The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 09, 1893, Image 3

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SOME INSIDE FACTS. Why the Hawaiian Plan Was Adopted. ••A DREADFUL BLUNDER.’- Both President and Secretary Gresham Fully Committed to It—A Dark Outlook. Washington, D. C, December B. Again the Hawaiian question Is at the t out. Shall we ever get through with this pretty muss ever a small group of Islands, containing a population that could be turned loose on the streets of one of our larger cities without attracting at tention, so far as numbers are concerned? Not for many years have we had such.a juicy bit of foreign complications to enter tain ourselves with. As yet tho brightest and best informed men in Washington are unable to see the outcome. There are signs this early in tho session of congress that our lawmakers “on the hill” are not dis posed to take the administration view of the case. But, whatever the action of con gress may be, your correspondent feels alale to predict that there will be no trou ble between tho secretary of state and the president about the matter. There have been many rumors to the effect that tho president, having discov ered that many of the leading men of his own party were not in sympathy with his Hawaiian policy, would improve the first opportunity to mako a scapegoat of Secre tary Gresham, to place the blamo upon his shoulders, and if the secretary was in clined to resent this, as he surely would be, to drop him out of the cabinet. Noth ing of the sort is likely to happen, and Mr. Cleveland, it is safe to say, has never even given a thought to such a thing. Mr. Cleveland, with all his faults, is not that kind of a man. Your correspondent hap pens to know from first hands some of the inside history of this Hawaiian case and is able to tell the facts concerning the adoption of the policy to which the admin istration has been committed. Mutual Responsibility. When President Cleveland came into office last March, it was to inherit the Ha waiian trouble as a legacy from the Har rison administration. A month or six weeks before his inauguration Mr. Cleve land had a talk with Judge Gresham, in which Hawaii was mentioned, and in which the president elect very plainly stated his distrust of the manner in which the revolution of last January had been brought about and bis intention to have a thorough investigation of that matter be fore reaching a decision as to what he would do. Just as soon as he was inform ed of his selection as secretary of state and had decided to accept, Mr. Gresham began inquiring into the Hawaiian treaty, and the manner in which the revolution had been brought about, and the treaty of an nexation sent to tho senate by President Harrison. Before Mr. Gresham came to Washington the president recalled the treaty from the senate for the purpose of insti uting the investigation of which he had spoken tome weeks ea rlier-. _ It is true liottrihe president and Sec?e tary Gresham were suspicious of the whole Hawaiian episode, the president even more bo than his secretary of state. The presi dent bad alone and for himself decided that he was not in favor of annexation, because he had never favored foreign en tanglements, adhering to the old Jefferso nian policy in this respect. Notwithstand ing these suspicions, it was resolved to have a thorough inquiry into the causes of the revolution and the state of public feeling in Hawaii. Por this purpose Mr. Blount was selected by the president to go to Honolulu. What Mr. Blount did is already known. A s his reports came in the president gave -hem a cursory exami nation. He said if careful study of them and of tho forthcoming reports from the same source should confirm what appeared to him to be the state of facts shown on the surface thero would be nothing to do but to restore the queen as an act of justice. How tho Decision Was Reached. The reports were turned over to Secre tary Gresham for detailed and thorough scrutiny. Secretary Gresham reviewed the case much as ho would if sitting on tho bench, forgetting that ho was not in court endowed with all power to right what he conceived to be wrongs, but dealing with an independent government and an exist ing order of things under which innumer able people had acquired now rights. He decided in favor of restoring the queen, and thus reported to the president. To