The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 16, 1893, Image 4

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in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder PURE core? ? ”:L’• i '- : ' B Items Without < OF FACTS. H wui b ® Sur ® the Hasty 0 r 3 ■ Now does the iceman bring to-yoa The g»nerous Inmpao neat, Which all <n vain you called your duo In manner's maddening heat. 1 —Wa<hlngton Star. , ’Tie now the heartless iceman With nevei the least ado Leaves on the steps a pl-ce of ice That will oliil the whole hiuse through. —Chicago Inter-Ocean. Thus do they criticise the men Whom they wo keel for credit all summer; And now they try to make a frl »nd Os the coal man and the plumber. Faust tomorrow night. _ The daughter of Mi’. McLeod died yes terdav in the Fourth ward. The family has the sympathy of their many friends. Deputy Sheriff Dallas Turner is ex hibiting some specimens of splendid corn raised on his Coosa river plantation. He says these samples are merely nub bins, compared to what he left. Cot C. M. Harper and Blount Hamil ton will leave this morning for Oisabh " mini and, near Savannah, where they will catching U 'ti offi ■<» K I■' IS I Ol>*l ■pill-. Room ise r 'ii'<l i-15 -. offer my entire ewjof boots and IjWoe.s at cost. I money ■Kd must sell now. This is yonr best ■chance for bargains offered tn Rome for ' good shoes for some time. R. T. Connally, 7-28-d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome, Ga. fltefcVhnm can I get red a«h Jellico coal 2,000 pounds for a ton? Answer — ■EHjp the Rome Ice Co. They will treat MB you enjoy a root}, nice, bright fire, a clean coal thavleavr-s scarcely no ash Jellico coal. '- F A ponrt 11 ■ >■ ; i’ - - ui l tii •; t'r-.A; ’’A./-. -'r’/J.’.jl H'-.- “* - "x? Residence **■ T 5-' W’’.-.' J ’-te(lU Broad srro.-t <)f- 10. m.. 4 ■■ n. m. 10-22-1 m. LV ?-V. • ' ;JMv, October 24 I will HM", X. ’J~/*’■<■ iHpbbowing rates for two Shoes for -i?fl.''. {‘■BO cents AH other “ * ' ■ Sarlsfso'ion emr * HL.- the Broad street w M - moss. ’.‘ f'/. <• ■kraribor, will for y | U a !ife ft hHiidsome ' ■>*’ "/'"'■rile very ’bins’ at Fh.-tc *^A®ssW,t'^£?fct» le9 • Red Asb gHsßwCoal, the best coal in the south, following clause show : ■HBheineut between the P'-octc-r Coal tbe R omo R 0 C°., by woich said HHH||HiCoal Co. appoints said Rome Ice agent for the sale of its Coal in the city of Romo, Ga., I’S®S ar, ad times 'o make prices by South JeH-c > Coal Co., - market. In cm sirteration the feßive will show that this coal can onlv be |Mi through us. Buy note other. O-ir balanced every day and weigh h 'fcjßranteed and prices as low as the h>w ■My Then why buy poor coal when you HflKgPt the best for same money from aggHgjkjme loe Co. Telephone 100 -; Hhi-tues-thurs-sat at th.. Z io—"What little b»’® ” A uut—That 's to getting too much water in bo rery ” li V le4Ha "'. a» to do so much .-win.- joints and muscles are so Inbrtos'ed by Sarsaparilla that all rhe-muti-m and <U>appea-a Uet only Mood’s. ' LEWIS MORRISON—“FA UST” Tomorrow Night November 14th, For One Performance Only. Mr. Lewis Morrison and his powerful dramatic company will produce his elab orate scenic and d amatic version of Kaust. The piece will be mounted with magnificent scenic embellishments. Startling scenes that makes the poor miserable mortal feel his weakness, when compared to the power of the im mortal, come in quick succession. For this reason Mr. Morrison’s Faust is a worthy as well as a gor* geous production of dramatic and scenic ait. In obtaining the fine scrtiic > ff.