The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 29, 1893, Image 4

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om i - I at- -t I'. S. Gov t Report. Powder pure ™ i*- Hambrick published in Sunday’s ! entile neigh borhood was aroused, and a systematic search was made for the guilty parties. Circumstances pointed strongly to Henry Briscoe, Colonel Mathis and Dave Bar nett, a trio of negroes whose actions ex" cited strong suspicion. The circumstances formed sufficient ev idence for their arrest, and they were .Jbrougjt to town in a wagon yesterday and uirned over to the jailer. Mr. Hambrick is suffering considera bly from his burns, and may lose the ' use of his ’eft arm. THE COMING AND GOING Os the People You Know and Some That You Don’t Know. Dr. and Mre. J. B. S. Holmes are in Philadelphia. Mr. T. J. Prickett is going to Chat tanooga tt»s morning. Air. W. G. Patrick, formerly a physi |flun here,in the insurance business ■n South Carolina, is spending a few ■ days in the city. Prof. Lane’s Lecture until Friday night Decern. fe ; Sfcttk w,len **■ will positively be given good cause. Tickets only X , tT.k.- r '- 1 Ssaraapati,!! i as for thousamls feiSbOJewli o m red liUferiff Beck, of Buffalo, N. Y., is jgßurged with malfeasance in office on Bnection day, and Governor Flower has Jrbeen asked to remove him. Electr c Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist, and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove pimples, Boils, Salt Kheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers.—For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion, try Electric Bitters—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and SI.OO per bottle at Curry’s drugstore. A Broadway cable car broke three ribs for Dr. Paul Hoffmau, of New York, Assistant ‘ uperintendent of Schools. He got in its way. rheumatism, neuralgia, headache pains of every kind instantly Johnson’s magnetic oil. Sold by Gurry. l^kell— “I hear Sharks HHtete.” Belle—“ Yes, he holds t for the mile jump. I think. ' BAansti pation and sick¥h cured by Japanese Liver pellets; BHBIIs, 25 cents. Sold»at D. W. Curry’s ".fcBEST COAL, Rome Coal Co. Avß - and rear se. L THE MARKETS. [Repoited by Cotbran Bros. I Rome, Ga., Nov. 28,1893. futures closes above 1-64 .Mthan last evening. New York to go up today, and at one li nl was 5 points above yei- J but port receipts were too and prices are same lower than yesterday, and meat and lard a lower. Rome Cotton Market. Rome, Nov. 28.—Middling 7% Liverpool Cotion Market. Liverpool, Nov. 28—Spots, 4 7-16; tone, steady. Sales, 8,000. Yesterday’s Today's Close. Opening, t-iose. January and Feb’ary. 4.18-19 4.18-19 4.19-10 Fehurary and March.. 4.19-20 4.19-21 4.20-21 March and April 4.21 4.11-22 4.22 April and May 4.22 23 4 22-24 4.23-24 May and June 4.24 4.25 4.25 June and July 4.26 4.27 4.27 July and August 4.27 4.28 4.28 -29 October and Novem... 419 4.19 20 Novem. and Decem... 4.18 4.19 4.18-19 Decem. and January.. 4.18 4.18 4.18-19 New York Cotton Markets. New Yobk, Nov. 28. Yesterday’s Today’s r1 ... Close. Opening. bOB January 8.95-96 8.98-99 7.95-96 February 8 02-03 8.05-06 8.02-03 March 8.09-10 8.11-12 8.08-09 April 8.16-17 8.18-19 8.15-17 May 8.24 25 8.26 27 8 23-24 June 8.31-32 b. 38-34 8.30-31 July 887 39 ..' 8.36-38 November 9.91-92 8.90-93 December 8.94-95 7.97-98 8.93-95 Spots—Middlings 8 1-16. Tone, dull and easy. Chicago Produce Markets. Chicago, Nov. 28. Yesterday’s Today’s Close. Opening. c Wheat- Cash 62 61'/, December 62% 62% 62 Corn- Cash 35% 35% December 35% 35% 35% Pork- Cash 13 00 12 60 January 12 87 12 67 1 2 37 Lard- Cash 8 30 8 20 January 7 92 7 85 7 65 Bibs— Cash 7 25 7 15 January 6 77 6 72 8 47 Hog receipts today. 26,000; estimated for to* morrow. 29.000. Port receipts today, 59,426; port receipts last year, 47,748. HMBEifi managers. HBMpRF TO YOU.” lot son’s Excellent Comedy Com pany in the Greatest Laughing Success, “NIOBE” 4=tlx SEA-SON 4=tlx A Fantastic American Comedy in 3 Acts, by HARRY AND EDWARD PAULTON, AUTHORS OF ER MIN IE. All laughter, no tears. 150 nights in New Y’ork City. 150 nights in Philadelphia. 100 nights in Boston. 100 nights in Chicago. 