The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 16, 1893, Image 2

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CHIHUNE 'T e '' RkihuK-: co. Urn’ Mai.’gr. Hr Up Stairs. H| (Daily. except Monday. "Uns year #6.001 Three mon the.... *l. V lx months 3, Ml One month S<l TO xDVBBTIBBBa. Tn Bon Tbiburb ib the official organ •t Floyd County and the City of Rome. It hat a large and Increasing eubecrlp'ioi list, and as an advertising medium is unexcelled. Rate? very reseonshle. THE WEATHER. (Official Forecast.] ITLiirri Oa„ November 15-For Georgia: Fair with gradually rising temperature. Mokrill, Local Fnrecari < >fficial. THE HAWAIIAN MATTER. Secretary Gresham’s repoit on ~th£'-Jlawaiiau m-ttter naturally comes as a great shock to the pub lic, foMhey were not prepared for anything (rtk’that line. They did not know the facts as set forth in Mr. Gresham’s letter, and had re ceived an altogether different im pression from the associated press dispatches. It is true that Mr. Charles NordLoff, who went to Ha waii for the New York Herald,report ed that the Hawaiiansdid not desire annexation and the revolution was the work of thrifty adventurers, who hoped to base a land specula tion o” the annexation of the islands to the United States, one of them having bought 40,000 acres in the vicinity of the harbor; but it was not thought that Minister Stevens was a party to the plot, or that he had used the power of the United States to effect the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani. If these thingy are true, and they are asserted to be true by the Secretary after a prolonged and searching'investiga tion by the President’s special com missiofter,~ Mr. Blount, the hasty and submission of a treaty by Mr. Harrison’s adminis tration was a very grave error. The position taken by Secretary Gresh am and the President is that a very grave wrong has been done a friend ly poweJL of the BMHPw>ni yj l is’ the wrong and status prior to ■relanding of the United States 'marines and gatling guns last Jan uary. # The-matter turns on a question of fact, on which the testimony is conflicting. The question is wheth er the power of the United States was used to upset the throne 01 Jjiliuokalani. It it was, the throne Should be re-established, just as’4 gentleman, when he knocks anoih er’s bat off, will promptly restore it. whether the owner be Democrat or Republican, a subject ot the Queen or a sovereign American citizen. This question having been made, and a distinguished and experienced statesman from Georgia Laving been selccted to investigate the facts, we feMce of his rupori, gsfeiP^* 7T; ’"b h<>wl • v < • ’ iity throne p> opping a foregone coh |l||lH||nt Air. Gresham is right. ffisrewMsgM m the qotations he r. Blount's report, es statement of Admiral jHBHKw WAR SHIPS. been entertained accounts of the “^ evv York," not long ago ft'CLE? •’¥f° r service, the lumbi a, the the la tie) Ehe Col urn capacity, ex :<■' of °" r nav y 01 fi Lii The following ac -x‘ the New York delays, the fast ’’ * .*•••'<4-iV li| is week to hav< trial along tin The enoi ir.ou.- for every tpiar niis be in ixi-e-s li an equally giStl quarter knot 01 ;. u‘: ’ ; ■‘-...■■•?.-Kiishes ail the slim ber builders foi ’ 1 f) 1 8111 11 n d < x a brilliant resuii- TRIBUNE But if anything more wete needed, it might be the triumph jus| achieved by the Olympia,'which, inheFreeent unofficial trial on the Pacific ooa c t, is said to have exceeded 21| knots, beating the record of the cruiser New York by a quarter knot. Or course, as the New York is an arm orclad, of much heavier displace meut, the comparison is hardly be tween vessels of the same type; and it does not appear from the de spatches thst the Olympia made an average of 21J knots during four consecutive hours. Still, as the