The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 15, 1893, Image 3

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SOME PEOPLE KICK. ■ They Do Not Want Councilmen K Elected ■ FOR A SUCCEEDING TERM. Some Proposed Legislation | Meets With Opposition—A | Petition Circulated. The proposed legislation to amend the H charter of the city of Rome so as to Hl allow councilmen to be elected for a B succeeding term, is meetisg with oppo- H sition. ■ Councilman T. L. Cornelius is one of H those opposed to the change, and yester- ■ day he started a petition in circulation ■ reading as follows: H Rome, Ga , Nov. 14, ’93. I To the senator of the Forty-gecond | district, and the members of the house L of representatives from Floyd county: [ The undersigned citizens of Romo are f opposed to the passage of a bill now be fore the Georgia legislature, entitled *'A.n Act to Amend the Charter ot the Ciiy of Rome, so as to Make the Coun cilmen Elected for said City Eligible for a Second Term.” We are satisfied that the charter as it now stands upon that subject is sos the best interest of the city. In speaking of it, Mr. Cornelius said he could see no good reason for a change 1 in our charter as it stands, and there were many and va ious reasons why ♦here should be no change. “I have just started the petition,” he 'said, ‘ but I have talked to nobody yet 'who does not agree with me. Yet I un derstand that one of our legislators has ■ received a letter from someone here in terested saying that nobody here was opposed to the proposed amendment.” The outgoing members of the council are Messrs. Griffin, Mathis, Cornelius, Printup and Williams m. CHIMING OF THE BELLS. Lewis Morrison's Magnificent Rendition of Faust. The Journal has this touching Morri son’s beautiful rendition of Faust in At lanta last Monday night: I “With his novel, highly effective and superb production of‘Kairat.’ Long" and experiments for producing a flash of lightning in miniature have at last proven successful. The mimic electric discharges from murky clouds add con siderably to the wild sublimity of the tumultuous scene on the summit of the Brocken. “Aside from the elaborate staging in Faust, the drama is rendered in the highest degree interesting by Mr. Morri s. n’s graphic representation of Mephisto. ■ A musical novelty has been perfected ■ for heightening the effect of the church I scene. A chime of rich toned bells ring I out full and clear while the worshippers assemble. “As the lingering echoes of the bells die softly away, the voices of singers an nounce the opening of services within the sacred edifice. Appropriate orches tral music forms a fitting accompaniment to several of the scenes. The musical se lections given with tho action of the piece comprise gems from Gounod’s i score of Faust and compositions of other B—gteKt ■uvin’isosers. [ thle deaf and dumb. [ Ri'flf. Has Something to Say on the k I Subject. I Editor Tribune. I The effort to train the deaf children in the school at Cave Spring in some wage L earning trade has been the plan and pur- L pose of Superintendent W. O. Connor B for many jeara, the present movement ■ being an extension of his idea. Indeed, P the first child ever taught a trade by our state institutions was in the shoe shop of the deaf school at Cave Spring. While | all the children are made to work, it is ■ now proposed to ex end the plan to iu elude printing, carpentry, —'od and iron M repairing and painting, for the boys, as jU also cooking, cutting and fitting, needle work and other things for the girls, ■ Professor Conpor has devoted his life to y the deaf children, and as under care the school has grown to its present beau tiful proportions, our board of trustees is trying to assist him in working out his plans for its greater usefulness. J. C. Harris. ’ THIRTY SEATS FOR CEDARTOWN. A Splendid noose Will Great '7* Lin nt.ll With the Company. Cap''. H. L. H ird wick, cashier of S| First National bank of Cedartown, Manager Nevin for thirty reserved io - his Cedartown party coming Faust Friday evening. The parquefl|| had already been taken back to elusive, so the Cedartown party g e t s (mV u J ip \] f i> ' wasting disposes, it speedily and ,/ vigorates anil builds up the whole ’ As an appetizing, restorative tonic. MM k at work all the processes of I nutrition, rouses every organ into | action, and brings back health and K For all diseases caused by a torpid K, impure blood, Dyspepsia, hilii>usnessflH| ■ ulous, Skin, and Scalp Diseases ■ sumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its K Stages—the “ Discovery” is the only giiMN ■ teed remedy. B If it doesn’t benefit or cure, in ■ you have your money back. MM ■ fl <■///, r ,z»zfl who are puny, weak, or seroful<fl||| ought to take Pierce's Golden MeiMfes Iliswry. That iflg both their tin ir strength. and for purifyingMH blood, there's