The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 26, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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4 . THE ROME TRIBUNE. o - ■ __ h'ubliaLed Uaih rxcupi Mou'U) bi TH it UuME ’itlul’N CU, W. •♦. UooPKH <»en’ Muu’gr. Office No. 327 Broad btreei. Up Stairs. Trtlepnonv 73. | Dally, except Monrtny. »n» year 86. un iTh re* months..--81 6" q t -non*h* .. . '»«*’• Onp mon** r .fl TO Al>v KKTIftKKa The Rome Tkihdwr •* the oracial or an P *' nn't -Hr r ”*v n* Qnn« '• h*B Iftrgrn nntl inc*-P3alng n’bacr’ntinn liat and hr an >3 «-1 ing medium is unexcelled. Rates very lesson J»'e I THK WEATHER. (Official Forw.aat.] Atlanta, r a , N ovember 25—For Georgia: Fair with rising tea per. * ture. I Morrill i Local Forwiui Official. TAKING OATH. | The Tribdne has zea'onsly advo | cated the pending reform in regis tration, hut it is always willing to hear the other side, especially from so sound and conservative a Demo crat as Judge Harris. We have read his card with attention and in terest, for it is written in the spirit of fair criticism, and has more force | than the frivolous objections that are being used to prejudice the bill. We do not think Judge Harris lays any too much emphasis on the sanctity of an oath, but we do not see that his c inclusion follows from that premise *'he citizen finds that [ an oath meets him at the threshold of every important function of gov ' ernment. He takes an oath on in- ' duction into office. He eannot take his seat in the legislative without swearing to support tne constitution of the State and the United States, and to vote for the best interest of | the people on all questions that come before him. The public ser vant must take oath before he can serve; why then should not the citi zen in the sovereign capacity of- an , elector take oath before exercising the right of suffrage, which is he highest function of civil govern- i nieut? The beginning of free gov- ' ernment is at the ballot box; there is the source of all power aud au- i thority, and there the public ser- | vant is'created. There begins the good or evil, and there we should plant the first bulwark against cor ruption. THE ATLANTA HERALD. The failure of the Atlanta Herald is to be regretted. It was one of, the brightest and best afternoon pa-i pers in the South and its editor, Mr. ; Josiah Carter, is an experienced newspaper man of energy and good judgment. His trouble seems to have been the result of too much enterprise. In ordinary years, the efforts which the Herald has lately put forth would have put the paper on a wave of prosperity, but busi-1 news was not in a condit : on to re spond to unusual demands, and Mr. Carter’s energy has not met the re ward which it won five years ago on the Journal. We hope be may be able to re sume. The joint committee on the lunat ic asylum wi’l recommend an appro priation of $120,000 for increasing the accommodations at the asylum. This money is for a new building for negro inmates, and remodelling and repairing the present depart ments for the negroes so as to fit them up for white male patients. This is not as large as the amount asked for the purpose, tut a judi cious expediture of. it will make the accommodations at the asylum ade quate for all legitimate demands. Judgs Sam Harris, of the Coweta I Circuit, who presided at the trial of the Carroll county white ''ape, re cently pardoned, makes a very strong defense of the Governor’s action, which has been the subject of some criticism. The Judge thinks the the Governor did right in granting the pardon, which was asked for by practically all the citizens of Carroll county. A CARD PROM JUDGE HARRIS- Section 1276 of the code of Georgia gives the qualification of a voter in the State of Georgia; among them is the re quirement that rbe voter shall have paid all taxes since 1877 —this is not substan tailiy the law—except for the year of the election. It further <i< clan s that no pers n shall vote who, if challenged, shall refuse to swear (« mongo-her things) 'bat he has pid 'he itquirrd taxes. Ibe same sec ti 'U prohit-i'S persona convicted of cer tain crimes, and also all idiots aud lu ll I'ics tiona voting. Tne right of challenging or questioning the vote of any person offering to vote anj where iu this state is fully giveu by la'-; nevertheless for some some reason, a hm has p-88-d the eeuaie- f 'his com mon w -alth which challenges—qu-stions to- vo'eof ttv-ry cmz u ot Fioyd conn'y aud b-tore he can c-st bis bailor for 'be men aud measures he favors, the upright and houes> voter is required toswea that he has paid all taxes as rtqilir.ii by law. Why no' c impel him to swear at the same time that be is not a convict and that he is not an idiot and uot insane ? The constitu'iou authoiiz -a the general assetnb y to provide for the registration of all the voters of the state, but, it gives no warrant, as I understand it, to impose burdens on the electors of Floyd County not imposed on the voters of other 0 nn'ies. But granting that such an act wou'd not contravene the cotts'i tition of the state, w mid it not in rfif -ot be a challenge of the right of every cit s n of F'oyd county to exercise the right (J suffrage—‘the right of suffrage”—and would it not also make every sensitive voter’s ears tin'le ano cheeks burn when he thought that his right to vote was questioned bv the general assembly, aud would not. many good men abstain from registering? It seems to me that the effect of the bill would be to give elections into the bands of such as do not have any regard for the sanctity of an oath. A conscientious man ■wears as seldom as p-ssible, and would ra-her give up bis right to vote than to make wholesale declarations of his ricti tude and call upon the Almighty to at test the truth of his oath. I care n >t how the ballotbox is hedged ■b->nr with safeguards, but I do protest against the passage of a law that ques tions the right of every citisen of Fioyd county to vote under the general law of the land. R. R Babbis. IN A NUTSHELL. The National Paint, Oil and Varnish Association, is in session at Pittsburg. The annual convention of Pennsylva nia woman suffragists is being held at Philadelphia. The committee appointed to conduct the proseculion of John Y. McKane has issued an appeal to the people for contri butions to conduct the suit. S. H. Hart, president, anl F. S. Dins more, cashier of the Buckeye'State bank, of Tacoma, Wash., have disappeared. There is shortage of $39,000. Mrs. Halliday, the alleged murderess of her husband and two women in New York, set fire to her cell and a destruc tive fire was narrowly averted. The marriage engagement is announ ced of Captain John Shiffner, of the Roval Artillery of London, and Miss El sie Burrows, a dhught'-r of Mr. Ogden H. Burrows, of Newport, R. I. John Y. McKane, of Gravesend, has brought suit against the New York World for SIOO,OOO damages on account of certain publications about his conduct in the recent election in New York. The University of Pennsylvania re ceived a large share of awards at the Columbian exposition, no less than ten prizes having been accorded to the dif ferent departments which were repre sented. THE MAIL SCHEDULE. 5:15 a m—Chattanooga, Rome and Atlanta, North Georgia divirion «. T V and G K R; con nectioi s for nor h aud west and local u-ail on E T V and G. 7 a m -i hattauooga and Griffin, north, Central of Georgia 8:5 a tn—Chattanooga, Rome aud Atlanta. 8 uth, Georgia division E I V and GK R. Con nect! ns for all point. in Georgia aud Fiori a; also f r llea-tem out is via Air L'ue R R _nd local on E T V and G. s:3O s w— Nashville aud Atlanta, north, W & RR and al' connections 8 ;40 a m—,N ishvi le and Atlanta south. W& A R R aud all ouuecti ns. 8:30 a u>—Kingston, Ga. B:3u a iu— Wi Ibis, Ga. Fridays only. 10:a5 a in—l hattauooga, Ttuu. 1u:45 a in—Halt n, Ga. 10:45 a m—Atlanta Ga. Connections with all diverging 10:4.’> am— Cleveland and Selma. All divisions EIV& G R R 1 p m—-tar route to Livingston. Dail/ ex cept eundav. I p in—Star route to Etowah. Daily except Sunday. 1 p m-Btar route to Armuchee. Daily except Sunday . . 1 p tn—Rome and Attalla. Decatur division ETV & G R li. Daily except Sunday. 2:30 p in Nasl'Vil e aud Atlanta, north. W & A R K aud eoua cii'tns 2:ou p m—Nashvil e aud Atlanta, south W«& A R R and coiintctioua 414 p m—Cimi .na i and Cha’tanooga Cincin nati southern and connections f.>r all points north aud w st 4:t5 p a.—Chattanoogaar.dMeridian. Alabama Great South" u railroad for al. points in Texia, Mississippi ar d Louisiana. 4:15 p m—Chattanoogafand Memphis. Mem phis division n, T VA G R it.. ConueCTions for all points—Arkansas and Kansas Citv, M. 4:15 p m—Ch’tc nooga. Tern. All roads di verging and points in eastern sta'es. 7? 