-c's the power of elecrrici y is taken advantage of. There are many electric aurprises a> d mechanical novelties, mak ing it. »s a whole one of the most elabo rate and brilliant productions ever wit nessed. Mr. Morrisnu’s physique isper ftc )y tided to “Mephisto.”- His face is hand-ome or fiendish as be chiioses to make it. His “Mepbi-to” may be said to be a revelation Ir, certainly is won derml. The production bore will be complete in ev ry dt tail, and the origi nal New York company will be seen. THE LANIER CIRCLE. The Meeting Tonight Postponed for a Week. The meeting of the Lanier Circle set for tonight at Capt. M. A. Nevin’s, baa been postponed for a week. The subject to be discussed is Bulwer and his work*. letter, but it u g you SSfe® (i 1e 1 1 ''* J’’ s >? s *, ! 1 mILL’' of the joints, and ena- Vea patient to sleep quietly and natur al !y. Just such remedy is Allcock’s Porus Plasters. Placed on the chest or on the back, cut into stripsand placed over the muscles of the limbs, they work marvels in the way of sooth ing and quietisg restlessness. Being per fectly simple and harmless in their com position, they can be used freely, and many a sufferer has thanked them for a night of quiet rest, graceful both to him and those who care for him. Brandreth’s pills do not weaken the bowels. Wrought Steel Ranges. Rome Made Oook Stoves. Full line Heating Stoves. Plain and Fancy Grates. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Guns, Pistols and Sporting Goods. Housekeeping Hardware. 1 ine Builders’ Hardware. Wagons and Agricultural Impliments at lowest possible prices at Terhune-Berry Hardware Co. 10 6y ' Sec that your ticket-- fends via the Rom- railroad On'y one hg^^g > £fcjt<r'between Rome and Au ■EtaTtbe oldest, safest and most relia ble rote. Call on C. K Ayer, G. P. A , or J. A. Hom-, Ticket Agmt. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES I Little Shoes and Big Shoes. This will them all. In order to reduce our large stock of Shoes we will offer same at 10 per cent less than first cost, and our cost means as low as they can possibly be bought tor. Come and see whether we mean it or not, S. N KUTNER, 235 Broad St. u-u st It aeems strange that the average girl will faiut at the sight of a mouse, and yet HCioani with delight at the sight of blood spilled on the football field. It Shouio Be In Ever? House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., St arpsburg Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Conr-umption, Coughs and Colds; that it cured bis wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of “La Grippe,” when various other remedies and several physi cians had done her no good. Robert Bar her, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King New Discovery has done him more good than anything be ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at D. W. Curry’s drug store. Large bottles 50c and SI.OO. Only *IO.BO Rome tojtuganta And return, including admission to the prand fair at Auguita, Gs. Two trains daily via the Rome railroad mak ing