820 nights in London. A perfect production. A company of artists. Colgate, one of the Carlin party of hunters on the north foot of the Clear water, in Montana, has been lost; but the others are safe. It Should Be in Kvery House. S. B. Wilson, 361 Clay St., Sharpsburg, Pa., say’s he will not be without Dr. King’s New discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was I threatened with pneumonia after an at tack of “La Grippe,” when various reme- Bas and several physicians had done her V good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Bi., claims Dr. King’s new discovery has Bne him more good than anything he Ber used for lung trouble. Nothing like K Try it. Free trial bottles at Curry’s |rug store. Large bottles, 50c. and SI.OO. Buckwheat cakes are known as “weather-strips.” Fits, dizziness, hysteria, and all ner vous troubles cured by Magnetic Ner vine. Sold and guaranteed by D. W. Curry. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. THE ROMt TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY CORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 189 . OHictal Council Proceedings Council Chamber, Rome, Ga., Nov. 27, 1893. Council met. Present, Mayor 8. S, King, and Councilmen Printup, Satter field, Mathis, McDonald, Griffin, McClure, Wright, Williamson, Miller and Cor nelius. Minutes of last regular and special meetings read and approved. Financial Statement. The Clerk reported the following bal ances remaining frpm the appropriations as made by coupcil for the fiscal year: Street department ...<•s 475 09 Cemetery department 25'22 Waterworks department 4,087 10 Public building department 507 09 Gas department 2,834 38 Police department 503 25 Fire depar ment WO 72 Salary and appropriation department. 9,149 03 Currentexpenee department 5 45 Contingent expense department 165 38 Relief department 148 52 Sinking tund department. 4,500 00 Printing department, overdrawn 13 75 The city attorney gave it as his opinion that a person could not be required to tear down a building adjudged unsafe by the street committee without giving parties due and ample notice t.o appear before the mayor and council to show cause why said nuisance should not be abated or building torn down. Petition of Mr. John T. Warlick, as to repairs on his building was referred to the street committee with power to act. The petition of Judge Joelßr.uham asking council to build sewer in street from his residence on First anvenue to connect with sewer at East Fourth street was laid on the table, as there are no funds in the city treasury to do the work. The communication of D. W. Curry presented to council, inclosing $5 required by ordinance to establish grade al his new building. Communication received and street committee reported that grade had been established. A communication from the chairman of street committee to board of county commissioners in regard to stockade at rock quarry for prisoners in winter was referred to Councilmen McClure, Gtiffin and Mayor King as a special committee to bring the matter before the board of commissioners and ask their adoption of the plan advocated. The ordinance amending former street ordinance having been read second time was'put upon its passage. The ordinance was adopted—yeas Councilmen Printup, Satterfield, Mathis, McDonald, Griffin, McClure, Wright and Williamson. Nays Councilmen Miller and Cornelius. The clerk reported drafts issued for the following amounts since last regular meeting of council: P D Roger, cemetery dept $ 15 75 C Brown, street dept 31 50 L J Wagner, water works dept Ifs 98 P D Roser, cemetery dept 15 75 C Brown, street dept 39 25 L J Wagner, water works dept 133 30 The following bills, properly approved : were ordered paid. J C Printup, contingent dept $ 6 36 l E A Colclougb, contingent dept 200 ** •'< • .■ ‘ a'\ .B opportunity like this t . B7E money ? your chance to buy first-class CLOTH ING for less than its value. In order to reduce stock we will for the next thirty days offer choice of our entire stock of Men, Boys and Children’s CLOTHING AT ONE-FOURTH OFF FOr CASH. Rpmember, all our goods are priced in plain figures, ; and this is no advertising fake, but a legitimate, fair and square offer to sell you one dollar’s worth of Clothing for seventy-five cents —a clear saving of twenty-five per cent. ssiee tlxo Difference. $6 Suits for $4 50. $lO Suits for $7.50. sl2 Suits for $9. S2O Suits for sls. And so on through the entire stock of Clothing. Our goods are all new and desirable. We have no old out-of-style, moth-eaten, bankrupt ‘stickers’ to offer you. Remember, ■ this is a CASH DISCOUNT sale, and only SPOT CASH custqjhers will get the advantage of the dis counts. AH goods charged will be at regular prices. Come early and get first choice. M. R. E3MONS & CO., One Price Clothiers, ZBx’oetcL Street. 