The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 10, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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DON’T DODGE And Jump Behind a Pile of Boxes WHEN YOU WANT A DRINK Rev. G. W. Duval Preaches a Sermon and the Screens are Removed. You may have noticed a change in the bar-rooms recently. Or you may not notice bar-rooms. Anyhow, a change has been made in the past few days, and one that ia an in convenience to the man who objects to be gazed 11 by passers by when he bends his elbow. Up to a few days ago the saloons in the city, or most of them, seemed to find it necessary to have a pile of boxes or cases of goods just inside the door and in front of the counter. When one passed and glanced in about all he could see was the pile. He couldn’t tell what sort of Bac chus worship was going on inside or who was doing it. This fact may not have disturbed the thoughts of many, only it is against the city ordinance. And now they have disappeared. It seems that last Sunday night Rev. G. W. Duvall, pastor of the Second Meth odist church, delivered what some one charierized as “a red hot sermon” against the liquor traffic. In this he mentioned city affairs, and quoted the ordinance de claring it unlawful for saloons to have painted doors, screens, or any make-shift fits screen, or anything to prevent out siders from seeing who was inside. He thin told of the makeshifts in Rome, and declared that the city officials under whose supervision this matter com< s, were not doing the duty they had sworn to peifoim. It was a healthy and large s'zod roast, and seems to havejhad some ifftct. Anyhow, whatever caused it, the bar rooms were notified to take down their boxes and down they came. Those who take their toddies will do so now in full view of those on the street. To Kill the Ordinance. That these screens are wanted by some is shown by the fact that several council* men have been approached as to the advisability of killing that portion of the ordinance. A considerable effort is being made to have this done, and, it is said, some members of the council favor it. A majority however seems to think the ordinance as it stands is good enough. PANSY CHAPEL. f For neatly two weeks a verysuccsS^P 1 revival meeting has been in progress at Pansy chape), near the cotton factory. Large crowds, principally factory opera tives, have attended the services, and many have heeded the gospel cal), and turned from sin. Rev. W. W. Bays has been assisted by Revs. P. C. Fletcher and O. L. Millican. It is a field for genuine missionary work, and Mr. J. A. George, by his progressive spirit and love for the work and has built up a Sunday-school second to none in ths]city, taking all things into consid eration. The meetings will continue through the week, and longer if the in terest manifested warrants it. TOMORROW AFTERNOON Will Occur the Regular Monthly Meeting of Xavier Chapter. The regular monthly meeting of X ivier chapter, Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, will be held at the resi dence of Mrs. Joseph McGhee, on Third avenne Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. At this meeting it is expected that Mrs. Norton will entertain the ladies by reading an original paper on a subject relating to revolutionary times. All ladies whose ancestry entitles them to become members of the order are re quested to be present. The explosion of 500 pounds of dyna mite at Port Chester, N. Y., did $2,000 damage. Wild West at Nevin Opera House Tonight. Chief Wild West, the only show of the kind on the road. Great specialties. “Danger,” Indian trick pony—does anything but talk. European Marvel-Renzi, wonderful ...feats of balancing and contortions. Tony Murphy, the great Irish come dian, Eddie Williams, solo singer, in his own son?; the two love sisters in their song and dances; Gambling and Pollock, in their great Blackface song and dance. These will be given three pieces of fancy bead work, one to the handsomest lady, one to the prettiest child, and one to the homeliest man. White Bull eats PURELY gy gestion, Sick and Bilious Headaches, Dizzi ness, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels. They cure permanently, because they act naturally. They don’t shock and weaken the system, like tbo huge, old-fashioned pills. And they’re more effective. One little pellet for a corrective or laxative three for a cathartic. They’re the cheapest pills you can