The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, April 21, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report RqV\l Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE The Central Baptist Church, of Atlanta, of which Dr. J. M. Brittain is pastor, lias sold the present house and lot on the corner of Peters apd West Fair and purchased a corner lot fronting on Walker street. The site is a beautiful one upon which to erect a house of worship. The church on Sunday raised in cash and subscriptions twenty-two hundred dollars for the building fund. Committees on plan, building and subscriptions were appointed and authorized to proceed at once, w ith dilligenee and perseverance, in re gard to all their duties. A neat, comfortable house of worship with the latest, modern improvements will be erected, which w ill be an honor to the denomination and a credit to the city of Atlanta. This church is in a highly prosper ous condition, having received an ad dition to its membership, in the last eighteen months, of 142 persons. The unanimity, zeal ami liberality which was manifest in the church and congregation on Sunday assurance of the complete success of (his noble enterprise in the early fu ture. .Inst as soon as possible, work [will be liegun and the new building push ed to completion. Bro. Brittain is much loved by his people and is do ing an admirable work for them and the cause. Short hand taught by mail, in a thorough amt practical manner, on liberal terms anil al n price within the reach of all bv the Western Reserve Phonetic Institute, .Station D..f'kvo land, O. The old reliable Graham System taught. By their new met hod you are able to pay for your lessons as you go :iTong, and at. a very low rate. Write lor particulars ami find out how little it will cost you to learn a pro session during yimr space of hours, that will enable you to secure a gissl paving position. Apr 21 lyr Married at the home of the bride in Atlanta, on Sunday evening last, Mr. C. M. Dickinson and Miss Lula H. Hood; Rev. .1. M. Brittain offici ating. Miss Lula is the daughter of Rev. J. M. Hood, a Baptist minister of Atlanta. What folly! To be without Beech am’s Pills. “We know Pond’s Extract to be a good thing for numerous ails, as I have used it in my house for a long while and would not be without it. My family physician prescribes it; he uses it in his practice, and tells me that he had a case of hemorrhage oc curring in childbirth, when Pond’s Extract was the only remedy that acted, add it did like a charm after others failed.” Wm. M. D. Dawson. Kingwood, W. Ya. Jan. 16, 1890. Our old reliable Eye water does not burn or hurt the eye. When ap plied, feels good children like it. Cures granulated lids. Jno. K. Dickey, Drug Company, Bristol, Tenn. Lamar Rankin «t Co., Wholesale Agents, Atlanta, Ga. April 7th 2m Kennedy’s Medical Discovery Takes hold in this order: Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Inside Skin, Outside Skin ; Driving everything before it tha ought to be out. You know whether you need it or not. Sold by every druggist, and manufac tured by DONALD KENNEDY ROXBURY, MASS. WANTS. NOTICE I I will aell your H’us<-. Farm or any other real Estate! or forfeit gl*S. Sentl stamp tor reply. ALFRED COLES. Heal Estate *g<<nt. lOmarly 476 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. AV ANTED —Do you *ant to make fifty dol ’’ lar, per w< ek at home? Mr*. Rm it li amt »lx dollar* to Allred Cole, for a Box or Ward robe Iziongi' and allowed him to send people who answer hi, advertisement* to sw her lounge for which he gave n commission which average Mo per week. If you will do the same in your district sand for terma to ALFRED COLEK Hfebly 520 Myrtle Avenue. Brooklyn. N.Y MISS FIXHLA JONES, South Bend, Ind. pays "* 117, a week to ladies for writing, etc. at boim Reply with stamped envelope. Box 4. 