The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 04, 1894, Image 4

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Highest of* all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. Dr&fed Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE —— * NOW THEY’RE MARRIED And They Asked Nobod}’3 Consent to the Match. Mr. W. T. Winfrey is a well-known young pressman and printer, and Miss Kitie Lambert is the pretty young daughter of ex-Ordinary L imbert. They were married Ixst night. It was a very quiet affair, and the moat intimate friends of the couple did not know of it until the ceremony was per formed. The young people went to the home of Riv. G. W. Duval), and he tied the knot that mad - them i ne. Both have many friends in the city who ■bjßex tending their hearty congratula |||||fevid well wi-hrs. HKj||Kave b<-eu usti'g Di. Bull’s Couch for Some time. It curt d my btby Hwvery bad c >ugb. I beltavu It was Ms" means of saving bis life. Mrs WThomas Hinton, Centreville, N. J. and Knox to night. ▼ MARRY ' And Wants Sheriff Moore to Help Him Out of Hb Trouble, Sn > queer letters reach the sheriff office. Here is the beginning of one Sheriff Moore received the other day: Kemper Co. Miss., January 1894. Mr. Sheriff of Fluid Co State of Gar sir Agreeable Request wishes anddesiares of miself And orthorieties of the navy Armey Department of war of the Buiet Powder and Lead Department I dont want hattie Say ures and Lular E Ben ham to B >ther me as I i intn to viset the State of Alabama soou to marrie and as they Live io the State of Gorgia under your gurisdtetion I wold Like you wold put a stop to them their Disterbance or eu worse means m<y put a stop to them and their fame.shun. Japanese Pile Cuie is\an unfailing cure for every kind utid sjAh of the disease *. uarautetd by D. Rome, Ga night. J -f' , 'A\ - - w/l**''-' ;■/ have partnership by mu tual consent, J._ R. McConnell bought the entire interest of J. L. Pol lock, and will assume all liabilities. J. L P. LLOCK, 12-21-ts J. R. McConnell. The large guns of modern navies can only be fired about seveniy-five times be ‘ fore they are worn out. Shiloh’s Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures iucipientconsumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts ,50 cts. and SI.OO. For sale by D W. Curry. When Leyden w.» besieged by the Spanish army in 1574 the city govern ment issued cn dir. iu.t>s .-n leather. Shiloh’s Vitai izur is woat you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizz'ne-s and a I symptoms*of dyspepsia. Price 10 ana 75 cents per bottle. For sale by D. W. Curry. Sidney women eat arsenic for their complexion. Ti e result is that they rarely smvive their 45r.h birthday. Johnson’s Oriental 8-ap imparts a deiicare oo<t m.n I. avt-s ibe skm soft »nd veltety, 8.11 b, D. W. Cuiry, Rome, Ga. Eugene'l ompkiua is couismplaiing a big Shakespearean revival for the next season at the Boston theater. “Henry V 1 ’ is spoken of. Ingleside R- treat.—For disnaseala Women, acieui.iflc treatment and cure guarauieed. E egunt aparrments for la dies before and during c>i fi lement. Ad dr«BS The Resident Pi yaiotan 71 72 Bsx'er Court. Nashville, Tenn. THE NIGHT SCHOOL Will Be Opened Monday Night—Teachers To Be Elected. The night school will be opened next Monday night. Thus far about forty bave registered, and more will follow on Friday and Saturday. The night school idea has met with universal commendation, and from the start made it looks as if it will do the good the board of education intended that it should. It will give an opportu nity to all to acquire a good common school education, and no matter how it grows enough teachers will be elected for all to be taught. The board of education will meet to day, and the business to be attended to which is attracti g the greatest amount of attention is the election ot three teachers. One of these is for the night school, another to fill Miss Wood’s p'ace, ano the third to take Miss Mitchell’s, these two having resigned. There are just eighteen applicants for these places, and each one is sure be or she should be e'ected. To cboo-e among these is one of the delights of being a member of the board. Don’t forget Stanton and Knox to nght. DIED YESTERDAY. One ot Floyd's Oldest Inhabitants Passes Away. Mr. James Dowdle, better known as “Uncle Jimmy,” died yesterday morn ing at bis home a c upie of miles norib of R-me. He was one of the oldest of Floyd’s cit'Z rus, and.had friends in al, this section. He was in his 80th year, and a great P' rrion of bis life bad been spent in this c muty. AH knew him to leapt ct and admire him, and his death will cause universal regret. He was the father of Rev. Caleb D twdle. Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough d croup cure, is m great demand. Pocket S’zeContains twenty-five -'oses, only 25 Cents. B. Porter, Silver Creek, Ga. 4 c. THE COMING AND GOING Os the People You Know and Some That You Don’t Know. Mr. J, Monroe Ogden, of Macon, is at the Armbtrong. Mr. C. H. Parks, of the Atlanta Journal, is at the Armstrong. Dr. C. M. Drake, chief surgeon of the E. T., V. & G. R. R., is in the city. Mrs. E. B. Ellison left yesterday for a months visit to relatives in Gadsden and Attalla, Ala. Mr. J. J. Farnsworth, division passen ger agent of the E. T., V. &G. R. R., spent yistercay in the city. Oidinary Hendricks, i f Bartow county, was in tbe city yesterday. He called on Oidinary Davis at the new courthouse and was highly pleased with the build inland its sr poin n en's. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Mu p'iy and Mui ray, * Ou Dish Vii itors,” have again b-come partners auti wi 1 soon stare out iu a new Celtic comedy. I offer my entire stock of boots and shi es at coat. I have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome fur good shoes for some nm-. R. T. Connally, 7-28d-«6tn 216 Broad street Rome Ga, Don’t buy Coal before see ing the Rome Coal Co.’s stock. Telephone 142. THE ROME fRIBtJNE, HIORSDAV MOWING, J ANAR Y 4 1894. WAITING ON THE PUMPS- Superintendent Warier Stops Work on the VV aterwoiks. Those pumps for the waterworks are not here yet. *.. And there is no telling when they wil' get bare. They were first due on th9 of No vember, but time was asked for suveia. umes and giauied. The last time sei was for tht m to be shipped without fan last Saturday. Ou tbac day Superin leudeut Wagner tel-giapbijd the com pany to know if tbe pumps had been sblp,ed. He received a reply that no one was in the < fiice, but an answei would be sent Monday. That is tbe last heaid from them. Mr. Wagner has finished all the work •h t can be done around the pumping station or reseivoir, and stopped work altogether last night. LARGE CROWDS Visited the California Exhibit Cars Here Yesterday. California’s two extnoit cars were sta tioned at the so >t of Broad street yester day, and attracted large crowds ail day and until 9 o’clock at ufgut. The care are prettily decorated and arranged, ano one tided with splendid sampks of fiuits, wines and the Hke, besides some hand some gold specimens. The cooking school attracted many la dies and the car devoted to this was crowded during all the hours they were invited. The cars are out so. purely advertising purposes, but it is done in ah attractive and in e>eating manner. They are under tue management ot the Leak Introducing Co., and some rattling good woik is being done. Twenty-four men are with the cars and many hues ot goods aie being introduced and pushtd. A mote attractive feature is the splen did lot ot California wine being aavei tised. Sampl.s areciriiedif all kinds, and maiy-iuvited guests were teitiug ih wine yesterday. For those who do noi care for wine sweet nun-alcoholic grape juice was set our. The cars wnl be here today, and possi -01 tyonioiiow. CITY CLEANINGS. Civil Service Examination. A competitive t xlimitation under tbe mlesof tbe civil rerv ce commission 01 applicants for cleiks and carriers will be held at the posti tfire • n tbe lOih of Feb ruary. Appication must be nude <u bai k« which may be secured at the postt ffloe. They must be til-d by Mon div, J inuy y 21sr, Eistmanis ixaminaliou. as quit. •? mi ■*.?" - '**' V*'.