The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, July 14, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Florida Department. W. M- OHAUDOIN, OanMptndiaf Editor and Agsnt- Office *t Cleaveland A Sons' Furniture Store, West Bay street. ~ JACKSON VILLE, FLORIDA. FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF MISSIONS. The State Board of Mlsdons of the Florida Bap tist Convention la located ;at Madison, Florida, and cousiiti of the following brethren: C. C. Green, pastor of the Madison Baptist church, Chairman ; S. B. Thomas, Br., John M. Beggs. B. ILWardlaw, C. W. Stevens, Madison ; J.AL B. Mays, Jacksonville: W. M. Davis, Lake City; Wai ter Gwynn, Oveldo, A. C, McCants, Monticello; Paul Willis. Palatka; G. W. Hall. Melrose; C. W. Waugh, Gainesville; T. E. Laagtey,Greenwood; W. N. Chaudoln, Cor. Sec’y and Treasurer, Jack sonville. The work of the Board : To h«lp "preach the mcthoX oHhe Sard: Its own missionaries In the State: building meeting bouses In the State, (1. e. helping): the Home Mission Board and For eign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Con vention ; Theological Seminary. Motto for Florida Baptists: '*We must all work for onr State Board-write It up, talk It up, pray It up." FLORIDA FACTS, FANCIES AND FIGURES. —Writing to us of the Tabernacle church, Jacksonville, brother T. H. Jaudon says: "The first dollar that I ever gave for any be nevolent enterprise, was for the building of the meeting house there, when I was a boy.” —The missionaries of our State Board (two only) report for first quarter: 3 baptized 2 received by letter, 23 sermons preached and at Micanopy, aßunday-ecboolorganized with 4 leathers and 24 pupils. —We have received the minutes of the last session of the Southern Baptist Conven tion. We regret the mistake made by the Committee on Credentials, giving us credit for being entitled to two delegates, when it was three and almost four. —There will be Union Meetings on the fifth Sunday in July, at Hickory Spring, in Alachua Association, at Peniel, in N. St. River, at Hopeful church, Florida Associa tion, Umatilla, Wekiva Association, Shady Grove, Florida Association, and a General Convention of all the ministers in Suwannee and Beulah Associations, at Live Oak. Remember, brethren, that with your co operation in Ikdxx work, nearly half the expenses of the Corresponding Secretary were paid for the past quarter. Please re member, and send us one more new subscri ber. - Stafford's Pond church invites the next Institute. The committee to whom the matter was referred, will take it into consid eration. It is a good place to meet, and it seems to us a good location to get a goodly number together. Brother Scruggs, through brother Me- Cants, acknowledges the receipt of $4-20 from the members of Shiloh church, through sis ter Hammerly, for the “Cooper Monument." The brethren, especially in Middle Florida, should help some, if possible, to erect a monument over the grave of brother W. B. Cooper. You will never have bis like again. —Thanks to brother Wentworth for news and words of encouragement. —"I enjoy reading The Index more than any paper! get.” Bo said an intelligent lawyer to us, voluntarily. He made special reference to the editorials of Dre. Tucker and Henderson. —"They are written in a sort of amusing style, but they are eo very sensible and prac tical,” saida lover ot The Index to us last night, of Peter Grubbs' letters. That sister will enjoy Peter's next letter. —J. Thompson Crane, of the firm of Orr, Painter & Co., Reading, Pennsylvania, is a Christian and Baptist of the best type. A worker he is, for his firm,and for his Savior; and is no more ashamed of Jesus than of his business. He started the work, and made the first contribution to build a Baptist meet ing house on Cedar Key, or Ataena Otice, and is authorized to solicit aid from others, for that purpose. He knows the need of it, and the inability of the little baud there to build without aid. —Brother Isaiah Irwin, of Marion county, Florida, is ninety-two years old and is able to attend church. —“Shake Baptiste,” and now "Chameleon Baptista.” What sort next, Peter? We