The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 03, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. TKBJ Powder ABSOLUTELY Pl BE ALL ONE WAY. No Opposition at the Fire men’s Meeting. OLD OFFICERS RE-ELECTED A Neat Little Offering to Jack O’Rear—No Excitement Whatever. meeting of the firemen >i's' i or. c ilice, ®K the effioars were elected by accta ’Kvtion. The same old officers wore re e'ected except in the case of first assist ant, and in this instance Mr. Harris was not a candidate for re-election. Here are the officers, as elected : H. D. Hanks, chief. T. L. Cornelius, first assistant. E. E. Bawsell, second assistant. Jack O’Rear, secretary and treasury. These are all good men, and will do the work imposed upon them to the satisfac tion of all. One pretty feature last night was a remembrance of Jack O’Rear, who still suffers from injuries received at a fire two years ago. A short talk on the sub ject was made by Mr. C. Underwood, and as a result S2B was voluntarily sub s 46 was donated from the by liviug thei®||g| yet get out of ifebt and live at Prof. Yarbrough’s school will Primitive Baptist church at Silver Monday mortaing next. Strength and Health. WB If you are not feeling strong and healthy,! try Electric Bitters. If “La Grippe’’ has' left you weak and weary, use Electric Bit ters. This remeday acts directly on Liver, Ston ach and Kidneys, gent'y aiding those organs to perform their factions. If you are afflicted with sick headache, you, will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. Ono trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50 cents at Curry’s drug - Stanton and Knox, Benefit Light Guards. Seats going fast for this entertainment at Nevin’s to morrow night. Such a charming at traction deserves a large attendance. Go and get seats at once for yourself apd lady. . Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of Pollock & McConrtfil have this day dissolved partnership by mu tual consent, J. R. McConnell hav : ng the entire interest of J. L. Pol- will assume all liabilities. J. L. Pollock, J. R. McConnell. TRAINING BOV.’* MOS ALIKE. No Good Reason Yet Why It Should Not In one of his book en titled “Brushwood, ’’ Janies T. Fields wrote: “If 1 again, I think I would learn lefthand 1 just as freely as my so that if anything happened either of them the other would to write and handle freely as if nothing had un doubtedly a great many would learn to use both hands had our lives to live over the young women who came in- struction while in charge of Domestic Economy of more could sweep ratio in this sped of those under at i'ard as my observation extends tl®H®n will hold in regard to women gv®S& and not know howto handle:: br<>oin.®£®& right hands only hate been Their left hands have been When a women takes hold of a Hnß it is with the right hand near of tlie handle ami the left hand the corn, and inst ad of changing®® reversing them as occasion dem.®® she always keeps them in the sition. Whether she sweeps to the or to the left, the position of her remains unchanged. And her contorted and her muscles strained i®j the performance of an operation th:® would exercise these organs harmonious® ly, if the hands were so trained thatW they could be used at will and were! changed as demanded by the changes in 1 the position of the sweeper. fl I refer to women sweeping merely to illustrate my point. The same can be ■ training of the I branches A i v e Asli our dog bad/bis day. Did he die?” ■BHBBMFit put an end to him.” b'bs always give satisfac- man who makes New Year’s reso lutions should keep them. They are of little use to anybody else. Cheap Sody Coal. ROME COAL CO. The flea may be small, but he makes many a big dog scratch for a living. •» - . Best and Cheapest, goes farthest, the Sody Coal. A Maine mau makes leather of catfish skins. The Himalayas have been seen 22'4 ■ miles away. > Rome Coal Co. All kinds from cheapest to highest. Telephone 142. ' In the smart set—the boy who has been spanked. r • BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Dyspepsia, In d’igesbion & Debility. THE ROME LKIBLNE, WEDNESDAY MO NiNGh JAN ARY 3-1894. THE NEW YEAR * Makes a Good Opening for Cotton. RECEIPTS OFF A LITTLE And if They Fall Much More Good Prices Will Prevail. The new year opens well for cotton ’ Liverp ojl gave us an advance of 3-64 and New York closes at an advauce of 15 points for futures and 1-16 for spots. R ceipts are lighter, being 25,000 aga nst 26,000 last year, aud if we cau only have a little falling off in receipts now we can hope for much better prices. Wheat is off a cent, corn half a cent and meats are unchanged. Koine Cotton ftiarKet. Rome, Jan. 2.