The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, January 27, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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The Farmers’ Index. ANALYSES OF FERTILIZERS. We have before us “Circular No. 16 Analyses and Relative Commercial Values of Fertilized, Inspected, snalized and ad mitted to sale in Georgia to January 10, 1881,’’ issued by the Department of Agri culture. It rmb<i>va a list of nearly one hundred different oriinda of fertilizers and chemicals, samples of which have been analyzed by the State chemist, Prof. H. C. White, under the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture. We notice that the goods which are sold under dif ferent names but in fact were taken from the same bulk and are identical in every respect, are plainly marked in the cir cular. In one instance the same stuff— a very good article by the way—is sold to farmers under twelve different names! We think the Commissioner is right in putting purchasers upon notice of every fact which may be desired by them, ■when such information will not infringe upon the just rights of dealers. A farmer, having tried a particular brand of fer tilizers and being dissatisfied with the practical results, desires to avoid it and purchase some other brand. By consult ing this circular, he can now do so with out much danger of purchasing under a different name the same old stuff. Farmers do not so generally avail them selves as they ought of the important aid these timely circulars afford in the selec tion of fertilizers. With tne analyses •of all the different brands before them, and the prices furnished by the dealer upon application, they may not only select the particular kind of fertilizer their land or crop may acquire, and hav ing the valuable elements in the proper proportions, but the “relative commercial values” will guide them almost unerring ly in the selection of the cheapest fertil izer. By cheapest we do not mean that fertilizer that may be offered for the lowest price, bat that whose price is lowest compared with the "relative com mercial value.” Whatever may be said by dealers or other interested persons to the contrary, the plan of calculating and annexing to each brand its commercial value is the best safeguaid against the imposition of inferior grades or extra vagantly high priced fertilizers, that has ever been devised, and is worth millions of dollers to the farmers of the South. If fertilizers contained but one ingredient of value, a simple statement (from an alyses) of the percentage of that ingredi ent would be all sufficient, and the val uation of the different brands would be greatly simplified. This is practically the case already with simple acid phos phates, in which the percentage of avail able phosphoric acid present controls the price. But in the ammoniated pot ash superphosphates, there are three elements whose values are very different and that are required in very different proportions, viz: phosphoric acid, am monia and potash. The valuations af fixed to these bv the Department of Agri culture are as follows: 'Phosphoric acid, 12J cents; ammonia, 18 cents, and potash, 8 cents per pound. These valuations are believed to be relatively correct, which is really all that is necessary to the purpose for which they are used. If the pub lished circular contained only the an alyses—showing the percentage of each of these elements—many farmers, if not the most of them, would be greatly per plexed in selecting from among so many, differing so widely, as they do, in the relative proportions of valuable ingredi ents. If the farmer knows the value real or relative—of each ingredient, is something of an arithmetician, and will take the trouble to calculate the value of each and add them together, he will do just what the Commissioner of Agri culture has done in the circular before us, accurately and officially. We have said nothing about the condi tions which may and do aflect the value of the valuable ingredients, such as the nature of the raw materials which sup ply them, and the mechanical condition of the goods. The latter is generally patent to the eye and touch, and the other rarely affects the general result seriously. In this connection it is appropriate to