The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, January 16, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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THE FUNERAL SERVICES Ov*r the Body of Dr. F. Powers—M»- sonlc Honors. Dr. 8. F. Powers was buried yesterday morning on Myrtle Hill, and many of those who knew bitn and held him as a friend followed the body to its last rest ing place. Services were held at the First Methodist ctiurob, and were conducted by Dr. Gibson, the pastor, in his always impressive manner. He told of the good deeds of the deceased, of his record as an honorable min and pointed to the re ward which he is now enjoying in the Land that knows no sorrow. The body was taken charge of by the masons. Dr. Powers having been a mem ber of Cherokee Lodge. The following acted as pall bearers: A. W. Ledbetter, J. B. Hill, C. O. Stillwell, S Funkhouser, W. M. Neal, O V. Stewart, G. S. Biown, W. J. Griffin. The pretty masonic ceremonies were held at the grave. They are always im pressive, and never seemed more so than yesterday. Dr. Powers was one of the b r st known citizens in this section, and his death causes universal sorrow. THAT PATTI SPECIAL Pulled Into Memphis Five Minutes Ahead of Time. “It was a very pretty run we made, and Mme. Patti expi eased herself as de lighted with the trip.” Master of Trains 8. B. Bennett, was the speaker, and he was telling about the fast run made by the Patti special on the E. T., V. & Ga. railroad. The actual run ning time of- the trip from Atlanta to Chattanooga was three hours and thirty two minutes. The train was scheduled to make ibe run from Atlanta to Mem phis in twelve hours, and pulled in just five minutes earlier, Virge Waters pulled the throttle on enj. in > 208 that made the trip, and Con ductor Strickland had charge of the train. Division Passenger Agent Farns worth and Trainmatter Bennet accom panied the train from Atlanta to Chat tanooga. It was a pretty rnn, and the East Ten nessee carried the diva through in the superb style the road does everything. Brandeth’s Pills do not injure the system. THE NICKLE ASSOCIATION- Stockholders Asked for a Receiver, But Didn't Get One. A receiver was asked for yesterday for for the “Nickle Association” of Borne. This is an orgauizition of Rome’s col ored oit’Z ms oa the plan of a building and loan association. It has quite a num ber of members, and under President Higginbotham’s management seems to have prospered. Hrwever, some of the stockholders had grievances, and yester eay they were presented before Judge Henry, in Summerville, by Attorney Ed Dean, who asked for a receiver. George Harris represented the association, and secured a verdict in his favor, Judge Henry denying the application for re ceiver. Go by the book on Beecham’s Pills. ILLNESS OF MRS. TOWERS- Taken With Congestion of the Lungs—She is Better. Mrs. W. M. Toners was very ill fora while yesterday morning, but is now somewhat better. She had been indisposed on Saturday, but took quinine and went to church Sunday. Yesterday she was attacked with a violent pain, which proved to be congestion of the lungs. Dr. J. L. John son was summoned and succeeded in giving her some relief. ANOTHER TEACHER Will Be Elected For the Night School—A Large Attendance. Last night began the second week of the night school. And it showed an enrollment of 76 with 66 actually present. That is a showing beyond the expec tation of the best friend of the school, and it proves the wisdom of the move made by the board in establishing the school. The pupils a e enthusiastic, and its a pleasure to notice the eageruess with which they enter into the studies. Many of them are from the n factory and many others spend their days in etores aa cash boys or clerks. All seem deeply interested, and are hard at work. Miss May Clark is the teacher, and she is doing the work most creditably. Super intendent Harris spends much of the evenings at the school, and says that it has grow n to such proportions that an other teacher is necessary. A meeting of the board will probably be called to- LOSS OF POWER and vital force follow jf - *loss of flesh, or emar < M& —x. Vwfim c ' a t‘ on - These come A aMf from inmoverished \ l| I Egyr~ blood. Dr. Pierce’s I wfc I II Wk Golden Medical Dls- i W I I r“ covery enriches the W I '(/ Z* blood, stops the waste - v c^y -1 / of strength and tissue, ' » and builds up healthy 5 flesh. Nasty Cod Liver Oils add fat, bet not wholesome flesh. Thin, pale, puny and scrof ulous children are made plump, rosy and ro bust by the “ Discovery." They like it, too. In recovering from “ Grippe,” or in conva lescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, it speedily and surely invig orates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it seta at work all the processes of digestion and nu trition, rouses every organ into natural ac tion, and brings back health and strength. If it doesn’t benefit or cure, in every cam, you have your money back. It has cured