The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 06, 1894, Image 4

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IPVghest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE • THOSE TAX BOOKS- Nobody Seems to Know What Has Become of Them. The need of the tax digests to prepare the list of insolvent tax payers has caused talk to break out afresh as to the where abouts of the missing books* Captain P. in tup carried one up to Mr. Black yesterday. He found it lying un der a table in his office. He had never used it himself, and supposes that some who were examining it left it in the office. As to the others it seems certain that they disappeared during the prohibition fight. Lawyers on both sides had them ■jked declare Black. Mr. the prohi ding part in t will make returned to with them. Who lost them I don’t know.” Mass at Catholic church at 10:30 to* morrow. Karl’s Clover Root, the great Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 25c., 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. HOTEL MEN MAD- They Charge a Drummer With a Queer . Action, The Armstrong hotel people were mad yesterday. And the cause of their anger was a traveling man whom they charge with a very peculiar action. Night before last Mr. F. W. Edwardy, traveling auditor of the Central railroad, missed his grip, and an investigation was begun. As a result it is claimed that a traveling salesmen for a New York hat concern had the grip carried away through spite. It is Charged that he was dissatisfied with the anamint of his bill, and when ha left, ordered the porter to take kno V*'?. jV" I purify youi - '■ |fc;iou, regulate at- s '? \JPKuamaKeyom head clear as 25c. and 50c. For sale by D. •ts. Curry. _ Royal Arch Chapter. Called cot.vacation of Rome Chapter No. 26, Royal Arch Masons, at 7 o’clock to-night. Work in the Past and Most Excellent Master’s degrees. Compan ions fraternally invited. Max Mkyebhabdt, H. P. B. F. Clark, Ssc’v. Teacher: Tommy, how do you know that the woild is round? Tommy: I don’t Fob Rent —My residence, 103 Fourth avenue, for the year 1394. 8 Mbs. M. J- Sabo eant, Central Hotel. I Two men have been arrested for the I Ardrey’s store at Oakdale, tl||O Children Cry for Castoria. one’s apartments with canne) ||!|S|||H oD ly bo done at a grate expense. WANTED. partridges. High paid for them. Re- UHHB only in lots of 25. BSWO JOHN G. RAMEY. and County Taxes. taxes for 1893 are being put j o f the sheriff for collection. Jxo. J. Black, T. C. CITY CLEANINGS. A Good Horseman- Henry Reeves, who has been here for several months training and driving horses, will leave today for his home in Athens. He is a rattling good horseman. — That City Tax. Marshal Brown has a notice in this issue urging all tax defaulters to pay up. He says no special arrangements will do, and he is going to clean up the list this time without fail. A Handsome Structure. Carry’s new building is nearing com. pletion, and it looks as if jt will be fin ished on contract time—the first of next month. It is one of the handsomest store buildings in the city. Will Hear Patti. Patti sings in Atlanta at the Grand Opera House next Thursday night, and a party of Romans in being made up to attend. As many as a dozen have already signified their intention of going. Romeinber Monday Night. The program of the entertainment at Shorter College Monday night gives an idea of the pleasure to be experienced by all who attend. All are well known ar tists of high standing, and the audience is sure to be delighted. #_ Presbyterian Church. Dr. A. J. Battle will preach at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, at which time a congrega tional meeting will be held, to hear the report of officers and close up the busi ness of the year. It is important that every member of the church be present. His Daughter Dying, Rev. William Murdock, the pastor of the East Rome Methodist church, re ceived word from Place yester . day of the desperate of his little ’Tew months, where he will establish one of the finest sanitariums in the south* the contract to build which has already been let. The plans were drawn by S. M. Patton of thia city. Dr. Holmes has been highly successful as surgeon and physician, ranking with the most skillful in his profession. In Atlanta he will have a much broader field and will doubtless achieve greater success.” Johnson’s Magnetic Oil cures cramps and colic and internal neuralgia. 50 and 75 cents. Sold at D. W. Curry’s Rome, Ga. Another Ticket. FOB MAYOR. JOHN J. SEAY. FOB COUNCILMEN, First Ward.—Henry Harvey. Second Ward.—D. W. Curry. Third Ward.—J. L. Camp. Fourth Ward.—Walter Harris. Fifth Ward .—Henley Hoskinson. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. Take Notice. All real and personal city tax default er are hereby notified unless the same is paid on or before January 13th, 1894, their property will ba advertised for sale. No special arrangement will do. By order of city tax collector. Respectfully, 1-5 til 15 J. C. Brown, City Marshal. Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough so r croup cure, great demand. Pocket <ize contains twenty five doses, only 25 c<n's. Children love it. Sold by dru£- giats. For sale by D. W. Curry. * THE ROME I’RIBONE. SATURDAF MORNING, JAN ARY 6 1894. SOME STRAYINGS. An advertisement for a lost umbrella is of common ogpurrence. An adver tisement of a found umbrella is unheard of in the annals of newspaperdom. Yet The Tbidune received one yes erday Mr. Cii ero Clements is the man who found Ihe umbrella. He found it out in the street in front of the express tfflcp, and as er looking around for the proba ble owner for several minutes he finally picked it up. It seemed to be new, and the price tag was still tied to it. Wiih this as a guide Mr. Clements went to nearly every store in town and tried to get rid of it, and a Tbibtne man found him sitting disconsolately in front of the Armstrong holding fast to the found property. “Say,” said he, “I’ve found some body’s umbrella, and if you want to take the ritk of the owner being found you may advertise it. I don’t want to have to pay for the advertisement if the owner isn’t found and I would give you the umcrella and let you keep it, but the truth is I need one badly, and just send the owner to me.” The owner should never claim the property. Men like this should be en couraged. It may lead to the resurrec tion of scores of lost umbrellas. It doesn’t take much to attract a crowd and hold it. Work was continued tear ing down the King store yesterday, and nearly everybody who passed stopped a bit to watch the progress. When the workmen began trying to push down the side wall the people became more in terested. Mayor King was a close ob server; Mr. J. L. Camp waited patiently for many minutes to see the crash. Col onel Childs stood where he could get a good view; Mr. W. A. Wright looked on with interest; Klip Williamson smoked his cigar and told the mayor how the work ought to be done; Ed Colclough thought they ought to tie a rope to it and pull it down. There were mafiy others who stopped and gave advice. When the wall would sway, they would cry ‘‘There she comes,” then “just a little more.” When it finally came down with a crash, there was a protracted “Ah-h-h h,” and the crowd dispersed, It’s a good long while until the election for governor, but the people are interested and talk about it as if it were only a few days off. Gen. Evans has scores of warm friends here, and they declare he will carry the county 7 to 1— Tribune's ing, it is general debility BKOWX’S IUCN HITTBB3. '* will cure you, cleans.your liver, “lid give a good appetite. Reporter (at the front door): There is a strong rumor that Mr. Greatman has just died. Is this true? Butler: Yes, but he has nothing to sav for publication' ■“The weakest must go to the wall,” salvation Oil, the best of liniments is bound to outstrip all competitors. It is good and cheap. 25 cts. A GOOD SUGGESTION. Citizen”, Says |the Exposition Property- Should Be Redeemed. Editor Tribune. The suggestion made by Mr. J. H. Reynolds about redeeming the exposi tion property is a good one. Ido not know whether the original stookbolders still own the property or not, but whoever has a legal right to it ought to redeem it and hold for the good of the community. It the old stockholders own it a small assessment on each share would no doub: be cheerfully paid to redeem it. Then let’s have the exposition. Citizen. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria CHEAP HORSE SHOEING Can be Had at White’s Shop, Rear Douglas’ Stable. W. T. White has cut the price of horseshoeing to 80 cents all around. Other work in proportion. • l-5-6t. Garden Seeds. He Who Reaps Must Sow. i Our Garden Seed have come and are opened up, and we are now ready to serve our friends and patrons with the choicest varieties of everything in the Garden Seed line. Everything positively fresh from the great seed farms in the east. Onion Sets I Onion Sets I Onion Sets! What to Plant Now, Plant English Peas, We have the very best varieties adapted to be sown at this time. Plant Radish seed, set out onion sets. They will grow rapidly from this time on. We are Headquarters For Paints, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes. Toilet Soaps, the Choicest Perfumes, in the Greatest profusion- Pipes, Wood, Briar and Meerschaum, Curry’s New South Cologne Is a genuine luxury for the toilet and bath. Extra large bottle 50c and SI.OO Take our Emulsion Cod Liver Oil for all after effects of grippe It is pleasant to take. The medical profession endorse Cod Liver Oil. Hi B Southern Jellico Coal Co., Ooxxxiariisixxg Follouving Minos, WOOLDRIDGE JELLICO CO*L CO. FALLS BRANCH JELLICO COAL CO. AST TEIiINaSSEE COAL CO JELLICO COAL MINING CO. CO 4L CO. { "stEaWnES: STANDARD COAL CO. MAIN JELLICO COAL CO. CENTRAL JELLICO COAL CO. INDIAN MOUNTAIN COAL CO. BOB’T-W- GRAVES &■’ CD. I offer