The Washer was received yester day. We put it to test this morning expect ing it to be ft regular humbug ; but I have to acknowledge we were greatly mistaken. The little thing went to work and completed the washing faster than my wife could rinse them. There are eleven in our family, and it did all the washing, and also washed a big bed quilt for a test, in two hours. It is lust the thing that is needed in every house hold, I want the agency for my county. Yours, truly, W. E. Crowder. Hopkinsville, Ky., Oct. 31, 1880. Dear Sir—Your Washer at hand and tested. Enclosed find money for 1 dozen more. J. R. Chilton. Bennettsville, 8. C , Oct. 5,1888. Gents—l received the Washer and am well pleased with it. Five of my neighbors want one. I believe I can m*ll a great many in this county. R. L. Lide. Woodville, Tia., Oct. 4,1880. Gents—Send us 4 dsz. more One of our agents has taken 28 orders in less than a week. Jno. L. Wright <Sr Co. Monticello, Miss. Oct. 21, 1880. Your Washer is received and gives very general satisfaction, Send me your terms to agents. 1 cun sell a great many of them. M. Tyler. Toomsuba. Lauderdale Co., Miss. Gents:—Your Washer is thoroughly tested and is all right. Enclosed find order for 3doz. to commence with. We think we can sell 1,000 in this county. Yours,truly. Deason & Ross. Rose Bluff, La., Oct. 24,1880. The Washer is at hand, and after a thor ough trial it does ell you claim. Can I have the agency for this parish. Respectfully, A. Derosier. Marshall, Mo.. Oct. 26,1880. Gents—The Washer received. I must con fess when I saw it I thought I was “humbug ged,” but after trying it lam more than pleased, and you can send three more, it ought to be in everv household. I want the exclusive agency for this county, provided you have no agent already. Respectfully, R. 11. Levy. Laytonville, Md., Oct. '*7, 1880. Gents—The Washer stands the test and gives perfect satisfaction. J have sold one to my neighbor and she would not be without it for a considerable sum. Yours, Henry A. Hale. flylvunia, Ga., Oct. 28, 188% Gents—The Washer waa received in good time and is Just one of the greatest little ma thines ever invented. 1 want to become agent for this county. All of rny friends want one. Yours, T. M. Haxelhurst. THE SI,OOO RE WARD Offered by the Bissell Manufacturing Company, for any Washer that is better than the Robbins, (if they mean business) can be had by any one who buys a F ERFE< T WASHER. It is the invention of Mr. Robusta,the former Secre tary of the Bissell Manufacturing Company and tht- pioneer of the Robbins’ Washer bus iness. It is far superior to either the Bob bins or the Model Washers, the last named of which we have heretofore manufactured and . sold Every objection heretofore met with in the hydraulic t rinciple of Washers, is en tirely ovurcoue in the PERFECT W ASHER. It ismade of the bthtquHiity of brass, there fore cannot rust nor get outof order in any way. It works with many degrees levs heat. In fact, will work perfectly where the others will not work at ail, and as a salable article is beyond comparison. It has aiuw and se cure method of attaching nije to Washer Rud will work in any kind or boiler, oval, ob long, flat, or in the old fashioned wash pot. It is without doubt the most Perfect Auto malic Hydraulic Washer in the world, and wedtfy any one to i>ro<luce its equal. Home of our agent* are having unprecedented suc cess. Ouc agent re do its 110 sales in one men th; ancther 72 lu two weekp; another sold 40 in ten days. We have scores of agents who arc MlUOff 20 Perfect Washers every week. Any intelligent man or woman cun do as well. AGKNTri WANTED In every county. Homo of our igcntf are averaging over 4100 pi< fit • very month. Remember, we guaiantee every Washer to give perfect mh tit faction Price, only delivered free, all charg. n paid, to any purl of lh«* (Jniied States. Cash must accompany all orders. Re mil by post-office order, registered letter, bank check or draft. For our responsibility we refer you to any newspaper or Expr-*s (Company in this city. Descriptive circulars and full dirts lions sent with each machine. Address DENTON MANUFACTURING Co. f B'J Chambers and 71 Reade Sts., New York. P. O. Box 1243. GEORGIA REPORTS. We can furnish full set of “Georgia Report.,” or any single volume. Price 85.10 ter volume. JAS. P. HARRISON A CO, Atlanta, Ga., I Publishers and Blank Book Manufacturers. ADVERTSIEMENTS. AyAySy ~ yy. yy BAy ASy Ar fiyk the Qltt£fi££SC!