—Middling 7H . Liverpool Cntvon Market. Liverpool, Dec. 23.—Spots 4Ji; tore steady, bales, 12,000. Yesterday’s Today's Close. opening, oit-e. January ami Feb’ary. 4.09 10 4.09 4 00-12 FtPuraryand Marco.. 4.1 i 4.11 4.13--4 Maron and April 4.13 4.14 13 4.15-16, Apr 1 and -Mav awl tjiiue .. 4.16-17 4.17 -4.19 June and July 4.18-19 4. 9 4.1 L July ano august 4.’.0 4 20 4 20 August and epl’btr. 4.21 4.22 421 Novetn. aud Dtceiu ; Decent, and January.. 9.10 4 09 4.12 New York Cotton Markers. New York, Jan 2. L Yesterday’s Todaj’s rl „ ’ L Cluse. Opening. v ‘ se ‘ Wan nary 7.57-38 7.16-53 7.74 ■’ebiuiry 7.6.’-i8 763 7.78-79 ■|a>eh 7.75 76 7 71-75 7.88 89 Karli 99.-92 7.8184 7.St 82 ®»y 7.11 -91 7.82-83 «97 98 8 0« 8.25-27 8 57-58 Chicago Produce Markers. Chicago Jan. 2. Yesterday’s Today’s ~,, „ Close. O; cuing. close. t>. ;3 i ®H®BB ®EBSSH>. ■ 1 ’ s .. HHKWM. hHH® 12 62 12 75 i .... uoi. I’ocket B®M®HB®>il*\• ii -'"S'-r:, only 2-5 “• s ,! <1 by drug by I). W. Gurry. 1.000 births iti England < B®H®®twins, Buckieri’a ArnicaSalva. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect ‘ satisfaction, or money refunded. Price | 25 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggist. Cows are used in Japan as pack an:- ( mals; never as milk givers. ; Children Cry for ' Pitcher’s Castoria. The jownrnent is making a general movement toward bettering the condi- | lion of the troops. ( 1 » When B iby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When st e was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria 1 1 I The coal Cargo of the Scotch ship Ida Iredale, which was abandoned at sea, burned for a year. The Tribune has on hand an elegant new revolving 1 book case, with eight shelves, 0 seven drawers and a cabinet f Brand new. Will be sold f cheap for cash. £ r What is Castoria is Dr, Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants t and Children. It contain? neither Opium, Morphine nor J other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute u for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. t It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas . toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. ‘‘CastonA is an excellent medicino for chil " "dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good eEect upon their children.” Da. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the ue t remedy for children of which !am acquainit-d. T'tepo the day is not fartdstant when mothers will consider the real interest of tiu-ir ehiMrcn, an.l use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcingophim, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.” Db. J. F. Kikchelob, . Conway, Ark. The Centavr Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. fro ra M kJ fe&i gMa M lyi j g y' 15, j; . . for la dies before au<l during confinement. Ad dress TBe Resident Physician 71 72 Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. 8-22-d&» Sm It has only showed once at San Diego, Cal., in the memory of man, r.” Yvs 24 : .1 jar'!. Oryou are all •■-, m sii-.-good fv-noth. L’g, it isgeueral debility. Try Zt|.’OHhV s is:< :s Ul'i'TEirß. ' will cure you, clcnn‘..> your liver, “nd give »' ood appetite. While crazjd by la grippe, ProfeSsor Sbortlidge shot bis wife dead at Media, Pa Stockholders’ Meeting. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholdris of the Merchants Nitlonal Bank will beheld at their b tak ing room January 9 h, 1894, at ten o’clock, a. m. S F. Magruder, home, Ga., Dec. 9, 1893. Cashier. 