The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 10, 1894, Image 3

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THE CITY COUNCIL. COUNCIL Chamber, Rome, Ga., Jan. 8. 1894. Couacll met. Present Mayor 8. 8. King and Councilman Printup, Mathis, Mc- Donald, Griffin, Wright, Williamson, Cor nelian and Miller. Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The clerk lepjrted the following bal ances rem lining from tne appropria tions as estima.ed by council for the fis cal year: Street department 8 223 75 Ve- ecery department 1 0 <l7 Waterw rka drpaitiuent 3,135 77 t'nu.ic Bunding department... 4 9 .4 Gao & E. department 2,310 21 Pullee ualaty and appropriation department. 6,3616' Current expense department 5 45 t.'ou.iugeuv expense depart sent 116 o7 Keliei department 133 <7 hiuKtug >uud dtpar.m nt 4,500 uu Sire depar.m. mt <>ve>d awn $48,28. ana print ing department, overdrawn 13 7j. BEP .BT FINANCE C MMITTEE. The following report of finance com mittee was received and adopted: We, the finance committee, r< port that we have tx.mined, through the members of this committee, the books, vouchers and reports of the city treasurer, clerk of couuoil, city marshal, water works superintendent and city sexton end mag azine keeper for the quarter ending Dec. 81, leV3, inclusive, and fl. d them coriect. John C. PhiNTUP.Chairman. W. G. McDonald, Finance Committee. Said reports of officers, as exanr'ned by finance committee, are as follows: Clerk's Quarterly Report Receipts. The clerk of council reports collections and receipts fiotn all sources for the third quarter o the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1893. inclusive, as follows: Rec’dfrom registration licence $ 372 75 •• •• heal and personal tax 1812.. 24 75 “ hire* t tax 1893 892 (O “ •• Beata a person >1 tax 18<M. 11,330 82 •• •• Polite hues and coats' 999 lo “ “ Sale cemece y lots 37 00 “ •' Digging graves 3t 09 ’• “ bit rage powder/. 27 <0 “ •• Water conec ions 149119 - •' City acnool f..nd 318 25 **• “ Establishing grade 500 Total $15,139 41 The foregoing total amount has been tamed over to the city treasurer and I hold his receipts for the same. Respectfully submitted, M. A. Nevin, Clerk Council. CLERK’S BEPOBT TOTAL RECEIPTS. The clerk of council it ports collections and receipts from all somces for the firs*, second and third quarters of the fl o iy ar, namely from April 1, 1893, to J muary 1, 1894, as follows: Rac’d from Registrar!, n license $16,339 35 •• “ Beal and pei souai tax '892. lioil) •• •* lire® tax 1332 880 •• “ S reett x lb»3 1076 00 “ “ Beal »nd person tax 1893. 53,2.3 »2 •’ ’* Pu ICo dll' aan . cos a 1 oSI 10 »*• “ Sale < emeti ry lota 210 50 “ •• Dig ing graves 9-,< Oil •• * ScC.r ge po .oer 54 <0 “ •• 3,9 M 7<i •• •• RentCiiy Ho 4 0 “ “ City ectio'.l fund 1,096 33 “ “ Es.a dialling grade 500 Total ».o . 59 60 The foregoing total amount h«s b e.» turned over to the city treasurer and I have bis rece pts for the same. Respectfully submitted, M. A. Nevin, Clerk Council. clerk's quarterly report expkndi- • tubes. The clerk reports drafts issued by or der of council to meet demand < of the several departmeu s of the city govern ment for the third quarter cf the final year, ending Dao. 31, 1893, n elusive, as follows:* Street deoartment $ 1,267 64 Cemete.y depa>taie .t 25) 13 Water works department 3 9.2 b! Pub ic b lining dr arcinent 153 05 Ges and Elect ic Ligb s department... 1,486 US Police department.... 41155 Fire department 247 80 8 .Ury and appropriation department.. 5,554 ”3 C irrent eeneuse department 4 35 C .ntineent ex en e department Go 66 Belief department 3u 75 Total $13,439 92 Respectfully submitted, M. A. Nevin, Cl< rk Council. CLEBK’S BEPORT TOTAL EXPENDITURES. The Clerk reports drafts issued by or der of council to meet demands of the several departments t f the city govern ernment for the first, second and third quarters of the fiscal year, namely from April 1, 1893, to January 1, 1894, as fol lows: Street department ....