The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 07, 1894, Image 6

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HighJ t of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ABSOLUTELY PURE OPENING UP. Municipal Politics Proceeding to Get Warm. THE RACE FOR MAYOR. Three May be Said to be in it, Though Not Formally Announced. Municipal politics are beginning to •tamer in away that gives an idea of how the pot will boil before the election 1* over. On Tuasdry. March 6:h, a mayor and five cou’oilmen will be elected. The time is drawing near, and those who will be candidates have not long in which to _-pare for contest. •For names have been those mentionsd Moore, JalinC yS®?MKH333SlKfiS3WSg!^%;i|'S^Mj®^iSsJ^SjP®f'.®?®§® : i®BP' ■■’ ■ of of IRON BITTERS Dyspepsia, Irn- MHciigestion & Debility. Robbers held up a brewery employe at BH FOR RENT. H|kA nice five-room cottage on HKHbrest street, Fifth ward, ■pj’v to S. J. POWERS. *■ 1-,-snn- wed-san. Take Notice. real 3a<J P crsoDat °ify tax default ?-^:V-®A^Bk^oreby notified unless the same is or before January 13th, 1894 MMHMMk)P er t y will be advertised for Ho special arrangement will do. of city tax collector. Igßpßg'H J. C. Brown, City Marshal. I{e 4nolds, ex-convict, jour ||||||l|jKl preacher, has been declared BSRIS WANTED. partridges. High- BHHHHie paid for them. Re ' rr , 'tr 1 /v‘-’Wonly in lots of 25 mOgM- JOHN G. RAMEY. TOMORROW NIGHT Will Occur That Concert at Shorter College. Tomorrow night the violin recital of Mr. Eii ward Buchanan will occur in the chapel at Shorter college, and it will be a treat that no lover of music can afford to miss. Mr. Buchanan has had the ad vantage of the best teachers in the coun try, and has cultivated his natural talent to a high degree. He cannot fail to please the most critical among the au dience. The others on the program are ill well known artists, and always delight all bearers. The concert is attracting much atten tion, and the chapel will contain a large and cultivated audience. Tickets are going rapidly at Dr. Yeiser’s, C. A. Trevitt’s, H. A. Smith’s, J. Sam Veal’s and Reese & Whitebead’s. Single tick ets, 60 cents; gentleman and lady, 75 cents; school children, 25 F. G. Gjvan andfta|Md|gMHßHKSßta| g at 11 a. m., by the pasior. After a th’s morning, the adminis tration of the Lord’s Supper. The Methodist preachers of the city and adjacent pastoral charges, together w ! th the local preachers, are requested to meet in tbe lecture room of the First Methodist church tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. The object of this meeting is to organize a Methodist preachers’ meeting. J. T. Gibson. The Third Methodist church, South Rome—Rev. W. S. Stevens, pastor. There will be preaching at 11 a. m., by Rev. T. F. Pierce the presiding elder of the Rome district, after which will be the sacra ment of the Lord’s Supper. Preaching at 7 p.m., by the pastor, Sunday school at 9:30 am., Thomas J. Reece, superin tendent All the friends of the church are cordially invited. Rev. W. S. Stevens, the popular and eloquent pastor of the Third Methodist church will adaress the Y. M. C. A., this afternoon at 4o’clock. Noone should miss bearing this talented young divine. In the absence of the secretary Mr. Fletcher will have charge of the service. Dr. A. J. Battle will preach today at the Presbyterian church. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. The Prussian Cxbiuet held an unu su ally long session and the German poli ticians are speculating cn an ugly row. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* THE HOME TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, JAN ARY 7 1894. TWO SPLENDID ATTRACTIONS- Marte 1 a vary’* Grand Operatic Conceit at Nevin’* Thursday. Marie Tavary, the distinguished prims donna, and the Marie Tavary Grand Op peratic Concert Company, are to fill an engagement in this city on Thursday next. It is one that commands attention from the bare annonncement for more reasons than one. The character of the c impany itself is of striking prominence. Mme. Marie Tavary is a prima donna whose career in the old world began at La Scala, has been one of peculiar bril liance, and here in the new world that brilliance has been achieved over, b<> h in grand concert and grand opera. She is represented to be a rarely artistic singci and a lyric actress of great power, io emotional or tragic roles especially. Such has been the verdict wherever she has appeared. “A superb artiste,” said one critic; another said, “The greatest Mar guerite since the days of Nilsson’s.” So runs opinion. Mme. Helen von Doenhoff, prima donna contralto, is another artiste ot fame, and of whom the best things are said. She has sung with the Metropoli trn (German) grand opera, wish the Seidl and Damrosch Orchestras, with Emma Juch Opera, Carl Rosa