close connection in Atlanta with trains for Augusta. Call on C. K. Ater, G. P. A. Kyphosis bicycliasarnm” for baggy-kueed trousers. THE BOMB TftTBnNE. MORNING, NOVEMBER 16. JS93. THAT PETITION To the Legislature Gets Many •Ignatures OF ROME’S LEADING MEN. The Sentiment Seems to be Against the Proposed Charter Amendment. Counoilmen Cornel us, with little trouble, secured a lot of signatures to the pe ition yesterday. Thia is the pe tition to the members of the house of representatives from Floyd and to Sena or Corput asking them to defeat the bill to amend the charter of Rome so as to allow counoilmen to be eleor.ed for a succeeding term. Last night Mr. Cornelius had many nam w of leadingcltiseus on the list, and thia he stares was done at odd times. Many, he stated, called at his place of business to add their names to the peti tion, and rbey protest to the amending of tbe charter. “Os an I have approached,” said he, * Not one I found in Javor of the amendment.” He wants to know who started the mov. m> nt. aud now favors the ameud meu r . He also wants to know where ibe information si-cureii that was sent io one of our representatives, saying ail the citisens favored tbe change. Tbe petition wid be circulated today by Mr. Spullock, M r . Cornelius’ busi ue a preventing him from attending to it personally. There seems to be no doubt iib mt the sen riment of the people, judg ing from the petition AUCTION ALES. Our resident New York buyer send a us : s7oo worth Chenille Cur tains. SSOO worth Lace Cur tains. Bought at 40 cents on the dollar. 3 yard Chenille Curtains, wide dado fringe both ends $2 75 per pair, Elegant Mffhches sq ’worth. $2 50. TTWwjlij We have sold this?ainHoi ly $3000.00 worth of Smyrna Rugs. Other dealers keep theirs—we sell ours. A good Smyrna Rug 3x6 tor $1.25, worth $2,50. The best and the cheapest. Our furniture sells all the time. Get our prices before buying, The M. G. McDonald Furniture Company. ■ “My good man, why do yontpand your time loafing outside of saloons?** * Because blokes like you never ask me inside.” LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleaßanc Lemon Tonie. For bi)liou-n«Ms, constipation, mslaria. colds and the grip. For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart disease. For fever, chills, debility and kidney disease, take Lemon E ixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take L*m*‘n Edxir. Dr. Mi a ey’a Li-mon Ebxir is prepared from tJleTreeh juloeof lemons, c.untuned .with other vegetable hver tonics, and / will not fail you in any of tbe above named diseases. 60s. and $1 bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. M< sley, At lant*. At tbe Capitol. I have just taken >h last of two bot tles i f D.. H. M. s ey’a Lemon Elix-r for neivous headache, indigestion, with dis eu,ed liver and kidneys. Tbe Euxir cured me. I found it rhe greatest medi c ne I ever used. J. H. Mennich, Attorney, 1225 F. St., Washington, D C. From a Prominent Lady. I have not been able in two years to walk or stand without ruff-ring gieat Sain. Since taking Dr. M< s ey’s Lemon oxir 1 can walk baif a mile wiihuUt buffering the least inconveni. no- Mbs. R. H. Bloodwbth. G.iffl.., Ga Nel'—“Mr. Ltteiy is a very staid young man.” Bel e—“Yer; I have known times when he has stayed as late as 1:30 a. m.” Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no xpocial men tion. All who h »ve used Electrio Bittern Him? the same song »f p wise.— A purer medicine does not .xist> mu it is guar anteed to do all that is claimed. Electric i'.it.’trs wil : cuit; all di- uses of the Li ver tnd Kidneys, will re' "tt> Pimples, BoLs, Salt llb- um and ofiior affections cauteo by impure bin d.—Will drive Malaria ■ from the system and prevent as well aa cure all Malarial fevers.—For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters.—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.—Price. 50 cts. and 61.00 per bottle at D. W. Cur ry’s drugstore. i 1 ■ ■ —- i Inglkbidk R*tkkat.— For diseases of Womrn. Scientific treatment and cures guar»n*e»d. E egant apartments for la dies before and during confinement. Ad dress Tbe Resident Pnysioiau 71 72 1 Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. , ( e-22-d4wXm . Oatrich Feathers cleaned, curled and died. Alson Kid . ..Gloves cleaned at Phillips’, ■69 1-2 Whitehall street, At ■ lanta, Ga. - - ■ 11 7-tu th tattw The Novelty Store. G. H. RAWLINS. x 5 Cents. 10 Cents. 25 Cents. We make a specialty o£ geed these prices. 318 Eroa d stx-ese-t. TnE COMING AND GOING Os the People Too Know and Some That .. r You Don’t Know. c Mr. W. A. Adkins win spend toaay in i Allans. ... '( Chief of Police Brown is cut again, ' but is still unwell. f Mrs A. S. Hamilton, of Trion, was in , the city yesterday. Mr. G. F Hadl-y, RUp«rintevd-nr of J the Brooklyn L'fe lusurenca Company, is 1 at the Armstrong. »—-z - ) Mr. Chas. Purvey, wbo wi» sick so > long-and came out again a fe* daysvgo, is rapidly regaining his strength to tbe pleasure of bis many friends. 1 Says the Anniston Hot Blas : “Mr. and I Mrs. C. B Hargrove, of Ri me, are re- * cent valuable additions to Annis on’s * bueineea aud aecial circles. Mr. Har 1 grove ia a successful and prominent in- i attrance man and bia wife ia a charming 1 woman. They are residing at the Wil- c v ■'"J ii J‘Ction of car- t dangerous. fry ' .M.-'V,. | y .. t ’Cai aud agr:-- Georgia State Ga., November 14th to / December 14th, 1893. The R »me rail road will sellround trip tickets to Au- < gust* and return at very low rates do- r ring the fafr. Call on C. K. Ayer G. P, , A. or j. A Hums, Ticket Agt. ’ -■ - ■ >■ S' « deeding a tonic, or cuuarvy »ao want build " ing tip. rbould tase 1 BROWN’M IKON BITTERS. 1 it la pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Ind* estlon. Billousneaa and 1 l'-or nomnlalnta Embezzlement of $2 7<>o from the in ‘ solvents ate bank of Minneapolis Minn caused the arrest of President Cbristi* , Kottaard/And graver charges threaten. . . ■ ~ " i When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatorla. When she was a Child, aha cried tor CSstoria. j When she became Mia, she clung to Caatorla. * When the had Children, ehe gave them Caatorla J l ‘ ■ < ' 1 » I Blobba—“Sl<>bhe is going from bad t" worse,” ~ Hobb-—“Too true. Th’s 1 morning be was drinking beer, and now i i te ia drinking Schuylkill water.” I —... ♦ ... Children Cry for I Pitcher’s Castorla. . '■ ' 1 Hoax—Mr. aud Mr-. Bvrilett are well named, aren’t they?” Joax—‘’Why?” , Hoax—' Because they are sucu a awee ! pair.” i I Needing a tonic, or children who want build- ing up, should take I BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. It is- piewant; cures Malaria. Indigestion. IMlloiwieae, luv«r UxupletoU aud Neunugta. > Part, of a SIOO uuu estate of an Eng ■ lish ancestor f.JI. to Mrs. Leary Riley wife of a ttshkiK (N. Y ) fl unuo. e i Karl’s Clover Kimi, tbe great. B'ood Putifi-r. gives freshness and clnarneßH to tbe c mp‘exi>>n and cum* cons'ipatiun , 25c , 50c. For sale bv D. W. Curry. I For Ssle 1 No. 1 heavy Dedrick Hay Press for 8115. G.kxl order; cost S3OO. Good Hay Tedder, good “Cut-away” Harrow and Seed Sow ing attachment, the best hi the world. 1 Bargains. W. T. Chznky. 11-15suwe-w i •zEOKGI.k, Floyd County. \ > lohn H Dodc. hasapplt'd for exemption of per-on.<lt. «nd-.Uiug apart and vdiiaUou of horue-tsad, aud I will p« a upon the earn-, at lt> ' o’clock a m . on the 14 n d.y or N->-ei’brr 1 1*« st uiy office. JOHN e lit VIS, 1 ordinary F. C.Ga. 1 l \ —.I I Year’s Support. 1 I , BCOBGIA, Floyd County. •' TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN; NO- , 1 Hoe te hereby given, that tb<* spprato-re ap lotnud to art apart eMU awign a year’s support ; , o rdiastieth Cam., the widow of Ho e* M. 1 lamp, deceased, bare bled their award, and i rele-s good and i-nfllclen c«u-e is shown, the ■ ism-will he mad, tue ja igmer tof me court at 1 ;!>e December term, ISS3 of two court of or , Unary. Thia Nov. sth, i®a. , ! JOnN F. Da VIS, Ordinary- \ it-s tew jnd A, . ■ ' ■ --e, 1 Citation For Administraiion. t Notice to hereby gi.en that on tbe first Mon- day in Deoeasber next I eha'lap,oint*e Ad miniatrat»r on the estate of J. A Misxebaery, ’ 4-aMted, >£te of Floyu county, Georgia. C. W. i r VnderwoLdLtbe County Administrator, or some i sUwr Stand proper per* n Tnis-Nev S, id JJ i Ej.” JOHV P DaVI3, | m ”WWbsiy Ftoya County. I Rt-ceiver’s Sale. RY VinTUE OF AN ORTER f SfWKD BY *he Hnnorsbl" W. M. Hen y .'utlccof ■oe Sm ertor t'oart us the Rntve Ci'ciiit. I will s.-i *’ pi bnc Oilton <> the hi K t est Mdiier. nt v c ■ ’c •K. a u at t ecu rt house <»••>• in R me, G- • rxl*, on the first luisdayin I'r. 1 93, the loil.iwing pr.iperty 01 th Cunnt JI tun. Hue omp ny. tn-» 1 : all that Ifct nr pare -1 of land lying- and being in the i3(l dl rrict Mid 3 d rtecr.ion of tieinalL Cbernkee now Fb.yd eoiiuty Georui* anil i-rhe to*nol Fore t.l 1 , it b nig 'he property once Inou-n as ih" **K..n>" Citv Mil ” tint n • known a* tie Cundell Finite e » on pint s chops *■ d yard, an being Hue 3) .cr-s of land mure or Its. together wi h H u bling- -hi etru t ine ibenon. ano b moled o o- -iiie.n the tan leunes et. Viigi-ii and G-eorgii Hat roa l , ano on th -other Side bl ihe u lie ual leading I> R.-nie. (.e -goi. to Guilt m, e r g:a. DO on a third B'd by tLe riiiilu ■ < it i and C-m a n’t property. Al.-o o ie d v kiln. Aaotb* followingm» h’nery: 1 Huss band saw, i B <sa sprnd’e carve . 1 Moore Carvilg machine, 1.5 ieer. sh illing. 34 iiulevs I blower an'l pt log. IT.Mi-i. eti ba'.u<-r- iCouplings. 2 sanders, t Howel ma dime. I h .■ d law flier nd setter. • emery grinder I engine and Imiler 2 elevators. I dynamo. 