remark again upon the singular uni formity of prices at which, fertilizers are sold to farmers, regardless of the differ ence in published analyses and relative •commercial values. It is difficult to ac count for the indifference among some farmers at this point, except upon the hypothesis that they consider that “guano is guano,” very much as they do when they go to buy western corn. Copes of the circular which sugges ted this article, may be hrd postage free upon application to Judge Henderson, ■Commissioner of Agriculture, and we advise our farmer readers to send for •copies. PLANNING WORK. The months of November, December, and, so far, January, have been so wet and cold, that the out-door work on many farms is in consequence greatly be hind. The occasion calls for the exer cise of careful judgement in planning and adjusting to meet the several de mands on the farmers time and atten tion, so that everything shall be done to the best possible advantage and at the most suitable time. The labor performed on the farm by the mulesand oxen,—plowing, hauling rails, fuel, etc., is that which is most difficult to supplement, as these animals are not usually to be hired at will for farm purposes. Owing to the nature of the case, the work described generally suffers first and most of all, in bad weather. Therefore the farmer should see to it that the mules and oxen are kept busy, and working to the best ad vantage. He should take advantage of every day when the ground is not too wet, to bring up the plowing that has been neglected or delayed by the bad weather. The rule should be to allow no idle mules or oxen at this juncture, and never to stop a plow because a baud is needed f.r other work, if it can be avoided. Every farm of two or more plows should have at least one extra plow stock, and extra haraes, backbands and other parts of the gear, as well as bolts, nuts, etc., for use in case of break. The delay caused by the breaking of a trace chain, or plow stock, or other ap pliance, should not be longer than is necessary to “go to the house” for an extra plow or a lap-link. When at work some distance from the house an extra plow point, of the kind being used should always be kept at hand and an extra link, hamestring, etc. Mauls, gluts, axe- THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST I THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1881. helves, hand-spikes, should be prepared long before they are needed, so as to be well seasoned and ready when wanted. There Is a pleasure even in the hardest work when the tools and appliances are of the very best quality and in the best order. FEEDING MILCH COWS FOR PROFIT. Every animal requires a certain a mount of food of given quality to keep up the heat of the body and supply the daily consumption of muscular and other tissues. The amount required will vary somewhat with the constitution of each individual; but will depend largely upon the degree of protection against cold and wet that is afforded by the stable. A steam-engine, in cold weather, will require much more fuel to do its usual work, if the boilers, cylinders and steam pipes are not protected as much as pos sible from the cold air, and rain. For this reason, the boiler and cylinders of a railroad locomotive are always encased in well fitting jackets, which prevent the excessive loss ot heat which would occur if these vital parts were exposed to the weather. But however well protected may be the locomotive, and. per'ect in all its parts, if it is not supplied with sufficient wood and water it cannot perform the work expected of it. It may look well, and propel its own cumbrous weight along the track, but cannot pull any freight—much less a long train of loaded cars —unless fuel and water be supplied in abundance; and the little fuel con sumed and the time and attention be stowed on it will be a total less. So it is with a milk cow. The first purpose subserved by the food which is eaten, is to keep the body warmed up to a certain invariable temperature —98 degrees—which is necessary for the per formance of its vital functions. This temperature must and will be main tained at every sacrifice. If food is with held, or given in insufficient quantity, the fat and tissues of the body will fie drawn upon to