|BLOOD. Du. HARTER’S Iron Tonic is a preparation of Protoxide of Iron, Peruvian Bark and the Phos phates, associated with the Vegetable Aromatics. Endorsed by the Medical Profession, and recom mended by them for General Female DiNeaseN, Want of Vital- ity. Nervou# Prowtration, Convaleaeenee from Fevers and Clirouic Chi 11m aud Fever. It serves every purpose where a Tonic is necessary. Manufactured by THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., No. 213 North Main Street, St. Louis. aplotl —EES. B. LOWE,= -S'.,?' DEALER IN PIG IRON, Railway, Machinist, and Foundry Supplies, Agricultural Implements, Steam Engines & Boilers, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS. HAZARD POWDER CO.’S Blasting and Sporting Powder. dec23-6m Chattanooga, Tennessee. FROM 14 TO 10,000 lbs. WEIGHT. M __ True to pattern, Bound and .olid, of unequaled strength. HPi Til t toughuenand durability. An Invaluable substitute for forgings or cast-iron requiring \ I !■ la I three fold strength. 11 I II II II Gearing of all kinds, SHOES AND DIES FOR STAMP MILLS, kJ Ja Aj Hammerheads. Crossheads for Locomotives, etc. •t— 15 000 Crank Shafts and 10,000 Gear Wheels of this Steel now M mm ■ ■■ Al M running proveits superiority over all other Steel Castings. H fl fl Hl T »T Fl H CRANK SHAFTS, CROSSHEADS and GEARING, specialties. !■ 11 V* 111 I RJ i* V* Circulars and Price Lists free. Address I I II 11 I I 11 IT A CHESTER STEEL CASTINGS CO. U ■■ |M A ■ Al U |M (Formerly McHaffie Direct Steel Castings Co.) Beptlt j u Workt, CHESTER, Pa. 407 Library St., PHILADELPHIA. CHAS. 11. SWIFT WfcOSF 47 Loyd Street, Atlanta, Ga., KEEPS constantly on hand a complete assort ment of Fisk’s Patent Metalic Burial Cases and Caskets, And a foil line of Wooden Caskets and Coffins. Prompt attention given to calls by day or night, and Funerals attended to In any manner desired. Elegant Hearses and Carriages furnished at mod erate pt ices. EMBALMING A BPECIABTr. Located within a few yards of the Union Passen ger Depot. All orders by mail or telegraph will be filled with promptness and dispatch. JelO ts Ginger, Burhu, ilandrake, KtllHngia and many other of the nest medicines known are com-, Lined so skillfully in Parker’s Ginubr Tonic as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the ; Best Health and Strength Restorer ever used. ! Itcures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia,; Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Lunns, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs >nd all Female Complaints. > If you arc wasting away with Consumption or any disease,use the Tonic to-day. No matter what your symptoms may be, it will surely help you. Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,, is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Preparations and; pother Tonics, and combines the bcstcurativepmp-, ertiesof all. Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggi t.< None genuine without our signature on outside 'wrapper, Htsrox & Co., Chemists. New York, j PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM sept 28-ts. FOR SALE, MOUNTAIN VIEW, A MODEL house and small farm, complete lu every department. It contains twelve acres in the village of Decatur, six miles from Atlanta, Ga., on the Georgia Hallroad. The buildings are all new, of modem er< hltactnre, and aresurronn ded by large native oaks. The main building contains eight rooms, cloaets and wine cellar. The servants home has two rooms and closets. The barn yard is well located and conveniently ar ranged. The stablea are large and comfortable. Vineyard of l,:wO vines of best varieties, five years old. 'lhe orchard contains 510 fruit trees of choice varieties, from three to five years old, and aquantityof small fruits. All of the laud lies well and Is watered by a never failing branch. Titles good. Terns one-third ei sh; balance in one and two years. Addreas P. O- Box 648, aug26-tt Atlanta, Ga ■Aft.. STOVE PIPE SHELF WBnl AND UTENSIL STAND. ACJENTN WANTED (or the f-ft iiiufl conwiilf'ht article cwr offered to housekeepers. Agent# rneel wah greater auccea# than ever. Otw "wen* ihimli’ RlV’4 In 13 dav#, another In 9<lav#, another 1>27 in I day. Itoxln* ami Freight I’rre to Airviita. M« n<l for circulars to Mareat J. Nlli:i > A!