0 p in—Chan anooga and Griffin, south,Cen tral railroad, ot Georgia 9:00 p m—Atlanta and Bruns wick. Brunswick dlvi-i n ETV& G K R. All points in south Georgia aud Florida. . ll;(X) pm— Atlant » Ga. Connections with di verging lines on a'l roads. 'I his schedule 1 akes effect Novo v her 26. Time given is time mail leaves office. Mail sbou.d lie mail d ten minutes befo e time given. When mailed lat»r than this they should be handed m at stamp window Ni-.’ht mail closes at 7pm son Sunday night. This sch dnie subject to chaugeanyday without fu-ih r notice M M. PEPPER, P. M NOTICE. GEORGIA, Fl OVD County Notice Is hereby given that a petition signed by fifteen or more ireebolders of the 924 tn (Baiker'a) di-trict G. M of said county, hae b«en filed i«« my office, asking: that the benefits for the provb ions of Btctions 419, 14 0, 1451, 114 2.14 3, 1454, of the Code of Ge rgia of 1882, i and tue amendments thereto, shall apply to ; said 924th distrlc , G. M. of said county, i ' fur thei give notice that an election win be or deivd on iho 4th day of December next (1893), (sa d election to occur on the 24th d y > f De cember, 1893), to decide the question of- Fence or “Stock Law.” accord ng to the statutes in such case, mai-eanil provided. Given under my hand and official signature the 18th day of November.'B93. JOHN P. DaVIS, Ordinary. GEORG!*. Floyd Cousty. Joseph W. Woods has applied for exemption of per onatity and settisg apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at I 10 o’clock i». m on the sth day of December, i lto3, at my office. JOHN P. DAVIS Ordinary Floyd Co., Ga. THE KOaUt.TRIBUNE. SUNDAY MOttNING, NOVEMBER 26 !«»»». CAPES, Reefers, Cloaks, Sacques,Wraps, and Plush Garments. These goods are »ew, stylish, beautiful in design, and excellent in material, but they are going this week at your price, New arrival of Capes the last few days, a great rush for them. We want every lady who deals in Rome to see them whether she wishes to buy or not. Blankets, Comforts, Counterpanes, Robes, Shawls. Flannels. The bargains we are offering in these goods cannot be touched by any house in the South. The in ducements are so convincing that Go see them is to buy them. Hundreds of unprecedented bargains will pass over our counters this week. Be sure to avail yourselt of the oppor tunity to buy a dollar's worth for seventy-five cents. Underwear, Hosiery, Cloves, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs. Never did this market have upon it a more choice Underwear stock than we offer the trade this year. Great Drives in Hosiery The best in the land at the lowest possible prices. Gloves in profusion, all kinds, qualities and prices. Mufflers and Handkerchiefs to suit all tastes. Now is your chance to get these indispensible articles at a low line of figures. An Item Worth Money to You. We are allowing no one to under sell us. Our greeting to you this season ia bargains at every hand. We think we are giving more style merit, quality and wear for a dollar than any other house. Come in and let us prove with our goods that this is so. THOS- Fffi. “All Men are Liars.” Once said a whe man of the East, but. w e are convinced this man had never read one ot VV. M. Gammon & Co.*’ advertisements and i then examined lheir stock of Fine Clothing Hats and Furnishing Goods. I hey make it a point to always tell the truth in regard to quality, style and price. They desire to call the attention of the people of this sec tion to the fact that th«-y carrv the bd*t and most perfeet-filting suits and overcoats known to the trade. The finest and most stylish Hats made on this continent, and the newest and nob biest things in Neckwear, Underwear orany other wear that c m be used by n an, boy or child They not only do this, hut they make the prices a* low, or lower than any other house dares to name. We propose to do the clothing business in Rome. We carry the stock to please the p*<»ple and say to every one, visit our store, and if goods, Jow prices and honest dealing will make you a customer, you are ‘ourn.” W. M. GAMMON & 10, Rome, Greorgia. COTHRAN & CO, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Office Corner Armstrong Hotel, Rome, 6a, H. D. HILL, Real Estate Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; ROME. GA. Flenting a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Rule. mcb3-dtf To Make Wheat Grow USE Dissolved Bone and Potash. The Rome Chemical Co. Makes the Best. E. T. McGHEE, Manager. 