12 20 til j >t 9 A new aud stnsatiotial phase of the! Blyth millionaire will case has cropped . out. e •-♦ | Karl’s Clover Root, the great B'ood ( Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to I the complexion aud cures constipation, | 25c , 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. William A. B-.uuoM, a btnk teller of Providence,- R. 1., is adefaulter aud has fled. Shiloh’s Cure is sold on a guarantee. It. cures iucipieutcousuiuption. It i' rhe best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts ,50 cts. and SI.OO. For sale by D. N. Curry. The deck-pieic ug shell was success fully tested efl Sandy Ho >k Saturday. Mrs. T. S. Hawktus, Chattanooga Teno., says: “Shiloh’s Vitalizer saved j my life.’ I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system 1 ever ueed.” For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Puce 75 cts. For sale by D. W. Curry. " Castorix “ Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., 11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, * and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the favor upon it.” United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres., -Ci',’'is-* > < fnr ria. a. nlfejoti jg siTairs Vlabaan, ou Sat- he rs ’ Hxauii nat ion. for positions as teachers iu Rome public schools, will report the j school building at 10 o’clock a. m., on Tuesday, January 2, for examination . This does not apply to examiucd. _r City budget for 1894 is placed at something over $35,000,000. Don’t buy Coal before see ing the Rome. Coal Co.’s stock. Telephone 142. A feature cf the observanee of Christ mas at Vandalia, lb., was a dinner pro vided for the poor by the Presbyterian Sunday school. Ostrich Feathers cleaned, curled and died. Alson Kid [ Gloves cleaned at Phillips’, : 69 1-2 Whitehall street, At | lanta, Ga. 11 7-tu th sai2m I offer my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost. 1 have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. : R. T. Connally, j 7-28 d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome <ia. The Tribune has on hand an elegant new revolving book case, with eight shelves, seven drawers and a cabinet. Brand new. Will be sold cheap for cash. .Nutice. I Agreeable 1o an order of the Ordinary of FujdCdUbtv, Georgia, will bi 8 li before the cour. house door ui Fio\ d c unty during tne u-ual hours of sale to the highest bidder for < ash. on tne first tueaday in February, 1894, the fcowng re*i estate aud peisonal nropt rty Lelounng to the e.-ta’e ot W. H. Wardlaw, de ceased. T*o lots, be ng and lyingin the Fouith w*rd, city ot home, known a» iota No 6j and 6.) tr»"tii<gon Kroad street 10 i feet; each, aad running «>«ck 200 feet muiG or 'ess to Glover’s lence. Alto 3 lots. being a pait of Jot bo 316, in the 23rd uistriccand 3rd section, known and » escribed as lots number 200. 201, and 202 in the R me Lai d Cu«« puny’s addition to East Rome. I Also one Iron Sate |ui ion.can b ecu in the Bosworth corneret<>re. | Also one desk in the old Wardlaw warehouse wuh pair of uid sea es and cot'ou truck , cold f r a uivi ion and Huai ae tlement. o said estate. Jauuaiy 2,1694. S. J. WHATLEY, l-3-4w Administrator. WE CANNOT AFFORD IT. Wc cannot afford to carry them over and will dose out the remain der of over Christmas Goodg at New York cost. We have yet on hand a nice as sortment of thoge Joyely__French pretty, ALL j AT I tOST Just think of a Handsjme China Cup and Saucer, a hand painted and gold decorations, for 25 cents. Ev erything in our Christmas stock at cost this week. CARVER —A.3NTXD HARPER. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND BUHSKONB. R. A. HICKS, M. D? ROME, |QA. Homeopathic Pbysiciii(n and Surgeon, for merly Resident Pirysician to Hahne mann Hospital, of Chicago. Residence and Office 100 and 1031-2 2nd ave. Office hours, 9 to 11 ;\m, 2 to 4 pm, 7 to 8 pm. Sundays, 9to 10 am, 2to 3 pm. HOWARD E, FEtTON,M, D.7 Physician and Surgeon. over Hammack, Lucas & Co.’a Drug Store. Entrance on Broad Street. (JSir’At ofhee day and Telephone 62. 