knew we had all these, but did not know what to call them. —Who was it said that “sending Baptist children to a Union Sunday school was like setting hawk eggs under a hen ” ? It is one of our pete—one of the beet preachers in Florida. Do you see any resemblance be tween the two? FROM THE CHURCHES. Deeb Bbotheb:—On the 15th inst. I had the pleasure of uniting in the holy bonds of matrimony, Levi V. Dennard to Miss Lenora A. Brack, at the the residence of the bride’s father, in Leon county. On Monday evening I had the great satisfaction and delight of baptizing the bride, her mother and younger sister, with five others (8). Brother Dennard was already, and promises to begin life aright by holding family prayer every night. One thing yet needful; he must take The Index. We have just closed a meeting at Centre ville, in which Elder J. C. Porter did the preaching. The meeting was enjoyed by many Christians, who were revived, comfort ed and edified. Many friends in the commu nity were interested, and some greatly con cerned about their condition, and sought the prayers of God’s people. Dear brother, and brethren, and sisters, who may read this, stop reading and let your prayers go up to a throne of grace, in behalf of our church and community. We earn* estly desire an interest in your prayers. We want a Pentecostal season. • » • • Yours fraternally, A. M. Manning lamonia, Florida, June 20th. We have had quite a revival at Perry church, Taylor county. On the Sth Sunday in May, Elder J. W. Falkner preached there and received two for baptism, and two were restored. ThelstSunday in June we baptized the two received, and three others, one by restoration and two for baptism—seven in all. Your brother in Christ, F. M. Wells. Hopeful Baptist Church of Christ, was organized in Madison county, Florida, under the auspices of the Pine Grove Baptist church. The first services were held at the Chuliotah school house, on the night of the 11th of November, 1877, conducted by 8. 8- Proctor, pastor of Pine Grove, assisted by Elder G. TLeitner, and were continued monthly till October, 1878, at which time and place the church was constituted by the ministers named above, with 34 members. 8.8. Proctor was called as pastor, and continues such to this time. The church is located seven miles northwest of Madison C. H., and has now a membership of 49. H. B. Gibson is Clerk, office Madison, Fla, H. B. Gibson, C. C. Deab Bbothmb Chaudoin Feel much encouraged by the compliment. Thank you. Elder I. N. Reid baptized three last Sunday and received four, to be baptized next month- Brother Reid has received two Ad vent Ist sisters at another church, making twelve this year by baptism there. Elder Sparks, colored, is doing a good work near THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1881. White Springs. The Lord has owned his effort. Four Joined the church two weeks since, (one “transferred” to the Methodists, without baptism ; how, I don't know.) The harvest is-ripe. May the Lord help us to arise and reap. "He that gathereth In summer is a wise son, but he that sleep eth in harvest is aeon canseth shame.” Rrov. x. 5. May the Lord bless you, my brother. Yours in go.*pel bonds, B. R. Moseley. White Sprints, Fla., June 7th, 1881. We assisted, as did also, Elder S. F. Gove, pastor Lawton, in a two dajs meeting at Bethlehem church, Volusia county, sec ond Sunday in June. Two were received for baptism. We noted with pleasure, other improvements in their house, and ordered for them a dozen more hymn books. We bad the pleasure, too, of getting a good contribution for State Missions, and hearing some good singing. It was a memorable visit, and we were again put under obliga tions to the brethren there, and came away feeling, if possible, more tenderly endeared to the Bethlehem church and brethren Sauls and Carpenter.