10.12 wlm Public Sale < f Valuable City Prupeity. tI'HHREiS J'M ■» F DU RE«. ’ID ON ’ V> A ’ll ’»’M fl.ft «>-93. execute an eiir • r IO »li 3 <ll it> lew e. • U -nip«ny, of'p*' t n. a med o C rt-di. p opwrty h r« ina't* r dercrih <l. f• r Me purpose ot ee c iriita r tp* m of t~oc Han »«» es, • ach f r he hu iu <4 ine tn u-a d do lare p inci pal, e-<‘h «iate<l OH ihr Hilt fl utd y«»t pre! SUd each du- tlv. je » a att» r date, and aso hue cjM i CH-Btcoup i no es enc ior n e Mini i'i $37. ai d also »en mt* c-upoi i ote* f< r the t-uin o flv»- oi'ars* aC”, ah t e; id inte ear c- upon beaiini d ic • eniii fl t dn o» Apiil. 1>93, a> u tu<» <>f adi eresi c upon i» t > for ti.e u n *1 $3 50, a <1 « ne o‘ Bai n»t* »eitC ti» Imi ii ’es i i ti e • in • t u.inuU eand payable o»> ti eth st (lays o’ Octo aim April iii’p cn \ear»eß< ve ivel? as »r e it tir-t da> of Ait i iBHk ific‘«.din e first day of October • IM) ,br- d b inteir-t. ait**i* naurry at the ate <•1 eiuht p icnt p ram nm; and h1m«» t‘» s cuie th** p >ni n> f n per Cen .an wtiorneye* leea <di the wimle amount hoit«i said no't-s n» <1 «i» »-d t»e P l c« <1 in ii.< band* o» an at <»rDe* « law lor colle< ti< it a*i «di tul v p»ear by reier ei c- «»Baiu ■ee leci-rd* din rf”<>k VV” of De ds, pag 203, CleikS office F»oyd Superior tOUI t nd whe ea«, the said Jamon r, Dupree agre d in H id <i«ed th t if detault be i a< e in th | roii'pi payment < t ei htr <>f said interest C »up n noie> aa e-tipular»d. then the p inoi«*al <» Baid obligati n, in the diacre ion • f the hold er. should b. come du*- a d pay. be a’ rhe date of eueb default, hpu t- at the »>aid 8 O ri y In v»smii» nt Company tdiould b an t oiiz d, at its Itl n», t.w a-1> ea <i p p*-i »y at public owcry in ord rio pav i*aiddebt brf'Te the con t bonne <!•»• rii. the count* of Fl >y«i to the hi>rbe-t bid d»rf«»r cash, afier adve i.i-inir the Huie, place and terms <»t sale iu a er <»i gei eral cir ’julauoo iu county ot Fioyd one* a week for tout weekr And wh’-re«B, the *a<d James F Dupree did m ke default on the ft at day of October 1F93, in the paym> nt f> h interest coupon notes that day du . aud by reason of waid deiault the prin pal hi diuteie tot si i biiea<iou has become oue, and in-unpaid. No*, therefor • by viriue of the p over grant© in said deed wewiil sed at pu lie outmy, be fore i he court house « oor in Floyd county, Geor gi , on Me fir t Tuesday in December 1893 wi iin the legal h**urs f sal*-to the highest bid der f»i cash, the follow ng deer, ibed property, to-wii: One ce tain city lot with all improve ments in the Uftb ard of the city of R<*me, F'oyd county, Georgia, fronting « n Main street u e hundred and orty flve(U ) fret and running back two ’ undn d and eUht (.268) feet; b und-d no b and* a tby ( antrell's pr per y, south by Bla> ch« street and west by Main street. s»4d »«ale will b»* had ar.d »ftle* made and pro ceed diet: ibn ed a* provided in said deed (Book *• vV ” page 2h3 ) fir-i to the pay mell ot said dtbt wit” nt»’ef»r nd atto revs’ pe* aes of h>s proceeding and ihe remainder, if any, to said .lame-F Dupree. The am tint due . is f /Oso.O», b*-ides intere t <>n sain s> m since Oct 1-t. 1*93 and a<torueya* fees and expenses. Teim c •■h. TH .>• CURiTY INVkSTMICNT COMPANY, By HnsH'iiuin Harns, their Attorneys at law. 11-7 Uw-3ud Year’s Support. GEORGIA, Floyd County. TO 4LL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE isherrbv given t at the api raise'S appointed toHet apart and aw ign a y ar’s suppo't to Mrs. Jane I andrmi). *be widow of Benj Lai drum, deceased, have filed their award and unless g«»od ano nfficient cans* 1 tie shown, the same w H b«mad- h- judgment of the court at. the Decemberte»m. 1*93, of the court o» ordinary. Thi-* N..v. 6th 1893. JOHN P. DAV.S, 118-1 aw 30J Ordinarv. Notice of Local Legislation. N nice is hereby g’v n that a bill will bi in t»od ced at the next n <ft e teirgia Lfrgi*la ure uo establish voting place* in the ev« ral wnrds of the <*i y o Rome lor municipal, county, "tat»- and aft »nal elections, ano to pro vide • ai aeers f >r boding elec ions at such voting pl chp, A >oab li to require the tax c illecto < f county to ke p m i ins 1 vent tvx digent iu which bhtil he entered the name of all persons who f»H c i nay tax' s*s required by w, aud require sai tax collector to furnish cor rectlisu'Of -ne i tax d fan te s to 'h nun*- ger** <>f aH election precincts and vott* g places in sai'i county. V’-iaw-.Vd. ■ >_ ■—- i - - . “ Administrator's Sale. GEORGI«, Gordon County. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER FROM the Court of Oi<li"ary of s-id county will be Sold iH*fore the cou'' house door li> «,»lboi n. in .aiilcou.iy at (Üblio auction wi bin hour- of s le on ihr first Tuesday iu Decotuber next, >hef llowme lands, to-wi.: 70 acres south side aud 25 acr. s northeast cor ner ui> re O' lees, < f lot of land a<> 51, in the 24'h i i trict aod 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga .and 20 acres in northwest erne- and 35 acres in southwest corner, more or less, of lot < f lai dNo 5.'. in 4 h district an-. 3rd section of Klo>d county G» . except two acres more or less in s uthwet corner deeded to 1 F. Even tt Sold as the prop-rcy of a L. Keys, la e of said County, deceased for the purpose of paying deb s and fur division. Ter is of sale Cash. 11 8-U«3od J. L. CAMP, Adm'r. Rule Ni Si to Foreclose Mort gage. Jno. M. Vandiver vs. W. C. Giles; Kul> to fore close m jrtjage It appealing to the court by the equitable pe iti«n of Jno. M Vandiver that W. u. Giles on the 2'iiu d,v of Mar h. 1893, executed and arliveied to naid Joo M. Vandiver on a mort gage oh a t act *>r parcel of Jana lying in snid county, described as follows: rhe following linns of lots of land Nos. 182 and 183, in ihe 24th district and 3 <t eec'i m <«f Floy i county, Ga . ninM acres more or less, in the northwest corner <»f No. 1«2 and all that pait of No. 182 that ies on U»e eai-t ►ide of the road runnirg th'ough said lot, also that part of lot Ne 182 de scrib* d aft fellows: Beginning at a certain *|!- nut bush or take runnUg no- , *i 44 rods t) kJ 118 line thrnc-i t ast io th? F.T. V G rail road 22 r> <is, thence south u> wn said railroad 41 rods the ice wear, to the m.gin- ng point. Also I3*j ucreH of lai d more or lees, hi und d as f- llowb : Be inn na a* the southea t corner of lot >c. 19, 24 h district. 3rd section, Klovd countv. Genre ia, thenc* 1 west 21 30-KD chai sto a .nake, thence north 1914, east 6 lO<> chair s io a take th no- east 2 85 100 chains to ths original < a“t hue: thence south to ths begin? ing vomte fr the purpose of securir g tbs paym-nt of four certain promissory notes, all of even rive, each for the sum of >136.1'5. and aggregating the sun of |ft34.2u made by the said VV. C. Gi e on the 17th day of March, 1893, and payahln to said Jn<» M Vandiver or order, the fir-t due Nov. 1. 1893. the second due Nov. 1, the third due November 1, 1895, ar<d the fourth and la M t dne Nov. 1. 1890, after date, with interest at the ra‘e oi 7 per cent per annum from the date of each of said notes, and it further appearing that said W. C. Giles fi's and refuses to pay the first of ea<d for the »um of $136 05, with the interest dne tu«reon. It is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that the said W. C. Giles pay into this court on or before the next to-m thereof the principal *nd interest do* on the first of said not* s and the co>t* of this suit or in default th»*i*of the c urt will proceed to such or der and d cree for the rale of said property as to it. shall seem equitable and jnst. and it is fur ther orde ed tba this ru : e be published in Thb Rumr Tbibunk. a ne r spape r published in the countv of Floyd, once a month for 4 months, or served on the said VV. C. Giles, or bis special agent, or attorney, tnree months previous to the next term of this court. This Nov. 11th, 1893. VV. M. HENRY. J. S. C., R. C. W. W. Vandiver, Petitioner’s Attorney. GEOKG 1 A— Floyd * ountt: A tr'-e copy from min te< of F oyd Superior Couit No. 27, page 522. This Nov 13,1893. uoimxiv. ,i a WM. E. BKYSIEGKL. Clerk Superior Court Floyd Co., Ga 11-15 1-m 4m. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA. Floyd County. TO -.LL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Jan* L.nd um haviiig in proper form applied t» me for permanent letti-ra ofadmini.traiion on th* nutate <f lenj imin l.andrum, late of aaideoun ty Thiaiß and r.ngular the creditor, and of kin of Benjamin Landr-m t‘>bc and appear ar. my "fflee within the time allowed by law. and ehow cause if any they can, why per tunnent ad ..inietratlon Hhould not be granted [..Mrs Landrum on B t>j imin Landrnm’a estate. Witn 'RS mv hand and official signature, this tth day of Nor'einlier, 1393 F. DAVIB, u -ts-iaw-dOd ( > «nary.