The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 24, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report fafsaffa ABSODUTEUf PURE A STRONG LIST Os Names Endorsingthe Regis tration Bill. SENTIMENT HERE FAVOR IT IjhaShown by the Petition llgignch Readily Many. "-'fi. 11,1 now tI;R '.J.' 'J'liu.ii'y >1 till' - '• - ■ jic'ilion p.nitiil S’’” C '**•'%’*' '■irscnif-n’ its f. w men to w only Bix ytfusi’d to If there is the people of I Floyd county want more than anything else, it is pure elections, sud asaniffl oienr means to that end, they want the registration list pinged. This petition signed in a short time. Ihe paper was carried from house to house on the business streets by Messrs. B. I. Hughes aud vV. G. Uooper. The Petr ion. R. mu, Ga., Nov. 23. Hon. W. J, Neel, Hon. C. J. Price and Hou. W. C B van: Gentlemen —Ti e undersigned citiz ns j payers of F.oyd county to ca l your attention to a bill j ' b f >re the h >uae of rrpre- ! the ] u pose of which is to the registration law of Floyd ao that none but le- qual.flcd voters may regis vote ii this county. This was intr duced in the Senate by passed that Vyn J ‘ r?’ .MBfey<’ u 'Heve it ~ Hhi'i ng ilk-gid i ~ ater, u c as, ver, u ge s t, : oad a w u Coi nelius, HBT Clark, w. W. Brookes, Moultrie, L. Lytitf, Uu< A. J vtieson, P. C. F«etoher, Pc. Will Klug, A. W. Ledbetter, A. W. ledcistle, Chas. 1. Graves, W- F. Ayer. THE COMING AND GOING Of„the People You Know and gome That You Don’t Know. Mr. James McClure, of Lavender, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Stephen Shipps, of Americus, ie at ms reng, Mr. Howard Ross, an old Rome boy, now of Trion, is iu the city for a few days. Mr. J. P. Duke, of Cedartown, was in the city yesteiday. Mr. W. W. Martin, of Atlanta, is in the ci y. Mr. L B. S’one, of Trion, was m the yesteiday. BHr. p.u Rente I” quite sick to the re- friends. bio ><i pm. b, laklng Hood’s Sarea you <l< elite to buv Hood’s Sarsspa be I <‘i>ivi<l< <1 to R. op any other. is BO^e a g ent Beres ford’sbook. ?' Allying and fill- Pi e 8 or ■y Baking Powder THIS AND THAT. Niobe, an attractive comedy, next holds the boards at Nevin’s. It will be here December 4. For Sale—A three-fourth size Stainer violin—price S2OO. Also, a Lemison en am -I—one of the last arts—figure Hon rampant. C. J. K. Ingbam. 11-21-36 New French c’asees for beginners will be formed at S'roi ter college on Monday the 27rh of November. Apply to Dr. Bat tle or Prof. Lusu ar. 3:. j The dance tonight at the Arm trong. Mrs. W. B. Stark, will be an ellegant There will be a rehearsal of “Ye Ol r e Folks C’inoeri” at Capr. M. A. Neviu’c totnoirow night. Those to take pari ar«- rrqmsted tuuote the change of place for reheat sal. Four room cottage to rent on Avenue AF'Urtbwaid. Apply to J. S May, No. 15 Second avenue. 11-17-lm. I offer my entire stock of boots and kh es at cost. I have t<rraise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. R. T. Connally, 7-28 d-n6tn 216 Broad street Rome, Ga. Dr. Lrndsay Johnson informs his ' friends and patrons ihat bis <>ffic-> is now in the Masonic TemP l ** auuex. Residence Shanklin bou*e. No. 704 Hr' al street Of fl ;e hours from 10 io Ila. m., 4'<>s n. m., 7 to 10 p. m. 10-22-lm. WANTED. A Cash Boy who is quick in calculating and correct in making change. Apply at B. Parks & Co. was sick, we gave her Castoria. she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Too few custom i ffljers an 4 red tape are delaying the delivery of World’s Fair goods. LOST.