«I> «V ( <k C'lnciuitaU, 0., or St. Louis, Mfla augl 00w39t AGENTS WANTED Sa'SW” Unit Machine ever invented. Will knlta pairof stickings, with HEEL and TOK complete, in 20 minutes, It will also knit a great variety of faney-woik for which there is always a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the Twomhly Knitting Machin, Co., 409 Wash ington St., Boston, Mato. lIOV< 17t ar-a CIIDCDR Self-adjusting arm. <4# oUrE.nO chair-desks A book _ .rvsta, for the mil a l’°n. Os f/rMipractiral lIvW adeanlaai— anuntnfly hantlii and ronrrntrni. n bo i«j.».laiih*»«.. A VaplirN.. f-r ..n-l'W, I" I'*''J'* M a vJBu. b wrS.tbhit.o U<W»<l tor *.!•• 111 '* UiarX: Wxiß/Mp-iuLb’iror.Uuu-. Wkl.oliva Iblsgapor laa&ly KNOW THYSELF. THE untold miseries thatre- As VY, suh from indiscretion In early si *'< e ma >’ be alleviated A cured. AMnK'inki* Those who doubt this assertion 1W should purchase the new medl cal work published by the VpC’W’A PEABODY MEDICAL INSTI - entitled THE IEXCE OE LIEB; or, SEE F- Pit ESER FA TIOX Exhausted vitality, nervous and physical debility, or vitality impaired by the errors of youth or too close application to business, may be lestored and manhood regained, Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, just published. It is a standard medical work,the best In the English language, written by a physi cian of great experience, to whom was awarded a gold medal by the National Medical Association. It contains beautiful and very expensive engrav ings. Three hundred pages, more than 50 valuable , pnserfotions for all forms of prevailing disease, lhe result of many yea.s of extensive and success ful practice, either one of which is worth ten times the price of the book. Bound In French cloth; price only 81, sent by mall post-paid. The Loudon Lancet says: “No person should be without this valuable book. The author is a no ble benefactor.” An Illustrated sample sent to all on receipt of ( cents for postage. The author refers, by permission, to Hon. P A. BISSELL, M. D., president of the National Medical Association. Address Dr. W. H. PARKER, UP A T No. 4 Bulflneh Street, Boston, IllkJllj Mass. The author may be con sulted on all diseases requiring TIT VQDT P skill and experience. 1111 dlkUr Janßtf HOP BITTERS?! (A Illcdicine, not u Drink.) < CONTAINS JV i HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, > DANDELION, And the Pt reht and BfstMedicalQuau< H TIKM OF ALL OTHKK BITTKKb. TIIIIIY CURSI I All Dlßeaßesof the St omach. Bowcli. Blood, ■ Liver, Kidneyfl, and Urinary Organ#, Ni r- ■ I vousncßs, Siroplcßaneiaand especially : Female Complaints. J i SIOOO IN COLD. Will be paid for a case they will not cure help, or for anything Impure or Injurious ■ found in them. Ank your druggist for Hop Bitters and try Bj them before you sleep. Take no oiher v K D I. (’ la an absolute and !rreßlstlblnr:»r«« for f ; DrunkuuiiCbfl, u«e of opium, tobacco and kfe narcotics. J ■■■■■■ Send fok Cikculak. ■BBBWSK’JW AC #bov# io Id by druqrltta. ■ Hop BitUra ML’. C<»., Rochwalrr, .V i., A T«rnnt».,Chit. K JyJDy THE ‘‘Musical Curriculum” BY GEO. F. ROOT. THE BEST PIANO INSTRUCTOR EVER PUBLISHED. The “Mt NicHl Cnrrlculnm” early opens up Ilia beauties of tho tiie ry of music, iu>d gives tho pupil Billupses of tho science, while it teaches tho art. The gradual development of tha subject Is fiisi Inatlng. Whatever la of an abstruct nature is ismtlnuHliy relieved l>y the introduction of pleas ing exercises or songs, which, while coustantly proKri-Hsltg, furnish, also, agreeable ru’axatlon. The lessons an- so arranged that the voice can be cultlvaUxl with tho llngen—lho one helping the other. GIVE THE "MUHiCAL CURRICULUM” A CAREFUL EXAMINATION. fWPRICE |B, by mall, postpaid. JOHN CHURCH & CO., 06 West Fourth St, | t Union Square, Cincinnati, O' | Nsw York. decO- 4t 88«npl.