The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, December 08, 1881, Page 6, Image 6
6 The Household. BONGH IN THE NIGHT. MAKIANNF. FABWINGHAM. The ringer* ot God are ninny. And g’ad are lhe songs they raise; And the world in full of the music, Os sweet and | afrdona’e nralae. It la borne on the winds of Winter, It rises with scent <»f flowers: It is w holly silent In brightest or darkest hours. •But songs that are full of feeling Not always are gay or glad ; The voices falter a little When the hearts of the singers arc sad. And yet there are tender solos. That rise wh» n then* is no light; And the sweetest songs of some singers Are th se which are sung al night. The listeners hear but the sobbings Os those that sre full of pain : Pt-rhapa God. hearing the undertones Os a trustful and loving strain, Speaks Hark to the souls of t.iese singers What others may n ver hear; And the songs may sound better in heaven, That seem full of übcords here. Oh ! the songs In the night have meanings No stranger can comprehend ; There is hid in the ». ords a message Such aa a frlen*’ may send to friend. And the panting breath of the singer And the anguished, throbbing heart, In the univ« rsal chorus May be taking the grandest part. •‘Hop*.* thou in God forever, Andi? 1 shall yet praise him,” Strong and brave is that singer. Though his eyes with tears be dim. ‘ Though he slay me, yet will I trust him,” “I waik, and there is no liwht,” “God la our strength and refuge.” Such are the bongs of the u‘ght O singers of God. sing ever I And the silent, fearful throng, Catching the words of courage, May join sometimes in the song. Sing ou. there are strains of sweetness, In the saddest songs you raise, And i he gracious Listener, hearing. Shall be pleased with your loyal praise. London IForia. BELIEVING AND DECEIVING. A notable instance of prayer to God and resolving to take no denial, and prevailing when hope seemed gone, was that of the pious wife of a hard drinking man named Martin, in West Riding, Yorkshire, England, who pray ed twenty-one years for his reforma tion and canversion. When that long time had passed and no answer had come to her prayers, she went one night at midnight, to the “public,” where he husband spent much of his time and found him sit ting in the. bar-room with several other men and the landlady. “You go home,” said Martin,roughly, when he saw his wife enter. “Wait a little, and your husband will go with you,” said the landlady. “Mrs. Tolman,” replied the poor wife advancing to where they were sitting, “I have waited twenty-one years for my husband to ‘go with me’—and all that time I have prayed for him.” She steadied her voice and added : “1 am certain, too, that God will an swer my prayers. As sure as he is sit ting at your bar, I shall live to see him pass your house and have no inclina tion to go in.” . She turned to go oat, vnd Martin rose and followed her, saying not a word. That night was the turning-point of his life. Ihe long-felt promise to the heart of pious wife that her husband should “go with her,” began to fulfill to her patient waiting. He went to meeting with her, and was melted by a sermon on the words “where thou goest, I will go, .... thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God,” he went with her’’ to the family altar; he went with her on the road to life, aud helped her to lead their children in the uarrow way. “Do Likewise Dr. KV. Pierce,Buffalo, N. Y.:—‘‘Five years ago I waa a dreadful sufferer from uterine troubles. Having ex hausted the skill of three physicians I was completely discouraged,and so weak 1 could with diffiulty cross the room alone. I began taking your ‘Favorite Prescription’ and using the local treatment recommended in Xour ‘Common Sense Medical Adviser ’ In three months I was perfectly cured. I wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mention ing how my health had been restored, and offering to send the full particulars to any one writing me for them and inclosing a stamped envelope for reply. I have rereived over four hundred letters. In reply, I have described my case and the treatment used, and earnestly advised them to ‘do likewise.’ From a great many 1 have received second letters of thanks stating that they had com menced the treatment and were much bets ter already.” Mks. E. F. Moboan. New Castle, Me. Variety in Meals.—Nothing is more unsatisfactory than to sit down day after day to the same bill of fare. There are houses where the mistress seems to have no inventive faculty, acquired or innate. Breakfast consists from Monday until Saturday of the same fried pork and potatoes, sausages and cakes. Remnants of things come on again and again, growing small by degrees, till one grows tired of seeing the dish of apple sauce or the saucer of prunes, and is tempted to give them to the dog or pigs. All this can be rem edied by a little plan. Manage for your own family as if you had guests, and vary the arrangement of your table and the articles of your diet. Health will be preserved thus and dys pepsia averted. Three Steps.—l have read of a poor boy who was rather looked down upon for his simplicity. His friends did not know that he possessed true wisdom. One day a friend wished to find,out if he had any idea of religion So he said to the boy, “It is hard work, is it not to get to heaven!” The poor lad re plied, “No it is easy; there are only three steps: the first, out of self; the second, into Christ; the third into heaven.” When I read it I thought of a French proverb, “It is only the first step that costs any trouble." — Youug Reaper. THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1881. LEARN GOOD HABITS. Are you aware, my friend, that that cigarette to which you seem de voted, usesup fully ten per cent, of your vital force—of your capital stock of energy? It deadens the resolution in your will, paralyzes your nerves, and relaxes your grip, as it were. Throw it away, and resolve that forever more, you will be master of the situation, and that no such untidy or debilitating habit shall hold you captive at its feet. And then your occasional dissiipatons and late hours, they consume another large percentage of your vitality; and ere you are aware you find a habit of indolence and indifference stealing over you, and your ventures-bring you no return. “But,” do you ask, “would you deny young people all recreation—all pleas ure?" By no means; but we would have you to realize that there is no pleasure in aught that hurts or de grades. Work may be made a pleasure and a joy when it leads to success. An earnest, clean life may be made a perpetual recreation, in the pursuit of simple duty. You cannot aflord to waste your golden moments —the sweet springtime of your years —in frivolity and nonsense. You should pick your companions, if possible, from those above your intellectual level—from those who can lift you up, not pull you down. At the same time you should be reasonably unselfish in your endeav ors to lift up those beneath you to your level. When you find that you can be no longer of any use to your com panion, nor he to you, cut loose from him—kindly but effectually.— San Jose Mercury. About Early Rising.—There is not one man in a thousand who can afford to do without seven or eight hours’ sleep. All the stuff written about great men who slept only three or four hours at night is aprocryphal. They may have been put upon such small allowance occasionally, and prospered ; but no man ever kept healthy in body and mind for a number of years with less than seven hours’ sleep. If you can get to bed early, then rise early. If you cannot goto bed until late,then rise late. It may be as proper for one man to rise at eight as it is for another to rise at five. Let the rousing bell be rung at least thirty minutes before the public appearance. Physicians say that a sudden jump out of bed gives irregular motion to the pulse. It takes hours to get over a sudden rising. Why are You Bilious ? Because you have allowed your bowels to become costive, and liver torpid. Use Kidney-Wort to produce a free state of the bowels, and it will stimulate the liver to proper action, cleanse the akin of its jallnw nees, cure bilious headache, and cautae new tea in the blooa Diugeists have it, both dry and liquid.