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About The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1881)
Children’s Corner. Bev. I. 0. BOYKIK, State 8.8. Evangelist, Ed BIBLE-EXPLORA TIONS. After the great victory of Gideon over the Midianites, the men of Israel said to him : “Rule thou over us, and thy son and thy son’s son also, for thou has delivered us from the hand of Midiau.” Gideon said he would not rule over them, hut that the Lord would rule over them. He said he would make a request of them, viz: that every man would give him the earrings that they had taken as prey. They said they would willingly give them to him. And they brought them to him, so many that they weighed a thousand and seven hundred shekels of gold. Gideon took the gold and made an ephodor image and put it up in Oph rah and it became a snare to him, for the people worshiped it. Gideon then went and dwelt in his own house and became the father of a very large family. And after a good old age he died and was buried in the sepulchre of his father, having judged Israel for more than forty years. After his death the children of Israel did as before, forgot God and all the goodness he had done them, afid worshiped Baal, an idol god. Abimeiech, one of Gideon’s sons then went to Sheckem, where the people had made an image to Baal, and asked them to make him their king. They seemed pleased with Abimeiech and said, he is our brother, we will have him for our king. They gave to him seventy pieces of silver for the temple of god Baal, with which he hired bad men to join him and help make him king over Israel. He went with them to the house of his father and slew all of his brothers except the youngest one, who had hid from him. But God did not permit the wick ed Abimeiech to reign in peace. He sent evil spirits between him and the men of Sheckem who had helped him. They turned against him when he was away from the city, the people set a watch for him that they might kill him when he returned. But the ruler of the city sent him word secretly and told him that the men of Sheckem were trying to kill him, and that he must come at night with the men with him and hide in the field till morning. Then when the sun was up and the people came out against him, he should waylay them and kill them. He did as the ruler had said and drove the people back into the city and slew many of them. Some of the men of Sheckem fled to the temple of their god and shut themselves up in it. Abimeiech then took an ax and cut down a branch from a tree and laid it on his shoulder, and told all the people with him to do as he did. And every man cut down a branch and followed him to the idol’s house and piled the branches up against the door and set them on fire. And the house and all the people in it were burned up. Abimeiech then went to another city and fought against it and took it. But many of the men and women ran into the strong, high tower and shut themselves in it to save them selves. Abimeiech then burned this tower as he had the temple of Baal. A woman on the top of the tower took a large stone and threw it down upon the head ofAbimelech and crushed his skull. When he saw that he was about to die, he called one of his young men and said to him . “Draw thy sword and slay me, that the people may not say that a wo man killed me.” The young man then drew his sword and ran it through his body and killed him. And thus God punished Abimeiech for his wickedness in slaying his brothers, and for making himself king in the way he did. We have thus briefly told the story of Abimeiech, but have omitted some in teresting things for want of time and space. We have said nothing of Jotham, the youngest son of Abimeiech, who told to the men of Sheckem the parable of the trees, seeking a king for themselves. This we want our explorers to will be found in the 9th chapter of Judges, from the 7th to the 22nd verses. Per haps if Jotham had not been afraid and run away, the people might have made him ruler instead ofAbimelech, who was a brave though very wicked man. After the death of Abimeiech, a man, named Tola, become Judge of Israel. Very little is said of him except that he judged Israel 23 years. We suppose that nothing very remarkable happened while he was Judge. After him arose Jair, who judged Israel 22 years. The only thing said of him is that “he had 30 sons thaton 30and they had 30 which are called......unto this day are in the... .0f....” QUESTIONS. 1. What did Abimeiech ask the men of Sheckem ? 2. Where was Ophrah ? 3. Where did the men of Sheckem gather ? . 4. On what mount did Jotham stand when he delivered his parable ? 