$6,451 25 Cemetery de >»r-inent .31 58 Water wink- department 20,831 9i Public buildings department 720 66 Gas end e ec rich ht department 4 186 76 Police d-partment Bln 20 Fire department 2,198 28 Btla'y and appropriations department. 16,«15 32 Current expense department 44 5 Con'lngen tdepartment 593 03 Kell <1 department 91 13 Printing 138 75 Total $53,558 81 The city school fund and interest on the bonded debt are paid nut, by iWELL BALANCED —the mind of the woman who knows the best medi cine for her aches, pains and weakness, is to be found in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. It is a remedy which corrects and cures the distressing derange ments and diseases peculiar to woman, builds up and strengthens her system when she’s weak, run-down and overworked. For an in vigorating, restorative tonic, especially adapted to woman’s needs —the “Fa vorite Prescription” is so positive in its effect that it is guaranteed. It it ever fails to benefit or cure, in cases for which it’s advised, you have your money back. What else can be “just as good ” for you I For bearing-down sensa tions, ulceration, inCamma tion, everything known as .“female complaint,” this is jja remedy that's safe, cer tain, and proved. the city treasurer and are not therefore included in the foregoing reports of ex* pendi lures. Respectfully submitted, M. A. Nevin, Clerk Council. CITY TBEASXTBEB’S REPORT. The city treasurer's report for quarter ending Dec. 31, 1893, inclusive: Oct. 1 Balance on hand.. SB,OSO 17 Oct R<cd of M. A. Nevin. C C C $ 6,368 03 Nov. Rec’d of M. A. Nevin U C. C 4,fi1l 54 Dee. heo’d of M. A. Nevi., V. C. C 4 25« 84 $23,216.58 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid out on— Street department $ 968,19 Sil.ry deparnue t 5,902 35 e arer works department... 4.442 37 emetery department . ... 219 25 Gas department 1,486 65 Fire department 2i9 07 Police department 411 AS ' "Upon department 248 00 Exunange department 3 35 i übl c bu Idi' g department 156 05 Keliet department 28 53 Current, department 7 35 Contingent deparcmeut 53 05 Public school dept-. Oct Paid out as per vou’hr 1.274 44 Nov Paid out as per vou hr 1, 80 ho Dec Paid out as per Vuu’hr 2,0»4 75 4,360 09 1894. Jan 1 Balance cssh on band 4,680 71 $23,2.6 58 Respectfully submitted, E. C Hough, C. T. Rome, Ga., Jan. 1, 1894 City Marshal’s Report. The city marshal reports as follows for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1893, in clusive: Collected fines and costs $ 599 15 “ Real and Personal tax 6 642 21 “ Street tax 680 oo “ Other sources 18 50 Total $ 7,939 86 The foregoing amount has been turned over to clerk of council and I hold his re ceipts for the same. Respectfully, J. C. Brown, City Mashal. Sept. Water Works Report. The supeiinteudsut of water works re ports as follows for quarter ending D«.c. 31, 1893, inclusive Balance on hand last quarter... $ 2 90 collected past quarter 1,49129 Total 1,494 19 Tbe ioruguing amount has been turned over to the clerk of council and I have his receipts. Respectfully, . L. J. Wagner, Supt. W. W. CITY SEXTON'S REPORT. The city sexton and magazine keeper reports for third quarter fl.osl year euding December 31st, 1893, inclusive, as follows: > Collected from cemetery lots, $37.00 Digging graves, _ , u _,-3i.