others of Catarrh—thomaito 6 them. Why not you » Dr. Sage’s Co rk Remedy w so psaMvo, Its makers otter B reward far an iamrabli earn day to consider the matter. The senti ment of the board seems to be that a man should be chosen to fill the vacancy. They are delighted with Miss Clark, and think the best results can be reached by having a gentleman to assist. The High Water Mark. The schools reached the high water mark of attendance last Friday. Ou that day over 1,000 were in attendance and re ceived instruction. They were divided as follows: 600 whites in day school; 60 at night school; 350 coortd. This is the largest at tendance yet reached in the schools. For fl ucing New Yoik business men on forged checks, “Colonel” Henry Pot ter, a pretended Grand Army man, was sent to prison for seven years. Edward M. Field (recently insam ) y C tercay at New York was arraigned upon indictments for forgery snd grand laiceny, and was held iu default of $65,000 bail. William McKiusy, employed as coach* man by Miss Mary Garrett, of Baltimore, committed suicide Thursday night by turning on the gas. Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on eartu for pain, is universally accepted by horsemen and veterinarians as the ne plus ultra of liuimeutg. Fresh Venison at Wilker son’s today. Notice to Water Consumers. Water tax for the fourth quarter ia now past due. This being the last quarter for the fiscal year, it will be necessary for consumers to meet the bills promptly. All bills will be presented but once. If not paid the water will be cut off. Consumers who wish to settle at the water works office can do so between the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock p. m. L. J. Wagneb, 1-13-ts Snpt of Water Works. Everybody attend the big Horse Sale. Noth ing but first-class high bied animals will be offered to the highest bidder at ureen & Rhudv’s stable Wednes day, Jan. 17,1894. Wanted, A good workman in wood and iron at the Suttle Mills. Write to J. T. Suttle, Greenbush, Walker, Co., Ga. 1-13 6t Fresh Venison at Wilker son’s today. Ano'her Ticket* F«»R MAYOR. JOHN ¥ J SE4Y. FOR COUNCILMEM, First Ward.—Henry Harvey. Second Ward.—D. W. Curry. Third Waid.—J. L. Camp. Fourth Ward.—Walter Harris. Fifth Ward.—Henley Hoskinson. Choice Western Mutton at Wilkerson’s today. Citizen's Ticket. Mayor—T. W. Alexander. Aiderman, Ist ward—Henry Harvey. Aiderman, 2i ward —D W. Curry. Aiderman, 3i ward—Arthur Sullivan. Aiderman, 4th ward —Ed Bosworth. Alderman, sth ward—Judge Harris. Many Citizens. For Job Printing write or call on the Shanklin Printing House. I offer my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost. I have to raise money and must sell now. This is your best chance for bargains offered in Rome for good shoes for some time. R. T. Connally, 7-28 d-w6m 216 Broad street Rome Ga. Hearn School Resumes, The* exercises of Hearn School and Female Seminary will be resumed Jan uary 8:h. Address Poleman J. King, Principal. 1-7 6'. Best Wool Carpets made and laid 50 cts. per yard. M. G. Mc- Donald Furniture Co. ROME MADE FURNITURE On Display in New York—Sold In Every New England State. Mr. B. F. Hull, with an armful of wrapped packages, occupied himself for many miuutes yesterday in the post office licking stamps and mailing the packages. “These are catalogues of the Rome Furniture company,” said he, “and it’s a great deal bigger thing than most folks know.” Then he made some interesting state ments. “The Rome Furniture factbry is mak ing the very finest quality of goods. To day they opened a display of furniture in New York at the New York City Ex position Company, and we have an ex hibit of forty-two pieces there. Do you know three-fourths of all the furniture comes from New York ? Yet over half is made in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. It has to go through New York. The Rome Furniture Company sells its goods nearly everywhere. It sella to every state in New England—Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Gon- Dsotioat,NewYork and everywhere else.” THBBO MB ,M^U ?B . r ry| S gD4r, JAMuAttT W, IBM. D. M. Rose “I was troubled with terrible pain In my back and had also kidney difficulty. For 27 Years I Suffered. I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and began to get better. I have not had an attack since I be gan to use it I was also cured of catarrh in the head and am now In good health.” D. M. Rose, Denison, lowa. 100 doses one dollar. HOOD’S Pills cure Liver Ills, Jaundice, Biliousness, Sick Headache and Constipation. CITY REGISTRATION- Notice of Registration of Voters for City Election. Official notice is hereby given that the books for the registration of city voters for the next municipal e.ection are now open at the clerk of council's office, at the city ball. All city taxes, fines, and all dues to the city must be paid before registering. The attention of city voters is called es pecially to the fact that the payment of taxes does not register voters in the city registration, but in addition to paying all dues to the city persona l application must be made to the clerk. Attention of all city voters it ca led to this notice. Registration closes Saturday, Feb. 17, at 7 o’clock p. m. E ection Tuesday, March 6,1894 M. A. Nbvin, dt Feb.lT Clerk of tounci . For Job Printing write or call on the Shanklin Printing House. Ingleside Retreat.