The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 26, 1893, Image 4

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~~ —*— - - • - - mu, o w Leavening Power—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report M!S ABSOLUTELY PURE < THIS AND THAT. . .' '}. ■ _______ Lost—One large black setter named Jack. Return to C. F. Parish. 12 24 2t Dost—One lady’s dark colored purse, with from $lO to sls in it. Finder will be rewarded by, returning to the Tbi- RUNb office. t , Lost ob Stolen—A small family Bible, with name on fly leaf. Return to Dr. 0. Hamilton, 308 Second avenue. 12 2 -2t Dost A small, open-face, silver watch, with gold chain and heart. Name on heart. Finder will Iplease leave at this i office. ’ [ Found.—A smaljl gentleman’s gold watch, with inside case. Call on tf SJ? ’ 4'i' *■* Ul ' Btairg - to rent ' on Ayeu u Apply to J. S. May, MMMSMfiMMBd avenue. 11-17-lm. that the Johnson Jewelry HMmtMy au y has the largest stock of novel- Jewelry and Silverware. Look at window. 32-17-71 I offer my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost. I have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. __ . „ „ R. T. Connally, 7-28 d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome Ga. Blobbs—"Way do you call your girl a silent belle?” Slobbs—“Because I kissed her and she never tolled.” Brandreth’s Pills always give satisfac » tion. THE COUNTRY SQUlßE _____ A Charming Play Tonight at Nevin’s Opera House. Archie Boyd will appear in “ The Country Squire” tonight at Navin’s, and j packed house JTR.'m c c <> n n e i. l . Music. ?■’,** »' S A ap_ intimate A piano gifts. ask your wife or daughter. I’ts better than a seal skin sacque. It lasts longer and doesn’t go out ot style. Music is al ways fresh and always has been. You can make the present expensive or inexpensive, j ust as you choose. We can give you a good piano for a very little money—a more elaborate instrument for more. t You can pay eash for it, or take it on„the install ments on your own terms. _ A nice organ cheap and onjtf '7> e 1 ” *' ’ ™ y' > ll ■" ?' ;- ,J ‘»-/,'■ Jpresents. ’ 1 ’ 11 ■■■ sa THAT FOOTBALL GAME Will Occur Next Friday—The Boys p r »c. ticlng. The boys have begun practicing for that football game to be played Friday afternoon. Captain Smi‘h had his team out at the grounds yesterday afternom, and put them to work. Captain Black will get his team to gether early this morning. Some changes will be made in the teams as published in Sunday’s Tbibune. The boys are all enthusiastic over the game, and so are the citizens. They want to see a real game of football, and will fill the errand Rtqnd Uriel Kiiieu cne .uomer, Waycross, Ga., Dec. 25. Mrs. George W. Bennett died of heart failure at her home in this city. Her little child had just died after an illness of several days, and as the coffin for the little child was carri >d into the house, Mrs. Benn. tt fell oa rue floor and died instantly. Mrs Bennett grieved sorely over the death of her child and it is thought that she grieved herself to death. Fii! Chicago, Dec. 25.—Rev. G. M. Mc- Gregor, of Aberdeen, Scotland, one of the best known clergymen of the Scotch Free church, has accepted a call to the pastorate of Dwight L. Moody’s church in this city. No contract could be en tered into because of the alien labor law but Dr. McGregor accepted the call on the strength of the promise that he would receive a good salary. Starved Herself to Death. Brewer, Me.. Dec. 25.—Mrs. Fannie Landers, an inmate of the almshouse 1 here, died as a result of a deliberate aMB tempt to starve herself. ago she commenced to refuseJflU and drink. At different made to compel he- to ta and food, but she Her nnsband died a this affected her mind. J ■ " . To Heat La i '»'*JKns. that for King's New ?y^^fSSsCSSt’ißy , !®?tion, 1)r - L' n K’ 3 T * Arnica Salve Jf-G/.j, and have never ban- Sell aS well ' or that !iave niversa 1 satisfaction. We do to guarantee them every time, stand ready to refund the purchase ■nee, if satisfactory results do not follow Aheir use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. — D. W. Curry. Ingleside Re treat. —For diseases s Women. Scientific treatment and cure guaranteed. Elegant apartments for la dies before and during confinement. Ad dress The Resident Physician 71 72 Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. 