-fi3 sto.age pt»wder~ 27 80 $95.50 Which amount has been turned over to the city cler k and I hold his receipts. Respectfully, P. D. R"Bf.r, City Sex‘on and Magazine Kit per. The city sexton reported ten inter-’ men's for December, four whites and six colored. Three colored were buried as panp-w. Dr. C. S. Harris, city physician, reports for quarter ending December 31, 1893, inclusive, 113 bases, 157 visits made a id’cwo deaths. Tbe water works committee were authorizsd to purchase all pipe necessary to complete the uew water works. A motion by Counci'man Printup to allow Mr. T. C. D-mpeey to repair his one-story bidding on Broad street Was 1 »sL The matter of repairing the building of Mr. T. C. D. mpeey,was referred to the street and fire committees with power to act. The olerk reported drafts issued for the following amounts since last regular meeting of council: C B own. street dent $ 27 49 P I). Koser cemetery dept 15 75 L J. Wagner, water works dept 112 69 • ; Bruwn, strert dept 30 oo P D Huger ceiutterv dent 15 75 L. J : W»gn< r, water works dept 136 76 L J. Waguer, waterworks oept 67 43 C. -<rown street dept 12 30 I’ D. R ser, cemet'rv dent 15 75 L. J. w agner, wa er works dept 25 28 C. Brown street dept 26 i 0 P. D. Roier,,cemetery dept 15 76 And regular salary and appropriation drafts. The following bills, propetly approved, were ordered paid: x Patton 3., D. and B’l’d Co., Public B’l'd dept 3 51 F. A. McCnrry. Pub. B’l’d dept 1 00 The .1, C. Boiwn, Pub. B’l’d dept 20 00 J. C. Brown, rebel dept 7 40 .1.(1 Brown, contingent dei>t 1 00 S. 3 King Co., Pub. B’l’d dept 2>o 3. 8. King <S Co., relief dept 7 60 •4.8 King & Co., water works dept 65 Fletcher smith, water woiks dept 2 25 .1. Sam Veal, water works dept 30 D. W. Cnrry, water wo'ka dept 25 0 - 1». w. Curry, fire dept 17 44 D. Wa t’nrry, cemetery dept 60 .1 11. Bridwell, street dept 2 80 M. A. Wimpee, staeeldept 16 50 N. G. Watson, street dept 6 75 J. F. McClure, street dept 60 99 Mies Jane «rown, street dept., 60 SO Mies lane Brown, police nep’. 12 80 MoClnre & Son, relief dent. 3 65 Mr. R. W. Lewis, relief dent ... 2 50 Rome Ga« Light Co., gas Sept 619 89 W. T. Drrnnon, street dept 7 55 N. J. Hnffiker, water worksdont 16 00 W. W. Watterw, water works dept 6 00 Win. McDuffey. water woiks dept 36 00 • J. Wagner, water works dept ••• 35 71) Taos. Berry, cemetery dept 12 10 Council adjourned M. A. Nevin, Clerk City Counci l . The attempt to colonize Scotch crofters in Manitoba has proved a failure. Many of them are starving. The great value of Hood's Sanaparil M a remedy for catarrh is vouched for by thousands of people whom it has cured Fire in the dry prison at Massillsn, 0., which was quickly suppressed, greatlv terrorized the tramps who crowded its cells. Gold to tbe amount of $7,800, hidden io a wooden box by Alden Plummer, who died 11 years ago at Hope, Me., has just been unearthed. THE BOMB TRIBUTE. WEDNESDAY. MOBBING, JANUARY 10, 1884 FORAKER’S FATHER-IN-LAW. ■tr. Bundy Alio Blas the Dlstlnetion «f Be ing the Oldvst Representative. The oldast member of the national house of representativte is Hezekiah 8. Randy of the Tenth Ohio district, whois ain his seventy seventh year and was elected in November to fill the vacancy caus ed by tbe death of General Enochs. Mr. Bundy has other claims to distinguished iconsideration be sides his age. One of them is that he is the father-in- CONGRE9SMAN BUNDY, law of ©X-GoV ernor Foraker, and another is that it took 1,798 ballots In the congressional conven tion at Ironton to secure him the nomi nation. There are six counties in his district, and every one of them had a candidate for the nomination which he finally won. Mr. Bundy has been in congress be fore. He was elected in 1870 from very nearly the same district which he now represents, and after serving two terms was defeated in 1874 by John L. Vance. His defeat then was attributed to his support of the civil rights bill, a measure dear to him and his party, which he had advocated from conscientious conviction. He has ever since been looking for such vindication as a re-election to congress would afford. Several times he has sought another nomination, and the death of General Enochs at last gave him his op portunity—2o years late, but quite in time to satisfy his sentimental ambition. Daring his previous congressional ca reer Mr. Bundy was known as the iron king of Ohio on account of his extensive holdings in iron lands and furnaces throughout the Jackson mining region. He was then supposed