The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 08, 1893, Image 2

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THE ROME TRIBUNE Published daily except Monday by THE BOMB TRIBUNE CO, W. G. Coopbb, Gen’i Man’gr. Office No. 827 Broad Street, Up Stairs. Telephone 78. . eagggg- ■ "r .—= katbsov snßsoßimoH. I Daily, except Monday. Oaeyear*6.oo 1 Three months....*l.6° lx months S.OOI One month M TO ADVKBTISBBB. Tn Bon TareuNa ts the official organ 0? Floyd County and the City of Rome. It has B large and increasing subscription list, and a< an advertising medium is unexcelled. Rates v try rereonabie. CHEAP JUDGES. L The Georgia House of Delegates Lhas voted down a proposition to in ■hue the pay of judges of the Su froll $2,000 to $2,500. Hcoine of the lie lending ■tn |HRtn, But it is aln|M|Mlar that suffers from this mtit tide—and of this those who knew that great writer personal!y were well aware. During the year which preceded the last crisis of his malady, he was i almost wholly absorbed with reli- M|pus questions. No doubt what that if he had lived his fine talent V would have been definitively modified in this sense, of spiritual and perhaps Christian life, a sense altogether unanticipated by the ad mirerers of his first writings. We can write by electricity, can send pictures by the F same "agency, andtsSt of our friends lat a distance by means of the elec tric wire. When the British Asso ciation visited Newcastle, Eng., says the Chronicle, of that city, Prof. Perry told his auditors that seeing by electricity was a possibility of the future, and he had before drawn a picture of scientific achieve menfei which would enable friends divided by large continents and oceans, not only to talk with each other, but to look upon their fea tures. Even before that Prof. Bell was known to have been at work in laboratory endeavoring to solve problem, and though ten years have elapsed since the possibility of applying the well-known principles \of light in the same way as the prin ciples of sound have been applied as inthe telephone, was first suggested, the is still as hopeful of success as ever. There is no theoret ical reason why light may not be conducted in the same way as sound, M>ut Prof Bell tells us that it will be much more, difficult to construct for the purpose, owing greater rapidity with which the vibrations of light take place when compared with the vibrations of sound. The difficulty, however, is merely one of finding a diaphragm sufficiently sensitive to receive these vibrations and pro* duce the corresponding electrical vibrations, and it is encouraging to; have it on the authority of such a man as Prof. Bell that at least a dozen men, eminent in science in various parts of the world are at present engaged in endeavoring to find the solution of this problem. Prof. Bell himself, who has never ceased to grapple with the difficulty, candidly admits that up to the pres ent his labors have been in vain, but he is full of hopefulness as to the successful issue of his own research, as well as that of the other scien tists who have taken the matter up.— Savannah News. When Shakespeare’s “Merchant "short time ago, with Mr. Irving as Shylock, Rabbi Voor sanger was among the spectators. . In speaking of the chief character of play, he says: “Shylock is not of history; be is a fancy, a ragged web from the brain of who never knew a Jew, or, BSnew a few Jews at a time when, MHmee of Edward the Confessor, was a closed realm to them, ||SMi9Lt them only with eyes jaun of unremoved and 9SHHH9msing prejudice.” Os Mr. of Shylock : “Irving shows ex- P oor ( l ev *l °f a Jew ' v l lfn pestered by a ..plained by an Antonio, kicked a magr.tico by an im- HLvn servan’ G--J 1 i j”?i ll to ' like I . : I ? ■■Xf-'yflWure tLo all o w tcT* sell whiskey to |Mti<ts. If this should become a law HHAiels would have to buy a new every wee’:.—Albany advertises At lanta for sale. The other day it ad vised everybody to buy real estate there. We did not know the mean ing of the advice till we saw ten pages of marshal’s sales. King Iron will ascend the throne within a few more months. Then Birmingham and Anniston and Gads den and Talladega and Sheffield and Florence will be in the swim.—An niston Hot Blast. Dr. A. B. DeLoach has moved to Memphis. He made many friends here and we wish him prosperity in his new home. BRIGHT BITS. Jones.—-Tragedy is too gloomy forme. Why do you never go and see a comedy? Misanthrope—Why should I'pay for ad missions to see the members enjoy them selves ? Charitable woman—Why don’t you go to work and accomplish something ? The Tramp—Work? Accomplish some thing? Why, woman, I am an ex-United States senator.—Buffalo News. Mrs. Queerly.