The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, January 27, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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4 HENRY H. TUCKER, Editor. It is not often that we correct typo graphical errors after they have gone out to the world, but the mis-spelling of the word tergiversation, in our last issue, would seem to imply ignorance of its etymology— tergum and versare. Our readers most have discovered, long ago, that proof-reading is not our forte. THE WOUNDED IN BATTLE. Two weeks ago we spoke of the in visible but dreadful warfare which has been raging in the world ever since sin entered into it. We spoke of its vic tories and of its defeats; the former represented by eternal life, and by promises of infinite magnificence and glory ; the latter represented by eternal death, and by terrors unutterable, in conceivable and infinite. If wars are to be judged by their results, the little tumults that we have here, whose weapons are nothing but fire-arms with their usual accompaniments, and whose area is only a few acres of earth, are too insignificant to be worthy of men tion, even as wretched illustrations, of that tremendous conflict whose issues are vast as eternity. Is it to be supposed that the com batants in this deadly struggle come out of it unharmed? We speak not of the slain, but of the victors. Do they receive no wounds in battle? There was one such battle in which the victor received no wound. Eterni ty, we must suppose, has never wit nessed another such conflict. It was fought by one solitary m?n, against the whole kingdom of darkness, the great chieftain of that kingdom, the arch enemy of God and man, himself leading the van. Tne issue was not merely whether the man himself should fall, but whether he and all the world should fall together. Such an issue was surely never joined before nor since. The conflict of ages is a trifle ; this was the conflict of eternity; and forever be it said to the honor of the human race, that the mightiest battle of the universe was fought by one of its membets. God is not tempted of any, but the Son of Mary was; and he came out conqueror, and more than conquer or. The smell of the enemy’s fire was not upon him ; every missile failed or its mark ; every weapon glanced aside, and he came out of exactly as he went in—-unharmed/ untouched, —as unscathed as the stars in the firmament would be, if beseiged from our little planet with artillery. Refer ence is had not merely to that awful struggle when he was led out into the wilderness, all alone, to be tempted of the Devil, but to that life-long battle, borne by him who was tempted in all points like as we are. Heb. 11:15. True, he was wearied and exhausted by his conflicts. On his return from the wilderness he needed food to sus tain him; on another accasion his struggle tvas such that his sweat was blood, and angels come to strengthen him; but during the whole thirty years’ war, and at the end of it, he was with out sin. It is possible that some of his hum ble followers, in some of their engage ments, may meet with a similar suc cess. It may be that temptations sometimes assail them utterly without effect. Some of the fiery darts of the evil one may be utterly quenched; they may strike the breast-plate, and fall harmless at the feet of the wearer, who only smiles at Satan’s rage, and feels that he is untouched. We spoke of this as a possibility; we may use a stronger word; we mAy say it is cer tain, that Satan sometimes completely fails in his assaults on Christian char acter, and that the man of God is tempted wholly in vain. 1 He comes out of the strife as pure as he went in. Blessed is he who can score many such victories. Alas’ these grand triumphs are too few. In cases without number the Christian, while he may come out con queror in the end, has not achieved his victory without cost. Here and there, sometimes more and sometimes less, he has yielded, and to yield for a mo ment, to yield an iota, is to receive a wound. No man can indulge a sinful feeling, or desire, or thought, for an instant, without injury to his moral character. How many thousands of such injuries have we sustained! To do the thing to which the sinful feel ing, or desire or thought, would prompt us, is to receive a far more dreadful wound. To violate the law of God— what more frightful injury could be endured by a moral being! What hor ror could be more supreme! How many such wounds of infinite ghastli ness have wh all received! We may have struggled against the temptation that led to it, but after fearful conflict, we fell! How many such falls have we had! We may well say that, from the sole of the foot even to the head, there-is no soundness in us, and that we are covered with wounds and bruises and putrefying sores. Oh, what a pitiable sight must a human soul be to one who can see it naked, lacerated and torn, poisoned and ruined I There is ond ttf Whom that’ pitiable sight is-in full view. Let us thank God that we have not an high priest who cannot be touched THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1881. with the feeling of our infirmities, but one who himself has passed through the same scenes of conflict, and by personal experience, knows their terror. One of our own number, born of