1 B ssseiiw saw 3 w nd top ripe -w . I Hoiiarou In ii ch 4 elde in >ulder 1 4 nch Buss i 1 mer i ie i rh Bus- Joi ter. 1 46 Egan 1 i on frame? dm ■ »MW, 1 HUBM double cut off oftW, ) Bns- double h-wd ►hape r , ( Burs glue machine I Houston 6-inch • tnker, 1 i Hous ton tenou iu«M'h ne. 1 Fay dovetail oi»chit>e. i donhle bori giuach ne, Irnriii. g atber, I dn/le boring michi e, I 30 meh Invincibl- sander, 1 24-in h Berlin sander Baid dry kiln and machinery being loc »t°d on the above described 1 <nd of the Cundt-l* Furor tu r e< oiuDtD-. »nrt -II o'ber articles <>f pi ope ly not mentioned ihst belong wir«» ab**ve plant. Sato property win be soi«» em j ct to coofinuu tioD tn th* court of F ojd c viry Terms of sale cash: ton- p id on tbe confer mation of tbe bale by the court. . „• It. J MOULTRIE, ' 1 awtw Receivei of Cundoli bur it re Co. / Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Floyd County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Jane A band nm havi-ar in pr per toini applieu me for per- uan-nt letters ofauniiui-irar in. the estate of denj tniin I.a-iflrnm, Ute <>' said cmin ty This is tu cite .11 snd r t-ynl <r the c etitmis and next of kin »f Hei j miin Lan"r in t be ami [ appear at. mv flics wi bin the ti • e allowed hi Uw. and show cause if anv they can, wh per manent adw-inietriiti-in should not be .ran’eu ''Mr. Landrum on B nj -ruin Lati'-rmo's i st "e Wltn"»a my band and otflciil ■ Ignature. this 6;h day of November, 1393 JOH < P. DAVIS. 11-8 law-«)d , O . marv. I" 1 _ Sale. GEORGIA, Floyd County PUR'UAN I’TO AN 'IRDFR OF THE COURI of Ordi an of -aid county , »ii be s. ]<i at -ctio* a 1 theeou t house oo r of said count . ,n the fl rat Tue da in Dece ub r 'e.t. wittn tne lega'hours o sale'he fodowng real e-tate towit: Ad of tM'we tw trait- of lai d In th. ■>tnd oiatrl t and 3r '-eetlon fsaii county on. tract consisting of whole lo sN. s. 135, 14, i H and 190 of IsO acres eao i. and 60 aei es • ff the south Hide of lot No. 3<, and 60 acr s if i,||. south'ids lot ‘o I’3, b-ith eaul p.rts -.f / o t r cut ff by sarraufar, line ru ning east .nd we-t th other tra t known as the \be Akins pace’ const-os f 60 a ’res cm off he somh part of I. i No 99, and 40acrs- in the eoutuwe t c i ne' of lot Ho. 118, the two last named portions f t tr iring together and bounded on t e Aoriti by tin/ lands of W, A I bafln, Ja'es K»le an- Meyo/ a-ftt laa 1 east by W A. Cbatin. si-.irh by w A <h un V>7fti“«M -ttrt -tab« i/ >' «r ek Al ot said real estate so daeth I prop enyut tbee>U'eo f W C Howell late of s«io ouunty, deceased. Terms cash C. H HOWEI L Ad >x. J. S. HOW ELI., A.lui’r. GK'tfGl l. FLuYD CoUsTV. To al whom 1 may concern: Satnue l FnnU b titer, n ving. in proper fouu. apnlmd toms tor perni-n.n' of anniini-ir tfoi. <.• •ni non w th’he wul an-e nd on the e P ta»-oi tit-H B. A. Dai'ey. Ue of side anti this 1 to C'te a'l and singular the civiiito-s >-n<l next kin of Mrs. s. A Dale- t» b a- dan ear a mt office wl-iitn th" lime allowed by t w. anu show <-*n e. if an. they at*, wnv permanent liiuin letra'i n rhou'dmu begi.nled to "aiuiiei Fu k bi user on Mr . 8 A Dole ’s ertate. Witness v hand and ofllcl.i m c nature, this Btb d vof Novetub r 18 3 oaw4w Ji'H F. D iVIS,'-rd narv. Administrator’s Sale. AGREEABLY TO AN OIiDEB OF THE Court- r Uidinaty of Unde untv win lie old at a cti-in .tthecourt house door of satu C unt ,on the fir. t Cusul iy in D-c-mi r, l<i.