5. To what place did Jotham flee? 6. Who caused the men of Sheckem to rebel against Abimeiech? 7. Who was the ruler of the city that sent messengers to Abimeiech ? 8. In what city were the men and wo men burned in a tower ? 9. Who was the father of Tola and to what tribe did he belong ? 10. Where was he buried ? 11. To what tribe did Jair belong ? 12. When was he buried? 13. How many J udges had Israel up to this time. ? 14. Can you repeat their names ? enigmas: No. 1. BY A. M. J. 1. God’s new name for his people. 2. The prophet that rebuked David 3. The 7th son of Jacob. 4. A mount near Jerusalem. 5. The names of church officers. 6. What Christ once walked upon. 7. When the Jews were in bondage. 8. The subject of one of Christ’s par ables. • 9. Jacob's eldest son. 10. A land Abraham bought. 11. A religious sect. 12; What God gave Moses. The initials give what all true Chris tians should say. NO. 2. BY JULIA AND BATTEY. 1. Fled into Egypt from Solomon. 2. Prophesied a sharp and bright sword against Jerusalem. 3. Proclaimed a solemn passover on second month for Judah and Israel. 4. When an angel of the Lord sat un der an oak. THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1881. 6. What Solomon said was in a mul titude of dreams. 6. Fled into Geshem and dwelt there three years. 7. A feast to be held three times a year. 8. One of the minor prophets-a herds man. 9. What of Ephraim did God say was hid’ 10. Whom Abraham asked of God to let live before him. 11. Where Eleazar the steward lived. 12. When the ark rested for twenty years. 13. A king of Israel who reigned eigh teen years. a 14. What Hezekiah called the brazen serpent. 15. The lelation of Uzziel to Aaron. The initials spell the name of one of 1 the titles of the Savior. No. 3. BY J. AND B. I am composed of six letters : My first is in hand But is not in brand ; My next is in burn But is not in learn. My third is in blend But is not in mend. My fourth is in dark But is not in mark. My fifth is in must But is not in cost. My sixth is in thine But is not in mine. My whole is a prophetess who dwelt in Jerusalem in the college. No. 4. BY THE EDITOR. BIBLICAL SQUARE AND CROSS. ****** The top line of * * * * stars are one of the * * * * names of the place * where Jacob and Laban made a cov- * * * * enant; the right * * * * line a mountain ****** noted for its dews; the left line one of the teachers in the church at Antioch; the bottom line a Syrian general; the diagonal from left to right downward one of the plagues of Egypt; from left to right upward a god worshiped by Sennacharib and at whose house he was killed. How many will send answers to this ? We will see. Answers to last week’s Enigmas: No. I—Daniel. No. 2—Mt. Carmel. CORRESPONDENCE. Dear Mr. B. —It is with much plea sure, and I trust with profit, that we study the explorations in The Index. Its weekly visits are welcomed with much joy and delight. I noticed in a late issue that you said you felt somewhat dis couraged of late. I hope you will cheer up and continue the lessons, for I believe with God’s blessing prayed upon them, much good will be accomplished Forgive the liberty of an almost stranger. I have seen you only twice in my life, but feel as if I had known you a long time. Father speaks of you often. Our present shall be just what Mr. Boykin chooses. We will appreciate anything coming from him. We send answers for Feb. 10th. Hope they are correct. Respectfully J. M.S. We thank you very much for the kind and encouraging words, and shall feel strengthened to go forward still longer. May God bless you, and keep you near him as you so earnestly desire. You shall have an interest in our prayers. We had guessed correctly as to identity of J. but not of B. Will send a present when we get back to Atlanta, Istof April, if not sooner. Give much love to dear father. We love him very much and will be indeed glad to have an interest in his prayers and yours. The way to keep near to Jesus is to be constantly at work for him. Answers correct. , Covington, Feb. 18th, 1881. Dear Mr. B. I thought I would send the solution of the puzzles in the last number of The Index. I have been solv ing several of the enigmas before, but this is the first time I have written on the subject. Shall try to do better here after. The first enigma troubled me very much. I think there must be something wrong about it. Yours M. L. B. We wonder if M. L. B. is the little boy whom we found so well posted in the Scriptures several years ago! Is he? We have rarely found a boy of his age who answered our questions so promptly. We welcome Luther to our band, and hope hewill continuewithus and occasion ally send us some enigmas. He can make