—Ed. Deab Nephew :—You are the first one to give something for the Theological Semina ry since our Board was organized. Well done, Master Early. I hope you will be a preacher and attend the Seminary* Go to work now, and collect some money for the heathen. You must have another cate chism. Uncle Shad. Deab Uncle Shad:—Mamma promised me when I got through the little catechism you gave me, she would hold the pencil and help me write you a letter, and now I am through it. I send you some stamps to help build the “Theological Seminary.” I am only four years old and am learning to read. Come to see us again. Your little nephew, Eably Hammbbly. Greenville, Fla., June 16th, 1881. James Lawton White, infant son of Jas. T. and Mary 8. White, of Atlanta, died at the residence of Judge James M. White, of Monroe county, on Friday last, July Bth. To the afflicted parents we tender our heartfelt sympathy. The bud that failed to blossom in the chill airs of earth, shall now expand into radiant and immortal beauty in the balmy airs aod the everlasting sunshine of the Garden of God. He thought he heard “the angels sing," but it proved to be a chorous of yells from the next door children. He grew desperate, procured a bottle of Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup and sent it to Mrs. 8. with his compliments. He was a bachelor. Died, at St. Joseph's Infirmary, in this el'y, on the Ist instant, of bronchial consumption, Mr. Thomas Fuller Sams, in the 88th year of his age. Shortly after the death of his parents, at the early age <1 fourteen years, he joined the Baptist church of Beaufort. 8. C., his native town. He was a gentleman of it telllgence and education, highly respected both as a man and Christian wherever known. He discharged conscientiously and faithfully every duty confided to him while living. As a brother, he was devoted and affeo tloLate: as a friend, sincere and true. He died peacefully, giving every assurance of a well grounded hope of a blessed immortality beyond the grave. Man is like a musical irstrument—be is worthless unless in tune. At times the sys tem needs the strengthening effects of a ton ic; the blood needs re-iuforcement, and the vital energies a stimulant. Iron in various forms has been in use for many years, and no better combination of it with other vital izers than Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonic is known in this country. It is a safe and reliable remedy in dyspepsia, general debility, wnnt of vitality, and the usual disorders attendant upon a prostrated system*—Burlington (Io wa) Gazette. Those who are using a pen constantly will find the Walke Pen invaluable. To be able to write letter after letter without continually dipping for Ink is a pleasure that many cannot appreciate fully until they have discarded their inkstands for the Walke Flexible Fountain Pen. For those who are compelled to carry an inkstand when writing in the streets, or for travelers, business men, ladies, for use in the office, on the street, or in the study, on the editor’s desk, in the repor ter's hand, anywhere and everywhere the ink stands are now found, the Walke Pen is sure to supercede their use, as the gas light has displaced the tallow candle, or the telephone has dismissed the office-boy, or the thousand improvements that have taken the place of the now obsolete articles of long ago. it Woodstock, Ga., April 12th, 1877. Dr. Harter, Dear Sir: I had the Every day chills for four weeks, and nothing would stop them. Dr. Harter's Fever and Ague Specific was recommended to me. I sent to Tuscaloosa—thirty miles distant—for it. I was cured immediately. Did not have another Chill after taking it. James F. Kennedy. The ladies who some time since were un able to go out, having taken Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound are quite re covered, and have gone on their way rejoic ing Elixir Vite For Women. —Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass., has made the discovery! Her Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for femalecom plaints. A line addressed to this lady will elicit all necessary information. The New Hotel at Philadelphia, “Plum eb'b" American House, opposite Indepen dence Hall, is attracting already a large pat ronage and popular favor, by the elegance of its furniture, superior management and the moderate rate of $2 50 per day. Deserving Atticles Abe Always Appre ciated—The exceptional cleanliness of Par