8-22-d&w3m. L. P. Ryan and his wife, aged respect ively 81 and 78 years, were murdered yesterday in their home near Winchester, O. t for purposes of robbery. A Miilon Friends. A friend in need Is a friend indeed, and not leis than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds, if you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at D. W. curry’s drug store. Large bottles 50c. and SI.OO. • Dolls, Dolls, Dolls. Another case of those love ly French dolls opened today and will be closed out at a sacrifice at Carver & Harper’s K Stockholders’ Meeting. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Merchants National Bank will be held at their bank ing room January 9 th, 1894, at ten o’clock, a in. 8 F. Magbudeb, Rome, Ga., Dec. 9, 1893. Cashier. 12 20-til jan9 Fire in the Kansas City Times build ing gave compositors and editors a bad scare, and Jessie Caivert was hurt by jumping from the second story. Or you are all worn out, really good for noth ing, it la general debility Iry BKOWJf’H LHC Os HITTER 3. ‘ will cure you, cleanse your live?, "ud a good appetite. THE ROME TMlßbNft TUESDAY MOi NINO, DECEMBER 8« 1893. A DAY OF SORROW w Wm Yesterday for One Family.-Little Frenoto WaUoa Dead. It was oaly a few days ago that one of Rome’s sturdiest young men died—a young nan whose friends fill the city, and whose death caused universal sor row. He left a grief stricken wife and an innocent babe to help her bear the awful calamity. Yesterday, on the bright and happy Christmas day, the young woman bent in mourning and grief over the tiny little form of her child-its eyes closed never to be opened again un this earth, its prattling voice silent, the eoul gone to it» Maker. As the anniversary of the birth of the Saviour was being cele tyated, the bereaved and almost broken hearted mother, with that trusting faith, could call to mind Hia sacrifice and seek consolation in the words, “Thy will be done.” Mrs. Watson has the sympathy of all in Rome, and in her sorrow her friends grieve with her. The burial will occur this afternoon from the residence, corner of Second avenue and East Fourth street, at 2:30 o’clock. The friends and acquaintances of the family and of the family of Capt. John J. Seay are requested to attend. Stole Her Benefactor's Child. Melrose, Mass., Dec. 25.—The polios of Melrose, Boston and all surrounding towns are looking for Lucy Amble.-, who disappeared Thursday. She took with her from Melrose the 3-year-01l son of George E. Cornwall. The wo man was released from the woman's Srison at Sherborn a few days ago, and lr. Cornwall took her to his home, as she had nowhere else to go. The Engineer’s Valuables Found. Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 25.—A week ago Jesse Hunnicutt, of Atlanta, a loco motive engineer, was knocked down and robbed in this city of a gold watch and sls. Sunday the police arrested Claude McDaniel, Ed Langford and J. W. Gor don for robbery. They have confessed and the watch and money have i covered. Demo Sbiiii 'S~>' ’ L-! throtigh• ] He was ameinlierot & Carter, grocers, here points. fe uauen us Ain oi a tnnci, Dec. 25.—Mamie Gewinner, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i N. Gewinner, was stricken with heart j trouble while playing in the yard, and died before assistance arrived. A 15115 Stamp Contract. Washington, Dec. 25.—The largest stamp order ever made by the postoffice i department was transmitted to the con- 1 tractor by the department Saturday. It called tor 25 • ,768,100 Columbian! stamps, valued at $5,170,922. These will be placed on sale in about 8,000 presiden tial offices. Prevention la Better 1 Than cure, and those who are subject to rheu matism can prevent attacks by keeping the blood pure and free from the acid which causes the disease. You can rely upon Hood’s Sarsa parilla as a remedy for rheumatism and catarrh, also for every form of scrofula, salt iheun , b< its and other diseases oa ised by Impure blood. It tones and vitalizes the whole system. Hood’s Pili’s are easy and gentle in effect. i | Softleigh (posing as a sportsman)—“l ’ do love hunting dogs, don’t you know.” I tfiss Pert—“Ab, I didn’t know you were 1 a dog-catcher.” < Public Speaking. ; This