>sn<lCu.i<wu«arb«twn. FREE «ou«K% h 0Ct.38-26t. Illustrated Is a n Elegant Foot of J2O Pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and 000 Hiustiations, with.De sciiptions of the best Flowers ano Vegetables, »ml Directions for glowing Cnly 10 cents. In English or German. If you afterwards order seeds deduct I lie in cents. VICK’S SEI-DS are the best in t he world. Tlte Floral Giiidb will tell how to get and grow them. Vick's Mower aid Vegetable Garden, 175 Pa es, <i Colond Plates 500 Engravings. For 50cents in paper covets ; Sl.tOiuelegantcloth. In German or English. ■ SI ** Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 28 Pages, a Colored Plate tu every number and many Hue Engravings. Price, 11.25 a year; Five copies sslo. Specimen Numbers sent or 10 emts; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. . decls4t 5100 covers Tuition. Stationery, Board, etc.,(tor three months. No vacations. jelO ly A FEW OF THE CELEBRATED STEWART COOK STOVES. Also a full line of the most improved Cook-Stoves and Ranges, Church, School and Store Stoves and Furnaces At reasonable rates. Coal Oil Cook and Heating Stoves with a complete line of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS.! At low prices. Gas and Steam Fitting, Galvan ized Iron and Tin Work done at H. FRANKLIN’S, angs-tf Atlanta, Ga. HUMPHREY 8’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS In use twenty years. The most safe, ahnple, eco nomical and efficient medicine known. Dr, Hum phreys’ Book on Disease ami its ('lire (114 ppjalsa Illustrated Catalogue sent fr- e. Humphreys’ Ifomeopatlrc Medh’lnr Co.. 109 Fulton Street, A.- ! ork. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE, Aladiaon, Georgia. This institution is fast regaining its former pre# tige and popularity. Its patronage for the past year has rat idly increased, the matriculates of 1880 being more than double those of 1872. The morale of the institution is gcod, discipline is mildly tint firmly administered, and the punils are addressing themselvts contentedly and suc cessfully to their studies. The departments of Literature. Music and Painting are all filled by teachers whose success is offered as the best test of competency and merit. Exercises will be suspended during Christmas holidays and resumed ou Wednesday the 12th of January. 188). Those in search of a good school, one relying for success upon its merits, and one whose progressive movements must seen place It in the front ranks, respectfully invited to cor repondence. For further particulars address dec!6-8t R. T. ASBURY, President. f 1 \ I U njl fl nl’Ver fails to in-tanily fe- ■ I I■IAmI ie vo the most vi lent -.ti k H ■ ■■■■■■ "andinsurecumfortabt ?sleep ■■ Used by inhalation, thus reaching the disease direct H relaxes tho spasm, facilitates free rxpecti.ration and ■ effects | | g" 1 O where nil other r< Ufdies M fail. Ei WA trial will convince tl.' nu sr. ■ skepticalof its immediate* direct and never failing H effect. Price: &Oe. and ♦I.OO. Trial package free. H Os druggists or by mail for stamp. Cut this out. H Da. K.BUHIFFMANNT StPuul. M inn. g decltf 41 YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE ACTION OE WARRENTED PURE DISSOLVED RAW BONES AND Fine Ground Bone Meal. BUY THEM Os the manufacturers, who warrant them of abso lute purity and standard. Lowest prices. BAUGH & EONS. 103 South St., Baltimore, Md. Factory eMablithedover twenty-five jears. decl6-4t ■H Lowest prices ever known f ■■■<>ll Breech Loaders, 111 Illi A 01)6 85 swrMll 7 SB Will ■ Ht greatly reduced price. b”*iid stamp for our New ; Illustrated(’ntalogue (B) P. POWELL & BON, 23S Maiu titreet, CINCINNATI, O. septl6 261 “ISTLCHEAPEST IN USE sept 9 ts 500 MILE TICKETS. —— GEORGIA RAILROAD COMPANY,") Office Gen’l Passkhckk Ao’t. L Augusta, Match 2, 1880, ) | COMMENCING THIS DATE, this Company will sell FIVE HUNDRED MILE TICKETS, good over main line aud branches, at THIRTEEN 75 100 DOLLARS each. These tickets will be Issued to Individuals, firms, or families, but not to firm! and families combined. E. R. DORSEY, mrll ts General Pamenger Agent. eNG Machine. y man or boy. Only h the weight of the 1 the work. To bo superiority, nen<t .’rice, only 820.00. Agents Wanted. jtnnßßflS. Sam i Males A Co., 240 W. Second Street* Cincinnati, O. (if C2-tf New and Powerful Cotton Press. I - - T MAKE MONEY BY WRITING TO RUFUS P. JI DAVIS, of Monroe. N. C., for a description of hia Cotton Press, lately patented. Warranted to pack 800 pounds Into the size of an ordinary bale. Cotton thus packed Is shipped for nearly half the freight, and enables merchants to give much more for it The Prow la very simple and durable, and will pay for Itself In different o of the price of cot ton packed by It over all other presae. In packing fifty bales. nov2s 8m Stock Speculation and Investment. Operation, on Margin or by Privileges. Speaial business In Mining Stocks. Full particular, on application. J A MEB BBOWN, Dealer in Stock, and Bonds. MAM Broadway, New York. o«U0 ly 3