<, wi hin the legal t ours o' tale, the fi ll w m property, to wi : The v-sten r ■> ait dei inter st o' he estate of a. K. <1 Ware. ( tto tbe 1 fee fate h-re>n of Mrs hbzabe b ila-e) u the toll wiu lands, to nil: Tie farm on th ■ ioo-a rlr rinihe Com,tv of *loyd whereon <. <♦. w are'lved at th" tin.e of hi de’t'i. con.-i-t --sisting "f lorsot lai d Nos. 318 -ml 295 and a I of 'Bf wntch lies -i.uth ot fe « oosa river, >.)i m the four-n d'st inland four b secti ■.. of Flo it count!; excepting however, lha part of s i I 'arm given by the will ot said \. <4 Mare to Hen y ’.Ware To- >lt:two bund re lacen if the e.-trid" ot 8 id farm and rep .ratr d 1 toni (li>- babne-bya line b-ginniug >t , p i-t .n toe ■ ieer b.n. an" Hie ce <i e .outii through the Uim -o an to cm IT a dtw • him died acres'; raid t-ebeing folly desi-rib a n ih aw-a <| o f* V. Alexauner, a> iit er r > c * . in Cl’rk’e > ffic-ot Flo? d spp run-Com to, It <k •FF ” pa-e 241, and tbe irntin f I C Ba <”e who plat'4 » d rrturned th -ante a wil e seen by re’ere c- o ra’» .flic- -of’ Court, rei’o d,d in *'ook -ff” p,,t 4s. S4d a- th<- prope tv of A. K. C. M. re "e Ce.sed Terms Carb. Thia Nove-' tier 6h, 1-93 N »T II . IthlS Admr. E«ta'e A. K. C. Ware, Deceased. GEORGIA, fLoYD CotTNTT, To al wnoiu I', may co-eern: Samvel Fu k houaer, having,tn proper form, applied tome hr permauent Letters of A tiinut rration .Ie bonis non on the es a e of .Um s 4. tulUy. late of S id connty. this is to cic ■ <ll an" ring". Uribe cnditor. and next "f kin ot Ja v G. Dai’ey to be and >• pe>r at m> ..flic - within th time ilowea bv Uw, and show c us- if anv th. v «an, why permanent v'mt i-tr tion sli 'U <1 nol he granted to .Aamuel Funk i user on Jam a G. Pailey’a eata-e. * itneaw my band and tfficUl signature, this ttb dry of NoVem er U 93 oawAw JOHN F. DAVIS, O’Oinary. Notice of Local Legislation B IR HEREBY GlV<aV OF HIE IX U ten*ion tn apply t«» tbe pie ent M-s«ion of the LegUl«lure ■flh - Sht ol gia for the pn* ►•go of a bill U> bteDlitkd. "al to auit nd ti • '*b*rter of the city of Rome *o a« to h «k** tba c unci rooti elected for ea*d e igh»’® fur a au< eeediag term, end lor uthdr purposes.” : OFFER EXTRAOMmat A Magazine Free With The Daily Tribune. We have made arrangements to furnish McClure’S Magazine free to subbcrib r» of The Daijly Tbibune who pay £6 in advance for a year’s subscription. Here is a prospectus of the magazine for the coming year. Where will you find a better one? : ■ . _ . . .. +.~ ' McClure‘s Magazine B . Qi 100 MEN AND WOMEN FAMOUS ~ IN LITER /a/ -//. ATURE AND ACHIEVEMENT will be repretented ' in McClure’s Magazine, either as authors ot cuiuioa. j C | es cr 33 participants in dialogues and lnter views, er as subjects of articles.' '( Robert Louis Stevenson lure » has prepared an autobiographical article of raro taterost ea bow vKw ' b 0 WrOt ° ** TrCasur ° lstand ’” rA William Dean Howells pc dally for youthful readers), add, io addition, will contribute OIW of tM dialogues which are so famous a feature ot the Mafasiaa., J 1 Frank R. Stockton \ x sustain one side of a dialogue for the Magazine* aad will also write oborl /L stories. Alphonse Daudet, Emile Zola, Pierre Loti and Jules Verne ' X” trued articles, three of which m AutoblocrapMal latsrvlaws.. Ecgcas p:«:s Other interviews of this fuclnattag Had wM tan, fa leal form* the careen of J LouU Pasteur .Thonuu A. BdiM< / '* o,,n J’ * n ®*'** Henry Coor*. ' / Edward Bellamy . Edward Evarett Mj* rW» Wjt '' Camille Flammarion Gaston Ttssandlar X 2 I P./ and Korea of other worU famooa penoaaHUas.. Or. Holmes, Shnrf nripc b » w - D - howeu* Rvovarb k»uM, L Xrjv4 A X l c3LUI IC±» CONAN DOYLB. WALTS* *BaANT. A. Wi 1 VI THOHAS HARDY, CLARK RUSSELL, OCTAVB THAMT, Mttt X. W> - V HARTE, JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. SARAH .ORNB MWSITJ \ /aAi Harriet prescott spofford aa« «Uwe. .'