The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 14, 1893, Image 3

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YOUNG MEN’S WORK. A Mighty Enterprise and the Power Behind it. HARNESSING OF NIAGARA. Short But Remarkable Busi- ness Careers—Young Men’s G: it and Enterprise. New Voiik. D e 13 —The influence of young men in the development of Elec tricity for commercial purposes was very strikingly illustrated on the occasion of a recent, examination by a company of distinguished public men and capitalists of the work which is being done at Ni agar . falls to utilize the colossal power whicn has hitherto gone to waste over that precipice. The capitalists in the party were for the most part men of ma ture years. Some of them represented the great business centers of the west, New York, Philadelphia and Boston. The aggregate capital commanded by them and those with whom they are as sociated is nearly half a billion dollars. But those of that party who had tempted these capitalists to invest many millions of dollars in these works were young men. noue of them-being over 40 years of hge. One, Mr. Frank Hawley, is just 85. and in a comparatively short business career has revealed that the republic and especially electricity com mercially developed afford opportuni ties in which any persevering young man taking advantage of can find for tune. It is only a few years ago that Mr. Hawley, being a poor boy in Roch ester, or, as he now smilingly says, hav ing had a curbstone education in his youth, was working 18 hours a day in order to conquer adverse circumstance. lie was accustomed to rise by 4 o'clock every morning to take care of three or four horses and to do other work around a place which could be done in the early hours, and for this he received $2 a week. At 9 o'clock he entered a law office, where he was employed as clerk, and where he studied law when his duties as clerk would permit. There he staid all day, ami for that servico received a very small sum. In the early evening Mr. Hawley be gan the duties in connection with one of the Rochester newspapers—sitting at his desk or reporting in the evening until midnight, then turning in for a few hours' sleep. The capacity for such la bor afteTn'few years brought Mr. Haw ley to the attention of men who appre ciated Ins diligence, and he was placed in responsible posts, in which lie revealed executive qualities of the highest order. But he had secured this victory at very great cost. His work had produced pa ralysis of the optic nerve of one eye and a sympathetic trouble of tho other, so that it has caused him partial blindness. With his first considerable earnings Mr. Hawley purchased the country place of the late Jarvis Lord, who was very prominent in New York state affairs for many years, and there he has been teach ing lessons to the farmers of New York state, which some of them have been fol lowing with very great profiff. With a great herd of Jersey cows he supplies butter contracted for long ahead and at a high and unvarying price nr, r.rgfl "■ New Yor!:. . h; rd some Im- .i. The stock farm iix-if has repute. Mr. Ilawh-y's l usi'i" s >■. day or Monday he miMUgagg ear, at his place of York- cip lie. foil i,a Friday night is a;, ,on i; s \ way to his In he is associa'.ed wii'i i p • v To sol e.. Iho j . ~f ;is , of el.-etririty a .>r meSSIsIIIs he who recently Pirated the feasibility of electricity for such purposes. Yet ho is only 85 years of age. Another member of the party was Nicola Tesla, one of tho wizards of elec tricity but a little over 89 years of age, and a few years ago a student and em ployee in some of the Edison works. Tesla is the young scientist who aston ished the world of electrical experts by demonstrating that it was possible to create an electric current which would pass through space without any other medium than ether, and in doing so would light an incandescent lamp held in b's hand. The future possibilities which lio in this discovery it is impossible now to estimate, but incidentally out of them there is one which may be of immediate commercial advantage, for it seems to have solved a problem which has per plexed electricians for some years. That is the problem of the transmission of electric power for great distances with out such loss as to make it commercially impracticable. Tesla’s discovery and his mechanical appliances for the utilization of it may possibly give to the United States ulti mateijkpr at least to that portion of it IT'S A SECRET— that many women °"° their beauty t° )r ' t ierce ’ s Fa- vorite Prescription. \\fzjW’ •is' C) The reason—beau- S s \V_tt»s« 11 *y of t°rm and iv,X> J® , ?