li. ; all medicine equal the “ l>is<*oveiMfl| Tn recovering “Gripite,” or in MHH vales, -cnee from B|| monia, fevers, or *i and "Q” across the entire parquette, 32 seats. Aa Faust is largely spectacular these are choice positions, notwithstand ing a little far back. It looks now like the entire parquette, back to “T,” in clusive, will be taken, and most of the dress circle as well. » Rome is represented in Morrison’s great rendition of Faust. Lin Hall is still with the compiny and writes a friend in Rome that he will be here Fri day night. As Stanton wrote of Wil) King, “Lin Hall kin sing.” Ail Rome knows that. To hear those chimes in Faust ring out their sweet music is well worth the price of admission. THE CONFEDERATE VETERANS Met Yesterday Morning—Delegates to the Augusta Reunion. The Floyd County Confederate Veter an’s association met yesterday morning at the city hall. The inclement weather prevented many from the country atten - ing, but the meeting was enthusiastic and productive of much good feeling. Dr. J. G. Yeiser, the preside qt, was in the chair, and Mr. J. T. Moore was the secretary. It was decided to move the body of Col. John R. Hart from its present rest ing place to the Confederate burying ground, consent of the family having been received. The following delegates were appointed to represent the associa tion at the Augnsta reunion on the 24th inst.: General Alfred Cun ming, Col. A. B. Montgomery, J. J. Black, 4- B. S. Moseley, I. D. Gailiiard. The next regular meeting is on the first Tuesday in December. Among the imported fruits are pome granates. It Should Be In Every House., J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharpsburg Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds; that it cured hid wife who was threatened with pneniaonia after an attack of “La Grippe,” when various other remedies and several physi cians had done her no good. Robert Bar ber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at, D. W. Qurry’s drug store. Large A short race—The Laplanders. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. The chrysanthemum’s coming rival is the gardenia. Japanese Liver Pellets are the best family medicine f r liver complaint and constipation. Fifty pills in a vial, 25 cents. Sold at D. W. Curry’s drug store. . Patient at dyspensary—“Dr. my thigh hurts terribly.” Doctor (who lisps)— “Thigh-atica, thuppothe.” Mental depression, wakefulness, lost manhood, caused by errors of youth, by magnetic neivine. Guaranteed by D. W. Curry. A new musical toy, representing a lit tle girl with a cat in her arms, sings: “Daddy Wouldn’t Buy Me a Bowwow.” Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. “Customer (in cheap restaurant) — “Let me have some ham and cabbage.” Waiter (shouting to cook)—“Oae actor with a ebrysanthmum,” Tlie Advertising Os Hood’s Sarsaparilla is always within the bounds of reason because it is true t it always appeals to the sober common sense of thinking people, because it is true; and it is always fully substantiated by endorsements which, in the financial world, would be accepted without a moment’s hesitation. Buy your Oil from the Southern Oil Co. They guar antee every drop of it Look out for their wagon. 10 29 2 w The psrformance of the “Humin Fire King,” who strikes fire with his bare knuckles, may very properly be called a matchloss performance. Buckien’s ArnicaSalve. The Best Salve in the world for Cnta, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or nc pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2^Fo^ ale D- urr y> druggist. - Joax—“What do you think of the fcvercoat; I got it on time.” Hoax—“ln stallment plan, eh!” Joax—“No! I Bawned my watch to pay for it.” ■ Karl’s Clover Root will purify youi flood, clear your complexion, regulate sour bowels and make your head clear as ■'.s a bell. 25c. and 50c. For sale by D. ■V. Curry. I WEDDED SUNDAY NIGHT. ■'lr. John V. Williams and Miss Bryant ■ Married. " Sunday night at the residence of Rev. Dr. W. W. Bays, Mr. John V. Williams Land Miss Van Bryant were married. It Iwas an extremely quiet affair, and only a few of the most intimate friends knew of it, I Both are well known and have many Ifriends in the city who are extending | them congratulations. Englishman—“Do you know what’s o’clo k?” Native—“ That’s my busi ness.” Englishman—“Uh! How very rude.” Native—" Not at all; it’s my business to know what a clock is. I’m a watchmaker.” BanElfcn, Texas, Senator Mills’ son married to Miss Sims of THE ROME TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 35, 18»3. -JSj Ashamed To Be Seen Because of disfiguring facial blemishes is the condition of thousands upon thousands who live in ignorance of the fact that in Cuticura Soap is to be found the purest, sweetest and most effective skin purifier and beautifier in the world. It is so because it strikes at