buy, for they’re ffuaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. and drinks fire, to conclude with a laugh able farce. Admission, 35, 25 and 15 cents. Bring the children. Call at Yeiser’s for re served seats. Capsizing of their boat drowned Geo. Gr'ffin, and his nephew, Reginald, at Lockport, N. 8. To teach Hebrew children the lan guage free is the object of a society in corporated in New York. Employes of the Standard and Ger mania, dalies, at Evansville,lnd., will run them on the co-operative plan. Karl’s Clover Root will purify youi blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as as a bell. 25c. and 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. Crouch & Watson are the sole agents for the sale of the celebrated Huyler Candies, and is the only firm in Rome that buy them direct from the factory. To insure that you get it fresh-buy from us. Price 60c to 80c per pound. . . 10-22-dlm. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Bishop Stephen V. Ryan, of the R. C. Diocese, of Buffalo, N. Y., has just cele brated his silver anniversary. To stop prosecution for lawlessness, white caps burned the court house at Brookhaven, Miss., with seventy-five indictments. Don’i be talked into having an opera tion performed, as it may cost you your life. Japanese Pile cure is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by D. W. Curry. It is said that a change of venue will be asked by Prendergast, Mayor Harri son’s murderer. Buckien’s ArnicaSatve- The Best Salve in the world fur Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggii t New Hampshire’s World’s fair building has been bought by General Charles Wil liams, who will presentit to Manches ter. _ All Free. who have used Dr. King’s New ‘‘livery those who have not; to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills, free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House nold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing at D. W. Curry’s dreg store. James Paine, of Charleston, S. C. was drowned yesterday in the harbor at New Haven, Conn. Magnetic Nervine quickly restores lost manhood and youthful vigor. For sale by D. W. Curry. Ingleside Retreat.— For diseases of Women. Scientific treatment and cures guaranteed. Elegant apartments for la dies before and during confinement. Ad dress The Resident Physician 71 72 Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. 8-22-d&w3m_ Buy your Oil from the Southern Oil Co. They guar antee every drop of it Look out for their wagen. 10 29 2 w Emanuel Chapman, one of the Lewis and Clark expedition of sixty years ago, goes to near Bunker Hill, Kan., to look for treasure that he buried. Johnson’s Oriental Soap is far supe rior to all other so-called medicinal soaps for beautifying the complexion. Sold by D. W. Curry. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. School Tickets Good only for school children to or from school on sale at Rome Street Rail way office. Price $2.50 per hundred. If you feel weaK and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS THE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY Ot the Marriage < f Col. and Mrs. C. W• Sproul. A striking re-union was that Wednes day night at the home of Co). C. W. Sproull near the city. The occasion was the fortieth anniversary of the marriage of Col. and Mrs. Sproull. At the reun ion were all of the children and grand children and many relatives. The sons and daughters are J. C. Sproull, Wade, Drayton, Forrest, William, Griffin, Miss Carrie, Miss Kate, Miss Bessie and Mrs. Will Graves. All of these live in Anniston except the ladies and Mr. Wm. Sproul’. Colonel and Mrs. Sproull were married in South Carolina, but moved here many years ago. They formerly lived at the place of Mr. T. F. Howell, and moved to the place they now occupy. The family is one well known in all this section and their friends are numbered in scons. A happy time was experienced by those present, and all join them in wish ing many more such anniversaries. Mrs. Mary Mitchel), one of the guests, was a bridesmaid at the marriage/ Dr. Pierce’s Pleas ant Pellets. They’re a compound of re i fined and concen- Itrated botanical ex it racks. These tiny, r sugar-coated pellets —the smallest and i the easiest to take absolutely and permanently cure Constipation, Indi- THE ROME TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNINQ NOVEMBER 10, 1893. ; HEED ■ WARNING •VMch nature is constantly giving in the si.ant f boils, pimples, eruptions, ulcers, etc. Thesi how that the blood is contaminated, and some •distance must be given to relieve the trouble. 