The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, August 11, 1881, Page 8, Image 8
8 Honda Department. W K.OHAUDOlK.OorrwpondingEdltorudAgent Office at Cleavelaud & dona' Furniture olore, Weal Bay street JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. FLO KID A FACTS, FANCIES AND FIGURES. —Edward, Jennie, Florence and Evie Milla, (all a contribution of missions). of Apopka City. Every child for the family. God ble-s them. And we are looking every day to hear from other children there. Then here is a letter with a dollar, and half of it was given by George, Donnie and Laura Brooks, and Bennie and George Carpenter, of Beulaville. Four received at Bethlehem church, Saulsville, last meeting; two of which were by baptism. —The lightning struck brother Brooks's house recently, at Saulsville, and knocked his mother senseless for a time, hurt bis son, and killed a dog under the house. The same bolt struck a tree near the house of brother Sauls and broke a bracelet on the arm of Miss Charlotte, who was at the time standing in the door. We are glad the Lord preserved ther lives. —Suhky Side- The Tabernacle Baptist Sunday-school of this city has just received a donation of a splendid library, from the Central Baptist church, of New York City.— Daily Union- How we love to report such items as the above I —Brother Wood, of Key West, writes: “Tbe health of the city is very good. Our congregations are very good." The Lord be praised, and may He spare the island from yellow fever. —We are rejoiced that brother Waugh will preach monthly on Way Key, at Cedar Keys. There will soon be a church organized there we hope. —We truly thank brother Russell, of the ‘’Citizen," for bis paper, which he sends us, and lor the kind things be said of our visit, and thought of putting it in The Index, but it might be misunderstood, and we put it in our heart. —A rich treat to some of our readers will be a letter from Evangelist Langley, of West Florida. He did not write it for the paper, but it is too good for tbe "basket ” —Returning from Apopku City, Dr. Mays preached at Antioch, near Long, and two persons applied for baptism, one of them the son of Elder 8. F. Gove, the pastor. We re joice with the parents. His mother is probably near her home in heaven. God bless her and family. —Our young friend, Miss Shepherd, has concluded to be a Shepherd no longer, but something more Lovell(y), and that all the time. —Two invitations for the next Institute; Stafford s Pond first, and now Oclawaba Bridge asks for it. The Committee will con aider these invitations. We suspect they have heard how theEliam brethren enjoyed one. —We so much regret tbe miscarriage of the issue of our paper with reference to Elder Willies letter about the Institute at Eliam. Not a paper went to Banana, nor are there any in the office in Atlanta. —"After a great deal of rain in this section, which completely ruined most of the grow ing crop, we are suffering now of a withering drought. The prospect is distressing at present. Tbe religious aspect is not so dis couraging —R. J. Hogue, Boggy Depot, Choctaw Nation.” —"When I am inactive long, I feel cold ness creeping on, hence I love to work to keep warm.” A pions lady writes : “We have a great shake'-htad' Baptists in cur churches.” —We wonld like to have had brother Bai ley’s good letter a> pear sooner, but it will be enjoyed, for it is not stale yet. —Peter Grubbs is heard from again. Good letter from him that hits all around. —Write short, our space is limited. But be sure to write to Jacksonville, Florida. NORTHERN ANNIVERSA RIES—INGERSOLL, ETC.—REV. N. A. BAILEY. fn regard to my visit to Indisnapolis it was delightful. I never enjoyed myself bet ter at any of our annual gatherings than I did among our Northern brethren. They are earnest, warm-hearted, zealous Baptists The speeches made all had the ring of the true metal —clear, round, full. Thegrandest of all the sermons or addresses, however, was that of Dr J. A. Broadus, How beautifully does he illustrate, in his preaching, what he teaches in his lecture room. I did not hear, in any of the addresses. (I was not there the last day of the Home Mis sion Society), a word uttered that would have been offensive to the most sensitive Southern ear. All the speeches breathed the most catholic Christian spirit. While there were differences of sentiment entertained and uttered on the various subjects discussed, it was all done in the spirit of love and uni ty. The South was well represented by Dr, Chaplin, of Texas; Dr. Dickinson, of the Religious Herald; Dr. Lofton, of