7apr4t BILLS. apdfrm ThsflnestqualityotßelUfort'barebea, < him».,su-kooi» < ir Fully warranted. < ■■"• Write tor Catalogue and Price,, BELLS • Mmt ow»t ATLANTA AND VIONITY. Pastor J. B. Hawthorne, of the First Church, preached at the morn ing service, was too much fatigued to preach in the evening. In the after noon, the teachers of this church were addressed by Mr. Wm. Reynolds, of Chicago, who was once president of the Sunday-school International Committee. In a very magnetic way this aide Sunday-school worker re lated many striking incidents con nected with the work in Chicago. Pastor H. McDonald, of the Sec ond Church, addressed the Sunday school in the morning, and z preached twice to bis church. One received by letter. Pastor A. H. Mitchell, of the Third Church, preached to his people morn ing and evening, and in the after noon at. Mr. Camps. Three received by letter and four baptized for the North Atlanta Mission. Pastor J. M. Brittain, of the Cen tral Church, though still suffering from the “Grippe," preached to his people in the morning, and Rev. T. N. Rhodes at night. This church having sold their present house and lot, and purchased another on Walker street, will commence the erection of a beautiful house of worship at a very early day. Twenty-two hundred dollars were raised in cash and sub scriptions |on Sunday last for the new building, and committees ap pointed to inaugurate the noble en i prise. More extended notice else i where in this issue. i Pastor V. C. Norcross, of the Fifth ' Church, preached at both services. 1 Received two by letter and one for 1 baptism. Dr. W. 11. Robert, of Centerville, Miss., taught the Bible Class, made a ' short Sunday-school address and ’ preached to a good congregation at 1 the Sixth Church in the morning. At night, Rev. E. L. Sisk of the Seventh ■ preached. At the close of the ser . vices the church went into conference and Bro. Sisk was unanimously called to the pastorate of this church. Pastor W. L. Sisk, of the Seventh Church, preached to his people in the looming, 4ud Bro. Edent'.ekl at night. I I Pastor A. Sublett, of Capitol ; Avenue Mission, has had a continu ous sen ice for two weeks, in which ; pastor A. IL Mitchell, of the Third church, has preached day after day. Eight have been received, two by letter and six for Baptism. On Sun day, Pastor Sublett preached twice at his church, and in the afternoon, at Mr. Newmans. Bro. Sublett, at one of his services during the meeting, had an attack of acute indigestion, and after prayer was unable to preach. But next day he was all right again and has been going forward with his work. Wo publish this be cause the report has been circulated that he had received a paralytic stroke ajid it was feared for a while that he was dead. Pastor Oxford*preached on Friday night at East Point, and Sunday morning and night to Ira Street Mis sion. Many persons came forward for prayer at the night service. Rev. W. J. Speairs visited his old flock at Concord and preached to them on Sunday. This church is still without a pastor. Pastor B. I). Ragsdale preached at Decatur morning and night, and re ceived three additions by letter. In the afternoon he visited the Sunday- M'hool at Ingleside where some of his members are interested. Dr. C. M. Irwin, of Tifton, report ed quite an interest all over the Wire Grass country. The new house of worship at Tifton is nearly completed. He thinks it is the best frame build ing he ever saw. Bro. Irwin is in Atlanta to consult a physibain in re gard to his voice. We hope he will obtain the relief desired. Now is the time to take a good tonic medicine. Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses the greatest merit, and is a popular favorite. A Chance to Make Money.