ker’s Hair Balsam makes it popular. Gray hairs are impossible with its occasional use. julyl4 Im. We trust the time will come when every one will use Dobbins’ Electric Soap, (made by Cragin <fc Co., Philadelphia.) Its sale is daily increasing, as is always the case with articles of merit. Try it. Farmers and Threshermen look out for the "Starved Rooster Thresher" in next week's paper. We In attention to the advertisement of Robert w. Kip, 62 Fulton street, New York City, manufacturerof Medals, Badges, (tc., for schools, colleges and societies. Mr. Kip makes sterling articles of this clan, executed with artistic taste and skill. His references areof the highest order, and promptness and fidelity have given him an excellent reputation among educators. Send to him for sac simile oi his designs with prices. The closing of the year for schorils makes this the op portune time to send Mr. Kip orders for medals, etc. Jun 9 Bm. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his bands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma nent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca tarrah, Asthma, and ail Throat and Lung Affectations, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after having tested its wodderful curative powers in thousand of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French, or English, with fnll directions for preparing and using. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Bhbxar, 149 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y. IT PAYS to sell our Rubber Hand Printing Stamps. Circulars free. G. A. HARPER* BRO , Cleveland, Ohio. julylt eowSt EDUCATIONAL Steubenville, (Ohio) Female Seminary. 53 Years Successful Experience. First class Schools Terms low. Bend lor Catalogue. A. M.Bjtm. Ph D.? Principal, Je2B 8t MR, KINNE’S SCHOOL, ITHAOA. IST. TT. Address WM. KINNE, «•. A. Jun 2 6m ALBAN? 7 LAW SCHOOL?” Fall Term Begins September 6th, 1881. For Circulars, address HORACE E. SMITH, LL.D.. Dean, je2B eowtosept! Albany, N. Y. READVILLA SEMINARY, BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA'. A home school for girls. Thorough training in all departments. Full corps of efficient Teach ers. Expenses moderate. Numbers limited. For particulars address MRS. MARY W. READ, Principal. mr24 ts Albemarle Female Institute, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Twenty fifth session begins September 21st. Full faculty. Equipment complete. Advantages un surpassed. Terms reduced. For Catalogue apply to Principals, Rev. A EUBANK, A. M. Jun3o 4t W. P. DICKINSON. REIDVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE (A SELECT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES,) Healthy location in Upper South Carolina; Full course of study; First class Teachers; Uniform dress. Terms moderate. For Catalogue, etc., address ROBT. P. SMITH, A. M., Principal, jy 14 7t Reidville, S. C. YOUNG MEN ey but valuable time in the future by attending the GRAND RAPIDS (Mich.) BUSINESS COLLEGE, where they will receive a thorough, quickening practical education. Send for College Journal. We recommend a Northern education to Southern' young men. ji.rrieowtf Washington and Lee University I GEN G. W. 0. LEE, President. Thorough Instruction in LANGUAGES, LITER ATURE and SCIENCE, end in thef Professional Schools of LAW and ENGINEERING. Healthful location in the valley of Virginia. Expenses for nine mouths need not excetd $225. Session opens September 15th, 1881. For Catalogue address J. L. CAMPBELL, Ja , Clerk. junSO 3m Lexington, Va. SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Louisville, Kentucky. Full Theological course, and complete English course, or a partial course,at the option of the student. For catalogues address E. N. Woodruff, Waverley House, Louisville, Ky. If pecuniary aid la wanted, addressat once Rev. John A. Broadus, Louisville, Ky. Session opens September Ist, with an introductory lecture by Professor Boyce. my 26 4m POUGHKEEPSIE FEMALE ACADEMY Rev. D. G. WRIGHT, S. T. D., Rector, Assisted by ten (10) Teachers. Ibe 45th year com mences September 14th, 1881. Patrons arc assured home comforts, parental