gether they went over the strong points of tho evidence, and without hesitation the president agreed with Secretary Gresham’s conclusion. Under these circumstances it is difficult to see how thero co rid be any such thing as “tho president throwing Gresham over board” on account of the unpopularity of the Hawaiian policy. The newspaper cor respondents who have talked in this strain did so without much information. A Diplomatic View. Your correspondent today called upon one of the most distinguished members of the diplomatic corps—tho minister here from a great European nation, not Great Britain—and asked him his opinion of the Hawaiian case. When promised that his > name should not appear in print, the min ister said: “President Cleveland, in my opinion, is both right and wrong in this matter. Hav ing concluded that the deposed queen had been improperly taken from her throne by the assistance of the United States minis ter at Honolulu, it was brave and Chris tianlike of him to offer reparation. As a nrincinlc this was it was manly; A Great Many Children I fciw —have been cured of scrofula i lls an d °^ ler s^n diseases —as I JSs well as thousands of grown A w people, by taking Dr. Pierce’s hrgbi Golden Medical Discovery. Every disorder that can be ZUSW reached through the blood, yields ’■akw to its Purifying qualities. Be- ToSl’ sides, it builds up wholesome flesh and strength; not merely flat like I fl. Cod liver oils. A scrofulous condi tion of the blood invites Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption. 1 We’re all exposed to the germs of consumption, grip, or ma ft® Alaria—yet only the weak ones Aw; f? suffer. When you’re weak, jRr tired out, and debilitated, or i when pimples and blotches <| V I J \ appear—heed the warning in fimo. The “Discovery" sets wpaßh , *i* e organs into healthy ac- BfiMlj W tion—especially the liver, for Tn that’s the point of entrance for JI these germs, then if tho blood B Brwlzis pure, they’ll be thrown off. B There’s no risk. If it fails to I 7 benefit or cure in all cases of u blood or inactive liver, W yeur money is returned. .. ,«m jU.v. ii> waa eucn a position as a great man and a great nation like yours could be expected to take. But his fatal mistake was in the method which he adopted for making that reparation. When he proposed to depose the new government and -reinstate the queen, he made a mis take which has astounded all the diplo mats with whom I have talked. The for eign ministers at Washington, I am quite sure, agree with the president and Secre tary Gresham that Minister Stevens was the head and front of the revolution in Honolulu. We agree that without his as sistance that revolution could not have been accomplished. We are accustomed to looking under the surface in these mat ters, and it is easy for us to see that Min ister Stevens was the mainspring of the movement which threw the queen out. But that is as far as we can go in indorse ment of tho president’s position. The queen might have been paid an indemnity by the United States. An effort might have been made to secure, by negotiation, the crown lands or a liberal pension for her, and I hear on the inside of state de partment gostip that this was all she ex pected, and with this she would have been perfectly content. Any one of these things might have been done byway of repara ton, but tho means adopted—that of an other wrong to right the first one—was a ireadful blunder.” A-k Your Friends Who have taken Hood’s sarsaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be positive in its favor Simply what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. On- has been cared of Indigestion or dyspepsia another find it indl-peesabe for sick Headache or bill--us ness, while others report rema'kable cuiesof scrofu a, catarrh, rheumatism,salt rheum, etc. Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable Wm. Robertson was appointed a re ceiver for the Chicago Trust and Sav ings bank. Good Looks, Good looks are more than skin deep, de pei ding upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs, If the Liver be inactive, you have a Billions Look, if your stomach be disordered you have a yspeptic Look and your if Kidneys be affected you have a Pinched Look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alternative and Tonic acts di rectly on these vital organs. Cures Pim ples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good com plexion. Sold at Mr. D. W. Curry & Co., Wholsale and Retail Druggists, 50c per bottle. A big row has developed in the fight against the new assessment at Cedar Rapids, 10. Buckieu’a Arnlcx-HMve. The Best Salve in tu 1 for Cuts, Jruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfeoi ■mtiaf action, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggist. The United States cutter Grant left the New* Tofk iMxy a 14 000 mile cruise. ' ~ _ Mrs. T. S. Hacking, Chattanooga Tenn., says: “Shiloh’s Vitalizer' saved my life.’ I consider it the beat remedy for a debilitated system 1 ever used.” For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. For sale by D. W. Curry. Miss Annie Challen of Falcott, W. Va , died a day or two since from hydro phobia. AU Fiee Those who have used Dr. King’s New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the onportunity to try it free. Call on the advartised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle Free. Send your name and address toH. E. Bucklen, & Co., hieago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health acd Household In structor Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and costs you nothing. I’iiio limiting. (Spcciui Correspmidenco.| Mink Erook, N. J., Dec. 7.—1 don think I ever saw so many liver snotte hounds in my life before as I did .•-.bout, week ago out nt I his remote but louel spot, where nature revels in living beaut; all the year round. I suppose the grea' number of liver spotted hounds was du< to the fact that it was the rabbit hunting season, because I saw men with guns fol lowing the hounds in tfaat clear, bracing air which makes buckwheat cakes and sausage a supreme felicity. But I saw no rabbits capering on the frosty ground nor hanging lifeless over the shoulders of the sportsmen to suggest the savory potpie and the toothsome fricassee. “You haven’t had much good luck, have you?” I asked of a sportsman in a corduroy suit. “Not much luck,’’he replied, “but lots of fun.” “Do you call it fun when you find no game?” I asked. “Certainly,” he replied as he whistled for his three or four spotted hounds. “There is no fun in shooting when you have to carry a feather duster to keep the birds from perching on your gun bar rel. The great fun in hunting rabbits is in the hunt, and not in the act of bring ing them to a halt with a charge of shot. I wouldn’t give a cent to shoot where the game is abundant, because no skill is re quired when you don’t even have to use alO cent yellow dog. I can remember when rabbits were as thick out around Mine Brook as coalyards and schools are in Summit. But there is not a rabbit here now.” “And still you are rabbit hunting?” “Yes,” he replied, “rabbit hunting, and by working my imagination I think I am going to get a shot at one every minute. In this way I have a fine tramp, exercise my spotted hounds and enjoy a fine day’s hunting without using any powder and shot. I might as well have a tennis racket with me as a gun, and that’s a good deal better than hav ing to pick my steps, as I used to. to keep from stepping on rabbits and being sent iprawling, rs on a banana skin." And then he left me to enter a wood. R. K. Munkittrick. the eometbihune, Saturday mubning. December A MOOD. Oh, to be alone! To escape from the work, tho play. The talking every day; To escape from all 1 have done And all that remains to do; To escape—yes, even from you. My only love, and be Alone and free. Could I only stand Between gray moor and gray sky. Where the winds and the plovers cry. And no man is at hand. And feel the free wind blow On my rain wet facejand know I am free—not yours, but my own— Free, and alone. For the soft firelight And the home of your heart, my dear. They hurt, being always here. I want to stand upright. And to cool my eyes in the air. And to see how my back can bear Burdens—to try, to know, To learn, to grow. I am only youl I am yours, part of you, your wife! And I have no other life. I cannot think, cannot do; I cannot breathe, canuot see; There is "us,” but there is not “me"— And worst, at your kiss I grow Contented so. —New York Tribune. Glassworks in Ohio, by resuming op erations on Monday, gave employment to 800 men. Cheap Rates To the interstate Mechanical and agri cultural Exposition and Georgie State Fair at Augusta, Ga., November 14th to December 14th, 1893. The Rome rail road will sell round trip tickets to Au gusta and return at very low rates du ring the lair. Call on O. K. Ayer G. P, A. or J. A. Hume, Ticket Agt VELVETS Os Every Description at Cost. 500 Yards Choice Vel vets. All the latest colors will be sold at sure enough first cost at the Rome Millinery Bazaar. 