18 the remedy to force out these poi . jyggjQSfl son 8» and enable you to ‘ GET WELL. “ I have had for years a humor in mv blood, zbich made me dread to shave, as small.boils or dmples would be cut, thus causing the shaving tv x> a great annoyance. After taking three bottle, my face is all clear and smooth as it iyffiagija should be—appetite splendid, sleep well, and feel like running a foot ill from the use or S. S. S. ‘ Chas, Heaton, 73 Laurel st. Phila. . Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. A set of ruffians were using the foot* > ball Vto force a passage way through the > crowd along Chestnut street, when a lit ' tie woman with snappy black eyes stuck out a foot and gave the last of the gang a most edifying fall. Catarrh in the Head Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood, and as such only a reliable blood purifier can effect a perfect and permanent cure. Hood’s Sarsapa rilla is the best blood purifier, ana it has cured many very severe cases of catarrh. Catarrh • oftentimes leads to consumption. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla before it is too late, l Hood’s Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, i but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 25c. ' Going up from work in a Creede, Col., mine, Ffed Ames was killed and! several > others|bad)y hurt by the skip jumping. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says: “Shiloh’s Vitalizer 1 saved my life.’ I consider it the best remedy ' for a debilitated system 1 ever used.” ’ For dyspepsia, liver or kidbey trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. For sale by D. W. Curry. ' J. R. Lemmons, ot Dallas, Tex , ar ' rested at Little Rock, Ark., as one of the Oliphant train robbers, proved an alibi and was discharged. Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough d , croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty five doses, only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by drug gists. For sale by I). W. Curry. Are You Going to the World's Fair? If so call on L. C. Matthews or W. E. Huff, ageuts Central Railroad of Georgia for particulars as to best i oute. Packed into a hall to discuss a wage , reduction, Atlantic Mills weavers, of Providence went through the floor; but ; few wore hurt. ' IV lot'll Or you are oil w>.m out, really good for noth l.'g, it is general debility. Try BKOWR’.s im.m HiTTErt. * will cure you, cleantv your liver, “nd give ; a good appetite. AT COST FOR CASH. Don’t buy Carpets, Rugs or Furniture until you price at McDonald Furniture Co. ’ (he When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria A man often gets a little hoarse in his throat by taking tuo many ponies of brandy. Good Looks. looks are more than skin deep depending upon a healthy condition o all the vital organs. If the liver be inact ive, you have a bilious look, if your stom ach be disordered you have a dyspeptic look and if your Kidneys be affected you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alterative and Tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a got d complexion. Sold at D. W. Curry’s drop store, 50c. per bottle. The chap who neglects to get a shave has the satisfaction of knowing that he is keeping out of a scrape. FOR THE CASH We will save you big money on Carpets Rvgs and Furni ture. McDonald Furniture Co. “In the last act the hero shoots the villain dead. I tell you he’s a star.” “Ab, yes; a sort of shooting star ” Wl 9 Q S B i? 8 S “ Opium Habits UB V SS fi-, W cured« n lnti s* a Q outpain.Booicotpar llaU'lUKa B tlcuhirsse-.ItFItEE. ■■WBSS3SBS|H®SB.M.WOOI,LEY,M.D. Atlana, Ga jfflcon'4%WhitehallSt Notice to Debtors and Cred itors. AU persons having demands against the estate of J.F. Shanklin, late of Floyd county .deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to-the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make Immediate payment. This Oct. 7, 1893. M. A. NEVIN. Administrator, J. F. Shauklin, deceased. 