a wo man just as we are, is, in some myste rious and incomprehensible way, but really, actually and literally, identified and unified with the great God that made us. The Christ of earth is the God of heaven, and he is the same yes terday, to-day and forever. How does he look upon poor battle-riven immor tals now? Just as he did when he was on earth! How did he look upon them then? Always with tenderest commis eration, always with infinite compas skn! With weeping eyes he said, “0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but ye would not.” “Go and sin no more,” was his only rebuke ; was it a rebuke at all? What could have been more gentle? Hanging on the cross, he looked on the blood stained hands of his murderers, as they scowled on him with faces blackened with hate, and pitied them, and prayed for them, and made for them the ex cuse, that they did not see the far reaching and awful consequences of their crime. Doubtless some of those very murderers lie safe in the arms of Jesus now! The priests were the chief instigators of the crime; and in Acts 6. 7. we learn that afterwards “a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.” The nature of Christ has not chang ed since he ascended to heaven ; he is not less compassionate since he has been received into the bosom of the Father. As he looked upon poor smit ten sinners then he looks upon them now, with the tenderness of the Infi nite. So we who have been wounded, sorely wounded in many battles, may have the comfort of knowing, that we are j not without sympathy. The sympa thy of friends, especially of those who I love us and whom we love, is certainly a blessed thing ; its value is priceless ; a world without sympathy would be for lorn enough to remind us of the abodes of the lost; yet, after all, it does not di minish our pains, nor heal our wounds. But Christ can take away the pain al together ; He can give us “beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heav iness.” He can heal the wound alto gether! Under his touch it will be as though it had not been. When he pre sents his redeemed to his Father, they will not be battle-scarred, disfigured, torn and dismembered, but they will be pure and holy, and without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. There is a balm in Gilead that can heal the wounds that sin has made; there is a physician there who can raise the dead. “Ah!” says one, “I received a mor tal gash in one encounter; I commit ted one sin which thrills my soul with horror and dismay every time I think of it; there can be no hope for me.” Poor wounded man! put your faith in Jesus Christ, and your wound will never trouble you more. “Ah,” says another, “It is not one wound that I lament; my wounds are innumerable : the old ones are torn open-, and new ones are made every day; it is a life long thing with me; I am ground as in a mill armed with knives every mo ment of my life.” Poor, dear man, dear to the Savior of sinners, and for whom his blood was shed, the extremi ty of your case only provokes the ex tremity of mercy. It is as easy for him to heal you, as to heal the slightest wound of the purest of his saints. All have sinned; all have come short of the glory of God; and he who offends in one point is guilty of all, (James 2 :10), and it requires as great a forth putting of omnipotence to save one as to save another. Dismiss your fears. Faith in Jesus Christ will suffice, and amply suffice, to save to eternal life, and happiness, and holiness, a sinner, if there be one, who outstrips in guilt every other member of the human race. There is no case so extreme as to be beyond the reach of infinite love. With one accord all the faints of the earth, each one speaking for himself, exclaim “Ah wicked!” “Ah vile!” "Ah hell-deserving!” But their mourning is changed to joyous exultation when they hear a voice from heaven saying: “God so loved the world that he GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.” It has seemed to outside observers, for sev eral years past, that our Congregational friends were trying hard to break down the barriers between the Church and the world, making the door of ingress from the latter into the former as broad, and the threshold as low as possible. Os course, we should look for large ingatherings where the way is made so easy. But it is surprising to learn that in 1879, the net gain to the Congrega tional churches of Boston was less than twenty, and in the same year there were in Massachusetts more than -00 churches with an aggregate membership of over 22,000, to which not one addition from any source was made in a whole year, and the net gain in the whole State to 526 churches was but 160. It seems quite evident that people do not care to join a church, unless it takes them into a different atmosphere from that in which they are now living. Anything in the nature of compro mise between the Church and the world, is sure to be a failure. The gospel makes no compromises; with the gospel compromise means surren der. What fellowship hath light with darkness? A DEACON’S QUESHON. We have received the following questions from an esteemed brother who fills the office of a deacon well. The same questions have often been asked and answered, but as repetion is asked for we give it. 1. What is the