-IZion’s Herald. Umbrellas. —Many persons,- when they come in from then’Jin, put their umbrellas in the rack with the handle upward. They should put it down ward, because when the handle is up ward the water runs down the inside to the place to where the ribs are joined to the handle, and cannot get out, but stays, rotting the cloth and rusting the metal until slowly dried away. The wire securing the ribs soon rusts and breaks. If placed the other end up the water readily runs off. The following testimonial is signed bv the leading physicians of St. Louis: “Colden’s Liebig’s Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigoratoris a very agreeable article of diet, and particularly useful in Dipbtheria.Ague, Malarial Typhoid Fevers, and every depress ing disease We cheerfully recommend it. Every family should have a few bottles.” (Remember the name, Colden’s—take no other.) Os druggists generally. - Hints to House Cleaners.—Wipe the mirrors with borax water, the cloth being wet enough to dampen it. In scouring paint, sapolio is better than sand, and in all cases a little borax should be placed in the water. Mir rors can be cleaned with whiting,after ward being rubbed with a woolen cloth, or they can be polished and died with old newspapers. Oil paintings should simply be wiped with a damp cloth, and if the picture cord is soiled, that should be wiped off to secure against moths. Soap should never be used on varnished work of any sort. ——• An Indianapolis exchange mentions that St. Jacob’s Oil cured Mr. J. H. Mattern, a letter-carrier of that city, of a severe sprain, contracted in the war. —Detroit (Mich.) Western Home Journ al. The Rev. S. F. Smith, who wrote “My Country, ’Tis of Thee',” is still living, in Newton, Massachusetts. He says he wrote the verses on a waste scrap of paper, one dismal day in Feb ruary, 1832, while at Andover Semi nary, and “had no intention nor ambi tion to create anything that should have a national reputation.” - Children often need some safe cathartic an d tor-ic to avert approaching sickness. Simmon’s Liver Regulator will relieve colic, headache, sick stomach, indigestion, dysen tery and the complaints incident to child hood. To Remove Paint.—To take fresh paint off a woolen garment rub the spots with stale bread until removed. The ‘‘B oston Traveller,” says of “Plumer's ’ New A merican, oj>j>osite Independence Hall, P hiladelpbia: "We know ot no hot el on the continent which surpasses in the al most ex trravagant elegance of its appoint ments.” To Make Meat Tender.—ls the fact can be demonstrated to a cook, that meat can be made tender by soft ening the fibres with action of a little vinegar, there will be no reason why she should send a tough steak to the table. If she can be convinced that it is better to turn it over on a plate containing a little vinegar, salad oil, and pepper four or five times in a couple of hours, instead of trying to make it tender by battering it with a rolling pin or cleaver, and so forcing out all its juices, she must be obstinate indeed, if she prefers- the latter method. “Beauty -unadorned (with pimples) is audorned the most.”—lf you desire a fair complexion free from pimples, blotches, and eruptions, take “Golden Medical Discovery.’* By druggists. Tropical Climates. —The only way to resist successfully the- enervating effects of a humid tropical climate is by constant exertion, and by manfully fighting the baleful The man who has nothing to do, or won’t do what he has to do, is sure- to suc cumb in a few months, and degenerate into an idiot or baby. Halo, constant work is the great preserver.— Joseph Thompson. The effects of indulgence in strong drink can be removed from the system by War* ner’s Safe Kidnev and Liver Cure. Restoring a Canary’s Voice. —I give a safe and sure remedy for restor ing a canary-bird's voice: ' Get a pure article of rock candy and keep a small lump in the bird’s My bird had lost its voice, and I used the above remedy, and he now sings as strong and sweet as ever, or even better. The Day Kidney Pad is a certain cure for kidney and bladder affections^By druggists. Pamphlet, one stamp. Day Kfitney Pad Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Broiling Meat. —It is a mistaken idea,field by many who call themselves good cooks, that the outer rim of fat should be removed before broiling chops or a steak. The more fat you leave on the more tender and juicy the steak will be. ■■ ■ » c - Prayer is the outlet of the saints’ sorrows and the inlet of their supports and comforts.