10-6-w4t. Notice of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that a bill will be in • troduced at the next seesicn cf toe Georgia 1 Legislature to establish voting -places in the several wards of the city ot Bome for municipal, county, state and national elections, and to pro vide managers for holding elections at such voting places, Also a bill to require the tax collector cf Floyd county to keep an insolvent tax digest in which shall be entered the names of all persons who fail to pay their taxes as required bylaw, and to require said tax collector to furnish cor rect lists of sueh tax defaulters to ths mana gers of all election precincts and voting places in said county. 10-law-30d. ’ Sales Sheriff’s for December 1893 r GEORGIA, Floyd Codkty. Will be sold before the court bouse door in the city of Rome, Floyd county Ga- between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesdav in l December, 1893, the following described prop erty to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land situated in that part of the county of Floyd known as Neu Rome, being a part of land lot No. F 57 in the twenty-third district and third sectior of Floyd county, Georgia, and described as follows: rnnning from a point 891 feet due west from the southeast corner o! said land lot No. 357, north one degree (1 deg.), west for 705 to the starting point on the nortn side of Chestnut street and laid off by the *ew Rome Lana Company, thence west one degree (1 deg.), south along said Chestnut street for 30(1% feet, thence in an angle 83 degrees, 55 min utes'; north 5 degrees, 5 minutes, east for 738 feet, thence in an angle 90 degrees, eouth 84 degrees, 55 minutes east for 299% feet to Tennessee av enue, thence along the west side of said avenue south 5 degrees, <6 minutes for 714 feet to the starting point, containing five acres. This levy is made on said land as the property of the defendant, a deed having been filed in the office of the cleric of the superior court of Floyd county, Ga., by the plaintiff, conveying said land to the defendant. Levied on by virtue ot a fi. fa. issued from the Floyd superior curt. in favor of the Atlanta National Building and Loru Association vs New Rome Land company. Also ot the same time and place, lots of land No*, three hundred and eighteen (318). three hundred and thirty-one (331) three hundred and thirty-tw0(332), three hundred and eighty-nine (389) and four hundred and four (404) all in the sixteenth district and fourth section of Floyd county, Ga., all lying in a body, and containing forty acres each more or less, togeth er with alt the improvements theron. Levied on by virtue of a fi. fa issued from the Floyd superior court in favor of R. M. Hickey vs. E. F. Millican, as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, an undivided four-sevenths (4-1) interest in lot of land No. three hundred and fifty-four (354), in the 23rd district and 3rd section, Floyd county. Ga. Lev ied ou by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from thy Floyd superior court in favor of McGhees & Co. vs. T. A. Richey, M. Richey and W. A. Richey, as the property of the-defendants. Also at the same time and place, one farm, lying In a body in the 24th district and 3rd sec tion of Floyd county, Georgia, consisting ot land lots Nos. 273,274,286 ana 287, and also 25 acres in south part of lot 246, and 10 acres in the southwest corner ot lot 272, said farm contain ing 665 acres more or less, being same place owned and occupied by Wm. D. Jones. Levied onby virtue of aft. fa. issued from the Floyd super io, _ mrt in favor of W. H. Williams, F. D. Hallett, Samuel Middlebrooks and Miss Jane W. Beed vs. Wm. D. Jones, deed having been filed and recorded in accordance with the stitute. as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, one farm, lying in the 3rd district and 4th section ot Flovd county, Ga., comprising land lots Nos. 959,960, 985 and 986, all in the 3rd district and 4th section, Floyd county, Georgia, said farm containing 160 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of afl fa issued from the Floyd superior court in favor of Miss 0. M. Thomas vs. Jas. W. Reynolds. Deed having been filed and r corded in accord ance with the statute Ae the property of the de fendant. Al-o at the same time and place, one farm, ly ing in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., consisting of whole land lot No. (210), two hundred and ten, and containing one hundred and sixty four (164) acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a fl. fa. issued from the Floyd superior court in favor of Elizabeth R. Beldon and Alma A. Warner vs. Moses L. Cher ry. Deed having been filed and recorded in a“- cjrdmce with the statute. As the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, lot