—And how did your hus band make the trip to Chica o, Mrs. Plump ? Mrs. Plump—He went out in a (sob) sleeper, but (sniff) came back in a shoe box.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. “So far as I am personally concerned,” murmured the enamored young grocer, softly stroking the hand of his 200-pound sweet-heart, “the sugar famine simply doesn’t exist!”—Chicago Tribune. “What do you mean by‘an actor of the old school?’ ” “Why, one of those historians who rolls his eyesand his r's until he wears the cor ners off them.—Detroit Tribune. Yes, Jans is in the “swim”——that is to say> Like children that we see down by the shore, They’ve let him little at the edge; He’s in it ankle deep—no more.—Vogue. How Allen Got Ilig Nickname. “I never knew until today,” said a well known Georgia politician, “how Representative Allen of Mississippi got the nickname ‘Private’ John Allen.’* v “How was it?” somebody asked. V “He was running for congress againsf General Tucker (out in Mississippi, an<l Tucker made a Speech one day, whoojj| inar himself un on his war record. THE HOME TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MOKMING. NOVEMBERS, 18»3. started out by saying in stentorian voice, ‘I slept one night before the battle in a tent’ * ‘This was enough for Allen. When he got up to speak he said: ‘Yes, boys, General Tucker did sleep in a tent that night, and I stood guard on picket around the tent. Now, all you here to day who slept in tents vote for Tucker, but those who stood guard in the rain and cold vote for John Allen.’ From that moment to this he has been called ‘Private’ John Allen. Os course he was elected. ” —Exchange. . v .... ... - —... E~ A MOTHER. ~ Could I but have my baby back again From the dim vastness of the great un known. How would it ease my poor heart’s silent pain As I sit here in shadow and alone! That heaven is vast but makes me more afraid. Who shall its hesitating footsteps guide? Far cozier the nest my love had made. Or so my heart feels, since my baby died. Cold was the night it left my bosom warm— A night of wintry tempest harsh and wild! Into that world of darkness and of storm Went forth alone my little toddling child. I say Alone, for who hears angels' feet Pause at the threshold, though we dream they come? We hear not even death, the robber fleet! We only know a void is in our heme. Mother) tire very name is sorrow’s own. A synonym for heartache and for trial; 'Tis she ilust tread the wine press all alone, And wl*n the tears would start must wear a smile. What is the faith of priest, of Christian broth er. Os miterefi bishop, though they kiss the rod? Weak seethe their worship when a trusting mother Yields up her pretty, smiling babe to God. —Arkansaw Traveler. "SPECTACLES* -2— the— | TO Bl store TAKE THE EVANSVILLE ROUTE, The to— Atlanta Limited” is train with Pullman sleepers and day coaches. A dining car la attatebed to the train at Danville, enabling the passengers to get their breakfast en route. This train also has through sleepers from Jacks mville, Fla., and Memphis. Tenn., to Chicago. Train No 8, “World’s Fair Special," runs solid between Atlanta and Chicago and is equipped with elegant Pullman Pai lor Buffet cars. A. G. PALMER, 8. L ROGERS. G. P. A. E. <K T. H R. R. Sou. Pass. Agt. Evansville, Ind. Chattanooga, Tenn. GREAT EVENT OF 1893! THE Augusta Expositon AND Georgia State Fair, AUGUSTA, GA. Opens Nov. 14. Closes Dec. 14. Great Attractions, Grand Thrilling and Magnifi cent Spectacles. Novelties of Every Kind, And Special Great Days. Tuesday, Noy. 14, Opening Day. Wednesday, Nov. 15, Governors’ Day. Friday, Nov. 17th, Educational Day. Tuesday and Wednesday, 21 and 22, < eorgia and South Carolina Days. Nov. 24 and 24, Veterans’ Day. Special days arranged for the entire holding of the exposition. $20,000 in Premium?. $50,000 in Amusements. Gi-nnd, gorgeous and glittering spec tacular production, combined with the greatest indoor and outdoor attractions ever seen in the south. Excursions fmtn all parts of the United States. Nov. 14. hto Dec. 14th, 1893. Lowest rates on all railroads. SCHEDULE WMli Star lit Mat Co. Steamers Clifford B Seay and Besaca. Bosts leave Rome for Gadsden and in termediate landings Tuesdays and Fridaysß:Bo a.m. For Hreensport and Locks 1, 2 and 8, Fiidsysß:3o a.m. RETURNING. »ndßnndays..4:oo p.m Sympa— Bah ! A woman doesn’t deserve any ( it '\' x sympathy, when the knowing better M * s so eas Y anc l the doing better ikd ' is so cheap. S\ ' wL Think of inhaling this stearn t ( \ and these odors from a tub k )' of dirty clothing, perhaps fron- V- J. the sick room, perhaps fhuci \(j k soiled from honest labor y Think of the weak lunges, anti i throat, the germs of disease > W etc., etc.