— Flavel. rsAfS CU RE W Is made!from a Simple Tropical l eaf of Rare Value, and is a POSITIVE Kcinedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body—for Torpid Liver—Headache—Jaundice- Dizziness, Gravel, Malaria, and all difficulties of • the Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary Organs. For Female Diseases, Monthly Menstruations, and during Pregnancy, it has no equal. It restores the organs that make the blood, and hence is the best Blood Purifier. It is the only known remedy that cures Bright’s Disease. For Dia betes, use Warner’s Safe Diabetes Cure. For sale by Druggists and Dealers at J 1.25 per bottle. Largest bottle i’ the market. Try it H H. WARNER & CO.,Rochester, N.Y, Janß ts, GEORGIA PAINT COMPANY. Ready Mixed Paints. FINELY PREPARED AND READY FOR THE BRUSH. In cansot 1, 2.3, 5 and ten gallons, and in Bulk by the Keg and Barrel. Any Shade or Color made to order on short notice. Price cards furnished on application. Roofing Paint FOR METAL ROOFING, IRON AND BRICK WORKS, MACHINERY, BRIDGES, FENCES, WALLS, RAILROAD CARS AND ALL OUTBUILDINGS. THE GEORGIA PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS are warranted pure and durable, inferior to none made. Only the strictly Pure White Lead aud all best materials used in mauulacture. Sold by Dealers in Paints at the Company’s prices. GEORGIA PAINT COMPANY. Augusta Georgia. D. B. PLUMB, President. Directors—J H. ALEXANDER, , W. H. BARRETT. OFFICE OF CA> FACTORY, Georgia Railroad and Banking Co., Augusta, Ga., August 15,1881. For the last eighte m months I have used exclu sively the “Georgia Red” Meta Lie Pai st. manu factured by the GEORGIA PAINT COMPANY, for painting the freight cars of this Railroad; and, after a full and severe test of its merits, have found it fully equal in durability, and superior in color and covering quality to any similar Paint I have seen used. I shalf continue to use it In preference to all others, aud have no hesitation in recommending it to all who need a permanent Paint for roofs or any outside work. T. M. PREVAL, sep29 3m Master Car Builder, Ga. R.R. SURE CRIPELESS PELLETS radically cure the niowt obstinate cases. Purely Vegetable. Prevent and re lieve Piles. Used in my pri vate practice for many years. Ten 3c. stamps a box. t boxes for >I.OO. Sold only by Dr. W. WILLIAMS, Hole Pro prietor, 279 ViueNtreet,Cincinnati. O. PROMPT PERMANENT novlO 13t ZJk Amenta wanted. $3 n T>ay n«nd- wiling our NEW’ HOLslJhi I I A KTICIJES and FAMILY s< Ai.i ivff " c’t'i'HUp to 25 lb.*. b ‘lls ut ♦ buMKSi tv Scale Co., may 12 ly A WEEK. >l2 a day at home easily u) / 16 made. Costly outfit tree. Aoa-ess Thu* A Co. AuguaU .Maine. u ADVERTISEMENTS. PTjnTVnTTnM So numerous are x lIUIXiV AlUIi the developments of Malaria that pen ole FROM continually suffer 1 f rom th)s noX j ous -r i • poison when they MALARIA! A' Clillls and Fever, Headache Intel mlitont Fever, Ueneral Debility, lllllous Fever, lassltnde, Typhoid Fever, Nausea, AKE THE 1 AINFUL OFFSPRING OF MALARIAI and have their origin lu a disordered Liver,which, if not regulated In time, great suffering, wretched ness and death will ensue. SIM MOW LU'Kit HKQUZATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE,) is absolutely certain tn its remedial effects, and acta more promptly in curing all forms of Mala rial diseases than calomel or quinine without auy of the injurious constquenies which follow thetr use. If taken occasionally by persons exposed to Malaria It trill expel the J’oison and protect th m from attack t See that yon get the Genuine in While Wrap per, with red Z, prepared only by J. H. Zeilin & Co. Qelf> ts Holman’s PADS TRADE MARK. Holman's Ague, I.iver & Stomach Pad, For Malaria, Afftte aud Stomach troubles. PR ICE, $2.00. Holman’S Special Pad. Adapted to old chronic cases. PRICE, $3.00. HOlinan’M Spleen Belt. For stubborn cases of enlarged Spleen and unyielding Liver and Stomach troubles. PRICE, $5.00. Holman’s infant’s Pad. For ailments of Infants and Children. PRICE, $1.50. Holman’s Kenai or Kidney Pad. For Kidney Complaints. PRICE, $2.00. Holman’s Absorptive Medicinal Hotly Plaster. The best Plaster made. Porous on Rubber basis. PRICE, 25c. • lloliuan’H Absorptive Medicinal Foot Plasters. For Numb Feet and Sluggish Circulation. PRICE (perpair) 25c. Absorption Salt Medicated Foot Il at 11S. For Colds, Obstructions and all cases where a Foot Rath is needed. PRICE, (per ’4 lb. package) 25c. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Or sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price. The ABSORPTION SALT is not “mailable” and must be sent by Express at purchaser’s expense. The success of IIOLMAN T S PADS has inspired Imitators who offer Pads similar in form and odor to the true HOLMAN’S, saying, “They are just the same,” etc. Beware of all Pads only xnadc to sell On the reputation of the genuine. See that cacn Pad bears the Private Rev< cutie Stamp of the HOLMAN PAD COM* FAN Y t with above Trade Mark printedln green. Dr. HOLMAN’S advice is free. Full treatise sent free on application. Address, HOLMAN PAD CO., (S’. 0. Rax tin.] 93 VVillliaiu St.. N.Y. feblO alt ts Health-is Wealth I Dr. E. C. West’s Nerve and bkain Treatment a specific for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous* Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, etc., which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent eases. Each box contains one month’s treatment. One dollar a box,or! six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to 1 eturn the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued by LAMAR, RANKIN & LAM AK, wholesale and retail agents, Atlanta and Macon, Ga. Orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention ap‘2B ts IN USE* 8 , OFSOILOR Wamc sept 9 ts SICK HEADACHEI f— ~ •_ 1 Positively Cured by PADTFDk these little Fills. ijfAlA IL, jVIJ They also relieve Dis- ■•■ *■ tresß £. om Dyspcpßia> ITT I S’ indigestion audToo • • • Hearty Eating. A per- I,’WB Q\gr JJ feet remedy for Dizzi uHM I V uess, Nausea, Drowsl- LJCI Dll I Q ness. Bad Taste in the tVa rilklaW. Mouth, Coated Tongue, fclfl Pain in the Side, &c. They regulate the Bow and prevent Consti pation and Plies. The smallest and easiest to take. Only one pill a dose. 40 in a vial, Purely Veg etable. Price 25 cents. 5 vials by mallfortl.OO. CARTER MEDICINE CO., Prop’rs, New York. Sold by all Druggists. gj my26 ly WANTED every Invalid to know that great relief can be bad by the us eof Price’s Re cltning Bed. Made with or without a commode. It adjusts the back and legs to any given position It Is recommended by the faculty as t>elng the most complete bed evor made lor confirmed In valids. A large number sold, and every patient delighted. Would like to have Physicians and Clergymen to act as agents. Trade solicited. Send for circulars. Address C. B. PRICE. 82 Bth St., Louisville, Ky. jy2otf COe t v 138 Writing Letters, Type, Figures, KJ!® BEST PRESS! leer Ink. Reglete,Gold,Nippers. Case,Rack, * 100 Cards, outside case: All for J 6.00. B W- c. EVANS, 50 N. Ninth St., Phila »sg.s delphia, Pa. . ap!4 ts THE COMPARATIVE EDITION OF CHE NEW TESTAMENT. BOTH FULL TEXT OF VERSIONS “ King James” and u Revised Versions’ IN ONE IN PARALLEL PAGES. nnnir Free from errors. Changes showr at a glance. Only one boob tqliked, Haves time, saves labor, insures accu rev. gives satisfaction. Sells rapidly. Containing 00(5 pages, I‘riceonly Si.£so. 4CENTS J. 11. CHAMBERS A CO.. /ANTED. St.Louis,Mo..Chicago, Ill.,Atlanta,Ga septß ts SA , C«r«”aud MA ’ft® F* » aOc.on Wheat W RaKl tsHCX can positively be saved. For Illustrated Pamphlet, giving full par ticulars, address The Thoma. Harrow febl7-tf II PAMONA NURSERY, r Y\'- )rlental and Hybrid Pears. / Manchester Bidwell and Ml. Ver \ non Strawberries, Raspberries, Black- \ ■ Ay/ berries. Flowers ana Fruit Trees. X2SZ Catalogues Free. WM. PARRY, novlO 3m Parry P. 0., New Jersey. A D V E RTIBEMENTB. , aluminum gold watches. Aa < ■■ Dnrlngthopajityear, wo have had many enquiries for a Stem Winding and X 1 k Stem setting Watch, one that could be ruiiod upon, aumcloutly attractive for W■ W fjX 'NA a gentleman to curry