6-15 s DR. L. P. HA MMOND, PHYSICIAN AN b SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Office CROUCH & WATSONS DRUGSTORI Residence Telephone - - - no AO. Office ■ ,3. C? HAMILTON, M.. 0., PHYSICIAN AXO SURGEON Residence No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephoned No. 109. Office Telephone ffo. 123. ATTOHNB3®'B-AT-LAW. •3. iSM.VIN &TTORIyEY-AT-LAW Rome, Georgia. D. <;. Richmond ci Danville Railroad. My employmei t by. the above company will interim e with general practice, which will be attended to as mch4-dly ~ J. B. LLUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, Eloom 12, Poßtoffice Building. Pronip attention to d6ml ma 3 j. h. sanders, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN, GA. Collections a Specialty. W. W. Vandiver, ■BPorney at law 3|fp OFFICE IN Building, • - Rome, GA. | GATTIS & Eurchitects, actors, Builders. >r'i' ■ ■ niHilc at lowest MMMWMMMfact! <■ n lAUiirnnteed. Postals t lt.iw. m., will rccelvn feb'.fidtf Office Furniture. Schools and churches seated in the best manner. Offices furnished. Send for Catalogue. H-11-d6m Whereas, on the 20th day of April 1891, Henry L. Earpe. ot Floyd County, Ge >rgia, was the owner of six shares ot stock in the National Mutual Building and Loan Association of New York, and <m said day obtained a loan of SIOO fro said association, and executed and deliv ered to it a b*-nd conditioned to pay said sum witn inteie tat the rate of gix er cent per an num until paid, toge.her with a month ly premium oi iu eight years, or until tne etrikT ma’unty of said em.n-s ah-iuld tbev mature bet. re the expiiat'on < f eight years,and in addition thereto the sum of th •< dollar- and sixty cenis L»r the monthly dues ot said six shares which interest, premium and dues are p y I le monthly on or be for • the last business u<*y of every month at the office of s A i • associa ti *n in New City; together with lines, according to tli * b -laws of said association. And whereas Slid bond provide s that should any default be u.ade in the payment f add in teresr, preu.ium, duos or lints or any part thereof, and rhe same shall remain unpaid and in arrears for three months, the aforesaid prin - cipal Him, aud any and ail sums for interest, premium ami dues «>r lines shall, at the option of said Association become due and payable im mediately. And whereas, said Henry L Earpe has made def atilt lor in »re than thin three months in the payment ot said interest, p'en.iuin and dues and tines accruing thereon, said association now de c ares 8/tid pi it cipal su'n of four hundred dol lars at d the eum t one hundred and one dollars and flny-fuu r cents ft»r interest premium, dues a* d flues due mid pa\ able immediately. And whereas said H*nry g Ear;>e on said2oth day of April 1891 executed and delivered to said association adeed t secure the payment of the obligations mentioned in said bund, in which he conveyed to said ass* ci ttion the property here inafter described and in said deed auttior zed Paid HSsociati. n, u ■ on default of pay i enta as ber-inbef. ro stated, to sell at public out cry to the hi«hest bidder t »r cash ail of raid property, ora sufU uei c.v thereof to pav all moneys which shall men be due <»n sain bonds, together with a’l etp’Dßi s incident to rale, including ten per cent ui»oi theam>uu r dui tor a torneys* lees in effecting sn<l Bale. Jhi? time, place and term* 1 s. t?, to be once a week for four w<-eks in some publ c gazette of said county of Floyd iielore said -ale takes place Now in ex cation of said authority there will be so dat pubic outcry betore th court house door in Home, Floyd county. Georgia between the leg.l b urs |oi* sale on the first Tuieday iu Felirnuy 18‘.4. to the highest bidder for cash, the following uescrihed property to-wit: AlltbaUor. pkceoi |ihc 1 or land with the improvements hereon, lyin and beingiu Floyd counts, state of Georgia, being lot number two hundred and »i„hty-iwo (282) in plat of West ttume by the Rome < and co.npany.and bounded as f-ll w.-: On the n«>j tii by an alley, on the ©aet by lot number two hundred and eighty-five (.85;; on thee uth by lot number two hundred and eight)- hree (283) and on the west by Arm str, ng avenue, according to sai l plat, bold as the properly of said Henry L Earpe. This December 4th 18 *3 National Mutual Building and Loan Association, of New York. By DEAN & SMITH, U-5-law4w Attorneys.