proper rule for en forcing attendance at church confer ence? In reply we have to say that there seems to be a superstition among some of our brethren in regard to this matter. They seem to think that attendance at conference is more important than any other part of a Christian’s duty. Bro. A. may neglect public worship, and the prayer meeting, and so far as is known private devotion, and be ignor ant of the Scriptures from culpable neglect of their study ; and refuse to aid in the support of his pastor, and take no part whatever in the benevolent en terprises of the church, but if he is only punctual in his attendance at conference, all his faults are over looked, and he stands high in his church. Bro. B. is a different kind of man. He is always in his place at the time of public worship; he is a man of prayer and familiar with the Scrip tures, assists more or less in the sup port of the pastor and takes some part in the religious enterprises of the church, and maintains an unblemish ed life, but alas! he is irregular in his attendance at conference! His excuse is, that regular attendance would ser iously interfere with his business. He is told that he ought to sacrifice his business. He replies that he and his wife and children depend on this for their bread. Still attendance is insist ed on. He is labored with to no avail Finally he is put on trial and excluded from the church, brother A. voting in the affirmative! So the church has rid itself of a member whose life is ir reproachable and full of Christian ac tivity on the sole ground of non-atten i dance at conference, which being on I his busiest day of the week, he cannot attend without great loss. At the same time the church retains in its fel lowship a member who shows only one sign of Christian life, and that is that he attends conference regularly, and in general the conference is held on a day when it puts him to little inconven ience or none, to attend. Now this is a strong case; perhaps exactly such a case never occurred. But cases drifting in this direction, and exhibiting somewhat of the same spirit and by no means uncommon. A ven erable brother in our office tells of a case where a Baptist deacon was con scientious to a punctilio about attend ing the conference meetings of his church on Saturday who from year’s end to year’s end was never seen at church on the Lord’s on occasion of communion ; iIAU( he was regarded by many as a very exemplary member! As a rule, church members ought to attend their conference meetings regu larly and punctually ; but where good excuse for absence is given, the excuse ought to be accepted. This would cer tainly be done in case of absence from public worship, and why not in regard to attending conference? Is the latter more important than the former? But what is a good excuse? Important business is a good excuse for a man on any day of the week except Sunhay, and in the case of physicians even Sunday is not excepted. True, a man ought to make every effort to arrange his business so as to be able to attend his conference, but if this is impossible or if it involves unreasonable sacrifice he ought to be excused. We have of ten known cases where a man on good grounds asked for and received perm anent leave of absence. Os course if one makes frivolous excuses, that fact itself makes him guilty of a grave of fence for which he ought to be dealt with; and if one should habitually ab sent himself from mere peverseness, or from sheer indifference, it is manifest that the church would be in better condition without him than with him. But where a man’s life is otherwise un objectionable and where he exhibits a Christian spirit about this as well as about other matters, and says that he would be glad to attend if he could, but that he cannot do it without great loss, it appears to us that the church would be very unreasonable which would require him to make the sacri fice; and the spirit which would prompt to such action would be very un-Christ like. The trouble about this matter us ually arises in village churches where part of the members reside in the country and part in the town. In the country there is no trouble, for there it happens fortunately, that the day which is convenient for one, is conven ient for all. Saturday at 11 oclock is the time usually fixed upon, and this suits everybody, and for this reason alone was this time agreed upon. In the cities conference is usually held at night; sometimes Monday night, some times Thursday or Friday night, and with this everybody is satisfied. But in the towns no time that can be fixed is convenient to all. Saturday at 11 o’clock is the most convenient time for those who live in the count) y ; some night in the week is most convenient for those who live in the town. How is this matter to be adjusted? Let the majority fix the time. If the majority be in the town let the eonference be held at night; if the majority be in the country, let it be held in the day. Butin either case let there be no des potism. No majority has a right to lord it over a minority on a mere mat ter of convenience. A reasonable ex cuse for non-attendance will always be accepted by reasonable men. We happen to know of cases where men who live some miles in the coun try, hold their membership for good reasons in the city