—For diseases of Women. Scientific treatment and cutes guaranteed. Elegant, apartments for la dies before and during cot fi'iement. Ad dress The Resident Pi ysician 71 72 Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. 8-22-d<fcw3n» FOR RENT. A nice five-room cottage on Forest street, Fifth ward. Apply to S. J. POWERS. I-l-san wed sun State and Comity Taxes. All unpaid taxeafor 1893 are being put in the hands of the ah-ritf tor c •llection. Jans Iw Jno J Black, T. C. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Fob Rent—My residence, lv3 Fourth avenue, for the year 1394 Mbs. M. J. Sargeant, l-5 6t Central Hotel. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, Id digestion & Debility. Ostrich Feathers cleaned, curled and died. A Ison Kid Gloves cleaned at Phillips’, 69 1-2 Whitehall street, At lanta, Ga. 11 7-tu th sai2m Five more colored pension frauds have been convicted by the Norfolk (Va.) Fed eral court. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per b<>x. For sale by D. W. Curry, druggist Insane from drink. Dr. George H. Holt, of Brooklyn, cut his throat and will probably die. Shiloh’s ,Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts ,50 cts. and SI.OO. For sale by D. W. Curry. « ' • New York’s republican legislature will abolish tbe New York city police com mission. Shiloh’s Vitaiizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by D. W. Curr.v. The envious friends of a Manayunl, sportsman says the only kind of ducks he ever kills is the Notterdam duck. Karl’s Clover Root, the great Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearnets t) the complexion and cures constipation, 25c., 50c. For sale by D. W. Curry. President Andrews, of Brown Uni versity, declines the place of co-president of the University of Chicago. Scrofula eradicated and all kindred diseases cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which bv its vital slug and altera Ivo effects, makes pure blood Dissolution of Partnership. The firm of Pollock & McConnell have this day dissolved partnership by mu tual consent, J. R. McConnell having bought the entire interest of J. L. Pol lock, and will assume sairliabilities. J. L. Pollock, J. EL McCoxmill. Letters of Administration. GBttan’a, rtoydoaniy: To all whom it mar concern: Notice is hereby given that on tbe first Monday in February neat, I shill appoint an admini trator on the eet-leof J A r-tanaburv, late of said county. This is to cite all and singular tbe creditors and next of km <>t .1 A -oaimoury to oe and appear at my office wlthiu th. tlu.e allowed oy law and -h w c-use it any they on, wh. leimaneut ad ministration rhoulu not i e t ranted to <: W Un <ie> wo"<’ or some o hei fit ai d proper person on J A Stansbury's eats e. Witness toy hand and official slguatuie th 1 , fi'b d-y of January, 1891. I 12-4 W JOU • P. DAVIS, Grain.ry. Application for Letters of Dismission. GFORGIA, F.oyd County. Wh«iea* .1. L. < h*m'u*ra, ad • initiator r s A gut s L. Chambers repreM*ntN t<> tbe c uit io 1 i” ifti i duh filed ibat be h >8 admini tered Atn er- L. C h-uubt-rs ?at te. 'J bis is to cite ad peie n« concerned, kinhed and creditors, to h owcamejr tbe* can. wm said admit!,- tr t'»r rh u d not t e tf’Dcharged rom bis ad ministr tion and receive htteis o’ di**mts>*ion on ih-flrrt M nday in Aprn, 1-91. This Jan uary Bth, 1894. JOHN P. D*VH. 1-9-3 moa Ordinary Floyd County, Ga. Letters of Administration. GEOIiGIA, Floyd County. To all whom it maj concern: Cezar stallins bavii g in proper f rm applied to me tor perma nent iet'e’e ■ f admini t tion on tbe esc,te of Tempy b'aliins, let ot .aid county. This is to • ile a'l and singular the ciedi or- and next of kloof Temps Stnllmerobe aud appear at my office within ihe lime liy law and show cause, 1' a"y the can. why permanent ailmin istrat.i n rhould not be g anted t ■ Cezar Stallins on Tern py S'alllns’ e-t ie Witness ny hand and official signatu'e this 10 h dav January, 1894. JOHN P. DaVIS, Ordinary. 1 12 4w Application for Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA. Flo.d County. .xfheieas Fannie’ Fonkhonaer, Admtnistra- Vy tor o Hattie McK nzie. deceased, rnpre re tg to ”e c urt that be has adtn uistere Hattie McKcKenzie'r eaiate. Ibis igtoclleall p iwons couce ne <. kindred and creditoia to show cans., if any tbev can, why aatn mlmints tratoi sbosld n the ig.barged fr m hgadmin is'ratiou and r celve letteie of > i-mi-sion on .he first Monday in April, 18'fi. This January Ist, i.IM. JOHN P. DAVIS. a J IHN P. DAVIS, <'rdiuary. Wild Land Sales. Will ba sold before Che court house door in th. city of Rome, Fo.d county. Ga., be i ween tbe legal hours of stle on the first Tues day in Apiii 1894, the following describe J prop erty to-wit; .. ild and lots No r 4, containing one hundred and rixtv -crea. >uid ea-t hilt of lot No. 55 con taining 80 ac e-, Cu in the Fourth District and Fourth 'eor.’on of Fiojd county, Ga. Levied on by virtue of'ax flfa- I sued by John J black, tax coll. ctor, iu ravor of Mate 4 ■ o. vs. John W. Jones for years from lk-4t > inc'u-ive. as tbo properly of the delendant. 