Opera in London etc., and is said to be one of the greatest contraltos o* the times. Both of these famous prime donne will sing in the concert program and also appear in one act of grand opera here, together with the other artists of the company. These are Senor Michelena, tenor, ot ■Umma Abbott, opera fame, Sig. L Sar- Bri, basso, of La Scala, Milan, and Mr. ■aurice Gould, late of the Seidl or- director. HK ■ Good-bye, Sweetheart slMj’hen the curtain goes up on “Good- Sweetheart,” it will disclose a scene ||!Blendor and beauty; a splendid festi- with gaiety, wit and wine. A gala night will be tbe produc- SS&Bf “Good-bye, Sweetheart.” Lillian the La Tisba. and a thoioughly one. There is no question ■gH&aßthe fact that Miss Miss Lillian BKHMias in “Good-bye, Sweetheart,” a JgS’Jtßich will make her fame and foi- dance of tbe Mazurka to usr iH|gi|QHfakii'a phrase, is worth tbe price ,Be company, is charming. Miss Lewis is uo- tbe wanting ■, Sweet ,i:i lii! tnakt- It a big s going lapidly. hoi- L.? iJ.-J ; or cut 7'L.-?G7^^ 6 swo * Mues its morsTi aiti t y Journal. J offer my entire stock of boots anS shoes at cost. I have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. R. T. Connally, 7-28d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome Ga. State and County Taxes. All unpaid taxes for 1893 are being put in the bauds of the sheriff ror odkction. Janslw Jno. J. Black, T. C. Leave Your Orders for • • --'"AND ■ • ; WITH i j O’NEILL .M’F'C COMPANY, j Telephone 76. : . The Washington police are after Jults Wallace, the erstwhile St. Louis spirit ualistic fraud. Shiloh’s Care, the great cough for croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty five doses, only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by drug gists. For sale by D. W. Curry. The report on the mining resources of tbe country shows the output in 1892 to have been the largest on record. ■ ■*■ > Many things which are advertise! pos se-s no value; but who would say that Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup possesses no meri ? It is the standard remedy of our age- Fob Rbnt—My residence, 103 Fourth avenue, tor the year 1394 Mbs. M. J. Sargeant, I*s-61 Central Hotel. MUST WALK FAST. Squire Early, of North Carolina District, Decides Quickly. It was in North Carolina district yes terday, and Squire Lem Early was hoh * ing justice court. A case was called and Attorney Under wood answered: "All light, your honor, my client has. just stepped out the door. He’ll be here in a minute.” The ’. quire waited a minute, not much more, and then declared: "I And judgment for plaintiff, the de •enaant to pay $ and all costs.” Just then in walked the defendant, Mr Underwood’s client. "But, your honor, here is my client,” said the attorney. "He came as quickly as he could.” “Can’t heip it,” returned the ’squire, “this will teach him to walk faster next rime.” He stuck to his decision, and all Mr. Underwood cou’d do was to grin and bear it and appeal tbe case to a jury. THE COMING AND GOING Os the People You Know and Some That You Don’t Know, Charlie Johnson left yesterday on a trip to St. Louis. Mr. W. V. Sloan is out again after a sever* attack of the grip. Mr. William Boone, of Gainesville, is spending a few days in the city with friends. jMiss Maggie Williams, after a pleasant isis among friends and relatives in Plainville, has returned home. The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Rome Kee y League will meet on Wednesday atternoon at 3 o’clock at the residence of Mr. A. B. S. Mosely. ELECTION TOMORROW. East Rome Will E ect a Mayor and Two Councilmen. The E ist Rome election will occur to morrow. A mayor and two councilmen will be chosen, but no excitement will be the re sult. Mr. O. H. McWilliams, who has been mayor since the incorporation of the town, will be re-elected. They elect him over there witn or without his con sent. Mr. H. B Parks and Mr. J. B. Patton will be elected There are only thiity-one registered voters. The election will cause the bars to be closed tomorw w, LEWIS REDWINE Will Be Put on Trial This Week in Atlanta. Atlanta, Jan. 6.—Lewis Redwine is to be placed on trial in the crcmt court States, before Judge Par ||iSWJBBBI™ith emb' zzling money ifr m tbe Gate City National bank, of irs'it'ution he was assistant > er R-dwine’s name and tl e story .is defalcation is now widely known, tiial will attract general inter, s'. thought tbe esse will continue at least two week-*. convention of Indiana ■BKUE&wers ele. ted offic-rs, denounced tariff bill and adj lUrned sine anffißiiHKnnectlcut School Fund. SSSSfeß.i'. Jan. 6.—The investigation :li. :;t of the Connecticut which was brought about BBjayeJ’Wnt defalcation of Agent Gunn been completed. The in |Bßigation shows that the state lost $100,001), which was in charge of Agent Gunn, who disappeared some time ago. Is There Another? jyities with- B r grov, ing . ' t Jtown that Ril election case of blue ribbon. Cliina’* Emperor Robbed.’ London, Jan. 6.—A despatch from Shanghai says it is reported from Pekin that while the emperor was proceeding to his winter palace, bandits stopped his escort and carried off a quantity of val uables and several officials of the impe rial household. Buosiou'i aruicaMivs. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Handr, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give i effect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggist By qbe explosion of the bigger boiler on tbe steamer Nisbet at Paducah one man was killed and several injured. When Baby was sick, we gave her CastoriA 'When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Fraeborn was sworn in yesterday as a member of tbe Kansas board of charities and the republicans recognized him. It’ TOVB ATHrs, Or you are all worn out, really good for noth ing, it is general debility. Try BROWN’S IRON HITTERS. ’* will cure you, cleanse your live?, *ud give a vood appetite. A New York oat wears a false set of teeth. Mans were first made on pieces of cloth like napkins. What is I ILTSi i@l• 11 a! IL Wy— MWJif f_■ 4 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It containr neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute . for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Ca&toria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. Castoria. ” Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil- « Castoria is so well adapted to children that dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its j recommend it as superior to any prescription good effect upon their children.” known to me.” Dn. G. C. Osgood, H. A. Archer, M. D., Lowell, Mass. 11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of “ Our physicians in the children’s depart- which lam acquainted. I hope the day is not ment have spoken highly of their experi far distant when mothers will consider the real ence in their outside practice with Castoria, interest of their children, and use Castoria in- and although we only have among our stead of the variousquacknostrumswhich are medical supplies yvhat is known as regular destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, products, yet we are free to confess that the morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to look with agents down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it.” them to premature graves.” United Hospital and Dispensary, Dr. J. F. Kincheloe, Boston, Mass. Conway, Ark. Allen C. Smith, Pres., The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. COAL. Southern Jellico Coal Co., Coxkxp>x*i.isixa.g; Following Minos, WOOLDRIDGE JELLICO COAL CO. FALLS BRANCH JELLICO COAL CO. AST TENNESSEE COAL CO JELLICO COAL MINIfcG CO. PROCTER CO tL CO. j R f ° E * d H MINET STANDARD COAL CO. MAIN JELLICO COAL CO. CENTRAL JELLICO COAL CO. INDIAN MOUNTAIN COAL CO. ROB’T. wTgRAVES & CO. 12 23 3m TEJJEr LIOJXTE 98. CITY CLEANINGS. City Court, City C urt will convene tomorrow. The Olminal docket will be taken up and will probably consume the entire week Many Applicant Tnere wrre applicants for teachers’ licenses at the court bouse yesterday being examined by Commissioi er Bridges, The Superior court room ffes used by the whites and the city court room by the colored. There were nearly 100 altogether. A Sneak Thief. A Sneak thief has been getting in bis work at Mrs. Johnson’s boarding house. He took Will Sloan’s overcoat from the hat rack and Ben Owens’ hat, besides a few other things. Convicts Coming, The county convicts will begin work on Rome’s streets Tuesday. Mayor King says they will begin on the farther end of Second avenue. Beautifying the Grounds. Mr. S. B. Bennett, master of trains of the E, T. V. & G. R. R. is having some good work done in the park by the depot. He is having a lot of trees planted and is beautifying the grounds in other ways. “I can highly recommend Dr Bill’s Cough Syrup for croup. I have used it for several year- and find it the best rem edy ever tried. — Mrs. Hannah Morrison, Burlington, W. Va.” A Good Wife Loves her home. She will economize in many ways to beautify it. Husbancs have Given Away Enough in one year for cigars, shines and drinks to purchase several lovely pieces of furniture. With Every Suit Bought of us we give a guarantee of 50 cents in home comfort and happiness. Solid oak soi's Os Furniture sl2 50 to *BOO.OO M. G. McDonald Mubnitube Cx For job printing write or call on tie Shankliu Pi in ting House. 