te be a million- ■ aire, hut his wealth melted away in the panic of 1873, and he is now compara tively poor. He still retains much of the physical vigor and the force of character 1 that distinguished him in the old days, and can tell a story in the old, inimitable way—a fact that will make him exceed ingly popular in the cloakrooms when some of the interminable debates are on. Mr, Bundy will have to make a speech before long, if only to show that he has not forgotten how. Ha used to talk like a born orator, the flood of eloquence pouring from his lips as if he could not help it, brimming over with homely ex pressions redolent of common sense and saturated with wit. His oratory has been compared to that of Colonel Inger soll, which is in itself no mean praise, and he is said to be even wittier than the arch agnostic, whom he somewhat resembles in personal appearance. He is like Ingersoll in another respect also, 4ft that he is a lawyer, though he has never practiced much except when he had cases of his own to try. An operation or injections of carbolic acid are extremely rang roua. Try Ja panese Pile Cure. Positively guaranteed by D. W. Curry, Rome, G». Conductor Conklin and Engineer Brad ley have been freed from the ebarge of mannlaugbter in negligently causing a wreck at Shreve, 0., in which 11 passen gers were killed. Mental depression, wskefu'neae, lost n anhood c lused bt errors of youth or later excesses quickly cured by Magnetic Nervine. Guaranteed by D. W. Curry. Rime, Gi. Toronto, Canada, is gossipiag because Helen, the 16-veai-old daughter of mil lionaire John L._ married Wal ter Henry military 3 ' : u v I'M bold at 1. •i Mrs Wilhelmina St. Clairsville, 0., was beaten i i her house on Thursday night and robbed of a small sum of money by two masked men. *’l have n«ed Salvation O l in my fam ily and fled it to be a solenltd liniment. Mrs. Ena J nrney, 728 Six'-h street, Portamoutn, Va.” Ingleside Retreat.—For diseases s Women. Scientific treatment and cute guaranteed. Elegant apartments for la dies before and during confinement. Ad dress The Resident Physician 71 72 Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. 8-22-d&w3”’ JACKSON OFFICE FURNI TURE COMPANY,. Jackson, Tenn. Manufacturers of School, Church and Office Furniture. Schools and Churches seated in the best manner. Offices furnished Send for Cata logue 11-lld6m Ostrich Feathers cleaned, curled and died. Alson Kid Gloves cleaned at Phillips’, 69 1-2 Whitehall street, At lanta, Ga. 11 7-ra tb sal2m Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. A Good Wife t Loves her home. She will economize in many ways to beautify it. Husbands have Given Away Enough in one year for cigars, shines and drink* to purchase several lovely pieces of furniture. With Every Suit Bought of us we give a guarantee of 50 per cent in home comfOEt.hnd happiness. Solid oak sni s Os Furniture $12.50 to SBOO.OO. s M. G. McDonald Furniture Co. , 25 CENTS I Proves ths efficacy of CUTICURA Since a cake of Cuticura Soap costing 25 cents is suffi cient to test the virtues of these great curatives there is now no reason why thousands should go through life Tortured Disfigured Humiliated by skin, scalp and blood diseases which are speedily and perma nently cured by the Cuticura Remedies at a trifling cost. Cuticura Works Wonders and its cures are the most re markable performed by any blood and skin remedy of mod ern times. Bold throughout the world. Potter Dura AND Chem. Corp., t*ole Proprietors, Boston. •• All about the Bkiu, Scalp and llnir,” free. Complexion, hands and hair preserved, purified and beautified by (juticura Socp. Pain is the cry of a suffering nerve. Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster is the first and only pain-killing plaster. The well-known New York book- ' maker, George Carolan, seems to be i dying In San Fiancisco, tbe result of a plunge in the dark into a Russian steam i bath pool, which When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Misp, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria • For Job Printing write or call on the Shanklin Printing House. If you will get a “Bitter Tonic,” and are not satitfied with the result, after using one bottle by directions, the price, 500, will be re funded in every case. It is the best liver medicine before the public. T-y it. 1-7 3t. J. G. Yeiseii. Hearn School Resumes, The exercises of Hearn School and Female Seminary will be resumed Jan uary Bh. Address Poleman J. King, Principal. 1-76’. ’ CITY REGISTRATION. Notice of Registration of Voters for City Election. Official notice is hereby given that the books for the registration of city voters for the next municipal e.ection are now open clerk of council’s office, at the city fines, and all dues to T“ l”'fore r eg is le r i 11 g. of to fact does nut registration, but in paying all dues to the city personal application must be made to the clerk. Attention of all city voters it ca led to this notice. Registration closes Saturday, Feb. 17, at 7 o’clock p. m. E ection Tuesday, March 6,1894. M. A. Nevin, dt Feb.l7 Clerk of council. CHEAP HORSE SHOEING Can be Had at White*. Shop, Rear Douglaa* Stable. W. T. White has cut the price of horseshoeing to 80 cents all around. Other work in proportion. l-5-6t. Dissolution of rartnersblp. The firm of Pollock & McConnell have this day dissolved partnership by mu tual consent, J. R. McConnell hav ng bought the entire interest of J. L. Pol lock, atfd will assume all liabilities. J. L Pollock, 12-21-ts J. K. McConnell. Take Notice. All real and personal city tax default ers are hereby notified unless the same is paid on or before January 13th, 1894, their property xiH be advertised for sale. No special arrangement will do. By order of city tax collector. Respectfully, 1-5 til 15 J. C. Brown, City Marshal. WANTED. 500 live partridges. High est price paid for them. Re ceived. only in lots of 25. JOHN G. RAMEY. i-e Another Ticket. FOR MAYOR. JOHN J. &EAY. FOR COUNCILMEN, First Ward.—Heury Harvey. Second Ward. —D. W. Curry. / Third Ward.—J. L. Camp. . Fourth Ward. —Walter Harris. Fifth Ward.—Henley Hoakinson. The King of Cleansers! Curry’s Lightning Cleaner Removes stains from I all kinds of woolen goods> brightens black cloth, renovates carpets, etc., etc. Positively guaranteed to do what we claim for it. Curry’s Household Ammonia. Gives a snowy whiteness to plain goods, but does not in jure fast colored fabrics, kt saves all the soda, half the soap, labor and time and for many purposes replaces soap entirely. It restores the original lustre to old black silks, laces and woolen goods, no matter how much soiled they may be. Ammonia will produce a most luxuriant and healthy growth in PLANTS AND FLOWERS. These two invaluable household requisites only 15 cents for large bot tles. The p O pui ar Mineral Waters and Medicinall Kept constantly Fresh on hand, Garden Seeds, All the choicest varieties of Garden seeds now i ready for sale. Onion Sets! Onion Sets I Onion Sets I Put out onion sets now. They will come on rapidly from ‘ this time on. Take Curry’s Emulsion Cod Liver Oil. It is endorsed by every one who has taken it, and Cod Liver Oil is en-' dorsed by the whole medical profession. s o ut 'W: or;ix.e jB ' . ‘ ASI TENN'KSS\ -J *. ' -wBHbSHHHI PROCTER COAL C« -1 main jell;co| , / \ V ,? ,V ,j r, w_\ * • *- u Keen Rome UHMHB !i. t ■ ■ v I- i nit. t '(*?',?•,*; ■ of <,i (»v in, lenttnJH /!