and that we could soil at u price low enough to come within the AT IB reach of those whose duties compel them to curry a correct time-keeper. •>«» wwr < ror'XW // whose circumatancea will not admit of their purchasing a high priced watch. Arter WA < going overt ho whole held of American Manufacture and not finding a watch that __ _ ImvV would •• Fill the Bill” we concluded to look over foreign maikets. A member of our FOR I ’iff firm visited Kngland. France, Germany and bwltaerland. In tho latter country, no A whuwa i.niod; A STEM WINDING WATCH WITH FINE (p I A JEWELED NICKEL MOVEMENT, (equal tothose put upln Gold Cases tblU W:■ ZtHl s.Jid Tnthl» Country at |loo and |iso.) By giving a large order, wa ▼■ V • g (>t the price reduced so that wo could use them In our trade. The next step • wWOfeba wai ' to find the right kind of case for the new w ateb. Armed with a letter of .. - Introduction to Professor Lorschfield (tho discoverer and only manufacturer of the celebrated metal known aa Aluminum Cold,) un interview was X obtained. Specimens of the metal were exhibited and also numerous artl- Z, else manufactured therefrom. T..e Professor also exhibited with mueb pride. ffVraA two grand prlxe medals awarded at the International Expositions, held at /Jk /J ,* It ff Fai 1., for tho marvelous resemblance of the metal to gold, and also for 11a .MgKg/7/, . H Hll lasting brilliancy. Tl.u interview resulted In our giving an order for cases /w.'V“<f’'4bßv/>'( \ to l’« made from’his Aluminum Cold. We have them made both IB f f'J *’ 1 »/lM round and manual tl stvie and they are Elegantly Engraved or Engine Turned, // / > / /tk ; I rJfl and are unsurpassed In beauty of workmanship. The Watches 11/ . />/ 1 I x / Uil are manufactured of the best material, and finished by •klll- h I / > /_ , J*/ sd hand labor, and are only equaled by watches costing ten |f ,< g/’ / fciv *3-77 / -ZirA times w much They are perfect time keepers and fully 11 kN IH / Xl V/ guaranteed, and that they are in every respect as represent* 1' 1 Ej g / J /// ml. the thousands of testimonials received from our custom* IL 1 -tk ' ■ * era amply attest. Price of Sample Watch by Registered nV'Z.'Hw.Z mall, $| 5.00. We willsend the abovewatch toanyperson \\ \ toI A r 1 A / f *bo orders with the intention of acting rb agent, or who will VLv. 3' 1' Wh /'T recommend it to his friends, on receipt of Ten Dollars. \' Y I v/ 'Gent*-—The Aluminum Gold Watch I purchased from your firm three 1 X months ago retains Its color as brldiant as when first received. I delay* vfa- .* - cd sending my second order because I wished to test the metal. I can now c 7)9t!ieutiously recommend them. I enclose llO.oofor one more Ainml num Gold Watch, same as tho first. N.M. Watts. Hawthorn,Fla., Nov. Id, IMI. Gents:—The second lot of SIO.OO Aluminum Gold Watches received all right. I en* close Money Order for fiv . £.om Wind Aluminum Gold Watches, and other watch* cs and roods from your Catalogue, Forward at once and oblige, b • George P. Wilson, Grand Forks, Dakota, Oct., 80th 1881. Gentlemen’—The Aluminum Gold Stem Wind Watch I purchased from your firm is as good a tinn-kccper as I everyaw I enclose tu?ob, for Stem Winding Coin Silver Watch. Respecfyr* C. A. Walker. Eastman, Ga., September 18th, 1881. c.Anti.—l sold tho Aluminum Gold Watch for te.t.oo. I enclose the money for another watch. Yours, Respectfully. Gents—l 801(1 tho Aluminum worn wwc y'g’g , <^y J Dcaler ln General Merchandise, Williamstown, S. C. March Sth, 1881 Bond monov bv Post Office Money Order.’or Ro-rlstored Letter. Wo will send the watch C. O. D. if Two Dollars issoft on account, the bKo can bo paid at tW Express Otrice when tho watch Is delivered. Lot us hear from you with an WORLD MANUFACTURING CO., 122 Nassau Street, Now York. TBI2E ITZEW SEWING MACHINE. SELF-SETTING NEEDLE. SELF-THREADING SHUTTLE. BEST FOR HOME USE, I FOR AGENTS TO SELL, FOR FACTORIES, I FOR THE PEOPLE TO BUY. IN THE ESTEY SEWING MACHINE THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMBINED WITH old and well tried principles of construction, makhiK it the leading: Sewing Machine. Lib eral and attractive terms to agents. Special discounts to clergymen and clubs. Send your address ou postal card aud get our SPFICIAL HOLIIIAV OFFEH. AV. B. CLEVES, Manufacturers* Agent, novlo 2m 932 sixth Avenue, NEW YORK. 1 a *' X _ X r a1,,8 3J< l aa rto pagM, with handsome Illustrated Engraved Cover andiaflilMiwHh / \ /«”* 0,1 P«rtd of the world. Stories by the best authors iPoetrX KJtS I t f I l y°u will cut this alveitiaeuiwat out, show ft t<» \ \ / /n..s.zlnerrM f „r your trouble. PLEASE BE AR IM « H d ( ,OU u 1 ' 6 K "'' olv " *■*<* \ / "'ll eet tl, ° Rnvolver .nd Mu g az,u."