The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 13, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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) THIS IS GOOD. The Rome Foundry and Ma chine Works WILL RESUME OPERATION And That in a Very Few Days. Workmen Going On and They are Glad. The Rome Foundry and Machine Works Hr will resume at once. This is about the only one of Rome’s numerous enterprises with closed doors, M and it is with pleasure the citizens learn of the proposed ’start. jjjgfr The preliminary work has already be gur, and in a very few days the shops will be in full blast. The property was sold at receiver’s eale on the first Tuesday in December, and was bought in by the New Rome Land Company, of which company Col. D. B. Hamilton is president. Mr. I. F. Davis, of the old foundry P company, has succeeded in making at* rangements with the land company by • which he can again conduct the business, and is now about ready to resume opera . ’ tion. k The foundry is one of the best known r in this section, and work for states all over the union and in other countries has been turned out. The famous Davis turbine water wheel was made by it, a wheel with a reputation all over the country. THE COMING AND GOING Os the People You Know and Some That You Don’t Know. Mr. Harper Hamilton will go down to Atlanta today. Mr. W. W. Martin, of Atlanta, was in the city yesterday. Dr. A. J. Battle has returned from a trip to south Georgia. Mr. J. J. Mickle is talking insurance around Cave Spring. Mr. Pink Holland, of Holland’s Station a was in the city yesterday. Captain Coverdale went to Atlantayes | terday on a short business trip. S Miss Daisy Cheney returned yesterday I from Atlanta where she had been to at tend the Patti opera. C. C. Delaney, the popular operator of the Postal Telegraph company, is spend ing a few days in and around Atlanta. | Miss Sarah Simpson and Miss Viola Smith, will leave this morning for Monte zuma to attend the wedding of Miss Lewie. Mr. Julian Goetchiue, eldest son of Dr. Goetchius, who is in business in k Memphis, is spending a day or two in the X. city. Miss Lcuise Raymond Brush, a charm i ing young lady of Cleveland, Ohio, is vis iting Miss Edna E.izabeth Marshal', at the Armstrong. Mrs. John H. Reynolds has returned from a three weeks trip to New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She spent the holi days with her son at Lawrenceville, N. J., and at Philadelphia, and enjoyed the trip very much. Misses Clelie and Alice McWilliams left yesterday for Wetumpka, Ala., to at •• tend the wedding of Miss Sallie Seaman, J which occurs on the evening of the 17th. Miss Seaman has visited in Rome several ~ times, and has a number of friends and admirers in the city. PATTI S FAST RUN. She Will Pass Through Rome On an E. T. V. & G. Flyer. Patti will pass through Roma today about noon. She will come through in her special train of three coaches over the E. T. V. <& G., and a flying trip will be made. She is going to Memphis, and will make the run from Atlanta to that city in twelve hours. The schedule time is twelve I hours from Chattanooga to Me mphis, and this part of the trip will be made by the special in eight hours. This makes be run from Atlanta to R >nw two hou s, and from Rome to Chattanooga in two hours. The East Tennessee knows how to plea-e its pa rons, and will put Patti , through just as fast as suits her. MISS LILLIAN LEWIS At Neviu’s Monday, January 15—Matinee and Evening. The nt xt attraction at Nevin’s is all that could he asked—Lillian Lewis, the charming actress in “Credit Lorraine,” and “Good-bye, Sweetheart,” assisted by Lawrence Martin’s Stock company. Some years ago Miss Lillian Lew’s > HEALTHY EXERCISE —fresh air and prop- NBk er food, help to keep * a woman in good con- ■ oient for some, weak- ' fill ww 'L ■ ened or borne down LU V> is I 'J 03 they are by the . \ aihneats and irregu- v/ VVw larities peculiar to to) their sex. j xjf bf They’re easily help- • .