St. Louis; Dr. W. W. Landrum, of Georgia, and Dr. W. B. Shaw, of South Carolina. I bad the honor of representing our Slate, and presenting its slaims as missionary ground for the I’ubli nation Society. It afforded me much pleas ure to sp< ak of our efficient and earnest rep resentative of that society, brother Pack, and the good work he is doing. There was one thing that was novel, and seemed out of place to m.,—applauding speakers. It may net be improper, but it seems to me out of place tn a religious assembly. But that is none of my business If our Northern brethren enjoy it, let them do so. We bare not been so taught by our Melt Dr. Boardman, President of the Mis sionary Union, tried to suppress this out ward demonstration by the brethren, but finding it impossible to restrain them, he gave it up m despair, and, on one occasion, at least, he joined in, a plauding one of the speakers. 1 was truant to my ordinary rule on two occasions during the sessions. On Bunday morning 1 went to hear Dr. Talmage, of Brooklyn, preach in one of the Methodirt churches. Os course you wish to know what I think of him. Well, I have had for a long time great curiosity to see and hear him. My curiosity is gratified and—satisfied, f would not give twenty-five cents to hear him again. 1 could haveheard him again at night, but I did not care to do so. I have heard many Georgia pineywoods preachers that could preach better sermons than the one I heard. He didn’t touch his text ex cept in bis introductory remarks. The say ing of the man respecting another minister's discourse, ‘‘if his text had had the small pox, his sermon would not have caught it,” was true in this instance. Dr. T.’s text was "Behold, the bridegroom cometh ; go ye out to meet him,” and his sermon was on “light 1” On Monday night I went to hear Bob In gersoll, the infidel, lecture on "The Great Infidels.” He is a man of fine personal appearance, about six feet high, and would weigh, I suppose, over two hundred pounds. He is a fine speaker: has a fine command of language, a good imagination, and is, at times, truly eloquent. His forte, however, is ridicule and sarcasm, in this he excels. I was much impressed with his lecture, I was much impressed with his lecture which to me seemed full of blasphemy. These were my impressions: 1. That he is THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1881. a living monument of tbe amazing forbear ance and long suffering of God in fiermitting him to live in constant abuse of His mercy. 2 He will do the cause of pure Christianity a great service, as bis ridicule is directed, really, against tbe corruptions of Christian! ty. He did not touch upon the pure speci mens of Christianity as presented in the Bible and in ecclesiastical history, but upon the corruptions of the Romish hierarchy, during tbe dark ages of persecution, and as it now exists in Romish countries. And again, as he holds up to public gaze the inconsistencies of professing Christians, I could but think they ought to blush for shame, when they furnish to Infidelity its keemst shafts to burl against Christianity. I have often said, both in private and in the pulpit, that tbe inconsistencies of professing Christians make more infidels than all tbe infidel books ever written. In this opinion I was confirmed when I beard Bob Inger soll's lecture. SICKNESS IN EAST MACON. AN EBBOB CORRECTED Looking over your most valuable paper of a few days ago. I find in its columns a mis take, which, in behalf of and in justice to, the people of East Macon, as well as of tbe entire city, I wish to correct. It has been falsely reported that what is called “black measles" is almost an epidemic here, when, as the truth is. no such disease has appeared in the city, if so, it has not been within tbe last two years, or it has been kept a secret. It is true that in one family here, tnree, tbe father, mother and one child, died in a few days of each other; tbe mother dying one day, the lather the next, and tbe child a few days after. The entire family was just recovering from tbe old fishio: e I meat les, when, through imprud ence of eating vegetables and other things, which materially disagreed with them, and exposure to the cold air and ground too ear ly. the mother and father died and soon afterward tbe Lord took tbe poor little baby. A like case, you will probably remember, occurred about tbe same time as tbe one above, in Twiggs county, where threedaugh ters died in the same day. I have learned from reliable persons that their deaths were caused in a similar manner to those above mentioned—by imprudence of coming