* 1 ' ''"arMy 3 are n " w " II fill i<>w. He rhe c-I mp 1 exlll n aud^B^">■« 25c., 59c. For sale by NEW LAW FIRM. Seaborn Wright, Harper Hamilton and Mo.e Wright Form a Partnership. In this issue of The Ibibune will be found a new professional caid, that of Wright, Hamilton x Wiight. The firm has been orga-iz d, tbe old firm of Wrights & Harper being dissolved by Mr. Harper withdrawing and leaving for his new horn?. Tbe new firm starts out with bright prospects, all of the members being attorneys of high standing, and their past successes, as individuals points to an even greater success as a firm. Mr. Sea born Wright, who has been trying to withdiaw from practice as much as pos sible, has determined to re-enter ac uaby again, and tho firm will enter the legal arena with all its m'ght. Karl’s ( lover Root will purify you, b oud, clear your complexion, regulati you- bowels and make your head clear a, as a b«ll. 25c. and 50c. Fur sate by D W. Curry. Death or a Good Lady. Died, at her residence iu the FifU ward, yesterday evening at 7 o'clock after a few davs illness with la gripp-, Mrs. Thus Carroll, moiherof Mrs. Mary Weber. Funeral at the Catholic chmcli Fiidav m .ruing ar. H ~’c ock. F.iends aud acqu liutHuees invited tn attend. Mrs. T. S. Haskins. Cbattamng. lemi., says: “Shiloh’s yitaliz -r saver mv lif.i.’ I consider it the best remed. for a debilitated system 1 ever u-ed ’’ For dVBp.-psia, Over or kidney trouble >• -xcels. Price 75 cts. nor sale by D. W •lurry. The year is in ths bloom of you h when other fluwers are dead. Garden Seeds. He Who Reaps Must Sow. Our Garden Seed have come agd are opened, up, and we are now ready to serve our friends and patrons with the choicest varieties of everything in the Garden Seed line. Everything positively fresh from the great seed farms in the east. Onion Sets--Plant Now. Plant English Peas. We have the very best varieties adapted to be sown at this time Plant Radish seed, set out onion-sets. They will grow rapidly from this time on. We are Headquarters For Paints, Paints. Oils and Varnishes, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes. Toilet Soaps, the Choicest Perfumes, in the Greatest profusion pipes, Wood, Briar and Meercshaum. Curr’ys New South Cologne Is a genuine luxury for the toilet and bath. Extra large bottle 50c and SI.OO Take our Emulsion Cod Liver Oil for all after effects of grippe It is pleasant to take. The medical profession endorse Cod Liver Oil. |M3Bnern Jellico Coal Co., Following TMixxosa .- RgH«|KGE JELLICO CO*L CO. FALLS BRANCH JELLICO COAL CO. |g|gg9g|||lpN uSSEE COAL CO- JELLICO COAL MINING CO. kL CO. j R fTEA S D H iaiNEs' STANDARD COAL CO. JELLICO COAL CO. CENTRAL JELLICO COAL CO. INDIAN MOUNTAIN COAL CO. ROB’T. wTgRAVES &- CO. JggnEFErONTE 98. L ■he Ccqnelin-Hading I .rtists wid begin its | iment at the new i * rbeimidor.” ic Oil cures cramps at neuralgia. 50 and >. W. Curry’s Rome, Gd. \ Raymond Mooie us going starring in February in a new Irish comedy called "’Love’s Young Dream.” Teachers’ Examination. Applicants for positions as teachers in the Rome public tseMtll*,-’’!!! report -the school building at 10 o’clock a. m., on : Tuesday, January 2, for examination This does not apply to those heretofore , examined. J. L. Camp, President. Max Meyerhardt Sec’y. 42 30 3 J. K. Enmet has sbtlved “Fritz in Prosperity,” the new play Sidney Roteu deld wro.e for him. Children Gry for Pitchers oasioria. The Rome Coal Co. have just received fine lot Red Ash Jexlico. R>ldud Reed is rec..veiing from his uiuess and will resume his lour Jan. 15 in Nasbvnlt*, Peon. Cheap Sody Coal ROME COAL CO. Ostrich Feathers cleaned, curled and died. A Ison, Kid viloves cleaned at Phillips’, 69 1-2 Whitehall street, At lanta, Ga. 11 7-lu id ftuizm Joseph Httri it» wruiug a musics! farce jomedy, winch he will call -rhe Family ] Tree.” The smallest bird in the world is the ‘ fly-eater,” of Cuba. It is one-third the size of the humming bird. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Best and Cheapest, goes farthest, the Body Coal. The Jacksonville I'imes-Uuion is glit tering like Kohinoor these days. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. Honduras now has the Louisiana lot tery. Wasn’t the revolutionary spirit sufficient? Rome Coal Co. All kinds from cheapest to highest. Telephone 142. The springs of hope in Mr. McKinley’s human breas bad hotter hn greased. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Going to the rock pile means penal la bor or meiceu»ry mairtage. Application for Letters of Dismission. Flo. <1 Louniy. he.cas, bainuei bunkhoußPr, Adminirtri- W ior o Hallie AltK ustc, ueevaacu, r« pe ee.ts «o »«e c art that ne has aUiu.uis«ur«.U Hmlliu Al( KcHcuZieo cs.alv. aujb am tv cite ait p ißuiib • ce He ~ kiuured ttud cieuilw.B Lu eliua Va <*a «lA> tUCj CMU, Why Balu auwllllo* Li--Lui b. ill i lte *iuU Baum n IM.IUJo. . .a VClVtf lulle. bul t i lia-BIUIA •1A AAIBo AlUs.U«ay AAA ApbAi, Itt'H. 'XIAAM UMSsUaI/ ABC, I a'.*L JUuA?. e di apt Ordina , Muyd ~vupiy, Ua. ( The New York WEEKLY HERALD * I’or 1894. Will be Without Q lestiou taka’s Leading Family Paper The reputation tha-. the Weekly Hers Id has e j ’jed for many jears of being tre be t h»u e newrKpa er in the Umi will t»e m aerially added to aurin tluj jear of 1804 l\o pa ns or • x be spa>td to . akc ir in everv de parmem the moa»- rrliable, interest » £ and in structiveof all *e kiy newspaper publications. It will be improved in many wavs. A wmberotnew lea’ures and departments will t>e added The latest development in all fields of contemporaneous human interest w«ll be ably discussed from week to week by accom plished writeis. THE HEWS OF THE WORLD Will be given in a concise but comp ete form. Every important or interesting event; either at home or abroad, will be duly desciibcd in th Columns of the Weekly Herald. In uobtics the Hera la ie absolutely independ ent and sound. It t* Ils the rights and wrongs of all sides without Par Farmer'* and Ho k raisers eannot afford to be without the Weekly Herald during the coming year It will c n ain a regular denar inent e<w h we»k (levltd exclusively to sul jects of time]v in e es to tuem, and »iving uiduy valuable suggestions and new ide%s Toe women and children o r the land will fl» d In the Weekly Hera'd a welc< me visitor The household and childrm's pages wdl bn both in s>ruc'ive and entritainlng will abound in hints and receipts whicli women so mucn value. a brill! int arrav of novels avd short stories by theb» st wiiters in America and England has been secured, so that fiction will be one of the most attractive features iu the Weekly Herald (luring 1894. In fact, the Weekly Herald will be a maga zine oi tne highest order, combined with a com plete newspaper. Now is the time to subscribe. Only One Dollar a Year. Send for Sample Copy. Address, THE WEEKLY HERALD, herald square. SEW YORK. The New York Times. A Democratic News paper. What the Times ie: A high-class newspaper for the city reader and lor the country home; lor he merchant, the professional man the financier the politician, the teacher, the larme , and the me hanic-lor every American who woulo be p oniptly and truth ul j told what the people of this world are doing; .’or women and for young folks i teres'edin household affairs, in new books and ol , in art. science religion and education, in the rivalries of a uateur sports, in society, and in all tne ligh er goings on and wholesome go-sip o' the cay. Lt is a mil, cl. an. an" complete newspaper, conducted with intel li.eme intelligent people. tv hat the Time' believes io: Federal taxation imposed in th inter, st of the government anu of the whole people, not for the restriction of trade and ih • benert' of rhe ew; an honest dol lar that the hand of toil may tec-iv- wi bout loss and pa» over wi>ho t shame; a tberai xp-ndi ture for p'nsions to veterans who need and de se>ve th. m, and to no others; >he D. mocratic party as a belt' r ins rumentaliiy or popular government ti an the He üblican; and in keep ing that pa tj true to its alms under sound ereh p. The financi 1 page of the Times is a capital ma-nal'or investors for bankets, and the o n c-rs and tr> ste e <>' savings banks, tia.te.ompa nies. insurance companies. Ita 1«» y earnings, stock and boa i quotations, int rest and dividend notices the rganizatiou ol new< s and a l a tew.reports are promptly andacc i rat !