churches. It would certainly be very unreasonable to re quire these men to attend conference regularly on Thursday night; nor are they so required. Attendance would require great sacrifice of convenience and comfort and such sacrifice is not expected. We know of other cases where men living in the city hold their member ship for good reasons in country churches. With those men Saturday is the busiest day in the week. The loss of that day might cost them half their living. They are not expected to attend conference and they do not. A little forbearance, and a disposition to bear one another's burdens will relieve all the difficulty ; or perhaps even without this disposition a little common sense would relieve it. Let two things be remembered : 1. The Lord's day is fixed in Scrip ture as the day for public worship; and any one who habitually and wil fully neglects its proper observance, ought to be excluded from the church. 2. The day for holding church con conference is not fixed in Scripture; it is fixed simply by human authority and to suit human convenience; this being the case, the convenience of all ought to be consulted. If these two things are remembered, observance of the Lord’s day will be scrupulously regarded, and as to at tendance at conference, nothing un reasonable will be required, and no un reasonable excuse for non-attendance will be accepted. ATTENTION DEACONS. We have two or three things to say about deacons, —things not calculated to make The Index popular, but things which fidelity to Christ requires us to say,—-things which may startle many, perhaps most of our readers, but which, we think, on reflection, will be agreed to, though they be things not agreeable to hear. We speak the truth in love. 1. We do not believe that there is a class of office holders in the w’orld who are as ignorant of their official duties as Baptist deacons. 2. We do not believe that there is a class of office-holders in the world who are as inefficient in the discharge of their known duties as Baptist deacons. 3. We do not believe that there is an organized body of men in the world as indifferent to the fidelity of its officers as Baptist churches are to the fidelity of their deacons. “Strong words these!” we hear our readers exclaim. Yes, they are strong; they were so intended to be. Hasty words! No, they are not hasty. They express our deliberate conviction, after forty-six years of observation and mem bership in Baptist churches. “Exag geration!” Yes, the standards of the New Testament are a great exaggera tion on human ideals, and are far above the standard of human conduct. “But admitting these hard sayings to be true, it is imprudent to publish them, and thus to advertise our shame to the world.” Yes, and it was imprudent for Paul to go to Jerusalem when he knew what awaited him there; but he went. Acts 21. 1 Cor. 1&. Some over-cautious brother may have sug gested to Paul that it was “imprudent” for him to advertise in his epistle the shameless practices of the ehurch at Corinth (1 Cor. 5); but he advertised them nevertheless. It will be admitted that boldness is necessary sometimes; when is it necessary, if not in rebuking a wide-spread evil? The fact that an evil is wide-spread is no reason why we should fail to throttle it, but the very reason why we should. “Yes, but the people are unconscious of the evil, and do not believe that any such exists.” That is the very reason why plain, straight-forward speech is necessary. “But why not speak it softly, bringing out the truth by degrees, and not blunt ly, so as to shock the sensibilities of your readers?” That is not ths style of the New Testament. It filings out the truth at once, and in all its fulness, making no apologies. “But why find such fault with our deacons and churches, without telling them exactly in what the evil consists, and how to remedy it?” We have a good answer for this question. On our second page to-day will be found a sermon on this subject, by our brother, David Shaver, —the best sermon of its kind we ever heard, — a sermon in which the New Testament ideal of the deacon’s office is clearly and faithfully portrayed. Let it not be supposed that the sermon is intended for deacons only; it is for the church as well. Every Baptist who has the love of the cause at heart ought to read it carefully, and more than once. We heard it delivered, and since then have read it twice; and we feel that on each occasion our time was well-spent. In ' this instructive dis course, the faults and short-comings of our present deacons are not made prominent; the rebuke is administered, not by complaining of the wrong, but by exhibiting the right. If any one will examine the model deacon as there truly shown, and compare with the same, the actual deacon of to-day, per- haps he will think that the hard say ings at the beginning of this article are none too hard; and that, after scores or hundreds of years of dereliction, they are none too hasty. The true mission of the church is set forth in the same discourse more plainly and more forci bly than we remember to have heard it; and a terrible neglect on the part of many of our churches is put under arrest, and brought to judgment. If this sermon were read by all our peo ple, and if all our churches were to re duce its teachings