—At the fire Sunday a diamond ring. Finder can get reward by leaving at this office. Only 810 20 Rome to Augusts Aid return, includi'g admission to the prand fai- at Augusta, G-«. Two ; trains daily via the Rome railroad mak ing close connection in Atlanta with i trains for Augusta Callon 0 K. ayeb, G. P. A. THE ROME COAL CO. Head quarters for Coal. Glen Mary, Proctor’s Red Ash Jel- • lico. Telephone 142. ChiidrentSryfor Pitcher’s Castoria* 1 Congressman John L. Wilson will be a caudate for Senator from Waaniug , ton. WANTED. A Cash Boy who is quick in calculating and correct in making change. Apply at once to H. B. Parks <Jst Co. An inebriated philosopher remarks ; 'hat a beer in the baud is worth two it. the bottle. ; THE BEST COAL, * Lowest prices, Rome Coal 00. - Yards Second Ave. and rear _ Hamilton’s warehouse. THE TRIBUNE. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, lay MAY BE BETTER. The Cotton Market Improves Again.' THE DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. New York Up Thirteen Points. Wheat and Corn Still De clining. [Reported by Cothran Bros. | Roue, Ga., Nov. 23,1893. Liverpool opened and closed about 3-64 higher than yesterday. New York respoiraed to this by opening 10 p lints higher, whieh it held through the day closing steady, 13 points up. Demand for spotootton is fairly good, and we may have a better m arket. Chicago is lower on wheat and oom, but practically same on meats. Rome Cotton Mnraet. Bomb, Nov. 23.—Middling 7% % Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Nov. 23.—Spots, 4 7-16-%; tone, steady. oaius, 12,000. Yesterday’s Today's Close. Opening. clOße ' January and Feb’ary. 4.22 4.24 25 425 “V’ urary nd March.. 4.23 4.25 26 4.26 March and April 4.24 4.26-27 4.27 Apr . aim day 4.25 21 4 2 4..9 Jia- and June 4.27-28 4.29-30 430 31 luieand July .'. 4 29-10 4.31 4.3 33 July ana .ugnat 4. U 32 .. 4.34 31 OOt-iberanu Nnveui... 4 22 4.25 4 25 26 Novem. auO DrCeui... 421 22 4.24 4.v5 Docein. and January.. 4.21 22 4.24 4.24 25 New York Cotton Marketa. Naw Y-<bc. Nov. 23 Yesterday ’• Todai ’a «„-• Clone Opening, v,o,e 1annarv............... 8.00-< ( l 8.09 8.13 14 Feb Uiry 8.08 ID Bl< 8.21 22 ea ch. . 8.16 17 8.26 8.2" 8i prii 8.24-25 8.33 8.36 7 MAy 8.3 -38 8.4 i 8 4345 Jone .... 8 39-41 b. 49 8. 051 vivembep ........ 8.92 94 7.05 8 December 8 97-98 8.04 7.11-42 Chicago Produce Marketa. CHICAGO Nov. 23. Yesterday’s Today’s clone C.ose. Orening. 0 Wheat— Cask 6 % CO% 0.0 niber 61 % 61 % 61% Cn ™— ' ' Cash 36%-M December 36% 85% 36% p >ra— Jaau ry 12 45 12 53 12 47 Cash I .' - 8 40 8 50 January 7 77 7 85 K'be— Caah 7 25 7 50 January ........ 652 667 667 60 Port receipts today, 40,651; port receipts last year, 86. 95. • Leave Your Orders for j itig,” suiii a teacher in s'": I '■ '■pupil in a far corner of a -\J--"K actc waß turned. “Hou "'■J anked the boy, and when runnel s in the back of said, in a crushed waj, SMSBWSSwgv. 1 ’ from his IHPmiam Clark Howren, left his home on third Sunday in September and last heard of him was at Cal houn, Ga. He is six feet tall, slender, light complected, dark hair, brown eyes and had corner of uppt-r front tooth broken off. Any one furnishing information about him will be rewarded by his father, NIMROD HOWREN. . Mak bone. Bartow Co., Ga. 11-24-ltd-3tw Rescinded on the Gallows. Montgomery, Ala , Nov. 28.—A spa cial to The Advertiser from Ozark, Bays Mitchell Wooten, colored, convicted of the brutal murder of an old cunple, Mr. and Mrs. Mcdwain, was hangtd here. On the gallows he protested his inno cence, but a few days ago he fully con fessed having committed the crime. It Is Funny to Hoks. Washington, Nov. 23.—A story haa been put in circulation that Secretary Smith intends to resign. The secretary diaiuisscs it with a laugh. THE ROME~COAL CO. For Glen Mary Coal Tele phone 142. Rear Hamilton & Co. A Donble Murderer In Macon. Macon, Nov. 23.—Wi1l Crawford, a negro, who is in jail here, is under sen tence of death for murder in South Caro lina, and is wanted for a murder in Dodge county, Georgia. Volunteer to Pay Taxes. Raleigh, Nov. 23.—The new board of lirectors of the North Carolina railway 'ecently adopted a resolution surrender i its exeinption-froin taxation. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. A little Tioga girl startled her mother he other day by abinbtiy asking what barbers did with all ihsir shavings. CASTORIA for Infants and Children, Mothers, do you Know that Paregoric, Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine ? Do Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons 1 Do Yon Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons ? Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it Is composed ? Do Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle ? Do You Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr, Samuel Pitcher, That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined ? Do Yon Know that the Patent Offico Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word “ Castoria ’’ and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense 1 Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 cent., or one cent a dose ? Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. / The sac-simile X*7Jr // t // "* 12_22_£Z2£Z signature of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. HUYLER’S OANDISS Romans, Lend Us Your Ear Just For a Moment. Our weekly orders for Hnyler’s Candy go direct to the factory. We have a buyer employed, who sees that they are properly filled and promptly forwarded to uh. We challenge comparihon an to their freshness with any one. We claim the latest arrival. Call and see for yourself,and we wil please yo i. No pills or castor oil for sale. A. M. ANTOGNOLt & CO., Star Vaudv Works. 11-11-dlm u Crouch .& Watson are the sole agents for the sale of the celebrated Huyler Candies, and is the only firm in Rome that buy Ibeui direct from the factory. To insure that you get it fresh buy from us. Price 60c to 80c per pound. 10-22-dlm. Rome Railroad. The following schedule wil] go into effec t Nev bmer 4 at 8 s<» a m. RUMK TO KINGbTUN. No. 1. No 3 Lv Rome 850 am 2.50 prr. Ar Second Avenue 8 51am 253 pm •• Brick Yard. A..., 9 o»aiu 3>op<u Freeman’s 9 <»5 an; 3■ 5 »»u “ Dykes’ 9H am 3.1 pm •• Bang* Ferry 920 am 32< pn *• Eves’ 9. 5 hid 3.25 |im *• Murchison’e 938* tn 338 pm *• Woolley*? 94* a»»i 34* pin Ar Kingston ... 9.5 uam 3.60 pm Ar Atlanta W& A 12.15 pm 6 2'» pn KINGSTON TO ROME No. 2. No. 4. Lv Atlanta Bon a*n 3on vn- Lv Kingston T.* am 6.’2 pn> Ar Woolley’? 10.27 am 5.17 pm •• Murchiron’s 10 31 win 521 pm •• Eve?’ 10 39 am 529 pm “ P’ms’Ferry Io 13 am 533 pm •• Dykes’... io 4* am 538 1 m Freeman’? 10 51 am 641 pm ‘•Brick Yard ..H>6 u am 5 48pm “Second Avenue... 11 (5 am 55h i m Ar Kuiue -11.1 b aiu 6<>U pu Nob. I and 2 make close connection ai Kingston whb Western & At'anti trainr troing North to r’hattannowa and *»nnrt Atlanta Connect one at Alnta an I < li fta T 'O»»ga id (Jnio Drt».<> ewi b all train** -iiv»r 1 g Ail tiain*» a ri e and • pj ar from R >lll** Rai), road d |»u fo<»t of Bro d str. et. less tiidn one block from heart of c»t . 4-**“ 'O change’ f c»r? at. Wfnvsto •. • oachee on all uains bet*ee Pn«-e an Atlanta. ‘ - F. AVtR, Supt a: d Traffic Man. ger. SWm PROPRIETORS. The Tribune Company has on sale a large lot of good second-hand material that will be eold cheap on most favorable terms consisting oi On? Minerva Paper Cutter, One Proof Press, Imposing Stones, Card Cutter, News and Job Cases, Be quick, for these ar? going to be sold cheap. ROME TRIBUJiE CO., Rome, Ga. iOMPANY, 1 W. B. Campbell, The Only Genuine PLUMBER, No. 8, Till'd Ave., Next to Poß’Ofllce, ROME, GA. -- Iron Pipe, .By !i Pipe Fittings. ; h Sewer Pipe, Stupps & Hose ■ITITTiT- Bath Tubs and V i s • '-3 Water Closets, jig Gas Fixtures and Globes Steam and Hot Water Heating. Prompt attention given repair work. Estimates cheerfully given. 