- v. a ed, though; there’s * remedy in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Preserip tion—that will build up and cure every en feebled woman. It’s the prescription of a , physician; has been tested in thousands of cases, and never found wanting. ’ The only risk that’s taken is that of the manufacturers who promise to refund the money if no benefit is experienced. This “Prescription" reaches the origin of the trouble. Disainess, fainting spells, and nervous disorders, such a, sleeplessness, chorea or St. Vitus’s dan 04k depend upon the irregularities and displacements of the special structures the “Favorite Prescrip " cures by regulating and correcting tinse functions and organic changes. If P“. Rwnedy pogiMveV oures OetarrK went on the stage, nnd from the outset of her career her talent has been recog nized by inte ligent and appreciative au diences. Her methcds wore always orig inal, and the varied effects, while care fully studied, were so real Stic that a great future was predicted for her. Slow ly but surely she gained an honored po sition among the emotional actresses, and today her admirers justly claim for her a position, not attained by notoriety save that of consistency and devotion to art. “I suffered for two years from a bad cough and pain in my chest. I tried a number of remedies, but Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup was the onl£ one that ef fected a cure. P. J. Murphy, Ashley, Pa.” Tv o ladies in a trolley car were dis cussing a young gentleman friend. “Has he any talent for drawing?” asked one. “Os course,” said the other spiritedly; “he told me he once drew a beautiful tirkey at a rafli .” A Practical Man. Os all the practical men of whom America is justly proud no one holds a higher place than the late Cyrus W. Field. His son shows that he has inherited the shrewd common sense of the man who laid the Atlantic cable. He writes; 8 East 56th Street, ) New York, May Bth, 1893. J Several times this winter I have suffered from severe colds on my lungs. Each time I have applied Alicock’s Porous Plas ters, and in every instance I have been quickly relieved by applying one across my chest and one on my back. My friends, through my advice, have tried the experi ment and also found it most successful. I feel that I can recomm ed them most highly to any one who may see fit to try them. Cyrus W. Field, Jb. Landreth’s Pills are the best medicine known. “Why was Hamphat discharged from the ‘Ten Nights in a Barroom’ company ?” “He insisted on rehearsing another man’s part.” “ What part was that?” “The drunkard’s.” Shiloh’s Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Ouly one cent a dose. 25 cts ,50 cts. and SI.OO. For sale by D. W. Curry. John Newton, son of a Methodist cler gyman, of Cad.z, Ky., and a student at Bethel College, Russellville, Ky., com mitted suicide on Monday night for an unknown cause, by using morphiue. It Should Be in Every House. S. B. Wilson, 361 Clay St., Sharpsburg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an at tack of “La Grippe,” when various reme dies and several physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King’s new discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Curry’s drug store. Large bottles, 50c. and SI.OO. A negro tramp assaulted the young wife of George W. Morgan, Sunday night, at Henderson, Ky., while she was alone, and then shot and killed two bloodhounds sent after him. Electr c Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist, and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers.—For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion, try Electric Bitters—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and SI.OO per bottle at Curry’s drugstore. HE IS VERY LOW. Dr, Powers Eying Almost at Death's Door. Dr. S. J. Powers is barely alive, and his many friends over the city are filled with regret. He is very old, and the last re ports from him are that ho could not sur vive much longer. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Powers, of Texas, Mrs. Mays, of Columbia, Ala., and Ira Powers, of Cha tanooga, have arrived in the city to be with him. BY FIRST OF APRIL That New Road on the Cemetery Will be Completed, Work is progressing with satisfaction to all on that pretty driveway on Myrtle Hill, and it is thought that by April 1 it will be almost completed. This, too, without any extra appropriation, and without exhausting the appropriation made. Another Ticket. FOR MAYOR. JOHN J. SEAY. FOB COUNCILMEN, First Ward.—Henry Harvey. Second Ward. —D. W. Curry. Third Ward. —J. L. Camp. Fourth Ward.—Walter Harris. Fifth Ward.—Henley Hoskinson. Citizen’s Ticket. Mayor—T. W. Alexander. Aiderman, Ist ward —Henry Harvey. Aiderman, 2d ward—D. W. Curry. Aiderman, 3d ward—Arthur Sullivan. Aiderman, 4th ward—Ed Bosworth. Aiderman, sth ward—Judge Harris. Many Citizens. Sherman Wagoner shot and killed his wife, Monday, at Shoals, Ind., and sits beside her body, with a gun, defying arrest. THE ROME tRIBUNE, SATURDAY , JANUARY 13. 