1-9 3 mo .1 C. viOoRE, “beriff. Application for Letters ot Dis x mission. GEORGIA, Floyd ( ountv: w hurras R a p White, guardian of < buries (4 Deuton, represenfa o the court ’n her petition < nh filed that bhe has administered ► aid to a d s eHate. This is to cite all peinone concerned, ki d ed and creditors to hbow cause, ifanvtbey can, why said j»uar« fan should not bedisoht ge<i from her guardian hi.> and re kttere of dUmiß*ion on the tlr»t Monday in March, 1a94 This Dtcßtb. JOHV P DAVIS, 12-1090(1 Ordinary Floyd County. Application For Letters of Dis mission. GEORGIA. Flos d CoVxTY. Whereas W H Edmuud-on, Admia'str&tor of the es ate of Eiizt 11. ueeves. repres. nte to the cmirt in bis pet. ton duly filed that he has Iu ly ad ii lnisto'ed El z.i H. Reeves’ estate. This is t cl'e all |»reons concerned, kino.ed and cred itors, to show cause, ifanyihey can wh said ad., int-tra'or shoU'd not be discharged fr- m bis admiide'ra'lon and r ceive 1-t ers of dis mi-slod on the first Monday i" Febru-rv 1894. Tbi" November 6,1853. JUHN P. DaVls, oa«9od Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Fiojd County: To a'l whom it may concern—Charles Craton having in proper for applied to me tor perma nent letters of admin strs.ti n on the estate of Tnos I. t raton, laie of said county. This is to cite all ano singular the redito's and nex ot kin <>f i hoe. J Craton, to be and appear at my office wilbiii the lime allowed bv law and show c use, it any they can. wny t eimanent adminis tration should uot i e granted t> Chares C>a ronon lhos. .1 Craton’s estate, witness my hand and official sign turethis stday of Janu ary, 1894. JOHN P. DAV S, Ordinary. l-5-w4w Petition for Damages. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Joe Sanford vs. 1 Damages in Floyd E. T., V. & Ga Rail J City Court, Septe.bei way Company. ) erm, 1893. To the defendant in the a'.ove stated esse: You are iionti d andcommanded to be and ap pear at the n. xt term <f tbe city s.urt, to be held iu and lor sa'd county of Floyd on the 2nd Monday in March next the., and there to answer the plain iff'e petition for damages, as in default thereof s i> cou t will proceed as to justice shall aepeitain. witness, 'he Ihm W T fut nbull, judge of said court. Thi- December 22nd. 1393. W E. Bbvsisosl, l-2au 2m Clerk ity Court. Letters of Administration. GEOR .l A, Floyd County. To all whom it may concern: W A Rhudy having in proi er o' m applied to me for p< r niatient le'tets of adminlst aticn on the e-tate of Henry Berryhill. lat-> of said county. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Henry Berrjhill to be and appear at my office wl'hln the time allowed hy law and snow cause, if any bey can, wby permanent ad ministration eh uld not be granted to W A Rhudy on Henry Berryhill's estate. Witness my hand and official signature this ' Ith da- "f Jan uary, 1891 JOHN P. DAVIS 1- >2-4w Ordinary. Application for Lctteis of Dismissicn. GEORGIA—FIoy 1 County: Whereas, Samuel Funkhouser administrator debonts non, with will annexed of G. W. F. Lamkin’s esta-e, represents to tbe court in bls putition, duly fl ed. 'hat be has administered G. W. F. La ink in’s Sr. estate. Ibis I* to cite all persons concerned, kiidred and cr- di tors, to show cause, if any they can, why said admin istrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letter- of dismis lon on tie first Monday in Man h 1891 This Decem ber 4 18 3. JOHNP.DAVIS, 12-6»3m Ordinary. G, W. Witcher 1 Petition for reforma vs. > tion and partition in tbe Mrs. M. F. Caldwell, ) Fl. nd Siipulor court, Lenora Riinwat r 1 September Teim, 1893. M rtba Ellen Caldwell} Wm. Albert Caldwell. ) It appearing to <h» court by th« return of the sheriff in the above siated case, that tbe defend ants do not reside In said county, aud It fui tber appe.riug that tb. y oo not r side in this state and that it Is mcessa-y to perfect service on said defendant by publication, it is her. by or dered that service on sal I defendants be per fected by publication In tbe K< me Tribune twice a month for two months. Nov. 15. 1-93. W. M. HENRY, II 24-2am2m J S. C. R. C. GEORGIA—FIoy d County: G. W. Witcher 1 Petition for reforma vs } tion and par ltlon in Mrs MF. Caldwell, ) Floyd Superior Conrt. Lenora Rainwater. 