11 9-dlm WESLERN & ATLANTIC R. R. and Nashville, Chattanooga and St Louis Ry. 3 Daily Trains 10. Chattanooga, Nashville, Cincinnati, Chicago, Memphis, St. Louis. T i Arkansas an<l Texas Emigrant Rates. For mars, folders and any desired informa tion. write to ,T. W HICKS Trav P. A., 36 w all at e ■*, otUi 'a Da. Or JOS. M. BROW ~ C. E HARH.N, riatfle Manngrr, Geo’l P.bß. Agent, Ai anta, Ga Not ce io 1) Mors and Creel ors, All persons having demands azatnst the es tueoi \. 8. Li. hxin 1 te of Eioyd county, (Rjceased, ar*-h-«eb» iiuiifft-d to rend i in the r Htiuaud' <> the un«ie’t»'e U d eCCO'-dug to law; a <1 a i per?*© * indebted to *a d estate are It* quired Tg >< ke hutuedi »te ptj ment. ILL 23rd da, «*t Auv. 1. 03. J L. HARDIV, E <ecutorof A. 8. L'phiiu, 11-24 tawt w G. W. Witcher ) P< tition for refnrma vs. > Hun -nd partition iu the Mrs. M. F < a dwell, ) ri. nd Suprji r Uu'Pt, ix-nora Konwat r ") Septe .über IVim, 1833. vi rtba Ellen (’aid well J WID. Albert. Laid Ae'l J Ir. a 'p-uirintf »u h • c t .rt by th* return of the sheriff in the dh >v« c^a j , that the defend ants u»» uot tepid** in s *id c<>uuty. aud it fu. ta»-r appealing that 'h y do nor, r side iu ttd- state ahfl th it fr is n 0:8-4 y to perfect s-rvic-t ou s-id di Luba tby pU'dl *a ion. it is her by or dered < bat set vic** on t e<e dmts be »•«•- i. cP*(i h> übiication in rhe K me ibibu • ewie* au ontbfor i wj mmibu. . ov 15 I 03. W. M. HEX’RY, _ 11 2L2a«u2(H J 8. U. GEORGIA-Flo d < ountv: G. W voucher i Petition for reform a vs j i n aud pt 1 ion in Mrs M f C Id.vellf ) F oyd-ap» r«<»r U«»*>rt Gnou R inwrtt », 1 nep ember Term, 1803 Ma Iha Ellen aldw**U, > Wm. Albert Ce dwelt ) ro tb»-«*ef naan «in the shore stated ca’e: Y- u a e h reby n «tiled a d co »»ma de • tu bj and-pprat at «h- uex«. term of he Suoert r cotiit i‘» b • bdld in on l f »r said Cuun r y f Hl » d on me lear n vi<m« ay in is 4 then and there'o nsw-r th- plaintiffs pvithi. L 1 r f ormation an paniti n. Asin default th* reof said c >ur« will p oCred -8 t«> justic aba 1 -pp- r tain Witness the Honorable W. *i. He.,ry, judge ut said C-Uit thia .vn/rmb»* 'ft. 1 4W 3 WM E.- gUlc*. u. r. u. Ga. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. I 500 Tons MmL Jellico Coal In Stock And to Arrive. KOB’T. W. GRAVES” & CO., 12 5 snn w f Im E T. V. G. COAL YARD. JOHN H. KFYXOI.DS, President. B. I. HUUHBS, Cashter. P. n. HARDIN, Vice resident. First National Bank OF KOME. Q-.A.. CAPITAL ANU SCR PLUS; $300,000. I ' * All the Acc«»inni<*OHth>Hß Consistent with Snte Bunking Ex tended to onr cnsiomerH. COTHRAN & CO., Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Office Corner i rmstroni Hotel, Rome, Ga, H. D. I 1 H .1.. Real Estate Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; ROME. GA. a Spsciaity, and Prompt Settlement the Rule. mnhß-dtf Samuel Funkhouser.; . . •...■■ zfz ■ '■ , : " ' z-x . ■ ’ z .-.V X % /- \ t jnl lE—„ zfiiW—>"■•- a xe : s ! -<! ■’ ZiZ 3 S Wig® Zl<V ': W \ Z' ±-Z ',,:-fc g --f ■ •■ ■ ■ ' ■ - ■ -TO^ii’WBEW I II Z ■ f X iPI" \\ * X ■<— * // -■ z- ■•■*»•<■ z.,%? , . .■-■■'*—■ ... - ' .'."*' ~ -■ . /-- r< ' ' if iz-zl-zz z --'■••■- 7 ; Real Estate Aerent, 315 Bread StuFe , <•■-.•« .".i, •• c- w -■ _ -X, "o u ’ct Vx WO'v. wtorwt ) 4 z'>Zs>»'? zZ' 3 C ■ "i■ -ii '*'• Z-s <"8 'f' 15 S t F .5’ 4 • * “ Finest Trails in tl:s South/’ * Through Cart toChi .-npo without change,fr&a <} New Orle ms Meridian, Bhtr.inghnm, Chat* . f <J t„r,r, n7 -. T.uJcsonvihe. I'l.r. At!>nta, M -con, ’ „ ") Lexington and Georgetown, Ky. Choice ’’l of tomes via Cincinnati or v<a Loui’viHa, | I *, Stop-overs allowed on a'.i Worlds fair v.cK<a», (1 at Llut'anovga, Louisv>l.e, Indianapolis or 2 Cinciii .oti. - X ’ I'or further information as to Rates, Car ♦ Service Sleeping Car Reservations, etc., call 9 ) or. or address any agent of the Queen & » i Crescent Route or E. T, V. & G. Ry. * J W. C. RINEARSuN, G. P. A„ Cincinnati, O. & ’ THROUGH CARS TO CHICAGO.! > g