disciple and thorough work for their daughters. For circulars, address the Rector, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. julyl4-Bt. THE GEORGIA SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES* The Fall Term will open on Monday, lhe 29th day of August, 1881, with the best corps of teach ers we have ever had. The Sciences, Music, Let ters and Arts are taught. Board, SIOO a year ; Tuition, S4O; Music, S4O. No healthier place in Georgia than Gainesville. Special terms to pas tors’ daughters arid ladies wishing tn become teachers. Send for Catalogue. W. C. WILKES, President! Gainesville, Ga., July 7,1881. junc9-tf. Wesleyan Female Institute, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Opens September 20th, 1881. One of the Fibst Schools fob Young Ladies in the United States. Surroundings beautiful. Climate un surpassed. Pupils from seventeen states. TERMS AMONG THE BEST IN THE UNION. Board, Washing, English Course, Latin. French, German, Instrumental Music, Ac , for Scholastic year, from September to June, 8238. For Catalogues write to Rev. WM. A. Harris, D. D., President, julyl4 8t Staunton, Virginia. WORCESTER ACADEMY, WORCESTER, MASS. liberally endowed Prepare to: y School. Pat ronized the last year from sixteen different States and countries. The Classical Department fits for the best Colleges and Universities. The English Department prepan s for Technical Schools or for business. Expenses low,—excellent board only $2.50 per week-apd assistance given to indigent students “The Worcester Academy has earned for itself a place among the foremost institutions of the kind in the country.”—Pro/. Harkness, Broun University “1 heartily commend it to the confidence of the people.’’—Pres.Hovey,Newton Theological Seminary The Fall Term begins August 30. ForCata" logues or other Information address jy 14 13t N. LEAVENWORTH, Principal. AUGUSTA FEMALE SEMINARY, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Miss MARY J. BALDWIN, Principal, Opens Sept. Ist and Closes June Ist, 1882. rpHIS INSTITUTION CONTINUES TO IN- I crease in prosperity from year to year. It offers superior advantages in location; in its buildingsand grounds; in its general appoint ments and sanitary arrangements; its full corps of superior and experienced teachers, its unsur- Sassed advantages in Music, Modern Languages, liocutlon. Fine Arts, Physical Culture and in struction in the Theory and Practice of Cooking; the successful efforts made to secure health, com fort and happiness; its opposition to extrava ?ance ; its standard of solid scholarship. For ull particulars, apply to the Principal for Cata logues. my!9 3m CLARKE’S NEW METHOD FOR REED ORGANS. This wonderfully successful book still sells largely, year after year, aud seems to be a perma nent success. A good instructive course, very fine selections and arrangements ot good Reed Organ Music, account for the favor in which it is held. Price, $2.50. IN PRESS AND NEARLY READY: A NEW BOOK FOR CHOIRS.) by A NEW BOOK FOR SINGING >L. 0. EMERSON. SCHOOLS. - - - J a NEW BOOK OF TRIOS FOR) by FEMALE VOICES. - IW. 0. PERKINS. Amateur Orchestras should send for Win ner’s Band of Four ($1 00), with music for four to six instruments, or QUINTET ORCHESTRA (5 books, each $1.25). Tire New Operas.— OLlVE ITE (50 cts.); THE MASCOT (50 cw.); BILi.EE TAYLOR (50 cts ), are ?lven everywhere. Fine edi.ions, and wonder ully cheap. OLIVER DITBON A CO., Boston. C. H. DITSON dk CO., J. E. DITBON A CO., 843 B’dway, N. Y. 1228 Chestnut st., Phlla. my29-tf ADVERTISEMENTS. BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, FOR CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER—BRIGHT’B DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS—STONE OF THE BLADDER—GOUT, Etc. Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder. DR. ROBERT BATTEY, OF ROME, GA. “I have been using the Buffalo Lithia Water in my practice -..