*»>• , ; of again-t. R me wib sell at public outcry on the premises at the I Rome Rolling Mill, in West Rome, Floyd coon I ty, Georgia at two o'c'oek, p. m. on the 18th day 1 of Jauuary.TMM, described proper- 1 ty. t» ait. A tract of land situated In the county of Floyd, in the State or Georgia, in West Rome, lying north of the Chattano ga, Rome and Columbus Railroad, and West of Clark avenue, and prop erly described as follows: Beginning on the northern limit of the ,right of way of the said railroad, whero it ie crossed by Clark avenue; thence along Clark avenue seven hundred and twenty (720) feet; thence three hundred (300) feet along a line at right angles to said Clark avenue; thence along a line parallel with said C(>rk av enue to the right of way of aald Chattanooga, Rome and Co umbus Railroad; thence along said right of way to the beginning; containing five acres more or less, and the tract ot land whereon are situated the plant, works and buildings of every kind, etc., of said Rome Rolling Mill. Also all the bui'dings and im proven ents of evert kind whatioever situated on said d«scribe< tract of land. Also the ma chinery and tools of said rolling mi l, consisting of 4 double puddler's lurnaces and tools, 2 Bu hon-e power lioilers and telegraph fe-r operating f'maces, 1 steam hammer and telegraph, 1 IB ineb mill, 2 strand rolls and pint) ns. with engine and pipes attached. 1 ore mill for gr’nding ore. ' 1 pipe vise, 1 maobinist vise, 1 pair bar mill shears, 1 pair guide mill shears, 2 100-horee i power boilers, with pipe, 1 bar mill heating fur nace complete with telegraph, 1 gntde m,Uheat ing furnace complete wi.h telegraph, 1 10 inch 1 guide mill ot 4 stra. ds oi ho. sings of rolls and j belt, 1 guide mill engine with pipe, 1 lli.ishing bull bead roll,, engine or belt, I a pair small platform scales, 1 steam pnmp and pine, 50 floor plates. 3 straightening bed plates, 42 guide mill roils. 3 extra 18-inch rods, i 1 blast engine and 2 bellows. with belts, Shalt | ings and pnlleys, 1 roll lathe, 3 sets pulley nlockif 1 machinist lathe with belts and pulleys, I 2 water tanks, 1 drill press with belts and pul i leys, 1 shaner with belts and pulleys, 1 emery wheel ana stand, 1 blacksmith shop and tools, 1 standing d. sk. 1 small tump 1 pair wagon 1 scales, I grindstone 2 broken buckle presses 1 i rivrting machine. 1 buckle rattler. 1 buckle • res,, 1 steam boiler, feed rump with heater ano pip“B, 2 trestles, 200 fe«t 2 inch water hose, 200 feet blast pipe for puddling I urnaces. also other machinery aid tools, not herein sped dlr mention* d. which are at said roll ins mill and belonging thereto, and covered by the order of court aforesaid. Th property win be sold in snch order and pare Is as in the judgment of the undersigned cou-mi-sioner may on the day of sale command the best price. He is authorial dto tell the properiy as a whole, or in parcels, or both, and to adapt and report the sale from which the beet price may be realized. The terms of »a e are as follows: Twenty-live per cent of ibe purchase money to be paid in hand, and for the balance, notes of th' pur chaser, with good and sufficient i erronal secu rity, pays le in equ-1 installments, at six, twelve and<irhteen months afterdate, with in terval from date st eicbr oer c nt per annum, and the comml si nrr will retain a lien upon the property until the p n chase money shall be fuily paid. JOHN H RKVNOLIA Commissioner of ale. Desn & Smith, Attorneys for Commiaoloner, L2-l»-law-4w Is the J >l/' 'c, •> er the W Machinery. WIsAnMBR taken little room. o repair. It blow m It require* no inel, It need, no engineer. There Is no delay; no firing up; no ashes to clean away; no extra ineurhnee to pay; no re palling necessary; no coal bills to day, and it is alwajs ready for use. It is Invaluable for blowing Church Organ s for running Printing Presses sewing Ma' hines Turning Lathes, scroll Saws, Grind Stones C’ ffee Mills Sausage Machines. Feed Cutters I Corn Mills, E'eva ors, Etc. Four-h'Tee power at 40 pounds pressure of | water. It is noiseless, neat, vompact, .steady, and above all IT IS VERY CHEAP. PUICE, ««£> TO 8300. Send for Circular to the BACKU* WATER MOTOR CO., Newark, N. J., stating paper you saw advertisement in. We Also Manufacture Patent Rotating and Exhaust Fans. Sendjor Special Catalogue on Vehtilating, Citation. GEORGIA, Floyd Countv. To all whom