is one of the heaviest strains that 1 comes upon any man or woman. A lit- ‘ tie cold, a little hoarseness, and the work t is done. The best of ability is rendered ! absolutely useless. i Mark Guy Pearse, the eminent English , preacher, writes as follows: Bedford Place, Russell Square, 1 « London, December 10, 1888 J "I think it only right that I should ' tell you of how much use I find Alloock’s ‘ Porous Plasters in my family and among i those to whom I have recommended J them. I find them s very breastplate against coughs and colds. Mark Guy Pbabse. J Reduced rates are offered by the Rome 1 railroad during the holidays. See that your tickets read via the “Old Reliable” < the safest and most desirable route. Sale < of tickets December 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, ' and January let, good to return until i January 3rd, 1894. Call on C. K- Ayer, G. p. A. or J. A. Hume, T. A. 12-17-t-jan-l. . -e-w 7 ! A Happy Surprise. Make your wife a Christ- < mas present of one of those J lovely China dinner sets at Carver & Harper’s. They ‘ will never be so cheap again. *i A College Settlement —paying * foot ball bet FARANO WIDE Rome Merchandise is Spread—The Enter prise of Carver & Barpar. Messrs. Carver & Harper have sold handsome bills of China and holiday goods for delivery in Alabany New York, Athens, v Ga, Wartrace, Tenn., Selma, A'.a.,(Macon, Augusta, Sweetwater, Tenn., Atlanta and a point in Florid*. Oie of the handsomest bills was sold to a promi nent Atlanta business man. Big Shane in Pennsylvania. Bedford, Pa., Dec. 25.—A very per ceptible shock of earthquake was felt at 8.15 p. in. Several families fled from their houses, thinking a terrible calamity had happened. Reduced Rate Tlck»ts. On account of the Christmas and New Year tolidays, the E. T., V. & g. Ry. system will sell tickets at 2 cents per mile traveled to points not exceeding 300 miles. Tickets on sale December 22 to December 25 inclusive, and December 30 to January 1, ’94 inclusive, good to re turn January 3, 1894. App yto agents for tickets and further information. J. J. Farnsworth, D. P. A , 9 I /'i r Atlanta, Ga. B. W. Wbenn, G. P. a., Knoxville, Teno, A Terrible New Rifle. , A European correspondent says that , the chief surgeon of the Roumanian army has been making grewsome exper iments with the new Mannlicher rifle, with which the forces are being equipped. He placed a number of human bodies in rows, like soldiers on the field of battle. At 600 meters five bodies were placed a half yard behind each other. A single bullet went through three bod ies in succession. Upon the soft parts of the bodies the wounds were perhaps less serious than those inflicted by the old fashioned rifles, the hole made by the bullet being smaller and more even, but on the whole the injuries are far more terrible. The range of the new- ■ rifles is about 2miles. LVJRome 7 13 pm Lv Ceilancwn 3 CO pm Train No. 2. Lv. Cedartown 5 10 am Ar Griffin 8 55 am Ar Macon 1’ 00 am Ar Savannah 6 20 pm NORTHBOUND. Train No. I.' Lv Savannah 8 4* pm Lv Macon 4 ‘25 am Lv Griffin . 5 35 pm Ar Cedartown 6 24 pm Train No. 3. Lv Cedartown 0 20 am Lv Rome 7 08 am Ar Chattanooga 10 25 am Parties wishing to spend the day |in Chatta nooga. should taqe the Centroljrai'road train at 7.08 am. re uri ing at 713 pm 'I ram to and from Griffin Uys over all night rt Cedartown. W. F. SHELL >IA'. Traffic Mng. J U. HAILk, Gtn. Pass. Agt. A. B. WEBB, T. P A. Sav.nnah, Ga. D. G. HALL, city P. and T. Agt .At anta, Ga. C. S. PRUDKN, W. K. HUFF Gen. Agt. T A. Rome, Ga The New York Times. A Democratic News paper. What the Times is: A high-class newspaper for the city reader and lor the country home; lor the merchant, the professional man. the financier, the politician, the teacher, the larmer, and the me hanic-tor every American who would be pioniptly and truthitiliy told what the people of this world are doing; lor womeh and for young lolks Interested in household affairs, in I new books and 010, in art, science, religion and eoucation, in the rivalries of amateur sports, in society, and in all the lighter goings on and wholesome gossip of the day. it is a lull, clean, ano complete newspaper, c’onducted with intel ligence lor intelligent people. ; VV hat the Times believes in: Federal taxation