11-23-euii w f-ITO M REmmons& Pol, police dept 30 00 J C Brown, pub. bid’g dept 10 00 J C Brown, contingent dept 1 00 , J< . Brown relief dept 1 00 J C Brown, salary dept 7 50 W L Collier, relief dept 33 Miss J Brow n, street dept 69 30 MIbS J. Brown, police dept 13 20 Rome Railroad Co., w w tiept 49 47 W M Gammon & Co., police dept 225 00 WTDrennon, street cept... 4 60 O’Neill Mfg Co., w w dept 69 30 W T Jones, w w dept 15 < 0 N M Smith, street dept 10 00 N J Huffaker, street dept 4 00 Terhune <v Berre, cemetery dept 4 20 J A George, lire dept ..... 225 10 Council adjourned M. A. Nevin, Clerk City Council. THIS AND THAT. “Uncle” John Marion brought in sev enteen fine turkeys yesterday and they went like hot cakes at $1 each. Mr. John Piper was married to Miss Sarah Simmons on last Thursday. Esquire John H. Rice officiating. The people of Floyd want pure elec tions, and they will turn against any one who tries to hoodwink them out of it. Mr. Jack King, president of the Mer chants bank and Mr. J. L. Camp, presi dent of the Electric Light Company, went down to work against the registra tion bill. Mr. Jake Moore also went. Judge Max Meyerhardt has moved into the commissioner’s room in the new court house. The rooms are elegantly fitted. Wright & Harper moving into the Judges old quartets. A charming tea was given by Miss Norton yesterday afternoon to her lady friends, and last evening a number of young gentlemen were entertained. A happy time was spent by all, A more extended arfSouat will appear in Sun day’s Tribune. Messrs. G. C. and J. B. King went out last night and caugh", the biggest ’possum of the season hardly a mile from the Armstrong. It was jast be yond Col. Hamilton’s home. It weighed 25 pound?. Jim Thomas and his dogs assisted in the work. Mr. James W. Slocum, representing Abbott & Tolletson’s Niobe com pany was in the city last night. He says this play ran eight hun* dred nights in Loudon, and the {company which presents it here is the best play ing . this piece in America. They take only a few southern cities and Rome is favored. Four room cottage to rent on Avenue A Fourth ward. Apply to J. S. (May, No. 15 Second avenue. 11-17-lm. i I offer my entire stock of boots and ■ shoes at cost. I have to raise money i and must sell now. This is your best I chance for bargains offered in Rome for ‘ good shoes for some time. . R. T. Connally, i 7-28-d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome, Ga. 4! ■g| x\\\'.'v* X - \ \x\ < CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. THIRTY year.’ observation of Castoria with the patronage of millions of persons, permit us to speak of it without guessing. It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children ♦ha, world has ever known. It is harmless. Children like it. It gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as a child’s medicine. Ca.toria destroys Mfcorms. Castoria allays Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and IVind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralises the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put up in one~sise bottles only. It is not sold in ibulk. Don’t allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is “just as good” and “ will answer every purpose,” See that yon get C-A~S-T-O"R-I~A. The sac-simile XzX "z> ** on * >V * l Y signature of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. MMM—MMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMM JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B - I- HUGHES, Cashier. P. 11. HARDIN, Vice President. First National Bank G-JL. AND SURPLUS: $300,000. Accommodations Consistent with Safe Hanging JEx I QMiMRb onr easterners. - - - H. D. HILL, Real Estate Agent, 230 BEOAD STBEET; HOME. GA. Fton “Mingr a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Rule. mch3-dtf COTHRAN & CO., Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses Insured. Office Corner Armstrong Hotel, Rome, Ga, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. 500 lons wtewailhh Jellico Coal In Stock ||||RbPP And to Arrive. 11/ vP Phone’96, ROB’T.W. GRAVES & CO., 12-5 sunwf Im E. T. V. & G. COAL YARD. W. B. Campbell, The Only Genuine PLUMBER, No. 8, Third Ave., Next to Postoillee, ROME, GA. r I —Lon Pipe, hB Pipe Fittings, . - j ; Sewer Pipe, Pumps & Hose IHijiili;:: Bath Tubs and I ii’Pj Water Closets, Slßftd Gas Fixtures and Globes Steam and Hot Water Heating, Prompt attention given repair work. Estimates cheerfully given. 