to practice, a new departure in the glorious mission of the church would be taken, and a grand one. In justice to some, it is proper for us to say, that there are exceptional cases. We have in our mind at this moment a living deacon who, we presume, dis charges the duties of his office quite as faithfully and efficiently as did any of the original seven who were ordained to the work in Jerusalem. Doubtless there are others; and doubtless, too, there are others, a larger number, who, while they do not come up to this high standard, do not come under the strong condemnation above expressed. But we have not spoken of the exceptions ; we spoke of the class taken as a whole; and with this explanation we have nothing to retract. THE MISSION INSTITUTE. A good brother who has kind enough to act as reporter for the Index, has handed us the following: Thursday night, the 20th, the In stitute in the interest of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist convention commenced its session in the Second Baptist church in this city. Rev. W. H. Mclntosh, corresponding secretary of the Board, presided. In consequence of the small attendance on account of the condition of the streets and the weather, the adress of G. A. Nunnally, of Rome, on “Claims of the South as a missionary field,” was postponed. By request Rev. Dr. Mclntosh gave an intere.-ting account of his visit to the Indian territory, of the work that is being done there and the prospects. He was followed by G. A. Nunnally in a few remarks re lative to our duty to the Indians. At 3 P. M., Friday, the Institute was addressed by J. H. Kilpatrick, of White Plains, Ga., on “Harmony in the various departments of the missionary work.” In elaborating his theme he held it to be the duty of man first to get right with God. He classified the depart ments as follows : first, to a man’s own heart; next to his own household; then to his own community; then to his own country; then to the outside world. He dwelt with emphasis upon the importance of cultivating personal piety, and held that the want of success in the outside circle of the work was due to the neglect of the inner circle. There was full harmony between these departments, and, they acted and re acted upon each other. Rev. R. T. Hanks, of Albany, follow ed, in a review of the State, Home and Foreign Mission Boards, and the harmony between them. Rev. V. C. Norcross made a few remarks on the subject of the State Board. At night, Rev.G.A.Nunnally, of Rome, presented the “Claims of the South as a missionary field” in his original style. His address was in the shape of an ar gument before a court. His brief was a copious one, and covered the entire ground before the courts of Justice, Equity, Love, Conscience, etc. Rev. W. W. Landrum followed in the dis cussion of this topic, presenting his views with eloquence and earnestness. Saturday at 3 P. M. Rev. S. P. Cal luway read a fine paper on “The best method of raising funds for the Board.” It was terse and suggestive, and well received. At night Bev. M. B. Wharton, D.D., of Macon, addressed to the Institute on “The claims of Sunday schools and of our Sunday school paper.” He pres ented the subject with force and beauty speaking many kind words in behalf of the Sunday school paper of the Southern Baptist Convention. Bev. T. C.- Boykin supported him in an earnest speech. During the session of the Institute the subject of holding a convention of Baptist Sunday school workers in Athens the day previous to the assemb ling of the State Baptist convention was discussed and referred to the State Sunday school Evangelist with power to act. On Sunday the services at the churches were as follows: FIRST BAPTIST 11 A.M.—The advantage which our principles give us in conducting mis sionary work”—Bev. E. W. Warren, of Macon. 7| P.M.—“The importance of the work of the Board in all its fields”— Bev. C. D. Campbell, Athens. SECOND BAPTIST 11 A. M.—“ The importance of the work of the Board in all its fields”— Bev. J. G. Byalls, D.D., Cartersville. 7-| P.M.—“The influence of the Bap tists in the destiny of our country”— Rev. W. W. Landrum, Augusta. All the Baptist pulpits in the city were filled morning and night by the visiting ministers. When a girl marries a drunkard with the hope of reforming him, it is like Christian people going to the theatre to create a moral drama. The reformer will be eaught alike i n the toils of the dram and the drama.— ( entral Presbyterian. Boston Herald: “The Southern peo ple find it a little difficult to please every body. They were first twitted with lan* guishing in population and prosperity, and, when the census exposed this falla cy, were promptly charged witn forging the reported increase—a libel which its sponsors have not had the manliness to retract, although the census bureau has substantiated the accuracy of the first enumeration. During the campaign they were charged with having substituted fraud for force in overcoming rightful • majorities, and, from the description of the use made of the tissue ballots and doctored returns, the country had reason to expect a phenomenally large vote in that section. And now that it turns out to be much less, in ratio to the popula tion, than that of the Northern States, the deficiency is credited to suppression. Some