jubilant Californians claim for her the title of “Queen of the cruiser fleet,” the Philadelphians naturally desire: to transfer as promptly as possible these regal honors to the Columbia. “That they are likely to do so the unofficial trials of the latter vessel clearly show. Her contract calls for twenty one knots, which is a full knot in excess of the stipulated speed of the Olympia, and it is also expected that she will make at least a knot in excess of her guarantee, or twenty-two knots, »s her avera e on the trial. Since she is a much larger vessel than the Olympia, her steam machinery has been macle much more powerful, its maximum indicated horse power being, as planned, 21,000, against 13,500 for the Pacific coast vessel. The bus tained sea speed of the Columbia is expected to be twenty-one knots, while quite as notewhorthy is her steaming radius, which is to .reach 25,000 or 26,000' kpots, or about double that of the Olympia, aamir aule as the laftgr is.” The Columbia is also the first. aKval vessel to carry three screw propellers. BUILDING AND LOAN SECURITIES. In an editorial on the legislative auditing committee’s we called attention to the fact that no reference was made to building and loan securities which the law re quires to be deposited. The follow ing communication from Senator Corput expla : ns the matter: Ahmta, Ga. November, 14th., 1893. .E Vtvt ) —1 In the matter of the examination of the State Treasurer’s books, and of the law requiring building and loan associations doing business in this State to deposit se curities with the Treasurer, I would say, that such building and loan asseciaiions, as required by law, have on deposit with the Treasurer ,75 percentof their deeds and mortgages, un'ess placed in other-deposi tories or trust companies, as provided by law, and for which the Treasurer holds 1 their receipts. Under the law the Treas- | urer is not required to make publication of the same in his official report. The resolution raising the joint Commit tee, only contemplated the examination, and verification of the Treasurer’s.printed report, therefore we did not deem it nece«- s»ry to report upon this large mass of mortgages and deeds, although our atten tion was called to these deposits by the Treasurer. In the matter of Foreign build ing and loan associations, they are simply required to deposit with the -Secretary of State a certificate that they have deposited with the Secretary of or some t-ust company the securities required by the A associations iu their ' Felix Corput. The following interview throws some light on the Hawaiian ques tion: “Albert Jaeger, who was at ope time a member of the Hawaiian Leg islature, when spoktn to concernii)*g the situation on the islands, said: “I know the disposition of the people well. It is certainly not ’avoralle to annexation. 'The na lives are opposed 10 it, with ve/y lbw exceptions, either with theCcrf slitutionof 1887 or one of like na ture. ' The provisional government has little to commend it. It couln not long endure, even ifleft to itself. As to the talk that some foreign Government, say England or tier many, would get Hawaii should tbe United Stales not annex it, there is* no sense in that. The sentiment’of the people is such that nothing of the so’t will be tolerated. They are nearly all friendly to the UniteiC States, and if they were compelied, to choose, The United States would i be their preference. No - other coun try could peacefully getjjossession of the islands - ” , ■ , ..A Kansas officiate, demand the re moval of E’len Lease as president 1 «>f the Board of Charaties because she charged the administration with being corrupt. . : THE ROME TRIBUNE, THURSDA Y MORNING NOVEMBER 16. 