1 September Term, 1893. Mailba Ellen < Bidwell, V Wm. Albert Caldwell ) To the def ndan'Bin the above stated ca*e: You ate hereby notified aud commanded to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Conrt Kibe held in and for said county of Fiojd on the fourth Monnay in March, 1»»4, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s pe'ition for ref ormation and partiti'n. Asin default thereof said conrt will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Honorable W. M. Henry, Judge of laid court, this November t 5, 1893. WM. K. BKYBIKGEL, Clk. g. Q. F, O. Ma. Sheriff’s Sales forFebiuary.lSW, GEORGIA, Floyd Cooivrx. « ill be sold before the court house door, in the city ul Rome, Floyd county, Ga.. between tne legal houiu of sale on tbe Erst Tuesday tn February, 1691, tbe following deactibed prop erty to wit: All that tract or body of land in tbe Fourth District and i our th section of Hod county, Ga . known io tbe plan of said districi, as whole lots Nos 2< 4,z65 and 241 containing 16i> acres each. Also 136 an ea , if tbe east side of lot No. 263, said lai tn land aggregating 616 aci es more or less aud known as the Higginbotham farm Levied on by virtue oi a ilia irsued from the Floyd Dtdiuary Court in favor of Alic Fowler vs Tbo*. B. tliggiuboibaui, as tbe propelty of the defendant. Also, at tbe same time and place, all that tract o parcel of laud lying aud being in the twenty thud district aud tuird sect! u of Fit yd County. Ga, as follows: Ouetbirdof lota Ncs z-9 and 2 0 in what is known as the Rome uand Company's addi i m t > East Rome, Saul one thir i being ihe east third of sa d lots, iruu'iug (4i> 23) tmty-six anil two-ihirde feet n ote or less a, d exu-uding back 21z teet, being all ibe land n,w enclosed, tbe above being the property mortgaged by J. i'. Dupree to E. P Tieadaway, ou tue Stu of Jan uary 1892. Levied on b, virtue ot a Ufa iseued fro,, the Floyd city court in favor of E. P Tioadaway vs. J F. Dupree, as the properly ot the aefeuoant. Also, at the same time and place, house and lot situated in tbe town ot Furiestville, Floyd county, '.a., known on ths map of said town as lot No. 1350 n Watters street boUnUed ou the south by Alfred aud on the north by tbe property ot Ma k Deal, r ev.ed on by virtue ot a tax hl a 1 sued ny .1. J. Black, tax collectT, to favor > t Stateaud County vs. Jno. M. Crocker, as tbe property ot the de en ant. Also, at tbe eau.e time aud place, one sorrel horse mule about Un years old named Alex. Levied on by viitoe or a mortgage flta issued nom tbe Floyd city court, iu favor of W. H. ■ otttr. assignee <Sc . va. H. T. Landers, as tbe property ot t..e deiendaut. Al.-o, at the same time and place, one dark, bay mare named Fanny, 12 years uld, and one ba) mare named Chariot e, 7 years od. Levied on by virtue ot a flta issued from the Floy<l city Court, lu favor ot W. M. Ellioit vs. C. H. Freeman, as tbe property of tbe de fendant. Also, at the same time and place, all that tract or parcel ot Und situated, lying and being in ibe sour ch Ward, ci.y ot Ron e, Ga., Block ’•B," described as follows: Commeucing on Rest First street, formerly Center stieet. at the corner of Lancaster lot, and running thence iuaw sterly direction along tvest First street fl ty feet, thtnee uack same width 152 feet, it being part ot the iut bought by T. B. Veasey from Johns. May. Levied on by virtue ot a Ufa issued from the Floy d city court iu favor ot Merchants National Bank of Rome, Ga., vs. W . 8. Richards, deed hiviug been ti ed aud recorded iu accordance with tne statute, as tbe property of defendant. ala<>, at tbe same time and plsce, all that portion of land lying and being in the Hweuty-ihtrd District aud Third Secti"n of Floyd county. Georgia, containing one acre off of the north sine of lot No. 233 in said distrioi and section, c mmenciog on line ol said lot about two hundred yards fioin the north east coruer of said lot. cornering with <(range Elliott >ot and running West ou tbe north side of said lot 210 feet, then south 210 teet, then east 210 teet to what is kno n as the ' range Eluoti's lor, then nortn to starting po.nt, til above land biiug whee defendant uow resides, levied ou by virtue of a Ufa issued from the Eloyu Justice Court ot the 9t9tb Dist.ict, G. M., in lav irot M. Kobn&Co. vs. Da del Curry, as the prop'rtv ot the defendant. Levy maue by W. M Byars, L C, Also, at be saur time and place, onestw mill and fixtures comple<e,iucludiug<>ne twelve inch rubber uelt. Levltdooby viitue of a flta issued from toe Floyd city court iu favor ot B. F. Camp vs. W. D. Jones, as the property of the detandant. also, at the same time and place, all the rights, titles and interest of Mary 51. N ichols ia the following described property: Lot No. 89 in Cothrau & Liiso.m aduibion to city ot Rome, and also a strip adjoining said 1 t 89 on the Southside, raid stitp fronting lorty leet ou < otbrau street and extending back ouv bundled and flleet. Levied on by virtue of a Ufa issuer from the Floyd Justice Court ot tbe 919 11 District, G. in tav >r of the Rome Hardware Co ..pany vs. Mary JI. Nichols, as the piouertvof tne defendant. Lovy made by H. Beard, L. C. Aiso. a'the same time and place, one undi vided "lie-halt interest in the east half ot the west halt of