* It’s all so unneces sary and so ineffective, The clothes are not as clean (surely not as pure) as they ought to be, when the work is done. Boil your clothes in Pearline and water—directions on each package—every grocer has it—and germs cannot live, dirt cannot stay, and the hard work, the drudgery, is done away with. Peddler* and some unterapulotu grocer* will tell you, “this kas good as” or “the same as Pearline.” IT’S W C(,X Vz FALSE—Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends you an imitation, be honest— tend it back. 364 JAMBS PYLE, New York? COTHRAN & CO., Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Office Corner Armstrong Hotnl, Rome, Go, More ELt Cost. k . (OUR MARK:) AS. CHEAP. AS. ANY. One in the City. (Repeater.) HANKS & ROBERTS, 800- Broad Sttreet. New Coal Yard. J. F. McCLURE & SON, Telephone No. 27 We bave opened a new Coal Yard at Rome City MlUs, where we will handle DOMESTIC AND STEAM COAL. We make a specialty of the celebrated Jellloo and Mingo Mountain Coele, and we guarantee the quality to be equal to the|beet, onr weights correct, and prices as low as the lowest, and ask you to call and see ue and be convinced of what we say. 10-8-dtf )' - PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND BUBQEONB. mo lleltoil m?d., Physician and Surgeon. Offlje over Hammack, Lucas & Co.’s Drug Store. Bn trance on Broad Street. EF“At office day and night. Telephone 62. B*ls DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Office OROUCH & WATSONS DRUGSTORI Residence telephone • ■ ■ no 46. Office ... • ia. C. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AN ID SURGEON Residence No. 116, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. ATTOBNMB-AT-LAW. HOSKINSON & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW OFFICE OVER First National Bank, ROME, GA KW Immediate attention given all buslneei 9-10 6m J. 11A.M., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rome, Georgia. D. Richmond & Danvillb Railroad. My employment by the above company wtl rot interfere with my general practice, which rill be attended to as heretofore. mch4-dly J. B. F. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, Room 12, Postofflce Building. Promp attention to collections. d6ml maS TT. sandersT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN, GA. ' ty. AT LAW GANH HAMILTON, Architects, Contractors, \ Builders. Flans drawn and contracts made at lowest prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Postals addressed to ua at Rome. Ga., will receive promnt attention. febMdtf Wh Happiest Results. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 3, ’WA Some years ago I had an attack of' grip, which produced catarrh in my head, anC. general prostration. I used King’s Royal Germetuer and it wrought » wonderful cure in my case. I had in digestion, and it cured that also. I have recommended it to several persons who were afflicted with different diseases, and always with the happiest results. Rev. J. W. Howard, Baptist City Missionary. For Catarrh, Rheumatism, LaGrippe, Indigestion and General Debilty, Germ etuer is unequaled. King’s Royal Germetuer Co. .Atlanta,Ga. Germetuei Pills for Constipation, 50 In a vial for 25 cents. W. L DOUGLAS S 3 SHOE ho’PHtp. Do you wear them? When next tn need try ■ pair. Best In the world. M.OOjf 13.50 •2.50 12.25 W sl-75 <4 AM KJMBI rOR BOY * • 2 - 0 °rtE # 1.7 5 If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made tn the tatestj styles, don’t pay $6 to SB, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear* well. If you wish to economize In your footwear, dose ') vchaslng W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you boy. 1 W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold byl CANTRELL & OWEsJ Notice of Sale. I Agreeably to ait order of tub Court of Ordinary of Floyd county, GaH will be sold at auction at the court house <loS of said ccunty on the first Tuesday iu Decemb-■ next, within the legal hours of sale.the tollowltj property, to-wit: One lot of laud In the ~’3fß district and 3rd section of originally CherokcH now Floyd, county, Georgia, to-wit: Nos. 21M 290. 291, 292, 310.311, 331, 311 and eighty-seve® acres of 329, the whole tract containing 1,-ifl acres more or lea., and known as (be R. Mitchell farm, on the Etowah river. Also onH car coupler. Sold as the property of R. Mitchell, late of Floyd county, deceased, cash. This Ist day of November, 1893. 