imposed in the interest of the government and of the whole people, not for the restriction of ] trade and the benefit of the lew; an honest dol lar that the hand of toil may receive wi bout loss aud pay over without shame; a liberal • xpendi ture for pensions to veterans who need and de- ‘ seive them, and to no others; the Democratic party as a better ins rumentality of popular f government than the Republican; and in keep ng that party true to its aims under sound lead ership. Thefinanci-1 page of the Times is a capital manual tor investors, for bankeis, and the offi cers and trusteis or savings banks, trust compa nies, insurance comi'anies. Railway earnings, stock and bond quotrtlons, interest and dividend notices the > rganization ofnew companies, and all financial newslrepoits are promptly and acci rat> 1» printed. Note the excellence of the Times in these de fartinents: banking and linancial;politics,nn lonal and state; s hoois and colleges, sports, markets! aud commercial reports; army ana navy news; art and science; the churches; book r views. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES. The subscription price of the Weekly Times is one dcllar a year. The Weokly Times is a capi tal newspaper. it cont tins all the current uses condensed from the dispatches and reports ot the daily edition, besiues literary matter, dis cussions upon agricultural topics by practical farmers, full and accurate nia'kei reports of orices of farm premier, live stock, etc., and s carefully prepared weekly w 00l market. scbscbiftio'n rates. . Daily, 1 year, J 8.00; with Sunday, SIO.OO J “ 6 months, 4,00; “ “ 5.00 , “ 3 Months, 2.00; “ “ 2.50 “ 1 month, 75; •* “ 90 1 Sunday, 1 year 2.00 , Weekly, 1 year 1.00; “ 6 months, 50 Specimen copies will be sent free. 1 Postage prepdd to ail points in tne United j St.tes, Canada ana Mexico; in all other coun tries 2 cents per copy per day, payable by thg subset ber. Tehms: Cash in advance always. Remittances at the risk of the > übscriber, unless made by rrg st ered letter, check, postal note, money order, or express order, nayable to “The New York times Publish'ng Co. ” New York City. Address all communications thus : THE NEW YORK TIMES, Printing House Square, New York City, N. Y. NOW or NEVER. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 1,000 BOOK CASES, Desks, Fancy Chairs, Rockers, Onyx Top Tables, etc., etc. BOUGHT FROM BANKRUPT FACTORIES AT LESS THAN 1-3 COST. All Must Be Sold Be fore January 1. IN THE ASSORTMENT WILL BE FOUND Combination Book Cases, Ladies' Writing Desks, Leave Your Orders for : —and— : ; W O O ID O’NEILL M’F'G COMPANY, \ - Telephone 76. .; Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Remove* Freckles, Pimples, f Liver • Moles, Blackheads; V Sunburn and Tan, and re- \ etores the skin to its ongl- 1 x ■'t '>•4'!; nal freshness, producing clear and healthy com-vslEf'. plexion. Superior to all face ' - - '^' preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for SOets. Send for Circular, * VIOLA SKIN SOAP 11 «ln>F>r tncomparsble M a «ktn purifying Soap, unequaled for the toilet, and without a rival for the nursery. Absolutelypure and delicately medi- ( Cited. At druggists, Price 25 Cent*. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. ‘ SCHEDULE W.s Siu Lin Steamboat Co. Steamers Clifford B Seay and Resaca. Bosts leave Rome for Gadsden and in termediate lanuinsza Tuesdays and Fridays 8:30 a m. For Greensport and Locks 1, 2 and 3, Flidays 8:30 a.m. RETURNING. Arrive Rome Thursdays »nd Sundays. .4:00 p.m Rome —To— Atlanta Leave Rome Rome Daily at - 8:35 a.m Arrive Atlanta ... 11:10 a.m Leave Rome - - . ll::30a.m Arrive Atlanta ... 2:30 p.m Leave Rome- ... - 11:10 a.m Arrive Atlanta .... 1:30 a.m all on T. O. SMITH, Pass. Agt.. Armstrong House. J. J. FARNSWORTH, Division Passenger Agent. 0. W. WRENN, *«n. Paas, and Ticket Agt. TH NOVELTY $W ! G. H. RAWLINS. TOYS. TOYS. TOYS. ■ New Tots just in. No old goods. Can pie. se you. Our Prices T ALE. SAVING HOUSEKEEPERS Buy Gias s, Crockery, China and Tinware, Fanci Goods, Lamps, Notions, Etc;, at jthe “NOVELTY STORE.” 