lot of land No. 58 in tbe Fourth District and Fouitb section of Floyd county, G , , aud b ing a strip ot land running a rose entire lot on the •"est side of original lot and said part of lot levied on containing lorty ac es. Levied on bv vrre >e of a flta issued trom the Justice Court of tbd llrmh District, G. M., in favor of J. J Conn vs. Wm. Alien sr., as the property of the defendant. Levy made by A. B. Whue, L. <l. Also, at tbe same time and place, one sorrel tune mu e stueMaiy, 4 years old, one btacK mare mule meJaie, 4 year*, old, one cr-am colored h >rse colt 2 years 010, one bay horse colt3years old named Floyd, one bay horse colt 3 yeiT s old named John. Levied on by vir tie of two tlf is Issued irom tne F'loyti city court lu favor of T. R. Jones vs. V. T Sanford, as the profieitv of the defendant. also, "at t e same time and place, one dark, brown horse mule uanieu r barley, one red cow with borus named ‘ Violet." A>so. one wbtte and red speckb dew with horns uarned "Lili.” Levied . n uy virtue ot a mortgage flta issued trom tbe Floyd city Court in favor of r.a-s Bros. Co. vs Milton Stephenson, as the property of the defendant. Also, at tbe same time and place, thirty acres <-ff of lot No. H 4 tn Third District aud Fourth Section of Floyd county, Un Levi'd tn by virtue ot a tax tira issued by John J. Black, tax coll, ctor, in favor of State & Co. vs. Thad M. Knox, as the property of de fendant. Also, at th» same time and place, forty (40) acres of Bud n> vtatteis District, Twenty-third District and 3rd Section. Floyd county,Ga. corn ering south wit Rhoda Nichols, and known as tbe Loui a B..rley place. I evled on by virtue of a mortgage fli a is-ued trom the Floyd l-uperior Co' rc in lavorof Bass, bios..& « o. vs. Louisa Bailey, aside property of the defendant. Al- , the same time and place, eighty acres of land, ly iii>g aud being in the -orth Carolina District, Floid count), Ga, same being the place upon which said Raines resided at .the date of said mor gage, and boundon as follows: On tbe north bv lands of .iodo Turner a- d I. A. Bale, on tbe cist by laude of nradfield, on tbe sou h by Unds ot Dave Shelton, and on the west hy the lands ot the Motliersbed estate. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage Ufa issued from the Fl >yd superior Court in tavur of Bass Bros. & Co vs. Taylor Raines, aS the property ot the delei dant. Also, at tbe same time and place, lot of land No. 887, situated lu the bixteenth District aud Thiru Beutiou of Floyd county, Ga.. containing forty acres more or less Levied on by virtue ■ f a fl ia issued t om the Floyd Justice Court ot the 924th District, G. M , in Uvor of R. H. K»eves for the use of B. M Strickland vs J. i'.Ruscell, as tbe property of the defendant Also at tbe same time and place, the north ea-t corner ot 1 t No. 144 in the town of North Rome, former y Forestville, in Floyd county. Georgia, fronting 51 feet on Debreli street, aud running back 165 feet and levied on by virtue of 3 tiias issu'd trom the Floyd justice court of the 919th district G. M; two of them in favor of J. H. Chamblee vs D. C. I rami ell and the third in favor of J B Chamblee vs G. K. Woodward ai d D C. Trammell, as the property of D. C. Tram mell. Also at the same time and place, south ball of lot number 45 in the Cothran and Chisolm ud dition to the city of Rome fronting fifty feet on Gibsou Street, and running back <me hundred and titty feet. Levied on by virtue of two fffas issued trom the Floyd justice couit of the 919 tn district G JI; tn favor of J. W. Coker and Co, vs C. W. Borders and so d subject to a mortgage given by Hattie Borders to Atlas Saving aud Loan Association for $390 0U as the property of the deteiidaut Also at the same time and place, that tract or parcel of land in tbe Cotbran and Chisolm ad di’i.rn to the city of Rome, Georgia, known as the east part of lot number 78 In said Cothran and Chisolni addition to the city ot Rome, front ing on spring street 65 feet more or lets and ex tending track same width 100 teet, en which is located two i-room dwelling bouses; aojoining the property of James x ouglae on the north side. By virtue of a Fiojd Fup' rior Court tifa in favor of J. D Chan hers, administrator of tbe estate ot A. 8. Hawkins, deceased, vs J s. H. Spullock and Callie Spullock, executors of E. A. Bpullock,deceased, as the property of the de fendant. A Iso at tbe same time and place, lot ot land No. 173 in the 4th district and 4th section ot Floyd county, Ga , containing 160 acres more or less Levied on by virtue of afl fa issued from tbe Floyd ju-tice court ot tbe 855th district, G. M.,in ravor of J. A. Bale vs J. U. Mother shed as the property oi the defendant. Also at the same time and place, one dark bay maie named Dollle, one 1-horse wagon, iron axle nearly new. Levied upon by virtue of a mortgage fl fa issued trom Floyd city cour iu favor of Bass Bros. <S Co. vs A 8 Long, as the property of th" defendant. Also at the same time and place, the following