11-4-lawtw J. B. TIPPIN, Rome Railroad. The following schedule will go Into eSect Obtober 3, 1893, at 9:00 a in. Soks to Kingston. No. 1. No. 3 Lv Rome 9.00 am 3.60 pm Ar Second Avenue 9.03 am 3.03 pm *• Brick Yard9.lo am 8.10 pm •• Freemau’s9.l7 am 8.17 pm “Dykes’a 20 am 3 20pm “ Base’ Ferry9.2s am 8.25 pm “ Eves’fl 30 am 380 pm •• Murchison’s f 1.40 am 3.40 pm •• Woolley’s fl 43 am 343 pm Ar Kingston 9.5 U am 3.60 pm Ar Atlanta W& A12.15pm 6.25|pm KINGSTON TO BOMB. No. 2. No. 4. Lv Atlants 8.00 am 3.00 pm Lv Kingstonlo.2o am 5.10 pm Ar Woolley’slo.27 am 5.17 pm ** Murchi.on’s 10.31 am 5 21pm “ Eves’lo 39 am 5.29 pm “ Boss’ Ferrylo.43 am 5.33 pm ■* Dykes’lo.4B am 5.38 pm “Freeman’slo.slam 5.41 pm •* Brick Yardlo.sß am 5.48 pm “ Second Avenuell.6s am 5.56 pm A r Homell.lo am 6.00 pm Noa. 1 and 2 make close connection at Kingston, with Western & Atlantic trains going North to Chattano<>. a. and South to Atlanta, Connections at A'.lwts and Chattanooga In Union Depo’s wi'h all trains diverging. Ail trains atri e and depart from Rome Rail road d«po;, too: of Broad street, less than one block from heart, of city. tSF-No change vi at Kingston. Through coaches on all trains between Rome and Atlanta. w. F. AYER, Bupt; Tax Levy. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Office of Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Floyd County, Georgia, Rome, Ga., Cot. 18: li, 1898.—The B'ard having taken Into consideration the lev? Ing of the tax for the present fiscal year, the taxable property of the county l» inc found from the tax digest to be for the present year, $8,3.8,495 The State general tax being 4 61-160 mills on th» $1 09 on the foregoing, making the sum of 838,394 36 The following tax Is hereby levied: smcirtc tax. To pay principal and Interest on bonds, 19 per cent on State taxs 7,291 93 To run chaingang 42 per cent on State rax 16,125 83 To oridge fund, uo.hing. FOR COUNTY I’L'BI’OSES. To General fund, 26 6-10 per cent on Stale tix 9,851 55 To Jury fund, li per cent on State tax 4,223 37 To Jail fund, 11 per canton State tax 4,223 37 To Poor fund, 8 per cent on State tax 3,071 54 $44,890 59 The same being 5 39-100 mills on the $t 00 of the taxable properly of the County, making in all fur Stateand County pui poses, one cent on the dollar. Ordeied. further that such legal notice be given ojghis levy as required by statute. John U. Foster. Chairman, Ma.jffiEYEBHAUDT, Clerk. 10-16-dwßod Endorsed by ths Highest Medical Authoritied. Sf|EriTHOL]NHfItER CATARRH §fmHEADACHE«S«w . Inhaler will cure you. A < y wonderful boon to sufferer® fromt’oldi, SorcThroat, /T * Influenza, Bronchitis, /qL or MAY FEVER. Affords immediate relief. An efficient remedy, convenient to carry in pocket, ready to uno on first Indication of cold. Continued Use £ff*ects Permanent Cure. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price* 50 cts. Trial free at Druggists. Registered mail, 60 cents. H. D. CUSHMIN, Mfr., Three Rivers, Mich., U. 8. L CVSHMAN’ 8 UFUTUni The surest and safest remedy for IYIC.II I rIUL. all skin disenseSjEcxema, Itch. Salt Rheum.old Sores, Burns, (Juts. Wonderful rem' edy for PILES. Price, 25 cts. at Drug-Q Al gists or by mail prepaid. Address as above. DAUIf| a JOHNSON’S MAGNETIC OIL! Instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Cures RHEUMATISM. NEURAL* GIA, Lame Back. Sprains,Bruises, Swellings, Stiff Joints, COLIO and CRAMPS instantly. Cholera Mor bus, Ci oup.Dlptheria. Sore Throat, HEADACHE, as if by magic. THE HORSE BRAND, M a tt ep s‘M: the most Powerful and PenetratingLinixnentfor Man or Beast in existence. Large 51 size 75c., 60c. size 40c. JOHNSON’S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Curs and Face Beautlfler. Ladies will find it the most delicate and highly perfumed Toilet Soap on the .market. It is absolutely purs. Makes th. skin soft and velvety and restores the lost com plexion; is a luxury for the Bath for Infants, ft alays itching, cleanses the scalp and promotes the growth of hair. Price 25c. For sale by For sale bv D. W. Curry. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA’S VIOLA Removes Freckles, Pimples, C ’’til Liver • Moles 3f* Sunburn and Tan, and re- \ 2S-»_. stores the skin to Its oiigl- nal freshness, producing slSc/VzjZJSp. clear and healthy com-KpEr< l/jrinqJVU;* plexion. Superior to all face - ' ' . preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or moiled for 50cts. Send tor Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP •’ limply iMomparsble M . Ekin purifying Soap, uoequaled for the toilet, and without a . rival for the nursery. Absolutely pure and deUoateiy medl ' cated. Ab druggists, Price 25 Cents. \G. C. BITTNER A CO.. Toledo, O. TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS. The Tribune Company has on sale a large lot of good second-hand material that will be sold cheap on most [favorable terms consisting of F One Minerva Paper Cutter, , One Proof Press, Imposing Stones, Card Cutter, News and Job Cases, Be quick, for these ars going to be sold cheap. ROME TRIBUNE CO., Rome, Ga.