1893. SWIFT’S SPECIFIC is totally unlike any BvS other blood medicine. ? It cutes discascsoi ' « the blood and skin by removing the poison, " nd at tlie'same time supplies food blood to the ■ tasted'parts. Don’t be imposfetl on by substi ales, which are said to be just as good, «r is ottruc. bo medicine k|S 'fiiE ffl as performed as many In ORE • oaderful cures, or relieved so much suffering. “ My blood was badly poisoned last year, which -ot my whole system out of order—diseased anu , constant source of suffering, no appetiro ano io enjoyment of life. Two bottles of .rought me right out. There is no ■etter remedy for blood diseases. “John Gavin, Dajton, Ohio ” Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ca [Af?D isn’t in it If Is just "there is no larJ in l+/Aat QyyoUNE’ the new shortening is so WonderFuUj po/)* ul&r jwith. housekeepers. /OTTOLENE is “^Da»CATE ; H f_UL,S^T»S^iNQ- none of the, unpleasant odor necessarily Connected with lard.Qet ttje jenuine. “piere-^wg Substitute, Made cutty by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS. ) ®®a Anagro°ablo Laxative and NERVE TONIO. Sold by D- iggists or sent‘by mail. 25c.. GOc n and SI.OO per package. Samples free. If The Favorite TOOTH FOWDE3 fS.W'for the Teeth and Breath, 25c. For sale by D. W. Cnrry. _ STUART’S" - Gin and Buctiu Southemjieyreiic. It is undoubtedly one ot the most reliable Kidney, Bladder and Uri nary Remedies ever offered to suf ferin'! humanity for instantly re lieving Kidney, Bladder and Uri nary troubles of all kinds, pain in the side, back and under the Shoulders, Headache, Diabetes. Dropsv, Gravel, Lo»s of a-pvatite. Loss of Energv, L ss of Manhood. Catarrh of the Bladder, ai.<t all troubles caused oy inaction of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinarv or gans. It clears up the skin, leaving it dear and na’uia l , au l tones up the system generally. Sold by all druggists. W. L."DOUGLAS $3 SHOE NOT R*TP. Do you wear them? When next In need try a pain Best in the world. . SS.OW? w M3.00 14.00/O $3.50 if 4 §2.50 §2.25% ' % 4 If yoii want’afine DRESS SHOE, made In the latest ttyles, don’tpay $6 to SB, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or -$5 Shoo. They fit equal to custom made and loq ; k an< - we»- >ell. If you wish to economize In your foorwear dosr j vchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name an I price st mped on the bottom, lock for it when you buy. W. 15. DOUGLAS. Brockton, DI as a. Sold b, 'IANTKKLL. & OWE bl Application For Letters of mission. GEORGIA, Floyd county. Wbeieas i has Al. Administrator of rJ hu T. Duwhll, m j.ierentß tc ihn courr in hi* petition <»u«y filed, that tehaM Hdiniuis Jno. T. D earatn. This >s ro du* all per eon* concerned, kindred and cr» dirore.t • hi?«»w cauee, anv they can why paid «dn>ini<* rdinr fh»»uld ».ot he di'Ch «iued ironi hl* niniar a tion and »ece»vc iwrur- of’ n onihe fleet Holiday iu February. 1-94 This Novoiu btr 6 893 JOHN P. l>aVl3, Ordinary. , L r A i B // la st ■ / i * If I # Bi i (cz/rm COTHRAN & CO., Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Office Corner irmstronj Hotel, Rome, 6a, JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES, Caehser. P. 11. HARDIN, Vice Piesid ent. First National Bank O2T ROME, CAPI TAT. AM) SURPLUS: 6300,000. All the Accommodations (Jonsimtent with Sate Banking te<sde*l to our cn.tnineru. New Coal Yard. 'J? f. McClure & son, Telephone No. 27 We have onenbei a new Coal Yard at Rome City MUM, where we will handle DOMESTIC AND STEAM COAL. W e make a sp< ci dty of the celebr r ted JelHce and Mingo Mountain CoaH, and we guarantee the qnaipy c db • qud to the hwst onr weights correct, and prices at luw as the lowest, ami aak yuß local! and us and be convinced of what we say. 10«8>dtf 11.1). 1111 J Real Estate . Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; ROME. GA. a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Rule. mch3-dtf j tta>^IBNI ? BBaißMllliaiia,a> ? l ? HlliaililllallllllliaaailllB,lw=s:=:aiai,IBIIIBBHailHlliaia R a ' |a|aH aß aH sieBSSM>MMiMaMaMMaMRaM^^^^n M « Rule Ni Si to Foreclose Mort-' gage. I Jno. M. Vandiver vs. W. C. Gi’e3; Ruh to fore/ close m .rt .age / It appearing to the court by the equitable pe itiMu ..f Jno. m Van live- that W. <; Gyles on tue 2*lll d.y «.f M<*r h iB9». executed And (irlive<ed t<» *sid Ji><> M V audivec on a u4»rr - gage o«. a t act parcel of lauu 1\ mg nid county, des nb*u as tol-ow- : be following o rts of lots o» Und Xos 182 and 183, An ih 24th di-trct and 3 d sec in f F'oy <?"unty, •ia niuH acres mor- or in che n corner .-f No. I<2 and a i thw. pi t o/ No. 184 ’flat ies on c* e cart me of ti»e >« art rnuno g rn oiigh sai<i lot. also that pa»t< £ tot X’c 182 de scrih dartillows; Beafiiminm - r nX-rrain a t-ut bu<*h or *T«tlte rnnuii. g »c -y r<> :s t» M lis line thenc '»MSL rn m ). T. vs .t G rai • road 22 r as, thence south wa . a id railroad 11 rods the ce -e-g;—l<» -Mr- i A I*3*3 lrt 'd nil» f Howk : f*e ino n - a' tue lor. K c. 1 9. 14 h di-tii.t. 3ru section. KLod .count . Gt-ofc. .a*- uesc24 30-10 • chai a to ,I a » aiv-. turn'*.* north 1914. es.-i 6 5 10 • chai*s I io a tike th dc- ea t 2 •85 KO ch 4 a to ihs 1 original ea-t h»e: thence m>uUi to the . b-’uiio ing v«>ii.t f r the pu p se of >ecutii g the pavm nt of ionr certstu ( ro uispory n'tea. ab ot even dvr. »ac ■ f-’i th- Him o’ $136-5 and Mvg'egHTi. g rft» sii o $ ?4.2 made t»y rhe rant X\ . (_). <4 h (in ihc 17 h oa of March, 1893, and ( «-*yvl to s.i«i Ju - M Vandutr r or-tvi.tie fir tdu Nov 1. i 893 ’h reeniid due Nov. I L 94 he third due N'ove .b r I, 189 ft a o the four h an«i la t <!■••* Nov. 1 1896. after doe. with i teiec • the ra e 7 per rein per iiiDum tr in the <lat» of e ch of said no eg; •*d it tiu rh'r a,-pe .t ing tha t-a’d w <;. . ika f 1 s and rtlee-s «o pth- tir-t of sa d Does t. i the -u .i , f $136 95. with the interest due . t • reon. Iti” herefote ed and d ned bv the | Ovu t hv the t>ai<l W. • Giles pay i t-» th • C ur 0., or the n X term th* e--f tie nd ili’eirs til <>•» file first of Bs'd n'»r. « nd ihe co t. *•’ tDi- su t • r in detau t 1 h r of the c mt v ill p». c e • «o p a s «i.< h or de a' G o ciee >• r the a e of -aid prope fy t-*i bu-Jls-enieq i abie a*i<t j i*t ai d it b iur the < rite eel tha hi »U ebe u lisbed i»» IHK M .ThißUNc. %uc s.iape i iib.isned in th cuuitr.. ot i I .yd.oin ea tin nth f<r 4 m- ntt’s or served <«n the-aid W. C Giles or lb sped a ateu, . r t r wrne , t ne mo» ths pre % io-is to the next teiw of h” court. Th- N v li h, 1893 W K. C. W. W, Vai.diver. »ttftion« r’s a 'loin y. gEokg*a—Floyd *>u iy: atr ecom tr tn ndn t- of F nvd Superior CoUilNq 27. page 5.2 This .xov 13 1893. WM E B Y-UH-L Clerk Superior Cuu t Fi .yd Co , G«. 11-15 1-ni 4ai. . ■ - __±±±: ! \ Citation. GEORGIA, Floyd County. | 15’a t wnom it nay c*o cprn: Geo. J Briant. I adm l ist-otrator of « -eo W H i ris deerssed. tas io cu- i”ftn ai plied t the unde r sigue<> for leave to cell the Unde • t» the st de i f I >ai<i nd said apoi. cation will be h‘a*oontbe first *'* nday in December next. Tais he nth uay of No.einbe r . is-4 l td JOHN k. maViS, Ordinary. \ ,/ CITATION. GEORGIA—FIoyd CoUDty. To all whom it ma 'concern: JB. Tippin a< mn isciat. rof R V Mitchell deceased baa in «iue form* applied 10 me 1 miejsigned for 1» avo to sell the d belonging to the estate <>f ra dd said apt lication will be be.trd ’•li tne fir t *n nday in - December next. Tbie 811 day ut November, 1893. John R D aVIS ; i Wfcl-8-4w Ordinary. i'l'l) WSM PROPRIETORS. The Tribune Company hap on sale a large Jot of good material that will be sold cheap on most favorable terms consisting ol One Minerva