— I have berries, grapes and peaches, a year old, fresh as when picked. I use tho California Cold Process; do not heat or seal fruit, just put it up cold, keeps perfectly fresh, and costn almost nothing, can put up a bushel in ten minutes. Last week I sold Directions to over 100 families; any one will pay a dollar for directions, when they see the beautiful sample of frnit. As there are many people |H>or like myself, I consider it my duty to give »my experience to such, and feel confident anyone can make one or two hundred dol lars, round home, in a few days. I will mail samples of fruit and com plete directions, to any of your read ers, for 17 two cent stamps; which is only the actual cost of the samples postage, etc., to me. I ask nothing for directions. Mbs. William Griffith, New Concord, Ohio. Rev. A. B. Hawkes was recently ordained to the ministry at Riechlaud THE CHRISTIAN INDEX: THURSDAY APRIL 21. 1802. Baptist church. A very large crowd was present to witness the impressive ceremony. The young man is said to have stood an excellent examina tion. Rev. A. B. Campbell, D. D., of Americus, and Rev. J. W. Hamner, of Lamkin, preached interesting ser mons. The following ministers also took part in the ordination: W. W. Mabry, M. B. L. Binion, J. E. Moore and W. W. Arnold, the beloved pas tor of the Richland Baptist church. Bro. A. B. Hawkes enters the full work of the ministry with a bright prospect. To the Convention Delegates : For the benefit of the Capitol Avenue Baptist Mission Chapel, Dr. B. If. Carroll of Waco, Texas, will deliver in Atlanta, by special request, a lecture on “Personal Liberty.” The lecture will be illustrated by a large cartoon winch will add much to the lecture. Time :—Thursday 8 p. m., May 5, 1892, evening previous to meeting of Southern Baptist Convention next morning. Place at Second Baptist Church Tabernacle on Mitchell St. The delegates and visitors to the Convention are specially requested at attend. A rare treat is anticipated If you desire a splendid book read our offer on this page to give one good book for a new subscriber. If you have not Dr. Tucker’s splendid book, “Enoch in the Gospel,” you can get it by making a little effort Every family should have this book in their library. PROFIT TO THE“DENdMINATION The Book Department of the American Baptist Publication Socie ty is not a stock company, dividing its profits among its members, as has been sometimes said, but it is the property of the denomination. It is in such shape as to be self-support ing. It pays the salaries not only of its own officers but also the salaries of the officers and assistants of the Bible and Missionary Departments out of its profits, and the balance is used in enlarging its great work. As its books and periodicals are bought the colportage work grows. M. I). Lane, Devereaux, Ga., writes “One summer several years ago,while railroading in Missippi, I became badly affected with' malarial blood poison that impared my health for more than two years. Several offen sive ulcers appeared on my legs, and nothing seemed to give permanent relief until I took six bottles of B. B: B. which cured me entirely.” A. D, Adair & McCarty Bros., (Successors to Adair Bros. Co.) Fertilizers., Mr. W. H. Witherspoon, Pres. At lantic Electropoise Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Dear Sir.—Tho Electropoise I bought from your agent in October last has given entire satisfaction. The use of it has effected, I think, a per manent cure on me. I had tried many remedies for years for dyspep sia or indigestion, and could not get any permanent relief until I tried the Electropoise. As I have said before, I would not sell mine for One Thous and Dollars, unless I could replace it for less. Respectfully, A. D. Adair. P. S.—The statement I made to Mr. Alexander Beck on October 31, 1891, and which I see published in pamplet, has been changed. 