*/ face, as well as r" xyV t» **/ p ace, radiate from X/r'X \ H the common center (rd \ 'JI v*? —health. The best V / vJ S bodily condition re- l /’nA ' suits from good J / V food, fresh air, and j - z'J exercise, coupled / with the judicious " v —' use of the “ Prescription.” In maid enhood, womanhood, and motherhood, it’s a supporting tonic that’s peculiarly adapted to her needs, regulating, strengthening, and ouring, tho derangements of the sex. If there bo headache, pain in the back, bearing-down sensations, or general debility, or if there be nervous disturbances, nervous prostration, anil sleeplessness, the “ Prescrip tion” reaches the origin of the trouble and corrects it. It dispels aches and pains, cor rects displacements and cures catarrhal in flammation of the lining membranes. It’s guaranteed to benefit or euro, or the money paid for it is refunded. east oi tue-great razes anu nor tn or me Potomac and Ohio rivers, the power which now flows over Niagara falls and goes to waste. It seems to be fairly well demonstrated- that this power can be transmitted now at least' 800 miles, and if it can be carried thus far it seems to be a mere question of the amount of water which shall be diverted from the falls for the creation of power how far it may be carried tn the future. Mr. Francis Lynde Stetson, who was the law partner of President Cleveland and who is the organizing force of this great public enterprise, is a young man only a little past 40. Mr. George West inghouse, Jr., one of the most romantic of American inventors in his experiences, and who is interested more as a scientist than a capitalist, is also a young man, being only 46, and that young Niagara Falls lawyer, Mr. Rankin, who as a boy used to sit by the banks of the falls not so much absorbed in their majesty as in wondering why that enormous water power should go to waste and who was the first to conceive the idea of organiz ing great capital in order to secure it, is than 35 years of age. Jay E. Holland. Fire catching the bed. L.ibes of Mrs. Martha Lunford, 63 years old, of Cha'- tanooga, Tew., g-ve her fatal burns. A handsome English Porcelain Tea Set, 32 pieces, $2.24. Carver & Harper. Rev. Dr. Burtsell, whom Archbishop Corrigan deposed, will probably le given by L°o b>s o'd New York parish. Dangerous Preparations. Allcock’s Porous Plaster is composed of ] urely vegetable ingredients and is ab solutely harmless. It assists nature in her own efforts to heal and invigorate, and im parts strength to the whole system. Many preparations contain strong chem ical ami mineral substances which produce an injurious effect, not only upon the skin, but upon the whole system, although at first they seem very beneficial, on account of their powerful action and temporary feet upon the surface. Win-Il puri basing -.■4 - / willllMl - 1 86.50 w i bn B as - Ta b e at Me Co e Th y disp ey 25 tab es-aad-p ano Tops 86.50 to 8 0 "et ch. JNothing ike them in nome. 12-20-3 t Tiade failures the past year have cost mar ufac’ur ng jewelers of Massachusetts <nd Rhode I«'"i d b»'f a mi'lion. See that your China has C. F. H. on it, if you wish to be in style. Carver & Harper. Convic’ed of fracturing Robert J. H lire’s skull, John Duffy, the T«n many leader, of New Yurt, was filed on y S4OO Do bright fire irom a clean coal that leaves scarcely no ashes, then buy the Red Ash Jellico. The Rente Ice Co. keeps it. 11-14 wed tri mu Fiveao’ a>swi buy abeautifu l ladies Ant que Oak Desk at Me