some real good ones, we have no doubt. The answers are all correct. Sometimes the printers do make some right big mistakes, and sometimes we do. We cannot take time to correct all errors, but will do so when it is desiied. Give our love to father and mother. Luther is the only explorer in Newton county. We have just had a delightful visit to Boston, the guest of our helpiul and be loved brother J. M. R. He agreed with us that we ought to forego some appoint ments in the Mercer, and come-to For-: syth where we are now attending the Convention of the Rehobatli Associa tion. We have had a pleasant time. Though the meeting was not largely re presented, those who were present seem ed to enjoy the occasion. We are kind ly and hospitably entertained by our good brother Amos and family. At the request of the pastor we will I remain and preach to-night, Monday. Most of the old officers have been reelec ted, and the President, Bro.C. C. Smith, seems inspired with new enthusiasm. It was a great pleasure to meet our dear brother Niles-a true yoke fellow-ready for any good word and work. If the Convention will carry out the resol ution offered by him and passed by the body, we look for grand things in the future. We go from Forsyth to Warrenton. Gibson, Reedy Creek and Ways Church where we will help to organize a Sunday- School Convention for the Hephzibah Association, and then fill two weeks ap pointments in that section. Wilbor’s Cod-Liver Oil and Lime —Persons who have been taking Cod-Liver Oil will be pleased to learn that Dr. Wilbor has succeed ed, from directions of several professional gentlemen, in combining the pure Oil and I Lime in such a manner that it is pleasant to ; the taste, and its effects in Lung complaints i are truly wonderful. Very many persons whose cases were pronounced hopeless, and who had taken the clear Oil for a long time without marked effect, have been en tirely cured by using tbis preparation. Be sure and get the genuine Manufactured only by A. B. Wilbor, Chemist, Boston. Sold by all Druggists. Ponder on these Truths. Torpid kidneys and constipated bowels are the great causes of chronic diseases. Kidney-Wort has cured thousands. Try it and you will add one more to their num ber. Habitual costiveness afflicts millions of the American people. Kidney-Wort will cure it. Kidney-Wort has cured kidney com plaints of thirty years standing. Try it.— Exchange. How to invest a dollar and make five: buy a bottle of Kendall s Spavin Cure. See the advertisement. ADVERTISEMENTS. !r In either Liquid or Dry Form acta ntß the mime time on the tllsenseH of the II Liver, Bowels and Kiiliieys.M ■ This tonMned action aircs it woniioful M power to cun all dieeases. ■ WHY ARE WE SICK?U ifS Be cause ire allow these great organs to be- M H come, cloggedor torpid, and poisonous h itmors M Ljflrt! therefore, forced into Ike blood that should W O be expelled naturally. U H BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, K? fl KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, URINARY’ fl W DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, M FW AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, M by causing free action qf these organs and W restoring their potver to throw off disease. 11 Why Suffer Bilious pains and aclioNl Fl H Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! U fa Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! H Fj Why endure nervous or sick headaches! fl Why have sleepless nights? U Q KIDNEY-WORT in AeaZ/7? HFltlsputuj)inDryJVcgetableForm,lntin K ■ ■ OTcanaonejw’kago of which makes six quarts kl kB 2 sr<»f - - - Hr fB ~; ?•'Also in Liquid Form.very Concentrated. K ■ B HTfor the convenience of jthose that cannot ■■ U rtrreadi lyprepare it. if acts with equal efficiency Fl MgET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, AI.OO. Q WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop’s, M |J| (Will send the dry post-paid.) BURLINGTON, feblO alt ts ESTABLISHED 1816. CHAS. SIMON & SONS, 68N. Howoard St., Baltimore, Md. DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods would call special attention to their extentive stock of DRESS GOODS, LINEN AND COTTOM GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, GOODS FOB MEN’S AND BOYS’WEAR. CORSETS, LADIES’ READY-MADE UNDERWEAR, etc., etc. SAMPLES SENT FREE. Also, to their DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENT. CLOAKS, DRESSES,etc., etc., made to order promptly In a superior manner, and tn tne latest styles at moderate rates. Orders solicited, Rules for self-measurement and samples of materials, with estimates of cost, sent upon application. TERMS CASH. All orders amounting ro J2O, or over, will be sent free of freight charges by express ; but par ties whoseorders ere not accompanied by the mon ey. and havin. their goods sent C. O. D., must pay fc. return of money, and If strangers to us, must remit at least one-half of the amount with the order. feb26 ly WOMAN’S TRIUMPH! MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN. MASS., DISCOVERER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positive Cure for JI those Painful Complaint* and Weakne«*e* aoc / 'ion to our bent female population. ft will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Chan r : jof Lire. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous huuors there Is checked very speedily by its use. *. removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for .stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It arcs Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, lenorfil Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion, That filing of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It win at all times and under all circumstances act in narmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the curoof Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA fc. PINKHAM’ VEGETABLE COM POUND is. prepared at 235 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price fl. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also i the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness* and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. BOLD BY feb3 ts best washer and .wringer in the world. Guaranteed to do perfect work or money refunded. Warranted for ft years. Pric< of Washer, 88. Sample to agents, 88.50. Price c- Wringer, 87.50. Sample, 84.2 ft. Circulars free ERIE WASHER CO., ERIE, PA. uov 4-26 t ; Ginger* Bucha* Mandrake, Stillingia and ’many other of the nest medicines known arc com-, bined so skillfully in Parkbr’s Ginger Tonic as< to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the ; Seat Health and Strength Bestorer over used.- ; It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia,; Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the Stomach.. Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs; ;and all Female Complaints. ( > If you are wasting away with Consumption or< any disease,use the Tonic t<>day. No matter what your symptoms may be, it will surely help you. ; , Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,, is the Best Family Medicine ever mads, entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Preparations and; other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-, ertiesof all. Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist.. None genuine without our signature on outside; PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM nept 23-tl. ADVERTSIEMENTS. I I y"® ® 1 nnn Db. n*nTXn’s Icon Tonic Is a preparation of Protoxide of Iron, Peruvian Bark and the Phos phates, associated with the Vegetable Aromatics. Endorsed by the Medical Profession, and recom mended by them for I>ys|>, G.n.r.l nobility. Female l>l>e*ir>, Want of Vital ity, Nervous Prostration. Convaleseenee from Fever, and Chronic Chills and Fever. It serves every purpose where a Tome Is uece»ssry. Manufactured by THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., No. 213 North Main Street, St. Louis. nvgPFPRn aplfitl bO —— ..... F “ f F F F lBBl ct iSfunday ~ r-TM ObO; x -jq S— Zm: *3lo s?qb>-: ft VlSZtu: Tuesday : LnxZi>>: LVjjpjg;: etc?, to to: cc ? to_-_ ?io ot: I B ednes. o ?. o ~ ui: ‘Z Z ~ 3 : Z 3cj: §3 n : I nrsd'y p—j mqcc: m <B wg>! its?x-et Ui xZ di.: xZ4.: I : I%xZi*»: LZIiZ-u: ooh- \Saturday f^r^^^f^W 881 s m &XZ4b.■ g wS3co&Xz4a: £Z m: ££3swTjA’un</ay_ ZO fY"! xtJQt: S Z-i: 3ooa: tomlS3 gp-di LnxZja: IJlfowday ? m ~ csoi IB Io uifcau: oa qa: SS co to; 3iocw •' I Tuesday SteO«K>- : 83got: g!fz.u: SggZou: SBSo>: P<fae». —1 Ulggootaa: ggSetf Imrxfy 885cotoi BosZith? a-!uZ3w: os 3 toot: BfoSi oo b-»: ZZ3cc: LS’diwca: & CO <« / 2§ / y \ mW /w sgfi vy\ | / \xp\ /£< Hi X \ I X /111 X. X 1 \ b- fl u e_ . :A I IS* r § S- s £ - % w H c I —1 H £ h s I m 1:1a 8 * ’o i \% \ / / a? \|\ K /o/ J aftiffnmi y-nrSxrx jy mnnmf .ammw H LA ll ' a \l s- tv> s- ri'StSstiiiße. a lls to : *■“u s B I \ / it* If* / \ I s-s I \ I 3-? 