• urinted. Note the e> cell' nee of the Times in these de partments : hanking and financial; politics, na tional a> dst *te; s hoots and co'uges, sports, markets amt co uniTcial repots; army and navy n ws; art ana sconce; the churches; book r views. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES. The subscription p-lce of the We-kly Times is one d.Jlar ayt ar. The Weokly Times is a c pi talnew paper, it contains alt the cur'en near co reused from the dispatches and repor so the daily ■ diti-n, besioes li erarv matter. <1 is missions upon agricultural topics by prac ical farmer-, full ana accurate nu ke reports ot prices ot farm profile-, live stocK ec.,auds carefully prepared weekly wool market. sußsCKirrn.N rates. Daily, 1 year ,8.00; with Sundav, SIO.OO “ 6 mou hs, 4.(0; “ ’ 5.10 “ 3 »onths, 2 Oo; “ “ 2.50 “ 1 mouth, 15; •• “ 00 Snnday, lyear.. 2.00 Weekly, lytar l.Pu; " « months, 50 Spec'im n cpl< s will be sent flee. Postaie prep-id to all points I . tne United St tes, Canada ana Mexico ; in all other coun tr es 2 cents per copy per day, payable by in subscr her. TEaMs: Cash (n advance alway*. Ren stances at th.- risk of the übecriber, unless made b» r-g st ered letter. Check pos at rote. money order, r express ffirder, uayante to ‘'The New York Tim-s I'ulilrah ng Co. ” New York City. Aldrets all CO’ninnica'ionb thus THE NEW YORK iIME% Printing House Square, New Ymk City. N. Y. Notice of bale. Whereas, on the 20th day of April 1891, Henry L Earpe. of Floyd County, Georgia, was the owner of six shares ot stock in the National Mutual Building and Loan association of New York, ami <>n said day ootained a loan of S.OO fro said asrocia' ion. and e> ecu ted and deliv ered to tt a b-.-nd conditioned to pay said sum with intere tat the rate of six er cent per am nnm until paid, toge.her with a month ly premium of sr.(O so eight years, or un 11 the earlier ma'urity of said snares, sh - uld they mature bef< re the expiiation < f eight years,and iu addition thereto theiUHi of three dollar, and sixty cents for the monthly dues ot said six shares which interest, premium and dues ate p.y ble monthly on or bef.T- the last business nay of every month at the office ot s.i i t' >n in New Yolk City; together according to the b -laws of said And whereas e*dd bond provides, tluiß.L *.* any defamt be ...ade in the payment f -Krai tere.t, premium, dues or ttn.s <r thereof, and the same shall remain in arrears for three months, the ctpa 1 stun, and any and all sums for pietn uni amt t’uee or fines shall, at o' sa d Assotlaiion become due and medi .rely. An t whereas, said Henry L Earpe i est tic tor m .re than ihsn three ay uent. ot said interest,pteo.ium fine accruing thereon, said c ares said p< t> cipal en <> of four lars at d the sum I one hundred and o^^^V H r p and fitty-fott- cent- f t internet a>.d tines due and pa. aide An'i wheieas said H uiry u Ear m ith day of April ißni ex- cit’eti a'd asaociiiiou atleeti t > e uro the pay th- obligations ineuttone" in said pe conveyed to said ass< ci-tion the inalter ileectibed and In said deet^^^M rz said -ssociuti n, u on d-f nit ot a her inhef r- stated, to sell at r< the t cash all of a io all 's, r ' io '< i,-, o ; ■■ ■ - ■» ■ ' 1 k 1 w .t be ko <1 at | übic lious* door in Floyd cotinr.v. | lr t e , the leg 1 ti ur* |<>«* sde on adav in Kebra uy 185 4. to tn Cab h the r< llowing uwscril e 1 piopni Alltiidtlo pi ce <>i- p.ic i with tht 1 riprovemeu 8 hereon, bin l 0 Flo o count', srarn of ««eirgi< iioer tw< hundind and »i hty- wo (28 o t W» a Kdiih by rtie Koine' and co at* f II w-: On thn n rto on •h« ©apt bv lot nnn ber two , Ighr.x tl>. ( 8Y ; on the 8 uth by lor. but d>* < and eighty- hroc ( 8') «nd by Aim t*tr ng avenue, affording a the prxppriy <d *-aid H-ory Thia l>« cumber nn 18 »3 Naiionai Mutual Building Y..ik, ’ . By SMITH, PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND BURGHOHB. R A. HICKS. M. D? ROME. GA. Homoepathic Physician and Surgeon, for merly Resident Pnysician to Hahne maun Hospital, of Chicago. Residence and Office 406 Third Avenue. Office hours, 9 to 11 am, 2 to 4 pm, 7 to 8 pm. Sundays, 9to 10 am, 2to 3 pm. d; Physician and Surgeon. Offire over Hammack, Lucas & Co.'s Drug store. Entrance on Broad Street. (gy-At office d„y and night. Telephone 62. 