my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost. I have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. R. T. Connally, 7-28 d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome Ga. Silas Ridley gave his sweetheart a sound thrashing at Nashville because she would not marry him. He is in jail. Stood the Test. Allcock’s Porus Plasters are unapproach able in curative properties, rapidity and safety of action, and are the only r plasters ever produced. They have sue cessfully stood the test of over thirty years’ use by the public; their virtues have never been equalled by imitators who have sought to trade upon the reputation of All cock’s by making plasters with holes in them, and claiming them to be “just as good as Allcock’s,” and they stand today indorsed by not only the highest medical authorities, but by millions of grateful pa tients who have proved their efficacy as a household remedy. Beware of imitations. Ask for Allcock’s and do not be pursuaded to accept a sub stitute. Brandreth’s Pillswill purify the blood Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of Pollock & McConnell have this day dissolved partnership by mu tual consent, J. R. McConnell having bought the entire interest of J. L. Pol lock, and will assume alt liabilities. J. L. Pollock, 12-21-ts J. R. McConnell. Some one fired a shotgun at the porter at the Wabash depot in Sturgeon, Mo., but did not seriously injure him. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria- ■ Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. y willl surely destroy the sense ad completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. Such articles should never : be used except on prescriptions from repu ■ table physicians, a.s the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney and Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is i taken internally, acting direct'y upon the i bood and mucous surfaces of the system. , In buying HaU’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney . and Co. Testimonia's free. [ Sold by druggists, price 75c per bott'e. Wanted. —A. male teacher. Address , J. B. Porter, Silver Creek, Ga. 4t. JACKSON OFFICE FURNI- TURE COMPANY, Jackson, Tenn. Manufacturers of School, Church and Office Furniture. Schools and Churches seated in the best manner. Offices furnished. Send for Cata logue . 11-lld6m Leave Your Orders for- • ; AND ; \ W O O JO j WITH • / O’NEILL MFC COMPANY, i Telephone 76. •••••••••••••••*****•*•*•*******•*** ••••••••••••••• The New York WEEKLY HERALD I’or lEC-1. Will ba Without Qiestion America’s Lading Family hpjr The reputation tha-. t-e Weekly Herald has e* j »jed for many \ears of beini; tne be-t Ibm e uewrnpa er in the land will r»e materially added to (raring the jeav of 1894 No pa ns or . x peofwwiil be spa*td to < ake it in everv de> pan mem the m<»s r reliable, interesting and in structive <>f rU we kiy newspaper publications. It will be improved in many wavs. a n'mber of new feamres aud departments 1 ad-led. The latest development in ah 'nel is of contemporaneous human interest will be ably discussed from week to week by accom plished wiiteis. THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Will be given in a concise but compete form. Every important or interesting event; either at home or abroad, will be duly desciibcd in th.- Columnsof the Weekly Herald. In politics the Heralu is absolutely independ ent and sound. It tells the rights and wrongs of all sides without Par Farmer** and sto k raisers eannot afford to be without the Weekly Herald during the coming year It will c n ain a regular depar ment each wet k devoted exclusively to subjects of timely in.e es to them, and living many valuable suggestions and new uieas. Tne women and children o F the land will flr.d in the Weekly Herald a welcome visitor, ihe household and children's pages will be both in structive and entextaiuing ih«y will abound in hints and receipts which women so much value. A brilliant array of novels and short stories by the b*-et writers in America and England has been secure 1, so that fiction will be one of the most attractive features in the Weekly Herald during 1894. In fact, the Weekly Herald will be a maga zine oi the highest order, combined with a com plete newspaper. Now is the time to subscribe. Only One Dollar a Year. Send for Samp e Copy. Address, THE WEEKLY HERALD, HERALD SQUARE, NEW YORK. The New York Tinies. A Democratic News paper. What the Timesis: A high-class newspaper for the city reader and for the country home; for’he merchant, the professional man. the financier, the politician, the teacher, the tanner, and the me nanic—for every American who would be piomptly and truthlully told what the people of this world are doing; ior womeh and for young folks interested in household affairs, in new books and 010, in art, science, religion and education, in the rivalries of amateur sports, in society, and in all the lighter goings-on and wholesome gossip