-rew » > for three years in Chronic Inflamation of the Bladder, whether i p r A I Induced by Stone, by enlarged prostrate in the aged, or other- f ’P'*-x i wise, and have secured the most excellent results, which en- courages me to prescribe it for the future.” A Bright’s Disease of the Kidneys, Stone | \ ln the ® ,a^er an d Gout. A case stated da7id E * sMrrH ’ OF BROWNVILLE, N. Y. -Mrs. suffered from BRIGHT’S DISEASE OF THE AT- KIDNEYS, complicated with hereditary GOUTand STONE .-'jSSsSsJ I OF THE BLADDER. The limbs were very Oedematoua, '' xriJ liM KSs and would pit on preaure with the finger, leaving an in- ■zJW JAsSSy'Slirf' dentation long after the finger was removed. The nrine ' js&SiS'l ' If U ■wasloadedwiththe URATESandtwenty-Jlveper cent. ALBUMEN, I JI j| and the microscope revealed CASTO. I ordered the Buffalo aBHWSWIKA-*-'- L ithla Water, four goblets a day. In a few days the patient trade mask—patented. passed a stone five-eighths of an inch long by one-fourth diameter. Under the continued use of the water there has been continued improvement until now the urine Is in a condition nearly normal no CASTS can be discovered, and there is but little trouble from the GOUTY AFFECTIONS." Springs Open for Guests June Ist. The water in cases of one dozen half gallon bottles, $5 per case, at the Springs. Springs pamphlet sent to any address. THOS. F. GOODE, Proprietor Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. myseowßm [ESTABLISHED 1853.] WINSHIP'S IRON WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED WINSHIP COTTON GIN, SELF-FEEDER ANlfc CONDENSER, Cotton Presses for Steam, Hand or Horse Power, « SHAFTING, PULLIES, HANGERS, SAW MILLS, AND MILL GEARING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. .Correspondence solicited. Address WINSHIP & BRO., Atlanta, Ga. Julyl4 3m HELLMUTH RADIES’ COLLEGE. Patroness, H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President, The Right Rev. I. HELLMUTH, D.D., D. C. L„ LORD BISHOP OF HURON. Fall Term opens Wednesday, Sept. 21st. Handsome and spacious buildings,beautifully situated iu a most healthy locality, about four hours by rail from Niagara Falls, and on one of the principal through routes between the East and West. The GROUNDS comprise 140 acres. Thtiaim of the Founder of this college is to provide.the highest intellectual and practically useful education. The whole system is based upon the soundest PRO TESTANT principles, as the only solid basts for the right formation of character. FRENCH is the language spoken iu the college. MUSIC a specialty. Board, Laundry and Tuition Fees, including the whole course of English, the Ancient and Mod ern Languages, Calisthenics, Drawing and Painting, use of Piano and Library, Medical Attendance and Medicine, S3OO per annum. A reduction of one-half for the daughters of clergymen. For “circulars” and full particulars address MISS CLINTON, Lady Principal Hellmuth Ladise’ College, London, Ontario Canada. jy!4eo*4t Hnui z TA a P DIN U11 0000 I vo™ I HIM I modelpress Hand and foot power. Business men are everywhere using it, thereby saving all their print ing bills. Any boy can manage it. Prices from $i to si„. Ewry Press absolutely guaranteed. HOW TO PRINT gives all the particulars Address the E J. W. DAUGHADAY & Co., 7»x CHestnut St., Philadelphia. july!4 St RARE CHANCE For Ladies and gentlemen to make money. The Hewitt Manufacturing < ompany wants an Agent in every County in the United States, to take the Agency for the King’s Irons, 4 complete Irons in one ; Smoothing, Crimping and Flitting, Band and Glossing Iron. Terms very liberal. Profits large and sells rapidly, as every House keeper wants one. Exclusive territory given to agents. No opposition For prices, terms and full information, please address THE HEWITT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Box 868, Pittsburg, Pa. je23 4t VISITORS ATLANTA, GA m ARE INVITED TO CALL AT THE PALACE JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT OF J. P. STEVENS & CO, 34 Whitehall St, Where a pleasant hour may be spent looking over their immense stock of Watchea, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Silverware, etc. , Visitors are also admitted into their Watch Factory, where the process of manufacturing time pieces can be seen. septlS ts BATS AND MICE Exterminated by using Wilhide’s Rat and Mouse Traps, Superior to all others. If