supply fuel to the lungs, and the animal will become thin and poor. If in milk, the secretion will grow less and less and finally cease altogether. In this case, not only is the little food given a total loss, but also that previously consumed and converted into fat and flesh. The animal economy is so ar ranged, that in order to supply the wants of the dependent calf, a portion of even a very insufficient supply of food to the cow, will be converted into milk. If therefore any profit is to be secured from feeding a cow, she must be supplied with food sufficient: (1) To keep up the normal warmth of the body; (2) to renew the muscle and tissues worn out; (3) all the food beyond this will go to the formation of surplus flesh and fat and the production of milk; and and of this surplus, enough must fie de ducted to pay interest on the value of the cow and all food and shelter furnished, and for the labor of feeding, milking, etc., before the profit begins. LAND PLASTER. In an article, printed in the Macon Telegraph, Prof. Browne of the State College at Athens, recommends the use of land plaster in composting cotton seed, stable manure and acid phosphate, in order to prevent the escape of ammonia from the mass, and advises that the plas ter be sprinkled over the heap at the rate of one barrel to the ton of compost. He seems to ignore the presence of land plaster in the acid phosphates, as a neces sary incident of its manufacture and to the extent of fifty per cent of its weight. We thought that it had been pretty well settled that farmers could not af ford to purchase land plaster, as such, to use simply as an absorbant or fixer of ammonia. Land plaster mined and sold as such, costs too much to be used as a fertilizer or as a component or adjunct of a compost heap, except in locations not far removed from the beds where it is mined. In our humble opinion the freight over long lines of railroad is too great an item in the cost of plaster, to justify its use by Georgia farmers as ad vised by Prof. Browne, even were it neces sary or desirable. But as commercial acid phosphate contains one half its weight of piaster— sulphate of' lime — that prac tically costs the farmer little or nothing, we are at a loss to discover the necessity for buying it at but little less than the price of acid phosphate. WEATHER REPORT. The following is furnished by a friend : Predictions of the weather from the old 12 days, commencing on the 25th of Decern, ber, 1880, and ending on the sth of January, 1881, inclusive Dec. 2b. Cold, rainy. Jan. ’Bl. Cold & rainy “ 2d. *• “ Feb. “ “ “ “ “ 27. Cloudy & cold. Mar. “ Cold and disa [greeable weath'r. “ 28. “ “ " April “ Cool weath'r for [the month. 11 29. " “ snow. May “ Cool weth'r for [the month. “ 30. Clear and cold. June “ Variable weath jer. '• 31. “ “ " July “ Pleasant weth’r. Jan. 1. 'Bl. Clbudy and Aug. “ Variable weath. [cold. | er. “ 2. “ Cloudy and Sept. “ Rainy and stor [snow. [my. “ 3. “ Cloudy and Oct. “ Pleasant Fall [snow. [weather. “ a. “ Cloudy and Nov. “ Cool and rainy [rain. [weather. “ 5. “ Cloudy and Dee. “ Cold and disa [rain. [greeable. Note. —The indications are that we will have some hard winter weather until April, and the Spring will open late in May. The Summer will be pleasant—not much hot weather expected, and will have good sea sons in June and July. August will be a variable month. September will be rainy and disagreeable. October and November will be cool and clear. December the win ter will set in. The year will not be so pro ductive as the past, and we will have more fruit than the past year, and the health of the country will be good. General direction of the wind will be south, southwest and west. Will have east winds in September. Economy in general management cannot be attained, and habitually practiced, unless a man understands even to the nail’s breadth the particu lar departments of his business. This particular knowledge can only be ac quired on a farm step by step and day by day as the working of the farm goes on. The ornamental farmer, like the ornamental manager or director in eommercial affairs, is a complete fail ure. SMALL NOTES. Healthfulnkss of Milk.