Ditad Furni qre C . They are situ wOr pa.ceras jf desks and cabinets 85 to SSO. 12-20 3c Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. To prevent luture “grindi,” Worcestir Poiy ecbnic Insriiute sudeuta must sub mit their pubiicutiot s to ihs f nutty. Brandreth’s Pills are purely vegetable. Ingleside Rr treat. —For diseases of Wounii. Scientific iremment and cuit suarau'eed. Eic-g..nt apartments for la dies before and during ooi fluetnent. Ad dress The Resident Pnysiciali 71 72 B-X'er Court. Nashville, Tenn. 8-22 d& « 3m The Athens of the South. And now comes tho Memphis Com mercial proclaiming that Memphis is tho •’Atliens of tho south." It is a lit tle late in filing its claim, but we trust that it will bo duly considered. There is not a city or town in the whole southern country, scarcely n village or hamlet, that can boast of a highschool, nn academy, a college or a university, a reading club or a literary society, that does not boast of being the "Athens of the south." Meanwhile Knoxville continues to be tho "Athens of the south."—Knoxville Tribune. raderewßkl’b Endurance. M. Paderewski, the night before a re cital in London, practiced all night, or. at least, until 3:30 a. m. The morn ing after the recital he went to Chelten ham. where be played the same after noon before a densely packed audience. He exhibited no fatigue.—New York Bun. THE ROME Tic KUN THUKSDaY MOkNING’ DECK’I4.IB93 ! I SB \ - Mr. W. C. Alien Os Atlanta, Georgia, testifies that ho was af flicted with Flying litrcntnmasm, tho Intense pain going from ono part of tho body to another. After tailing seven bottles cf Hood's Sarsapa rilla ho was In good beatt'a. In two tiwaVns he increase'.’. tru;:, 122 to 545 pounds In weight Hood’3 Pills arc purely vegetable. 2.5 c. Rev. Dr. Paxton, of the West Prest y terian church. New York, has realmd again and finally. The joints and muscles are eolabrlca’ed by Hood’s Sarsaparilla that all rhe mi ti-iu and stiff aesa sson duappea s. Get only Hood's. While hunting near Brimfield, II)., F.ank Lovett shot dead John 1?. Alone, a prominent business man. Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough d oroup cute, is in great demand. Pocket s'zecontains twenty five .’oses, only >5 omtß. -Children love it. Sold by drug gtstß. For sale bv n. W furry. The prettiest line of Silverware in the city at B. F. Roark's Jew elry store. Davis old The fall of a great iron girder 18 stories to Broadway smashed a truck to splitt ers, but hurt, no one. Mrs. T. 8. H* - Kins. Chattanooga I'eiio., says: "Shiloh’s Virahzt r saved my life.’ I consider it the best retnedv for a debilitated system I ever u-ed ” For dyspepsia, fiver or kidney-trouble it excels. Price 75 cte. ror sale by L'. W. Curry. O i the eve or opaeiug cue fi si saloi n iu O fsiar, Ind., the building was blown to pieces wub dyn nute Buckion’a Aruicaaalve. The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts, (raises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum fever Sores, fetter, Chapped Bands, and all Skin Eruptions v Y.'k'jr cl - '-‘3l-/ rv<> J, F. H >ugb, of thioat of his wife, wh. mbe had d< sei d >ud fled. Specimen Cises. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced iu flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, HI., had a running sore on liig leg of eight year’s standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bittersand seven bottles of Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., lifd live large fever sores on his leg, doctors said lie was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one bott'e Bucklen’s Arnica halve cured him entirely. Sold by D. W. Curry. Forced by < xcesßive cold to rurie ider to the law, Henry C. Lauders, of T peka, K ir., who stabbed a fellow waiur, died in jail from the • xpegnre. Japanese Liver Pellets are small but great in tbeir effecti-; no giipmg. 