1 did state*that 1 used “Victory.” A. 1). Davis. Co to Lea’s Springs, Grainger Co. East Tennessee. A popular Summer Resort, 21 miles from Knoxville, on the first-class, newly completed Morristown and Cumberland Gap Railroad. Depot and Telegraph office on the place. Pas sengers from tho North and East via Morris town; from the South via Knoxville; from the West via Knoxville and Cunilierland Gap. Superior natural advantages, viz: Fina. Ro inantic Mountain Scenery, with Signal Point higher and more commanding than Lookout Mountain. Remarkable Cool and Healthy Lo cation. Superior r.atunil Mineral White Sul phnr. Black Sulpliiu-andChalybeate.acknowl edged the best south of the Potomac. Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths. Good Stcioty, Music I lancing and usual Amusements. Comfortable Rooms, Beds ami good Table Fare. Board. 8:61 to tto per month. Post Office is ns med LE A'S SPRIKGB, Grainger County, East Tennessee. Send for Descriptive Circular. Address, M. J. HUGHES, Pr. and Manager, apr 21 ini IyIRON FENCE .... SIXTY STYLES TOR T 1 ”r+ CEMETERY A LAWN -4-4-1- I_L CATALOGUE FREE J. W. RIOE.ATIANTA, GA. ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS A SHORT LINE. ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD CO., the most direct line and the best route to Montgomery, New Orleans, Tox«a nnd tho Southwest. Tho following schedule in effo ett Janury 10 MU. INoBSda! SOUTH No. 50. No. 52. ly ex’l No. 84 HOUND. Daily, liaily. sund'y[ Daily. Lv Atlanta.... 4 15pm 1115 pm 505pm' 700 am Ar Newnan. ■■ 532 pm l l2Mam s«pm 830 am Ar LaGrange.. <>32 pm: 207 am soopni 935 am Ar W Point 687 pm 242 am 836 pm 1003 am Ar Opelika.74opin 33Jam 1052 am Ar Columbae., 1206n’n Ar Motgomry. 9 25pm ««iatn Ar Peuaseola 315 am 1 to pin Ar Mobile3ls am 1210 pm ArN Orleans. 745 am 445 pin Ar HoustuTexT4spml 707 am TOSfeI.MA7VIGK.SItI'KG > SHREX EPORT Lv Montgomery |9 p ml~B<u ain I 7.. Ar Selma • 111 30 pinl 10 10a in I, North Ro. Si. Ko. 63. No. 57. Kp~>s. Bound Dnily. Daily. Daily. Lv N Orleans. 743a in 823 pm Lv Mobile. 105 pm toTngt IA Pensacolall39pm Ar Montgo’ry. 785 pm 'Warn Lv Selma 4 10pm Lv Montgo’ry. 1213 am swam Ar Columbia.. 12 06pm isnoam It 45am “ Opelika-.. '2 40 am I 336 am 2<r>pin “ WPnint .. 3 33am 910 am 800 am '23Bpm “ LaGrange. 4<>Bam|»33am R3Bam 3 27pm “ Newnan 822 am 1041 am 939 am 437 pm “ Atlanta T£6 amll'ldfipui 1130 am 802 pm ~]>alfy except Sunday, Train No. .M carries Ihillman vestibule sleep er from W<shnigtou to Now Orleans, and ves tibule dilute* car from Washington to Mont gnmerr. Train 53 carries Pullman vestibule sleeper from New Orleans to Washington, and ve.ati bulo dining car from Montgomery to Wash -11 fja’l'u No. 32 carries Pullman drawing room w rw^.” aut, ‘ to Genera) Manager. Traffic Manager. J ->HN A. GEE, Auk Gen l Pau Agk BAD COMPLEXIONS ’** • “ d oU 7 »Mn, red, Dalle and palnfu I finger ends, dry, thia, and falling hair, and almple baby olemiahea are prevented aad (y cured by the celebrated SOAP / v Mort-effective akin-purifying f X ’ A-*®’ SB<l beautifying aoap in the I world, as well aa purest and I fN > aweeteatof toilet and nuraery k * /xA- soaps. Tb« only medicated Toilet soap, and the only pre .... , . . veutlve and cure of facial and baby blemishes, because the only preventive of In flammation and clogging of the pores, the caute ct minor affections of the skin, scalp, and hair. Sale greater than the combined sales of all other skin and complexion soaps. BoM throughout the world. Pottkb Dnco ano Chzx. Corp., Borton. AU about the Skin, Scalp, and Hair” free. HOW MY BACK ACHES! v/ChKri Ache, Kidney Fains, and Weak y/FJfll t>eas. Soreness, Lamene», Strains, /fflhf- 3 ' and relieved In one minute by ll'vl the Cutlcura Antt-Paln Piaster, the only pain-killing strengthening plaster. fry ' l Lrf '-■'Uf) l) SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION, PERMANENT IN DURATION. EASILY APPLIED. ITS SKILL* FUL USE QUICKLY LEARNED. The Electrnpohe is an Instrument for tht CURE OF DISEASE WITHOUT MEDICINE. BASED on new theories of the cause an cure of disease, it deals with the electrical an magnetic conditions of the laidy mid the gase surrounding