it may concern: Geo. J. Briant, administratrator of Geo. W. Harris, deceased lias in uue form applied t" the undersigned fol leave co sell the lands belonging to the estate «1 said deceased, and said application will b< beard on the first Monday in December next This the llth day of November, 18.i3. t< JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. NOTICE. GEORGIA-,Flo>d Countv. Agreeably to an ord r of ths court of orrtina ry of Floyd County, »ill be sold ac auction a» t‘-e court bouse door of said countv on the find Tuesda. in Februarv, nett, within the legs hours of sale the following descr.bed land io wit: One undivided one-fifth interest in pa't ol lot of land No. 124 in 23d district and 3rd s-c tlon of said county, on the west ride <u i the Sunime vide wagon road containing 9 ao>e*. more or less. Hold as the i roperrv ol W> llace F Dip can, minor. Terms Cash. Thlt January 5, 1394 1-5 4w Joseph B. Duncan, Guardian. PROFESSIONAL (Wf FHYBICIAJNB AMD BUBGEONB. R. A. HICKS, M. D. ROME, GA. Homcßpathic Physician and Surgeon, for* merly Resident Pnysician to Hahne mann Hospital, of Chicago. Residence and Office 406 Third Avenue. Office hours, 9 to 11 am, 2 to 4pm, 7 to 8 pm. Sundays, 9to 10 am, 2to 3 pm. HOWARD E. FELTON, M. D„ Physician and Surgeon. Offije over Hammack, Lucas & Co.'s Drue Store. Entrance on Broad Street. office d,.y and nigLt. Telephone 63. 8-15 DR. L. P. HAMMOND PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 403 West First Street, Office CROUCH & WATSONS DRUGSTORM Residence telephone - . . no Office ... • C. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220.1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephcme No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. =3 ATTOKNkbY B-AT-LAW. Wright, Hamilton & Wright, A(toraeys-at-Law. Orric® : Masonic Temple Annex. atto Rome, Georgia. D. C. Richmond & Danville RailboHßS My employment by the above company n| lot interfere with my general practice, whlofl will bo attended to as heretofore. mch4- dlyl J. B. F. LUMPKIN, I Attorney at Law, Room 12, Postoffice Building. Promp attention to collections. d6ml ma 3 j. Handers,’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDAFykOWN, GA. a Specialty. _J®|Mver, J KiT LJffl ■<-»■»i ir, 111. 11i t i r 1 11 foils and reIWMMBHri hH of fur the gum of 05, with the thereon. It in therefore ordered and court that the said W. U. Giles pay uMggg court ou or before the next term principal and interest dtr- on the nous and the cort-* of this suit or ’hereof thee urt will proceed to pass der and d cree lor the eale of said to it shall seem equitable and just, and ther orde'ed tba ihis iii’e be > uidisbed 'Wmb Tribunk. a newspaper countv of H<>yd, once a month fur 4 served on the said VV. C. Giles. <>r or attorney, tnreo months next term of this court. Th's N<«v. W. M. H KN RY, J. S. C-. W. W. Vandiver, Petitioner's V* GEORGIA—FIoyd • oumy: 9E9HS A tme copy from min te- of F ovd Court No. 27, pate 522. This Nov 13 W||||g| WM. E. B* Clerk Superior Court t 11-15-1-m 4m. Administrator’s ® GEORGi A Flnyd rounty : Agreeab’y to an order of ' of said c unty, yran.ed her term. Isj3, o t - t ,jd court. court house door of <• Tuesday in January, IMH. hours of sale the so lowm/ o-wit: Being one parcel >i I■’ district and 3rd section <1 and being a part <»t lot'<u cribed as follows. Beii, bounded U ot sides, and being h s<pHre. as •he T'Orycr place and w I’ e '>ow ie-i(ks; also lot No 3, Ir< way of the F T V. A <bi rij lit of-why 4u Icet and i ,u,n width to tho Rome ami I' l<'"< l ration of j7 (I f Pl . t f j IH east sub' r h<* w bt side: ho udnd <n right ot -way of >be K. T. V A # ■a-'C by n,p t.arbershop Inf. ti <“mo and Rockmart - irt \lt» r.i Hoi, bei part of Hnd nthe22d diet-ht and 3rd -'”>«<ty, G.. sold H s t <• i i I W'lLjf (n j Harris dec^as-<% tor the d< hts and dibtribntion am ng 1 his stth da\ of beet inlx-i. G Ad i fnietrator ei-tafoui dOj-5-Uw4w