50 doses 25ets Sdd atD. W. Cuuy’s drug store, Rome, Ga. Go d and si ver without disorim matioT. Pay your money and take your choice. J. K WILLIAMSON. jpai ers ought to make good poker p ayers. They usually have a tray iu I 4 .... - ■ > ». Jirhnson’s Mazuetic Oil kills all pains whether internal or ex'ernal. bold at Curry’s drug store, Rome, Ga, A C. F. H. dinner set is the Handsomest Xmas present yon can give. Carver & Harper. 1 Opportunity Extraordinary ' Turin I'M II 111 milllllllllf IB ■■IM IIMII t hFjames stock. Charles W. James, 37 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, failed in business. He had baen in butsincss but sur niomhs. Everything new, everything bright, and everything season able, and fell to us under the hammer. We gave but little for it and now TECE; MOST In line, fresh go ds, ever given the people in this portion of Georgia are in store for our / customers in Rome at .. < Oxxr old Stand —25 ZBzroetcl Street The Boylan & Fagan Stuck. These great dealers in clothing shoes and hats, 109 Whitehill street, Atlanta, I succumbed to the hard times. Our cash from long way now. feBBMM MBl ”• ■* -'’'.A- r .- : ? ’ \/• - ■- y., ■ •• \?? < ’ ’X'.'.Ki : ‘Jo (’juts v Bru ods at 40 ci ii-s worth 65 y,,-- Dr('ss goods at 50c woitn 85e.j Gloves Flannels, Blankets, and Q?llts--PriG3s About Half. JjWroposa io Touch Bottom anti Show the Mug People the Proper j _ Mmimeol ea - Bargains. _____ ol Bargains will Confae Io Saiurday Nigiii. Bee.' ' Begin em taal liraitoiy. W will be thrown out to customers, who first, Vidue. I A large lot ot Ladies Cloaks worth from S7.ouTb-$3.0 OP to 815.00 | This Great Moving, Peerless Clearance Sale Now Going on. ■ Remembei this week will he the Red Leiter Week of our norabts Bargain Sale—Do not miss the ■ opportunity for Fine Goods at Half Values. B BASS IMTKK & CWMY. 1 W. L. DOUGLAS] S 3 SHOE mc/t'rVp. Do you weiir them? When next In need try a pair* Best in tho world. MOO4M 43 SOW b2.CJ $2.50 - r’ha.oo 42.2 C jsl.7S « , \ X 'i«UaJroß boys $2.0(1 'i ■ vs > If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made In the latest styles, don’t pay $6 to S 3, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and we» • well. Ifyu wish to economize in your footwear, 1 do sr j 'irchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price st mped on the bottom, lock for it when you buy. j W. lu. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maes. Sold by TANTB E LL & OVVE A S UGRIPPE AGAIN. Tho United States has never suffered from any disease that has caused such I fearful results as has LaGrippe. Royal ; Gt-rmetuer has never failed to cure it ’ quickly where used. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. Atlanta, Ga„ Nov. 28, 1803. I “Tn January last 1 had a violent attack of LaGrippe. I was advised bv a friend to use Royal Germetner. which cured me in a coupie of days. I was again attacked by the 'grip’ this month, and profiting ly my former experience I commenced at once with Geimetner and did not have to go to bed. 1 consider it a specific for LaGrippe. L. Stuart.” Ke?p the laiwels open with Germetu r Pills. king's Royal Germetuer Lo., JACKSON OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY, J.V KSOU. TKNS. I | Manufacturers of— School, Church and Office Furniture. Schools and c> un nrcs seated in. th»- tranner U dices furnished. I Send for Catalogue ii-li-dcni ■■ -■ ■ ■!■■■■ II SCHEDULE Bile Star Lin Shimbaal It, Steamers Clifford B Seiy and Resaca. Bost' Ihh\h Home h»r Gan*t« fl and tn tern edlatw lao<-inuß Tuesdays and Fridays 8:30 a m For ■ o-emi ort and l ocks 1.2an.13, Fiidajs 8:39 a .m. RETURNING. , Arrive Roma I huradaya »nd Sundays.. 4:00 p .u, I MAGNETIC NERVINE, yk.. JSuk Guarantee ; Gon, ‘v- z 'fIMUKK v Sif' ■■’Cea,!' V wSV’ ncui-i-' ;i ■ ; x -* b -l; ■ I - AFTER Hl -'Rrnin, Tiv^inrMio^r--,-.-aH , 1 I:.i ■ ! -.-ni:s<, inijwiti nc’ , L • t k I • rematurft Oki A -.»g : Srrorsof Youth. ” 1 • ■ ■liliiMW >•!'.turn! Vigor and double 'l'*' .'■ ’ i/.K-orrha a nnd l eiiihlv \Y .'>'■ ♦nt.i.t, in plain package. h> " ' 1 ■ ' ’ .'. 'M-r box, 6 Wil. ■<• . ',./ Written Guarantee (■> < >;" ■ / »’ir< 'l'ai-H fr»*o. Guarunffi i .■•■■■ elusive agent. For sale bv I). W. Civ !■' '" »n v i & g mQ V fcf jL ’J ■ ■ lllwa«r** jjj - w w Atiau a y Ca