12- 3 6t HUYLER’S CANDIES. Romans, Lend Rs Your Ear Just For Moment. Our weekly orders for Huyler’s Candy go direct to the factory. We have a buyer employed, who sees that they are properly filled and promptly forwarded to us. We challenge comparison as to their freshness with any one. We claim the latest arrival. Call and see for yourself,and we wilt please you. No pills or castor oil for sale. . A. M. ANTOGNOLI & CO., Star Candv Works. 11-11-dlm Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Johnsen Jewel "iff Sterling Silver ~ The Missouri Fund Commissioners have issued a call for (214,000 outstand ing state bonds. Karl’s Clover Root will purify youi blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as as a bell. 25c. aud 50c. For sate by D. W. Curry. Don’tfail to see the Johnson Jewelry Co’s novelties in Sterling Silver. Ellsworth Ingalls of Atchison, was ap pointed receiver of the assigned bank of Norton, Kas. Harper Whitmire murdered his mother in-law and her daughter at St. Joe, Pa., for (200. New York canal men discuss the state’s policy toward canals and roatt Governor F'ower. CRUSTED SCALY SKIN Torments Minister’s Family. Almost Drove Wife Siad. Doctors Useless. Instant Relief and Speedy Cure by Cutlcura. Three years ago my wife, four little children, and myself were afflicted with a crusty, scaly disease of the skin. It tormented us all. Sueh a plague I hope will never again visit my family. Mycli iildren’B ages were respectively nine, seven, and four years, except the youngest, who was only two months old. Os all our suffering, ’ny wife suffered the most. It almost drove her mad. The disease first made its appearance on my wife’s back between the shou lders,and spread across to her breast. It looked like it was cov ered over with little scales. I first bought of a drug store, medicine for skin disease, which failed todoany good whatever. I nextemployed adoctorwho gave relief forashort while. After trying him for quite a while without effecting a cure, 1 called in another doctor who proved to do no better than the first. After this I bought Cuticura Remedies of Messrs. Purcell, Ladd & Co., Richmond, Va., having read of them in a newspaper. Relief followed the first appli cation, and five or six sets cured all of us. Ido not know what the disease was we had, It affected us all alike, but I do know Cuticura cured us of that skin disease. Rev. J. N. WOODS, Avon, Nelson County, Va. I haveuseS your Cuticcra Remedies for cases said to be' incurable by good doctors, and they cured me at once. They are the best skin and blood remedies in the world. W. J. THOMAS, Whigham, Ga. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Cuticcra Resolvent, the new blood and skin purifier, and greatest of humor remedies, cleanses the blood of all impurities and poison ous elements, and thus removes the cause, while Cuticura, the great skin cure, and Cuticcra Soap, an exquisite skin beautifler, clear the skin and scalp, and restore the hair. Sold throughout tho world. Price, Cuticcra, 50c.; Soap, 25c.; Resolvent, sl. Potter Dbl-o and Ciizm.Corp.,Sole Proprietors, Boston. o®-“ flow to Cure Skin Diseases,” mailed free. DIQV’C Skin and Pcnlp purified and beautified DnUI W by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. RHEUMATIC PAINS. In one minute the Cntlcum Anti 'CjWQlPain Plaster relieves rheumatic, sci /AiJtSJatic, hiPi kidney, chest and muscular Uwl pains and weaknesses. Price, 25c. Mr. Jacob Wurtz Made a New Man “ I have been made a new man by Hood’s Bar saparillx I had pains In my back, fen languid and di J not havo any appetite. I have taken Hood’s*?