—ls any one wishes to grow fleshy, a pint of milk taken on retiring at night will soon cover the scrawniest bones. Al though we see a good many fleshy per sons now-a-days, there are a great many lean and lank ones, who sigh for the fashionable measure of plumpness, and who would be vastly improved in health and appearance could their figures be rounded with good solid flesh. Nothing is more coveted by a thin woman than a full figure, and nothing will so rise the ire and provoke the scandal of the “clipper-build” as the consciousness of plumpness in a rival. In case of fever and summer complaint, milk is now given with excellent results. The idea that milk is feverish has exploded, and it is now the physician’s great re liance in bringing through typhoid pa tients, or those in too low a state to be nourished by solid food. It is a mis take to scrimp the milk pitcher. Take more milk and buy less meat. Look to your milk man; have large-sized, well-filled milk pitchers on the table each meal, and you will have sound flesh and save doctors’ bills.—House keeper. The successful farmer is the reading one in nine cases out of ten. It is only by reading that one can keep up with the times in which we live. It has been aptly said that an agricul tural community without books and papers relating to farming is like a ship at sea without rudder or com pass. ADVERTISEMENTS. Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver CURE $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A POSITIVE REMEDY FOR ALL KIDNEY, LIVER AND URINARY TROUBLES OF BOTH MALE AND FEMALE. READ THE RECORD: ■•ltsaved my life."—E. B. Lately,Selma,Ala "It Is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women.”—Mothers’s Mag azine. “It has passed severe tests and won en dorsements from some of the highest medical talent in the country.”—New York World. “No remedy heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with it." —C. A. Harvey, D.D., Washington, D. C. This great Natural Remedy is for sale by druggists in all parts of the world. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. H. H. WARNER & CO., janßotf Rochester, N. Y. S2O BUYS A NICE THREE FEET WIDE RECLINING BEDSTEAD, MATTRESS &,.COMMODE. A LUXURY IN HEALTH AND A NECESSITY IN SICKNESS. . SEE A FEW TESTIMONIALS OUT OF THE LARGE NUM HER NOW ON FILE: Ma. Prick—Dear Sir: I bought one of your In valid Beds nearly four years ago, which has been constantly used ever since. I feel it a duty to acknowledge the benefits derived. The fifth day of February, 1876, my husband accidently fell, dislocating his hip-joint and fracturing the limb. He became helpless, and prior to using your bed, suffered untold misery in attending nature’s calls ; it required the aid of two persons, even then occasioning excruciating pain. 1 tried an invalid chair, air cushions and urinals, and in deed everything I hat was recommended, and all proved a failure. But the first few days after using your Bed I realized a decided change for the better. My husband is in his seventy-sixth year; as intimated above, he has entirely lost the use of bis limbs, and is consequently con stantly recumbent. He has been relieved of bed-sore, and now enjoys perfect comfort. The bed linen remains dry, which was not the case before, and a great deal of labor has been saved in lifting and washing the bed-linen, and scarce ly any attention is required. Your Bed is perfect; and knowing it to be entirely safe, I would not risk changing it for any consideration. I would advise all who contemplate getting an Invalid Bed to buy yours. I know the result will be sat isfactory. Mbs. Charlotte Bullock, 82 Eighth St., Louisville. Ky , Wife of H, O. Bullock, formerly Importer and Dealer in Cigars and Tobacco. As the attending physician for many years to Mr. Bullock, I have become familiar with the merits of Mr. Price’s Invalid Bed, and have no hesitation in recommending its general use. Jno. Thruston, M. D., 267 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. As the visiting minister to Mr. Bullock, I would say that Mr. Price’s Invalid Bed needs only to be known to be appreciated. I cheerfully recom mend it to all needing anything of the kind Rev. J. N. Norton, Louisville, Ky., Associate Rector of Christ Church. Send for circular. Address orders to C. B. PRICE, 82 Eighth St., Louisville, Ky. Mention this paper. jy2o-6t MH AGENTS