out of a hot room where they bad been confin ed for s me time, and when they had been kept heated with hot teas, etc into tbe cold air Measles with prudence is a light thing, but without prudence very dangeious. There is a good deal of sickness in East Macon, so also in the other portions of the city, but what city or place is this year healthy? Macon is generally, as all who know much about the city will admit, healthy. I simply ire this to correct an error, and thus to set tue t'-ougbts and opin ions of those, who are not acquainted with our city, right. Rufus Mvrrow. August S, 1881. The old American Hotel, opposite Inde pendence Hall, Clnsliiut street, Philadel phia, has been entirely reconstrucied and refurnished into one of the finest and most modern hotels in thecity. First class. Only $2 50 per day! Warner’* Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Electricity —Eleciriciiy is wonderful in its effects. It is well developed in Dr Scott's Electric Hair Brush. By its use, you can relieve a headache of many years standing; by its use you can produce a fine growth of hair. These are facts taken from the nu merous testimonials sent the Doctor. We have no hesitancy in recommending it to our readers. Those desiring the Brush can send their money with perlect safety to Dr. Scott, who attends to all orders promptly. For further particulars see advertisement in another column. -w-4 Farmers and Threshermen look out for the “ Starved Rooster Ihi esher" in ut.l week's paver It is the height of folly to wait until you are in bed with disease y ou may not get over for months, wl en y< u can be cured during the early symptoms by Parker’s Ginger Tonic. We have known the sickliest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure medicine.—Observer, julyl4 Im. We invite attention to the advertisement of Robert W. Ki,., 62 Fulton street, New York City, manufacturer of Medals, Badges, etc , for schools, colleges and societies. Mr. Kip makes sterling articles of this class, executed with artistic taste and skill. His references are of the highest order, and piomptness and fide lily huveglviit him an excellent reputation among educators. Send to him for facsimile of his designs with prices. The closing oi the y< ai for schools makes this the op portune time to send Mr. Kip orders for medals, etc. _ juu9 3m. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired fiom practice, having hi u placed in his bands by an East India nilssiouaiy tlie loimula of a simple vegetable rt medy lor the speedy and perma nent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca tarrah, Asthma, and ail Throat and Lung Affectations, also a positive and radical cure lor Nervous Debility and all Neivous Com plaints, alter having tested its wonderiul curative powers in thousand of cases, has felt it his uuty to make it known to his sul feilug fellows Actuated by tills motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free oi charge to all who desire it, this receipt, in Get man, French, or English, with lull diiectious lor piepailng and using. Sent by mall by addressing wild stamp, naming this paper, M . W. bHESAit, 148 Dowels Block, Kocliester, N. Y. WE GIVE PHOO fT Alta Fruit and Vegetable Preservative! Preserves Fruit, v< gets Lies, Grapes, Green Corn, etc , iu a natural state without injury to taste or quality. We warrant every Lottie we sell to give pleasing results. Read the following endoise mentsof honest home papers: [From the Ballon, (Ga.) Argus.] ’’One of the most useful chemical preparations known to modern science. Will preserve iruit ami v< gem tiles cheaply and most naturally. It is every where being appreciated, and is worthy the test of every family," [From the North Georgia Times.] “Recommended in the highest terms as a per fect, reliable and harmless preservative, with an expense so small that it is within the reach of every one, and fully supplies a demand that is almost universal for something economicaland reliable. You will do well to try it.” We could give other proof of its merits. We wai rant every bottle. Price, One Dollar. Special rates to emus of families. Ech bottle prese ves six bushels of fruit, etc. No injury to taste or quality of articles pre.