1894. THE MARKETS. Rome Cotton Market. Rohe, Jan. 12.—Middling?.% Liverpool Cotum Market. Liverpool, Jan. 12. Spots 4%; we steady; good business uone; prices advanced; future, quiet. Sales, 12,000. Yesterday's Today'a Close. Opening, vioee. January and Feb’ary. 4.21-22 4.22 421 Fthuraryand March.. 4.23 21 424 4. 4 March and April 4.25 4.26 4.25-26 Apr i and May 4. ’7 4 2 -28 4.2? 28 Mav aud June 4 2’-29 4.29-30 4.28 June and July 4 39-.1 4.31 4. 9 July ana August 4.31 4.33 4 32 August and -ept’brr. 4 33-34 4 34 Sept’ber and Oct’ber. 4.33 4.32 Decern, and January.. 4.21-22 New York Cotton Markets. New York. Jan. 12. Yesterdaj 'e Toda, 'a _. Close. Opening oioee. •Tannary 8.02-04 8.04 8.17-18 F’.brruayß.oß-09 8.09 8.20-21 Mirchß.l7-11 8 17-18 8.21.-30 I April 8.25-x6 8.26-27 8.3 -34 I May 8.33 8.33-34 845 46 June 8.40-41 8.41 42 852 53 Julyß 44-47 8.47 48 8.58-53 Augustß.sl 52 8.63 December Chicago Produce Markers. Chicago. Jan. 12. Yesterday’s Today’s pl Close. Ofening. close. Wheat- Cash 61 61 May 66% 66 65% Corn- Cash 34% 34% May 36% 38% 38% Pork- Cash 13 31 13 70 January 12 31 May 13 42 1 3 40 18 32 Lard- Cash 8 25 8 30 January 8 <5 May 7 99 7 90 Bibs — Cash 6 80 6 70 January 7 00 May.... 7 12 7’2 6 92 Hog receipts today, 32,000; estimated for to morrow, 18,000 Port Receipts today 26 667. Port Receipts last year 21,775. Leave Your Orders for • : —and— • I W O O JD j WITH • j O’NEILL M’F’G COMPANY, j Telephone 76. : FOR RENT. A nice five-room cottage on Forest street, Fifth ward. Apply to S. J. POWERS, l-i-sun wed sun. “Blobbs—“I hear Hard up is dead.” Slobbs—“Yes, thousands will mourn his loss ” Blooba—“I didn’t know he had many friends ” Slobbs—“He hadn’t, I refer to his creditors. Scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired, is thoroughly expelled from the blood by Hood’ Sarsaparilla, the great tilooa purifier. " When a fellow doesn’t pop his best girl is justified in shaking him. Karl’s Clover Root, the great Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 25c., 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. EJThe futurity steaks—those held by the bmteher until his last bill is paid. .//<'yv s.— ca Or you ,-re all worn out, really good for noth- Lg,it is general debility. Try BBOHA’A IKCS R/TTEV3. will cure you, your liver; “ud give a o-ood apDetite. Scientists announce that tetanus anti toxin will cure lockj w. The next ques tion is what is te.anus antitoxin, and is it any worse than lockj iw ? “I always said the World’s Fair would go up ’n smoke.” remarked a jealous Philadelphian, as he read of the burning of the White City, efS'i w ww iwW w n i wxvA' j t A When my little girl was one month old, she had a scab form on her face. It kept spread ing until she was completely covered from head to foot. Then she had boils. She had forty on her head at one time, and more on her body. When six months old she did not weigh seven pounds, a pound and a half less than at birth. Then her skin started to dry up and got so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep, but laid with them half open. About this time, at the earnest request of friends, I started using the Cuticura Remedies, and in one month she was completely cured. The doctor and drug bills were over one hun dred dollars, the Cuticura bill was not more than five dollars. My child is now two years old, strong, healthy and large as any child of her age (see photo.) and it is all owing to CUTICURA. Yours with a Mother’s Blessing, MRS. GEO. H. TUCKER, Jr., 335 Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Sold throughout the world. Potter Drug and Chrm. Corf., tote proprietors, Boston. Mailed free, *' All about the Blood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair." Baby Blemishes, falling hair, and red, rough haads prevented sad cured by Cuticura Soap, Tired, Weak, Nervous Mrs. Mary C. Cryderman " I had rheumatism so severely that I was obliged to use a cane. I w?s tired of life and was a burden to those about me. I often suf fered from dizziness, worried much, and was subject to nervous spells. Hood’s Sarsaparilla made me feel like a different person. I owe Hood’s s ?