the root of all complexional disfig urations, viz: The CLOGGED, IRRI TATED, INFLAMED OR SLUGGISH PORE. For pimples, blackbeada, red and oily skin, red, rough bands with shapeless nails, dry, thin and fall ing hair,and simple baby blemishes it is wonderful. Sold throughout tho world. Potter Drug aud Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston. If tired, aching, nervous mothers knew the comfort, strength, and vital / Ityiußutlcura Anti-Pain Plasters, I\VST they would never he without them. In ZL- every way the purest, sweetest and *■- best plaster for women and children For Sale. No. 1 heavy Dcdrick Hay Press for slls. Good order; cost S3OO. Good Hay Tedder, good “Cut-away” Harrow aud Seed Sow ing attachment, the best in the world. Bargains. W. T. Cheney. 11-15suwe-w Buggins to Mtggius(who owes him a high hat on the election)—“Say, Mug gins,why am I unlike Geo. Washington? ’ Muggins—“Go on, tell me.” Buggins— “Because I havn’t got my hat yet.” Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough d croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty five doses, only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by drug gists. For sale by D. W. Curry. Wrought Steel Ranges Rome Made Cook Stoves. Full line Heating Stoves. Plain and Fancy Grates. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Guns, Pistols and Sporting Goods. Housekeeping Hardware. Fine Builders’ Hardware. Wagons and Agricultural Impliments at lowest possible prices at Terhune-Berry Hardware Co. 10 6t Broker William L. Patton, of New York, charged with embezzling $60,000 from the Craig estate, has surrendered to the authorities. An operation or an injection of car bolic ac d are extremely dangerous. Try Japanese Pile Cure. Positively guaran teed by D. W. Curry. For the murder of James Squires in Boston in May last, Antonio Sacco has just been arrested at Springfield, II). When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Ostrich Feathers cleaned, curled and died. Alson Kid Gloves cleaned at Phillips’, 69 1-2 Whitehall street, At lanta, Ga. 11 7-tu th sai2m Embezzler Francis H. Weeks was yes terday taken from New York to Sing Sing prison, to remain 10 years. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* DJicuor- Fritz Stectei’s neck wag bro ken in a tussle with Jacob Meier, eg. wego, 111. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says: “Shiloh’s Vitalizer' saved my life.’ I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system 1 ever used.” For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. For sale by D. W. Curry. Vice-President Stevenson will address the New York Bar associations in Albany on January 18. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A. purer medicine docs not exists aud it is guar anteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Beils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers.—For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters.—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.—Price 50 cts. and SI.OO per bottle at D. W. Cur ry’s drugstore. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia., In digestion & Debility. UNDER THE HAM ® S 3 ,47900 In New Dry Goods at Half Price. Charles W. James, 3T Whitehall Street, Atlanta, failed in business. He had been in business but six months. Everything new, everything bright, and everything seasons ble, and the stock fell to us under the hammer. We gave but little for it and now THE MOST STITPEIVDOUS In fine, fresh goods, ever given the people in this portion of Georgia are in store ißojg customers in Borne at Our old JStetYid —25 Broad Street, ISM A portion of the goods are now in our store and as rapidly as room can be othi r shipmen's of them will be made to us. Failing to obtain any article on firstUß remember mat a call the following day may secure it. ■HB We are in position to sell goods lower than ever before in our business life, and ifWH do not supply your wants at a tremendous savin? to you during the next few weekMH simply will be your own fault. Wash Fabrics. 2,000 yards dress prints 10 cases best standard Prints, 5e 8 bales extra heavy Improved Drilling, : : : 6fc 8,000 yards fine Ginghams, la test style, worth 12| to 15e, our price only, : : BAc 5,000 Yard’S’ Gingham, 5c 20 pieces Dimity and cheeked Nainsook, James’ price, 35 to 50c, our price : : 25c Cotton Flannel as low as : 5c Shirting Cheviots, worth 12£c, anywhere, our price only 8c Dress Goods. 5,000 yaids Diagonals, Illumi nated Serges, Changeable-;. Cashmeres etc., worth from 30c to 50c. You can take your choice at : : 164 c Novelty Dress Patterns in Woolens, Silks and Satins, latest weaves. James’ pri ces $8 to sl4, our prices just Half We have on hand a special stock of Medium and Fine Clothing. Besides our regular lines direct from the manufacturers, a recent great auction sale at Cincinnati gave us some rich plums for those who wear coats, pants and vests. It was a panic sale at panic prices. The goods are here. Do not miss the chance if you need clothing. (2d floor.) We buy our Hats from the hat makers. No middle man grabbing for middle profits. We buy our goods DOWN and we sell them DOWN and we want to sell you your hats.