-, rved. No cooking, heat ing or hermetically seallt g the jars, tin cans, or wooden vessels used in prese. vl g by our simple process. Send to us for it. Good agents make money AITA MANUFACTURING CO., agll 4t Daiton, Ga. GLAD TIDINGS FOR MOTHERS, A Circular containing Important information for all who would pass safely, and with as little dis frets as possible, through the trials and perils of motherhood. If you with for a copy, write to Dr. J. STAINBAt K WILEON, Atlanta, Ga. Be sure to write middle name tn /uil, as there are several persona in Atlanta whose name is J. 8 Wilson. Dr. J. Stainback Wilson Is a regular physician of experience and skill, and is well known to the editors and proprietors of Tux Inorx. Send a stamp. ag4 4t ••»>..Mteiiiawanteaev«vywLer».By» £ H 111 i i new. strlctiy legltiinate.Partlculars fret U Address J. Woxva *Co HL Louis. Mo Mpto.ty FBEESffiaSES® -—lKnAoma anA reromA an—a———TT—l Lnrnded h„ r/o-oiedi-1 —Jw T-- /—# ll leal J>>o/e»«<on, /<>>■ 'tfii I K.P / Jf <J ff Want of Vital- ■ Iw X JKttV .y X X * U B Jx j3a jSfff to to A’errouw z ■ I \cence from Inverts, A:c.f (IvntikmeN' 1 wuß sutlurinK from rwnwrrkl<iAbiiity to Buch Bn extent thnt rny labor wnß rb&ma toms.’ A vac'“"on ofn m“ th did notgiro mrunueb ‘ JoStL™!'?’ wbt’h Ir’ increase<l i>rc*» ration nnd sinking chills. At this lime 1 began t..c vm> ?. A. niy natural force ali zed almost immediate and wonderful results, i heoid entry * urned and! k»u h!» n done twice the la- ° f tl ‘° ,l ‘ ;tlt J? (The Iron a\ preparation of Pro-1 I to W - -oIT BfBB aBl toxiOe <>f Iron. Verts- I I to ff fa B f 8988 B B ' B B Vhoo- ■ I a B B B B B to B B phateft. X BB a . fSf As fff / jF srith the Vegetable Baß BB J AffijßßMgfA B B .Iromaftfre. It nerrea ■IWBff w B A BJa M Jff gg F -rfF every pttrponv trhere f | » H"sßF« , TU»tl’i» , THt'r>Rl HARTER MEDICINE CO., NO. 213 KOKIH MAIN STRUT, ST.*LOOIS * julyl4 ts top col nrm Crozer Theological Seminary, Ur LAND, PA. The next Seminary Ye«r begins Wednesday, September 28th. I*Bl. Ad<’re«i Hgil 8t Dr. H. G. WESTON, President. Collegiate Institute, I .1 II I K 11 For YorNO ladies, \J \J \J Al. L/ PoUGHKEErsiK, N. Y. Reg ular College course. Beautiful location. CAlalogue sent on application. Geo. W. Cook Fh.lf.. agll »t Principal. GLENDALE FEMALE COLLEGE. r l wruty 1 ighth collegiate jear begins Hepi. 18th,with best focilitleß in all Departments- Music under Madamn C. Five and other*. For Cata logues. etc , address, as heretofore, Rev'd L. D. Potter, D. D., Glendale. Ohio. agll 2t SHOW THIS TO YOUR COLORED NEIGHBORS KNGXVILLF COLLEGE, for ladies and gen tiemen, oi ensßept. sth. nition, board.bed, fuel, light and books cost only 850 a year. For partieur lars and catalogue free, ►end your address and Post-Office to Pres. J. 8. McCULLOUH, agll 4i Knoxville, Fenn. SHORTER COLLEGE. THE FALL TERM WILL OPEN SEPT. 6th, 1881. Three Extensive Utildings, el-vantly furnished. Able Faculty. Tuition and reasonable. E’or Catalogue giving full particu lars, app’y to It. D. MALLIRY, President, agll m Rome, Ga. BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE, BRISTOL, EAST TENNESSEE. This Institution opens August 25,1881 Faculty first class. No malaria diseases here. Hoard only S.O per montn. Other expenses as low in propor tion. For fur her information, address O. C. WESTER, A. M., President, agll 4t Classical and Home Institute FOR YOUNG LADIES, Poughkeepsie, New York, Offers floe advantages for a thorough and refined education, and a pleasant home. Airy, well furnished rooms, excellent table, terms n oderate. The Miueb Butler, from their long experience in tea* hing in the South, can guarantee satistac tion to their southern patrons. agll Ct FEMALE SEMINARY. GEOItGETO’MN, KKSIVCKY. This Seminary having enjoyed a successful career of THIRTY-FIVE YE aKS now stands as the peer < f ihe best in the land for the education of young ladies. It is a live Institution, con duct d by those who are laboring to elevate the standard and increase the thoroughness of Female Education. Address agl!4t J. J. RUCKER, Principal. The most Practical and the most Economical School in the State. MIDDLE GEORGIA COLLEGE, MALE AND FEMALE, JONEBBUKO’, - - GEORGIA. The third year of this institution will open August 15th. 1881, consisting of a Fall Term of sixteen w’eeks and a Spring Term of twenty-four weeks, with six weeks vacation in Hie winter. The < oll< ge is still under the management of George C. Looney, A. M.. President, and Mrs. C. D. Crawley. A.M., Principal Female Department, with afl st-elass and experienced teacheriu every department. 8175 will cover all expense for 4U w eks. Apply for circulars to agll 21 G. C. LOONEY, Jonesboro’, Ga. CORRUGATED AND CRIMPED IRON ROOFING AND SIDING, Iron Buildings, 800 fa, Shutters, Doors, Cornices, Skylights, Bridges. Ac. MOSELEY IRON BRIDGE AND ROOF CO., jy2l 5 Dey fitreet, New York. 3ni WARM SPRINGS. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA-This eelebra ted watering place situated in a valley of pic turesque beauty, on the banks of French Broad river, is open for pliasure seekers and invalids. First class in all appointments. .Magnificent cold and warm bathing: coid sulphur chalybeate water. Apply for circular. HOWERTON & KLEIN, juneDSm • Proprietor--. A Speedy and Painless Cure for the Opium ff B■ b Ijl ° r Morphine II E**’ railllUM Hab * t- Cure r-.JWW?- Guaranteed. ' J Address N.B. BIU’WHY J.l). my 26 lv CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. M SIZES AND PRICES. Diam of Wg’l with Cost of Bell. yoke de Bell & frame. Hang's. No. 6. 25in.A30lbs._8 25 00 No ,6%. 27 in.. 340 lbs... 36 00 No. 7. 30 in..4so lbs... 50 00 No. 8, 34 iii.,730 iba._ 75 00 /N 0.9 38 in..9/slbs.. 13000 Rumsey & Co., Seneca Falls, N.Y., U.S A. my 26 ts ESTABLISHED 1841. r "D TT T 1 C Os Luke Cop ■J L I) r I I Y per and Pure Till lor inurcbes, Schools, Fac- Jly Wk torles. Plantations, etc. KAYE A C0.,32 Water St., ixiuisville, Ky febl7 ts BELL FOUNDRY J fcjJl 1 Belh oi Pure Copper and Tin for Churches w JFUk V’Schools, Fire Alarms, farms, etc. FULLY WARRANTED. Catalogue sent Fre«*. VANDUZEN A T if T . Cincinnati G anl 1 AGE.MN A.W CA.MANNEKK Make from SHS to 850 per treeAc selling goods for E. RIDEOUT A CO., 10 Barclay st., New York Send for their catalogue and terms. agl 6 ly RFATTV’Q ORGANS, is useful steps, DLnl I I O seis rude, only #6s,Piano $1)45 no Illustrated Catalogue Free. Addres BEATTY, Washington, N. J- 00t27-ly. in BLEGAMT CH HOMO Cards, New Styles, 4U 10c . Agents wanted. L. JONES A CO.. Nas sau. New York. my!2l3t ent tn U»‘ if \ per day at auaia. aampue kDO IU ip worth Ufree. Address BTl*- son A<« Purdand, Maine. my 27.) v ADVERTBIEMENTB. MARKS’ ADJUSTABLE Reclining Chair! Over 50 CHANGES POSITION 1 CANE sL-ATS Loose Cushions A Parior, Library, Smoking, Reclining, or Invalid chair, Lounge, aud full length Bed For 11l tint rated Catalogs and Price List, tend to Chicago office. MARKS’ A. F. CHAIR CO. New Yu<k Office, I Chicago office, 850 Broadway. 234 South Clark St. july2l if TheTpurwTaiid Best Medicine ever Made. Acolmblnatlon ot Hops, Buchu, Man- Hmklaud Dandelion, with u.l cue best ana •J' «“>«■ Bitters, makes\ the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Reg u (Yator.sndLlteanillli-slth Iteatonng Agent Nnrtt««i»cVanpa>sfblylong exist where Hop »« rfec ‘ are arrive MwUl t » ana visor to the iplind laflra. ToAllwhoae eWPP l °y n^tscause lrre^ ular1 ’ t or F &nß ’ or who re " tyofUicbowetoorw and mUd Stimulant, without intox- icating. ■■■k No matter what your feWUnpfl f or are wliat the disease or ailW nont ters. Don’t wait until you a> ,,e Bj ck but if you only feel bad or miserable ,B UHe LlL ' m , at , on 7 > ‘ It may save your hasB s av e « hundreds. <SOO will be paid for a cal* they wU» not Career belft Do not suffer n J,'''‘ en ‘ b ' suffer.but use and urge them% HOP B Itemember, Hop Bitters is drunken nostrum, but the Mediv’ irle ever made; the “ISV and HOPE” and no jx-rson Or tdiould be without them. n I c is an absolute and Irresistible cure Firi >niJikenn.«s3, use of onium, tobaax) narcotics. All sold by druggists. Send for Circular. Hop Bitten Xfj. Co., [fc- R n< ‘h<»ster.N. Y_and - Tor2nt2^£££ b PAYNE’S FARM ENGINES. i n® Ixl -Opr l *. ’■BßNc Vertical and Spark-ArrestlrgEnglnesfrom 2 to 12horse-power, mounted or unmounted Best and cheapest Engines made 8156 np wards Send for illustrated catalogue (‘ a” 16 for information and prices to B. W. PAYNE * SONS, Box 1218. Corning, N, Y. Jy27-'y TJ OONTEASTED EDITIONS OP DIBLE REVISION Containing the old and new versions, In parallel columns. The best and cheapest illustrated edition of the Revised New Testament. Millions of people are waiting for it. Do not be deceived bj' the Cheap John publishers of inferior editions. See that the copy you buy contains 100 fine engravings on steel and wood. This is the only contrasted edition, and Agents are coining money selling it. AGENTS WANTED. Send for circulars and extra terms. Address National Plblishinq Co., Atlanta, Ga. jy2l 4t THE GEORGIA. MUTUAL RELIEF ASSOCIATION. Organized under the Inwa of Georgia. G. J. FORE ACRE, President. ROBT. M. FARRAR, Secretary. Liberal commissions given to good Agents. Apply to R. A. VARNEDOE, Gen*l Agent, ap2l 6m Atlanta, Ga KSCURES - HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS In use twenty years. The most safe, simple, eco nomical and efficient medicine known. Dr. Hum phreys* Book on Disease and Its Cure (144 pp.)also Illustrated Catalogue sent free. liuiuDhreyN’ Homeopathic Medicine Co.. 109 Fulton Street. New 1 ork. novl3,tf