8-15 drTlTpThammond, PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Ifflce CROUCH & WATSONS DRUGSTORI Residence telephone ... no 40. Office ... 'l3. rHAMILTOMI. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bosidenoe No. 115, Maple St. Hast Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. ATTOBNB.STB-AT-LAW. Wright, Hamilton & Wright, Attorneys-at-Law. Office : Masonic Temple Annex. l-4-6m J. bkawham, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rome, Georgia. D. V. SICHMOItD & Dawvillb Railboab. My employment by the shove company will lot interfere with my general practice, which will be attended to as heretofore. mch4-dly J. 8. F. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, Room 12, Postoffioe Building. Promp attention to collection*. d6ml ma 3 J. H. SANDERS,” ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN, GA. Collections a Specialty. W. W. Vandiver, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN— Postofflce Building, • - ROMS. Gx. GATTIS & HAMILTON, Architects, Contractors, Builders. Plans drawn and contract* made at lowest pricts, and satisfaction guaranteed. Postals icdressed to us at Rome. Ga., will receive oromnt atrenHnn feh?fidtf JACKSON OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY, MACKSON, TENN. and Office Furniture. QCHOOLB AND UnUK HK3 SEATED IN k) the best manner Offices furnished. Send for Catalogue 11-11 -rlflni Notice. Agreeable to nn order of the Ordinary of F oyd CuULtv, G>-O'gi*, will be s Id before the court house door ot Fluid c imty during the u-ual hour, of sale to the h'ghest bidder for < ash. on (.be first Tuesday in February. 1894, the so tow ng re.l estate anti peisonal property oelonrtngto Hie e.ta'e of W. H. Wardlaw; de eased. Two lors, bsng and lying in the Fourth w-rd, city of Home, known a. lots No 6. and 69. fr •"ting on KFoad street 101 feet each, aid running !>.ck 200 feet mo e or >e»s to Glover’. | ence. Also 3 lots, being a part of lot No 816, in the 23rd district and 3rd section, known ana •■escribed »< lots number 200 201, and 202 in the R 'tne Lai d Coo pany’s addition to East Rome. Also one Iron Safe ood-ize and in good Con di ion. can b • -een in the Bosworth corner etore. Also one desk in the old Wardlaw warehouse with pair of old sea e" and cot'on truck-, wold f r a divi ion and finalee tiemen to said estate. January 2, 1894. S J. WHATLEY, 13-4 w 4dmint"trHt*»r. • STB v • ■ - Y »U TO WORK FOR US, thus VY n kta U 2 to 835 OO PER WEEK. Par'tes iferr I who can lurnl.h a horse and travel ti.. . h e countr>, a team though, 1. not nee- bs. 1 few vacancies io towns and elti-s. Spare Hours may be u-ed to good ad vantage. B F. JOHNS tN & co. 2 sd-wlm 11th and Main Sts. R'chmond, Va. Administrator’s Sale. 4EORGI 4, F oyd County. By vbt'ieot an order of tne Court of Ordt n»r> ' f P .h county. Ha. granted at be Decern nerte in. 18W, will ue old b-fo,e the cor rt nou-ed iorol said county o' Fl qd on the first I'ue day in February, 1F94 within the legal 1 mr-of sale th* tollowi- gpr .per vofA. G. •Ve*t decea ed, to wt: A one third nnrivided ■n e est ill lo » Ot laud Noe. «I‘, til . 612, 6tr, 616. 17 618,8-0 681.6 8, 6.9,613. 619. 676, Ml> and trie ■ eat hall of I tNo 6M. All in tne 3rd distriot nd4th >-e don or Paul cniintv of Floyd. Al-o •t No. (2 In tne 22nd district and 3ro section of •all c nncy of F rod. -old for 1 lie p rporsof tne payment of debts nd oisr.biiiin. Terms cash. This 27th ut D-<w 1 be, i«93. ivr F. Thompson, l - 9-la-4c Arim’r A. G •* est, <1- < eased. Appraisers Appointed, *E< *RGI %—F’ojd county: •o wumhi t may c mcenj-N Heels h“reby iven, tha th- ap r Lwre Mpmiin ed <<» appraise ■aim p*ni»ert> ui lli<a**'M. p< nn deceas* d, h*ve .led th ir »eti>FLh and unlehs g •• d ana Fut cans** t*< Btii>wn, th bbhim wih be made the iitdg'i en* of th* court a r *tb* January verm J 894. f the cou.t u£ i r iluary. Thia December 4ta. 189J j 2 w4w JOHN P. DAV 13, Ordinary*