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It is elegantly and strongly bound. The type is larger than any other. It will be <1 for Hist introduction at 50 cents per copy, if 100 copl< s are ordered . and at 56 cents per copy for less than 100. Sample copies sent by mail, for examination on receipt of 2-5 cents. This book, with THE COMPLETE EDITION OF SERVICE OF SONG, Containing about 1,?00 of the most popular hymgs and tunea, and eligantly and atrongly bound in half leather, and THE CENTENNIAL EDITION OF SERVICE OF SONG, With about 700 of the most charming hvmnsand tunes, bound in half leather, and designed for smaller churches', and also for such churches aa prefera small book, MAKES THIS BY FARTHE MOST PERFECT AND COMPLETE SERIES OF HYMN AND TONE BOOKS EVER PUBLISHED FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. Send lor complete circulars. Address SHELDON & COMPANY, dec9-eow6t 8 Murray Bt., NEW YORK. If you lire n manI&HVH you ar«« n tL of business,weak- man of Irt- ened by the strain of Ww tvi-stoilingoverniid your duties avoid night work, to res. stimulants and use W tore brain nerve and Hop Bitters. S waste, use Hop B. If you are young and ■ sutlering from any in discretion or dissip.K Btion ; if you are mar ried or single, old or ■young, suttering from poor health or languish ■ing on a bed of sick ness, rely on Ho pl Bitters. Whoever yo u are, fJßau Thousands die an whenever you feel IB » nually froin some that your system lIBa Jl form of K id ne y needs cleansing, ton-disease that might ing or stimulating, W! t have been prevented without intoxicating, IK fl by a t line ly use of take Hop Hopßitters Bitters. Have yovrfi/s- pepsia, kidney i Q, | c. is an absolute tt’W’ HOP «<’ You Will be niTTrnn tobacco,or cured if you use I) II HU narcotics. HopßKteru jjj K r It you are aim-I jU"ILIIU Sold by drug ply weak and I 1 »ir*\/rn gists. Send fur low spirited, try j ( NLVLK Circular. ‘.‘Jey"u? TA 11 "X.™* life. It has ' | r\ l L "* fi co -’ saved hun- j R<vk..i.r,s. y. dreds. - —■■ ATeronlo, 001. Jy29ly PAYNE’S FARMJNGINES. Wf co HI PrSSci' \ co HK?'' • VjTyjy. NfrfcfrW \ uj Vertical and Spark-Arresting Engines from 2 to 12 horse-power, mounted or unmounted. Best and cheapest Engines made. $l5O up wards, Send for illustrated catalogue (“a” 16 for information and prices to B. W. PAYNE & HONS. Box 1218. Corning, N.Y. Jy27--y 9Bh Seeds, Plants and Bulhs !■■■ Grown, Wholesale and Retail in K||u quantities, at the Mohawk IMH Valley Seed Gardens. Seeds Dealers, Market Gardeners, and SS9 Florists, a specialty, —trade list free. Kj|gß Nellis’ Floral 1 \strv< t<)r, an jKH9 elegant, Uustrated (,'iiarierly, devot- HHiM cd to gardening all its branches. Subscription price 20 cts. per year. V Sample copy and Priced Catalogue, K with packet of choice flower seed, CJB for 3 cents. Nellis’ Perpetual Let- BHMfI EgS tuce —one sowing lliw remain lit f < < U|H eating 14 weeks, the best e\ < r intro M duced; pkt. 25 cents. Address A.C.NELLl'S.Canajoharie, N.Y. jau27 Am WANTED every Invalid to know that great relief c«n be had by the useof Price’s Re clining Bed. Made with or without a commode. It adjusts the back and legs to any given position. It is recommended by the faculty as being the most complete bed evor made for confirmed in valids. A large number sold, and every patient delighted. Would like to have Physicians and Clergymen to act as agents. Trade solicited. Send for cfrculars. Address C. B. PRICE. 82 Bth St., Louisville, Ky. jy2o-tf BECTIrCHEAPKT IN USE BRINi.viMSfiKSiB®.-*®' _ soft pH wane septs t! AGENTS WANTED ting Machine ever invented. Will knit a pair of stockings, with HEEL and TOE complete, in 20 minutes, It will also knit a great variety of fancy-work lor which there is always a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the Twombly Knitting Machine Co., 409 Wash ing ton St., Boston, Mass.nov4l7t CIIDPPD Self-adjusting arm. O OUrtllD chair-desks & book 'SmL. » >Testa, for th# inil- yLP/lion. Os great practical ailra n tag e— (unazlngly handy and convenient. X to J. 4. I’AKK A< <>.. I.nnxln|r, vTtfi® n TJblleh.. for Raijiplc, pre/xiid to any part of * fZr ir « »ar Noth Ing no Good fur Apt«. IH’d «7*Meutiou this paper jan3o-ly CANCERSCURED! TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE. For circulars, address with stamps, JAMES M. HARDAWAY, Jy27-8m Milner, Pike county, Ga. MM ■ Lowest prices ever known ts 11 ■■ S Breech • lamdera. ■ "■ HQa IWK Killen, ami Revolvers, hl iroxmMN , ; ■■ ■at greatly reduced price. Send stamp for our New ™ Illustrated Catalogue (B) P.POWELL<6SON,33BMaIa Street, CINCINNATI,O. septM 2tt SHELDON COLLINS?" MANUFACTURE OF Black and Colored Printing Inks. New York, 28 Frankfort 8L; Philadelphia, 727 Sansom St.; Black Inks Works, Point Breeze Phil adelphia ; Colored Ink Works 28 Frankfort St-. New York. Jy2o-ly ORGAN BE ATT Y ptano 9TTuß«HinVst'.p., S Ml CoMen Ke. u., Kne. Swell., WalniU CM., w.rnl'J • yf-.r., Stool * Book New .US to tfe&S. •V New«r.per«eut * . AdUie.. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, 3