?fwl“u'?" a,n lilt «H7» ° J X 7 »>" box of curtrM-<■• for e»cU Revolver to o r rjuwiu. 1 ! tU ~ l “ ’d nb ord '"‘ w 9 X 7 THE TARGET mMt™te<Oierow«.ma,!.wn''(b' S BIj"R?JcKrT > «2r^,ll* E?°v?ho , t < bem« r D ut? y N “ Y * toautueier. CUT THIS OUT. IT WILL NOT APPEAR ACAIN. P b ,ocM BEAD THIS! NORTH GEORGIANS AND OTHERS. THE CELEBRATED LIQUID ENAMEL PAINT, MANUFACTURED BY NEW JERSEY ENAMEL PAINT COMPANY, TT AB been sold in your State EIGHT YEARS-thousan. sos gallons having been diapofed of In I üblic Buildings iu Baltimore are The Oarrollton Hotel, The New American Office, Sun Iron Building, The Armstrong, Gator & Co.’s Building, The Trinity M. E. Church, South, AND.MAKY PRIVATE RESIDENCES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED BY GEORGIA STATE PAIR.. IMIXKD READY FOR ANY.ONE CAN APPLY IT. Sample!CAßDS r seut’by mall on appHcatlon. C. E*. KN IGHT, Sole General -A. gent, ’AND MANUFACTURER OF KUILDIAiCI PAPER, ROOFINO PAPER A ROOFING CEMENT, JalS ts »S W. Eoinbard St., IMI.TIMOHE. MIL $5. The Wonderful Mechanical Piano-ette. $5. mechanical Invention *** . ' am m.i ■ K®* J 1 play auy tune in a uiuludious and pluaaiug manner. ■Difficult and ehnple music produced in a mait-rly style, and it can bo Rf played by a child aa wellaa by a grown person and w ill furnish music t 1 9 for social arathertnaaof auy description, playing hour after hour, without I : *’ -5 ■ any knowktlge of music being required in the operation. 'I lie most , -'?£ ■ tv-r.r.rrfui of ull mut-ival invention*; a machine winch in n purely ms-I 1 • "r »•" f : crESlf> f'-anica. manner pr<>ddcct any kind of mu»ie, Walitrs, I’ulka*, Marches, 1 \ vli 1 I M tc-, Ac , wKhoutanTpracticeorknuwiodpeofmubicwhuu-ver; in thia l\ N*R respect far superior to auy music-box, fur there U no limit whatever to 4 V \ ‘ t \ d ' lbo iu a flex.J « [J t A, I produce the effect, it baa Just been perfected (tl»o acromnuuymg cut / / J N- r - thowingit ini:almprovcdf>rtn),e:>disbnviujtho largest sale everob- , f- ft JMnedby amuslcailnatrumentiothecnnntrv. Jtlwistine tbouized cases, highly dtearated, the note® or bars (i bo music producers) are met. l y a°trike?Z the Mme ,n 0 rac ’ od 1 , , 0a * notM « and never » out o^une; the bars are struck b hkhHhi UnJ h ium 3 oTmrfirnii I? 1 -! ’ ?in< th r y W< au,o n»®‘lcally Instead of by the Angora. Ihe strip of prepared paper in. rpring thJ iSniSHo^ w. le, .nd asit passes through the floikra and over the keyi, the strikers XrMoi (7Xnt tlrnlL»?hi Bt - rik< ! »‘‘°s*K»»t note; tins is alldone automatically, without any assistance from tho Th. I .n«.rS; SPECIAIi TO A (-TENTS an agent in*evt,ry town, we have concluded totnffer sampleof Piano-ette. » Bookwaiter Engines. SIMPLE, DURABLE and CHEAP Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed, Guar anteed to work wtU and give full power claimed. BVKRY PLANTER Who runs a Cotton Gin or Com MUI should have one. Stea power is much better and cheaper than horse power. SEE OVR LOW PRICES: g 3 Horse Power EngineJ24o 00 > Jy “ 355 00 8X “ “ “ 440 00 Address Manufacturers for descriptive pamphlet. JAMES I.EFFEL & CO., apM-tf SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. PICTORIAL FAMILY RECORD? Give- apniaraiice. dales, history, description, etc., etc., of every member of the family in permanent form No hing-llKeit in the world. Kverv home will take oneorinoreCsame as Photo Album’s). Combines Prae tical Value and Wonderful Beauty. Full page engravings on YVoodanil Steel, rich binding ciioice literary selections; low prices. Semi for ilhistiated circular, etc. (Can't be described inm •dv’t.) Ae-nts who come first will make fortunes. N. D. Thompson A Co., Publishers St Louis m decß 13t *