The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 26, 1893, Image 2

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| THE SOME TRIBUNE. Published daily except Monday by L THE HOME TRIBUNE CO, W. G. COOPKB, Gen’l Man’gr. IStEMfe. No. 327 Broad Street, Up Stairs. Telephone 73. ElSraim BATBSOV SUBSOKIPTIOB. Dally, except Monday. ... 3. no I One month 60 • TO ADVXHTIBBKB. Tbibunb Is the offlclji organ County and the City of Rome. It has and increasing subscription list, ana as an HRlvertislng medium la unexcelled. Rates very feaaonable. CHRISTMAS MUSIC. The people of this community are to be congratulated on the music which they enjoy every week in their church services. This was notably true on last Sunday when I the ladies and gentlemen in charge, lot the different choirs presented Amusical programs hardly equaled »ny where in Georgia. This is not idle flattery, but in truth BHKHBfetfSB, with due regard to a t ' cn< -' ie<l acquai ntance services, ip dif °f The ■ ,/<'**; ■■ Ki 'itiuH EV AVS. r h•■ si ’•> >, < 3 ML- ■■ ” ■ ■ - says a great deal in a few words about the spasm of eroticsm which afflicts modern poets of whom Swin burne is a type. He says: “I have not seen Swinburne’s new volume —but a poem or two from it which I have seen shocked me, and I am not squeamish. * * lam too old to have a painted hetaira palmed off on me for a Muse, and I hold un3hastity of mind to be worse than that of body. Why should a man by choice go down to live in his cellar, instead of mount ing to those far upper chambers which look towards the sunrise of that Easter which shall greet the resurrection of the soul from the body of this death? Virginibus puerisque? To be sure! let no man write a line that he would not have his daughter road. When a man begins to lust after the Muse in stead of loving her, he may be sure that it is never the Muse that he embraces. But I have outlived many heresies, and shall outlive this new Adamite one of Swinburne. The true church of poetry .is foun ded on a rock, and I have no fear that these smutchy back-doors of bell shall prevail against her.” There ai e some more directly per sonal judgments: To begin in New England, we have Emerson, the lecturer: “Emerson’s oration [before the Phi Beta Kappa Society] was more disjointed than usual, even with him. It began nowhere and ended everywhere, and yet, as always with that div'te man, it that sometlu||^^^ntif ul |g|gK||Bhsed that else, of stars. || W'-'’' ; 1 hnt i V '.PS bo S g ‘'' . if a THE HOME TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 26. 1893, fiATARRH v v V //V CHILDREN For over two years my little girl's life was made miserable by a case of Catarrh. The discharge from the nose was large, constant and very offensive. Her eyes became inflamed, the lids swollen and very painful. After trying various reme dies, I gave her The first bot- 11 e seemed to KESSkN aggravate the disease, but the symptoms soon abated, and in a short time she was cured. Dr. L. B. Ritchey, Mackey, Ind. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed " Cvrar-T Cnrrirro Co A‘lon-O r" ■' STUART'S Gin and Buchu CURES GLEET, DIABETES, INDIGESTION,' RHEUMATISM, PAIN TN THE SIDE, KIDNEY TROUBLES, LOSS OF APPETITE, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, MUCOUS DISCHARGES, IRRITABLE BLADDER, SUPPRESSION OF URINE, Stuart’s Gin and Buchu Is not a King Cure All. but for all Blad der, Kidney and other Urinary Disorders, it has no equal. Hon. J. J. McCants, Taylor county, Ga., by the advice of his physician, tried Stuart’s Gin and Buchu, He endorses it as “one of the very best remedies for the Kidneys and Bladder.” Sold by all druggists. >■ ’ jf COTHRAN & CO., Fire Life and Accident Insurance. Gin Houses) Insured. Office