The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 05, 1894, Image 4

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al! in Leavening Lower.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. RRMU Baking IPowder ABSOLUTELY PURE WATER WILL FLOW From the New Works in About Sixty Days > OR IT MAY BE LESS TIME- The Pumps Will be Shipped This Week or Early in Next. Rome should be supplied with water from the naw works by the first day of March. And barring accidents, Superintend ent Wagner says this will be the case. The pumps have been beard from at Saturday of this - week. They are ■>bt and .lay, as shown to Mr. W. J. Giif- ' ‘ waterworks com- Jan 3, 1894. “Mr. W. J. Gfiffiu, Chairman Water works Committee, Rome Ga. “Dear Sir: We have your esteemed favor of the 2nd inst., and in reply would say that we are very sorry to be so far behind in the shipment of your pumps. We wrote the mayor yesterday, sending a copy of the communica'ion to Mr. .Wagner, which fuby explains the reason of delay. At the present time we are working night and day, and it is more than likely that we will be able to ship the pumps by Saturday of this week — surely the first of the coming week. If Mr. Wagner would like to examine the machinery before being shipped, it would be well for him to report here at once. We trust that the citizens will fully ap preciate your t fiats, as well as Mr. Wag ner’s, in providing them with a first class waterworks plant. “Wishing you a prosperous new year, we remain, yours truly, The Laidlaw-DuIW-Gobdon Co.’’ Mr. Wagner says he can finish the work within thirty days after the vrival of the pumps, are every tin mere aie jawin', and is -V upon the of the. system. Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, ft is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney and Co. Testi monia's free. Sold by druggists, price 75c per bott'e. Bucket shop speculation ruined De faulting Teller Bennett, of the Globe National Bank, of Providence. Japanese Pile Cuie is an unfailing cure for every kind und stage of the disease v usranteed by D. W. Curry, Rome, Ga Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of Pollock & McConnell have this day dissolved partnership by mu tual consent, J. R. McConnell hav ng bought the entire interest of J. L. Pol lock, and will assume all liabilities. J. L. Pollock, 12-21-ts - • ' T ‘ McConnell. Cure is sold on a guarantee. consumption. It is the ; ' ; cure. Only one cent a dose. and SI.OO. For sale by D. has a right to liberty of llllHHMßritallzef is what you need for loss appetite, dizzinem of dyspepsia. Price ’Wots per bottle. For sale by and County Taxes. ■HHK taxes for lMi:i are being put : JBnf the sheriff for c Election. Jmo. J. Black, T. C. TEACHERS ELECTED. The Public School Trustees In Session Yes terday. For over an hour the city board of edu cation was in session yesterday afternoon in the office of Judge Max Meyerbardt A considerable amount |of routine busi ness was attended to but the interesting portion was the election of three teach ers, one for the night school to be estab lished next Monday night, and the other two to fill vacancies in the regular schools. There were just 21 applicants for these three places. The election re sulted as follows: Miss May Clark, teacher of night school. Miss Ruth Walton, first grand B. Miss Annie Perkins, second grade A. Supernumeraries,.Miss Laura Hume, Miss Ada Jenkins and Miss Bettte Led better. These are ail well known young ladies whose education and other qualifications make it certain that they will please Another Municipal Ticket. Editor Tribune: Several tickets have been suggested within the past month for municipal honors. If you will kindly indulge me I would like to suggest the names of the following gentlemen fcr mayor and coun cilmen: For mayor—W, P. Simpson. For counoilmen: First ward—Henry Harvey. Second ward—Henry A. Smith. Third ward—W. F. Ayer. Fourth ward—George Harris. Fifth ward —Tom Reese. These men are competent to handle any question that may become before them. Several of them have been pre viously tried and “have been found not wanting.” Suggestion. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says: “Shiloh’s Vitalizer - saved my life.’ I consider it tbe best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used.” For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 bts. For sale by D. W. Curry. Pu's the List In the Sheriff’s Hands. The last day for paying the state and county tax was the 20 .h of December. And at this time $50,000, or over half of the total amount, remains unpaid. The money must be forthcoming and Mr. Black has placed all unpaid taxes in the hands of the sheriff for collection. Mr. Black has recently paid School Commissioner Bridges $lO 800, which has been distributed to the teachers of the couc’y. The poll tax has not yet been paid, and $3 500 is still due. Fob Rent—My residence, 103 Fourth avenue, for the year 1394. Mrs. M. J. Sargeant, 1-5-63 Central Hotel. Rome Coal Co. All kinds from cheapest to highest. Telephone 142. Connecticut swarms with exiled bunco steorers from New York, who are glad to get anyone to pluck. Karl’s Clover Root will purify youi blood, clear your complexion, regulate you' bowels and make your bead clear as as a bell. 25c. and 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. Statehood for Oklahoma is strongly op posed by Colonel Robert L. Owen, chief adviser of the Cherokees. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. War*will be waged by Anthony Com stock on slot machines that encourage games of chance, Keep the blood pare by taking Hood’s Sarsa parilla. If you decide to bay Hood’s Sarsapa llla, do not be persuaded to keep any other. THE ROME TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MOWING, JANARY 5 1894. STILL CLIMBING. Liverpool and New York Both Advance. COTTON IS VERY FIRM. Chicago Markets Decidedly Stronger—Wheat Up a Cent and a Half. Liverpool today gave us an advance ci 4-C4ths. New York opened higher and durirg the day gained 8 points; on the closr, however. 3 of these were lost. Chicago markets are decidedly stronger. Wheat advanced today a cent and a hall per bushel. Ribs are 15 points higher. Koine Cotton Market. Bomb, Jan. 4.—Middling 7% . Liverpool Cotton Market. , Liverpool, Dec. 23.—Spots 4 1-16: tone firm, bales, 12 ,OOU. Yesterday’s Today's Close. Opening. Close. ■January and Feb’ary. 4.12-13 4.14 4 17-17 t'» l 'urary-nd Marca.. 4.14-15 4.17 4.18 Malta and April 4.16 4.18 19 4.1’3 Apr iai,u .May 4.17-18 420 4.21-22 Mav aud June4.l9-20 4.22 4.23 Jane and July 4.21 4. .4 4.25 July ana August4.2.’ 4.25 4.27 August and aept’btr. 4.21 4.22 4 28 Novem. auu Decern Decem. and January.. 4.12-13 4.16-17 New York Cotton Markets. New Yuan, Jan. 4. Yesterday's Today’s Close. Opening. close. January 7.78-80 7.84-90 7.53-85 February7.l4-85 7.90-91 7.88-69 Marell 7.93 94 7.99 7.a8-99 April 8.01-02 8.07-07 8.16 07 May 7.1.-H 8.14-.5 8 14 13 June..: 718 19 «.22- 8.2123 July 8.25- 5 8.99 00 8.23-3'l Augustß.o-32 8.34-35 December 8 57-58 Chicago Produce Markets. Chicago, Jan. 4. Yesterday’s Today’s r . „ Close. Opening. close ’ Wheat- Cash 67% 61% December May 15% 65% 66 % Corn— December May 36% 35% 39% Fork— Cash 12 52 12 75 Jana ay. 12 52 May 12 37 12 62 12 ej Kibtj— Cash 6 40 6 47 Janue-y 6 37 6 47 6 CO Lard— | Ca-h 8 00 7 95 January 7 67 7 70 7 82 May 7 55 7 52 7 64 Hog receipts today, 41,000; estimated for to morrow, 25,0.0. Port Receipts today 24,237. Port Receipts last year 18,183. : Leave Your Orders for WT. i- - . the “Salvation oil cured me of a sntnPWP lameness and pain in tbe back, contracted playing ball last season. 1 tried several other remedies and all failed. Chas. Mears, 122 Water St., Cleveland, O.” THE COMING AND GOING Os the People Yon Know and Some That You Don’t Know. Mr. Phil Haralson, of Atlanta, was in the city yesterday. Mis. M. J. Sargeant, of St. Louis, is vis iting her sister, Miss Abbie Webb, at the Central hotel. Col. John Temple graves came home yesterday to make the acquaintance of his handsome daughter. Miss Allie McDonald is very low vith pneumonia at her fathers residence on the Summerville road. Mr. Stewart Marshall left yesterday for Japlin, Mo., where he will go into business with his brother, Mr. W. H. Marshall. Miss Daisy Cheney will be at home to her friends at the residence of her brother, Mr. W. T. Cheney, adjoining East Rome. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C. Veal, of Chat tanooga, are in the city visiting Mr. J. Sam Vial, on Fifth avenue. Mr. Vaal is one of Chattanooga’s most prominent architects, aud is a brother of Mr. Jos. E. Veal, Sr., of our citv. Karl’s Clover Root, the great Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness t the complexion and cures constipation, 25c., 50c. For sale bv D. W. Curry. If all the houses iu England were placed together they would occupy a spice of about 450'qnare miles. The Rome Coal Co. have just received fine lot Red Ash , Jellico. CASTORIA Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It containr neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. “ Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.’’ Da. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which lam acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.’’ Dr. J. F. Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. COAL Southern Jellico Coal Co., Comprising Following Mines; WOOLDRIDGE JELLICO COAL CO. FALLS BRANCH JELLICO COAL CO. AST TENNESSEE COAL CO- JELLICO COAL MINING CO. PROCTER COAL CO. { R st BAD* MINES? STANDARD COAL CO. MAIN JELLICO COAL CO. CENTRAL JELLICO COAL CO. INDIAN MOUNTAIN COAUCO. fcKLWTGRAVES & CO. TEij-Er tiojxrus no. RSr SHOEING Shop, Rear Douglas’ e. cur the price of 1 cents ail around. r t i o n. iu a telephone what Magm-ui: Oil cures cramps ' : imeinal u< uraigia. 50 and HreeLts. Sold at D. W. Curry’s Rjtne, tra. Three young tutu were killed in a fracas that closed a bah near San Antonio, Texas. cool yes terday—a typical December day. Teachers' Examination. Applicants for positions as teachers in the Rome public schools, will report the school building at 10 o’clock a. m., on Tuesday, January 2, for examination This does not apply to those heretofore examined. J. L. Camp, President. Max Meyerhardt Sec’y. 42-30 3 c. In some houses there is nothing thought of except to give the baby a chance to sleep. If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Tbe number thirteen cannot be found as a street number in Frankfort-on-the Main. Wanted —A male teacher. Address J. B. Porter, Silver Creek, Ga. 4t. In Russia both husband and wife have wedding rings. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. I offer my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost. I have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. R. T. Connally, 7-28 d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome Ga. Don’t buy Coal before see ing the Rome Coal Co.’s stock. Telephone 142. Jafoti says many a man’s reputation wouldn't know his character by sight. What is Castoria. - “ Castoria is sowell adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. D., 11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.” United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres., carried a great many great me!! into history. Beceute of past, fo.tar-'y.jenee of horn blowers, Trinity chimes in New York failed to ring in the K-w Year. Stood the Test. Allcock’s Porus Plasters are unapproach able in curative properties, rapidity and safety of action, and are the only reliable plasters ever produced. They have sue cessfully stood the testof over thirty years’ use by the public; their virtues have never been equa led by imitators who have sought to trade upon the reputation of All cock s by making plasters with holes in them, and them to be “just as indo 111:. i r "i [>a- proved their efficacy as a household remedy. Beware of imitat-ons. Ask for Alldock’s and do not be pursuaded to accept a sub stitute. Brandreth’s Pills will purify the blood Seeding a conic, or cbiidret- who want build. should taxe BROWN’S IRON BI'PFERS. ft is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indi ration. Biliousness and Liver Complaints. Prendergast is not in favor of annexa tion—to a cross beam. More hog and hominy would be a good naw year’s resolution. Cheap Sody Coal. ROME COAL CO. Application for Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA., Floyd County. ilThereas, Samuel Funkhouser, Admlnißtra- ’ \ tor of Hattie McKenzie, deceased, repre f? n A? Vi c “ l,rt tkht he has administered Hattie MeKcKenzie’s estate. This is to cite al persons conce neo. kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis* Iratoi should n"t be oiscDargred ir • m h’sadinm is t ration and r ceive letters of oi« mission < n the flrsc Mol day in April, 18*14. This January lat. 1,9 - „ JOHN P. DAVIS, jjdap tilOrdina Floyd . cunty, Ga. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Fiord County: To a'l wliO'ii it may concern—Charles Craion having in proper for <> applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate nt Taos .1. craton, late of eaid county. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next o' kin of I hoe. J Craton, to be and appear at mv oilice within the time allowed by law and show c use, it any they can. why permanent adminis tration should not he granted to Charles Cra ton on Thos. J. Craton’s estate. Witness my h»n« and official eitm ture this 'stday of Janu ary, 1894. JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. 1 5-w4w Letters of Guardianship. GEORGIA Floyd County: To a 1 whom it may co'cern—Mrs. Maggie A. Keys, having in proper form applied to n>e for letters of guardlausbin of too persons and property of Wade H., Richard 11,. Niton aid Duff Field, minors, of said c untv. Thia la to cite all and singular th- creditors and neitot kin "t -aid minors to be and apuear at my office wi'hin t' e time allowed by law and show caue •, if »n“ thev can, why le‘.t rs of gua dian hip should not be granted to Maggie A.Keys ■ n sain ward's es ata. Won. st my ha’.d anu official sign at ure thia 4th dav of Jaunnrv, 1894. 16-4 w JOHN P. BAVIS, Ordinary. A | 4 . ■ e. The New York WEEKLY HERALD For 1894, Will be Without Q lestion hirin': foiling Family tytr The imputation that Weekly HerMfi ha* e T j *jed for many jears of being ti e be-t h<»n e newHpa er in the Ihq<l will »»« materially added toouring the jear of 1894 i\o pa ns or • x pen** will be spaced to >. ake it in ever? de partment the mosr. reliable, iuteresLr£ end in Btractive of all we kiy newspaper publications. It will be improvedin many wavs. An* mber of new fea’ures aud departments will be added. The latest development in all fields of contemporaneous human interest wdl be ably discussed from week to week by accom plished writeis. THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Will be given in a concise but cou*p><-te form. Every important or interesting event; either at borne or abroad. wdl be dmy deseiibcd in th Columns of the Weekly Herald. In politics the Herald is absolutely independ ent and sound. It t* Ils the rights and wrongs of all sities without f**ar Farmers and cto k raisers cannot afford to be without the Weekly Herald during rhe coming year It will c n ain a regular depar ment each we»k aevottdexclusively to suljects of timely in e es to Them, and »iving many valuable suggestions and new uLeas. Trie women andebikben o c the land will lird in the Weekly llera’d a welc* me v»sit<»r. ihe household and children’s pages wdl bp both in structiveand entertaining lh j y will abound in hints and receiits which women so much value. a brilliant array of novels and short stories by the best witters in America and England has been secured, so that fiction will be one of the most attractive features in the Weekly Herald during IBW. In facr> the Weekly Herald will be a maga zine 01 cue highest order, combined with a com plete newspaper. Now is the time to subscribe. Only One Dollar a Year. Send fcr Sampe Copy. Address, THE WEEKLY HERALD, HERALD SQUARE. NEW YORK. llwNewYork Times. A Democratic News paper. What the Times is: A high-class newspaper for the city reader and lor the country home; lor he merchant, the professional man. the financier, the politician, the teacher, the ramie *, and the me nanic-lor every American who would be promptly and truthiuby told what the people of this world are doing; tor womeh and for young toiks i teresred in household affairs, in new books and oh * in art, science, religion and eoucation, in the rivalries of amateur sports, in society, and in all the lighter goings on and wholesome go*sip of the day. It is a lull, clean, ami complete newspaper, conducted with intel ligent e io' intelligent people. W hat the Time?' believes in: Federal taxation imposed in th-i interest of the government ami of the whole people, not for the restriction of tiade and benefit of rhe iew; an honest dol lar that the hand of toil may leceive wi bout lees aud pa\ over without shame; a oberal xpendi ture for pensions ro veterans who need and de serve them, and to no> others; ihe Democratic party as a bett« r ins rumentaiity of popular government u>an the Re» üblican; and-in keep ing that paitj true to its aims under sound lead ershp. The fin and 1 page of the Times is a capital manual tor investors for banket b, and the on cers and trusts s or savings banks, uzwt com pa nics. insurance companies. Ral-vay earnings. mock and bon » quotations, int resr. and dividend notices the rganization ot new compankß. and ivl fiuanc a* news reports are promptly and acci rat h printed. Note the e> celknre of the Times in these de partments: banking and financial; politics, na tional a»d st *te; 8 hods and coi»»ges, sports, markets ami co unv-rcial repo ts; army and navy n ws; art ana sen. nee; the churches; book r-views. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES. The B ibscriptioo price of the We Kly Times is one de liar a ytar. The Weekly Times is a c pi tal new paper. It cunt tins al« ttio curren ne '8 coudensed from tii»* dispatches and repor so’ the daily • diti- u, besides li erary matter, dis upon agricultural ropics’by pracicai farmer', fidl «nd accurate m » ke reports of prices ot farm pr<nUU , li’C stOcK e c., and b carefully prepared w< market. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Daily, 1 year. <8.00; with Sunday, SIO.OO “ 6 months, 4.00; “ *• 5.(0 “ 3 Months, 2 0u; “ “ 2.50 “ 1 month, 75; •* “ 90 Sunday, 1 year 2.00' Weekly, 1 par 1.00; a 6 months, 50 Specimen copies will be sent free. Postate prep-* id lo all points i*« the United St tes, Canada ana Mexico; in all other conn 2 ce« te per copy per day, payable b> th. subscr l»er. Teh ms: Cash In advance always. at th- risk of the • -t •■•• ■< 1 i •-11 cr. < Mm. Add ret b W -- * :ime% Printing Hous*- Square, New Yoik City N. Y. Notice of bale. Whereas on the 20th dav of April 1891. Henry L Earpe. of Floyd County, Georgia, was tbe owner of six shares ot stock in the National Mutual Builning and Loan association of New York, ami on said day obtained a loan of s<oo fro . eaid association, and executed and deliv ered to it a bend conditioned to pay said stun with intere tat t lie rate of six er cent per am num until paid, toge her with a month >v remlum of $3.10 io eight years, or until be e .rlicr ma urny of eaid shares, should they mat ire belt re the expiration < f eight years,anti In -dition thereto the rum of three dollar, and tlx y cents for the monthly dues ot said six th es which interest, premium and dues ate p y ble monthly on or befor, the last business d .y of every month at the office ot eaiu associa torn in New Yoik City; together witli lines, according to the b -laws of said association, n And whereas said bond provides, .that should any default be made in the payment f s .id in terest, premium, dues or fftus. or any part thereof, and the same shall remain unpaid and in arrears for three mouths, the aforesaid priu cipal sum. and any and all sums for interest, premium and dues or lines shall, at the option ot said Association become due and payable im mediately. An l whereas, said Henry L Earpe has made default for m .re than tlitn three months in the > avment of said interest,premium and dues and fine - accruing thereon, said association now de c ares said pili cipal sum of four hundred dol lars and the sum t one hundred and one dollars and fifty-four cents for interest, premium, dues and fines due and pat able immediately. And whereas said Henry L Ear,« on said 29th day of April 1891 executed and delivered to said association adeed t > .ecure the payment of the obligations mentioned in said bund, in which he conveyed to said association the property here inafter described and in said deed author zed said association, Ucon d“fault of payu ei.ts as hereinbefore stated, to sell at public out cry to the highest bidder tor cash, all of rant property, or a thereof to pay all moneys which shall then be due on said bonds, together with all e«p.nses incident to eale, including ten per cent upoi. the amount due lor a torneys’ lev in effectiug said sale. 'J he time, place ano terms s.'e, to be advertised once a week r»u four weeks in some public gazette of said county of Floyd uelore said sale takes place Now in er cmion of said authority there wtl be an d at pubic outcry iietore th- court house door in Home, Floyd county. Geo-gia between the leg.l h urs |oi sale on the first Tut eday in February 1814. to ihe highest bidder for cash the following described propeity to-wit: All that lor- piece or peic 1 or land with the improvemenift- hereon, lyin- aud be ingin Floid county, state of He irgia. being lot uuuuer two hundred and «i hty’-iwo (28r) in plat of Wes Rome by the Rome . and co npany.and bounced as f-11-we: On tbe n> rtn by an allev on ihe east by lot number two hundred and e'ightvtlv. (.85;; on thee utli by lot number two handr,<l and eighty- hree (283) and on the west bv Aim str. ng avenue, according to sai t plat. Bold a the property of eaid Henry L Earpe. This Dec-mber Sth 1893 National Mutual Building and Loan Association, of 'ew Yoik. By DEAN & SMITH, U-5-law4w Attorneys. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIAN 8 AND SURGEONS. R. A. HICKS, M D? ROME, GA. — Hotncepathic Physician and Surgeon, for merly Resident Physician to Hahne mann Hospital, of Chicago. t Residence and Office 40G Third Avenue. , Office hours, 9 toll am, 2to 4pm, 7to 8 pm. Sundays, 9to 10 am, 2to 3 pm. H>Mr“FEIToOX Physician and Surgeon. Offl:e over Hamoiack, Lucas Co.’s Drug Store. Entrance on Broad Street. oihee d..y and night. Telephone 62. 8-15 DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Office CROUCH * WATSONS DRUGSTORI ; Residence Telephone ■ ■ - No4a. ; OFFICE ... ' 13. r ; C. HAMILTON, M. 0., ’ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON [ Residence No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. i Residence Telephone No. 109. Office i Telephone No. 123. 1 '■ ATTORNB-YB-AT-LAW. Wright, Hamilton & Wright, Attorneys-at-Law. Or'FiCE : Masonic Temple Annex. 1.4-6 m ! ,J . AS HAxN 11AM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rome, Georgia. D. O. Richmond & Danville Railboad. My employment by the above company will not. interfere with my general practice, which will be attended to as heretofore. mch4-dly “j7B. F. LUMPKiN, : Attorney at Law, Room 12, Postofflee Building. Promp attention to collections. d6ml ma 3 H.H.SANDERSr , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , CEDARTOWN, GA. Collections a Specialty. W. W. Vandiver, . ATTORNEY AT LAW ; OFFICE IN Postoffice Building, - - Rome, GA, ‘ IlfflS & HAMILTON, 1 1 ; I Architects, , Conti actors, i Builders. Plans drawn and contract'!: made at lowest uric- s, and satisfaction guaranteed. Postals )" nd dressed to us at Rome. Ga.. will receive > uromut. attantinn fAhvfidtf ' ■ ■ ■■ ) JACKSON ; OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY, TENN. School, Church and • Office Furniture. Schools and vkuk hks seated in the best manner Offices furnished. Send for Catalogue U-H-dfim, j ! Notice. j Agreeable to »n order of the Ordinary of i F oyd coubtv, GvO'gia, will be s 14 before the court house door ot Flox d c unty during tbe ■ u-ual hour, of sale to the highest bidder for I < ash. on the firet Tuesday in February. 1894, the ' so low ng re.i estate ami peisonal property belonging to the e.ta'e ot W. H. Wardlaw de -1 ceated. Two lots, be ng and lying in the Fourth : 1 * Cl .' y of known a. lots No «» and 69. fr ii-'ting on Broad street 101 feet each, aad * running heck 200 feet moie or'ess to Glover’s ;ence. Also 3 lots, being a part of lot Ko. 316 , in the 23rd district and 3rd i-ection, known and I described a- lots number 200. 201, and 202 in the I Rome Lai d Company's addition tn East Rome Also one Iron Safe • ood »ize and in good con i' di ion ;ean b , -een in tbe Bosworth corner store. I Also one dentin the old Wardlaw warehouse with pair of old sea es and cot'on trucg-. sold , f r a divi ion andtinalse tlemento saidestate. i January 2. 1894. SJ. WHATLEY,— -3-4w Admini«trator. WE W ANT Y >U TO WORK FOR US, thus making *l2 to *35 oo PER WEEK I Parties piefen-d who can lurniah a horse and travel ttrroi ghj'.he countri, a team though, is not necessa y a few vacancies in towns and cities. Spare hours may be u«ed to good ad- I vantage, B. F. JOHNS IN & CO. 12 sd-wlm llth and Sts, Richmond, Va. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Floyd County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of Pol* couury, Ga.. granted at rbeDecem herteim. 1892, will ue -old before the corrt house door of said county of Floyd, on the first Tuesday in February, 1891. within the legal hours of sale, the iollowii g property of A. G. West, decea-ed, to wt: A one third undivided in'eiest in Io e of land Nos. 610,61612,616, 616 ■l7 618,6 0 681, 68, 689, 613 . 619, 678,695. and tue west halt of 1..t No 694. All in the 3rd district nd 4th section of said county of Flojd. Also hit No. 12 in the 22ad district and 3ra section of said cunty of Fioyd. -■old for ilie p .rposeof the payment of debts nd dis’rib'iti >n. Terms cash. This 27th of Decen be', 1893. Ivy F. Thompson, I '-2fl-la“4c Adm'r A. G » est, rt. r-essed. Appraisers Appointed, GEfIRGI a—F'oyd county: io all whom it. may concern—Notice is hPreby iven, ilia the apur isere apooimed to appraise tie property ot Hiram 3. Penn deceas'd, h»v« tied th-ir returns, and unless go. d and inlE ent cause i» shown, the same will be made the imlgir ell’ of the court a'.tbe January term 18M f checou.tof irruina-y. Thia December 4th. •893 JOHN P. DAVIi, Ordinary. 12-6 w4w