of the day. It is a full, clean, and complete newspaper, conducted with intel ligence ior intelligent people. W hat the Times believes in: Federal taxation imposed in the interest of the government and of the whole people, not for the restriction of trade and the benefit; of the tew; a;i honest dol lar that the band of toil may receive wi bout loss and pav over without shame; a liberal ■ xpendi ture for pensions to veterans who need and de seive them, and to no others; ihe Democratic party as a belt* r ins rumentality of popular government than the Re*ublican: and in keep ing that party true to its aims under sound lead ership. The financi 1 page of the Times is a capital manual for investors for bankets, and the offi cers and truste, s oi savings banks, uustcompa nies, insurance companies. Railway earnings, stock and bon i quotations, interest and dividend notices the rganization of new companies, and ail tinanc’a’ ntwsjeports are promptly and accu rat lv printed. Note the e> cell? nee of the Times in these de partments : banking and financial; politics, na tional and ot*te; s hoois and cohtges, sports, markets aud commercial repo ts; army ana navy news; art ana ecu nee; the churches; bduk reviews. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES. The subscription price of the Weekly Times is one dollar a year. Tne Weekly Times is a capi tal new paper. It cont tins all the curren news condensed from the dispatches andrepor-so’ the daily ♦ diti< n, besides library matter, dis cussions upon agricultural topics by practical farmer-, full and accurate ma kei reports of prices of farm pronuc-, live stocK ec.,ands carefully prepaid weekly wool market. si bsckiptton rates. Daily, 1 year. $8.00; with “ 6 months, 4.00; “ *• 5.1’0 “ 3 vionths, 2 0u; “ “ 2.50 “ 1 mon ih, 75; u “ 90 Sunday, Ijear.. % 2.00 Weekly, 1 y«ar 1.00; ,fc (> months, 50 Specmm c n pi< s win be sent free. Postate prepddto allpoints i t me United St tes, Canada, ana Mexico: in all other coun tr es 2 cents per copy per day, payable by th subecr her. Tekms: Osh in advance always. ittances at th- risk of the uhscriber, unless reg- al ered letter, pas’ai-U'Ot* 1 , or express.payable to ‘•Tbe*New"’York Publish lie Co. ” New York City. Address all co rmunicadonb thus THE NEW YORK HME% Printing House Square, New York City N. Y. Notice of bale. Whereas on the 20th day of April 1891, Henry L Earpe. of Floya County, Georgia, was the owner of six shares of stock in the National Mutual Building and Loan Association of New Fork, and on said day obtained a loan of giOO fro said aei-ocia'ion. and e.ecuted and deliv ered to it a bend conditioned to pay said Bum with mtere tat the rate of six er cent per an num until paid, toge her with a month ly premium of gS-OO io eight years, or uniil the earlier ma'Uriiy of said snares, shsuld they mature befi re the expiration < f eight years.and in addition thereto the i-UHi of three dollar , and elx'y cents for the monthly dues ot said six shares which interest, premium and dues are p>y hie monthly on or before the last business day of every month at the office of sai l associa tion in New York City; together with lines, according to the b -laws of said association. And whereas said bond provides, that should any default be made in the payment f sdd in terest, premium, dues or flues, or any part thereof, and the same shall remain unpaid, and in arrears for three mouths, the aforesaid prin cipal sum, and any and all sums for Interest, premium and dues or lines shall, at the option ot said Association become due and payable im mediately. And whereas, said Henry L Earpe has made default for more than than three months in the payment of said interest,premium and dues and tines accruing thereon, said association now de clares said principal sum of four hundred dol lars and tlie suin-'f one hundred and one dollars aud fifty-four cents for interest, premium, dues and fines due and parable immediately. And whereas said Henry L Earpe on said 20th day of April 1891 executed and delivered to said association a deed to recure the payment of the obligations mentioned in said bund, in which lie conveyed to said association the prop“rty here inafter described and in said* deed authorized said association, unon default of payments as hereinbefore stated, to Bell at public out cry to the highest bidder tor cash, all of said property, ora sufficiency thereof to pay all moneys which shall tnen be due on said bonds, together with all expenses incident to eale, including ten per cent upon the amount due lor attorneys'lees in effecting said sale. The time, place and terms of sule, to be advertised once a week tor four weeks in some public gazette of said county of Flovd before said sale takes place Now tn execution of said authority there will be so d at pubic outcry before ths court house door in Home, Floyd county, Georgia between the legal h Hire |ot sale, on the first Tuesday in February 1824. to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to-wit: All that lot. piece or pare 1 of land with the Improvements hereon, lyint and lie ingin Flotd county, state of Georgia, being lot number two hundred and eirhty-two (282) in plat ot West Rome by the Rome band coutpany.and bounced as follows; On the nortu by an alley, on the east by lot nurnbef two hundred ami eighty-tlve (;8B); on the s"Uth by lot number two hundred and eightj- liree (283) and on the west by Aim strong avenue. according to said plat, hold as the property of said Henry L Earpe. This December 4th 1893. National Mutual Building and Loan Association, of Naw York. By DEAN & SMITH, 12-5-law4w Attorneys. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND BUESEONB. R. A. HICKS, M. D? HOME, GA. Homcepathic Physician and Surgeon, for merly Resident Pnysician to Hahne mann Hospital, of Chicago. Residence and Office 406 Third Avenue. Office hours, 9 to 11 am, 2 to 4 pm, 7 to 8 pm. Sundays, 9to 10 am, 2to 3 pm. HOWARDE FELTON, M. 0., ' Physician and Surgeon. Offi ;e over Hammack, Lucas Si Co.'s Drug store. Entrance on Broad Street. office day and night. Telephone 68. DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Office CROUCH & WATSONS DRUGBTORI Residence telephone * * - no as. Office ... • 13< c. Hamilton, m. PHYSICIAN AND SUHGKON Residence No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. ATTOBNMB-AT-LAW. Wright, Hamilton & Wright, Attorneys-at-Law. Office : Masonic Temple Annex. 1-4-fm J. bkaaham, ~ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rome, Georgia. D. O. Richmond <& Danville Railroad. My employment by the above company will not interfere with my general practice, which will be attended to as heretofore. mch4-dly J. Bi F. LUMPKHT Attorney at Law, Room 12, Postoffice Building. Pronxp attention to collections, d6ml ma 3 J. H. SANDERS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN, GA. Collections a Specialty. W. W. Vandiver, ATTORNEY AT LAW . OFFICE IN— Postofflce Building, - - Romb, “GATTIS &HAMILTON, Architects, Conti actors, Builders. Plans drawn and contracts made at lowest prlc-s, and sa isfaction guaranteed. Postala addressed to <ts at Rome, Ga., will receive promnt. attention. feb26dtf JACKSON OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY, JACKSON, TENN. School, Church and Office Furniture. Schools and chuk res seated in the best manner Offices furnished. Send ior Catalogue il-H-dtim Notice. Agreeable to an order of the Ordinary of F-oyd county, Georgia, will bt s -14 before the court house duor ot Fluid c nnty during the usual hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in February. 1894, the so low ng real estate and peisonal property belonging to the estate of W. H. Wardlaw, de ceased. Two lots, being and lying in the Fourth ward, city of Home, known as lots No (is and 69. fronting on Broad street 10) feet each, aad running back 200 feet more or teas to Glover’s lence. Also 3 lots, being a part of lot No 316, in the 23rd district and 3rd section, known ana described as lots number 200,201, and 202 in the R une Land Company’s addition to East Rome. Also one Iron Safe ; ood size and in good con dition; can ba seen in the Bosworth corner store. Also one desk in the old Wardlaw warehouse with pair of old scales and cotton trucks. Bold for a divi ion and final ee tlement o F said estate. January 2. 1894. S. J. WHATLEY, 1-3-4VV \ WE WANT Y »U TO WORK FOR US, thus making Sl2 to H3A.00 PER WEEK. Parties preferred who can lurnish a horse and travel throi ehjthe country, a team though, la not necessa y a few vacancies in towns and cities. Spare hours may be used to good ad vantage . B. F. JOHNS IN & CO. 12 sd-wlm 11th and Main Sts, Richmond, Ya. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Floyd County. By virtue of an order of the Court Os Ordi nary of Polk county, Ga.. granted at the Decem ber teim. 1892, will be r-old before the corrt House door of said county qf Floyd, on the first Tuesday in February. 1894, within the legal hours of sale, the following property of A. G. West, deceased, to wit: A one third undivided inreiest in lots or land Noe. 610,611, 612,616, 616 til? 618,6r0 681, 6'B, 689, 613, 619, 678,695, and tne west half of lot No 694. All In the 3rd district and 4th section of said county of Floyd. Also lot No. 12 in the 22nd district and 3rd section of said county of Floyd. Sold for rhe purpose of the payment of debt, and distribution. Terms cash. This 27th of Decembe r , 1893. Ivv F. Thompson, 12-29-law4t Adm'rA.G West, dr ceased. Appraisers Appointed, GEORG! A—Floyd county: To all whom it may concern—Notice is hereby given, tha the aper isers apoolntcd to appraise the property of Hiram 8. Penn, deceaaea, have tiled th -ir returns, and unless good and ruffi etent cause is shown, the same will be made the Judgment of the court acthe January term, 1894. •f the court of ordinary. This December 4th. 1893. JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. 12-6 w4w