properly baited and set entire satisfaction in every case. 46 rats caught in one trap at one time—l 6 mice one night in a single trap. Proof-for a penny. Sold by the trade and agents throughout tne world. Address J. T. " ILHIDE & BRO., York Road, Carroll county, Maryland. jne23 3m. SUNNY SIDE " MOUNTAIN SANITARIUM, ’ A Pleasant Home for Sick or Well. In Southeastern Pennsylvania, 103 miles from Baltimore. Pure air, refreshing breezes on warm est days in summer and cool nights; airy rooms, nnre soft spring water, good table, amusements, etc.; shady groves, pleasant walks, delightful scenery; baths, Swedish movements, electricity, etc. Pleasant for families and safe for children. $7 to sl2 per week. Send for circular. JAMES 8. PRESTON, M. D., ap2B 3m Vinbmont, Berks co., Pa. WARM WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA —This celebra ted watering plaee situated in a valley of pic turesoue beauty, on the banks of French Broad river, is open for pleasure seekers and Invalids. First class in all appointments. Magnificent cold and warm bathing: cold sulphur chalybeate water. Apply for circular. HOWERTON A KLEIN, june9 3m Proprietor*. FOR SALE, PRINTING OFFlCE— Established and com plete. Three good Presses and new type Office attached to a Stationery Store with a good trade. Office only for sale, with a guarantee of plenty of work. Tzkms— Two-thirds Cash, balance payable in Printing in small payments. Address F. M. Pickering, Printer and Stationer, No. 144 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, O. This is a good chance. ap2B ts AGEATN AND CANVASSERS Make from to SSO per sreek selling goods for E. RIDEOUT A CO., 10 Barclay st., New York Send for their catalogue aud terms. sg26 ly Terywhpre known and prized for f Skill anil fidelity in manufacture, gNJ TastefulandexceUenilmprovcments, Elegant variety of design.-. Yleldtng unrivaled tones. Illustrated Cataloc-Jcs scut Free. J. ESTEY ,C- f *o„ Brutricba-o, Vt. ap2B eow2et< r 8p 1881 - 1881. CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, Meriwether County, Ga. For health, comfort and pleasure, go to this favorite resort. Everything new and strictly first class. Baths, either hot or cold, from Chalybeate Spring water. Best Orchestra and Brass Band in the South. Buy tickets and check baggage to Talbotton, Ga.. or Thomaston, Ga. For rates ad dreas THOMPSON & CHENEY, Proprietors, Je23 2m w - Manufacturing JEWELER Medals and Badges for Schools, Colleges and So cieties. Badges of every known order on hand, Prize Medals for Yacht ing, Rowing, etc. R. W. KIP, Send stamp for catalogue. 62 Fulton St., N.Y. june23-8m WILSEGODS By F. 8. Dobbins, late of Yokohama, Japan. A new work of matchless interest, describing the s'range superstitions of Heathen Nations in all parts and ares of the world. The only volume ever issued covering the great subject. Contains a thousand facts stranger than fiction—the wild im aginationsof Idolaters concerning Deity and Spir its, the Destiny of Man, with all lhe strange beliefs, legends, customs, forms of worship, temples, shrines, sacrifices, etc., connected therewith. Is illustrated and bound in unique style. A truly wonderful book, certain to sell immensely. For sample pages, terms, etc., address HUBBARD BROS., Pryor, corner Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. apl4 eowSm go BeautifnlStops, SOctaves Carved Wulnut Cnee. Send tor <"ir 111 iißtvaleitt’at.'ik.gue. It | kgagnMffi gives information which f>o ■ ViUVsajAI tecte the purchaser and irjik-s I wNslumdl -lerritinip. ll- . Munhuldi 8 w lltb St-.N. Y. my26ly ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GULLETT GIN VORKB, 0. M. STONE & CO., Proprietors, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Manufactures the Improved Light Draft Gullett Gin, and Rocks Cotton and Hay Portable Lever Press, (patented). Repair Gins of any make. Agent fer Steam Engines with locomotive boil ers, Steam Engines with return tubular boilers (sparkless)—Self-propelling Engines. Sell first-class machinery exclusively. Also agents for Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Separators, etc. Several second-hand Engines