Paper Cutter, One Proof Press, Imposing Stones, Card Cutter, News and Job Cases, Be quick, for these are going to be sold cheap. ROME TRIBUNE CO., Rome, Ga. Notice of Local Legislation. ; NmICH la hereby giv=n that a bill will be' in t'od cod at the t.extreari n .ft e iae‘irgia L- gj-i* ure to establish voting place- in tb ev< ral wards of tbe < i > o Rome tor tunidcipal. county, -tat** and all >nal election*, aim to yfi vide ■ m asers for boding elec ions at such 1 voting pir Cer, < A m> a b h to require the tax c dßctorf Floyd county to kep at me Ivent t>x digest in which eh .11 lie entered the name- of all person. Who f«il C l pay tb. ir tax* •*» required bv w ( aud to require sai > tax oouertor to 'uruiah cor lect. Hau* of met tax 4 fau tea to'b- m<li - ger- of ail e'ecclou preotucu and vi.ti. g place* m Kain county. 1 -iaw-30d 'spectacles] : BEST ‘ AT | S’ ’-NEVan «. -g OPERA ■ HOUSE M. A • NEVIn ft tJON. Managers. FMAT''NiiVEMBEr7mr. ENGAGEMENT OF MR. LIWIS MORRISON A 8 “MEPHISTO” In his famous Dramatic, Scenlu and Electric Production of FAUST A performance celebrated tbrorgbcut tne entire EiigJih ppvaking wovid, with MISS FLORENCE ROBERTS, A8 MAKGUIRIIE. MR. EDWARD ELSNER. AS F.-.U.oT. And a Magnificent Cast. Si 00 75c. 25c B« x »h<*e* at Ye’ser’s. PBOIeSSOL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS HOWARD E.IeLTONjTd?. Physician and Surgeon. Offi * over Hammack, Luca** & C'o.’e Diqk Sto»e. En r no* on Hioaa Street S3T*at oHice d y and night. Telephone 62. ®-15 DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence Nd 403 West First Street, iffice CROUCH & WATSONS DRUGSTORE Residence Telephone - - - no »e. Office ... 1 13. C. HAMILION, Mi D„ PHYSICIAN’ AND SUWGEOA Residence No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. ATTORNHpYB-AT-LAW. j. bhaaham, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, * < .r ’ Rome, Georgia D. O. Richmond <S Danvillk Railroad. My employment by the above con>) any wt) tot interfere with my general practice, whicl will be attended tn an heretofore. o cb4-dly J. B. F. LUMPIN’ Attorney at Law’, Room 12, Postoffice Building. Promp attention to collections, dSml ma. 3 TH. sanderT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN, GA. Collections a Specialty. - W. W, Vandiver, ATTORNEY AT LAW oKFIOtt IN Postofflce Building, -» - Rome, Ga SATTIS & HAMILTON, Architects, Conti actors, Builders. Plans drawn and contract madr at luweti »ric s, and Mattsfaction guarantw-d. Po-tab Midrea-eci t 9 us at Komt-,Ga.. will r»-ceiv* ormnHt alien inn *ph firlf.f WESTERN & ATLANTIC R. R. AND Nashville, Chattanooga and St Louis Ry. 3 Daily Trains’ TO Chattanooga, Nashville, Cincinnati, Chicago, ' Memphis, St. Lottis. McKEAZIE ROUTE —TO Arkansas and Texas Emigrant Rates. For mana, folders and any desired Informa tion, write to J. w HICKS. Trav P. A.. 38 Wall Stie»>, a tU> ’a Ga. OrJOH. K. BRUWV, C. E HARMAN, Truffle Manager, Gen’l P«as. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. W. B. Campbell,] The Only Genuine j| plumber! No. 8, Third Ave., Next to Poetoffice, fl ROME, GA. g . Rod Pipa, Pipe Fittings, ■ Sewer Pipe, ■i Pumps <t Hose Bath Tubs and Water Closets, Gas Fixtures • and Steam and Hotaßl >Wnrli;rk t?— /Wo Water Heating. Prompt attentions given repair work. Estimates cheerfully given. 11 9-dlm Endorsed bv ths HtoHasv Medical AuVMosrnte. i w—\ Ap ►< . ISITALxn w<’l cure yon. A ECff s. >/Stsir wonderful loon to sufferers 'T rlss £ rom Colds, More Throat. J7 Influenza. Bronchitis, "X ZTk or HAYFEVER. Afnrdt A' immediate relief. An efficient . . . 2 remedy, convenient to carry in pocket, ready to use on first indication of cold. Continued Use Effects Permanent Cnee. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price. SOcts. at Druggists. Registered mailL 60 cents. B. D. CUSHMAB; Mfr., liras Biros, Mick., U. I. £ CUSHMAN’ St MENTHOL The surest and safest remedy fee I nUL nl | skindlssaseSjKctema,itch. Salt Rheum, old Sores, Burna, Outs. Wonderftel rem edy lor PILES. Price, »H etc. at Drug- n al U gists or bymnll prepaid. Address as above, DHLw| MAGNETIC NERVINE. ’ Is sold with writtex f -'WM tZOPIT*} guarantee to euro , ’ HW sctr:,to arV-ffWue Vzi AU nesa,Headache and ■T*sX Sa w 'v9r Neuralgia and Wake- Lilagg-flk. i-UNN. J fulness, caused byex cewiveueeofOpium, ry’ff’fiK vs*. Tobacco and Alco- .AF-cnilP. Z MentalDepree- , u B&FORC ArTER- eton, Softening of the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death | “ Barreness, Impotoney, Lo*>t Power in either sex. Premature Old Age. Involuntary Losses, caused , by over-indulgence, over-exertion of the Brain and I Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their 1 Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life; euree 1 Luoorrhtna and Female Weakness. A month’s treat- I meat, tn plain package, by mail, to any address, n 1 per box, fl boxes SB.. With every *S order we give a Written Cuarantew to cure or refund the money. Circulars free. Guarantee issued only by our IX clusive agent. F«>’ sale he T) W Cltirry. r—i * ' '...' ' ' II jAckson OFFICE FURffIURE COMPANY, ■ Mtnufac'urars of— School, Charon and Office Furniture. H OCIIonT.S AND CHURCHES SEATMD IM Ci th. best manner Offices furnished. Send for Catslo, iia '.tl-riSm g —jgSßgHWßg Rome Railroad. ’ Th« following schedule will- go into effect Obu her 3, 18x3. at 9 0o a m. *■’ hums to KurosTun. -No. 1. Ne.M * 1 v Rome . .. 9.00 am *r Second Avenue .. .........9.03 am 3 MMflßflß ’• Brick Vard 9. |.iam Fno-mun’s . 9 IT am ' Dvk.-r' u2O am g “ Bu-s’Ferry 9.25 am | • Krys’ ... .7-9 ’.urchison’a >4O am 3.4Hi^y'SS , | ■ Woolley’s.... H43am 8 Ar King .ton 9 s<. am Ar A:Until tv & a ...12.16 pm fl KINGSTON TO BOMB - 1 " ’ No. 2. NoW,’’..' Lv Atlant? «(>i am 3OoHH||| Lv Ktiigstou tu.2i urn >r Woolley’s 10.27 am 5.17 BnM • Mtirchi. on’s . lOSlxiu 621 “ Ev-s’ 10 Wam 629 •• Kass’Ferry... in 13 am 533 ■■■ •• Dykes’ 10 4K 8111 Q 34 ’ free nan’s ....1051 am 641 ‘ Brick Yard ...10 5" am 548 “Second Avenue ItiSani 6 M ar Home 11.1(1 aiu S.oujß||S|j| v™ 1 and 2 make close connect) Kings-on h Western <» Atlantic trains Ynrth to Chattanoo.a. and Booth to < onntcr one at a I o.ta and Chattanooga I linn l> mo a wi h all trains diver.! g. |M|BlS||| Ao Haim a.n-e and I'epari from Rune r o;oi ,1 1,0 . tout of Broad strict, less than docs froin heart of c>t. v - . o c lange cf Cars at Kingston. oac-ies UQ ail Cains bet“ee Bone ■ lliatita ’.F. AVER, TAKE THE Bl EVANSVILLE ROUTH The favorite line to— <\nd all Points n the North aH Northwest.’ ? Rtnu in’ier ttds li-e has two- e’egant d.iiy Im.tween Atlanta and Chicago. '• No 8 Lv Atlanta. WX A 10 30 am 8 —MMMa L" <ii to.iniHi, s. \cXStL. 3'o pm 1 ■MMMMj Lv \U-hv.l e, I. & N 720 pm ,v Kvau-ail e, 1,1 H 120 am 1 (WHnMffiH Lv T. tie Hallie C& E 1..’... 4-fl am 427 Ar Chicago C K I a 47,am 9 49 Train N,, 6 “Chic»sO«nd Atlanta a s. Im a. s' liu ed train wlib .Dnltn.aia eiee, and day com her. . uiniiig cr i- atta'chsd the 1 ram at Dan-Hle. enal* ing the pa- o ~ t th ir ’>r akfa.t eu route. Tnis train ■a- thi-.'Uth sleeprra typni Jacks nvtlle. ami Mein his Tenn .to Chicago. Ti .in No 8 • W. rill’s Fair Special solid wween 'tUu'a .afid. fEltlcago eqiiinpeil With eiegaut t'ullman lai lor curs , A. G. PALMER HMMM .8 L KOGERS ■ G. I*. A. E. <S T II rim lu-s. Agt. < h attsnooga, Teong < BMBMmMM GKORUI ». FL'iyn Coustt. ftHMMw Joseph IV. w o .<H haH* api-lfefl for exem^ft?i’*/i | -?v. , "i of! er . utility and setjisg gpyg-t. xpd • d b mie-te-d and IwiTl pgMffpon the 10 o’ I1 ck a tn on. tiw stfL.*ay.-,< D- in R 93, at my office. JOUNP DaVIS®- ■ ■ ’i Ordinary Floyd Co.,