property to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 533, 510 AM. and 2il in the 3rd district and 4th sec lon of Floyd enuntv. Ga. Also lots 839 and 8:0 in tbs 22nd dlstnct’and 3rd section of Floyd county, «•., eoatalaing la Ml 200 aeras aaors or law. Levied upon by virtue of a fl fa, Jmiw fro* Floyd cltjf court in fav-r of TbonMiiAMMK v» M J B"bo and Wm Ricbaidson, as tSwßßHfety of MJ Bobo, one of tbe A Iso at tbe same time and j lace, that port’e* of lot of land No. *79 lu tbe 4:h district aud 4th section of Floyd county, Ga., which is includ ed in the following boundaries: Beginning at A. Stake wni'h lsl2chalns and 50links routhof too northeast corner of said lot, aud rum ing thenco west 30 chains and 50 links to a (take; thence soutn 30 chains and 5 links to a rock on tbo south line oi said lot; theuce e»st along saM south line t , that portion of said lot, embracing about bl acres. Bold by J. hn w Richardson t» l 8 Price ou the 18th of May, 1849, the deed to wbicn was recorded in book "E.” clerk’s office pages 266 and 267, July 18th. 1849; thence aiony aud around ihe west side of tbe ten acres to the mir h and south hue ot said lot, and tbenee to the beginning point. Also that t ortion of lot numb ring 297 in the same diar.icr, and section, wuieh is included in the following boundaries to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot aud running thence s util on the to the Coosa river; tuence down tne river to s stake v» h ch is the point at wr ich ihe line begins that cuts i ff a iart of said lot originally to Robert L Richardson; thence north 39 chains along this dividing line ro a stake; thence in a straight line to the nonheast ern- r. Tnat i or tiou ot No. 279 de-cribeii, is supposed to contain. 70 aces more or less, and the portion of 297 is suppo •d to contain 55% acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa, issued from the Floyd superior court in favor ot J A Bale vs Geo. L Payne, as the property of ths defendant. JAKE C. MOORE, Sheriff. Notice of Sale. Whereas on the 20th day of April 1891, Henry L Earpe, ot Floyd County, Georgia, was tbs owner of six shares ot stock in the National Mutual Building and Loan Association of New York, ami on said day obtained a loan of 310 S fro . said asrocia'ion. and eiecuted and deliv ered to it a bend conditioned to pay said sum with intere tat the rate of six er cent per an num until paid, togeiher with a month ly premium of gz.«) for eight years, or until the earlier maturity of said shares, should they mature before the expiration < f eight years,ana in addition thereto the sum of three dollar- and sixty cents for the monthly dues ot said six shares, which interest, premium and dues are payable monthly on or before tbe last business day of every month at the office of said associa tion in New Yoik City; together with fines, according to the b -laws of said association. I And whereas ssid bond provides, that should any default be made in the payment f sdd in terest, premium, dues or flnts. or any part thereof, and tbe same shall remain unpaid and in arrears for three mouths, the aforesaid prin cipal sum, and any and all sums for interest, premium and dues or lines shall, at tbe option of said Association become due and payable im mediately. And whereas, said Henry L Earpe has mads default tor more than than three months in th* payment ot said interest,premium and dues and tines accruing thereon, said association now de clares said pi n cipal sum of four hundred dol lars and the sum' f one hundred undone dollars and fifty-four cents for interest, premium, dues and fines due and pa> able immediately. And whereas said Henry L Larne on said 20th day of April 1891 exteuted and delivered to said association adeed to secure the payment of ths obligations mentioned in said bund, in which he conveyed to said association the property here inafter described and in said deed author zed said assoc.iatii n, ui on default of payments as ber-inbefure staled, to sell at public out cry th tbe lug best bidder tor cash, all of .-aui propeity, ora euflie.ieiiCy thereof to pay all moneys which shall then be due on said bonds, together with all evp< nses incident to eale, including ten per ceut upon the amount, due lor a toinejs’ lees in effecting said sale, 'the time, place and terms site, to be advertised once a week tor four weeks in some public gazette of said county of Floyd net ore said sale cakes place Now’ in ex' cution of said authority ihere will be so d at pubic outcry before the court house door in Home, Floyd county, Geo-gia between the leg.l h .urs .oi sale, on the first. Tuisday in Febru-ry 1894, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit: All that lot. piece or paic 1 ot land with the improvements hereon, Ivln-j aud b'ingin Floyd county , state of Georgia, being lot nu über two hundred and •! hty-iwo (28-2) In plat of West Rome by tbe Rome '.and company,and bouuoed a« foil we: On the nortu by an alley on ihe east by lot number two bundle! and • iglity-Uve (285); bn tbe south by lot number two huudn-dl and eighty- hree (283) and on the west by Aim str. ng avenue, according to said plat. Bold as tbe property of said Heury L Earpe. This December 4th 1893. National Mutual Building and Loan Association, of New Yoik. By DEAN & SMITH, 12-5-law4w Attorneys. Public Sale of Land. WHEREAS, ’ulia C- Mothershed did on Sep tember 1, 18>8 execute ano deliver io The Georgia Loan and Trust Company, of Anericus, Georgia, a deed to certain property h< reinaiter described, for the purpose of securing the pay ment of one certain note for tbe sum ot tbrea hundred dollars piincipal, on the eaid first day of September, 1888. and due five iear« afterdate, and also ten interest coupons,each for the sum of twelve dollar-'*, all of said cou pons bearing even date with said principal note, and one ot said intereat coupon note* be coming due and payable on the first days of March and Hcp’einber in each year respectively after said first uay of Hepte • ber 18e8, including the first day of Septemlrer. ie93, besides inter* et after maturity at the rate ot eight per c«nt per anni-m; aud also to secure the payment of ten per cent, as at'on ey’s fee* ou the whole amount should said notes and deed be placed in the hands of an attorney at law for colitcdon, as will more fully appear by refer nee to said deed recorded in Book I.L of deeds, p« ge 274, ch rk’n ofli e, Floyd Superior Court. And whereas rhe said Juba C Mothershed agreed in said dee a that if default > e made in the pron pt payment of either principal note or any interest coupon a* atipu ated, ih «t then The Ge > gia Loan and Trust Company or its aligns, ia authorized at its option to sell said land at pubic outcry in order to pay ►aid uebt, w ich dtbtisniie and unpaid, the as id ulia <’ Moth ershed hav n tailed to pay the in erest cou pon-, twelve dollars each, due Sep*e«uler 1, 1.“92, March >, 18! 3, and Sept. 1, 1893 rrsp' CMve ly, and al o the principal ncte due Sep*. 1, 1893. And whereas directly as er the execution of said notes the Fame wore transferred a> d de livered to the umleJß’gn d, M Jennie Webber, of Milford Conn., fora valuable consideration. And wnereas, the said ihe Georgia Ixran and T’ ust Company did on the 38 h day of December, 1893, execute aud del*ver to tbe u* dersigned a ceed conveying the title to said lands into th* unci* reigned, together with all tbe powers, rights and tide of The Georgia and Trust Company under the deed from Julia C. Mother shed. including the power to sell baid lands in case of default in payment of principal or inter est coupons. Now. therefore, by virtue of the power so vea’ed in the undersigned, which is more ac curately shown by reierence to sa*d deed of Julia C. Moihershed. I will tell, at public, out cry, to the highest bidder for cash, on the Ist Tuesday in February, 1894, duting the legal bouts of sale, before the Floyd county court house door, at Home, Georgia, the )and< de scribedin deed of Julia C. Motbersbed afore said. vie.: one farm hing in the fourth (4th> district aud fourth (4th) section of Floyd county, Georgia, consisting of land lot No. 173* (ono hun dred and seventy-three, and containing two hundred and twenty (22t) acres, more or kas Haid sale will t e had and titles made and pro ceeds distributed as provided in said deed (Hook I.L page 374). first to thi payment of waid debt with inter* sc and attorney’s lees ana expenses of this proce- uing and the remainder, li any, to said Julia C. Mother>hed or her ativea. Cl e amount due ie s33*>.Co brsiue- interest on said sum at 8 per cert, rom Sept. 1, it 9 , and attorney’s fees ana expenses M JENNIE ” EBB ER. By Hoskinson & Harris, her attorneys at law. Public Land Sale By virtue of tbe power vested in me as assiime* of two mortgaais, one executed by W B. Mc- Elroy ou tbe IZtb da> of Apr! ,1886 and recorded in the office of tbe clerk ot the -uperi' r t’om t of Fliyd County Ge .r E la, in the book • K ’of mortgages page 255, No. 216, on the 11tb day of May, 1886, and rbe other executed by Wilson B. McElroy < n tbe 9:h day of July,ißß6.and recoil ed in the office ot the cle-k of the Superior Court ot Fiojd County. Georgi*, in book ‘L” of mortgages on pages 171, 172 and 173, No. 136, on the 22nd day of July, 1(86, 1 will sell at th* court house in the city us Rome Floyd County Georgia between the hours of 10 o’clock a. tn. and 4 o'clock p m. on tbe first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, at public outcry and to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following des cribed property, to wit; All tu.t certain niece or tract of land situated in the Couot.y ot Floyd Htate of Georgia,known aa lot No 329, 22nd District and 3rd Section, be ing the same conveyed to W. B. ctnoy by F. M. Demp-er containing one hundred and four and one halt acres more or leas a< joining land- of Dodd and Butler Kenedy on the East, south bv W. M Perry, West by G. W. Smith and North by James McElroy 1-9 4w B. I. HUGHES CaahlM. 3