it in the atmosphere, controlling Giese conditions at w ill. It is not electricity. DISEASE is simply impaired vitality. The Electropoise coustanly adds to the vitality and only assists nature, in nature's way, to throw off tire trouble. A 4f>page lawk, describing treatment and containing testimonials from all sections, and for the cure of all diseases, mailed ritee on application. Address Atlantic Electropoise Company., Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. Charleston, 8. C. 500 NewSundaySchools FOR 1892. Through the liberality of a few generous per sons the American Baptist Publication Society is enabled to help in tne organization of new Sunday Schools, white or colored. TEN DOLLARS will lie given in books or periodicals to each of the first 000 needy Sunday Schools founded be tween May and Deceml>er, 1892. CONDITIONS. 1. The School must be strictly » new school, organized within the limit of time above named. 2. It must be a Baptist School. 3. It must be unable to purchase all its sup- plies. 4. It must have pronrtt-e of permanent exist- tenoe. 5. It must not hare received another grant from this Society. Application should be made to Dr. C, C. Bit- Sinu, Missionary Secretary, H2O Chestnut treet, Philadelpliia, Pa. B. GRIFFITH, D. D., Secretary. , apr 213 t . from this Society. Application should be made to Dr. C, C. Bit- Sinu, Missionary Secrotary, 1420 Chestnut treet, Philadelpliia, Pa. B. GRIFFITH, D. D., Secretary. , apr 213 t ♦ Own a Dictionary- t ' T Cue should be taken to X X .-..-. GET THE UIT. J i ■ i / WEBSTER’S I . ♦ I INTERNATIONAL / I yEICTIONAKY/ ♦ t THE TNTIRNATIONAt. ♦ INXW FROM COVKR TO COVEB, ♦ IS THB ONE TO BUY. ♦ SUCCESSOR OF THS UNABRIT GED. i Ten years spent in revising. 100 edi- X ton employed, evsr (300,000 expanded. X Sold by at Booksellers. v G. & C. MZRBIAM k CO.. Publisher!, $ SpringfielJ. Maae., U. S. A. ♦ ewDo not buy reprints of obsolete X editions. X <g-Send for free pamphlet containing X specimen pages and full particulars. X ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a THE-:-SGHOOLAGENCY Hare, Pope & Dewberry, MANAGERS, MONTGOMERY, - - - ALABAMA. rF~ Both Schools nnd Teachers in constant iWa’Uw* Furnished with Teachers FREE oiCObl. Teachers Aided in Securing bchools at Small Cost. School Property Rent ed and Sold. NOW IS THE TIME. CIF* Bond for circulars. apr7tf \ B~WARREinr MOCKING BIRD FOOD. Ab GOOD ABTHKBKBT. Handsomely put up la IM as. sere w«ap glaee bottles. Hlahly recommended and in good demand everywlMreb For Kala by Draggiata aad Dealers. ~w’“wrwiUk i nso’nT GREENVILLE. ALA. “Matchless Mineral Water.” Will cure any r»» of Ilyspepaia or Indiges tion. Chronic Diarrhisa. Kidney, Back or Uri nary Organs, Nervous or tjick Headache, Piles Ulceration of the Womb, Bilious Cholic, Tet ter, Ring Worm, or miy Eruption of the Bkln, Sore throat, all old Cnranie florea. Cancers, Goniiorrh<ra, Burns Sore or Granulated Eye Lids, Nervous Prostration and lx*t Manhood. Heals up Intlaniatlon, Regulates the Bowels, Tones up and gives Vitality to the Whole Sys tem. Price 81.00 per bottle. 84 per gallon, whole sale at the well. Sold bv agents nt 88 per gal lon. Will take P. 0. Order, Currency, Stamps, or C hecks at my risk to save trouble. Live agents wanted. apr 313 t ft WASHBURN tStUvAM In volume and quality of tone are the Best in the World. Fully warranted. Sold by all leading d<-al- Beautifully illustrated, des fflKr ’crtptlve catalogue with portfaits ot famous artists Mailed Free. apnieow ta W. & A. R. R. BATTLEFIELDS LINE —AND Nashville, CMw & SI.L. Rj. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN ROUTE TO THE WEST. No. 2 No. 6 No. 4 No 72 No 74 A. m.I t. mJ p. mJ r. m. f. m. Lv Atlanta 850 135 7 45: 345 530 Ar Marietta 539 222 830 436 630 “Kennesaw 9 sf> 240 8 47! 453 ■••• "Acworth 1000 252 »t»j 510 .... “ Cartersville.... 1036 320 928, 543 “Kingston 10 58 343 949 610 .... “Rome 11 50 455 ••• 700 .