of land No. 39 and 43, in the 3rd district and 4th section of Floyd county, Ga, containing forty acres each more or less, the eaid property being the same levied upon by an attachment in favor of plaintiff vs. defendant on August 23rd, 18 3. Levied on by virtue a fl fa. issued from the Floyd justice court of the 919th district G. M , in favor of A. W. Wright vs. J. A. Hardin and Fanny Hardin. As the property of the defend ants. Also at the same time and place, an undivided half in erect of land lot No. 329, in the 22nd die trict and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., con taining 104 acres more or less. Levied on by viltue of a fi. fa. i-sued from th* F.otd justice court of the 962nd distrl t, G. M, in favor of W. I’. Reavis vs James McElroy and McElroy, priori t al, and John Terhune, security. As the property of the defendants. Also at the same time and place, 25 bushels of corn, more or less, t>fleld to gather. 2 500 pounds seed Citun more or less, in Held to gather. Levied on by virtue of two fi. fas issued from the Floyd city court, one in favor of T. R. Jones, and the otuer iu favor of Hamilton & Co , and against J. It. Moiton. As the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, that tract of land lying in the fourth ward of the city of Rome, Floyd couuty. Georgia, bling part of lot No. 35, iu Block ‘ B," of the D. R. Mitchell purvey, fronting on Avenue “A,” formerly Mill etrWi^ifti-seven, feet, and running westwardly same irtWßß)nd: ed feet more or less, being the ncrtbeinjpMY of said lot and occupied on March sth, 18JI, by”Xllee as a tenant. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage tl. fa. issued from the Floyd superior court in favor 08- F, A, Maddox vs. Mrs. Laura C. Rhudy. As thez . - . the defendant. A? I KJJL2 also at the same time and six (’.'6). In the Coosa dtx'' Ten '"width oneTu^ ol the defeQd ' ■■ fron? » Floyd city court jn favor oi i-v -. nessefc Soil Mining Company vs. Romo Gas Light Ct mpany. As the property of the defeud ants. Also at the same time and place, one lot of “Blossom Hill, - ’ being part of land lot ao. 2C6, in the 23rd district and 3rd tection of Floyd couuty, Ga., fronting forty feet on a street run ning north and south in said town of “Blossom Hill,*’ and extending back east 2CO feet to lands of J. H. Frees and bounded on n-rth by lauds or home place of n eatly Underwood and on the south by lot owned by the wife of said Flayd. Levied on by virtue of a fl. fa. issued from the Floyd justice court ot the 919»h district G M., in favor of J. H. Henson vs Shadrack Floyd As the property of the defendant. Levy made by H. Beard. Also at the same time and place, an undivided one-half interest in lots Noe, 17,18 19, 20 and 21, in Tanner’s sub-division to Eaet Rome ia the z3rd district and 3rd section. Floyd county, Ga., being the same property ae that described In a deed from E. L. Boswoith to J T. Jones and O. V. Lamar, of record in said county. Levied on by virtue of ail. fa. issued from the F oyd city court in favor of John C. Kaus vs. O. V. Lamar. As the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, a l that tract or parcel of land situated in the county of Floyd, State of Georgia, ana adj ic< nt to the city of Rome, In said county as follows, begin ning at a point eight hundred and niuety-lour (891) feet aue west from the northeast corner of lot number eeventy-two i. 72) In the 22d district aud 3d section or said county, thence north one degree, west six hundred aud forty-live feet, thence west ons degree, south seven hundred and nine ieet, thence south oue degree, east eight hundred and sixty feet, thence east one degree, north seven hundred and nine feet, thence north one degree, west two hundred and fifteen feet to the beginning point; said tract of land contains fourteen acres and embraces parts of lots eenventy-twd in the 22d district aud 3rd section and three hundred and fifty-seven in the 23d district and 3d section of said county. Also the tract of land in Floyd ceuuty, Georgia, which lies within the following described boundaries: Beginning at a point on the north llneef lot number seventy two (72) in the 22d district and 3rd section of said county, sixteen hundred and three ieet westfrom the northeast corner of eaid lot number Beventy-t-"o, running thence north one degree, west eix hundred and forty five feet, thence west one degree, south three hundred and fifteen feet to a stake on the east bank of feilver creek,beginning again at raid starting point and running south one degree,east two hundred aud fifteen feet, thence west one degree, eouth eix hundred and forlv-flve feet to Silver Creek, thence along Silver Creek on the east side thereof in a northerly direction to above mentioned stake, containing ten acres more or lees. Levied on by virtue cf all fa issued from the Floyd superior court in favor of the Southern Building and Loan Association vs bei. Rome Land Company. As the property Os the defendant. Also at the same time and place, part of lot of landed. 