> Cures my present good health to Hood’s Sarsapa. rilla." Mrs. Mary C. Crydebman, La Fon taine, Kansas. Be sure to get Hood’s. Hood’s Pills cure all Liver Ills, Bilious ness, Jaundice, Indigestion. Sick Headache. Take Notice. All real and personal city tax default ers are hereby notified unless the same is paid on or before January 13th, 1894, their property will be advertised for sale. No special arrangement will do. By order of city tax collector. Respectfully, 1-5 til 15 J. C. Brown, City Marshal. “The scenes of one’s childhood ate al ways dear.” “Yes, mine are in the cen ter of the city, and I couldn’t buy them at a thousand dollars a foot.” Mental depression, wakefulness, lost manhood caused bv errors of youth or later excesses quickly cured by Magnetic Nervine. Guaranteed by D. W. Curry, Rome, Ga. “Poetess of Passion—“ There’s no fire in the stove and no coal.” Her Brute of a- Husband—“ That’s all right, just dash off a poem and chuck that in.” Japanese Liver Pellets are the best family medicine for liver complaint and conHtipation. 50 pills in vial 25 cents. Sold at Curry’s drug store. The baggage smasher takes a fiendish delight iu goi g on a “bust.” Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. The stockholders of the Southern National Bank, New York, yesterday voted to reduce the capital from $1,000,- 000 to $500,000. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions* and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggist. Ostrich Feathers cleaned, curled and died. Alson Kid Gloves cleaned at Phillips’, 69 1-2 Whitehall street, At lanta, Ga. 11 7-tu tb sai2m Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of Pollock & McConnell have this day dissolved partnership by mu tual consent, J. R. McConnell having bought the entire interest of J. L. Pol lock, and will assume all liabilities. J. L Pollock, 12-21-ts J. R. McConnell. State and Connty Taxes. All unpaid taxes for 1893 are being put in th« hands of the sheriff for collection. Jans Iw Jno, J. Black, T. C. Fob Rent—My residence, 103 Fourth avenue, for the year 1394. Mbs. M. J. Sargeant, 1-5 66 Central Hotel. For Job Printing write or call on the Shanklin Printing House. I offer my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost. I have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. R. T. Connally, 7-28-d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome Ga. William Hope and Nora Corcoran, of Weston, Conn,, were married in fun, and now Hope reluses to give up his bride, claiming that the marriage was legal. ■»» Children Cry for Pitcher’s Pastoria, Hearn School Resumes. The exercises of Hearn School and Female Seminary will be resumed Jan uary Sth. Address Poleman J. King, Principal. 1-7 6t. After executing some important papers and writing four letters, D. J. H. Blue, of Montgomery, Ala., committed suicide, presumably of a divorce scandal in which he was named as co-respondent. Shiloh’s Vitaiizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness aud all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by D. W. Curry. Vassaline shaves are good for tender chins. I. A 4. . ‘dii. Needing atonic, or child res who want build ing up, should take BROWN’S IKON BITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indi TegUon. BUousnew and Urar Complaints. Sheriff’s Sales for February,tßl 4. i < GEORGIA, Floyd Couktv. < w ill be sold before the court house door in i the city of Rome, Floyd county, Ga.. between i tbe legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in i February, 1894, tbe following described crop- i ertytowit: All that tract or body of land in tbe Fourth i District and lourth section of Flo d county, i Ga . known iu the plan of said district, as wnole i lots Nos 264,265 and 241 containing 160 acres each. Also 136 acres <lf the east side of lot No. 263, eaid faim land aggregating 616 acres more or ■ less and known as the Higginbotham farm Levied on by virtue ol a Uta issued from the ; Floyd Ordinary Court in favor of Alics Fowler i vs Thos. B. Higginbotham, as the property of i the defendant. , Also, ar the same time and place, all that ■ tract or parcel of land lying and being in I the twenty-third district and tnird sect! >n of i Fliyd ccuoty, Ga , as follows: One third of ■ lots Ncs. 2’9 and 250 in what is known as the i Rome Land Company’s addiiion to East Rome, i Baid one third being the east third of Baid lota, fronting (46 2-3) forty-six and two-ihirds feet ; more or less aud extending back 213 feet, being i all