Corner Armstrong; Hotel, IfA OPERA ■ HOUSE M. A NEVIN & SON. MANAGERS. TUESDAY, DEC. 26. Archie - Boyd, Who for the past four seasons played and made such a pro nounced success as .... . Joshua Whitcomb IN Administrator’s Sale. GEORGI A—Floyd County: Apretab'yto an order of the court of ordina ry of said county, **ill be a’d at the conrt ir use door of s»id county on the firstTuesday In Jan uary, 1£94 between the legal hours of eale. the following described property to-wic: All that tract or parcel of land, situated lying and being in Flo d conntv, Georgia, more particularly De scribed as follows: All of land Lts numbers 34, 308 and 309, in the Sth distiict and 4th sec tion; and tfe west half cf land lot number 40, in the 23rd district and 3rd section, containing altogether 660 acres, wore or less. Sold as the proi erty of Jesse P. Ayers, deceased, for the ptt'pose of paying debts and distribution aniO' g the heli’s Terms cash This sth day of December. 1893 C. W. Underwood, Administrator estate of Jesse P. Ayers dec'se'd decslaw4w. SbeiisSales for January, GEORtBA. Floyd Copjcty. v* ill B sold before th© court house door in the city® Koine, Floyd county. Ga.. between tne legaßhours of sale on the first Tuesday in Januarß I*9l, the following described prop erty to At: <in al Amt tract or parcel of 1 nd situated, lying arAb ,»ng in Floyd county. Ga , being a part oi «Jid. h»r No. 3«5 in the 23rd district and 3rd sectlu Flovd county, ana more particu larly de I Wbed as being lot o. 1, according to mapor Iwot of said lands, this map being 6f LumpkiW* aduitiou to Fast Rome, record din ••N. N'.”» fi oeeds, page3B(> and 381. said lot be ginning It corue-of East and Howard Ave nue, runVg along Howard Avenue south ea.-t 6i 1 eet. and running back along East AvA« 235 feet to Hi 1 street. Levied on by virtu<B\ two ti. fa*. issued from the Flovd J slice cB-t of the 919th disti ict G. M . one in tav- rvf .■? Porter & Son vs W 11 Howell and Emma ll**ell, the other in favor of J N Ch ueyvA.Jrs Emma Howel and W H Howell and eo;d el'ject to a mortgage given by Mrs Em ma Ho If U to Atlas Saving-* <& lx>an Asso ciation fori 200, dated th- 18tn day of February, 1893. and rll • ded in book * UU” of deers and due 5 year J, Iter date as the property ot the de fendants Also at tie Fame time and place, all that tract or parcel w land lying in Floyd county, Ga., ju*t beyonl the limits of the town oi East K-nie, kno* n and plstinguistn da* lot s o. twenty-four (.4) accord iAg to the map of the Hicks survey of the Co leyliarin ; said map being of record in book 4 X ’ |L*t;e 66 in the clerk’s office. Levied on by virtud « f aft. fa. Issued from the Floyd Sup* nor coin in favor of .John N Kiker vs D C ( ampbell, the proi erty of th** defendant Aisoai thßsame time and place, that tract of land jjing Ad I eing in the 23rd •> istncc ai d 3rd section of Ai >d county. Ga., ai d being a part of land lot A 32*, described as follows: begin ning ar a p<At in Ayer’s Mill road3oo feet from the ceuA of Dean street, thence running oßith westerly 1384 feet to a point, thAce ea*t 758 feet to a stake, tlienclnoribeasterly 1121 feet to the cen ter of said Auers Mill road opposite a stake set upon the edgl of taid road by J G Harn well, sur veyor, ihenc<J|aloi c saiu road lOcnains to the beginning p int, containing 18% acres more or less, and beinl know »as part oi lot E” in plat of survey mass by said Barnwell, said lot • E” •t said Barnwell >ur»ey, original y conta’ning 28% acres, and being the tract ot land convert d by deed on the 19th of Ma-ch, 18*7, fr in W E GlantontoJ D Gwaltney and recorded in book •‘J .1,” page of deeds of said cofii ty of Flojd with all ’he rAit*. members and appurtenances in anywise apjTeitaming. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage ti .a issued from Floyd superior court in fav »r of W W Brook* vs J D Gwaltney as the property of the defendant. Abo at the tan e f ime and place, an undivided two-sixths interest in 283 acres of land in the 4th district and 4th section of Floyd co ntv, same being parts oi land l >ts Xos 179 and i Comer for use of officers of Floyd superior \ ' court vs Jas Richardson, Th os Riehardqun and Warren Richardson, as the property of the de fendants. Also st the same time and place, a parcel of land situated in that portion of Floyd county. Ga, kuown as “New Ri me,” being part of land lot No 357, in the 23d district and 8-1 section of «aid* county and described as follows: Begin ning at the intersection and southwest corner of Tennessee Avenue and Seventh street and run ning along said Tennessee avenue s 6 deg and 45 min, w,a distance of 2J> feet thence due west 152 feet thence s 6 deg w 202 feet, thence south 84 deg 30 mins wBG leet, thence s 3 deg w 237 se t, thence nB3 deg 30 mil s, w7O feet thence s 5 oeg 3 min, w 786 feet thence w 1 deg a 660 feet, thence n 26 deg 80 min e 1782 feet with the line <»1 theiurnace company’s property to a wuite Ock tiet-, ihence s 68 deg 4b min e 340 feet alona 7th street to thebeginning corner,con taining 17 acres, more or lets, also that part of laud in lot No 357 described as follows: Begin ning at a point 15«» feet due south from the n e corner of lot 'o 357 thence running due >outh along the land line between lot No 357 and 356 a distance ot 1100 f et theuce Cue west a distance of 1000 teettj Ten lessee avenue, thence along said avenue n 5 drg 45min east a distance of 81U feet to Holder’s c« rner thence e 83 deg 15 min e 159% feet to a 15 foot, alley thence along said alley n bdeg 45 min ea>t a distance us 350 leec to Cedar street, theice a ong said stieet n 44 deg IS min ea distance oi 270 teet, thence 575 deg east a t iotance of 570 feet to the cegi- ning corner, containing 22 1-2 acres more or less, reserved in Liii- parcel of land is the right of way of th**C R & C tc R Biding to furnace and the right of way of the Rome »t K R running across onecorner. L* vied on b> virtue of a mortgage fl fa issued from the Floyd Superior court in favor ot J King vs New Rome Land Co as the property of the defeudant. Also at the same time and place, all that tract . or parcel of land si uated and being in the 4th ward of the city of Rome, Floyd county, Ga., formerly the town ot DeSoto, aud described as follow*, to-w t; being a lot on which a new framed building is erected near the city bridge ou the u< Rtaimula river on-sth avenue and 12 feet iu addition fro u the wall of the said build ing on the river siue of said lot, making the lot i«. al) about 33 feet front on 6th aveuu , -ormer ly Alabama road, aud running back 100 feet par allel with the line ot lot adjoining owned by ass Trammell aud bounded as follows: Un the north w et by lot < wned by Asa Trammell and in the rear and side toward the river by land owned by D. B. Hamilton and described in deed made by Asa Trammell to D B Hamilton, dated Dec 1L 1889, sold fur purchase m ney of said lot, deed having been filed iu the clerk’s office ot the su perior court in accordance with tne statute, by virtue of superior court ti fa in f±vor of DM Hamikon vs M A Wimpee and Nat Harris, ad ministrators of the estate of Mary A Wimpee, m the pro, erty of the defendant. Also at the same time aud place, being lot No 30* 4 a” in Smith subdivision near East Romo line bounded on the north by East Rome line or boundary street, west by lot No 29 4, A” and the east by wt ,Noj ”a”, front!» g on East Romo back south same Allie We.-l side of *’ Wimpeej i in ii.-i). »• tract thi <:Ry