5,10 and 25c. Goods a Specialty. Broad St. cml. Jellico , Following JVXixxoa. COAL CO. FALLS BRANCH JELLICO COAL CO. EKKIKNBt COAL CO. JELLICO COAL MINING CO. HEHHB 1 STANDARD COAL CO. OAL C - CENTRAL JELLICO COAL CO. INDIAN MOUNTAIN COAL CO. MW. GRAVES & CO. ■ TELEmOIWE 00. ■ K - -- President. B I. HUQHKB, Cashier. P. H. HARDIN, Vloe Pie. Idem. K 1 Bank ; ■ o;F , romb gka.. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS: $300,000. Ail the Accommodations Consistent with Sate Banking Ex tended to onr cnstomerL. H. D. HILI,. Real Estate Agent, 230 BROAD STREET; ROME. GA. Renting a Specialty, and Prompt Settlement the Bali. mohS-dtt Letters of Administration. GLORoI A—Floyd County To all wboui it may concern—Henry Lamar having in pr per form applied to me for perma nent tetters of administration on the estate of orange Mo-e’ey. I are of said county. This is to cite a'l and singular the creditors anl next of kin of Orange Mo elv t» be and appear at my office within th tune allowed by law and t*how cauee if any thry can, why permanent admin* istra'ioo should nor be granted to Henry Lamar on OrnnKC Mo-elej’3 estate. Witness my h<nd and official signature this 4th day of December, 18&3. john p davis, 12-0-w4w Ordinary, Citation—Leave to Sell Land. GEORDI A—Floyd County: To all whom it may Concern —Bamu«*l Funk houser, administrator of Mrs S. a. Daily, de ceased has in due form api lied to the iinder signe 1 for leave to sell the lands belonging io the es’a'e of said deceased, and said app'ication will be heard on the Ar t Monday in January next. This 4th day of December. 1893. 12-4-w4w J JHN P. DaViS, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Floyd County PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE COURT of Ordinary of «aid county, will be sold at auction at the court house do >r of saldcounty. on ths first Tuerds- in Deceiub-r neat, within me legal hours or sale the following real estate towlr: Al of those tw > tracts of land In the <hnd district and 3r<i section • f said county, one tract constating of whole lorn N<>B. 1.35, IM, 171 ami 190 of 160 acres each, and 60 acres <ff the south side of lot No. 134, aud 60 acr.soff (he south side lot No 1.*3, both said parts of lots cut < fl by astralaht line running east and west; th other tra t known as the Abe Atkins pi ace, consists < f 60 acres cutoff he south part of lot No 99, and 40acre, in the southwert c >rner of lot No. 118, the two last named portions of h.ts Iving together and bounded on rhe north bylhe lands of W. A Chafin, James Kyle, and Meyer raidt land, east by W A. I hatln. south by W. A. i hafin and Lemasfer and west by Dry cr« ek. All of said real estate sold as the prop erty of the estate of W. C. Howell, late of said county, deceased. Terms cash C. H HOWELL, Afm’x. J. S. HOWELL. Adm’r. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGI A, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern: Notice Is here by given, that the appraisers appointed to set apa t and assi ru a year’s support to three minor children of William L. Dooley, deceased, have filed their awatd, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will he made the Judg ment of the court at the Jannarv term. 1894 of the court of ordinary. This December H 1893. JOHN F. DAVIS, 12-10-4 W Ordinary. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Ft OVD Coumtt. Notice is hereby given that a petition signed by fifteen or more freeholders of the KMth (Haiket’s) district G. M of said county, has b en tiled in my office, asking that the benefits f r the provi-ious of sections 419, ICO, 1451, 1452 14 3, 1454, of the Code of Ge<rgi*. of 1882, tnd t <e amendments thereto, shall apply to sairi 924th dlstrtc , G. M. of said county. I further give notice that an election will be or dered on the 4th day of December next, (1896), (sa d e ec> ion to occur on the 27th d.y of De cember, 1893), to decide the question of “Fence" or “Stock Law," according to the statutes in such case, made and provided. Given under my hand and official signature. the 13th day of November. '893. JOHN P. DaVIB, Ordinary. TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS. The Tribune Company has on sale a large lot of good second-hand material [that will be sold cheap on most favorable terms consisting of One Minerva Paper Cutter, One Proof Press, Imposing Stones, Card Cutter, News and Job Cases, Be quick, for these art going to be sold cheap. ROME TRIBUNE CO., Rome, Ga’