the land now enclosed, the above i being the property mortgaged by J. F. ’ Dupree to E. P. Treadaway, on tne Btn of Jan- i uary 1892. Levied on by virtue of a fifa Issued 1 from the Floyd city court in favor of E. P 1 Treadaway vs. J. F. Dupree, as the property of tbe defendant. , Also, at the same time and place, house and lot situated in the town of ForrestviUe, Floyd . county, Ga., known on the map of said town as lot No. 1350 n Watters street, bounded on the south by Alfred liy an and on the north by tbe , property of Ma k Deal. Levied on by virtue of a tax bra issued by J. J. Black, tax collector, iu favor of State and County vs. Jno. M. Crocker, as tbe property of tbe deien ant. Also, at the same time and place, one sorrel horse mule about ten years old named Alex. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fita issued irom the Floyd city court, in favor of vv. H. Coktr, assignee, &c.. vs. H. T. Landers, as the property of toe defendant. Ako, at the same time aud place, one darK, bay mare named Fanny, 12 years old, and one bay mare named Chariot e, 7 years o’d. Levied on by virtue of a fifa issued from the ' Floyd city court, in favor of W. M. Elliott vs. C. H. Freeman, as the property of the de fendant. Also, at the same time and place, all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Fourth Ward, city of Roue, Ga., Block “B,” described as follows: Commencing on West First sticet, formerly Center stieet, at the corner of Lancaster lot, aud running thencs In a westerly direction along west First street fi.ty feet, thence back same width 152 feet, it being part of the lot bought by T. B. Veasey from Johu S. May. Levied on by virtue ot a fifa issued from the Floyd city court in favor of Merchants National Bank of Rome, Ga., vs. W. 8. Richards, deed having been filed and recorded in accordance with tne statute, as the property of defendant. also, at the same time and place, all that portion of land lying ani being in the kjwenty-ihird District aud Third Section of Floyd county. Georgia, containing one acre off of the north side of lot No. 233 in said district and section, c >mmencing on line of said lot about two hundred yards from the north ■ east corner of said lot, cornering with Orange Elliott lot and running west on the north side of said lot 210 feet, then south 210 feet, then east 210 feet to what is kno-n as the Orange Elliott’s lot, then north to starting point, the above land being whe T e defendant now resides. Levied on by virtue of a fifa issued from the Floyd Justice Court of the 919th District, G. M., in tavorof M. Kobn * Co. vs. Da del Curry, as the property oi' rhe defendant. Levy made by W. M Byars, L C, Also, at >he sam time and place, one saw mill and fixtures complem,including one twelve inch rubber pelt. Levied oa by virtue of a fifa issued from tbe Floyd city court in favor of B. F. Camp vs. W. D. Jones, as the property of the defendant. Also, at the «ame time and place, all the rights, titles aud in'erest of Mary M. Nichols in the following described properly: Lot No. 89 in Cothrau & Ciiso.m addition to city ot Rome, and also a strip ad joiuiug said 1 t 83 on the South side, raid snip fronting forty feet on Cothran street and extending back one hundred and five feet. Levied on by virtue fifa issue r from the Floyd Justice ’ ou»S ; \the 919 h DiSt tier, G. in tav >r of Hardware Co t pany vs. Mary M. Mcho property of the defendant. Levy H. Beard, L. C. Also, ar the same time and place,'WgE| undi vided one-half iutetest in the easthglfof the west halt of lot of land No. 58 in the Fourth District and Fourth Section of Floyd county, Ga , and being a strip oilmd -running across ' entire lot on the ■»est side of original lot and said part otlot levied on containing iorty ac ee. Levied on bv vlrt <e of a fita issued from the Justice Court of tbd 1120th District, G. M., in favor of J. J Conn vs. Wm. Alien, sr., as the property of the defendant. Levy made by A. B. White, L. O. Also, at the same time and place, one sorrel mare mule ame Mary, 4 years old, one black mare mule meJaie, 4 year, old, one colored horse colt 2 years ole, one bay horse colt 3 yeare old named Floyd, one bay horse colt 3 yeais old named John. Levied on by vir.ue of two tifae issued from ti.e Floyd city court in favor of T. R. Jones vs. V. T Sanford, as the property of the defendant. Also, at t e same time and place one dark, brown horse mule named i.barley, one red cow with borne named ‘’Violet.’’ Also, one white and red speckled caw with horns named ”Lill.” Levied ( n by vit tne ol a mortgage fita issued from the Hoyd city court in favor ot riave Bros. 3k Co. vs Milton Stephenson, as the property of the defendant. Also, at tne same time and place, thirty acres off of lot No. 114 in Third District and Fourth Section of Floyd county, Ga. Leviul i n by virtue of a tax fifa issued by John J. Black, tax collector, in favor of State & Co. v». Thad M. Knox, as the property of de fendant. Also, at the same time and place, forty (40) acres of lind i” Watte:s District, Twenty third District and 3rd Section. Floyd county,Ga. corn ering south wir, Rhoda Nichols, ai d known as the Loui a Bailey place. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fita issued Irom the Floyd superior Court in favor of Baes, nos. & <.<>. vs. Louisa Bailey, as the property of ibe defendant, Al«o the same time and place, eighty acres of land, lying and being in the 'onh Carolina District, Floyd count), Ga , same being the place upon which said Haines resided at,tbe date of said mortgage, and boumli'a as follows: On the north by lands of John Turner a d 1. A. Bale, on the east by lands of nraafield, on the south by lands of Dave Shelton, and on the wcet by the lands of the Mothersh'ed estate. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fifa issued from the Floyd superior Court in favor of Bass Bros, it Co vs. Taylor Raines, as the properly of the detei dant. Also, at tbe same time and place, I t of land No. 887, situated in the Sixteenth Di-trict and Third Section of Floyd county, Ga. containing forty acres more or less. Levied on by virtue ■ f a fi:a issued f om the Floyd Justice Cou> t of the 924th District, G. M , in favor ot K. «. K< eves for the use of B. M Strickland vs J. F.Rureell, as the property of the detendaiit Also at the same time and place, the north ea t corner of 1 t No. 144 in the town of North Rome, formerly Forestville, in Floyd county. Georgia, fronting 52 feet on Debreli street, and running back 165 feet and levied on by virtu ■ of 3 litas issued trom the Floyd justice court of the 9!9th district G. M; two of them in favor of J. B. Chamblee vs I>. <!. I ramn.ell and the third in favor of J. B Chamblee vs G. K. Woodward ai d D C. Trammell, as the property of D. C. Tram mell. Also at the same time and place, south half of 'lot number 45 in the Cothran and Cbieoim nd dition to the city of Rome, fronting fifty feet on Gibson Street, and running back one hundred and fifty feet. Levied on by virtue of two iifas issued irom the Floyd justice court of the 919th district GM; in favor of J. W. Coker and Co , ve C. W. Borders and sold subject to a mortgage given by Hattie Borders to Atlas Saving and Loan Association for $300.00 as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, that tract or parcel of land in the Cothran and Chisolm ad di’ion to the city of Rome, Georgia, known as the east part of lot number 78 In said Cothran and Chisolm addition to the city of Rome, front ing on Spring street 65 feet more or lees and ex tending back same width 190 feet, on which is located two 4-room dwelling houses: adjoining the property of James Douglas on the north side. By virtue of a Floyd Superior Court fifa in favor of J. D Chambers, administrator of the estate of A. 8. Hawkins, deceased, vs J e. 11. Spullock and Callie Spullock, executors of E. A. Spullock, deceased, as the property of the de fendant. Also at the same time and place, lot of land No. 173 in the 4th district and 4th section of Floyd county, Ga., containing 160 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue ot afl fa issued from the Floyd justice court of the 855th district, G. M., in favor of J. A . Bale vs J. C. Mother the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, one dark bay mare named Dollie, one f-horse wagon, iron axle nearly new. Levied upon by virtue of a mortgage fi fa. issued from Floyd city cour’in favor of Bass Bros. JSt, Co. vs A 8 Long, as the property of the defendant Also at the same time and place, the following property to-wit: Lots ot land Nos. 530, 550. 