••• “Adairsville.... 1118 410 10 08 “ Calhoun 11 3« 432 10 27 “ Resaca 11 48 4 46i 10 40 P. M. " Dalton 1218 6 20i 11 11 “ Tunnel Hill-... 12351 5 371 “ Catoosa Spgs-- 12 45 6 471 “ Ringgold 12 50 5 52. “Graysville 102: tor, “ Boyce 125 632 12 15 A. M. Chattanooga... 2 05' 650 12 57 “Stevenson 335| .... 226 “Cowan 430 .... 320 “ Tullahoma 5.101 .... 353 "Wartrace 540' .... 421 “ Murfreesboro .' 630 .... 505 ‘ Nashville.| 740! ■■■■ ejiv THROUGH CAR SERVICE. —NORTH BOUND. Train No. 2- Has Pullman sleeping car Jack, sou: ulo, Fla., and Atlanta to Nashville t hrough without change. Elegant day coach Atlanta to Memphis without change. Train No. o-Has Pullman parlor isr Atlanta ip Chattanooga, connecting witli Queen & Cresent for Cincinnati. Train No. 4—Has Pullman sleeping car At lanta to Nashville and St.LoniH, through with out change. Train No. 72- Kuns solid Atlanta to Rome. Close connections inade in Union Depot at Nash Title for all points North and Northwest ’ TO THE~SOUITHEAST. No. 1 No. 3'No. 5 N 073 N 075 , .. . A M PM. A.M. A.M.4.M. Lv Nashville 730 905 Ar Murfreesboro.- sail loot' “ Wartrace 923 10 45 "Tullahoma mol “Cowan 102811140 “Stevenson 1125 12 32 .. r - M *- M - Chattanooga-. 110 21'2 750 .... .... “ Boyce- 125 227 805 Graysville...... 151 .... 837 “ Ringgold 2<H .... 8.50 Catoosa Sprgs 20s .... g.vd " Tunnel Hi 11.... 218 . .. 905 "Dalton 235 336 9 2(>l 'Resaca 309 9 5.5 Calhoan 222 417 10 <0 "Adairsville 344 4.36 10 30 • Kingston 408 455 10 58 Rome. ... 455 .... n .50 750 .... Carterville 437 516 11 23 909 .... Acworth 510 544 1155 ( 940 .... .. v F. M. Kennesaw 534 5.W512 10i 956 Marietta 543 « 121 13 29 1015 715 Atlanta. 640 70Ql 130 i 1103 815 Train No. 3—Has Pullman sleeping car St. Louis and Nashville to Atlanta, through with out change. Also Pullman sleeping car Chat tanooga to Atlanta, open for passengers at Union Depot at 9.00 p. 111. Train No. I.—Has Pullman sleeping car Nashville to Atlanta and Jacksonville, Fin., through without change. Elegant day coach ,o Atlanta through without change, •ram No. 73—Runs solid Rome to Atlanta. t lose connections made in Union Depot at Atlanta for all points South and Southeast, i-w For rickets and other information, write to or call upon &• \\ AI KE ?.- T- A.. Union Depot, ( 4 R. D. Mann, No. 4 Kimball House, I Atlanta. Fn ank Skvier, T. A. Union Depot, I Chatta S. h. Howell, "Oth 4 Market st f nooga. J. L. EnsiogDsoN, T. P. A„ Dalton. J. W. Hicks, Tra. Pass, agent, Charlotte. Chas. E. Harman, Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Ga. Soiitl sTToSTn Suwanee River Route* Schedule in effect April nth, 1891 GOING SOUTH? Son ssnr BTATIONS W. India Kxpress Fast Mail Mail “- s Leave Macon 1109 am 845 p m “ Cordele 200pm 11 25 " •• Tifton «?3 •• 100 a m •• Valdosta, 813 •• 245 “ •• Jasper 625 “ 352 “ " White Springs 719 “ 435 “ “ Lake City 730 “ 5 (XI “ “ Hampton fit 45 *• 619 •• Arrive Palatka 10 25 “ 745 •• No. 1 leaves Macon after arrival of incoming morning trains on Central, Southwestern, Georgia. East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia Macon and Northern and Macon and Ea tonton railroads. No. 3 leaves Macon after arrival of incoming afternoon trains on the Central, Southwest ern, Macon and Northern and Georgia rail roads. and connects at Palatka for St. Augus tine and all points in East and South Florula, and with tho St. Johns and Ockiawoha river steamers. GOING NORTH. “ I No. 2. No 4. STATIONS W. India Express Fast Mail Mail. Leave Palatka 4 40 a goop m “ Hamptcsi 651 a tnl 9 37p tn " KakeCity' aOt a m'lOSSp m " White Springs 11 20 am 1823 pm “ Jasper nooainll 32 p m v aldcsta 10 11 a in 12 44 p in “ Tiftonl2 <B a ml a so a m " Cordele 136 p ml 428a ni Arrive Macon 4 10 p m 715 a m No. 2 leaves Palatka after arrival fast West India mail front Tampa and connects at Ma con with all outgoing p. tn. trains C. R. R„ S. W. R. R , Ga. R. R„ E. T.. V. i