in stock for sale at low prices. Write for Circulars and prices. State terms wanted. Send in orders for Gins and Engines early. Obtain new Gullett Gin Circular before buying and see what Cotton dealers and planters say about it. Old Gins should be repaired at onoe. june2B-8m Ginger, Buchu, Man drake, Stillir -ia, and \ many of the best medi- clnes known com binedin Parker’s Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of sn- h varied powers, as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the BestHealtliAStrength Restorer Ever Used. *j>e it cures Rheumatism, r-» i » Sleeplessness, & diseaess Parker S ° fthe Stomach, Bowels, 111 n i Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, Hair Balsam, The Best. 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Price 25 cents. 5 vials by mail fortl.OO, my 26 ly 1$ the only machine that received *n avnutd on both F"* Horte-power and Thre»her and Cleaner, at th< Cvnien nial Exhibition; wm awarded the two la»t Cold Medals given by the New York State Agricultural Society on Horse-powere and Threshers • and irthe only Thresher selected from the vast number built in pH the United State*, for illustration and description in PJW “ Appleton’s Cyclopedia of Applied Mechanics,’* »e --cently published, thus adopting It ns the Standard 9 machine of this country. Catalogue sent free. Address MINABD HARDER, Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., N.Y. my 26 4t V V V Simmons’ Sash Supporters! IJi Oi Oi Substitute for Cords and Weights On all common size New or Old Windows, at less than quarter the price. It has a record of many years in the U. 8. and six in England* Mr. Sim mons has been a contractorand builder for thirty years, and has given nis attention to improving this Supporter. His last improvement is war ranted or no pay. Windows always locked. Can not let the windows fall. High windows work with a pole. Address SASH SUPPORTER CO.» 290 West Lake St., Chicago, 111. junSO Im ' CATARRH can be only re permanently Cured by the ’ N use of CHILDS SPECIFIC. H Q Can be used at home by the patient. Free treatise by mail. * W Rev. T. P. CHILDS.Troy, O. S mayi9 26t a week in your own town. Terms and U>OQ $5 outfi Address H. Haixxt <i Co. Portland. Maine mv27.jy GOLDEN DAWN, Or Light on the Great Future in thia Life through the Dark Valley and In the Life Eternal. ILLUS TRATED. Sells fast. lays over A MONTH FOR AGENTS, Send for circular and terms. Also rend address of two or more book sgt nts and 10 cents for coat of mailing, and receive the People’s Magazine ot choice literature free for alx months. Address P. W. ZIEGLER & C 0.,? feb3-tf 915 Arch St., Philadelphia, P AGENTS WANTED! COMPARATIVE EDITION! REVISED NEW TESTAMENT. Every reader of the Bible is inquiring for an edition of the New Testament containing the “V VERSIONS U.” As this is the only edition published on this plan, agents will missa grand opportunity if they do not at onee take an agency for this the most popular and best selling edi tion, containing 1000 paces, price by mail. SJ. 50. Now readv for delivery. Act quick,—send for sample paaes and term’s to FORSHEE & Jud3o 4t. fITCANCERS CURED. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE. For circulars, address with stamps, JAMES M. HARDAWAY, <*'■' m Milner, Pike county, Ga. The Comparative Edition of the . REVISED NEW TESTAMENT. B E STC«BB»|Fun text of •• King James’ 'and "Revised’* vrnfiinNd’ eß,oMjn ? Ma » el columns. Free from J I errors which render many reprints use- lIM fcglless. Changeashown at a glance. Only HOOK one book required. Saves Time. Saves s. Insures Accuracy. Gives Satisfac- tion. Needed by all Bible Readers. Nicely Printed Hand somely Bound. Four Styles Prices Low. Easiest Edition to Sell. AGENTS WANTED. Success Address at onoe J. V. McCURDY 4S CO., PhtUdephla, P a , nayl2 ly CT> p « 135 Writing Leiters, Type, Figures, eras best press i Ink, Reglete,Gold,Nippere, Case,Rack, 106 Card, outside caae: All for s6too. MB . w * °* EVANS, 50 N. Ninth St, Phlla delphia, Pa.ap!4 ts Qfifi “ week ln T° nr own town. Terms and $6 yXJu outfit free. Address Hallstt ft Ocv, Portland. Maine. may 26-ly.