WANTED ■■■ To Sell tlxe Favorite CAKE AND BAKING PAN. WILL SELL ON SIGHT TO EVERY HOUSEKEEPER. The success of our agents proves it to be the best sell ing article lu the market. One agent made *l2O hi S weeks, another fIOS in 10 days, another 811 m 4 (lays. Boxing snd Freight Free to Agents. Send for circulars Co nearest address. SIICPARIi A CO., Cincinnati, 0.. or St. Louin, Mo» augS eowWt F'/'X Gold, Figured, and .iciness CH ROMOS, 10c. l)U Agent’s Sample Book, 25c. HEAVY BROS., Nl rm ford Ct decßeowly tzr\ AU Lithographed CHROMO CARDS, no 2 □U alike, 10c. Agin. big Outfit, 10c. Globe Cabd Co.?Northfcrd, Ct. dec9-eowly ADT IT M HA BIT CURED at home, private U l 1 U ill Ip, at lowrates I,ooocured in 10 yearn. Don’t fail to write Dr. MARSH, Quinoy, Mieh. ap29 eowlSt BELL FOUNDS JI Krg 1 Bells of Pure Copper and Tin tor Churches ** V'Schools, Fire Alarms, Farms, etc. FULL! WARRANTED. Catalogue sent Free. VANDUZEN & TIFT, Cincinnati. O apl 1 rp/2/3 a week In your own town. Terms am) tt>OO $5 outtt Address H. Hallbt 4 Co. Portland, Maine HA ft r* ft n ft year. Agents wanted everywhere. Bu» Ik '9 Hi 111 linersatrlctly legiitrnate.Particulare free JjCa WU U Address J. Worth * Co,, fi L Louis. Mo A WEEK. |l2 a day at home easily iD / X, made. Costly outfit free. Address Taos & Co. Augusta, Maine. Alin 1 ITO fiSOtofil.OOO; 2 to 82 STOPS. I I KIT A \ n PIANOSfiia up. Paper free. UHU XI.AI KJ A(Wreß DANIEL F. BEATTY. dec9-tf Washington, N. J. ADVERTISEMENTS. COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICK, MACON, GA W. B. Johnston, Pres. J. W. Burke, Vice-Preu. Geo. 8. Obear, Secretary. • J. M. Green, Medical Adviser. Chartered, ISOS. )■ •{ Organised, in«». o This Company desires to secure the services of competent and good men to set ns local agents. Will also employ experienced solicitors to canvass the State. Good terms will l>e ottered to men qualified for the business. The Company having passed successfully through a period of financial depression, such as the country never before experienced, paid all its losses promptly when due, retained its invedments in the best securities of the State, with a good surplus for its policy holders, can present, its claim as being as safe and reliable as any similar institution in the country. Its policies are issued upon all the most approved plans. Endowment policies are issued at life rates and payable at a given age. Payment of Premiums received MONTHLY, quarterly, seinl*annually and annually, as may be con venient. Deposits with the State bonds of the best class, whose market value is far above one hundr<d thousand dollars, as a security for its Policy-Holders. Send for circulars and write for information to GEO. S. OBE AH, Secretary, augl9*6m Macon, Georgia. The SECRET of COOD LUCK k Be it Large or Small, is the Free, Careful and Persistent AX USE OF PRINTER’S INK. /Jr 'r- ViA. 7UOO '■‘ ! sO;wX How to do it at next to no cost, so as to pay, is all explained /jJF \\iWjWa in the handsome new pamphlet describing the world \ : Wl renowned Model Press. l'his little book may make or ffW/'iN/o O \ save you hundreds of dollars. The popularity of the Model / ASA U1 ** ressis world-wide. It is in use by Business Men I iill I'Wk Wil to-day, in every civilized country on the Globe. It is IB' «•* I 1 , ■,] strong, fast, reliable and simple, and so easily managed that 1A I j any boy of io years can do nice work, and hundreds of dollars lw I Mblk rlj worth of it every year, and to print is more fascinating 111 I W7 I than to play. Clergymen and Sunday School Superinten- \W I wJmRjF M. IW/ dents are using the Model Kress with unbounded suc- 1 l WK cess in Church and S. S. work. We make 12 styles—hand and 11 JW/ foot power, at prices from #3.00 to $175.00. We have just made a \1 A Pwtcq /»/ Sweeping Reduction in Prices \1 t Jl JCkXMwd J ly of all our Type, Cuts, Rules, Borders, etc., etc. If you already \n B Send 10 Cent* for New / ’ have a Press you may save some money by getting this Circular and Re- Reduced Price I«ist v showing over 1000 styles. ■■ du«drrk.u.L J, W, DAUGHADAY i 00., 721 ChMtuut Bt., PMlzd.lplil*. nov2s 2tcon 2teow =ORDERS= FOR— FRESH, FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS. ETO., SENT TO ZE. LET. -A-TOJk-IMIS & BRO., WILL BBCKIVB THE PROMPTKST