G. R. R. No. 4 leaves Palatka after arrival of trains from St. Augustine and points in East and Jouth Florida and connects at Macon with all outgoiiig a. m. trains C. R. R., S. W. R. R M. X N*R.R, Ga. K. R. and E. T. V. & G. R. R. M & It. R. R., and M. &N. R. R. Connection for vestibuled train between Atlnnta and Washington, D. C. All trains arrive and depart from Union De pots, Macon and Palatka. Elegant sleeping cars will be run on trains No. 3 and 4. For further information apply to agents at iunct ion points or to 1.. J. HARRIS. Ticket Agt. Macon, H. BURNS. JAS. MEEZIES. Trav. Pass. Aflt. JUcon. (n>n’L Agt. Palatka. A. C. hSAPP. Traffic Slauaxer. Macon and Birmingham Schedule in Effect April 17,1892. Read Down. Stations. Rkad Up 1100 am Lv... Macon.... Ar. 12 10 pm 13 70 pin “.. Setkee. •. .Lv. 11 3) a m 12 40pm .. Lizella ... “ 10 43 am 100 pm " .Montpelier. “ 01 25 aui 145pni " ...Culloden..." 9 40 am 220 p tn " Yatesville... “ 25 a m 3Mpm Thotnoaton,. “ 8 15 a m 400 p m " Th'er Springs 725a tn 4 45 p m Woodbury... “ 7 00 a m 8 18 p m Harris City.. “ 8 26 a tn 8 40pm " ..Odessa ... “ 5 56 a in 556 p in ‘ Mountville.. " 6 35 a tn BBopm Ar.LaGrangeLv, 501 a m Connection in Union Depot, Macon, Ga., with G. 8. A F. R. R. for valcfoata, Like lil ,y i St. Augustine and points in F iorbla; C. R. R.. for Savannah. Milledgeville and Eatonton; 8. XV. R. R ; sos Americus, Al bany and Eufaula: M. A- N. K. R. for Madison, Athens and Lula, and points beyond Georgia Kailroad for Sparta, Milledgeville and Augus ta. and all pointe beyond. At Yatesville with A. A F. R. R. for stat ions on that lino, nnd at IjiGrango with A. &W. P. R. R. for Mont gomery and beyond and intermediate sta tions. For further information apply to O. HARRIS. 'R (I. STONE. Ticket Agt. Macon, Ticket Traveling Passenger Ageut^ Mac-on. A. C. KNAPP, Traffic Manager. Agents t Meet tie demands of the boor, and sell SPURGEON’S fifc: Life and Works. Including Memorial Ber vices of the L WORLD'S MgKJEs Greatest Preacher. Bv Rev. R. B. Cook. D D. ( ' vrl w r»«v.. iiiuatr»te r, 8l bO. AK'-oie’ miilu sent. 'wsHRBIw territory assigned on ' V'vwca. .WWWSW-- receipt of 25 eent*. Now ready. B, ■, TUAT, rukUolaer, N.M. Premiums For New Subscribers TO THE Christian Index Premiums are given only to old subscribers for obtaining new ones. I o any old subscriber w hose subscription is paid in advance sending us > the name of one new subscriber with *2.00 we will give any one of the fol lowing books: FOR ONE NEW SUBSCRIBER. Spurgeon’s Life—by Geo. C. Lorimer D. D., (Postage paid.) Spurgeon’sLife by Russell H. Conwell, (Postage paid.) Drummond’s Addresses, Cloth, (Postage paid) My Point of View. Ihe Gospel In Knoch—by Dr. 11. 11. Tucher (Postage paid.) For 10 newsubscribers and 820 will send the works of Charles Di ckens— -15 Volumes handsomely bound in cloth and gold. Address, CDlir’is’tiixn Index, South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Are You Going to Buy a Ginning Outfit This Season ? DO YOU WANT || Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, |H| I •jB Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, | ® Cotton Seed Elevators,Mow- JsSL- . fit F ers, Horse Hay Rakes, Cot ton Seed Crushers, Grist x Mills, Cir. ulnr Saws, Inspi- Or raters. Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Pipe or Machin- ffiL ist«’ Supplies. t Be sure and write us be- fore buying. We can take '»■ ’ care of you. MALLABY BEDS. & CO., XIJVCOIS, - - GEORGIA. Bobkbt H. Smith. Late of Smith & Mallary. Chas. H. Hall, J*. SMITH & HALL, DEALERS ' Steam Engines. | Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Belting, Lubricating Olio, JfcCtc. :F '.<l \<e: l t.«i for M f hiri.