317 In the 4th district and 4th section of Floyd county, Georgia, beginning at a white oak that stands on the north bank cf a branch that runs through said lot of land at or near where the Quinn's ferry road crosses eaid branch, thence eouth 23 chains and district line, thence west with said district Hue to southwest corner of said lot No. 317, thence north with the west line of said lot No. 3'7 to the northwest corner of said lot, thence eaet along the north line of said lot of land to where aforesaid line crosses aforesaid branch to a stake, then up and »Ith the meanders of said branch to tne begin ning point, containing ninety acres more or less, being all that tract of lind conveyed by Chas. EdwardlHuffman to Albert L. Richard son on the 16tn day of December. 1890, by deed recorded iu the office of the clerk of the supe rior court. Floyd county, Georgia, in deed book “R R" folio 160. Levi'd on by virtue of afl fa issued from the Floyd Superior court in favor of albert L. Richardson vs. C E. Huffman as the propertv of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, two boxes and coitents, raid to contain books, now tn hands of W. M. Byars, L C. Levied on by virtusof a fl fa issued from the Floyd city court in favor es H. 8. Toms, vs. Home Supply Association ot Chicago, also engaged in business as the Home Libraiy and Supply Association, andß. 8. Peale ' & Co., as the property of the defendant. ( JAKE C. MOORE, Sheriff. WtW YORK COST! T t. I, e e F | ‘ . .... - L 1 ———— *. -■■ ■■■ 1 1 u. The same old cry. use the words, “NEW i YORK COST, to in the thoughtless traders. ’ Think before you buy Shoes, Hats, &c., from ■ houses that sell T^“ w ar to g 0 o f t)u ß jn dg • and the other | etc. ...._■, " "'TE is » „ NEW YORK COST, Nil x jfl|Bods we have as low as any house in Rome, But we : and flSld ■ n JEjeans, Flannels, Shoes, EM Less than any so-called New York Cost Sale. f'' f > ,AND COMPARE OUR Calico - - 3 l-2c ' I IMli&aBKl 5c ■ Good Calico - --. . _ isne* Indigo Piints, - - 5 c ‘ Fine Factory Sheeting, - 4 l-2c ' Good Woolen Jeans, - 12 l-2c I. Heavy Wool Jeans, 18, 20, 25c ’ Flannels, 10, 12 1-2, 15 and 20c I Can’t match them for the cash. 1 3-4 Wool Cashmere, 8 1-2 and 10c - Fine Wool Dress Goods, in Bro, Tans and Gray, 8 l-2c, worth 15c ; Pretty line of Double-Width Cashmere, 15, 20 and 25c ’ Novelty Suits, $1.75, $2.25 and $2.75 ; These are great bargains. ; 98c SHOES. 98c i i ■* ■ Women’s Button Glove Grain Shoes, only - -98 c i Women’s Home-Made Shoas, 98c 1 I [ Men’s Veal Calf Sho >s, -98 c I I ■ ■ Men’s Full Stock Brogans, 98c I Misses’ School Shoes, * -98 c J These Shoes cannot be equalled ! for the money in Rome. : " ent! . j Great Bargains J z buy your Dry Goods krr , use in Borne. whhß Come and see, aiK i money than at IRS ri. PARKS & HO. 1 MEN’S SH QEg — T —1 Fine Satin Calf, made and fin- 1 ished by the best workmen, in Bals and Congress, for- $1.50 Men’s Custom - Made Fine Shoes, in Button, Bals and Congress - $2.00, worth $3.00 Examine our Shoes before you buy. LADIES’ CLOAKS. Here is where you get style and low prices combined, A pretty lot of Jackets, only $1.25 Larger, fuller and heavier Jackets, - - ■ $1.7.5 Lovely Jackets, at $2.25, 2.75, 3 25, 4.00 and 5.00 These goods are all new and the latest styles. JOB LOT. One Job Lot Ladies, Misses’ and Children’s Long Wraps at 50 cents on the dollar. One Ll,t O>nits at cents os the dollar ' 11-4 .White Blankets, per pair, $2.00 Full Large Blankets, per pair, $2.50 Western Wool Blankets, per pair - •« - $3.5$ Extra Fine Wool Blankets, per _ pair - 4.50 Good Gray Blankets, per pair, 76c Extra Heavy Blankets, per pair, - 2.0$ Crib Blankets, per pair* $1.25, 1.75 and 2.25 I ,r _ . .' ’ . ' ‘ , LADIES’ HATS, • Straw Sailors .. n 25 .and soc Felt Hats Ladies’ Trimmed Hats-''™ a l w ( and sl.oo. Pretty j j Misses’ and Childro^^ - . the best styles, 25,3!|l 3