FOR SALE. PRINTING OFFlCE— Established and com plete. Tn lee good Presses and new type Office attached to a Stationery Store with a good trade. Office only forsale, with aguaran ee oi plenty of work. Terms—Two-thirds Cush, balance payable in Printing in small payments. Addresa F. M. Pickering, Printer and Stationer, No. 144 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, 0. This is a good chance. rt-28 ts SIOO covers Tultlou. Stationery, Board, etc., for three months. No vacations. JelO ly . CLINTON H. HNIELT BELL CO., Successor to MENEELY & KIMBERLY, BELL FOUNDERS, TROY, N. Y, Manufacture a superior quality of BELLS Special attention given loCHURCH BELLS Catalogues sent free to parties netdiug bells. july2l3m Acme PULVERIZING HARROW, Clod Crusher and Leveler. The best toolln the world for preparing seed, bed for winter grain. MH Especially adapted to hard clay where other Harrow s utterly fail- NASH dt BRO., Sole Manufacturers, HarrUtnirg, Pa. & B3College Plano, New York jiily2BloC Beautiful Stops. & Octaves Carved Walnut Case. Send for JWS Jp’HT lllusti ated Catalogue. It k ‘ vcß i'lforination whieh pro -lui ■jfWjMa tcct4 >0 purchaser and makes I deceit nnpixtible. M urchul A 8 w. llth Bt..N, Y. m\26ly IT PAYS to sell our Rubber Hand Printing Stamp!. Circulars free. G. A. HARPER A BRO , Cleveland, Ohio. July 14 eow3t ADVERTISEMENTS. celerT As a Remedy for Nervous Diseases. WHAT THE MEDICAL PROFESSION SAY ABOUT H, AND — The Good Results Attending Its Use In Headache, Neuralgia, Nervonsaetut, Indigestion, Meeplesbness, and Paralysis. CELERY ha* come into public notice within the last lew years as a nervine, but scientific ex iierlments and experience have proved beyond a doi bl that it control* nervous irritation and periodic nervous and sick headaches to a marked e |tmin Squard says that Celery contains more nerve food than any other vegetable or substance found in nature Celery was first discovered and used as a nervine by French physicians about 1867 Bnta combination of the EX’! RACT OF CELERY AND CHAMt'MIi E, which has been but recently introduced to the profession and the public by Dr. C. W. Benson, has produced such marvelous re sults In curing nervousness and headaches, and especially nervous ai d sick headaches, neuralgia, paralysis, indigestion and sleeplessness, that it has excited public attention and newspaper com ments, and many phyalcana have tested the merits of thl. preparation with the beet results, as quoteo below from a lew: WHAT PHYSICIANS SAY. "Dr. Benson's prepare tion of t-elery and Chamo mile for nervous diseases is the most important addition made to the materia matica in the last quarter of a century."—Dr. J. W. J. Englar, o Baltimore. . . „ “These Pills are Invaluable in nervous diseases." —Dr. Hammond, of New York. "Dr. Benson’s Pills are worth their weight In gold in nervous and sick headache."—Dr. A. H. aehltchter, of Baltimore. "Dr. Benson’s Pills for the cure of neuralgia are a success.”—Dr. G. P. Holman, o! Christiansburg, V Terese’ Pills arc a special preparation, only for the cure of special diseases, as named, and for these diseases they are worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers, ’.bey are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, nervous neadache, dyspep tic headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, sleeplessness and Indigestion, and will cure any case Price 5b cents, postage free. Sold by afl druggists. Depot, lU6 North Eutaw st, Baltimore. Atlanta Depot at LAM AR, RANKIN A l AMAR'S Drug Store, corner of Pryor and Decatur streets. mrßl ts y L-r Bww A Everywhere known and prized for 1 Skill and fidelity in marvjfacture, Taatefuland excellent improvements, zx] Elegant variety of design!- Yielding unrivaled tones. Illustrated Catalogues sent Free, d'. ESTBY <£ CO., ! Bratlleboro, Vt. ap2B eow2ot 8p "music TEACHERS - WILL NOW SELECT POORS FOR THE FALL CAMPAIGN, and cannot possibly find a better book 'or Choirs, Conventions an " Sinking CJas-es. than L O. which i» to be HERALD OF PRAISE, ing book for 18bl 1882. buccess follows success in the issues of Fmerson’s books, and this is to be no exception to the rule. It is in press, and nearly ready. A less < xpensive book will be ’1 HE IDEA<. (75c ). made expressively for Fing i' g Classes, and, < xcept sn size, is quite as good, and on the same plan as The Herald of 1 raise. SUNDAY-SCHOOL MEN will sean-h far and long before finding a better Siu day School Song book than ’1 HE BEACON IIC.HT (30 ctsj By TENNEY and HUFFMAN. Or LIGHT AND LIFE. (35 cts.) By K. M. MCIN TOSH. SCHOOL TEACHERS