•*** Real ConversaUons'SLSXiSSX STXrrSt / \aaMao la tbM I f EUaerck I 1 EB Portraits of Distinguished People at different ages o< their lives Is a .trtkla, feature of th* H-ir.t rid during the next year fully fifty of the mo.t famous llvta* rllllrftl.s wM "llCjIlO V be (hown. from childhood up, sometimes a doaea *Mar*S st • person beln'£'4TVHL P _ - Professor Henry Drummond LIJTtJ |Msj| per, of extraordinary Interest which wUI appear la tbo Ms*Wfas «•*« X JU ~ the year. JL JT Stevenson The Edge of the gives the most IxtorwUns kaowM*, la all ItsMaofasSeMiM# f If Real Adventures A. Dana SSS ■ '< / J) ,AOAM wUI also coatrlliuu to the Manrtai, • Qoo*n (joy to ffeOßißl A FINE’ BOOK FREE. CASH-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIBERS • The Tribune has delighted a / number of Weekly giibscribtirs re- ,:en tiy by presenting to those who M is l 9 i' l ac *vance a handsomely / ,g? l printed and bound book. A sec- Hnfi shipment of one hucdrecl i bo " kH was received and they are K oiu g Hl*© hot cakes. Now for the I H * )axly * When a subscriber pays il ’ ix Inon ’h«’ in advance for Th> ’li 1 ’ AILY Tribune and has a handsome vV b°“ k handed him, he is delighted. IhesH ar« not cheap, shoddy ’fe nooks printed on dingy paper and loosely hound. They are clean, brij.!iit and handsomely and strongly bound, and may be kept for year sand hande I down to the next generation. I he accompanying cut gives a good idea of the style of binding. , We have on hand the following attractive titles : Titre S -iriHS from Modern History. B’« Pilgrim's Pi-itrfress. Co ik’a V '.y<ues Around the World. Lfe ot lleuiy ill -y. L tent G Wsshing'on. L"e us Aii lru* Jack OU. It b'n-'tti < ■' tlS'ii-, Sw «-. E ini'v Kubinson. ' I’a'l-U'k Hanrv. A'a’'' "- XiifhtA. I, i. . f .V :• •!. on. E-n.---" E-sari. I.i'e i't I» i"" 1 W.h-fpr. IJI ' 'I» I ’ ■ ’ l» ■ • • twii n> - - . - -t- -SMI —r r ry ■mi —MEW——— ■A-i o x. .. t-t'.. ; Queen <& Crescent Route r e ) “Finest Trains in the South/* d> i < f <, Through Cars toChicago without change.from < )] . New Orleans. Meridian, Birmingham, Chat* . || tanrotn Jacksonville, Fla.. Atlanta, Macon, ■ j Lexington and Georgetown, Ky. Choice I | ■£ of routes via Cincinnati or via Louisville, I t j) Stop-overs allowed on all World’s Fair tickets, ( f at Chattanooga, Louisville, Indianapolis or . I x Cincinnati. . > For further information as to Rates, Car ’ I * Service. Sleeping Car Reservations, etc., call . 1 "I r) or. or address any agent of the Queen & I *■ £ Crescent Route or E. T. V. & G. Ry. 11 W.C. Rinearson, G. P. A., Cincinnati, O. |1 * THROUGH CARS TO CHICAGO. ? Tttad feaa of Wsraaw. L fn of Josn <>f Arc. Loh of D«vM Cr->ckett. Sr.otina from History. Snh >ol D >ya at Rugby. L't.t le D irnf. N'Onma- Nickleby. Btrnahy R id|>», Pi. k wink P I) •mhei <fc dm. fT.wwl’a Own. O <1 llnrioxiry Shop, H ■ k U n»-