>Cures twelve bottlns of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and can not praise it enough.” Jacob Wurtz, cor. 15th St and Portland Av., Louis; .de, Ay. HOOD'S Pills Cure all Liver Ills. 25c. Only 810.ZOjRome to Augusta And return, including admission to the. prand fair at Augusta, Ga. Two trains daily via the Rome railroad mak ing close connection in Atlanta with trains for Augusta. Gall on C. K. Ayer, G. P. A. Two bunkoers attempted to swindle a f rmer living near Louisvi’le, Ky One was captured, and the other, who escaped, was wounded. Plasters. If yon are thinking about buying a plaster, remember that you wi 1 place it upon your body and canuot get a plaster that will be too eood for you. Allcock’s Porous Piaster is the best plaster made. Your druggist may nave some < ther plaster on his shelves which be is anxious to get rid of, cr else some worthless imitation purchased at a low price for the purpose of substitution. Do not acc pt bis ‘ Just as good” plea, insist upon having the genuine? Allcock’s Porous Piaster has no eq lai. Brandretn’s Pills can always be relied upon. Wisconsin’s Worio’s fair building was sold to Dr. C. H. Willoughby of Chicago for (1.610. IV i .. . . Hr!>. Ur you are all worn out, really good for noth i?g, it is general debility. Try AROH’A’S MCH HITTESf3. * will cure you, cleanse your liver, “ud give a rood appetite. 10,000 TAX PAYERS Will receive the big holi day edition of the Tribure to be issued December 12. Ad vertisers who want space should apply at once. Several nages INGLESIDK *• £ Women. Scientific treat guaranteed. Elegant apart dies before and during confinement. Ad dress The Resident Physician 71 72 Bsx'er Court. Nashville, Tenn, 8-22 d&w3m Millinery Goods at a Mere Song, We now offer our entire sbx-k of Milll nery and Fancy goods at 25 per cent less than first coat FOR CASH ONLY We are compelled to raise a large amout of money at once. If you want bargains goto the Rome Millinery Bazaar, the lead, era of fashions aud tine goods 333 Broad. S 12-3-6 t Colonel Porter lograux, probably tie nld< st lawyer in Georgia, died at his home in Columbus. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria, Do you enjoy a good, nice, brighc fire from a clean coal that leaves scarcely no ashes, then buy the Red Ash Jellico. The Rome Ice Co. keeps it. 11-14 wed tri sun At Blutfield, W. Va, two children were burned to death in adjoining houses at nearly tbe same time. Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough d croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty five doses, only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by drug gists. For sale by D. W. Curry. E. Wood, of Neosho, Mo., is in jail at Vau Buren, Ark., on a charge of defraud ing the Columbus, (O.) Cuggy Company out of (2.000. Itching, burning, scaly and crusty scalps intaut-i cleatusd ami healed and quiet eep restored bv Johnson's Oriental Soap, old at D. W. Curry’s drug store, Rome, Ga. HOLIDAY EDITION. The Tribune will print a mammoth holiday edition on December 12 and papers will be sent to 10,000 tax payers in six or eight counties. Several pages of space have been sold. Advertisers should come early. A team valued at (1 000 and a valuable sleigh was stolen Monday night from J. Wheeler Adams, living two miles east of Moweaqua. Ostrich Feathers cleaned, curled and died. A Ison Kid Gloves cleaned at Phillips’, 69 1-2 Whitehall street, At lanta, Ga. 11-T-tu tb sal2at SPECTACLES the BEST AT W JEWELRY STORE] LAGRiPPE AGAIN. The United States has never suffered i from any disease that has caused such fearful results as has LaGrippe. Royal Germetuer has never failed to cure id quickly where used. j RELIABLE Atlanta, “In January last I ha' of LaGrippe. I was to use Royal Germetuer. in a couple of days. I was again afflßH by the 'grip' this month, and profitingMJ my former experience I commenced™! once with Germetuer and did not to go to bed. 1 consider it a specific™ LaGrippe. L. StuarjMß Keep the bowels open wit Pills. |g™| King’s Royal Germetuer Co., Atluntjßß PROFESSIONALCOIfI PHYSICIANSAND R. A. HICKS, mQ!|| ROME, GA. nomo-patliic Physician and mi-rly Resident Pn vsiciiin manu Hospital, of Residence and Oliii-v jo:i and 1 Otlii e hours, !1 to 11 am, 2 to pm. Sundays, '.I to 10 HOWARD E, Physician and Ofli le over Hiinnriiii’k, I.uc’dß Stme. Ell'r live on ISrond Gp-Ai offiiv d vand ni 815 ®V’?? '-’i I?--< L, P, PHYSICIAN A N Residence No 41)3 uVee (’IIWI’H & WAT« “'• ‘ ,' RllSil.i-.MCf TEICPHON® "Af’i./ Office c. hamilt]HHh| pttrstriAN /« . No. fl .