will not fail to examine our new and superior WELCOME CHOBUS. (81.00) By W. 8. Tilden, For High Roho< Is. And the newest ano best Common School Song Book, by L. O. Emerbus, called SONG BELLS. (50 cts). OLIVER DITBON & CO., Boston. C. H. DITSON & CO., J. E. DITSON & CO., 843 B'dway, N. Y. 1228 Chestnut st., Phlla my29-tf Floreston ■ IV iWO IVII NeWf Deiightfa! A F oMott . Cologne Hihcox ACo-.N. Y. • All Fanners, Mothers, Business Men, Mechanics,, ;&c., who are tired out by work or worry, and all who ’aremiserable with Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neural-’ •gia.or Bowel, Kidney or Liver Complaints, you can' ‘beinvigorated and cured bv using * • If you arc wasting away with Consumption, Age,. ’Dissipation or any weakness, you will find Parker’s . Ginger Tonic the greatest Blood Fertilizer and the’ 'Best Health & Strengt h Restorer you Can Use, < .and far superior to Bitters and other Tonics, as it’ ’builds up the system, but never intoxicates. 50 ct.. ’and $x sizes. Htscox & Co., Chemists, NY, < Tt a TO T7 TC’ T"* 9C5 Remove* Dandruff Jt xXJKAj ZhJU&V O Finely Perfumed. HAIR BALSAM Restore. Culor sept 23-u CALVARY SELECTION. “I have examined every hymn book published within ten years for use in Baptist churches. In hymns, music, and adaptation, for my taste, Cal vary selection leads the host—leads a good way H>-ead.”— Bev. T. Edwin Brown. D,8., Rochester, New York. "My impression is that those churches which fall to introduce it will make a great mis take.”- Rev. J C. Nobles, Chester. Ct. "I have ex smirted it carefully, and am more than pleased : was particularly struck with the perfect adapta tion of music with the sentiment of the words." —J. A. Yancey, Richmond, Va, Hay 12,1881. THE CENTURY CO., (Formerly Scribner & Co.) Incorporated 1870 july2l 6t 743 Broadway, N. Y. • SirHEADACHa rZ- "-' Positively Cured by f* A DTC D Q these Little Pills. vHltlLflO They alsorelieveDis ■ tress from Dyspepsia, ITTI F Indigestion and Too ■ * • Hearty Eating. Alter- I\! t Q feet remedy lor Dizzi- I V Kalw ness, Nausea, Drowsi- Dll B Q ness,Bad Tasto in the ~l fcfcWe Mouth, Coated Tongue, . £8 Pain in the Side, &c. They regulate the Bow lels and prevent Const!- nation and Piles. The smallest and easiest to take. Only one pill a dose. 40 in a vial, Purely Ve getable. Price 25 cents. 5 vials by mailforsl.W, „ CARTER MEDICINE CO., Prop’rs, New Ysrk. my 26 ly COTTON IS KING BUT 2™ INE features invaluable K'NG of COTTON for Cotion Gin use and general pia tation pttr itoses, not found in any other Engine in the world. For Pamphlets and Plice List anply by mail to THE AULTMAN & TAYLOR COMPANY, Mans field, Ohio. ag4 3m CATARRH can be only y permanently Cured by the 1 N use of CHILDS SPECIFIC || n Can be used at home by the ■ U patient. Free treatise by mail. _ W Rev. T. P. CHILDS,Troy, O. S mayl* 26t 'RAILROADS. Richmond and Danville Railroad. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. ZXN and after May 15th, 1881, Passenger Train Servi<-e on the Atlantaand Charlotte Air-Line division of this road will run as follows: 111. s. Fait U.S. Mall N.Y.Exp Mall, EASTWARD, No. 43. No. 47. No. 49 A, B C L've Atlanta 400 a m 3 15 p m 630 p m Arr. SuwaneeD 5 18am 4 37 pm 7 45 pm LulaE 645 am 559 pn II 00 pm ToccoaF 7 58 a m 7 15 pm 10 10 pm SenecaG 9 20 a m 8 40 pm 11 25 pm Greenville...H 10 58 a m 10 20 pn 100 am Sprrtanb’g. Kl2l4pmll 40 pn 2 11am GastoniaL 230 pm 204 a n 427 a m Charlotte.. . M S 35 pm 3 15 ant 535 am U.S. Mall N.Y.Exp. U. 8. Fast WESTWARD. No. 42. No. 48. Mall, No. 50. L've CharlotteM 12 80 p m 12 20 a m 12 10 a m Gastonia_L 127 pm 130atrl2 56am Spartanb’g. K 350 pm 405 ant 2 53am Greenville...H 5 07pm 5 18am 4 05am SenecaG 6 .‘ 0 pin 7 02 an, 5 27 a m Toccoal 8 01pm 815 an 6 30am Lula E 9 16pm 931 ant 739 a m Suwanee.... D 10 38 pm 10 51 am 8 51 am Arr. At'anta.l2 a m 12 2“ p m 10 00 a m SUWANEE ACCOMMODATION. No. 21.—Eastward. I No. 22.—Westward. L’ve All anta.. 500 p m L’ve Stiwanee.s 40 a m Arr. Suwanee ..7 08 p m | Arr. Atlanta... 8 00 a m CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. & W. P. Railroads. Bwith arriving trains of Georgia Central, A.& W P. and W. & A. Railroads. C with a-rlving trains of Geotgia Railroad. D with Lawrenceville Branch to and from Law renceville, Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athene, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Co lumbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Co lumbia and Charleston, 8. C. K with Spartanburg and Ashville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Hen derson and Ashville, and Alston and Columbia. L with Che. ter and Lenoir Narrow Gunge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C. C. & A.