55t, and 28 in the 3rd district and 4th sec'ion of Floyd connty, Ga. Also lota 839 and 890 in the 22nd district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., containing 1b all 230 aorea more or less. Levied upon by virtue of a fi fa, issued from Floyd city court in favor of Thomas Philpot v» MJ Bobo and Wm Richardson, as tbe property of M J Bobo, one of the defendants. Also at the same time and i lace, that port’oir of lot of land No. v 79 in lhe 4th district and 4th section of Floyd coun’y, Ga, which is includ ed in the following boundaries: Beginning at a stake which is 12 chains and 50 Jinks i-outh of tne northeast corner of said lot, and rum ing thence west 30 chains and 50 links to a ttake; thence south 30 chains and 5 links to a rock on the south line of said lot; ’hence east along said south line to that portion of said lot, embracing about I<> acres. Sold by Ji hn W Richardson to T 8 Price on the 18th of May, 1849, the dted to which was recorded in book -E.” clerk’s office, pages 266 and 267, July 18th, 1849; thence along and around the west side of the ten acres to the sir h and south line of said lot, aud thence to tbe beginning point. Also that i ortion of lot numb-ring 297 in the same distiict and section, wnich is included in the following boundaries to-wit: Beginning at tbe noribeast corner of said lot and running tbenoe south on tbe line to the Coosa river; thence down river towg stake is tbepoiutat which rhe line begins that cuts off a part of said lot originally to Robert L Richardson; tbence north 34 chains along this dividing line to a stake; tbence in a straight line to tbe nonheast corner. Tuat ror tion of No. 279 de cribeil, Is supposed to coutain 70 acres more or less, ana the portion of 297 is euppo-’ dto contain 55% acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa, issued from rhe Floyd superior court iniavorof J A Bale vs Geo. L Payne, as the property of the defendant. JAKE C. MOORE, Sheriff. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN PHYSICIANS AND SUHIMSONB. ROME, GA. Homoepathic Physician and Surgeon, for merly Resident Physician to Hahne mann Hospital, of Chicago. Office 103 1-2 2nd ave, Residence4o63rd ave. Office hours, 9 to 11 am, 2 to 4 pm, 7 to 8 pm. Sundays, 9to 10 am, 2to 3 pm. HOWARD E. FELTON, M. D„ Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hammack, Lucas & Co.’a Drug Store. Entrance on Broad Street. B^* At omce d«y and night. Telephone 62. 8-15 DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence No 408 West First Street, Office CROUCH A WATSONS DRUGSTORI Residence Telephone - - - no <•« Office ... * 43. C. HAMILTON, M. 0., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence No. 115, Maple St. East Rome. Office No. 220 1-2, Broad St. Residence Telephone No. 109. Office Telephone No. 123. ALTOHNEbY 8-AT-Li W. Wright, Hamilton & Wright, Altorneys-at-Law. OrFiOB : Masonic Temple Annex. l-4-6m J. BHAMIAM, attorney-at-law Rome, Georgia. D. c. Richmond & Danvillb Railboad. My emnloyment by tbe above company will not interfere with my general practice, which . wyl be attended to as heretofore. roch4-dly J. B. F. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, Room 12, Postoffice Building. Promp attention to collections. d6ml ma 3 J.H.SAIERSr ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CEDARTOWN. GA. Collections a Specialty. W. W, Vandiver, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN Poatofflce Building, - - Rome, G a. GATTIS & HAMILTON, ~ Architects, Conti actors, Builders. Plans drawn and contractx BuiUe at lowest prices, ami satisfaction guaranteed*. PiuhalU addressed to us at Rome. Ga., will receive prompt attention THETacKUS WATER ji ITOK ' or Is the Most Economical Pow er Known, and the Best in the World for Driving Light Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out ol repair. It cannot blow up. It cannot blowu It requires no fnel, It needs no engineer. It needs no engineer. , There is no delay; no firing up; no ashes to clean away; no extra insurhnee to pay; no re pairing necessary; no coal bills to day, and it ia always ready for use. It is invaluable for blowing Church Organa for ruibning Printing Presses Sewing Machines Turning Lathes, Scroll Saws, Grind Stones Coffee Mills. Sausage Machines, Feed Cutters Corn Mills, Elevators, Etc. Four-horse power at 40 pounds pressure of water, It is noiseless, neat, compact, .steady, and above all IT IS VERY CHEAP. PKICE, TO UiSilOO. Send for Circular to the BACKUS WATER ! MOTOR CO., Newark, N. J., stating paper you . saw advertisement in. ; We Also Manufacture Patent Rotating * and Exhaust Fans. ; SendJor Special Catalogue on Vehtllatlog; 3