//, •‘■‘L-+ ft fl attctßß Rome, Georgia. D. O. Richmond & Danville Railroad. My employment by the above company will lot interfere with my general practice, which will be attended to as heretofore. mch4-dly n. B. F. UHWPKHL Attorney at Law, Room 12, Postoffice Building. Promp attention to collections. d6ml ma 3 ThTsanders, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN, GA. Collections a Specialty. W. W. Vandiver, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN Postoffice Building, - - Rome, Ga. ~ GATTIS & HAMILTON, Architects, Conti actors, f Builders ; Flans drawn and contract* made at lowest i pric- s, and satisfaction guaranteed. Postals , sodresfed to us at Rome, Ga., will receive . promut attention. feb26dtf EVANSVILLE ROUTE, The favorite line to— Chicago And all Points n the North and Northwest. Remember this line has two elegant trains daily between Atlanta and Chicago. No fl No 8 Lv Atlanta. W & AlO 30 am 820 pm Lv Chattanooga. NC&StL. 3 opm 107 am Lv Nashvile, L& N 720 pm 620 am t.v Evansville, E&t* H 120 am 1 (’6 pm Lv Haute C&EI 4 3>am 427 pm ar Chicago CdfcKl 947 am 940 pm Train No 6 “Ch’cwo and Atlanta Limited” is a B«’H(i vesnbu ed train with Pullman sleepers and day coaches. * dining c*r is attached to the train at Danville, enabling the to {vt their en route. This train also < na* through sleepers from Jacksonville, Fla.,, and Mein his Tenn .to Chicago. T»ain N«> 8 ‘Worlds Fair Special,” runs solid between Atlaina and Chicago and is equipped with elegant Pullman Pa’lor Buffet cars. A. G. PALMER. B. L ROGERS. G. P. A. E. dt T. H R. R. bou. Pass. Agt. Evansville, Ind. Chattanooga, Tenn. w. 1 SW Do you flfl| 2:11 u| > R R and ■ onru 414 |i m—(Jim i .na i natl southern and connect lorffißßTallpWWF north and wst. 4:t5 p m—Chattanooga ar,d Meridian. Alabama Great Southern railroad for 41. points in Tezas, Mississippi at d Louisiana. 4:15 p in—Chattanooga and Memphis Mem phis division bTV &G R . Conueotlons for all points— Arkansas and Kansas Citi M. 4:15 p m—Chait nooga, Tei n. AL roads di verging and points in e. stern sta'es. 7: Op tn —Chan anoogaand Griffin, nth,Cen tral railroad, ot Georgia 9:00 p m—Atlanta and Brunswick. Brunswick diviri n ETV& GK R. All points in South Georgia and Florina. 9;iopm—Atlant* Ga. Connections with di verging line" on ail roads. 'I his schedule takes effect Novo • her 26. Time given is time mail leaves office. Mail ei.ou dbe maikd ten minutes before time giv< n When mailed later than this they should be handed in at stamp window Ki ht mail closes at 7 p m on Lunday night. This sch due nitject to chaugeanyday without fu-fli r n 'lice M M. PEPPER, P, M- Wm PROPBIETORS. The Tribune Company has on sale a large lot of good second-hand material that will be sold cheap on most favorable consisting of One MinervAPaper Cutter, One Proof CTbss, Imposing Stones, Card Cutter, News and Job Cases, Be quick, for these ar? going to be sold cheap. ROME TRIBUNE CO., Rome, Ga Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having demands against the es tate of A. S. Lipham. late of Floyd county, deceased, are heieby notified to rcndirin their demands to the underripn-d Becoming to law; aid all perso s indebted to said estate are re quired to immediate payment. Thia23rd day of Kov. 1c93. J. L. HARDIN, Executor of A. 8. Lipham, Deceased. 11-24 law4w Airiv, I.'llhui-uiwa ■ .•.*•/ f<* i Endorsed ey the HioHrar sNumioHMMMI —>/ ►3 . Inhaler will euro you. A < j ABB wonderful boon to sufferen * rom t’olds, Sore Throat* ✓/ Influenza* Bronchitis* Zvk or HAY FEVEB. Afonto '\\ immediate relief. An efficient ** remedy, convenient to carry In pocket, ready to use on first indication of cold. Continued Use Effect* Permanent Cure. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price. ftO cts. Trial free at Druggists. Registered mail, CO cents. H. D. CUSHMAN, Mfr., Three Bivers, Mich., U. S. L CUSJTMAW’ 8 RflriQTMfil The surest and safest remedy for ifidi I nUL all skin diienseSjEczema, Itch. Salt Rheum. o»n Sores, Burns, Cuts. Wonderful rem edy for PILES. Price, 2l» eta. nt Drug* DAI 11 gists or by mail prepaid. Address as above. '4 A ff 0 19 8/ It* W unu Habits s 3rh a fca w cured at home with- Awfijf fl||flftA g I out pain. Book or par- IIIViIm I iiculars sent FREE. Kj ■RMMBHMHSnB.M.WOOLLEY,M.D. ■ ■ Atlan a a Gst' JfficciU4%Whitehall Sp . Rome ■ - Leave Rome Rome Daily at - 8:35 a.m Arrive Atlanta - - - 11:10 a.m Leave Rome - - - - 11: :30 a.m Arrive Atlanta - . . 2:30p.m Leave Rome- - - . - 11:10 a.m Arrive Atlanta . - - . 1:80a.m Call on T. O. SMITH, Pass. Agt.. Armstrong House. J. J. FARNSWORTH, I Division Passenger Agent. j B. W. WRENN, 1 •«■. Paas, and Tloket Agt. fl