-C. C.-R & D. end A. T. & 0. for all points West, North and E st. N with North Columbia Division R. & D. Railroad to and from the No. th Pullman Sleeping Car Service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, daily, without change, between Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, my 26 ts General Passenger Agent. GE OHGIA R AILROA D GEORGIA RAILROAD COMPANY Y Superintendent's Office. > Augusta, Ga., Feb. 25th, 188 L ) Commencing Sunday, 27th instant, the following Passenger Schedule will be operated: No. 2 EAST DAILY. No. 1 WEST DAILY. Lv’e Atlanta? 15 a m Lv’e Augusta, 935 am Ar. Athens, 840 p m “ Macon... .7 00 a m “ Wazhig’n 210 p m “ Mllled’v’et) 58 a m “ Car inkl 26 p m “ Camak... 11 38 a m “ Milled’ve4 45 pm ” Washig’nlO 46 a m Ar. Macon... 645 pui ’* Athens... 845 a m “ Augusta.. 347 p m Ar Atlanta.. 115 p m No connection to or from Washington on Sundays COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. [Daily—Except Sundays.} Lv’e Atlanta...s 00 pm I Lv’e Covington. 600 a m Ar. Covington.7 00 p in | Ar. Atlantaß 00 l m DECATUR ACCOMMODATION. [Dailey, except Sundays-! Lv Atlanta...l2 00 m I LvDecaturl 80 pm Ar Decatur...l2 25 pm |Ar Atlauta..._l 55 pm No. 4 hast daily. No. 3 west daily. Lv’e Atlanta..B 45 pm I Lv’e Augusta....s 30 pin Lv’e Athens.. .7 00 p m I Arr A’hens7 30 a m Ar. Augusta. .7 00 a m | Ar. Atlantas 00 a m Trains Nos. 2, 1,4 and 6 will not stop at Flag Stations. Connects at Augusta tor ail points East and South-east. Superb Improved Sleepers to Augusta. Pullman Sleepers Augusta to Washington Only one change Atlanta to New York. S. K. JOHNSON, E. R. DORSEY, Superintendent. Gen’l Passenger Agt. ESTABLISHED IHI6. CHAS. SIMON & SONS, 68 N. Howoard St., Baltimore, Md. DIALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, would call special attention to their extentlve stock of DRESS GOODS, LINEN AND COTTON GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, GOODS FOB MEN’S AND BOYS’WEAR, CORSETS, LADLES’ READY-MADE UNDERWEAR, etc., etc. SAMPLES SENT FREE. Also, to their DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENT, CLOAKS, DRESSES,etc., etc., made to order promptly in a superior manner, and niche latent styles at moderate rates. Orders solicited. Rules for seif-measurement and earn plea of materials, with estimates of cost, sent upon application. TERMS CASH. AU orders amounting to 120, or over, will be sent free of freight charges by express ; but par ties whose orders are not accompanied by the mon ey. and bavin their goods sent C. O. D., must pay fc. return o’money, and If strangers to us, must remit at least one-half of the amount with the order. feb26 lv SOUTHER IST STANDARD COTTON PRESS. OVER FIFTEEN HUNDRED IN USE. CAN BE OPERATED BY HAND, HORSE, WA ter, or Steam Power, without alteration. Was awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at St. Louis Agri cultural and Mechanical Association, a’d Capital State Fair Association, Austin, Texas, 1880. Priee Complete I Combined Hand or Power Press4ll# 00 Hand Press 100 00 Set of Irons or Combined Press 50 00 Set of Irons for Hana Power 46 00 Send for Circulars. Addres S. F. PERKINS, Agent. Jun2tf Atlanta, Ua. Agents Wanted for “OUR fl I ft ■■ J J WESTERN LMrlKt. sTiist issued. 90 mouths in preparation by ablest Geo graphical scholar. County Maps of every State and Terri tory in colors, made expressly, showing every Railroad and every important Town. Beautifully Illustrate# 1812 large Pages. Retails SB.TS and 85.00. Tells all about Mining. Farming. Homestead. Railroad and other Lands; Transportation. Prices; Social. Educational and Religious Condition; Nationalities represented; Climate. Soils. Pro ducts. Herds; Wages, all Trades and Professions; Mercan tile and Manufacturing Business: all Statistics; Areas; Rain/alls; Manitoba, British Columbia. Alaska, Texas— every section beyond the Mississippi. Sells to every class, and secures the most unqualified endorsements. Substan tially bound. 10 inches in length and over 7 in width, out side measure. Address Wk. Garretson & Co., W S. College St., Nashville, Tenn. j}2B 2m RATS AND MICE Exterminated by using Wilhide’s Rat and Monse Traps, Superior to all others. If properly halted and net entire satisfaction in every case. 46 rats caught in one trap at one time—l 6 mice one night in a single trap. Proof for a penny. Sold by the trade and agents throughout the world. Address J. T. 1 ILHIDE & BRO., York Road, Carroll county, Marylai d. jue23 3m.