11-9-dlm HUYLER’S CANNES? Romans, Lend Us Your Ear Just For a Moment. Our weekly orders for Huyler’s Candy go direct to the factory. We have a buyer employed, who sees that they are properly filled and promptly forwarded to us. We challenge comparison as to their freshness with any one. We claim the latest arrival. Call and see for yourself,and we will please you. No pills or castor oil for sale. A. M. ANTOGNOLI & CO., Star Candv Works. 11-11-dlm zz z ■e®L S.--S- Crouch & Watson are the sole agents for the sale of the celebrated Huyler Candies, and is the only firm In Rome that buy them direct from the factory. To insure that you get it fresh buy from us. Price QOc to 80c per pound. 10-22-dlm. Tax Levy. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Office of Board of Commissioners of Roads and nevenues of Floyd County, Georgia, Rome, Ga., Oct. 18th, 1893.—The Board having taken Into consideration the levying of the tax for the present fiscal year, the taxable property of the county bring found from the tax digest to be for the present year, $8,3.8.495 The State general tax being 4 61100 mills on the SIOO on tbe foregoing, making the sum of $38,394 86 The following tax is hereby levied: SWCIWC TAX. To pay principal ai.d interest on bonds, 19 per cent on State taxs 7,294 98 To run chaingang.42 per cent on St„te tax. 16,125 83 To orldge fund, no.hlng. FOR COUNTY PURPOSES. To General fund, 26 6-10 per cent on state tax 9,951 55 To Jury fund, 11 per cent on State tax 4,223 37 To Jail fund, 11 per cent on State tax 4,223 87 To Poor lund, 8 per cent on State tax 3,071 54 $44,890 59 I The same being 5 39-10.1 mills on the SI.OO of the taxable property of the County, making in all for State and County purposes, one cent on tbe dollar. Ordered, further that such legal notice be given of this levy as required by statute. .iohn u. Fostsr. chairman. Max MvvrcnuAßDT Clerk. IQ-’.edwaOd ' ' ThFmail SCHEDULED 5:15 a m—Chattanooga, Home and Atlants, North Georgia division a. T V and G R R; con . nections for north and west and local mail on E ’ T V and G. 7am -Chattanooga and Griffin, north, Central of Georgia. 8:15 a tn—Chattanooga, Rome and Atlanta, south, Georgia division ET V and GR R. Con nections for all points in Georgia and Fiori .a; also for ell eastern t olnts via Air Line R R and local mail on E T V and G. 8:30 a. m—Nashville and Atlanta, north, W & R R and ail connections. 8:40 a in—Nashville and Atlanta south. W A A R R and all connect! ms. 8:30 a m—Kingston, Ga. 8:30 a m—Wi'kins, Ga. Fridays only. I 10:45 a tu—Chattanooga, Tenn. 10:45 a tn—Dalton, Ga. 10:45 a m—Atlanta Ga. Connections witli all diverging 10:45 am—Cleveland and Selma. All divisions E T V & G R R 1 p m—star route to Livingston. Daily ex cept Sunday. I p m—Star route to Etowah. Daily except Sunday. 1 p m—Star route to Armuchee. Daily except Sunday. 1p m— Rome and Attalla. Deeatur division E T V&G RR. Daily except Sunday. 2:30 p m Nashville and Atlanta, north. W & A R U and connections, 2:00 p tn—Nashville aud Atlanta, south W & A R R and connections 414 p m—Cincinnati and Chattanooga. Cincin nati Southern and connections for all pointe north aud west. 4 :t5 p m—Chattanooga and Meridian; Alabama Great. Southern railroad for all points in Tezas, Mississippi and Louisiana. 4:15 p m—Chattanoogai'and Memphis. Mem ■ phis division r.T V,t G R ic. Connections for ■I all points—Arkansas and Kansas Citv, M. 4:15 pm—Chatt nooga, Tenn. All roads di verging and points in eastern states. Th 0 p m—Clian’anooga and Griffin, south,Cen tral railroad, of Georgia 9:00 p m —Atlanta and Brunswick. Brunswick divi-i n ETV& GR R. All points in South Georgia aud Florida. 9;00p m—Atlant* Ga. Connections with di verging lines on all roads. This rcliedule takes effect Novomber 26. Time given is time mail leaves office. Mail should be mail- d ten minutes before time given. When mailed later than this they should lie handed in at stamp window Nielit mail closes at 7 p m on Sunday night. This sch-duie subject to change any day without further nolice. M M. PEPPER, P. M- •o>l LE CURE A New nrd Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing Cure for Piles of every nature aud degree. It makes an operation wl'h tho knife or injections of carbolic acid, which are painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often resulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disense? We guarantee, 0 boxes to cure any case. You only pay for benefits received. 81 a box, 6 for $5. Sent by mall. Guarantees issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION by Japanese Liver Pellets the great 1,1 VER aud STOM ACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children’s ise. 60 Doses 25 cents. GUARANTEES issued only by For sale by D. W. Curry.