1-7 3t. , Rome, G»., Jan. 6 h, 1894. Mr. K. F. Bheddeu, Gen. Agent The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Dear tlKl -lam in receipt of check from the Mu'ual Lite paiiy of New Yoik, for $5 000, the amount, of policy,of day late husband John Em met Watson. Allow me to thank you for the prompt payment of this c'aim, it being fettled in fourteen days from com pletion of proofs of death, lam also grateful to jour special agent, Mr. W. M. E liott, who attended to the whole mat ter at once and without any trouble to me. Respectfully yours, ta on B FAY Watson. Karl’s Clover Root will purify youi blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear aa as a bell. 25c. aud 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. Ruth Russel l , from Sedalia, and Grace Prather, from St. Joseph, escaped from 'he Indus rial echookat Chillicothe Tues d y night. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. as mercury willl surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from repu table physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly detive from them. Hall’s Catarrh cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney and Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting direct y upon the bood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Ha'l’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, ft is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney and Co. Testimonia's free. Sold by druggistsrprice 75c per bott'e. W. H. Girdiuer, a prominent farmer of l oquois county, Illinois, bas myste rious'y disappeared and his friends fear foul play. Karl’s Clover Root, the great B’ocd Putifler, gives freshness aud clesrnesß ro >he cmplexion and cures oous'ipaion, 25c., 500. For sale by D. W. Curry. The New York WEEKLY HERALD Fox- 1894. Will be Without Q lestion America': liadisg My hpw The r-putntion t e Weekly Herdd has e* j *.\ed for many >* ai Bot being e be?t hnme er in the land will '»e materially added to aurin <4 the year of 1894 No pans or* x pent* will be spaed to . ake ir io every de par’m<*m the mop* reliable, interest nt and in structive <»f all we kiy newspaper publications. It will he improved in many wavs. An mber of new fea’ures aud departments will be ad'led. The latest development in all flelJs of contemporaneous human interest will be ably dis mssed from week to week by accom plish* d writeis. THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Will be given In a concise but complete form. Every imporesnt or interesting event; either at home or abroad. will be duly desctlbcd in the Culumusuf the Weekly Herald. In politics the Heralu Is absolutely independ ent and sound. It tells the rights and wrongs of all sides without fear Farmers and sto. k raisers cannot afford to be without, the Weekly Herald during the coming year It will c -main a regular deoar ment each week aevotedexciutively to subjects of ttmely in e es to them, and riving many valuable suggestions and new ideas. Tne women and children o’ the land will find in the Weekly Herald a welcome visitor. The household and children's pages will be both in siructive and entertaining lhay will abound in hints and receipts which women so much value. A brilliant arrav of novels and short stories by the best wliters in America and England has been secure 1, so that fiction will be one of the moat attractive features in the Weekly Herald during 1894. In fact, the Weekly Herald will be a maga zine ol the highest order, combined witha com. plete newspaper. Now is the time to subscribe, Only One Dollar a Year. Send for Sample Copy. Add re’s, THE WEEKLY HERALD, HERALD SQUARE. NEW YORK. The New York Times. A Democratic News paper. What the Times is: A high-class newspaper for the city reader and tor the country home; lor he merchant, the professional man. the financier the politician, the teacher, the farmer, and the me hanic-for every American who would be promptly and trntbiuliy told what the people of this world are doing; lor wosaeh and for,young *. oiks i> teiesied in household affaire, in new books and 01. ,in art, science, religion and eoucation, in the rivalries of amateur sports, in society, and in all the lighter goings on and wholesome go-sip of the day. it is a full,clean, and complete newspaper, conducted with intel ligence ro. intelligent people. w hat the Time-, believes in: Federal taxation imposed in th . interest of the government and of the whole people, not for the restriction of trade and ih- benefit. <>f the row; an honest dol lar that the band of toil may receive wi hout loss and pav over wit ho -t shame; a liberal • xpendl ture for p. nsions to veterans who need and de j se>ve them, and to no others; the Democratic party as a bett> r ins rumentality of popular government tuan the Re, üblican; and in keep ing that party true to its aims under sound leao ersh’p. Tne flnancl 1 page of the Times is a capital ma'.ual tor investors for bankets, and the olfl. c-re and trustee of savings banks, liuet compa nies, insurance companies. Ra 1 *ay earnings, stock aud bon > quot.tions, int< rest and dividend notices the rganization of new companies. and ail fii.anc a 1 news reports are promptly andacci rat h printed. Note' the e> cellence of the Times in these de partments: banking and financial; politics, na tional a' dst ite; s hools and co nges, sports, markeiß aud commercial repo ts; army and navy n ws; art anti science; the churches; book r views. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES. The s ibseripticn p r ice of tne Weekly Times is one d.. liar a>. ar. The Weokly Times is a Capi tal new paper. J t cont .ins all tne curron news co .iicueed from the dispatches andreporieof the daily • diti n, besioes li.erary matter, dis cussions upon agricultural topics by practical farmer-, full and accurate ma ke< reports of nric-B of 1 arm pro l uc , 11-e stock ec.,ande carefully prepared wtekly wool market. sißscuiprroN Kates. Dally, 1 year $8.00; with Sunday, SIO.OO “ Omon'hs, 4,00; “ *• 6.00 “ 3 months, 2 0o; “ “ 2AO “ 1 mouth, 75; ” “ Sunday, 1 year We-kly, Iyar 1.0 c; 6 months, go Sprcm.n c- pii e wil. be sent free. • Fosta, e prep id io all points in the United St tes, Canada ano Mexico; in coUn tr es 2 Ca. ts per copy per by in - 'suluscr.ber. TekmsX Cash in advance always. Ren ittanoes 1 at th ■ liek oFThe uWrriber, unless made by reg st erod lei ter, cheek posiai i ote, money order, or express order, oayatile to ‘-The New York Times Publish ng Co. ” New York City. Address all co nmunica'lons time THE NEW YORK lIMES, Printing House Square, VewY-’kClfv N.Y. of bale. Whereas on the 20th day of April 1891, Henry L Earpe, of Floyd County, Georgia, was the owner of six shares ot stock in the National Mutual Builclng and Loan Association of New York, ami on said day obtained a loan of sioo i fro . said association, and executed and deliv ered to it a bend conditioned to pay said sum with intere tat the rate of six er cent per aa i num until paid, tuge her with a month ly premium of Sz.VO io eight years, or until „ the eirller ma'urny of said snares, should they mature before the expiration of eight yeara,and in addition thereto the sum of three dollars and sixty cents for the monthly dues ot said six shares which interest, premium and dues are pay .ble monthly on or befor- the last business day of every month at the office ot sain- associa tion in New Yoik City; together with flues, according to the b -laws of said association, n i And whereas s»id bond provides, that should I any default be made in the payment . f sdd in terest, premium, dues or tines, or any part thereof, and the same ehall remain unpaid, and in arrears for three months, the aforesaid prin cipal sum. anil any and all sums for interest, , premium ami dues or fines shall, at the option of said Association become due and payable im mediately. And whereas, said Henry L Earpe lias made det suit lor mere than than three months in the payment of said interest, premium and dues and fines accruing thereon, said association now de ciares said pi ii cipal sun of four hundred dol lars aud the sum f one hundred and one dollars and fifty-four cents for interest, premium, dues aud lines due and payable immediately. And whereas said Heury l, Earpe on said 20th day of April 1891 execured and delivered to said association adeed tuecure the payment, of the obligations mentioned in said bund, in w hich he conveyed to said association the property here inafter described and in said deed authorized said sssociati. n, in.on default of payments as hereinbefore stated, to sell at public out cry to the highest bidder t >r cash, all of raid property, or a sufficiency thereof to nay all moneys which shall then be due on said bonds, together with a'l expenses incident to eale, including ten per cent upon the amount due for attorneys’ fees in effecting eaid sale. The time, place and terms .d s.'c, to be advertised once a week for four wveks in some public gazette of said county of Floyd oetore said sale takes place Now in ex' cation of said authority there wfll be so dat pubic outcry before th. court bouse door in Home, Floyd county, Geo'gia between the leg.l h urs |oi sale, on the first Tin sday in Febru.ry 1814. to the highest bidder for cash, the following in-scribed property, to-wtt: All that lor., pirce or psic 1 or land with the improvements hereon, lyin’ and bring in Floyd count., stare of ueorgia. being lot number two hundred and ii.- hty-iwo (28?) in plat of West Rome by the Rome • and co npany.and bounded a- f II wr: On the wi-tu by an alley on the east by lot number two hundred and eighty-five (.85;; on thee nth by lot number two hundred ami eighty- hroe (28.1) and on the west by Arm tr ng avenue, according to sal” plat, bold as he propeny of »atd Henry L Earpe. This loc-mber 4th National Mutual Building and Loan Association, of B’ew York. By DEAN & SMITH, U-5-law4w Attorneys,