—On second floor. We are at home on the Shoe subject. We buy and sail more shoes than any merchant We do it by the force of the selling price. Woman's good heavy wear shoes 75c. Ladies’ good Glove SI.OO. Ladies’Dongola Button $1.25. Fine Kid Button $1.50. Men's Balmoral Shoes worth $1.50, ■ Fine Buff $1.25. Good Brogans SI.OO. Our dirt-excluding sap sole Blucher is the best shoe on earth simply unmatchable. After buying it once you would have it again even if it cost you a five dollar bi 1 Come to see us for fine shoes, and come to our place for anything in any of our other lines if and that mind teaches you to save money. We will sell you what you want if you will give us a chaOMHMHH|H Some lines of the James stock will be sold 20 per cent under cost, and many lines of prices losing us money. We are going to make short work of reducing the stock. r Come and want—try the town over. We are not afraid of any test. Moreover, should you buy anythiiid«fh^:\’4^*„d^ ; 7 cause you would like to return, we would gladly take it back if uninjured. Bargains and bundle always. / Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM f® Removes Freckles, Pimples, J 1 wK? Liver • Moles S. Sunburn and Ten, and re- \ stores tho skin to Its origl- 1 nal freshness, producing a AtfeS'Z,'* - clear and healthy com- tv ur> plexiou. Superior to all face' —»-.■ preparatlons and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for SOcts. Send for Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP >• dmply incomparable *a a skin purifying Soap, unequaled for the toilet, and without a rival for the uursery. Absolutely pure and delicately medi cated. As druggists, Price 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & GO., Toledo, O. Notice of Sale. Agreeably to as order of the Court of Ordinary of Floyd county, G»., will be sold at auction at the court house door of said cennty on the first Tuesday in Deeembir next, within tbe legal hours of sale,the following property, to-wit: One lot of land in the 23rd district and 3rd section of originally Cherokee, now Floyd, county, Georgia, to-wit: Nos. 271, 290.291,291, 310 311, 330, 331 and eighty-seven acres of 329, the whole tract containing 1,402 acres more or less, and known as the B. V. Mitchell farm, on the Etowah liver. Also a two thirds interest in one car coupler. Sold as the property of K. V. Mitchel, late of Floyd county, deceased, Terms cash. This Ist day of Novembe', 1893. 11-4-laviriw J. B. TIPPIN, Administrator. / / Wool Flannels. Red and White, Blue and Gray, Plain and twilled. Embroid ered and decorated. Flan nels of every sort and kind, and if you want any Flan nel buy it of us at prices cut in : j : Two Hosiery. 3 cases fast black hose, ladies and misses, worth 15e, one pair or forty each a : Dime 50 dozen 40-gauge hose, Herms dorf dye, worth 40c, at 25c Men's Socks, black and bal briggan, and colors, fine and medium at prices that knock out the : Bottom Shirts. 200 dozen unlaundried, rein forced back and front, patent facings, and gussets, heavy muslin, a good one and well worth 60c, and sold at that by Mr. James. As long ns this 200 dozen lasts, you can uuy one or more, for each 40c Heavy Domet Shirts : 35c CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOES. BASS BROTHERS Crouch fl the sale ofl and is thefl direct frojfl get it .'refl| per HUM Koiuaus, Our week! go dirt eiiipl..flrr"*: tilled aiflyj L 'llenflgl " 1111 ■“'’MB yoi. No 11-U-dIJI Knit Overshiits, worth in any market, sl.oo. Cheap at sl. To close : : : 50c All sorts of colored Overskirts, Work Shirts and Dress Wear Quality right, and prices away Under I Handkerchiefs. For ladies and gentlemen, a tre mendous stock, plain and fancy: James’ price 10 cents, our price : Junies [.live James' pike 25 price James’ price, 40 cents, our price : : : 25c James’ price 50 cents, our price : : : 35c Blankets and Quilts- 200 Gray Oxford bed blankets, worth $1.50 a pair. Some merchants get more than 1.50. As long as our stock lasts we will sell them at : 75c Blankets worth $2.50 : 1.50 Blankets worth $4 : : 3.00 Heavy bed comforts : 75c i Fine Quilts, tapestry patterns 1.251 Towels- ng 500 1 lin k Towels, good quality 40 inches long, and 20 inches K| I wide, each | Fine Linen Towels, worth 10 and 50 cents at : WI9 i * H TO ' •* >{,. ■ 14 ■ '«’> i 1 '" *i - *■ _ i'-'-L' •; * , J.-' ii ii ell" :-t;u ... they be sold. Curtains. We carry stock of Jeans, Cassiineres, Tickings/ Corsets, etc., in this city. Come to ■ see ns for anything wanted in our lines.