AND C AREFULLEST .ATTENTION. And as they do not deal in “DAMAGED GOODS,” “AUCTION GOODS,” OR “JOB LOTS,” Their natrons are sure to get good value. dec9™m 691 and 596 MAGAZINE STREET, NEW ORLEANS. SEND INVOICE BY MAIL THE DAY YOU SHIP. BALLJVKD, BRA.NCH <& CO., 112 BROAD ST., (Cor, Water) NEW YORK. PRODUCE COMMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealer in Butter Eggs. Cheese, Apples, Beans, Hops, Poultry. Corn, Barley, Wheat, Wool, Beeswax, tinned Tal'ow•Lard Lam Is. pension, Mutton, Wild Game, Dried Fruits, Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes, Cider Vinegar, Furs, Rags, Onions, Tobacco, B. Wheat, Etc., Etc. dec9-6m SEISTD FOR ZPIJRIOES. MERCER HIGH SCHOOL, FOR BOYS AND OIRLS. The first term of the above school, located at Penfield, Georgia, will begin January 10th, 1881, aud end of July 13th, 1881. The morals of the pupils will be guarded with jealous care. The course of instruction is as thorough and practi cal as we can make it. Special attention given to every pupil, and to every branch of study. Miss Carrie O. Sanders, a lady of culture and experi ence, will have charge of the Music department. Instructions in Music given daily. Board from »10 to Sl2 per menth. Washing and lights extra. Patronage solicited. For particulars address dec!6-tf J. W. ELLINGTON, Principal. Wire Railing and Ornamental Wire Work DUFUR & CO., North Howard street, JiXXTQQg Baltimore,Md. Manufacture Wire Railing for Cemeteries balconies, etc., sieves, fenders, cages, sand n. J coal screens, woven wire, etc. Also iron bedsteads, chairs, settees, etc,, etc. feb 19-ly The Georgia Baptist Seminary, FOR YOUNG- LADIES. GAINESVILLE, HALL COUNTRY, GA. - 1881. - The Spring Term will begin January 3d, and close the last Wednesday in June. For thorough Scholarship, Economy, Health and Climate, this Seminary is not surpassed in the South. *B4 will pay for board and tuition. *2l extra for music. 134 pupils received from 86 counties in five States, during 1880. For further information write for a catalogue to W. 0. WILKES, President. dec9-10t AGENTS rnn G® ,d _ e « Thoughts on WANTED mother, home. In Prose and Poetry. 300 able writers. The finest col lection of Literary GEMS in the language. Superbly Illustrated. A book for the Home and Fireside. It makes people better and happier. Compiled by Rev. Theo. L.Cuyler, D.D. Agents are selling thousands for Christmas Presents. A rare chance to make money, B ”d & co.. Pub... St-Loul., Mo. '"'oot.zSaßt7‘ ——— TREES at REDUCED RATES! APPLE AND PEAOHTREES, ETC., EARLIEST AND LA TEST VARIETIES. Address W. K. NELSON, Proprietor Georgia Nursery, dec9-2m Augusta, Ga, ,A.e:eirts- 250 Low priced and fast selling books, Testa ments and Bibles are most completely re presented in our new Grand Combination Prospectus Book, by sample pages, bindings illustrations, etc. A great variety and sure success for canvassers. All actually wishing employment, address for terms, Standabp Pub, Co., St. Louis, Mo. We pay all freight. jy3l ts CHURCH ORGAN FOR SALE. WE have one large Church Organ, pedal, for sale, which we will sell cheap. It is a large and splendid church organ, and cost originally one thousand dollars, and was specially manufactured fur us by Mr. Estey. The organ can be seen at The Index office. JAS. P. HARRISON & CO. tn (DOCI P Ol- day at home. Samples vDO 10 iP/C/Vy worth *6free. Address Stus son* Co Portland, Maine. my27.V Fashionable Cards, no two alike, with zSD name 10 cents, post paid. Geo. E, Rb«d & Co, Nassau, N. Y. octlß.ly ESTABLISHED 1858. USE THE BEST. NO GUM. NO GRIT. NO ACID. ANTICORROSIVE CYLINDER OIL. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY E. H. KELLOGG, No. 17 Cedar Street, New York. Registered it patent offices United States, Great Britain and Canada. Jy6-6t » SAWING MADE EAST* Ta A boy ifi years eld era iswsfs 3-foot log in two mlnntoe, h A■ OijpWiffWwNE Our ns* portabin Monarch Lightning flawing Machine rivals all cthsn. SBO each will be given ta two men who can uw as fait and eon ia «ho old way, as one bey i» yean old can with this saachlno. Wanaatad. ClKulan sent Free. Agents waalM. WSAMS UlETXnra «AW rt) Randolph St.. Chicago, DL nov.4-18t. Bookwaiter Engine. tajan, <tk Compact, substantial, eco- , nomlcal and easily managed Guaranteed to work wel tHbW.; and give full power claimed Engine and boiler oom plete, including governor, feed-pumpdrlve-pully.etc., atthelow P rioeof ' 8 Horse PowerS24o 4U “ “ 280 “ 878 Send for descriptive pamplet. JAMES LEFFELL & CO.. mar 4 ts Springfield, O. LANDSandHOMES IN SOUTHWEST MISSOURI. 