-rv. Addresi SMITH A HALL, Macon, Ga. " ■ WILL COST BBNB UR YOUR AJDDREMM on a postal »nd you I I BKCKIFB THS VINKST CATALOGUE OM { HVSJKi fi SAVE SIOO I _ faction guaranteed before you pay. CUT •fHIS' OW : mail it to us. lou win be aurprised at the retail. But you ' do It NOW. * Write to I RHISH 4 CO., i |i <iWS RI We sell the best makea of Pianot and Orgaut II at the lowert poMible price, for c.ub or easy payments. Full line of Sheet Music. Write at -Rfti-a-- ££E?.; for catalogues and pricea before buying. RUBY-GOLD Wfflf LI Is Early, Large, Beautiful, Sweet, Fine-Flavored, Delicate in Texture Free from Stringiness and the Jucleet Melon Grown. FRESH, YELLOW, MARKED WITH RED. * - L J _• ♦ Ma. A. W. Smith, Americus, Ga . Cold Water Miss., March 6th, 1892. Dear Str: I succeeded finely with tho Ruby-Gold I got of you last spring. I found the Ruby to be all you claimed for it, and more too. I expect to plant my main crop of them this season. I created quite a sensation with the Rubies. Everybody pronounced them the most excellent melon they ever ate. Yours Most Truly. J. F. Gilliland. Mr. W. A. Smith. Glen Cove, N. Y., Aug. 14th. 1890. I wish to thank you for your kind remembrance in sending me, all the way from Georgia, such a splendid watermelon. . My daughter, a little four and a half year oid. m the ecstacy of her soul as wo feasted upou the glistening icy meat, awl the sugary juice streamed down between her tiny fingers, exclaimed: “Oh. nappa. isn’t it just like dripping honey ?’’ and so said a!) of us. Solid, meaty, very sweet and juicy, and with a thin rind. Very sincerely yours, William Falconer. A. W. Smith, E«q.. . Detroit, Mich., Aug. 1«, 1890. Referring sgain to yours of the 2d inst., relative to sample Ruby and Gold watermelon so kiti'ily sent to ns, wo have pleasure in advising yon that the flesh was crisp, tender, moder ately sweet and peculiarly melting, having nothing of the coarseness of fiber so marked in Kolb's Mem. At the same time it law stood the rough handling and long keeping muon better than most varities having such tender flesh would have done. Yours respect fully, ’ D. M. Ferry & Co. This melon had been pulled seventeen days when cut. From the Rural New Yorker or Auo. aoth. 1890: A melon called Ruby Gold was received from Mr. A. w. Smith (Americus. Ga.). weighing forty pounds. The flesh is well described by the name. In quality it was sweet—Loo sweet— but tbe flesh was not as tender or "melting as that of better known kinds. Never knew of a watermelon complained of as “sweet—too sweet’’—before. Phil adelphia. Pa.—“ The colors are bright and clearly defined whilst flavor is delici ous.”—A. Blanc. _ , Messrs. V. H. Hallock & Son, of Queene. N. Y., says of Ruby Gold: In quality it has a aweetneM and lueiousness which no other melon possesses, being tender and melts in the mouth like ice cream, without a particle of core or stringy substance. Very iniey,and does not lose its flavor when it becomes over rii>c. Price 81.00 per pound; 20 cents per ounce; free by mail or express. Send cash with rderto A. W. SMITH, Americus, Ga. Cutler’s Pocket Inhaler Carbolate ot lodine ISF INHALANT. A certain care for Catarrh. Bronchitic. Aathma, and all <li«m*e* of Throat and Lunge-even CONSUMPTION, if taken in twaenn. Will hrouk nr a mid at once. The KINO OF COUGH MEDICINES. A Jew inhalation* will correct the moat OF FENSIVE BREATH. Carried handily m a penknife, alway* ready. Approved by phy jßlansrold llaprst 410 Michigan St.. Buffalo, N. Y. ©purgeon. Agent* wanted for "Conwell'a Life of Spur aeon." «I«page* beautifully illnitrated, gl.'w. Agents ontfltaocte. Liberal Inducement* offer mailed to.a Vs^ of Tapr'm Savannah, Ga. ULJmUM B.M.'WOOI.LEY.M.D. WrAUMM«.®et. Office kWWWUMAaU SI. • -HAWMETXi COFFEEX-MAKEfn > ONE EACH/ ■ SEmOWCEOT? t That pours by pressing the lid as : Ulusrated. Get list. 1 PAINE, DIEHL & CO., 1 Philadelphia, Pa ■"" .. - ' PIANOS^ <BSI.I Celebrated for their Pure Tou«, Elegant Ikealgna, Superior Workmanahlp, and CJreat Durability. Sold on oaoy tornu. Old Inatrumenta taken In exchange. Write sot catalogue and fall information. r . 170 Tremont BL. Boaton. Maaoe.