people are very hard to please.” On the same line the Augusta Chronicle says; “A certain class of people at the North will never be satisfied with the South or pleased at anything done or said here. It is about time we ceased having anxie ty at all about the satisfaction of those persons.” Not exactly. There are a great many Northern fanatics for whose opinions I we care nothing, and there are many political journals whose atrocious slan ders do not move us; but there are wise and good people North of us whose k good opinion we do court, but who, from various causes, have been led to do us great injustice, and in so doing they also do themselves injustice. It would be a blessed thing for all parties, if the truth, the whole truth and noth ing but the truth were known and ac cepted of all. We shall continue to put our testimony on record; those who reject it will do more injury to themselves than to us; we regret that < there should be injury to any. We shall continue to hope and to pray that religious journals, at least, will cease to speak ev'l of us, and not only so, but that those who conduct and those who read them will learn to exercise that “charity which thinketh no evil.” The Central Presbyterian speaking of the duty of obedience to parents says: There is nothing humiliating in obedience. It is the rule of the universe. It is the bounden duty of the inferior to defer to the superior. There is no compromise of man hood when the soldier obeys bis command ing officer. There is rank in heaven and perhaps about as little of it in the United States of America as in any part of the universe. Rather strongly put we think, for the universe is very wide; but we like a little exaggeration sometimes ; in this case the word perhaps saves it. But as matter of fact, we do not believe there is a civilized country in the world when there is as little of what may properly be called obedience either to parents or to anybody else, or as little reverence for authority, life or station, as there is in the United States of America. Why is this? Is it a result of Democratic institutions which teach or seem to teach that everybody is “as - good” as anybody else, that nobody is anybody’s inferior, —that “all men are equal” that the relations of inferiority and superiority do not exist? Can the evil be corrected? If so, how? If not, then the sooner our democratic ins titutions come to an end, the better. The Watch Tower has found the fol lowing piece of excellent composition in an old issue of the N. Y. Independ ent, published as we understand, some years ago: “For our own part, we have never been disposed to charge the Baptist churches with any special narrowness or bigotry in their rule of admission to the Lord’s table. In deed we have never been able to see satis factorily how their principle differs from ours. We can see how it differs from Rob ert Hall’s principle, and how it differs from that imputed to Mr. Beecher, of Brooklyn and the Plymouth Church, but we do not see how it differs from that commonly ad mitted and established in the Presbyterian and Congregational churches. The princi ple is that only members of churches are admitted or invited to the Lord's table; that only baptized persons can be members of churches, and that in all disputed cases the church that gives the invitation is to judge what is baptism. When Congregationalists give up this principle, perhaps the Baptists will be constrained to do likewise. Means while, it can hardly be expected that the Baptists will be argued out of it—much less that they will be driven out of it by taunts and reproaches on their “close commun ion.” The closeness of their communion, as compared with ours, lies simply in their definition, of what is essential to baptism—a definition too narrow, indeed, but held by them in all good conscience, and in exem plary deference to what they regard as the testimony of Scripture." Speaking of Mormonism, the Stand ard says: Let no one suppose that recent movements indicate the speedy and easy extinction of this vile system. The Salt Lake City Trib une, which is noted for knowing what oc curs in Mormondom, states that a large num ber of Mormon missionaries have gone forth throughout this country and Europe to make proselytes to this perfidious system. Does this look as if Mormonism was dying out, or would soon fall to pieces? An ugly question confronts this goverment unless Mormon immigration to this country is pro hibited. Politicians howl against the immi gration of the Chinese. This Mormon im migration is a thousand times worse—a curse to men, a curse to women, and the greatest curse to children of polygamy; while the system is utt.rly, radically, intensely hostile to the government, and is un-Chris tian, or anti Christian in every prominent characteristic. Immigration.—As announced in the last Headlight, the Swiss immigrants arrived at Mount Airy on the 18th of December last. They have all settled down and are well pleated. Most of them are Presbyterians. The Swiss first strive to have good roads; then good schools; next churches. This is the second or third instal ment of Swiss immigrants that we have had, and we have room for many more. The Swiss are a thrifty, indus trious people, and all such are welcome to Georgia, come from where they may.