1,000.000 acres well-watered Timber and Prairie Bands along the line of the St. Donis and San Francisco B. R. for sale at from $2.50 to SB.OO P«r acre on seven time. Excellent for Stocky Fruit, and Farming. The best Tobacco Region in the West. Short winters, con venient markets, superior schools, low taxesy healthful climate, good society. Free transportation from St. Louis to pur chasers of land. Send for maps and circulars. W. H. COFFIN, Land Commissioner, Temple Building, St. Louis, Mo. jan2o 6t FCST-A-BLISELEiJO 1816. CHAS. SIMON & SONS, 68 N. Howoard Bt., Baltimore, Md. DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, would call special attention to their extentlve stock of DRESS GOODS, LINEN AND COTTON GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, GOODS FOB MEN’S AND BOYS’WEAR, CORSETS, LADIES’ READY-MADE UNDERWEAR, etc., etc. SAMPLES'SENT FREE. Also, to their DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENT. CLOAKS, DRESSES, etc., etc., made to order promptly in a superior manner, and In the latest styles at moderate rates. Orders solicited, Rule, for seif-measurement and samples of materials, with estimates of cost, sent upon application, TERMS CASH. All orders amountlug to *2O, or over, will be sent free of freight chaftß by express ; but par ties whose orders are uflgaccompauled by the mon ey. and having theiriMMs sent C. O. D., must pay for return of money, aid if strangers to us, must remit at least one-JBH of the amount with the order. feb26 ly Cft Elegant, all new, chromo and scioil cards, O\J no two alike, name nicely printed lUce*.o Cud MUla, Northford, CL I ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEM IRON WORKS, SAL E KJ, NT. O. C. A. HEGE, Proprietor, MLNUFACTUBBR OF Impvrsd Cirrular Saw Mills with Ut»4- versal Log Beam, RECni.INE tR, SIMULTANEOUS SET WORKS AND DOUBLE ECCENTRIC FRICTION FEED. The simplest, cheapest, best and most accurate, warranted to saw lumber true and even. Took Premiums at North Georgia Fair, SSO in cash, and Alabama State Fair, Diploma and S3O in cash. Five sizes built. Send for descriptive circulars. J. H. ANDERSON, Agent, 69 Broad St.. Atlanta, Ga., DEALER IN SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Etc. nov2s ts A BOOK FOR THE TIMES: Testimony of the Ages; or. CONFIRMATIONS OF THE SCRIPTURMUt By thu Eminent Scholar and Popular Writer, Rev. HERBERT W. MORRIS. I). !)., Author Os • Work Day* of God. or Science and the Bible.” A new and massive work, containing nearly 6000 distinct? contlrotations of the truth, and historical accuracy of abouii 2500 passages of Scripture; testimonials gathered from Monumental Inscriptions. Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Chal dean Tablets, Ancient Coins and Sculptures from the ruins* of Nineveh. Babylon; Ancient and Modern Literature. His-: tory. Science. Philosophy, and Poetry, the whole forming’ A GKAND AKX’VMUIATION OF EVIDF.NC’ES, STOREHOUSE OF A RGUM ENTs, THEKAURUHOF FACTS. TREASURY OF ILLUSTRATIONS, a concentration of the light of all ages to illumine God’S) Word. Very raluable to Sunday-School Teachers, Minuters <m<|| Biblical Student! whose, librariet are limited.— Bishop* Simpson. iri/l do flood Serriee.—Rkv. Jno. HaL(.,D.D., New York.. An inraluahle thenaurue.— Rkv. B. L. AuNKW, D. Philadelphia. EfTtcttial antidote to the skepticism of the day.—MlNlg* TKRtAt. Association or Bociikrtkr. N.Y. < Will strengthen our faith in God's Word, and greatly en large our knowledge as to its scope and bearing.— BlSHOP Stkvknr. Contains much that is very ra/tiaA/e.--PRKB. PORTMB sf Yale. Every Pastor, every Sunday-School Teacher, every Student, and every reader of the Bible, should have a copy of this invaluable work. Published in one MAGNIFICENT VOLUME, contain, ing 1000 Royal Octavo pages, with more than 100 Illustra tions, several of them from fnll-page Steel Plates of the finest description. Kull Index. Four styles of binding. Prices low. 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